Business style in everything. Official business style. Forms of manifestation of business style

General mandatory rules when choosing clothes

The appearance of a civil servant, depending on the conditions of service and the format of the official event, should contribute to the respectful attitude of citizens towards government agencies and correspond to the generally accepted business and organizational style that has developed in a government agency, which is distinguished by formality, restraint, traditionalism, and accuracy.

The main characteristics of the style: solid, self-confident, attractive, inspiring confidence, not without pretension to grace and elegance.

The basic requirements for clothing are practicality, neatness, comfort and lack of extravagance. Clothing may be somewhat bulky, that is, it does not restrict movement, but at the same time allows you to look strict. Depending on the time of year, clothing can vary in color and fabric used, while maintaining the requirements of rigor and elegance.

Color schemes in clothing should correspond to the classic business style, excessively bright colors and excessive variegation are excluded. Most matching colors suits are considered dark. You should not use more than three primary colors in clothes at the same time.

A civil servant needs to monitor his posture and postures when receiving visitors, since a cheeky posture can significantly interfere with communication and leave a disrespectful or negative opinion about his activities and the activities of the government body.

Men should give preference to strict,
a classic-style plain suit with matching
light shirt and tie. The length of the tie should be such that when tied, it partially covers the belt buckle.

In the summer version, it is good to use a light beige suit, a light plain shirt, and a dark tie. The main tone of the tie should dominate the color scheme of the clothing. Avoid: black, violet, magenta colors, very short and chunky ties. Ties with images of symbols, emblems, or newspaper text are not allowed.

When choosing a shirt, you should pay attention to the following main points:

1) the shirt should not bunch up, bubble around the waist or come out from under the belt;

2) it is desirable that the bottom button is 8 cm below the belt;

3) the collar should always be the right size, without wrinkles and form a single whole with the knot of the tie. The index finger should be placed between the collar and neck.

The shirt cuffs should be just below the wrist and protrude 1 cm from under the jacket sleeve, fit snugly to the arm and at the same time allow you to freely look at the wristwatch.

The shirt should always be lighter than the suit, and the tie should be darker than the shirt. You should not wear shirts made of fabric with wide multi-colored stripes. On a white background, stripes can be of any color, but they must match the color of the suit. Shirts with various carpet patterns, ribbons, chains, wavy lines, etc. are excluded.

In summer, a plain light-colored shirt with short sleeves without a jacket and tie is possible. In the cold season - a thin turtleneck or jumper worn under a jacket.

The cut of the trousers is classic: neither narrow nor flared. Pants are always worn with a belt. The length of suit trousers is up to the level of the top of the heel.

Socks should be plain, dark and represent a transition from the color of the trousers to the color of the shoes. They should be long enough and tight-fitting so that your bare leg is not visible when sitting. Socks are matched to the tone of the suit, but always darker than it. White and bright colored socks, as well as thick woolen socks, are not used in a business suit.

When choosing glasses, it is important that the frame matches the shape of the face, hair color, skin color and other individual characteristics. The color of the frame should harmonize or contrast with the color of the hair.

From jewelry preference is given wedding ring. Cufflinks should be simple and discreet. It is unacceptable to wear thick gold and silver chains, massive signets, medallions and other jewelry on display.

The watch should be simple, flat, on a bracelet or leather strap, preferably with hands. Electronic watches do not correspond to business style.

The belt can be anything, but without a fancy buckle. The length of the belt should correspond to your waist circumference. The belt is usually matched to the color of the shoe.

It is advisable to have cotton handkerchiefs.
Silk handkerchiefs and handkerchiefs that match the tie are undesirable.
breast pocket.

Permissible deviation: on the day of departure on a business trip, it is allowed to wear a fine industrial knitwear item, a turtleneck, a turtleneck jumper or a fine industrial knit jumper.

Bulky knitted items should be avoided, especially turtleneck sweaters and sports-style jumpers.

Shoes should match the tone of the suit.
Preferably shoes or low shoes made of genuine leather or
quality substitute for matte colors and fashionable configuration without
elaborate decorations, ornaments and large buckles.

Sandals are not used in a business suit. Shoes with thick grooved soles indoors should also be replaced with classic-type shoes with thin or medium-thick soles. All shoes must be clean and well-groomed.

Clothing is the outer shell for people. She can tell a lot about us. If you adhere to a professional dress code (we are not talking about a uniform), then judging by appearance, you can easily determine the type of activity of a person. Business style clothing is intended for people belonging to the business sphere. It is characterized by rigor and restraint in the selection of color combinations, fabrics, cut, as well as decorative details and accessories.

General characteristics

The emergence of business style in clothing did not occur by chance. It was thanks to a strict dress code, combined with restrained behavior, that many businessmen were able to achieve high status both for themselves and for their company.

For women, this style is close to conservative. His famous followers include the British Queen Elizabeth II, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain and the current Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. In a word, these are women who were able to force the whole world to take their opinions into account.

As for men, everything is much simpler here: for almost all politicians, officials, representatives of the diplomatic corps and other people holding high positions in business, business style clothing is mandatory not only on special occasions, but also on special occasions. everyday life. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated here: a pair of trousers or a three-piece, white shirt, leather shoes. But that's not true.

There are certain rules and nuances, non-knowledge or non-compliance of which will indicate a person’s lack of competence, not only in the matter of choosing his own suit, but also in the professional sphere. After all, a self-respecting person with a high degree of internal organization will not allow himself to make mistakes even in such a matter as clothing.

Therapy through clothing

It has long been established that people who prefer business-style clothing achieve much more in life than those who wear shabby or torn jeans(there are exceptions, of course). And in this matter, clothing therapy plays a big role. A properly and respectably dressed person, be it a woman or a man, feels more confident; his posture, gait, gestures, and facial expressions are all consistent. And this means that the attitude of others towards him (her) will be special.

Surely many have noticed that after they take off the attributes of business style and put on comfortable and sportswear, they begin to behave completely differently, simpler, freer. And vice versa, wearing elegant heels, an expensive business suit with a perfectly fitting knee-length skirt, we feel more confident even among large male businessmen. Later in the article we will tell you how to compose perfect wardrobe For business people, both women and men, and that in no case should be included in it.

A little history

Until the mid-19th century, few women were involved in business life, and even if a representative of the fairer sex was engaged in some kind of business, she still continued to dress as was customary in society. In a word, business style clothing for women did not exist at that time, and it appeared later.

By the end of the 19th century, when representatives of the fairer sex decided to fight for their rights and their independence, they gradually began to be introduced into the business life of society. Naturally, in a romantic women's clothing it was impractical to do various things, and they were sorely lacking time for a long morning toilet. Therefore, fashion designers of that time began to come up with a more restrained, practical, but still

To do this they started using some parts men's wardrobe, adapting them for ladies. This is how frock coats and jackets appeared, which were worn with more formal skirt models. Trousers were out of the question at that time.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the First World War, women, due to the absence of men in the workplace, began to increasingly engage in activities that had previously been confined to the stronger sex. This led to significant changes. It was then that the business style of clothing for women began to look more and more like men’s.

Business etiquette requirements

Today, in most reputable companies, management from the very first day of hiring obliges its employees to adhere to the dress code established in the organization. In some of them he is more than strict. In others, some liberties are allowed.

By the way, business style clothing for men does not require blind adherence to certain fashion trends. The most important thing here is to choose things in the right shades and from quality materials. As for the cut, it should be appropriate for the situation for which the suit is intended. What a modern successful businessman should look like - restrained, laconic and practical.

Main attributes of Business Style

Let's see what basic elements make up business style clothing for the stronger sex. It must include several suits (two or three), several shirts, as well as ties that match the suit and shirts. By complementing them with small accessories, you can look quite respectable and emphasize your status with your appearance.

How to choose the right suit and shirt?

Men's business style clothing requires the presence in the wardrobe of at least three suits of different shades, for example, dark blue, black, dark brown, as well as gray or beige. They can be either plain or have a print in the form of a cage or thin lines that do not differ sharply from the main color. The fabric should preferably be natural or semi-natural, but not very wrinkled, without any shine.

But the most important thing is that the suit should fit the wearer perfectly, not bulge anywhere, the trousers should not be too long, forming accordions at the ankles, and not short, exposing the ankles. Although sometimes fashion trends tell a completely different story. It is generally inappropriate to wear a light-colored suit to evening events, even in the summer months.

As for shirts, respectable people who adhere to a business style of clothing in everyday life should have at least 10 of them. Of course, you can have a couple of black shirts. However, for formal meetings, it is advisable that they be in light pastel shades, plain, or in thin stripes or very small checks. It is very important that the shirt collar protrudes from under the jacket collar by 1-1.5 cm, and the cuffs should protrude from the cuff by 1.5-2 centimeters.

As for ties, they should be of a contrasting shade with the shirt and may have an unobtrusive pattern. The edge of the tie should reach the belt of your trousers. The knot can be tied according to fashion trends. This also applies to the width of the tie.

Casual style

Today, some businessmen prefer the so-called combined “everyday” casual style of clothing for men to a purely business style of clothing. When soft-cut jackets are combined with jeans, and plain T-shirts in pastel shades are worn instead of shirts. This style is followed by the richest businessmen on the planet: Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, etc.

Is it possible to correlate such a set of clothes with a business dress code? In principle, it can. However, this depends on the activity in which the person is engaged. Naturally, no politician or statesman can afford this during an official meeting, or even in a work environment. But for businessmen involved in more modern types activities, for example, in the field of IT services, such an outfit would be quite appropriate.

The democratic business style also includes jackets made of fine wool with buttons, which are worn instead of a jacket, but with classic shirts and ties. This image is perfect for university teachers, representatives of some creative professions, etc.

Business style clothing for women: photo and description

The dress code of a business woman is not as strict as that of men. In addition, designers, taking into account the peculiarities of the female character, have come up with many different variations of a business suit. Jackets, which are a mandatory attribute of a business lady's wardrobe, have many different cuts. They can be long or short, loose or fitted.

A tuxedo, which men wear only on special occasions, can be worn by ladies in everyday life. In addition, women are allowed to combine them with dresses, also of various cuts and lengths, with skirts, trousers, shirts and blouses.

Features of a women's business suit

Of course, in couturier collections you can find jackets of various shades, but for a respectable business woman it is preferable to wear a suit in restrained shades, for example, gray, black, olive, beige, burgundy, and, of course, white flowers. Sometimes light yellow, light pink, light blue jackets or two-piece trousers look quite appropriate, of course, if the figure allows it.

As for blouses, there are many options here: with a regular collar, like men's shirts, stand-up collar, with a frill or bow instead of a neck, etc. The color scheme should also be more restrained, and without any flashy predatory or bright floral prints.

By the way, in addition to business women, a similar dress code is also applicable for teachers at school. The business style of dress of “classy ladies” in our time, of course, is very different from the form of dress as it was at the dawn of the 20th century. Then the teacher did not dare to open the collar of a dress or shirt even by one button. The dresses were mostly dark brown, and they made the teachers look boring.

Today, a teacher can even wear trousers to school, but in a classic cut, but in no case jeans. The skirt should also be of appropriate length, maximum to the knees, but not shorter. Naturally, necklines or dresses with many decorative details also need to be removed from the teacher’s wardrobe. After all, all this can distract the attention of students and prevent them from concentrating on the lesson.

Business style clothing for girls

Unlike ladies of a respectable age, young business women can afford outfits in slightly brighter colors that correspond to the fashion trends of a particular season. Despite the fact that young girls love to wear sandals, the business dress code does not allow this.

The feet of both women and young girls should always be wearing thin tights, even in hot weather, and wearing comfortable mid-heeled shoes with a closed toe (the heel can be opened). Naturally, there can be no talk of any platform.


Both women and men, when choosing accessories, should focus on the quality of the product being purchased. If cufflinks, then they should be made of expensive metal, preferably silver, with natural stones. If it’s jewelry, then unobtrusive, modest, without any frills. It is very important for men to have a watch from a reputable brand. There is no way without this. And women need to have the right bag. It should be plain, comfortable and moderately roomy.

Business style clothing for women is a kind of art, since it is necessary to choose things that would not attract undue attention to themselves, would not emphasize the feminine essence, but at the same time would not erase gender boundaries. These are the basic rules of the game. Modern official business style is somewhat different from earlier trends - interesting details have been added, the variety of colors and styles has been expanded, but the classic vector remains relevant.

An interesting observation: if a business woman is dressed in accordance with all the necessary rules, looks elegant and behaves confidently, then even before the presentation (or other event) begins, it is possible to win the audience over to her side.

What will people pay attention to first when assessing the image of a business woman? On the silhouette, quality of fabric and tailoring, fit of the suit. Shoes, tights, the condition of nails, well-groomed skin of the hands and face, and accessories are also important. Of course, an important factor is posture and the absence of fussy gestures. And only then are business qualities, speech literacy, etc. assessed. We can say that this saying “you meet someone by their clothes” is in action.

Modern trends for business ladies: winter ideas

This year the dress code has relaxed a little - in color scheme bolder colors and patterns have been added. Although winter generally calls for restrained shades of clothing for the office: first of all, black, metallic gray, strict blue and brown colors. But the cage was added - it is gradually becoming fashionable.

A sundress or a skirt can be checkered, and the pattern itself can be small, large, colored, black and white or broken. Such a look will complement the everyday office look especially organically. This will somewhat refresh the stiffness of the strict dress code.

The proposal from fashion houses to wear masculine tweed or wool two-piece suits looks interesting. It is not permissible to add any gender details other than elegant neckerchiefs and stylish shoes.

The cut of trousers in business suits is generally strict.

Models can be shortened. Arrows on trousers are, as a rule, required.

These were fashion trends, and as for the formal business style, which is welcomed at official meetings, negotiations, etc., everything here is still extremely conservative - plain expensive suits in dark neutral tones, trousers - only of moderate length, laconic blouses made of thick fabrics, shoes - pumps with heels no higher than 5 cm. Individuality in this case is not in honor.

The only thing that can be allowed is a high-quality pullover or golf shirt worn under a jacket during the cold season.

Spring update: management style

In the spring, business ladies can take some liberties in the area of ​​management. For example, acceptable colors include pistachio, silver blue, light gray, muted, mint, creamy white.

Suits made from high-quality fabric in these shades will look fashionable and modern. Strict black never goes out of fashion, as does the laconic cut of skirts, trousers and jackets.

Spring is a time of renewal, freshness and bright colors, so in a not too strict office environment you can afford terracotta suits.

And informal business style (for example, on Fridays) allows dresses in dark malachite and garnet shades.

A casual business look can be complemented with a cardigan or golf shirt in a not too bright color.

New trends from fashion salons, which are reaching mere mortals, allow us to hope that this spring the forgotten double-breasted jacket models will enter business fashion.

Shoes should be chosen to either match the outfit or stick to a neutral color scheme.

Summer look: lightweight style

Summer is not only a time for mass vacations - at this time many people work at full capacity, working in stuffy offices. Here fashion has gone the furthest, allowing for the idea that business-style sheath dresses can be made, for example, from satin.

But these are bold experiments by designers, and in general, conservative sheath-type dresses remain in trend, as before. Only the color scheme from beige smoothly transitions to terracotta, dark green or ornaments using strict geometry.

It is possible to add a wide belt in a contrasting or the same color.

Summer suits are still relevant, but they will also become a little richer in terms of color palette: deep blue, expressive emerald, carmine.

Even if it is incredibly hot, blouses should not be transparent, and sandals should not be too open - a conservative approach to these moments will instill confidence in the interlocutor in the respectability of the opponent.

The fabrics of skirts, shirts, and trousers should be expensive and natural - silk, cotton, linen. Strict officialdom requires that a lady wear tights and a long-sleeve blouse at any temperature. In any case, a pencil skirt should not be higher than the knee.

Autumn marathon: color your business routine

Autumn is the time when most office workers go to work. A new, fruitful period is beginning, so, according to fashion designers, cozy knitted mohair dresses will look very appropriate. Moderately form-fitting, creating a soft silhouette, knitted outfits in soft colors will also reach the peak of popularity. It is permissible to add a belt to the dress. This will somewhat diversify office fashion, making it more convenient and fresh.

Classic suits, including a pencil skirt and a fitted jacket, will not lose their relevance. The color scheme will expand to a purple, silver-gray, burgundy palette.

Trouser options are also still on the crest of fashion. Trousers can be with arrows or shortened, and jackets can be fitted or loosely elongated. It is allowed to include a high-quality turtleneck made of natural fabric and a thick shirt with a classic cut into the ensemble.

At any time of the year, it’s a good idea to complement your look with expensive accessories: leather bag, a thin neckerchief, branded watches and glasses, small jewelry, and use high-quality stationery.

Full-length beauty: business fashion for curvy young ladies

When creating an image for overweight women The same rules apply, with the exception of some important nuances.

When choosing a dress, you should pay attention to the length - not below the knee, and the cut - it is better to prefer a straight dress that does not fit the figure too tightly or a flared one that begins to widen from the armpits.

You can also buy sundresses with a blouse.

The blouse can also be white - it won’t make you look fatter, it will just freshen up your look. A jacket will hide extra pounds.

The jacket model should in no case be widened; a men's cut should only be a fitted jacket that is slightly elongated. It is better if there are several models of jackets in a woman’s business wardrobe.

As for straight trousers with creases, this is exactly what you need. They visually slim and lengthen the silhouette.

There are also several requirements for curvy ladies. The first is the high density of the fabric and it is better to prefer a product with a stretch effect. Length – not above the knee, but not below.

Shoes – neat pumps with stable heels. Heels or platforms are unacceptable as they visually weigh down the legs.

Regarding color, one thing can be said - a dark or muted range, slightly diluted with white or beige, is the best option.

A modern woman climbing the career ladder dresses as if she has already reached the top. How can you demonstrate competence, confidence and professionalism through formal business attire?

Over the past 30 years portrait modern woman has changed significantly. A woman of the 21st century can hardly be called the “weaker sex”. Ladies pay attention to their careers, demonstrate leadership qualities and develop in the professional sphere. Despite success in career and business, a modern woman still remains a woman. She pays attention to her appearance and strives to look stylish in any situation.

Business attire seems boring to those who do not understand it. This stereotype is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The official style has many varieties and serves as a means of proper self-presentation.

Business style of clothing: fashion trend or philosophy of life?

Officially, business style clothing is considered an independent direction of modern fashion. It is intended for the professional sphere and does not contradict the dress code. This style welcomes restraint and rigor, but it is not alien to the manifestation of individuality. It has long been no longer associated with the standard official “white top, black bottom” look. The idea of ​​a boring office worker dressed in a faceless gray suit has lost its relevance.

Business clothes for women is becoming really fashionable. It is made from high quality natural fabrics. The cut is dominated by strict lines and classic styles. Clothing with open shoulders and a deep neckline is considered inappropriate. The official style is elegant and discreet. It emphasizes femininity, but does not accept extravagance and pretentiousness.

The official image implies status and speaks of a professional environment. That is why many modern women have made it part of their life philosophy. It demonstrates a certain position in society and speaks of competence and professionalism. Errors are unacceptable for this style: the appearance must be thought out from the color of clothes and accessories to hairstyle and makeup. The image is selected taking into account the requirements of the dress code, but the individuality of the woman is not forgotten. Watch the video on how effectively create a business style . Image maker Maria Lugovaya breaks down the influence for you fashion trends on business style and talked about which items of clothing do not lose their relevance for many years.

Three levels of formal business attire

The main advantage of the official business style is its versatility. It has many varieties, each of which is capable of emphasizing female individuality in its own way. Business style dilutes the stiffness of a traditional formal suit with current fashion trends and functionality.

In modern fashion, there are three fundamental types of women's business clothes for the office. These are three levels of business style, each of which has its own characteristics and gives the image different shades.

Formal business

This style is the most demanding when it comes to choosing wardrobe items. He is quite conservative and does not welcome the manifestation of individuality.

Style requirements:

  • calm dark colors;
  • plain fabrics;
  • the presence of several costume options (jacket, dress, skirt, trousers);
  • white collar (shirts of other colors are acceptable depending on company requirements);
  • classic skirt length (knee +/- 5 centimeters);
  • matte flesh-colored tights and ;
  • Even in summer, short sleeves are not acceptable for women in business clothes;
  • collected hair, minimal makeup, natural manicure.

Where appropriate: among employees of legal and insurance companies, the banking sector, religious and public organizations, educational institutions, and political associations. A formal business style look is ideal for an interview.


This variety is suitable for women in leadership positions. He is more loyal and allows for individuality. Currently, executive business casual is popular among business women seeking to stand out from their circle of colleagues.

Style requirements:

  • expanded color range;
  • individual tailoring, variety of styles;
  • expensive high quality fabrics;
  • A jacket or vest is required;
  • classic length of dress and skirt;
  • silk or cotton blouses;
  • presence of tights and closed shoes;
  • in managerial business style clothing in summer in hot weather for women, short sleeves are acceptable;
  • naturalness in makeup and manicure (bright colors are acceptable depending on the situation and position).

Where appropriate:

  • when visiting public events, concerts, exhibitions, conferences in daytime days;
  • at work where there are no strict clothing requirements;
  • on an “informal” Friday.

Informal business

Business casual is less demanding and is considered the most relevant trend. This type of business style clothing for women prevails in photos from fashion shows. Girls who use it look impressive and feel confident regardless of the situation.

Style requirements:

  • a variety of textiles is allowed (linen, tweed, corduroy);
  • wide range of colors;
  • Blouses, shirts and tops are welcome;
  • depending on the situation, viscose or cotton knitwear is acceptable;
  • Tights are still required, but high-heeled shoes are no longer required;
  • let's say short sleeves in the summer and in the heat:
  • a variety of hairstyles, including loose hair;
  • and a manicure that suits a specific look;
  • catchy accessories, large jewelry, scarves and scarves.

Where appropriate: for working in a company with loose clothing, for informal meetings, when visiting a restaurant or cafe, for shopping and walking.

Business clothes for women: basic wardrobe

Many people believe that business style clothing for girls is too expensive. The price of quality clothing is never low. When deciding to change your appearance, do not forget that the basic wardrobe good quality- an excellent investment. You are investing in your own future. Many people do not receive high positions for years only because of their appearance and inability to present themselves. By changing your image, you will get an additional chance.

When compiling basic wardrobe focus on five priority elements:

Business suit

Variations of a business suit make it possible to combine elements. A jacket or jacket is worn with skirts, trousers, . Choose a high-quality suit pair made from expensive, wrinkle-resistant material. The main requirement is perfect execution. Crooked stitching and lopsided lapels are not acceptable. Pay attention to the landing. Ready-made business clothes for obese women do not always take into account all the features of the figure. If you do not have standard parameters, sew a suit to order. This investment will definitely pay off. Give preference to a plain fabric in gray, blue, olive, beige or brown.

Extra bottom

Match your suit with an additional skirt or trousers in a different color. The main thing is that the bottom is in harmony with the color of the jacket or jacket and its texture. In photos from fashion shows, business clothes for women can be contrasting and even a little extravagant. But in the office, classics still rule. Pay attention to adjacent shades or use universal colors: gray and black. Good choice There will be a pencil skirt or classic trousers with a high waist and a noticeable crease.

Extra top

Use a cardigan or blazer as an additional top. Choose its length depending on the rest of your wardrobe: jacket-frock coat, short fitted or classic to mid-thigh. As decorative elements use a non-standard sleeve length, yoke or tucks. If the clothing requirements in your company are not too strict, a Spencer jacket, bolero or Eton jacket are acceptable options.


A small item is traditionally considered a necessary item of women's business clothing. black dress. It hides figure flaws and becomes the core of the image. Paired with a classic jacket, it adds elegance to the look. Augmented bright accessories- turns into business casual. When choosing a model, give preference to traditional, laconic options.

Blouses and shirts

The main requirement when choosing this element is relevance and moderation. The best option is a blouse with a men's cut, without ruffles, frills or a deep neckline. The classic option is a white shirt or silk blouse pastel colors. They will suit both a plain suit and a jacket with a print.

Complete the look with closed pumps, discreet jewelry and a handbag. Don't forget about manicure, natural makeup and neat hairstyle.

Business clothing style for women 2018 is a combination of elegance and femininity. Classic remains fashionable at all times. Conservatism and restraint - this is what is built on official style. In the business sphere, calculation and reason dominate, so even clothing has limits of what is permitted. However, a woman always remains a woman. She shows her individuality in her choice of style and accessories. A carefully crafted image sometimes conveys more about professionalism and competence than a perfect resume.

The pace of a modern metropolis leaves a certain imprint on all areas of life, including the manner of dressing. Women who are successful in their careers are characterized by an official business style of dress. The stereotype associated with the boring appearance of such a wardrobe has long been forgotten: today this style has many varieties and is a means of correctly presenting oneself along with professional qualities.

What's happened?

The name of the style speaks for itself. Official business style in clothing is one of the trends in fashion, which is intended for the business sphere of life. It welcomes rigor, restraint and individuality, while not contradicting the business dress code.

In other words, these are clothes for the office, casual style business and purposeful woman, these are certain rules, a philosophy of life.

In the production of such clothing, high-quality natural fabrics and practical accessories are used. The cut often adheres to strict lines and a certain length. Such clothes do not accept pretentiousness, extravagance and challenge: they are distinguished by elegance, classic styles and a certain combination of ensemble items. Products with a deep neckline and open shoulders are inappropriate.

Signs of style and rules

It may immediately seem that the official business style is conservative and is lost against the background of other bright and fashionable trends. In fact, it is interesting and multifaceted, elegant and has a number of differences. Business style implies a certain status and speaks of a professional business environment.

His philosophy lies in the ability to present oneself correctly and appropriately in accordance with a specific situation. He demonstrates professionalism, competence and a certain position in society.

This style does not tolerate any errors: everything in it must be perfect, from the color of materials to accessories, makeup and hairstyle. The style is characterized by an ideal fit of products according to the figure. Loose fit, sporty lines and baggyness are excluded: nothing should distract from work.

Such clothing obliges you to behave in a certain way. This is restraint, courtesy and the absence of a hint of license. Each ensemble depends on the specific occasion and is selected taking into account the requirements for the dress code.

The advantage of the style is its versatility. It is considered the ideal clothing that suits absolutely everyone: it is masculine and women's style, work clothes for children (schoolchildren). These clothes transform appearance owner, it is relevant for people of different ages and build and is suitable even for pregnant women.

A business style wardrobe is designed for all seasons. Summer products are made from thinner textiles, while clothes for the cold season are made from dense materials. At any time of the year, the style stands out noticeably against the background of other fashion trends, demonstrating the nobility and aristocracy of the owner. This is a sense of taste, style, grace.

The golden rules of formal business style are:

  • neat, perfect appearance;
  • presence of underwear;
  • the presence of tights in any look (regardless of the time of year);
  • sets in monochromatic colors;
  • non-creasing texture of the material;
  • restraint of cut;
  • classic length of clothing;
  • lack of pullovers and sweaters in formal attire;
  • classic shoes;

  • discreet expensive accessories (gold jewelry, watches);
  • moderate design business bag;
  • natural makeup;
  • perfect skin;
  • no piercings or tattoos;
  • neat, appropriate hairstyle.

In addition to these rules, official business style does not accept wearing the following wardrobe items:

  • knitted shirts, T-shirts, sleeveless vests;
  • things with inscriptions, stickers, large designs;
  • cropped clothing that shows underwear or nudity;
  • training (sports) suit;
  • leather clothes(including the top one);
  • jeans, skinny jeans, shorts, mini skirts;
  • sneakers, sneakers, beach shoes.

Compliance with the rules and prohibitions is explained by the rules of good manners and respect for work. This look would be appropriate in any work environment.


Today, the official business style has many varieties, each of which brings new shades to the image. Office-oriented clothing can be formal, business casual, business evening, with elements of business chic. It is somewhat different from the classic style; it cannot be called sexy, but it contains elements of femininity.

The scientific and business image involves closed clothing, “business casual” is a mix of business and everyday image. This is a smart, business-like, youth style. The sports and business subtype allows the wearing of oxfords and boots.

Business Formal

Formally, business style is the most conservative variety with clear requirements for the manner of dressing. This outfit does not recognize manifestations of individuality and has a number of specific requirements:

  • plain textiles (wool);
  • versatile suit (jacket + skirt, dress, trousers);
  • white shirt for men;
  • classic skirt (dress) length;
  • straight cut trousers;
  • matte nude tights;
  • classic mid-heeled shoes;
  • minimum makeup, natural manicure, no loose curls.

This style dress code is mandatory in organizations operating in the banking, political, legal and insurance fields.

Modern Business

The managerial business subtype of style allows for minor manifestations of individuality. Today it is the most popular of the types of business style, allowing you to add bright accents, which favorably distinguishes business women from their circle of colleagues.

This is the style of women over 40 who hold leadership positions. Its rules are a little more loyal:

  • a wider range of colors that does not go beyond the dress code;
  • different styles suits, often made from expensive textiles to individual order;
  • the presence of a jacket or vest, tights;
  • average length skirts or dresses;
  • shirts made of cotton or silk;
  • in hot weather, products with short sleeves;
  • naturalness in makeup and manicure;
  • In some cases, loose hair is allowed in the hairstyle.

The managerial style is appropriate when attending public events, exhibitions, concerts, and conferences.

Business Casual

Informal business style (casual business, youth business) is less demanding and more free to express individuality. This dress code is characterized by:

  • wide selection of textiles (linen, wool, tweed, corduroy, etc.);
  • variety of shades of material;
  • Skirt and dress lengths above the knee are allowed;
  • The outfit can include blouses, tops, thin blouses;
  • in summer you can wear short-sleeved products;
  • the presence of tights at any time of the year;
  • any hairstyles within the bounds of decency;
  • catchy accessories, jewelry;
  • natural makeup and manicure.

This suit is appropriate in organizations where there are no clearly defined clothing requirements. It is suitable for informal meetings, visiting a restaurant or cafe. In some cases, it can be romantic and businesslike.

Business clothes

Modern formal business style is noticeably different from the original image, when women strived to be at the helm on an equal basis with men. And yet, the basic elements of the costume remain the same. Although today the style, silhouette and shape of the suit are more feminine and smooth.

The main elements of the style are the following items of clothing:

  • a four-piece suit of a classic style with a laconic cut (the basis of the image);
  • jacket of a men's cut, minimally emphasizing the contours female figure(with no finishing, draperies);
  • fitted jacket;
  • a strict blouse with a minimally open neckline (in an informal style, a frill collar and flounces are allowed);
  • classic length trousers (straight, tapered);
  • vest (designed for an informal formal look);
  • straight and tapered skirt;
  • cardigan (for the cool season);
  • coat (classic cut, practical fittings, discreet color);
  • discreet accessories of moderate design (scarves, shawls, low-heeled shoes, expensive watches, small earrings made of gold or silver).


Clothes color

Official business style clothing adheres mainly to classic shades. The main part of such a wardrobe consists of things in white, black, brown, all shades of gray, beige and blue. Style prints include checkered, striped, and polka dots. The aggressively shiny texture of the material (rhinestones, sequins, sparkles) is excluded. Blouses can be made of iridescent satin or silk.

The choice of color has its own characteristics: each shade carries certain information. By choosing this or that color of the suit, you can emphasize a special professional level, win over your interlocutor, conduct an official conversation or call for a confidential conversation.

The color of office and business clothes is more modest than that of household items. Classic tones allow you to concentrate on your work. A bright color of a blouse, accessory or scarf is allowed in the outfit. This allows you to revive a strict appearance. However, when composing an ensemble, it is important to adhere to the rule: in order for the image to be appropriate and sophisticated, such a suit cannot combine more than three colors.

Little color tricks

  • Suits made in black, gray and dark blue will help show authority and maturity. You can enhance the impression with a contrasting light blouse.
  • You can demonstrate your friendly disposition by wearing clothes in muted tones, an outfit of brown or beige, combining a suit with a pastel-colored blouse.
  • You can emphasize your creative and sophisticated nature with an unusual contrast of the color of the ensemble (blue with green, dark olive with purple).
  • You can make an impression by adding different blouses and accessories to your outfit every time.
  • A set consisting of a brown suit and a beige blouse will help inspire confidence. You can add femininity to this look by wearing a pink item instead of a beige blouse.
  • A combination of a black suit and a white or blue blouse will help you maintain a certain distance.

When selecting different shades, it is important to take into account certain features of color perception: a harmonious combination of shades implies complementing each other without disturbing the beauty and sophistication of the image.

In addition to the timeless classics, other shades are added to the color palette every season. Today, the collections are diluted with clothes in Marsala and terracotta colors. Under no circumstances should you wear things in flashy and aggressive colors. Red, bright green, and turquoise are excluded. Burgundy and fuchsia shades will help make a luxurious impression.

Choosing colors by season

  • The summer dress code allows ensemble items in diluted mint and mustard tones. The main palette is light, pastel.
  • Autumn shades have a characteristic feature: the colder the autumn, the more often monochrome tones are present in clothes. Early autumn is characterized by non-categorical bright shades.
  • A winter suit sticks predominantly to dark and rich tones. Striped and tartan prints would be appropriate.
  • Fresh colors, awakening of nature. Early spring is characterized by light shades (beige, diluted mint), the warmer it is, the brighter the color of the suit becomes.


Accessories of a modern woman are an object of special worship. There can be more than a dozen of them in such a wardrobe. It is the additions such as bags, watches and shoes that reveal the true status of a business woman. Therefore, to create a winning image, representatives of the fair sex buy expensive style additions.

Official business style bags are distinguished by a wide variety of models and favorably emphasize the status of a business woman. Their features are restraint and a choice aimed at practicality and elegance. Such products are business card business woman, they look perfect, they:

  • are expensive;
  • have a presentable appearance;
  • are distinguished by high-quality performance;
  • made from high quality natural materials;
  • devoid of elaborate decor;
  • have practical fasteners;
  • do not accept mechanical damage (scuffs, scratches, cuts);
  • made in discreet colors or moderate cheerful shades;
  • comfortable and practical;
  • have a rectangular, trapezoidal shape and a stable bottom;
  • matched with clothes and shoes, and can be included in a set with gloves or a headdress;
  • take into account dimensions that exclude the carrying of additional bags;
  • purchased to different times year.

The wardrobe of a modern business woman has handbags of different sizes. Large ones are necessary for papers, elegant envelope bags with a thin strap are good for evening and special occasions. Exclusive branded bags are considered iconic business style items.

Any copies are completely inappropriate, no matter how beautiful they are. In the eyes of those who know the value of good things, you can lose your dignity, which will affect your professional career.

How to create a wardrobe?

The versatility of the style allows you to choose a harmonious combination of winter or summer wardrobe items for every woman.

For schoolchildren

Schoolchildren's business style sets represent the school dress code. This is strict and discreet clothing. In fact, it repeats the clothes of adults, but is less conservative. Pastel-colored blouses, jackets, vests, turtlenecks, straight skirts and classic trousers with creases are allowed.

The business style of schoolchildren excludes acidic and bright shades, shorts, mini skirts, unnatural hair color and massive accessories. This is a classic, clear lines and neatness.

For overweight people

For those with curvy figures, this style will help you look elegant and presentable. With the correct selection of costume details, you can play up imperfections and visually “stretch” your figure, making it slim. Short jackets and mini skirts are contraindicated for such women; you can balance your figure with an elongated jacket with diagonal or horizontal stripes.

If your waist is wide, you should not accentuate it with a belt - this will add width and disrupt the harmony of the outfit. You can hide your fullness by wearing classic trousers with arrows. A penguin dress (a combination of black and white in outfit), model with peplum.