What to wear to school. Back to school time: what to wear to school? Experimenting with clothes for school

Today, most children's educational institutions have approved school uniforms, which must be worn throughout the year. Very often, teenagers who are picky about their appearance and strive to impress others by any means do not like this. In this article we will tell you how to dress fashionably for school without violating modern style canons.

How can a girl dress fashionably and stylishly for school?

Of course, when going to an educational institution, you must adhere to certain rules and recommendations. In an official institution, too high heels, flashy makeup and other “flashy” elements of the image are not allowed, and students must take this into account. The following tips will help a girl be fashionable at school:

  1. Skirts suit any representative of the fair sex, however, it is very important to choose the right style. For school, models with a length just below the knee, slightly flared or tapered at the bottom, depending on the characteristics of the figure, are best suited.
  2. One of the elements of a high school girl's school look is Contrary to popular belief, she does not have to be white at all - products in pastel shades also look great. You also don’t have to choose a model that is too strict; in schools, blouses decorated with original buttons, zippers, rivets, frills and so on.
  3. Pants or any length can be combined with a vest made in the same color scheme. In addition, such a set can be complemented with a small fashionable tie, bow tie or brooch - it looks incredibly stylish, original and attractive.

How can teenage boys dress fashionably for school?

Boys who have reached adolescence also pay great attention to their appearance. The following recommendations will help a guy dress fashionably for school:

  1. If, according to the school regulations, boys must wear exclusively strict business suits, they can be diluted with shirts various colors and styles.
  2. If the school regulations allow some liberties in clothing, the teenager can wear jeans or trousers in black, dark blue, gray or brown colors, a plain shirt and a stylish sleeveless vest.
  3. A boy can stand out from the crowd with the help of original shoes and accessories. In particular, with these things you can emphasize your belonging to a certain subculture.

Summer 2020: fashion for teenagers 9-14 years old.

Teenage fashionistas and fashionistas are appearing on the catwalk more and more often. This trend appeared thanks to the desire of parents to look not only stylish and fashionable themselves, but also to choose clothes for their child according to the same parameters. Couturiers meet this need halfway and offer their vision of fashionable children's clothing.

Spring-summer fashion for girls 9 – 14 years old in 2020

The main fashion trends of the summer season:

  • Sport style- various models of T-shirts with a hood and prints imitating the image of different animals

Two-syllable models for a cool summer evening. A sweatshirt with a T-shirt or a shirt with a turtleneck. Sweatpants with appliques, stripes, and bright contrasting inserts.

Fashion returns to glowing laces and flashing sneakers. Reflective applications are booming.

  • Retro style 20s- offers fluffy skirts and velvet dresses.
  • Sea style- main colors are white and blue. Dilute, which can be aqua, black, red, gold. Various embroideries and prints are welcome nautical style: anchor, yacht, lifebuoy, etc.
  • Young lady style- offers various pleated fabrics and laces. Light chiffon fabric, organza, guipure. A bohemian hat is perfect to complete the look.

If we talk about a 9-10 year old girl, then we should take into account that at this age her figure takes on a feminine shape. This should also apply when choosing clothes. After all, the first attempts to capture the attention of the opposite sex are already appearing.

  • Fitted dresses in the style of the 60s are the best option. An emphasized waist prevents you from relaxing and forces you to behave accordingly.
  • Solid, calm colors are suitable and combine well with sophisticated and modest dresses.
  • We choose the fabric in unison with the weather conditions: cotton or guipure, denim or knitwear.

Suitable for teenage girls aged 11-14:

  • Voluminous skirts with frills, blouses with flounces. At this age, gender differences are actively manifested, which is softened by outfits.
  • Leather trousers, leggings will create biker image.
  • Military style Sewn shoulder straps, massive fasteners, and iron buttons are emphasized, creating a rough, somewhat harsh image. Young ladies really welcome this style.
  • Defiant "sporty chic" interesting in combination with high heels. This style simultaneously emphasizes femininity and crosses out the unisex image.
  • Summer fashion for little ladies offers tailored models with
    prints of various types and colors, shiny materials with sparkles and beads.
  • Romanticism, convenience, sportiness are welcomed by designers in fashion for teenagers of the summer season.

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for girls 9-14 years old

Summer fashion for boys 9 – 14 years old in 2020

  • Fashion trends for young dandies intersect with fashion for little princesses.
  • A sporty image is also popular. Sneakers, baseball caps. T-shirts and shirts with bright geometric prints and all kinds of inscriptions. Marine image. Dandy style Sandals, sneakers and classic shoes with perforations are offered by designers for the summer of 2020 in fashion for boys.
  • For cultural events remains unshakable classic shirt and a suit and expensive fabric.
  • Designers are also offering vintage style for teenagers this summer. Checkered trousers give you a chance to stand out from the crowd.

The trend of the season is skinny jeans. Loose and dropped pants are a thing of the past.

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

Children's fashion for boys 9-14 years old

How can a 9-14 year old girl dress fashionably for school in 2020?

A school is an official institution, with its own specific regulations.

  • The best option in this case is classic. Jackets, trousers and skirts are essential clothing for formal events.
  • You can diversify formal dark-colored suits with bright accessories, various thin sweaters, T-shirts, blouses, and shirts. Equipped with a variety of elements, you can transform yourself in a new direction every day.
  • You can replace the jacket with a vest. This is a comfortable, warm option. A decent, strict, but not overly official alternative.
  • With the help of a sundress you can complete various clothing ensembles. Wearing it as an independent element or combining it with various tops. It looks very impressive and fashionable.
  • In the winter cold, cardigans and jumpers are suitable.
  • And if you add all kinds of sweater dresses, a plaid sundress, a sheath dress, a shirt dress or an a-line dress to your wardrobe, you can forget about the boring gray uniform.
  • Your favorite jeans will also work if you choose a style with a calm tone and shape. No shiny stones, bright stickers or holes. It's best to save these clothes for clubs or dances.
  • For a sporty image, we wear knitted sleeveless vests with jeans, sweatshirts, T-shirts, and turtlenecks. Add sneakers, sneakers, moccasins. We save sneakers and sports suits for physical education.
  • A briefcase is a must-have accessory, but can be replaced with a fashionable backpack. After all, in addition to convenience, it correctly forms posture.
  • You shouldn’t give up beautiful belts, headbands, and headbands. Correctly and in moderation, they make it possible to look more extraordinary and romantic.

Modern school fashion 2020 is not too conservative and gives every teenager the opportunity to look fashionable and individual.

Children's fashion for school Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

How can a 9-14 year old boy dress fashionably for school in 2020?

Choosing school clothes for a boy in 2020 is a little easier.

  • She is most distinguished by her business attire. A stylish suit with a plain shirt or turtleneck for everyday wear, with or without a tie.
  • Fashionable will do British style Pair a checkered shirt with a multi-colored vest and jeans for young dandies. After all, this vest is the look of the season and will help diversify school standards.
  • To look like elegantly Classic trousers or simple jeans will help. Which do not allow any finishing and additional elements. Complete with a natural plain shirt and vest large knit or checkered sleeveless vests.
  • For lovers sportsmanship It is permissible to wear jeans with a T-shirt of a not bright, tacky color and a practical sweatshirt. Suitable for this look are a short jacket with an irreplaceable element of this style - a hood, sneakers, sports shoes, sneakers. If the school does not have a strict dress code, then milatari can be allowed.

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Children's fashion for school

Evening and festive dresses and clothes for girls

Designers offer them to little princesses for special occasions.

Find out about your school uniform. Each school has its own requirements regarding school uniform and her style, find out more information about the rules regarding the form to choose accessories, add flair to the form and tailor it to your style so that you feel comfortable in it. Find out what you are and are not allowed to wear by looking for information on the following:

Find out if there are any clothing options. In many schools, the school uniform includes several options: dresses, skirts, trousers, shorts, button-down shirts with long or short sleeves. But if you're lucky, your school's uniform will also include a jacket, vest or sweater that can be combined and worn in a variety of ways.

  • All these clothes can be combined with each other, worn depending on the weather, and adjusted to your style. There are several ways you can change up your look and wear your school uniform in a way that makes you look a little cooler.
  • Choose clothes in your size. Clothes that are too big or too small will not look good either way, so it is important to choose a uniform in your size that will fit you well. But if for some reason the school uniform does not fit you, you can do the following:

    • Tuck in the shirt and roll up the sleeves so it doesn't seem baggy.
    • Emphasize the waist with a belt so that the clothes do not appear shapeless
    • Tie the bottom of your shirt into a knot to make it fit better.
    • Adjust the clothes yourself so that they are a little larger or smaller in size
  • Wear something over your shirt. Whatever you wear, a polo shirt, a blouse, a button-down shirt, most likely, according to school regulations, you are allowed to throw some other clothes on top. So this gives you the opportunity to add something stylish to your look. For example, you can:

    Wear some clothes under your uniform. It will look great if you leave the first few buttons undone to reveal a neutral or bright colored T-shirt or tank top underneath the shirt at the neck and décolleté.

    Roll up cuffs and sleeves. If you are wearing a shirt with long sleeves, roll up the cuffs and roll up the sleeves to elbow level. You can also roll up the cuffs on a short-sleeved shirt for a more stylish look. Plus, you can roll up the edges of your pants or shorts.

    • Don't roll up your shorts too high, especially if your school has restrictions on how long pants can be.
  • Replace some parts of clothing with similar ones. In some schools, where the attitude towards school uniforms is more or less loyal, you can replace gray and boring shapeless clothes with very similar, but much more stylish and suitable for you.

    Wear a belt or belt. A simple accessory like a belt can be very useful when you want to fit or simply tuck in a long shirt. Even if a cool, crazy-colored belt doesn't cut it for you, try experimenting with your belt buckle and material.

    • If you are wearing a skirt with your shirt tucked in, try tying a belt around the skirt (at the waist).
    • You can simply not tuck your shirt into your skirt, but tie it up with a wide belt.
  • Wear different scarves. If you are in a school that does not allow any changes or exceptions to the school uniform or additional items of clothing, you can simply wear different accessories.

    • Scarves not only keep you warm, but are also good accessories, so you can add a little color to your school uniform without changing it.
  • Find a cool school bag. Many schools don't mention anything about school bags, so your imagination can run wild here. Here are some ideas for choosing a school bag:

    Add some jewelry. The amount and type of jewelry depends on what rules exist in your school regarding this. But if you are allowed to wear jewelry, costume jewelry is a great way to add some variety to your school uniform.

    Wear cool shoes. Shoes are a great way to add some flair to your look without breaking the dress code. But if your school has a strict shoe policy, try wearing shiny black shoes with a low heel or something decorative.

    There is an opinion that in 2018, not every student will be able to choose the right clothes for school. Colorful outfits often contradict the conservative dress code of educational institutions. For this reason, experienced stylists decided to draw the attention of schoolchildren to fashionable business outfits that will allow them to simultaneously express themselves and not go beyond what is permitted.

    When choosing clothes for school, you need to force yourself to compromise, while respecting your own preferences and style:

    • Multi-layering. The combination of several styles is still in trend in 2018. To do this, you need to learn how to create contrast. An image assembled from different styles of clothing will look fashionable and respectable.
    • Stylish accessories. Beautiful and fashion jewelry. However, it is not advisable to overdo it in this matter.
    • Neat appearance. Whatever your clothing is, it should be looked after regularly. Neatness will make the outfit look better.
    • Compliance with a certain dress code. Do not confuse a visit to school with going to a festive event. It is important to be able to maintain the golden mean, without turning into a “gray mouse,” but also without paying too much attention to yourself.

    Men's fashion clothing for schoolchildren in 2018

    Young people can safely combine their usual style with a business one. Fashionable boots, comfortable jeans and a business top almost always look great.

    Oversized outfits in a classic style will make you seem more mature compared to other peers.

    Accessories such as a headdress or scarf will successfully complement the autumn look of any fashionista.

    Women's fashion clothes for school in 2018

    The “preppy” style has come back into fashion, which will allow girls to emphasize their femininity, look bright and comply with the school dress code.

    Girls who do not consider themselves to be fans of girly outfits can dress in a comfortable sweater and put on a business jacket or cardigan. In combination with jeans and sneakers, it will look quite bright.

    In warm weather, it is better to dress minimalist for school. A striped shirt and jeans are perfect for creating an easy business look. An elegant sundress will make your silhouette more graceful.

    According to the new education law, which came into force on September 1, 2015, a common approach to school uniforms is being established throughout Russia. The appearance of this law is intended to remove the property, social, religious differences between students, to strengthen the image educational institutions, to provide schoolchildren with comfortable and aesthetic clothing.

    The type of clothing, style, color must be determined by the school council, parent committees, school-wide, class parent meetings, boards of trustees. There are no uniform requirements for a set of school clothes; the main condition is that they must comply with generally accepted standards. business style.

    The school has the right to install several types of clothing: casual, formal, sports.

    A boy's standard wardrobe may consist of: shirt (turtleneck), jacket, trousers, tracksuit, T-shirts and shorts. At the discretion of the school, the jacket can be replaced with a vest, a classic jumper, and the look can be complemented with a tie.

    A girl’s wardrobe includes: a sundress, trousers, a skirt, a blouse, and for physical education the same things as boys: a tracksuit, a T-shirt, shorts. Both one and the other will have to purchase such shoes: shoes, sneakers, replacement shoes.

    The document states that children from large families should be provided with uniforms free of charge during their studies at a general education institution.

    Sportswear should consist of a dark blue or black tracksuit, a white T-shirt and shoes with non-slip soles that fit snugly on the foot, but do not restrict blood circulation. Wear sports uniform permitted only during physical education lessons and mass sporting events.

    Boys and young men:

    1-4 grades : classic-style trousers in black, a plain shirt in soft light colors, a knitted vest dark color no pattern, tie, shoes;

    5-9 grades : classic style trousers in black, plain shirt, soft light colors, tie, shoes;
    10-11 grades : business suit in black, blue or gray colors, a plain shirt in soft light colors, a dark-colored knitted vest without a pattern, a tie, classic-style shoes.

    Girls and girls:

    1-4 grades : a black skirt or trousers, a plain blouse in soft light colors, a dark blue knitted vest without a pattern, classic-style shoes;

    5-9 grades : a black skirt or trousers, a plain blouse in soft light colors, a knitted vest or a dark blue jacket without a pattern. The skirt is no higher than 10 centimeters long from the knees. Plain tights in dark and light colors, classic style shoes, heels no higher than 5 centimeters;

    10-11 grades : black, blue, gray business suit; plain blouse in soft light colors. Plain tights in dark and light colors, classic style shoes, heels no higher than 7 centimeters.

    It is prohibited to wear the following items during the school year:

    • jeans of any tones and styles;
    • sportswear and its parts;
    • beachwear;
    • evening dresses;
    • clothes that have a linen style;
    • maxi and mini skirts;
    • sleeveless blouses, dresses, T-shirts;
    • dresses and blouses with a neckline;
    • clothes for active rest(shorts, T-shirts, sweatshirts with pictures);
    • clothing made of leather, raincoat fabric;
    • tightly fitting skirts and trousers;
    • very short blouses that reveal parts of the body;
    • transparent blouses, skirts;
    • sports shoes;
    • beach shoes (slippers, flip-flops);
    • shoes on a high platform, massive;
    • evening shoes with different accessories;
    • high heel shoes;
    • clothes and shoes with excessively bright colors, shiny threads, and various extravagant details.

    Forbidden use massive necklaces, brooches, pendants, and earrings in clothing details.

    Not recommended wear clothes, shoes, accessories with traumatic accessories, symbols of various informal, asocial youth associations and those that promote illegal behavior and psychoactive substances.