Involving parents in correctional and developmental work through a system of methodological recommendations. Parent meeting “Why does a speech therapist give homework? Ready homework in speech therapy for preschoolers

"Sounds and Letters" (September)

What is sound? (Sound is what we hear and pronounce)

What is a letter? (A letter is what we read and write)

I will pronounce a series of sounds, you must name which vowels I pronounced and lay out the schemes from the red circles: AOUI, IUAO, UIOA, OAUI.

And now let's make up the letter rows, I will pronounce the rows of sounds, and you must lay out the letter rows. AOUI, IUAO, UIAA, OAUI

Let's repeat it again:

What is sound?

What is a letter?

Iotated vowels (October).

  1. Name the vowels of the first row. (A O U E S)

Name the vowels of the II row (Yo Yu Ye And)

  1. Name a paired vowel from another row, for example, I say Yo, you call - O.

I - ..., Yo - ..., E - ..., Yu - ..., I - ..., O - ..., A - ..., S - ..., U - ..., E - ....

  1. Repeat after me the chain of syllables:



  1. Name a syllable with a Narn vowel from another row, for example, I say BA, you say BYA.

VA - ..., GYa - ..., DYO - ..., ZO - ..., Kyu - ..., LU - ..., ME - ..., NY - ..., PI - ....

Syllable. Hyphenation. Emphasis (October).

  1. "Halves".

Find the parts of the words, put them together and write the words:

dy sos pa pa on parsing a handkerchief

  1. "Sea battle".

According to the given cipher, compose words, read and write the sentence.

B1 C2 A2 B2 A3 C3 B2 C1 A1 A B C 1









  1. "Collect the word."

Make up words from the syllables written in different order.

lol, ho-…

ta, in, ro - ...

ve, ka, shal - ...

tu, ar, tro - ...

sha, ta, we are...

mo, gra, ta - ...

bi, army, for - ...

pi, kra, wa - ...

chik, boron, for - ...

before, about, in, water - ...

linen, gift, ka - ...

  1. Find the syllable, fill in the missing syllables.

sa__gi ma__na lin__ny

to __ from the lot_ta ba__ny

Do_ha porridge juice_ka

5. Add according to the given syllables.
a) Add the 1st syllables:

road car

rich shovel stoke

leaf goods stepdaughter

Peck spend the night come out

Think the shoe will come out

b) Add 2 syllables:

food candle

wet grief

blanket garden luck

caught up got depth

Patterns pricked blank

c) Add 3 syllables:

Roosters floors gray hair

Waist bad weather parades

Lingonberry locust treat

d) Add: 2 syllable 3 syllable 3 syllable

Scare birch gave

One-word words. The root of the word (November).

  1. Read a group of related words.

Freckles stonefly vernal (water)

Spring-like freckles

freckled spring

Determine the most important word from which all related words are formed. Name a root. (Check for the child the meaning of some words).

  1. Choose the correct words to answer the question.

- Who is the cub (chick) of the siskin? - Chizhonok.

- Who is the siskin's mother? - Chizhikha.

- What is the affectionate name of a little chizhonka? - Chizhonochek.

- And how can you affectionately call a singing siskin? - Chizhik, chizhik.

- Whose cheerful singing pleases us in the spring? - Chizhinoe.

  1. Come up with a word, highlight the root, pick up related words for it. Put the stress on each word. Make a sentence with each word.

Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word (December).

1. Determine the place of the stressed syllable in the word. I will name the word, and you write down the number, at what place in the word is the stressed syllable.


2. The syllable is the rhythmic structure of the word.

I pronounce the word, and you have to slap the syllables: a stressed syllable is a loud clap, an unstressed syllable is a quiet clap.

Spit, linden, rock, hay, toad, strong man;

Grandmother, feeder, room, dishes, flashlight, chamomile;

3. Insert a word at the end of each rhyme, designate an unstressed vowel in it, select a test word.

  1. Holidays on the streets

In the hands of a child

Burning, shimmering


  1. The squirrel hid in a hollow

It is both dry and...

  1. deep and wide

Our fast...

  1. Kolya went out onto the porch,

Washed my hands and...

  1. The starling flew away not in vain

For forests and...

  1. They always temper us

Sun, air and...

  1. I went to the rink in the morning

My youngest...

  1. The submarine is not scary

Ocean ... wave.

  1. Around buckwheat zatsyela -

Brings honey to the hive ...

  1. Green in winter and summer

The beauty is worth…

  1. We will build a house for you

Not a birdhouse, but a palace.

Come, finally

Our feathered friend...

  1. They dressed up the Christmas tree: beads in three rows,

Red sparkles above...

  1. Your iron tongue

I'm hiding up to my cap.

calling for a lesson

And my name is...

  1. They sow and grow in the field,

They clean, pour into the warehouse,

And it goes to bread

And his name is...

  1. Birches, mountain ash, oaks, poplars -

Our trees are rich ...

  1. For pie filling


  1. If you have a diary with fives,

So you are an example...

  1. I have a lot to do:

I am a white blanket

I cover all the earth

Whitewash fields, houses,

My name is …

  1. I open my kidneys

into green leaves.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

Full of movement

My name is …

  1. Their mustaches are not for beauty -

They show the time

And they are called...

  1. I don't run to the doctor

I myself…

  1. I don't want to answer

My name is and I...

  1. The stars began to spin

They began to lie down on the ground.

No, not stars, but fluffs,

Not fluff, but...

  1. You put in for dinner

Spoons, forks and...

  1. They wear red berets

Autumn is brought to the forest in summer.

Very friendly sisters


  1. Ate a candy on Sunday

All cherry...

  1. With a long nose our child

This is a small…

  1. Together with Carlson he jumped from the roofs

Our naughty - ....

  1. Gray wolf in dense forest

Met a redhead...

  1. - Where did the sparrow dine?

At the zoo at…

31. Clap! And the candy shoots like a cannon!

It is clear to everyone that this ...

  1. I admire you, how good you are!

How sweet and fragrant...

  1. Even though she's flying

migratory bird,

But in the spring I always

I love singing...

  1. - Sharing with everyone is my habit!

Do you need poison? - asked ....

  1. Dogs, don't touch the camel

This will end badly for you.

He deftly fights with enemies

With their big…

  1. The plane landed on the grass

On the flower passed refueling,

circled overhead -

Starts a fight with you.

Before landing on the nose

Get rid of….

  1. Apples on the branches in winter.

Collect them quickly!

And suddenly - apples fluttered.

After all, this is….

  1. Guess what kind of bird:

Afraid of the bright light

Crocheted beak, patchy eyes,

Eared head. This ….

  1. Here comes autumn

Snowstorms coming soon.

Already with a farewell cry

Birds ….

  1. Goat-mom has kids-guys,

And zoyut them all ....

  1. We saw off Seryozha,

To him a pen ....

  1. Sisters braided in the morning


  1. He is used to working

Although small in stature.

But the owner is very angry

What stubborn him….

  1. Bend back, tail pipe

And it comes to me, as if into battle.

Red like a tiger

I have ….

The composition of the word (January).

1. In each line, define an extra word.

fight, wrestler, fight, fight;

enmity, enemy, adversary, hostile;

funny, laugh, mix, make laugh;

wind, whirlwind, breeze, stillness;

pine, tree, small tree, wooden.

2. Clap your hands if you hear a single root word with a root–osin-:

Aspen, wasp, aspen, donkey, aspen, aspen, boletus, donkey.

Stomp with your right foot if you hear a single-root word with a root–sadness-:

Sadly, sadness, sad, print, grieve, stove-maker, grieve.

3. Think of a word, highlight the root, pick related words for it. Put the stress on each word. Define the test words and those to be checked. Make a sentence with each word.

  1. Listen to the words and write down only the prefixes.

Words: moving, arrival, departure, departure, flight, departure, took away, brought, brought in, ran away, ran.

Sample: attributed OT-.

  1. Help the prefixes to fall into place so that you get pairs of words with opposite meanings.

Sample: stick - unstick

Words : bring - ... crawl - ... tie - ... jump up - ... get used to - ...

Bend down - ... bring - ... let in - ... bend - ... flutter - ...

Noun (February).

1. The transformation of nouns from one gender to another by word formation or selection of nouns denoting persons of the opposite sex.

Exercise : Listen to the words and choose the opposite.

For example : cat - cat, dog - dog ...

Words : horse - ... sparrow - ... chicken - ... hedgehog - ... goat - ... cow - ...

ram - ... tiger - ... dove - ... elephant - ...

Prepositions. Verb (March).

  1. "Prepositions in reverse." I call you a word with a preposition, and you also call this word, with a preposition with the opposite meaning, for example: I say “into the forest”, and you say “out of the forest”.

To the cinema - from the cinema

To the door - from the door

To the board - away from the board

To the shore - from the shore

Above ground - below ground

Above water - under water

From notebook to notebook

From window to window

Under the table - above the table.

  1. "Confusion". We make sentences from the given words:

Guys, ride, slides, p.

In winter, snow, a lot, forest, c.

Children, gave, for, gifts, holiday.

Snow-covered, trees, in, stand, forest, fabulous.

Metro, build, land, under.

In the spring, snow, from under, will break through, the first, snowdrops.

3. Determine if it's a preposition or not?

(In the forest

(from the corner

(from home

(above) the lake

(before) walked

(v) rejoiced

(before) fled

(for) sad

(with) carried

(across the road


4. Read the text of the riddle, insert prepositions, underline them. Guess the riddles.

1) The house ... the street is walking,

… work brings us luck.

Not ... chicken legs,

And ... rubber boots.


2) White star ... the sky fell,

To me ... the palm lay down -

And disappeared. (Snowflake)

3) ... hollow ... old oak

I live ... in a dense forest.

I go ... fluffy coat,

I chew nuts. (Squirrel)

4) Red, ... fluffy tail,

I live ... in the forest ... in a bush. (Fox)

5) ... blue flower bed

Golden bell.

... blooms in the morning,

It radiates light and heat. (Sun)

6) All day ... thick grass

Horns roam ... beard. (Goat)

  1. Extraction of prepositions from speech.

“Count how many prepositions are in the poem. Point your finger when you hear an excuse."

I will help my mother

I will clean everywhere.

And under the closet

And behind the closet

And in the closet

And on the closet

I don't like dust, fu!

Adjective name (April).

  1. Formation of relative adjectives

What iron key? - ...

And from steel? -…

Or metal in general? - ...

What is a cast iron skillet? - ...

What is a cardboard house? - ...

What about plastic, plastic, plasticine? - ...

A bag of paper, cellophane what? - ...

What kind of wool sweater? - ...

What about silk or lace? - ...

Which mat is made of rubber, acrylic, synthetics? - ...

What jewelry made of glass, porcelain, crystal, gold, diamonds? - ...

What are the utensils made of?

Glass saucepan - glass

From metal - metal

Wooden bowl - wooden

Made of plastic - plastic

Porcelain cup - porcelain

From clay - clay

From ceramics - ceramic

From crystal - crystal

From faience - faience

What is a grove like? (what kind of leaf is it?) from oaks, birches, aspens, mountain ash, beeches, tangerine trees, maples,

What is the juice like?

From apples, oranges, lemons, pineapples, ... Think of what else you can make juice from?

The next task combines the formation of relative adjectives and their agreement with nouns in gender. To do this, pay a little more attention to the sound of the endings.


from pineapple - pineapple




  1. Formation of possessive adjectives. (to whom does it belong, whose?):

Whose tail?

Looking at pictures with animals, ask the child the question: “And whose tail does the hare have?” - "zaikin" (in best case) - “maybe a wolf? Or cat? (use words only of the same group with the same suffixes, otherwise, by analogy with the “horse” child, it forms the word “hare”)

The tail of a hare is hare,

Squirrel, wolf, canine, feline, chicken, frog, pig, magpie, bovine, bird,

Cow, fox, raven, eagle, chicken, horse, lion, mouse, tiger

Bear, camel, sturgeon,

Offer (May).

1. Read the notes.

On the city tower

jumping funny

Picked up from the ground

Are these suggestions?(No)

Are the words related?(Yes)

What's wrong then?(They are not finished)

Add to get suggestions.

Write one sentence in your notebook.

What do you need to remember to do this task correctly?(The sentence is written with a capital letter, all words in the sentence are written separately. A period is put at the end)

1. Review your home with your child. Answer the questions:

  • How many floors are in your house?
  • How can it be called?
  • What floor do you live on?
  • Who builds houses? (Builders build houses.)
  • Who paints them? (The painters paint them.)

2. Count the floors in the houses. Say how many floors each house has. A house with one floor is called one-story. And what do we call a house with two floors - ... (3 floors, 7 floors, 12 floors, many floors)?

3. Say the name of the brick house - … (brick house)(what the child cannot name, it is worth memorizing!)

Words: concrete, wood, block, stone.

4. The roof of the houses is also made of different materials.
- Iron roof - ... (iron roof). Tell me, what kind of roof is made of tiles - ..., metal - ...?

5. Fix parts of the house. Name the parts of the house in the plural and with the word "many" according to the model: foundation - foundations - many foundations

Words: wall, window, balcony, roof, attic, staircase, floor, apartment, landing, basement, elevator.

6. Learn your address with your child and write it down.

7. Draw your house and make a story about it according to your drawing.
For example: "The house is tall, nine-story, five-access, red, block house with a gray foundation and a green roof."

8. Finish the sentence with a suitable word - action:

  • Lena was walking down the street, across the road... (passed).
  • Lena home... (came up).
  • She's around the corner... (entered) from home... (left out), around the house... (bypassed), and in the entrance ... (entered), and then from the entrance ... (left out), along the sidewalk to the store ... (went).

9. Consider your apartment with your child. Show and name what you see in the apartment.

(Entrance hall, rooms, kitchen, bathroom, toilet.)

10. Look and say what is in each room. (Floor, walls, ceiling, window, door.)

11. The apartment has three rooms - this is a 3 bedroom apartment. And what is the name of the apartment if it has one (2, 4, 5) room(s)?

12. The apartment has a children's room, living room, bedroom, hallway. Think and say why these rooms are called so. (This is the hallway, because people come here from the street.) Etc.
Think and list what furniture, in which room (room) you will put.

13. Change the word "wardrobe" (chiffonier) according to the text of the proposals. Repeat every sentence.

  • The bedroom has a large...
  • The kitchen does not have a large...
  • The hallway also has a large...
  • I went to the big...
  • I hung my clothes in a big...
  • I took out the laundry from the big...
  • I admire the big...
  • I told you about a big...

14. Optionally - paint neatly.

N. E. Teremkova This manual is intended for children 5-7 years old with OHP (general underdevelopment of speech). In it you will find homework for various lexical topics. The tasks are aimed at increasing the vocabulary, developing the skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, and thinking.

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Garden Garden
  4. Trees
  5. Berries
  6. Mushrooms
  7. Autumn
  8. Human
  9. Toys
  10. Dishes

Task examples

Game "Greedy": Imagine that this is your fruit. Answer the questions: Whose orange is it? (My orange.) Etc.

Exercise "Tell me!": Make a story about fruits according to the proposed visual plan (Color - shape - taste)

Exercise "From what - what?": Circle the dotted lines and name what fruits and what mom cooked from. What kind of juice is this (jam, pie, compote)? (Apple pie, pear juice)

Exercise "Cook": Tell me what you need to do to make soup? (Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut, boiled.) Juice? Puree?

Exercise "Guess riddles, draw riddles."

Exercise "Help Dunno": fix Dunno's mistakes.

Exercise "Listen, remember and name": Listen to the poem. Remember and name what vegetables grew in the garden.

Exercise "Finish the sentences with the right words".

Exercise "Say the opposite".

Exercise "From what tree is a leaf, twig?": Color the leaves and twigs above. Draw a line from each of them to the corresponding tree. Name the leaves and twigs.

Parent meeting in the senior group on the topic: "Why does a speech therapist assign homework?"(SLIDE #1).

Wrote in my notebook

Difficult task.

Mom and dad said:

What's the punishment?(SLIDE #2).

Parents often believe that if a child gets to a speech center or a speech therapy group, then all problems are solved. A speech therapist and educators will teach him to speak correctly, prepare him for school. What else is needed??

Parents are increasingly surprised by the fact that the speech therapist asks to have a notebook for doing homework, writes assignments in it and asks to take this notebook home every week and follow all the recommendations with the child.

It is not easy to organize classes with a child at home. It is necessary to carve out evening time (which is usually reserved for household chores) to sit down with the child at the table, do finger exercises, gymnastics for the tongue (and always in front of a mirror), speak oral tasks in vocabulary and grammar, and correct pronunciation. Often, a speech therapist asks to draw or stick pictures corresponding to the topic in a notebook, and if the parents are not strong in drawing, then these pictures still need to be found somewhere, cut out and pasted.

Why do you need to perform homework, if a speech therapist already deals with children 2-3 times a week, and educators work out speech skills and skills during sensitive moments?

Let's find out...

The effectiveness of corrective assistance to a child depends on the degree of interest and participation of parents in correcting speech. An important role in the cooperation of parents and a speech therapist teacher is assigned to homework.

Speech therapy homework - this is an individual form of educational activity of a preschooler, which is carried out without the direct guidance and control of a speech therapist teacher, but on his behalf.

(SLIDE #3).Speech therapy tasks - This different kinds assignments aimed at consolidating in children at home the knowledge, skills and abilities that were acquired in group and individual lessons on the formation of the lexical and grammatical structure and coherent speech, in preparation for learning to read and write, the education of correct sound pronunciation, that is, in all areas of speech development provided for by the program content.

The child performs homework in an individual workbook under the obligatory supervision of an adult. It is desirable that one of the parents constantly deal with the child - this helps both to tune in and adhere to the familiar uniform requirements. Doing certain types of work at home on the instructions of a speech therapist disciplines and prepares for the responsible performance of future school homework.

You can try to entrust all this to the child himself, but this is also fraught with problems.Adult help needed.

What is the importance of speech therapy homework? (SLIDE #4).

1) Doing homework is a huge help to a speech therapist. Children who additionally study at home with their parents on the instructions of a speech therapist, much faster and more successfully introduce not only set sounds, but also complex speech constructions into everyday speech.

The most important thing that parents should understand is that without their participation, one cannot achieve the desired results.

2) Speech therapy homework has a great educational, educational and correctional value: with the correct organization of its implementation, preschoolers develop new knowledge and skills, as well as independent thinking skills, the ability to control themselves, a responsible attitude to their new duties is brought up, all the material covered is fixed on classes with a speech therapist.

Parents must understand that, without fulfilling the requirements of a speech therapist with a preschool child today, tomorrow they will not be able to demand composure, independence, and responsibility from a student.

3) Why do parents need to do speech therapy homework?

Doing homework by parents with children is necessary in order to eliminate the backlog of children as soon as possible, both in speech and in general development. The special importance of parents in correction speech pathology lies in the fact that, using the proposed material, they get the opportunity to consolidate the child's speech skills and abilities acquired in speech therapy classes in free speech communication. This is possible in Everyday life: during games, walks, excursions, trips to the store, market, library, etc.

Basic rules of work when performing tasks of a speech therapist. (SLIDE #5).

1) The child performs homework with his parents for 5-20 minutes, at least once a day.

2) If you notice that the child has lost interest in the activity, stop it, resuming it again after a while.

3) Articulatory gymnastics is performed while sitting in front of a mirror.

(You can get advice from a speech therapist on how to do it correctly).

4) Your speech should be a model for the child.

5) Do not focus the child's attention on the shortcomings of his speech. However, when the sound being studied is at the stage of automation (i.e. delivered), parents need to be reminded in an unobtrusive way of its correct pronunciation.

6) Do homework with your child in a playful way.

7) Teach your child to take care of the notebook and attached cards. (Cards are handed over together with a notebook).

What can be included in the tasks of a speech therapist: (SLIDE #6).

1) The task for the development of articulatory motor skills is articulation gymnastics.

First - general, designed to activate the speech apparatus, strengthen its muscles, then - special, "staging" for missing sounds. These exercises are performed in front of a mirror (so that the child can see himself and take care of himself). Subsequently, exercises for fixing sound in syllables, words, phrases and coherent speech are added to gymnastics.

2) Task for the development of fine motor skills .

Purpose: to activate the child's hands, develop accuracy, consistency, strength of finger movements. (This is a hand massage, finger gymnastics, work with stencils and templates, drawings, applications, cutting and sticking pictures).

3) Tasks for preparing the hand for writing and consolidating reading skills . (Tracing, drawing elements, hatching, typing letters, syllables and words under the dictation of an adult, etc.).

4) The task for the development of a directed air stream is breathing exercises.

5) The task of automating the delivered sound.

6) Lexico-grammar games and exercises - necessary in order to clarify and expand the vocabulary of children, to teach them to use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in independent speech. (These are word-building exercises: “Call it affectionately”, “What kind of juice do you like?”); inflection (“One-several”, “What is - what is not?”), coordination of different parts of speech (“My, mine, mine, mine”, “Count to 5 and back”), etc.

7) Tasks for the development of coherent speech.

This is the compilation of simple and complex sentences, with and without prepositions, according to a scheme or supporting words, descriptive stories according to a plan and scheme, asking questions about objects, stories based on a series of plot pictures and one picture, etc.

8) Tasks to consolidate the skills of sound analysis and synthesis and reading skills (depending on the level of preparation of children).

1) Homework is written down in a speech therapy notebook by a speech therapist. A notebook is issued by educators speech therapy group In the evening.

2) Homework should be done in parts (15-20 minutes), interrupted by physical exercises, warm-ups to avoid fatigue of the child.

3) Every day at the beginning of each lesson (5-7 minutes), do finger exercises and articulation exercises (in front of a mirror).

5) An adult reads the tasks to the child aloud. The child performs them orally, and the adult writes the child's answer in the notebook,without correcting it, exactly as he said.

6) Graphic tasks (color, circle, draw), the child performs on his own, but under the guidance of an adult.

7) If there is no new task, repeat the old one.

8) Handle the speech therapy notebook with care, and teach the child to handle it with care. This will allow us to keep the notebook neat, beautiful throughout school year. A well-designed notebook is one of important points correctional and pedagogical influence.

9) Do not try to do the task for your child, it is better that he does not do homework at all than you do it. Help your child with homework only if he needs it.

10) Praise your child, rejoice in his results associated with a positive mark. Encourage your child for a well-done homework.

11) Consult with a speech pathologistif you see that your child is having difficulty doing homework.

Only with regular homework can you achieve positive dynamics and consolidate the material studied in the speech therapist's classes. Only with the systematic work of a speech therapist and parents will a child learn to use the delivered sound in independent speech and stop making grammatical errors.

Dynamics speech development children senior group № 4

(21 children): (SLIDE #9)

Conclusion: 1. During the period of work (from September to January), a speech therapist teacher at a speech center, there is a positive trend in improving sound pronunciation in children of the older group (see diagram);

2. Family and kindergarten must worktogether , because even the best speech therapist alone cannot cope with a speech disorder:

(SLIDE #10).Dear parents!

I wish you patience, sincere interest and success in your work with children.

Thank you for your attention!!! (SLIDE #11).

Sources: (SLIDE #12).

Internet resources:

[email protected] ;

"Speech therapist at home";

Social network education workers ;

- www. Logopedy. en

Speech development is the most important process for every child. Its features determine not only the ability to express one's thoughts, but also the ability to communicate effectively with others, and affect the success of schooling. That is why it is so important to speech therapy classes with children five or six years old. It is good if parents not only use the help of specialists, but can also independently organize classes with the child at home.

Typical speech disorders in children 5-6 years old

Most older preschoolers have difficulty with:

  • mastering sonorous and hissing sounds;
  • sound analysis of words;
  • development of narrative speech;
  • writing stories and descriptions.

Of course, such problems may be minor, only slightly different from age norm, and serious, up to . It is necessary to contact a speech therapist in any case, but the supportive work of parents at home is also very important.

It should be noted that regular speech therapy exercises and classes for children 5-6 years old are useful to conduct at home for each child, because they help to quickly learn to read and write.

Rules for speech therapy classes at home

The success of home lessons depends not only on the availability of the necessary manuals and a work plan agreed with a speech therapist. The organization of classes is very important. Here are a few simple rules that will help you achieve excellent results:

  • All speech therapy exercises for children should be carried out regularly, but a little bit. Do not try to do articulatory gymnastics right away, play speech games, fill out a workbook. It is better to devote a few minutes to each type of exercise, and not arrange a whole "speech therapy day".
  • Do not force them to complete tasks “under duress”, developmental activities for children should resemble a game. Come up with a simple plot (for example, a journey into the universe of sounds), prepare small evaluation prizes (stickers, paper stars), arrange physical minutes.
  • Praise, support the little student if he makes at least tiny progress. Focus on achievements, even small ones, gradually progress will be more and more obvious.
  • Pick up good workbooks for home workouts. They should be not only professional in content, but also bright, colorful, and exciting. Ideally, if the tasks have interactive elements (the ability to add something, finish drawing). Such material allows you to interest a preschooler, clearly shows him the "path", success.
  • Do not expect instant results, show patience, gentle perseverance. The process of staging, fixing, differentiating sounds is complex, it takes months even for experienced speech therapists. Follow the plan and the results will gradually appear.

Speech therapy exercises for practicing at home

All speech therapy exercises can be divided into three large blocks, each of which needs to be paid attention and carried out regularly:

Development of phonemic hearing

Learning to distinguish sounds by ear seems natural, but if you ask your preschooler to spell certain words, you will see gaps.

For children 5-6 years old there is a large number of special games, exercises that help develop. These include:

  • selection of words that begin or end with a given sound;
  • counting sounds in a word, determining the syllabic structure;
  • drawing up a sound scheme of a word;
  • inventing rhymes and short poems;
  • pronunciation of speeches and tongue twisters.

Thoughtful speech therapy classes for children aged 5-6 allow you to make all the sounds of your native language obedient and easy.

Finger gymnastics

Fine motor skills of the hands help speech activity, so older preschoolers must perform it without fail.

Of course, for children 5-6 years old, exercises should be complex, with a script, in verse. It is useful to select sets of exercises for two hands at the same time, synchronous. Don't forget to use "helpers":

  • small massagers (rubber balls, rollers, bumps);
  • scissors for cutting;
  • plasticine;
  • origami paper.

Also remember that all types of needlework, design, any kind of creativity are excellent outside of individual lessons.

Articulation gymnastics

on the letter L

Hard is also often difficult for children 5-6 years old. If the baby has already learned to pronounce it alone, in isolation, then it's time to start working on automation in speech. The following exercises are suitable for this:

1. "Say it beautifully"

Offer your child several images of words that begin with L. Ask him to pronounce the words beautifully, emphasizing the desired sound with his voice.

2. "Toys for Larisa"

Ask your child to collect gifts for Larisa's doll. Say that she only loves things that start with L. For this exercise, you need to pick up small objects or pictures in advance, all words should not start only with L.

3. "One-many"

Invite the child to name words with L in the singular and plural. In the workbook for sound L (author Kostyuk A.V.) there is a whole table with drawings for this exercise (lesson 20).

4. "Find the Sound"

Invite the child to draw up a word diagram and mark the place L on it. If it is still difficult for your child to independently determine the number of sounds, then for a start you can perform several similar exercises from the workbook.

5. "Patters and nursery rhymes"

Use nursery rhymes, tongue twisters and poems with words that contain L.