Money tree leaves become soft. If the fat girl has become lethargic. Why does the fat woman drop leaves and how to prevent this phenomenon. Why does the fat woman's foliage turn red


A problem that occurs when the flower is not moist enough.

Crassula belongs to the family of succulents with moisture storage properties. and nutrients. The homeland of this species is countries with a hot and arid climate, so the plant makes reserves. And when there is not enough food from the outside, the fat woman begins to expend her own resources.

To restore the beauty of the elasticity of the leaves, you should change the watering regime, remove the flower from exposure to direct sunlight or heating devices, and spray.

Brown and black spots

If the spots are black and dry, then, most likely, Fatty got a leaf burn. In this case, it is enough to shade the plant. Damaged leaves will not recover and eventually fall off. But the plant itself will retain beauty and health.

Brown spots indicate a more serious problem - a fungal infection.

Damaged leaves must be removed immediately to prevent the infection from spreading, and the flower itself must be treated with an antifungal drug. If the problem recurs, treat the plant again and pay attention to the irrigation regime and air ventilation at the location of the flower.


These symptoms are indicative of environmental problems with the plant. Cramped pot, stuffy room, direct sunlight.

It is necessary to understand what exactly causes discomfort in the money tree and correct or completely eliminate the negative factor.

Blush at the edges, from the top and bottom

The change in leaf color comes from bright light.. Contrary to its origin, the Fat Woman still does not like the open sun. The second reason is the lack of nutrition. To fix the problem, the plant should be rearranged and fed.

It should be noted that redness can be not only along the edges of the sheet, but also from the top and bottom.

It all depends on which side of the leaf is most vulnerable at the time of solar activity.

We offer you to watch a video about redness on a fat woman:

Causes of combined problems and how to fix if such symptoms appear?

Become soft, sluggish, wrinkled and thin

Occurs with irregular watering.

If the plant is forgotten and not watered for a long time, then leaves waste their reserves, become soft and thin. And when they suddenly remember about the flower and begin to actively water it, the leaves immediately wrinkle.

It is necessary to choose the correct irrigation regime, avoiding such differences in the state of the soil. Otherwise, the flower will die from stress.

We suggest watching a video about why a fat woman can have soft leaves:

Wrinkled and blushed

The combination of these factors indicates a lack of nutrition and excessive lighting. The flower should be shaded and fed with any complex fertilizer. It is also good to spray with a biostimulant.

Soft and fall off

This often happens with the money tree. It reproduces well with leaves, and if it begins to drop them, it means that the plant does not want to grow its offspring.

One of the reasons lies in watering directly from the tap. The water in this case can be quite cold. The second possible reason is excess fertilizer.

To correct both deficiencies, when watering, use only warm water and reduce feeding.

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of leaves falling on a fat woman and how to eliminate them:

Read more about what to do if the leaves become soft.

Dry and fall off

With these symptoms, the plant can signal both waterlogging of the earthy coma, and the fact that the roots have filled the entire pot and it's time to transplant.

When such a problem occurs it is necessary to inspect the root system and at the same time dry the earthen ball.

If the plant is cramped in the old pot, then it needs to be transplanted.

You can find out more about the drying of the leaves of the fat woman and how to save the plant in, and read about what to do when the leaves fall.

We offer you to watch a video about the causes of dry foliage on crassula:

Wither and shed leaves

Most likely, the flower was flooded, as a result of which the root system suffered. What to do if the leaves become soft and lethargic? It is necessary to dry the earth and increase the temperature of the content. If drying the earthy coma did not work, then a plant transplant is required.. The roots should be freed from rot, washed in a solution of potassium permanganate and only then transplanted into a new soil.

You can find out more about the decay of a fat woman during the bay.

In order for the Fat Woman to please with a strong trunk and a beautiful lush crown, it is necessary to carefully monitor her care. Contrary to the opinion about the resistance of the plant, it does not tolerate inattention and negligence in care. The main thing is not to neglect watering, protect from bright sunlight and feed the flower in time.

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A fat woman is a familiar money tree for all of us. This tree is native to Africa and Madagascar. This explains the plant's attachment to dry conditions and aversion to excessive moisture. It is also worth emphasizing that the fat woman or money tree loves a lot of sunlight. The mismatch of conditions in our apartments with conditions like in Africa is sometimes the cause of problems with this flower. And most often flower growers are faced with the problem of wrinkling or falling leaves.

Let's figure out what can cause this behavior of the plant and find the answer to the question: "Why did the fat woman wrinkle the leaves?".

As already mentioned, the fat woman loves light and does not like moisture. Watering must be correct. In the cold period - it is necessary to water the plant occasionally, and in the summer - moderately. If you break these rules, you will undoubtedly encounter a problem that will modify the leaves of your tree.

Therefore, we can assume the first cause of wilting is excessive watering, an excess of moisture. Wrinkled foliage may signal that the root system has begun to rot.

The measures to be taken in this situation are to temporarily stop watering the flower and put it in a place where there will be access to sunlight.

If this does not help, follow the instructions below. The tree needs to be replanted. Before transplanting, be sure to dry the entire root system. And if there are already rotten roots, cut them off. Slices are best fertilized with charcoal. To avoid such a problem, place drainage in a new pot. The layer should be at least 2 cm. It will be useful to add soil containing a sufficient amount of sand. The composition of the soil that will promote the healthy growth of your fat woman is soddy, leafy soil and charcoal.

There is such a possibility that during transplantation you found that the entire root system had rotted. In this case, you can resort to another method of transplantation - cuttings. A prerequisite is that the cuttings must be healthy. After cutting the shoots, let them dry. This may take several hours. Rooting can be done in the easiest way - place the shoots in water.

Another useful tip to keep your fat girl healthy is to turn each side of her towards the light from time to time. This will allow the flower, and especially its foliage, to evenly receive the required amount of sunlight.

It is best to put a fat woman on the window that is located in the south or southeast.

Create favorable conditions for your flowers for growth and beauty, and then they will stop hurting at all! Grow flowers with pleasure!

(6 rated, rating: 9,33 out of 10)


Reproduction of the fat woman with leaves

Reproduction of the money tree at home

How to care for a fat woman (money tree)?

How to plant a money tree to attract money?

How to plant a money tree?

The fat woman, or as we used to call it the money tree, is a rather unpretentious plant. This tree can grow to a fairly large size. But sometimes even the most undemanding plants have some problems. Very often, flower growers are faced with such a problem when the leaves of the fat woman wither. Why this happens and what to do about it, we will try to figure it out in this article. Most often, the reason for this behavior of the plant is the mistakes made in the care of the fat woman.

A fat woman or a money tree loves moisture, but you should not pour it. If the plant overflows, moisture stagnates in the soil, which leads to rotting of the root system, and later the entire flower. This is especially reflected in the leaves - they begin to wither. So, reconsider the mode of watering your fat woman.

Rotting can cause infection or Fusarium rot. In this case, you need to use additional funds that the infection did not absorb the plants at all. A mixture of foundationazole is best suited for these purposes. Add it to the water for irrigation, somewhere a few grams per liter of water.

If this does not help, then it is worth playing it safe and transplanting a flower. When transplanting, review all roots. If you find rotten roots, cut them off. And then, transplant the fat woman into fresh soil.

Another reason why the foliage of a fat woman can wither is that the pot is already too small for your plant. The way out is to transplant the plant into a larger pot. But so that the size of the plant matches the size of the pot, that is, not too large.

Perhaps the room where your fat woman is located is too cold or too drafty. Pay attention to this.

The fat woman requires a lot of light. Maybe your flower is in a too dark place. Move it closer to the window and the light.

The leaves of the fat woman wither not only from an excess of water, but also from a lack. Watering should be regular, not several times a month. It is best to water once a week and the water should be settled.

In general, the foliage of the fat woman, if something is wrong with it, it is best to reconsider the care of the plant. Leaves are an indicator of the state of your flower. Read really scientific literature, where you can find detailed and truthful information on how to care for a fat woman. We have a dedicated literature section on our website. There you will definitely find the answer to your question and how to deal with the problem. There are many subtleties and problems are often individual in nature.

They say that a fat woman is able to bring good luck to the house, but only with proper care. Don't miss your luck!

(7 rated, rating: 7,86 out of 10)


Reproduction of fat women at home

Pinching a fatty

The fat woman is a money tree. Diseases, why do the leaves fall off? How to propagate a fat woman at home?

How to plant a money tree?

Crassula (money tree, crassula) is a very common indoor plant and is very popular among flower growers. This is due to the fact that it is relatively unpretentious in care and is extremely rarely affected by various diseases and pests. Nevertheless, there are still problems in growing crassula, and they need to be known in advance so as not to lose your precious plant.

Description of Crassula (money tree)

Crassula ovoid (crassula) comes from South Africa and is accustomed to rather harsh conditions of existence: dry air, drought and poor soils. Like most plants in this area, crassula is a succulent and has a powerful, thick stem and dark green fleshy leaves - everything that can accumulate moisture for a long period of lack of rain.

The height of a fat woman in nature can reach 1.5 m. A feature of the plant is a rather meager root system in the presence of an impressive trunk. Therefore, for crassula choose a wide, but shallow bowl. This is necessary in order to avoid stagnation of water and rotting of the roots. The fat woman blooms, but this event is extremely rare, it occurs only with good care, in comfortable conditions. However, flowers are not her forte, they are small, white, collected in inflorescences.

Photo gallery: appearance of crassula

The ideal bowl for a money tree is wide and shallow The fat woman has a powerful trunk and a heavy crown. Crassula flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. Crassula is a succulent, i.e. a plant with special tissues for storing water

Video: description of crassula

Optimal conditions for keeping crassula

The fat woman is very popular among flower growers. For its shiny oval-shaped leaves, Crassula received the name "money tree". According to the teachings of Feng Shui, this plant feels the mood of the owner, and is also able to attract financial well-being into the house and predict material expenses or receipts. To believe it or not is a personal matter for everyone. Nevertheless, flower growers are trying to create the most comfortable conditions for Crassula for growth and a chic appearance.

Table: conditions for growing a fat woman

SummerA bright place, allow direct sunlight only until 11 and after 16 hours20–27°COnce a week after the topsoil has driedOnce every two weeks, fertilizer for succulents, water with a solution according to the instructions
AutumnThe brightest place18–25°CTwice a monthNot required
WinterThe brightest place12–15°COnce a monthNot required
SpringThe brightest place, limit direct sunlight20–25°C2-3 times a month, depending on the drying of the soilOnce every two weeks with fertilizer for succulents in the proportion indicated in the instructions for the drug

The soil

The most suitable soil for a fat woman is a special ready-made substrate for succulents. It is very loose and light, designed for delicate roots. Such soil easily passes water and air. But the soil can be prepared independently. This will require equal parts leafy, soddy soil and coarse sand. To quickly remove excess moisture in the pot, there must be a drainage layer of at least 4 cm.


The money tree does not need an annual transplant. Moreover, it is best avoided unless absolutely necessary. Since the root system of the fat woman is sparse, she will suffer painful damage to the delicate roots. The transplant is performed as the plant grows, changing the bowl to a wider one. If the crassula is too large, then remove the topsoil and replace it with a fresh substrate.


The fat woman reproduces extremely easily by seeds, shoots and leaves. The last two methods are the most popular.

Store-bought seeds can be planted in a succulent substrate mixed in equal parts with river sand. They do not need to be deepened and sprinkled. It is enough just to shake the container so that the seeds mix with the soil, moisten with a spray, cover with a film or non-woven material and put in a warm place. After 1.5–2 weeks, shoots will appear. Grown plants need to be dived into separate cups.

With leaves and shoots, everything is much simpler. Often Crassula sheds her leaves. After some time, you can see that the leaf has successfully rooted. Subsequently, a new plant will appear from it. The shoot must be planted in a prepared, moistened substrate, without waiting for the formation of roots. Watering should be careful, without waterlogging the soil.

Photo gallery: breeding methods for a fat woman

Reproduction by leaves is a method that Crassula herself uses, because the leaves easily take root in the soil The most popular and fastest way to propagate a fat woman is cuttings from an adult tree. After the appearance of the second true leaves, the shoots of Crassula must be planted in separate cups. Seedlings of young shoots of crassula appear 2 weeks after sowing

Air humidity

Dry air for a fat woman is a common habitat, so she tolerates heating in winter without problems. And in the summer, many put it on a balcony or an open veranda. You just need to make sure that the plant does not fall under heavy rain. In order to wash off the dust from the leaves, the crassula is placed under a small shower, covering the soil from moisture. The procedure can be repeated no more than once a month.

The fat woman does not need to be sprayed. This will only harm the plant, which already stores enough moisture. Otherwise, the crassula will start to hurt and shed its leaves.

Possible problems when growing a fat woman

If you do not follow the rules for caring for a money tree, then you can encounter various troubles.

Light bloom on leaf blades appears due to high humidity and cold air. These are excellent conditions for the development of powdery mildew or mealybug attacks.

A silvery coating on the leaves of Crassula indicates the presence of a fungal disease - powdery mildew.

Green pimples

Small growths on the plant appear as a result of excessive watering. It is necessary to adjust the moisture content of the plant. In addition, it is worth taking a closer look - maybe the scale insect has chosen Crassula.

Red or purple color

Leaves acquire an uncharacteristic color if they are exposed to direct sunlight (the underside of the leaf is especially susceptible to it). Then the leaf blades turn red (or turn purple), lose elasticity, begin to crumble. Also, a change in color indicates an overabundance of fertilizers.

Purple leaves in Crassula - a sign of oversaturation of the plant with fertilizers

Leaves wither and turn yellow

The leaves become lethargic and turn yellow due to insufficient watering and poor lighting. This is easy to fix. However, the problem can be much more serious - perhaps the plant is affected by root rot.

Crassula leaves dry due to lack of moisture or sunburn

The tree is losing its leaves

Excessive humidity very often leads to the fact that the leaves of the fat woman become lethargic, lose color, and then fall off. It is worth noting that the lack of water also leads to this result, so when watering it is important to feel the "golden mean". It is necessary to use warm settled water, since cold water will also make the crassula shed its leaves.

In a money tree, leaves can fall off both due to insufficient and excessive watering.

Brown or brown spots

Dry spots of brown or brown color are a consequence of a lack of moisture. With an overdried earthy coma, the leaves dry, and then the plant loses them. Another reason is spraying the plant. Crassula does not need this procedure. A bacterial or fungal infection that can cause the plant to rot can also cause spotting.

Root or stem rot

The root rots due to excessive moisture in the soil in the pot. This can be detected by removing the flower from the container. The rotting stem at the base becomes sticky, acquires an unpleasant odor. It is very difficult to save such plants.

Root rot can be caused by overwatering or low temperatures.

stunting (or growing up)

The fat woman begins to grow upward and stretches in poor light. The same thing happens with abundant watering in winter. It is necessary to rearrange the plant to a lighter place. To prevent the crassula from becoming one-sided, it must be rotated periodically. Pinching new shoots will help form a beautiful, even crown, make the trunk stronger and thicker. Stopping growth indicates too large a pot.

Soft and thin leaves

Soft thin leaves signal overflow. It is necessary to immediately cut it and carry out the next one only after the earthen clod in the pot dries out. Also, too much soil density may affect the condition of the leaves. Attacks of spider mites and scale insects also make the leaves weak.

The thin leaves of the fat woman indicate that the plant does not have enough air, water stagnates in the bowl due to too dense soil

white dots

The leaves become covered with white dots at very high humidity. If the plant is provided with proper conditions, then small specks will soon disappear.

White dots on the leaves of crassula are absolutely normal, the plant thus reacts to an increase in humidity.

leaf scorch

The fat woman loves sunlight, but it should be diffused, especially at noon. A direct hit of the rays can cause a leaf burn - then it will wrinkle, become covered with dark spots, dry out.

small leaves

Crassula leaves become smaller due to lack of light and nutrients. It is necessary to adjust the regime of watering and fertilizing, and the plant will respond with a beautiful crown of elastic large leaves.

Fatty care mistakes

The most common mistake is improper watering. It is an excess or lack of moisture that entails a lot of problems.

Over or under watering

Most amateur flower growers rarely pay attention to the origin of a particular plant, but at the same time they try to create comfortable conditions for it. Crassula belongs to succulents - plants that are accustomed to storing moisture for a long period, so you only need to water the crassula so that it once again accumulates moisture in the trunk and leaves. In summer this should be done once a week, in winter no more than once a month. Excessive watering threatens Crassula with rotting of the roots and stem, fungal diseases, leaf fall, impaired growth and development, up to complete death.

Insufficient watering and excessive drying of the earthy coma for the fat woman is just as dangerous: the leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, the roots will dry out. Having noticed all these signs, it is necessary to urgently adjust watering, carrying it out when the topsoil is completely dry. It is necessary to water the money tree exclusively with settled water at room temperature, avoiding hypothermia of the root system.

Wrong lighting

Crassula loves well-lit areas and does not tolerate shading. With a lack of light, the money tree will stretch, the trunk will become thin and will not be able to hold a heavy crown. Direct sunlight at lunchtime is dangerous for the fat woman: its leaves can get burned, which are manifested by the appearance of brown spots. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., it is recommended to shade the window with a curtain. In summer, Crassula feels you perfectly on the open veranda, in winter on the southern windowsill.

Uncomfortable temperature

It should be noted that the fat woman tolerates both high and low temperatures well. The fact is that cold, together with high humidity and excessive watering, is likely to cause fungal diseases, and high temperature with insufficient moisture will cause the plant to dry out or its individual parts to die. The money tree is best kept at a comfortable temperature of 15°C in winter and 25°C in summer. A deviation of 2–3 ° C in one direction or another is allowed.

Unsuitable soil

The fat woman still refers to conditionally unpretentious plants. If the soil in which it is to develop is dense and heavy, Crassula will stop growing or die altogether. The substrate should be light and airy, not impede the absorption of moisture and air circulation. It happens that when watering, the water does not go deep into the bowl. This means that it is time to change the topsoil, otherwise the leaves of the money tree will begin to turn yellow, dry and fall off. Loosening should not be abused, since the roots of the money tree are superficial, thin, they are easy to injure.


Sometimes improper use of fertilizers can damage plants. The leaves of the fat woman will begin to wrinkle, acquire a purple hue, dry and fall off. The lack of nutrients also has consequences: the money tree will stop growing, natural physiological processes may be disrupted, and green pimples appear on the leaves.

Video: what to do to save the money tree

Diseases of the fat woman

The fat woman rarely gets sick. This is usually due to improper watering or excessive lighting.

Table: why Crassula is sick

Disease Cause Prevention Treatment
High humidity, excessive watering.Humidity control, adjusted watering regime.Soil change. Remove the plant from the bowl, clean the roots from the ground, rinse, place in a new substrate.
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess nitrogenous fertilizers.
  1. Top dressing mainly with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  2. Humidity control.
  1. It is urgent to destroy the affected leaves and change the top layer of soil in the flower pot.
  2. Spraying with fungicides Topaz, Fundazol, Previkur (according to instructions).
  3. Half a head of chopped garlic is poured into 1 liter of water and left overnight, then filtered. The tincture is sprayed on the plant.
  4. 2.5 g of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water. Spray 4 times with an interval of 3 days.
Sooty fungus (black)
  1. Poor ventilation in the room.
  2. High humidity.
  3. The presence of pests.
  1. Regular ventilation of the room.
  2. Humidity control.
  3. Inspection of plants for the presence of pests (scale insects, mealybugs).
  1. Heavily damaged parts of the plant should be destroyed, the rest should be washed with a sponge and soapy water (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Treat with Aktara (according to instructions).
  3. Dry the fat woman thoroughly so that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves.
  1. High humidity in the room, stagnation of water in the bowl.
  2. Excess fertilizer.
  3. Pests: scale insect, mealybug, spider mite.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Established mode of watering and top dressing.
  3. Examine the plant for pests.
  1. Destroy the damaged parts of the plant.
  2. Treat the fat woman with Teldor.
  3. Transplant the plant into a clean bowl with a new substrate.
  1. High humidity.
  2. Excess moisture.
  1. Humidity control.
  2. Moderate watering.
Treatment with Previkur, Skor, Fundazol (according to instructions).
Root and stem rot
  1. Stagnation of water in a bowl.
  2. Abundant watering.
  3. Heavy soil.
  1. Remove the plant from the bowl, shake off the ground, rinse the roots.
  2. With a sharp knife, cut off rotten roots, powder with crushed activated charcoal.
  3. Hold the fat woman for 2 hours without soil so that the roots dry out.
  4. Plant the crassula in a clean bowl with a new substrate, not forgetting the drainage.

If the stem rots, the fat woman cannot be saved.

Photo gallery: common diseases of the money tree

Crassula anthracnose is characterized by the presence of brown spots Powdery mildew loves moisture combined with low temperatures. Mold in the bowl appears with excessive watering, when the water does not have time to go into the soil Sooty fungus indicates the presence of a scale pest on the plant Crassula stem rotting is an irreversible process, the plant cannot be saved Crassula roots may begin to rot with excess moisture. Gray rot appears on weakened plants with improper care

Table: how to save a fat woman from pests

Pest Description Struggle
Reaches a length of 5 mm, the body is covered with a wax coating - a shield, feeds on plant sap. The female lives for several months and lays eggs.
  1. Prepare a soapy solution (20 ml of liquid soap per 3 liters of water).
  2. Wet a sponge in soapy water and gently remove all pests from the plant.
  3. Treat the fat woman with the Aktara insecticidal preparation (according to the instructions).
A very small insect (no more than 1 mm) is brown in color, loves dry air and high temperatures, infects succulent leaves, feeds on their juice, spins a web that prevents the plant from functioning normally. The fat woman becomes ill and may die.
  1. Destroy all yellow leaves.
  2. Give the plant a warm shower.
  3. Dry the fat woman and treat with the Actellik insecticidal agent (according to the instructions) both the plant and the window sills.
An insect up to 7 mm long with an oval body covered like flour with a white coating. It feeds on plant sap. The waste product is white mucus, which clogs the stomata on the leaves and interferes with the respiration process.
  1. Treat the fat woman and window sills with a solution of Aktellik, Aktara or Phosphamide (according to instructions).
  2. Transplant into a clean pot with fresh soil.

Photo gallery: dangerous pests of the fat woman

Mealybug is very dangerous for indoor plants The shield is difficult to destroy even with insecticides, as the pest is protected by a strong wax shell The spider mite is almost invisible on the plant until the problem becomes widespread.

The fat woman belongs to unpretentious plants, but still requires due attention, care and proper care. By remembering a few simple nuances, you can avoid many mistakes in growing crassula and admire a healthy plant with a lush crown for many years.

A fat woman or crassula is more often known as a "money tree" - a flower, which is credited with magical properties to attract well-being - family and financial. In addition, names such as the tree of happiness or the monkey tree are in use.

But, flower growers love this succulent plant not only for its unusual properties and legends hovering around, but also for its unpretentiousness, active growth and high adaptability. The flower needs minimal care, so it does not require much time. However, if you do not take into account that crassula is a succulent, you can make serious mistakes and then it will get sick.
What diseases of the fat woman most often overcome the plant and how can you help your green pet?

This succulent comes from South Africa, its arid regions. It is an evergreen perennial tree of modest size, which has a short thick trunk. In its natural environment, it reaches one and a half meters in height, however, the apartment version is much more compact than its wild counterpart.

The foliage of the crassula is round, fleshy, the length of the leaves is 5–7 cm. The color is light gray or green, the plates are covered with a bluish wax coating. Botanists note an interesting feature - each pair of leaves is located at an angle of 90 degrees with respect to the previous one.

Home vegetation is often shrouded in a mass of signs and superstitions, and the "money tree" did not stand aside. Having received its name because of the shape of the patchy leaves, it has become a symbol of material well-being and many flower growers say that the flower works! And the followers of the practice of Feng Shui are sure that if the crassula grows well, it has strong, healthy leaves of a round shape, then its owners will not be left without money. Naturally, this is impossible without love, care and some tricks!

This is interesting! In order for the flower to become a talisman of good luck and prosperity, it is recommended to grow it yourself; in Feng Shui, it is believed that a tree acquired by an adult will work “in a slipshod manner”. And to activate it, you need to place a coin in the ground, under a pot, or hang a red ribbon with coins on a branch.

Many flower growers are skeptical of such superstitions, however, they agree that the fat woman is an amazing plant! It is able to actively multiply and even from one leaflet you can grow a whole tree. In addition, flower shoots can give roots even in the air, turning into a completely independent succulent.

But what to do if the pet has lost its gloss, and with it the foliage? Why did the fat woman-money tree begin to crumble leaves and have other signs of illness? In this case, the flower needs help, and without it, you can lose an exotic inhabitant.

The main problems of the plant and their solution

Crassula is a fairly healthy plant that requires minimal attention and has strong immunity. However, diseases can also overcome Crassula, most often they are the result of improper care or keeping the flower in unsuitable conditions.

But if the owner promptly pays attention to the indisposition of his ward, then it is possible to reanimate the flower. Therefore, it is better for a flower grower to know in advance how to save a fat woman with certain diseases.

Plant yellowing and foliage shedding

This succulent problem can be called the most common, often the money tree begins to turn yellow and lose foliage. There are several reasons for this:

  • improper watering - cold water is contraindicated for the plant, it must be separated, at room temperature;
  • the difference between the temperature of the soil and the air - being in the cold and dampness is another reason why the fat woman begins to drop leaves; in this case, the development of mold and fungi is added to the signs.

Overgrowth and stem elongation

With a lack of lighting, this flower can starve, since it receives useful nutrients not only from the ground through the root system, but also in the process of photosynthesis through foliage.

The succulent has enough moisture and little light, so it begins to grow rapidly, not keeping up with the usual pace of development. He tends to the source of illumination, his trunk is extended and may be bent.

Therefore, in order for the fatty bush to form beautifully, the pot should be placed in a place with good lighting. But it is important to protect the plant from the direct rays of the sun, they can burn the leaves of the succulent.

Slow flower growth

If Crassula grows more slowly than usual, it is worth reconsidering the rules of care, perhaps we are talking about violations of the irrigation regime, fertilization, and lighting. In addition, like most succulent plants, it “rests” in winter and it is recommended to place the flower in a room with a temperature of +10 - +12 degrees.

Rotting trunk, softening and wrinkling of foliage

Watering his money tree abundantly, the owner may wonder why the trunk rots in the fat woman and the leaves shrivel. In most cases, these are negative consequences of overflow.

Unfortunately, if the stem of a flower is damaged, then most likely it will not be possible to save it. In this case, it is recommended to take healthy cuttings from it and plant a new plant by cuttings.

But, when wrinkling the foliage, the problem is solved. The first thing to do is to take the plant out of the pot and dry it thoroughly with an earthen ball. If the soil is too wet, smells like mold, then you should transplant the succulent into another pot with new soil.

Leaves shriveled and dried up

As a rule, succulent plants consume little moisture and know how to use it wisely. However, this does not mean that they do not need to be watered.
If Crassula stood on a window with good lighting for a long time, but did not water, then it is not surprising that her leaves shrink and dry - this is a sign of dehydration of the plant.

Experienced flower growers warn not to immediately water it abundantly. The fact is that during the drought, the root system of the flower also dried up and wrinkled, and having received moisture, it will begin to straighten out. If water is supplied in large quantities, the fat woman will not be able to absorb it, its roots will crack and rot in excessively wet soil.

It is not surprising that a transfused plant that has endured a long dry period has wrinkled leaves. You should follow the regime and water it little by little.

Foliage softening

Soft leaves can indicate the overflow of a succulent. Due to inexperience, flower growers can overdo it by watering a flower as soon as the soil dries up. But, Crassula feels great when it is watered once a week in summer, and once every 4 weeks in winter.

If the plant is significantly damaged, then it is advisable to resuscitate:

  • remove the flower from the container;
  • clean the roots with a knife;
  • put in water for half an hour;
  • plant in new soil.

For some time, watering should be completely excluded.

It is worth taking a closer look at the ward if its leaves have become soft and thin. Perhaps the problem is not at all in watering, such signs also occur when the plant is damaged by pests. Then there is no need for treatment.

Foliage covered with black spots

Their appearance by novice flower growers can be misleading, because the sun's rays can leave darkening on the leaf plates, as well as pathogenic bacteria. There is a significant difference between these lesions: the location of the burn is always local, the spot appears where the beam is directed. And when the sun exposure stops, the lesion disappears and does not spread to the rest of the flower.

If the crassula has become ill with an infection of bacterial origin, then dark spots begin to capture an increasing area of ​​​​leaf plates.
If the money tree is not treated, it dies. You can save it by treating it with antibacterial and antifungal drugs, for example, Fitosporin-M. It is necessary to dissolve the product in water in a ratio of 1: 2, and then dilute again, but already 1 part to 10 parts of water. The resulting solution should be carefully treated with the affected foliage of the fat woman.

The flower withers, its parts begin to dry out

Most likely, the fat woman withers due to the fact that she has grown out of her former "home" and needs a more spacious pot. Like other succulents, it needs a slightly larger container than the previous one, its root system does not grow as quickly as most ordinary flowers.

If time suffers, then it is better to plan this event for the spring period. But, a sick, dying flower should be transplanted as soon as the need arises.

Again, a fat woman can dry not because of a disease or pests, but as a result of an improper irrigation regime - excessive or insufficient. It is important to regulate this process.

Foliage reddening

If initially green, the leaves of the money tree turn red, then you should take care of shading your pet. They are most likely exposed to direct sunlight.

Another reason for the redness of the foliage is the lack of fresh air. It is recommended to ventilate the room in which the flower is located every day.

And besides, discoloration can occur with a lack of nutrients. But, you should not be zealous with top dressing either. As a rule, Crassula is fed in spring and summer, using liquid formulations for cacti, no more than 1 time in 2-4 weeks. In winter, one event per month is enough. It is better to fertilize after watering.

darkening rotting roots

If the owner finds that the flower is unwell, and the roots are rotten, then you can save it until the trunk begins to turn black and rot. In this case, you need to immediately start processing the rhizome and subsequent transplantation:

  • Crassula should be removed from the pot, placed by the root under running water and rinsed thoroughly.
  • Then, it is recommended to inspect the plant, removing damaged roots and shoots.
  • The remaining healthy root is placed for a quarter of an hour in a light pink potassium permanganate solution, such a procedure will allow it to be disinfected.

To exclude the possibility of infection of the flower with pathogenic bacteria and fungi, as a result of which the root system becomes ill, you should use soil and containers that are previously disinfected and processed. To do this, the soil is calcined in the oven for 50–60 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. As for the pot, it can be rinsed with boiling water, held over steam, or washed with a solution of potassium permanganate or 20% whiteness.

Leaves covered with white dots or silvery bloom

Spots on a fat woman that look like white dots are a sign that it is oversaturated with moisture. In this case, the soil dries out, and watering is reduced.

A silvery coating on the leaves of a fat woman indicates that she has undergone stress and is successfully rehabilitated. No additional measures are required, the succulent will recover on its own.

Succulents quickly respond to content errors: this is indicated by falling leaves, slow growth, rotting roots and other signs. In most cases, it is possible to resuscitate a pet. But, besides this, a fat woman can be overcome by pests and diseases that require treatment.

Succulent pests


It is not difficult to find this insect from the superfamily of worms on a flower: the leaf plate and stem are covered with light brown, yellowish tubercles or specks.

There are several varieties of these pests, but for all of them - adult insects and larvae, plant sap is food. As a result of their activity, the leaves of the fat woman wither and fall off, the stem is bent, the growth of the flower slows down.

  • insects are collected by hand;
  • the flower is treated with soapy water, and in case of severe damage, it is better to use a special preparation, for example, Fitoverm;
  • to consolidate the result, it is recommended to carry out several procedures with a 5-7 day break.

spider mite

If a cobweb was found on a plant, cotton-like growths appeared, then another common pest worked here - a spider mite. Despite their extremely modest size, these small gray or reddish, moving dots can seriously harm the succulent. They suck plant cell sap, injecting salivary fluid with enzymes that destroy the chloroplasts of flower cells.

As a rule, the foliage on the underside turns yellow, acquires a brown, and then a reddish tint, dries up and falls off.

With a slight lesion, Crassula can be cured as follows:

  • first of all, you should remove the infected flower away from the rest of the home vegetation;
  • remove ticks with your hands;
  • wipe the leaves with a sponge soaked in soapy water;
  • spray the succulent with warm water from the shower, paying attention to the underside of the foliage;
  • cover the container with the flower with a transparent plastic bag, fixing it over the pot, leaving it for two to three days.

But how to reanimate a fat woman if the pest managed to do much harm? In this case, preparations containing useful soil bacteria will help: Entobacterin, Fitoverm, Trichodermin, etc.

You can also resort to folk remedies and treat the tree with a 2–4% solution of green soap, tincture of garlic or red pepper, decoctions of alder, chamomile or black henbane.


Therefore, if small mustachioed insects and a whitish powdery coating appear on the money tree, you should sound the alarm. Most of all, they like to settle in the axils of foliage, although they do not disdain other areas.

If you miss the moment, then the plant dies, so it is advisable to immediately start treating the succulent:

  • the plant should be placed under the shower - the worm is washed off under running water;
  • after that, you need to soak a cotton pad or swab with an alcohol solution or garlic tincture and treat the leaves and the stem of the flower with it;
  • if the fat woman suffered greatly from uninvited guests, then it is better to resort to the use of special preparations - Fufanon or Aktellik.

root bug

It is important! Worms are very adaptable to the environment and can quickly develop resistance to chemicals. Therefore, it may be necessary to increase the recommended dose if the composition does not work. And in some cases, flower growers have to change the drug to another.


There are many reasons why a fat woman suddenly begins to fall leaves. In fact, every two to three years this can happen for no reason. If there are no warning signs and leaf shedding is infrequent, there is no need to worry. In other cases, the owner should take a closer look at the pet, its condition and regimen. Perhaps the money tree is sick and timely help will come in handy.