How can you paint a leather jacket black or brown at home, which paint is better to use? Which paint is better for a leather jacket? Black. How and how to paint a leather jacket at home Is it possible to paint a leather jacket

How to dye a leather jacket? Do not rush to throw away your leather jacket if it is simply worn out and has lost its bright color. Such a defect can be very easily eliminated by painting the product. Both dry cleaning and you can carry out this manipulation at home. Considering that the first option may not be affordable for many, we suggest focusing on home dyeing of leather.

Anyone can dye a leather jacket themselves. This procedure may seem complicated and impracticable only at first glance. In fact, all you need to do is purchase high-quality leather paint and use it for its intended purpose, following the manufacturer's instructions.

Fortunately, many dyes are sold today that are specifically designed for processing the material described. With their help, you can independently restore even an old, worn leather jacket. The main thing is that it is incredibly easy to do it yourself, which allows you to save on the family budget. Dye your favorite, but unfortunately worn out clothes right now. And we will help you with this by telling you about all the intricacies of this procedure.

Painting a leather jacket at home

Painting a leather jacket at home consists of several stages. However, it always begins the same way: with the preparation of the product itself. First, wash the jacket well using a soap solution and a soft sponge. Then the skin must be wiped from soap residues and dried. Dry the clean product exclusively at room temperature, and without the use of any heating devices. After this, the leather jacket is additionally examined for the presence of grease stains. This step should never be skipped, even if you are sure that the clothes are clean. It's better to play it safe, since paint doesn't adhere well to a dirty surface. If traces of fat are still present on a leather product, they are removed with alcohol or some other solvent. This is how the skin is properly prepared before dyeing.

To carry out the main procedure, all that remains is to choose the paint. It comes in the form of an aerosol and dry powder. There are also liquid dyes for leather. We will consider in detail the options for all dyes.

Aerosol paint is considered the most convenient and fastest to use. It can be purchased in any leather department, but most often it is found in shoe stores. Moreover, such dyes are produced in different shades. Therefore, you can save both a black leather jacket and any other.

In order to paint a product yourself with aerosol dye, prepare the paint itself in advance, as well as rubber gloves and a soft sponge, then follow the instructions below.

  1. Place the jacket, cleaned of dirt, evenly on a hanger. Be sure to smooth out the resulting folds, otherwise they will not be colored.
  2. Then put on gloves and evenly spray the paint of the desired color onto the product from a distance of about thirty centimeters. Note! It is recommended to carry out this procedure outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.
  3. Remove excess dye from the jacket using a sponge. You must achieve as uniform a layer as possible, otherwise some places may stand out against the background of the entire painted product.
  4. Leave the treated clothes on hangers until completely dry. This will take no more than an hour, after which it will be possible to put on the restored item.

Sometimes the coloring procedure alone is not enough, so if after the jacket has dried you notice that there are poorly painted areas on it, repeat the steps listed above.

If you purchased the paint in the form of a dry powder, then before applying it to your clothes, you need to soak the leather item in ordinary water for two hours. This is necessary so that the skin is saturated with moisture and all the air comes out of the pores of the material. Only after this procedure will the jacket be able to be painted evenly.

While the leather product is soaking, bring the paint to the desired condition. To do this, take dry dye, dilute it warm water(the proportion is indicated on the packaging of the substance) and dissolve all lumps. Then pour the resulting composition into a deep metal container, add two liters of water and boil. After this, cool the paint to a temperature of forty degrees and immerse the worn leather item in it. The product should be in the dyes for about two hours. During this time, the jacket should be turned over several times to ensure uniform dyeing. When the leather color reaches the desired shade, rinse the item well. You need to rinse the jacket until the water runs clear.

To fix the color, you can use a solution prepared from water (1 l), vinegar (100 ml) and salt (1 tbsp).

Liquid dyes in bottles must be used very carefully and only on a flat surface. To do this, straighten your jacket on the table and be sure to wear rubber gloves. Then pour the paint into a more suitable container and prepare a sponge. Dip it in the coloring liquid and start painting the product. Note! In this case, it is better not to rush. Apply the dye in small portions and spread evenly over the entire skin, slowly rubbing the dye in a circular motion. The painted item must dry completely. After this, it will need to be rinsed in clean water to remove shine and dried.

When painting leather, be sure to take note useful tips, given below. They will help you avoid mistakes that could result in permanent damage to the item.

  • At the end of the coloring procedure, be sure to fix the color. We said earlier that you can use a vinegar solution for this purpose.. If you are worried that your jacket will smell strongly of vinegar, then use a special acrylic fixative instead.
  • It is convenient to apply dye to a leather product not only with a sponge, but also with natural wool.
  • Before dyeing, a worn jacket must be cleaned of dust and other contaminants, regardless of what kind of paint you are going to use.
  • Under no circumstances should you dye your leather a different color. If it was originally covered with black dye, restore the same shade. Otherwise, you can only worsen the condition of the leather jacket.
  • You won't have to dye your leather item often if you don't wash it in washing machine and send to the wardrobe undried.

If you are sure that you will not be able to paint an old leather jacket at home, then it is better not to risk it and take the item to the dry cleaner. In any case, contacting specialists will cost less than buying new clothes. However, we are confident that you will succeed and in a few hours you will be trying on your favorite jacket again.

A leather jacket usually lasts us more than one season. It can often be ten years before we decide to part with a beloved item. In general, leather is a fairly reliable material if it is of high quality and durable, for example, calfskin. You will be able to wear it for a long time and after some time, abrasions and even small cracks will appear on the product in places.

Today we’ll talk about how to paint a leather jacket at home so that it doesn’t look like a handicraft, and the thing will serve you for a long time after that.

Let's start with what to paint. This is usually the most difficult. You will have to purchase a special leather dye that you can use at home. Not all of them are the same. You should not buy the cheapest or most expensive option; it is better to stay in the middle price category and carefully select the tone.

No problem if yours is black. But if it’s beige, brown, gray, or even more so, colored, then problems may arise. It's best to choose a slightly lighter shade so you can apply another coat or use a darker shade if things don't work out. But light colors may not cover defects, abrasions, and so on.

There are two types of paint:

It is easier to use an aerosol - the main thing is to spray from the desired distance, trying to do it evenly. But this does not mean that you need to give up liquid paint; perhaps it will be more convenient for you.

Now we need to prepare the jacket. In order for the paint to adhere well, the leather must be treated and ready for painting.

To do this you need:

  • Wash the jacket with soap and gauze.
  • Carefully remove any remaining soap with water.
  • Dry away from heating devices at natural temperature. Before painting, the jacket must be completely dry, including pockets, seams, and so on. The paint will not adhere well to damp skin.

If the jacket has grease, some persistent oil stains, etc., then the surface should be carefully wiped with a small amount of alcohol applied to a cotton pad. Do not dry out your skin; use alcohol very carefully!

Once everything is ready, you can start painting.

Let's start with the fact that if you are not confident in your abilities, and the item is very dear to you, it is better not to take risks, but read the reviews, find the best workshop, dry cleaner or studio where they dye leather, and go there. This way there will be fewer risks.

If you are still ready to take the risk, then prepare all the materials:

  • A deep glass bowl or shallow jar to hold the paint if it is liquid.
  • A napkin or rag to “touch up any mistakes” if necessary.
  • Foam sponge.
  • Rubber gloves (sold in the hardware department of any supermarket).

Lay the jacket face up on a hard, flat surface, as evenly as possible. It is better to paint a jacket, like a complex structural item, step by step - detail by detail, for example, first the collar, then the sleeves, front panels, and so on. But you shouldn’t paint a whole leather item at home if you don’t have experience and it’s any color other than black or white. It is very difficult to do this evenly at home.

Before painting the problem area, try it in an inconspicuous area to test the paint and see the results.

Once everything is ready, you can paint.

  • Read the instructions and check if there are any special instructions.
  • Spray the aerosol from a distance of 50-30 cm, unless otherwise indicated. Do it a little at a time, without getting the spray head too close to the leather jacket, so that the area of ​​coverage is large enough without painting areas you don't want to paint.
  • Spray in small portions until you start to like the result. It's always better to add a new layer than to go overboard! The paint is always applied only in a thin layer!
  • Dry at room temperature.

After this, check the durability of the paint: it should not stain upon contact with the skin, and a strong smell indicates low quality paint.

For liquid paint:

  • Shake the paint, pour it into a bowl and soak a sponge in it.
  • Apply the dye to the leather jacket in small amounts, using gentle circular motions to rub it in in a circular motion.
  • The paint layer should be as thin as possible, as in the previous case.
  • Dry the product at room temperature and out of the sun!

That's all, actually. When it is completely dry, you can care for it in much the same way. If the product has too much shine, spray the leather with water from a spray bottle and wipe with a dry textile cloth.

It is not always possible to paint over all defects the first time or achieve a perfect result. Don't be discouraged, just apply another coat of paint after the previous one has completely dried.

In modern conditions, manufacturers began to produce dyes that can give leather items any color. This allows a person to do his own dyeing of clothes at home. To carry out such an undertaking, you need to buy the appropriate dyes. You can choose one of three ways to paint a jacket, which are accessible to a non-professional, namely:

  1. 1 Purchase liquid dyes of a suitable color.
  2. 2 Use aerosol cans to paint a leather jacket.
  3. 3 Apply paint, which is sold in dry powder form.

Experts recommend the first option as the most suitable for home use. When sprayed, the aerosol can get on furniture, floors, walls and on the person himself. Therefore, when using it, you must use protective cotton clothing, goggles, and cover all surrounding objects with paper or cloth. Dry powders are convenient to use - they are simply diluted in water.

It should be taken into account that the paint should be water-based and easy to wash off. The paint should not be toxic or have a strong odor. This dye should dry quickly.

Repainting methods

If a person is not confident in his abilities, then it can be attributed old clothes for repainting at the dry cleaners. There are professionals working there and there is appropriate equipment, but the client does not always get what he wants. There are times when clothes are returned to the owner damaged.

Therefore, it is better to rely on your own strength - this will save nerves and money, and if something does not work out, the person will accumulate, albeit negative, experience in skin coloring, which may be useful in the future.

First you need to carefully examine the surface of the jacket. If it is intact, there are no cracks or holes on it, then you can try to paint it. Then you need to decide: keep the same color or change it?

The most popular colors for leather jackets are brown and black. Therefore, if clothes are painted in these tones, it is better to simply update color scheme. Another thing is if the leather jacket is light in color, then you can try to repaint it in any desired shade.

Now you need to choose a dye - the coloring technique will depend on this. After purchasing the paint, you can get down to business.

The jacket should be placed on a hard horizontal surface, such as a table. Then take a soap solution and a clean cloth. Carefully clean dirty places. Soap stains are removed with a damp cloth.

If there are oil stains on the jacket or a trace of a ballpoint pen remains, then the item is cleaned using special solvents that can be purchased in the store.

After this, the jacket is cleaned with a damp cloth and left to dry naturally.

The use of artificial heat sources is not recommended, as this may cause cracks.

Using spray paint

If this type of dye is used, proceed as follows:

  1. 1 The jacket is hung on hangers and straightened - the folds should not wrinkle.
  2. 2 Clothes should hang at a distance of 15-20 cm from the floor so that the paint gets on the bottom and does not rub off.
  3. 3 It is best to carry out the procedure in an open place using personal protective equipment. It's best to do this outdoors.
  4. 4 Bring the can closer to the surface of the jacket by 15-20 cm and begin spraying.
  5. 5 The paint must be applied in an even layer, otherwise individual areas of the jacket will differ from the main background.
  6. 6 After finishing the work, leave the jacket on hangers until the dye dries completely.

Application of dry powder

Before using it, the leather jacket must be kept in water for several hours. At the same time, the skin will be well saturated with moisture, and the air in the pores will be completely released. If this is not done, the coloring will be uneven.

The dye is diluted in warm water and stir thoroughly - there should be no lumps left, otherwise irremovable stains will appear on the clothes.

Take a large basin or bath and pour the resulting paint into it. Then dilute it with 2 liters of water and boil. After cooling to 40 °C, you can put your jacket in the solution. If the temperature of the mixture is higher, the skin may shrink and lose its strength and elasticity.

The clothes are left in the solution for several hours. It is periodically wrung out and turned over so that the paint is distributed evenly over the surface of the jacket.

Then the item is taken out, wrung out and rinsed until the water becomes clear. To fix the dye, add a mixture of 1 liter of water, 0.2 kg of dry vinegar and 1 tbsp. l. salt. This is the finishing solution in which dyed clothes are placed.

Then the leather is wrung out and evenly laid out on the table, with the leather facing up. The water should drain completely and the clothes should dry.

Coloring with liquid dye

To manipulate this type of paint, you will need a flat surface, such as a table. You will need a porcelain or glass bowl and a sponge. To protect yourself from dye exposure, it is recommended to wear rubber gloves.

Painting a product as large as a jacket must be done in parts. The clothes are carefully laid out on a horizontal surface, all folds and irregularities are straightened out.

Shake the bottle of paint and then pour it into the bowl. Take a sponge, dip it in dye and begin painting the product. It is not recommended to rush. It is necessary to apply the paint in small portions, evenly. It is rubbed into the material in a circular motion. When finishing work, the layer of dye on the surface of the jacket should be thin and even in tone. After this, the product should dry completely. To remove the shine from the jacket after painting, you need to rinse it with water and wipe it with a dry cloth.

After the painted leather jacket has completely dried, you can wear it when going out. All the above update methods leather goods Any person can apply it by painting, since the technology of the process at home is simple. The main thing would be the desire to update your old leather jacket.

Before you start painting, you should take a close look at the jacket and decide: is it really that worn out? If the answer is yes, don't take the risk. It is better to take the product to professionals who are familiar with all the intricacies of the work. Due to the characteristics of the material, it is impossible to paint a very shabby leather jacket yourself. At least paint it well. But if the jacket has simply lost its brightness and luster, updating it yourself is quite possible.

Any painting requires careful preliminary preparation. The item must be cleaned of dirt and dust. To do this, use a weak soap solution and a soft sponge. With careful movements, wipe the collar and sleeves first, and then the rest of the product. Residues of soap are removed from the surface, wiped dry, and dried by hanging the item on a hanger.

For coloring, you should use special dyes, which can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can try to find them in a hypermarket. Such products come in liquid and spray form, resembling a can of aerosol paint. You can use any type, but aerosol paints are much more practical and effective than liquid paints.

During painting, additional light sources are used. Good bright lighting is necessary in order to paint the product evenly and not leave stains by applying more pigment somewhere.

Before painting, install additional light sources - they will help do the job efficiently.

When using liquid paint, you should spread the jacket on a hard, flat surface, such as the floor or a large table. The dye is poured into a deep bowl, which will prevent you from accidentally spilling it on the floor. A soft sponge is moistened with paint, lightly wrung out and rubbed into the skin in a circular motion.

Should be avoided large quantity paints. The layer should be thin and uniform. If the first time it was not possible to paint over heavily damaged areas, you can and should apply another layer. It is important to remember and follow the following rule: any subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried.

When using aerosol paint, it is more convenient to carry out the procedure using a hanger or mannequin. The jacket is hung, straightened and painted by spraying an aerosol. In this case, keep the can at a distance of 20-30 cm, without pressing too hard on the dispenser.

The aerosol is moved from side to side, in the direction from the collar to the bottom of the jacket. This method allows you to paint all areas evenly, avoiding paint smudges. Upon completion of the procedure, the jacket is left to hang until completely dry.

First way

To clean the leather before painting, mix water and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio in a bowl. Soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the mixture and wipe the item. Repeat until the cotton pads or rag remain clean after wiping.

Second way

Mix liquid soap, glycerin and water in a ratio of 1:1:10, stir until smooth. Soak a sponge in the solution and rub the jacket.

Third way

Few people know that a chicken egg is excellent for cleaning leather clothes. The whites are separated from the yolks. Using a mixer, beat the egg whites until they form a stable foam. After cleaning, wipe the item with water to wash away any remaining egg, which may cause the item to acquire an unpleasant odor.

Beat chicken protein and you get good way for cleaning jackets

Upon completion of the procedure, the jacket is straightened on a hanger and left to dry completely at room temperature. Important! Do not dry leather clothes near heating devices or sources of open fire, as this can lead to deformation of the product and the formation of creases.

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of different dyes: aerosols, liquids, powders for making paint yourself. Regardless of how the leather product will be renewed, it is recommended to choose water-based paint that does not contain toxic ingredients.

1. Liquid dyes

For the liquid dye staining procedure, you will need a list of the following items:

  • wide and voluminous pelvis;
  • latex gloves;
  • dye;
  • water.

Before starting the procedure, you must carefully study the instructions for use, dilute the paint with water in a basin according to the recommendations and dosages, place the pre-cleaned jacket in the basin. Next, remove all air from the container by pressing on the jacket. Keep the product in the dye for exactly as long as indicated on the packaging. You must remember to turn the item over so that the coloring is even.

To fix the color, the jacket is rinsed in a solution of water, vinegar and salt. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in a liter of warm water and add 100 ml of vinegar. Rinse the painted product in a thoroughly mixed solution. This manipulation also makes the skin a little softer and prevents it from drying out after soaking in paint. This method of dyeing has a big advantage - it allows you to evenly paint even such places as seams, armpits, and pockets.

2. Spray paint

The aerosol has its advantages, the main one being ease and speed of use. After cleaning the jacket and hanging it on a hanger, you can immediately spray paint from a short distance, avoiding excess pressure on the dispenser, and consider the mission virtually completed.

The aerosol should be applied in a thin, even layer, not missing even inconspicuous areas. Stains are immediately blotted with a sponge. The issue of lighting is no less important and should be kept in mind.

Apply spray paint in a thin, even layer

Main advice: it is preferable to use the aerosol outdoors or in the garage, as there is a high probability of staining nearby things or walls. If this is not possible, the area of ​​the room in which the work is being carried out is sealed or covered with newspapers, and the room is ventilated after the work. It is recommended to use rubber gloves to protect your hands during the process.

3. Powder dyes

Powder paint is prepared according to the instructions. Usually the powder is poured into warm water and mixed thoroughly until the granules dissolve. The resulting solution is poured into boiling water, brought to a boil again and removed from the heat. The liquids are allowed to cool to room temperature and poured into a wide basin with high sides. The leather jacket is immersed in paint, kept for the time specified in the instructions, and periodically turned over.

Important! Before dyeing leather clothing using this method, it is recommended to soak the product in water for several hours. This gets rid of air in the pores of the skin. The procedure allows you to thoroughly and evenly paint the item. After painting, the product is straightened, hung on hangers and left to dry. A mixture of salt, water and vinegar allows you to fix the color.

If the color of the product has become boring, but you don’t want to part with the thing itself? Tools required for the procedure:

  • spray paint;
  • solvent;
  • sandpaper with fine abrasive particles;
  • basin, pan;
  • clear shoe polish;
  • rag;
  • toner;
  • water;
  • alcohol.

You cannot repaint leather clothes without first removing the old paint that has a protective layer. To do this, you will have to use a solvent or fine-grained sandpaper. If the leather is dyed using the coating method, you should choose a solvent. If it is through, sanding paper will be more effective.

So, first of all, remove the old paint. The entire surface of the item is treated with sandpaper. At this stage, proceed carefully; you only need to remove the top layer without damaging the material.

If the jacket is old, carefully remove the top layer from it

When bleaching with a solvent, the latter is applied with a sponge to the product until the color fades significantly. Next, thoroughly wipe the entire surface with a cloth soaked in alcohol. This stage is necessary for degreasing, so that eventually the new paint can be well absorbed into the skin.

Now the jacket is laid out on a flat, hard surface. Paint using an aerosol according to the instructions above. If smudges appear during the process, blot them with a sponge.

After applying the first layer, the product is dried for fifteen minutes and the paint is sprayed again. The procedure is performed until an even and rich color is obtained.

For ease of painting, lay the jacket on a hard surface.

Once dyeing is complete, the jacket is left to dry on a hanger at room temperature. The aerosol is good because it saves time, but it is better to use it only for surface painting, for which it is intended.

Powder helps achieve deep and lasting coloring. To do this, the product is pre-soaked in water for several hours. The dye solution is prepared according to the instructions on the package. The jacket is lightly wrung out and immersed in paint, in which it is left for the time specified by the manufacturer. At the same time, it is important not to forget to turn the item over and remove air by pressing down.

After the specified period of time, the jacket is removed from the dye solution and rinsed in water. Do this until the water becomes clear after the next rinse. Next, straighten the item on a hanger and allow it to dry completely. If desired, you can use a mixture of vinegar, salt and water, which will fix the result. The dried jacket can be rubbed with transparent shoe polish.

2. If you are intolerant of the smell of vinegar, you can use a special fixative, which is sold in the same place where the paint is sold.

3. In addition to the sponge, you can use a piece of woolen fabric for dyeing.

4. Leather products should be protected from mechanical damage, scratches, abrasions, and should not be washed in a washing machine.

5. Before painting, the jacket requires preliminary preparation and cleaning using one of the methods described above (a mixture of lemon juice and water; a solution of soap, glycerin and water; beaten egg white).

6. If you have doubts about your abilities, it is better to take the jacket to the dry cleaner. As a rule, there is a coloring service, which will be performed by professionals with experience using high-quality dyes.

To ensure that leather products do not lose their original or attractive appearance, they should be properly cared for. Use water-repellent impregnation to protect clothing from genuine leather from the rain. Choose a suitable hanger that will not deform the shoulder seams.

And such things should be stored in a dark closet. If necessary, the product is placed in a fabric cover. Under no circumstances should you pack leather items in plastic bags. From time to time, clean the material with a soft damp cloth to remove dust. You can wipe the cuffs and collar with glycerin to add shine to the leather. The material tends to fade slightly from ultraviolet radiation, so it is necessary to minimize the jacket's contact with the sun when not in use.

Leather is a very durable material. But without proper care, and sometimes simply over time, there is a need to update and paint a leather jacket. Let's find out together how to do this at home with your own hands.


It's quite easy to dye a jacket at home. But before proceeding directly to the dyeing process itself, the product must be properly prepared. Empty all pockets, remove fur parts - then we will clean the skin.

How to clean a leather coat or jacket:

Image Recommendations

Recipe 1. Lemon juice

Dark leather can be wiped with a solution of the juice of half a lemon and water. Soak a cotton pad in the resulting liquid and wipe the entire surface.

Recipe 2. Soap + glycerin
  1. Make a weak soap solution (20 g of soap per 200 ml of water) and add 3 tbsp to it. l. glycerin.
  2. Soak a foam sponge in the solution and wipe the product thoroughly.

Instead of dry soap, you can use liquid soap. In this case, add 3 tablespoons.

Recipe 3. Egg white

Beat one egg white into a stiff foam and rub it over the entire surface of the jacket.

After cleaning, you need to dry your leather jacket at home: carefully hang it on hangers and leave it to dry completely at room temperature.

Coloring methods

Now I’ll tell you how to dye a black leather jacket and brightly colored items. Manufacturers produce a variety of coloring agents. Most convenient for home use:

  • liquid dyes;
  • aerosol dyes;
  • dry dyes.

Price, complexity of the procedure and amount of time are the main differences between the methods. But regardless of the type, the paint must be water-based and not contain toxic ingredients.

How to properly dye a jacket at home using each of the proposed methods?

Method 1. Liquid paint

Using liquid dye makes painting leather jackets very easy. How?

Image Instructions

Step 1

Purchase the necessary paint at the store. A variety of shades of compositions allow you to choose the closest possible color.

To paint a product black or any other color, one bottle may not be enough. Therefore, I recommend taking the product with a reserve.

Step 2

Shake the bottle and pour the liquid into a glass or ceramic container.

Step 3

Lay out the jacket on a flat surface. Place an unnecessary sheet underneath to avoid staining the surface.

On the picture - appearance jackets before dyeing.

Step 4

Soak a foam sponge or brush in the dye and rub it into the material with progressive movements. Try to apply the paint evenly to achieve a uniform tone.

Step 5

Leave the jacket to dry for several hours.

Step 6

Finally, treat the product with a mild soap solution to remove any remaining product.

Painting a leather jacket with liquid dye is considered the easiest to do.

Method 2: Spray paint

Aerosols are, in principle, also easy to use. The only caveat: it’s difficult to update a jacket at home, as you can stain pieces of furniture in the process. Therefore, it is advisable to do coloring outdoors. By the way, this method can be used to paint leather gloves, as well as bags and shoes.

Method 3: Dry paint

Using dry paint you can achieve the longest lasting coloring effect. What do we have to do:

  1. Purchase powder dye in the desired shade.

  1. Soak the leather item in water for 3 hours to soften the leather and soak it in moisture.
  2. Dissolve the powder in warm water, stirring thoroughly so that no lumps remain.
  3. Boil 2 liters. water and pour in the previously prepared coloring mixture.
  4. When the water has cooled to 40 °C, immerse the product in it for 2-3 hours. Turn the jacket over periodically to ensure even dyeing.
  5. Remove the product from the solution and rinse several times in clean water.

  1. Record the result:
  • mix 200 ml of vinegar with 1 tbsp. l. table salt and 1 l. water;
  • Immerse the product in the solution for 30 minutes.
  1. Dry the jacket by hanging it on hangers in a well-ventilated place.


As we found out, there are several ways to dye leather products at home. All of them refresh the color and add shine to leather products. The video in this article will clearly show you how to paint leather products yourself. If you have any questions, I will answer them in the comments.

Everyone has a favorite leather item that they don't want to part with. Over time, products made from this material begin to lose their attractive appearance. Of course, such a phenomenon is very upsetting. But nothing lasts forever. However, if necessary, a leather jacket can be restored. Especially if it is not only beautiful, but also comfortable.

Restore yourself or contact specialists

After proper restoration, your leather jacket or handbag will look like new. Of course, the question arises Is it possible to carry out restoration work independently? or you should seek help from specialists. Each option has both positive and negative sides.

Of course, having sent a leather product to a dry cleaner or to a workshop, you can hope that the workers will use all their skills and do everything conscientiously. However, as practice shows, not all professional dry cleaners have proven themselves to be good.

There are often cases when damaged items are returned to customers. That's why Restoration of leather products is best done at home on your own. If necessary, you can purchase special paint in the store, which will make any product more attractive.

The process of dyeing, for example, a genuine leather jacket is very simple. For restoration you can use oil or water based paint. Each remedy has its own advantages. Water-based paint leaves the item soft to the touch and does not change the feel of touching the skin. An oil-based product can make the jacket harder and tougher.

What you need to paint a jacket

To paint a jacket efficiently, you need to prepare all the tools in advance. To restore the product you will need:

Preparing leather products and painting them

Before you start painting, you need to prepare the jacket. To do this, it must be thoroughly cleaned. In preparation the skin should be wiped with a damp sponge to remove dirt and dust. After this, the product should be slightly dried. That's all, now you can start painting.

How to dye a leather jacket

Final stage

After complete drying, the product must be coated with a special paint fixative. It is best to use acrylic composition. Of course, there are quite a lot of similar remedies. However, experts recommend use only water-based fixative. Also, the choice of this product depends on what effect you want. The fixative can make the skin look glossy or matte.

Apply the fixing compound using a sponge on an already unpainted jacket using even movements and preferably in one direction. During the application of the sealer white streaks or foam may form. In this case, there is no need to worry. Scary stains will disappear after the composition dries. The fixative helps protect the leather jacket from rubbing and fading.

Products must be completely dry before using acrylic fixative. Otherwise, after applying the composition, the skin will become sticky and the product will be damaged.

Homemade paint fixer

Once the fixative has dried, the jacket should be wiped to remove any white stains. If you don’t have a special paint fixative on hand, you can make it yourself. For this you need to mix a liter of water, a tablespoon of salt and 200 grams of table vinegar. The resulting composition must be applied to the leather product using a sponge. After this, you need to wait until the skin dries and wipe it off.

Leather Colorant Kit

Today, stores sell a huge number of paints for leather products. This allows you to choose exactly what you need in terms of color and quality. Recently, special Leather Colorant Kit. This set is recommended even by experts who upholster furniture and car interiors.

The paint included in the kit is similar in composition to those used in UK factories for the production of high-quality leather. This set allows you to give the product the perfect appearance. Leather Colorant Kit allows you to remove abrasions. Using a set of tools, the product can be completely restored. If necessary, the jacket, handbag and other things can be completely repainted.

It is worth noting that this set can be used not only for the restoration of clothing, but also for shoes, furniture, car interiors and other leather goods. This set is a whole range of special tools that allow you to achieve excellent results.

The products in the Leather Colorant Kit were developed by leather industry professionals. The paint included in the kit is a water-based finishing composition and designed to produce flexible and durable protective coating. The kit is quite easy to use and safe. It is worth noting that all products from the set are non-flammable.

How to use the Leather Colorant Kit correctly

After applying all the special products from the set, the leather product will look like new. It is worth noting that after restoration the paint will not peel off, crack or fade. However compositions must be applied correctly, while observing traditional technologies that have been used for decades by many leather goods manufacturers.

To paint a jacket with such a kit, you need to thoroughly clean it of dirt and remove the protective factory coating. Ideal for this Leather Prep is suitable, which is intended to prepare for painting leather. This will allow the new coating to penetrate the leather structure and better adhere to its surface, thereby creating a protective coating.

After cleaning, you can start painting the jacket. To do this, it is better to hang the leather product and apply paint using an aerosol. This will allow the coloring composition to be distributed more evenly. After complete drying, the jacket must be coated with a protective varnish. This composition helps prevent wear of the leather product, as well as make the coating more reliable and durable.

Liquid Leather

Among the large assortment of leather paints, you can find a product that is liquid leather. It can be used for restoring a burnt or cut jacket made of genuine leather. The product is ideal for restoring car interiors and scratched shoes.

Liquid leather allows products to return to their original appearance. A similar tool is a simple unique composition, which allows you to quickly eliminate any damage to the surface of leather products.

The basis for liquid leather is a water-alcohol solution that perfectly penetrates the structure of the material. After complete drying, the composition will not separate. After all, the product penetrates the material. It is worth noting that the composition can be used for any type of material: artificial leather, natural and pressed leather.

How to dye a leather jacket at home. Such products are worn for several years. As a result of prolonged use, abrasions cannot be avoided.

Do you turn off the water tap after washing?

Oh yeah!No.

Types of staining

The option of self-dying depends on what kind of leather the jacket is made of, as well as the color and condition of the item. Based on the desired result, one or another type of dye can be used:

  • liquid;
  • aerosol;
  • powder.

The process is not simple. It is necessary to prepare well, follow the rules for using the substance and be careful.

It is worth considering that home coloring skin treatment does not give long-term results and the procedure will have to be repeated periodically. Most likely, this will need to be done once every 1-2 seasons.

You can buy the dye in shoe stores or in supermarkets that sell household chemicals. First you need to read the instructions and composition of the substance. Thus, you can understand what types of leather can be dyed with this dye.

When purchasing a high-quality product made from natural materials, consumers hope that it will serve for more than one season, therefore, having discovered scuffs and cracks on the surface, many wonder how to paint a leather jacket at home. If you don’t have the necessary skills to care for outerwear, you can turn to professionals for help. The advantage of dry cleaning is that specialists will return the product to its original color. However, no one is immune from mistakes, so the possibility of receiving a damaged wardrobe item cannot be ruled out. Therefore, fans of leather items prefer to take care of them themselves.

Specialized stores offer an assortment of leather care products. Paints are available in the form of aerosols, liquids or powder. The most common and accessible colors are black and brown.

It should be remembered that repainting the product can only be done by professionals, since heating processes are required to distribute the paint evenly. If the jacket has a rare unusual shade, the dye is ordered from the online store.

Depending on the degree of wear of the product, the following dyes are used:

  1. Liquid products are packaged in plastic bottles equipped with a foam sponge, with which you can paint even hard-to-reach areas of the jacket. The liquid composition contains a high concentration of coloring pigment, which ensures rapid restoration of the original color. Such dyes are applied to the surface in a thin layer and carefully distributed in a circular motion over the entire surface.
  2. Aerosols are characterized by a lower concentration of pigment. Their use is effective when there are no severe abrasions or creases on the product. You won't be able to dye your jacket a different color using this product. By adjusting the distance from the spray nozzle to the surface, you can refresh the color and restore the glossy shine.
  3. The advantage of powder dyes is ease of use and uniform coverage. The composition is prepared according to the instructions, cooled to 45º, after which the product is immersed in it so as to prevent the formation of creases. This method will help you repaint your leather jacket in a new fashionable color.

When deciding how to paint a genuine leather product, you should evaluate the degree of wear. You can restore the color yourself, while following some rules.

Having decided the question of what can be used to dye leather products, we begin to prepare the jacket for processing. On preparatory stage surfaces are washed with soapy water, wiping off dirt with a soft cloth or sponge. Detected stains are removed using available products for black clothes.

An item made from rough leather can be washed in warm water. Thin, delicate materials may become deformed after such treatment, so in this case, experts recommend using ready-made compositions for cleaning leather products. After pre-treatment, the product is dried under natural conditions.

During the staining procedure, the following rules should be followed:

  • Only dry products can be processed;
  • work with dyes is carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated area;
  • hands must be protected with gloves;
  • if coloring is performed with an aerosol composition, children are removed from the room and their face is covered with a mask.

The jacket is laid out on a horizontal surface, straightening out all the folds and creases. If possible, use a special mannequin or put the product on another person. Paint particles from an aerosol can can fall on surrounding objects, so they are covered with film or old rags.

During manipulations, it is important to provide bright local lighting, which will help identify all defects. The paint is evenly applied to the surface of the product and left until completely dry. If the result obtained is unsatisfactory, the procedure is repeated.

It is known that preventing the formation of damage is much easier than taking corrective measures. Daily care will ensure that it maintains an attractive appearance and ease of use. When purchasing a leather jacket, you should stock up on special care products. If they are not at hand, use improvised means.

Manufacturers give the following recommendations for the use of leather products:
  • store the jacket flattened, hanging on an individual hanger;
  • You should avoid using plastic bags, since the material must “breathe”;
  • When asked whether a leather jacket can be washed, experts refuse, since prolonged interaction with water and non-compliance with the temperature regime will lead to deformation of the surfaces;
  • the jacket is regularly treated with special water-repellent sprays or lubricated with cream.

Regular care will help maintain the integrity of the product and its softness. However, during use, the surface loses color and abrasions form, so manufacturers recommend periodically updating it using specialized dyes for leather products.

Leather jackets are always in fashion. They look stylish and expensive. But as they wear, their appearance deteriorates. Then they resort to painting. In Russia it costs to dye a leather jacket from 1500 to 5000 rubles.

What is this?

By painting a leather jacket we mean treating the product with a dye for the purpose of restoration or changing the shade. You can paint things yourself. Stores sell special paints for this purpose. But the procedure is complex and requires preparation and accuracy. Therefore, it is better to go to dry cleaning.

You may need to paint a leather jacket in the following cases:

  • I'm not happy with the color of the purchased item.
  • The product has faded in the sun.
  • On outerwear There is a stain that cannot be removed at home.
  • As a result of long wear, abrasions, scuffs, scratches appeared, and the shade changed.
  • I would like to update the product.

Painting a leather jacket is much cheaper than buying a new product. A person receives an updated, attractive-looking product in a short time.

The dyeing process takes place in a number of stages:

  1. Clothes are cleaned of dirt, dust, and degreased.
  2. Paint is being applied.
  3. Drying in progress.

To order painting of a leather jacket, you need:

  • Find a dry cleaner and find out the terms of cooperation and prices.
  • Bring the item to the specialists and discuss the method of painting, the tone and type of paint, and the timing of the work.
  • Evaluate the work of the master, pay and pick up the finished product.

To dye a leather jacket, a craftsman may need from two days to a week.

What does the price depend on?

Dyeing a leather jacket in Russian dry cleaners costs varying amounts of money. The price depends on a number of factors:

  • Type of paint, its quality and cost.
  • Type of processing.
  • Urgency.
  • Specialist qualifications and experience.
  • The size of the item.
  • The degree of wear of outerwear.

The longer the jacket, the more defects it has, the more coloring matter is lost, the higher the cost of the work.


There are these types of paints:

  1. Local (used to eliminate minor defects in the form of abrasions and difficult to remove stains).
  2. Spot (used if you need to remove scratches).
  3. Full (required in especially severe cases, when clothes are completely faded or need to change color).

Spot treatment is the cheapest; full painting is more expensive.

Depending on the paint used, the treatment is:

  • Liquid composition.
  • Aerosol.
  • Powder mixture.

The latter option is more labor-intensive and therefore costs more. The cheapest type of clothing dyeing involves applying liquid paint.

approximate cost

It will cost a Russian about this much to dye a leather jacket:

  • Complete painting of a short item (up to 50 cm) – from 3000 rubles.
  • Clothes middle length(up to 65 cm) – from 4200 rubles.
  • Long product (up to 80 cm) – from 5000 rubles.
  • Repainting a plain motorcyclist jacket – from 3200 rubles.
  • Motorcycle jackets available in several colors - from 4000 rubles.
  • Spot painting to remove scratches up to 1 cm – from 1500 rubles.
  • Spot treatment to remove scratches up to 5 cm – from 2000 rubles.
  • Painting cuts up to 1 cm – from 1700 rubles.
  • Cuts up to 5 cm – from 2300 rubles.
  • Elimination of burns - from 1700 to 2500 rubles.
  • Local painting – from 2000 rubles.

Where to order the service?

Clothes are dyed by dry cleaners. There are many such establishments in Russia. But not all companies work with leather. Therefore, before taking an item to the dry cleaner, you need to inquire whether it offers a leather dyeing service. Organizations involved in the restoration of jackets use different paints (not always of high quality).

To be satisfied with the result, you need to contact popular and reliable companies. The criteria for good dry cleaning are:

  1. Availability of qualified specialists on staff who can perform leather coloring.
  2. Using environmentally friendly high quality paints.
  3. Issuance of a guarantee certificate.
  4. Possibility to restore a jacket from a very bad condition.

To make sure of the professionalism of the craftsmen working in dry cleaning, you should ask the company administrator for a catalog with restored jackets.