Seduce a man by chatting examples. How to seduce a man from a distance, what words can you use to excite a man in correspondence, by phone, Skype, via SMS? How to quickly turn on a man, boyfriend, husband from a distance so that he gets excited: examples of SMS

It is generally accepted that guys usually try to woo girls, but the situation may be different. Perhaps you like a young man who does not take active steps towards you, then you will have to take matters into your own hands and try to seduce the guy yourself.

The art of seduction or how to seduce a man beautifully

Behave as naturally and relaxed as possible in the company of your crush. If a man sees that you are comfortable in his company, that you enjoy communicating with him, then this will encourage him to take further steps in your relationship. Listen to him carefully, look closely into his eyes, sometimes looking away in embarrassment, smile mysteriously. You can also barely noticeably stroke your wrist or play with your bracelet while talking.

Also, appearance plays an important role in seduction. Of course, guys have different tastes, but it is worth recognizing that most of them still pay attention to a certain female type, considering him sexually attractive.

So, what should you pay attention to first?

  • Hairstyle. Hair plays an important role in the appearance of any woman. Of course, every man has his own preferences in hair color, but it is desirable that it be natural. Guys also like it when a girl’s hair is loose, falling in a beautiful waterfall (straight) or lying on her shoulders in exciting curls (wavy). Of course, the hair should be clean, well-groomed and shiny. They can play an important role in seduction, twirl the strands around your finger when communicating with a guy, or simply shake your hair, throwing it away from your face, and so on.
  • Advantages of the figure. Be sure to highlight the advantages of your figure suitable clothing. Think carefully about which part of your body looks most advantageous, perhaps it is beautiful breasts, butt, long slender legs or a thin waist.
  • Wardrobe. If you want to seduce a guy, then choose a wardrobe that will make you look as feminine as possible. At the same time, avoid overtly vulgar outfits - men prefer intrigue in appearance women. A knee-length dress that covers both a woman’s neckline and hips, but at the same time hugs all the “bulges,” can be called seductive. Also pay attention to tight trousers and clothes with ruffles. That is, the guy should “complete” some parts of your body in his imagination. Of course, sometimes it won’t hurt to wear an outfit with a seductive neckline, but at the same time, let other elements of your wardrobe be more restrained.
  • Makeup. Too much bright makeup, of course, can attract and interest a guy, but still most males are somewhat wary of “war paint”. It is enough to make advantageous accents on the lips or eyes. If you are meeting in the evening, red lipstick would be quite appropriate (choose a shade that suits you). IN daytime(however, as in the evening), you can use translucent or transparent lip gloss. Also, do not forget about proper eye makeup - sometimes long eyelashes and clear arrows are enough for the most positive effect. If you are sure that you know how to use shadows (in many cases girls do not know how to choose the right tone and simply shade them correctly), then you can apply them. With all this, your skin should look healthy and radiant.
  • Do not complain about any problems, communicate exclusively on “light” topics. Also pay attention to various public pages on the social network, send the guy ambiguous pictures and posts from them. Don’t forget about jokes on the topic of intimacy - this turns on many interlocutors. In addition, you can send a selfie or a recent photo, even if it is not vulgar, but clearly seductive.

    SMS does not require voluminous texts, and sometimes this can work to your advantage! Late in the evening, you can write to your chosen one something like: “I want to be next to you”, “I want to come to you”, “I really miss you now”, “Now I would like to cuddle up to you”, “I miss your touch, I wish I could see you." Most guys will be able to see a clear hint of intimacy in these words.

    Compliment his figure, hands, voice. For example, you can say that he has a very exciting voice that gives you “goosebumps” all over your body. It can also be noted that he has very beautiful male hands, which “you involuntarily want to touch.” Choose compliments that suit your chosen one; most men are no less susceptible to flattering words than women.

    Control the timbre of your voice - speak softly and affectionately. Your laughter should be melodious, and the guy should understand from your intonation that there is a smile on your lips. Avoid negative topics and complaints - talk about something pleasant, joke.

    Of course, it is important that the active stage of seduction does not take place in a moving vehicle. Show off your seduction skills during one of the conversation stops. Stroke the guy's hand, look at him softly and thoughtfully, adjust some items of clothing (dress in the chest area, top straps), slowly run your fingers along your neck, willingly respond to his touches and kisses.

    If you find yourself in the same bed, then, of course, the matter remains small, because there is no longer any doubt that the young man is really interested in you. Now it’s enough to press your whole body against your lover, stroking his shoulders, chest or back. In this case, it is possible and desirable to initiate a kiss. Most likely, after this, any guy will understand what you want. If you are liberated enough, then it wouldn’t hurt to take the initiative to have sex yourself - undress and help the young man do it. Undoubtedly, such determination will turn him on.

    If you want to seduce a guy for sex, then first of all try to avoid making some serious mistakes. A guy who likes you will probably want to be intimate with you, and you can give him the green light by simply avoiding certain activities.

    So what are we talking about?

    • Rudeness. Some girls try to look bold in the eyes of a guy, believing that this gives them a special charm. In some situations this happens, but often, novice seductresses confuse sweet impudence with overt rudeness, which repels the vast majority of guys. Not only do you not want to have sex with such a special person, even a normal conversation with her can be a burden. Of course, you can find a man who will be turned on by such behavior, but don’t count too much on such luck.
  • Aggression. Also, many seductresses try to play the role of an unapproachable person, knowing that inaccessibility attracts a considerable number of men. Yes, this is true, but it is important to be sure that you look like an unapproachable, touchy person, and not an aggressive and inadequate hysterical person.
  • Vulgarity. What many girls consider seductive, in fact looks vulgar and vulgar. Yes, thongs sticking out of trousers, a transparent T-shirt under a miniskirt bursting at the seams and many other similar attributes can cause lust in a certain contingent of men or during intimate games with a beloved guy, but most often such people are repulsive.
  • Talkativeness. Often women discourage any desire for intimacy solely with their talkativeness. In moments of seduction, it is better to be a little mysterious rather than talkative, if you don’t want the guy’s only desire to be a rapid escape from you.
  • Tightness. Undoubtedly, modesty is an adornment for many girls, which, alas, cannot be said about excessive tightness and constraint. Try to relax when communicating with a guy you like. Seeing that you are trying to distance yourself from him and do not particularly react to his jokes or other words, not every guy will understand that the problem is in your complexes - many may think that you simply do not want to communicate.
  • Invite the guy for a cup of tea after a walk or initially offer to spend a date at your home, for example, watching an interesting movie. Of course, for most guys, the very invitation to a girl’s home is already a direct hint of intimacy. However, perhaps it is your chosen one who will not be sure whether he understood you correctly. Therefore, so that there are no doubts, tell the guy that you are tired during the day and would not refuse a massage, most likely he will not refuse you this, and the matter will smoothly move into a new stage.

    One way is to invite him to your home. The pretext could be an important conversation, or ask him to pick up or bring some thing. When a young man arrives in your apartment, meet him in seductive clothes, you probably know what he likes ex-boyfriend. Be calm, a little mysterious, say that you missed him. If he doesn’t have a new lover, then most likely he will react correctly to your actions. However, the very fact that he was at your house indicates that, at a minimum, he does not harbor intense hatred for you and wanted to see you - otherwise he would have found a way to avoid the meeting.

    I want to learn how to seduce guys in 2 minutes, is this possible?

    It is quite possible to seduce a guy in two minutes, but under an important condition - he must like you. If this man likes you, then almost any of your feminine tricks will have a disarming effect on him. The easiest way is to just start a topic about intimacy - voice some provocative joke. You can also invite a guy to your home or simply try to kiss him. Any of these tricks will work instantly if you attract the young man's interest. Otherwise, the matter will not be limited to just two minutes.

    The ideal woman in a man's eyes is one who combines versatility and variety of images. She can be meek and submissive, modest and timid, and in another situation the complete opposite - passionate, daring, playful and frank. A wise woman always knows the levers to control a man, knows how to use them, and also how to use them to excite a man and lure him into her network.

    For such a woman, nothing is impossible, even if she needs to find her partner through SMS and text messages. The word is a weapon that in the hands of an intelligent and skillful woman will seduce even the coldest and most unapproachable man. For newcomers to the Internet, templates for exciting SMS are provided, while a wise, attentive and subtle woman is able to find words of attraction herself.

    Always a good time for a dirty text

    It's not that hard to find yourself the right man for strong relationships and creating a family, how difficult it is to maintain passion, intimacy and trust between partners after years. Numerous marriages have broken up precisely for such reasons, when a man left for a more passionate and ardent woman, having lost intimacy with his previous partner. Sending intimate SMS - perfect option for any women, especially modest ones, who are embarrassed to talk about personal moments in person.

    If you have a mobile phone, it’s easier than ever to intrigue and excite a man. To do this, it is enough to periodically send certain words that cloud the brain and consciousness. You can communicate your fantasies, desires, and hint to a man in your own words about what a woman desires at any time of the day. Of course, if a man is a conservative or occupies a serious position, during important meetings and negotiations such SMS will most likely go unnoticed; otherwise, there are no barriers to writing them.

    How to excite a man via SMS: main directions

    You can excite a man with any phrases, it all depends on the man’s personal preferences, as well as on the subtleties of the relationship. So, for example, the sent phrase “chair” can confuse one man and drive another crazy if the second one had hot sex on a chair the day before with his chosen one. In a relationship, every couple has moments in their memory that can be reminded via SMS.

    To find pressure points on a man, you just need to be attentive to him. If one man likes erotic hints and suggestions, then for another, vulgarity and vulgarity can cause the opposite effect. And of course, When sending SMS you should not use the same technique, as it will lose its value. Diversity and imagination are the key to success.

    In addition to hints related to memories, you can turn on a man with the help of compliments. Psychologists say that all representatives of the stronger sex cannot resist the praise of their physical merits. Therefore, to attract his attention, you can send an SMS, praising his figure, external data or the physiology of his genitals, talking about how all this drives a woman crazy.

    Affection and tenderness in SMS will also not be superfluous, especially if the woman’s partner is sensual and loving by nature. Passionate messages may contain hints about what awaits a man if he is close to his woman. For those of a creative nature, messages can be composed in rhymed form, as well as in your own words in prose, inserting sexual phrases and unambiguous hints between the lines. In any case, it all depends individual characteristics a man, his interests and preferences.

    You can learn about the features of other methods of stimulation from other articles:

    How to excite a guy by correspondence: examples of ready-made SMS

    Even the most subtle and attentive men loving women eyes, cannot resist text messages teasing or enticing. Especially if the couple is at a distance for some time, with the help of a cellular network you can maintain passion and desire between partners throughout the entire absence. This is a great way, since a woman does not have to worry about makeup, outfit and other things; a few written words make all the difference.

    Numerous Internet sites offer ready-made message options, for example:

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    Affectionate messages- such messages encourage sex thanks to a romantic mood.

    • “The best morning is the one that begins with your lips and the touch of your hands”;
    • “I constantly remember our first date, when you timidly hugged me and kissed me”;
    • “In your strong embrace, I lose my mind and track of real time.”

    In addition, you can put a man in a romantic mood and tease him with poetic messages:

    • “I will kiss and hug you, I will hold you to my heart. I don’t know what to do with myself... I want you furiously, I want you with my whole body”;
    • “I’ll pinch you a little, both on the butt and on the leg! I’ll run my tongue along my neck, I haven’t controlled myself for a long time...”

    Erotic SMS- such messages are used to encourage and inspire a man. In addition, if you take ready-made versions of such messages, there is a risk that a man can find them on the Internet. Therefore, it is better to take the finished text and remake it in your own words.

    For example:

    • “I always dreamed of learning to dance striptease, but there was never a suitable opportunity. I think it has come, hurry home dear!”;
    • “I want to make my most sincere desires come true, I miss you by my side”;
    • “I’m wearing silk underwear with lace and nothing else, but I’m so hot and I want to take it off quickly. Won't you help me?";
    • “I’m not at all in the mood for a long love game, but quick animal sex will suit me.”

    Passionate messages- a text with a playful mood will be appreciated by any man, which will help to relax, and for both partners at the same time.

    • “Take me passionately, but be gentle with me. The body is boiling and does not accept clothing. There are so few hugs, I want more warmth. With you, I’m ready to burn to the ground over and over again!”;
    • “Give me such love that I will tremble all night. Even so that from your kiss I wouldn’t even be able to speak. So that our bodies are plexus - neither arms nor legs are visible! So that we both still wanted, but you simply couldn’t!”

    It is much more expedient to use such poems for inspiration, to rearrange them in your own way, using personal imagination and hints.

    In addition to poems and ambiguous sentences, you can send SMS of a laudatory nature, admiring previous cases of intimacy with a man, himself and his sexual capabilities. As a compliment you can write the following:

    • “Our city urgently needs a hero! This city, like me, needs you!”;
    • “I love every part of your body - strong hands, strong legs, a broad back and reliable shoulders, a familiar face, plump sexy lips, sensual tender fingers... and, of course, him..."

    Any man will be driven crazy by a message like this: “just the thought of yesterday’s sex makes me all boil, the blood begins to run throughout my body at the speed of light, and my lower abdomen is pulsating furiously.” The most universal option for an exciting SMS would be conversations about previous or upcoming sex.

    How to excite a guy via SMS or correspondence: an erotic letter to a man

    An erotic letter to a man should contain a declaration of love, compliments about his merits, and sexual fantasies with his participation. Guys don’t like being bombarded with a lot of vulgar SMS messages, so you need to first intrigue him by writing, for example, one of these phrases: “If you’re thinking about me now, then come and make all your desires come true.” You can write: “Darling, should you warm up dinner or our bed today? Or combine business with pleasure?

    A man, regardless of character and age, loves when a girl appears before him in different guises: from a shy virgin and touchy person to a cheeky bitch and a heartbreaker. Therefore, you need to change your writing styles: from ambiguous phrases with a slight hint of sex to outright vulgarity and describing in detail your sexual desires and fantasies.

    To excite a young man by correspondence, you should tell him compliments, declarations of love and admire your lover’s body, ask about his desires and feelings. If a young man is crazy about high-heeled shoes and stockings with garters, then he will definitely be turned on by a photo of women’s legs in shoes and the phrase “They are looking forward to you and are ready to open the gates of heaven for you.”

    If a woman wants to write an erotic letter to her husband, who has gone on a business trip, then she should not write something that she is not ready to do in real life, since deception will negatively affect the relationship of the young couple, and the husband will begin to look for another who can satisfy his needs and desires. Erotic messages in prose, written in your own words, are better than beautiful love poems written by another author.

    There is no need to write obscene language to your lover and compare him with other men, trying to humiliate his manhood.

    If a representative of the opposite sex has not responded to a passionate SMS message, then you should not send him 10 more messages with similar content in the hope of arousing him - perhaps he is not in the mood or is busy right now, and such persistence will only push him away.

    Phrases that excite men:

    • You are so strong and at the same time gentle hands! No one hugged me as passionately and tightly as you do!
    • My thoughts are only about your sexy body. I dream that you would now press me to your strong torso, and I would dissolve in your kisses and hugs, forgetting about everything in the world.
    • You are my air and my life, every moment without your touch is unbearable torment for me, I want to drown in the ocean of bottomless eyes and expose my body and feelings to you.
    • I was captivated by your arms, shoulders, smell, lips, hugs, hair, skin, pumped up abs and what is located below the belly. Oh, you turn me on half a turn, I want to come to you, I want you to penetrate me.
    • I'm now putting on your favorite fishnet stockings and lacy black panties and. I go to bed, because the distance between us is hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

    Representatives of the opposite sex have different temperaments, so not every guy will agree to have sex over the phone, but beautiful and sweet words He will be pleased to hear from his beloved, and he will want to meet the woman to spend an unforgettable and hot night in each other’s arms.

    Examples of erotic messages in prose to a husband when he is away or at work:

    • “I want to feel you inside me, surrender to passionate desire without a trace and indulge in non-stop lovemaking in our bed. My body is burning with excitement, I begin to caress my breasts, imagining that it is your muscular arms stroking my naked body. "
    • "I'll give you unforgettable night love. If you visit me tonight, you will moan with pleasure. Your skin will be covered with goosebumps, remembering intimate caresses and intoxicating kisses all over your body.”
    • “Come and help me unbutton my dress, otherwise I’ve become so helpless without your hands.”
    • “Come back soon, I have prepared a pleasant surprise for you that will end with mind-blowing sex.”
    • “I want to blindfold you, immobilize your body with ropes and handcuffs, and fulfill my most vulgar and depraved fantasies. I promise you will love it."
    • “This morning I put a small present in your jacket pocket, you will definitely be able to appreciate it, just don’t open it in a public place, otherwise other colleagues will become jealous.” First you need to put your lace panties in a small box and throw it in your husband’s jacket
    • “I want to throw you on the sofa, rip all the clothes off your athletic and muscular body, sit on top of yours. and watch your favorite series."
    • “You are my sexy, adored, desirable, unique and brutal, humorous, sometimes drunk. I love you any and. I want to have sex right now. It doesn't rhyme, but it's true :)"

    When conducting intimate correspondence with your lover or husband over the Internet, you can support your love messages with candid photographs that will help you quickly turn on and seduce a young man.

    How to excite a guy

    If a guy likes you, then it won’t be at all difficult to excite him. Take into account some nuances, show your imagination, and the chosen one simply will not be able to resist your pressure!

    How and with what you can excite and turn on any guy (man)

    Exciting SMS for intrigue in personal correspondence

    Some of these SMS may seem too frank for you, but if you want to excite your chosen one, then this is more than appropriate!

    • “I really miss you in my bed now!”
    • “I wish we could now be on a deserted beach by the sea...”
    • “Have erotic dreams!”
    • “Now I remember your kisses, mmmm...”
    • “I really want to press my whole body against you now!”
    • “I wish I could touch you with my lips now”
    • “You have no idea how crazy your body makes me!”
    • “I have never had such feelings as with you”
    • “I want to be your bad girl!”
    • "I get excited thinking about you"

    Sexy words and phrases on the phone

    If your lover loves to hear vulgar phrases from your lips, then be sure to take advantage of this circumstance. Perhaps you do not always dare to voice them in personal communication, then they will be very useful over the phone. Undoubtedly, you know which sexual topics sound most exciting to your chosen one, and build on that. For such phrases, it is better to choose the most appropriate time - you should know for sure that the man is not upset by anything right now, is not concerned about any difficulties at work, and so on. As with intimacy, such words require a conducive environment.

    Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some very neutral, but at the same time exciting phrases:

    • “I urgently need you to touch me. Without ceasing... I miss you so much!”
    • “You can’t even imagine how vulgar thoughts you evoke in me.”
    • “You really turn me on. Very!"
    • “I’m uncomfortable alone in my bed, you’re clearly missing here!”
    • “Just remembering our sex makes me shiver all over my body.”
    • “When I think about you, a whirlwind of sexual fantasies rushes through my head.”
    • "I want you!"
    • "My body needs you"
    • “I go crazy as soon as I start thinking about you. Immediately all sorts of pictures appear..."
    • “You are my greatest desire now. Erotic"

    Personal erotic photos and videos

    Many guys have few words to seduce, because most of them are visual people - people who perceive information better through pictures than in words. That’s why, if you don’t have the opportunity to communicate live right now, you should take advantage of useful features such as photos and videos. Send the guy erotic pictures, shoot short but intriguing videos with your camera. However, do not forget that subsequently such incriminating evidence did not play a good role in the reputation of many women - former lovers acted in bad faith and distributed this photo themselves, or they accidentally fell into the hands of the “wrong people.” To avoid problems in the future, do not record your face or any other person on these materials. distinctive features, like a tattoo, undoubtedly, you can take exciting pictures without it. However, we are only talking about too candid shots - a photo of just sexy underwear is unlikely to surprise anyone now.

    Online communication using the camera on your phone

    Communication through a phone camera can be no less intriguing and exciting. Many couples practice such intimate games during a period when they are forced to be at a considerable distance from each other, but at the same time they really need intimacy. However, such games are also appropriate simply for variety in relationships. The format of such communication depends on how relaxed you are. For example, if you wish, you can pleasantly surprise your lover by making a video call while completely naked or wearing erotic underwear. Undoubtedly, such a spectacle will remain in the memory and thoughts of the chosen one for a long time. With such a call, you can simply invite a man to visit or invite him to hurry home if you live together.

    How to learn to excite your husband with renewed vigor if passion has subsided over the years

    Unfortunately, many married couples are forced to admit the fact that passion fades over the years, and intimate pleasures become quite predictable, accordingly, bringing less and less true pleasure. Often, it is for this reason that betrayal begins in the family; spouses are looking for novelty in sexual relations on the side, having ceased to be surprised by anything in bed with a long-time partner. You can maintain passion in a relationship for a long time or revive it if you adhere to certain nuances. So, what should you pay special attention to?

    Intimate messages throughout the day

    Start typing into your everyday communication not only the usual messages with a list of groceries and small errands, but also words with intimate overtones. If this is not typical for your relationship, then start from afar, writing, for example: “Today I wiped the table, I remembered what we did on it a couple of years ago.” Surely, at the beginning of your relationship there was something similar on some piece of furniture, in addition to the bed. After a while, you can write: “I can’t get this table out of my head.” In the following days, when your husband is already a little prepared for your unexpected change of mood and the new format of messages, you can continue to write SMS in a similar spirit. If you do this over a certain period of time, then during the day it will “inflame” not only you, but also your spouse. You can write about your erotic fantasies or describe how well your new underwear fits. You can also write about how you miss your husband, how much you miss him at the moment, share with him the most vivid memories from your intimate life.

    Surprise with a new look and erotic games

    During the period life together your spouse is undoubtedly accustomed to the way you look, and you, most likely, have long lost the enthusiasm to surprise him in any way. However, if you want, you can really bring passion into your relationship with your partner just by changing your look.

    Of course, keep in mind the fact that sometimes this idea fails because women take advice about changing their look too literally and do it at the wrong time. Example: the husband had the most difficult negotiations, he is tired and just wants to lie on the couch after a hard day at work. Opening the apartment door, he sees his wife on the threshold, who for some reason dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and calls him Gray Wolf. Not every man will find this spectacle exciting, especially if there have been no hints of such games in recent years. Remember that such games with such a serious change in image are appropriate at the right time, in an established sex life, and preferably by agreement.

    This same paragraph talks about something completely different - about changing the usual style. First of all, take care of your body, no matter what condition it is in, you can probably make it better. Undoubtedly, you know your weaknesses - overweight or lack of it, sagging skin or something like that. Take action to eliminate the shortcomings, and over time the results will be obvious to others, including your husband. Such changes are not immediately noticeable, but you can make adjustments that will be visible to your spouse instantly. Change your clothing style - dress beautifully and seductively, without reaching the point of vulgarity. Pay attention to what you wear at home - buy a seductive robe or lounge suit that will highlight your best features. Even if at first it seems to you that the new clothes are uncomfortable, remember that now your main goal is not convenience, but to seduce your husband. However, you can pick up a lot of things that excite the imagination and at the same time are comfortable.

    In addition, think about changing your hairstyle and hair color. However, it is important that you are confident that such changes will actually benefit you. If you have already found your ideal hairstyle, then all you need to do is make a few salon procedures to make your hair look even more well-groomed.

    How to seduce your man from a distance without him losing interest in you

    There are times when couples separate for a while because of work, family reasons, or simply for some other reason, they live quite far from each other, without being able to see each other regularly. In such cases, women worry that the passion in the relationship will soon be lost, and there are reasons for this. If you don’t want your couple to suffer the same sad fate of separation as many others, then take matters into your own hands. As a result, this period will become one of the most exciting for you later.

    Take advantage of modern social networks and mobile phones - periodically send your boyfriend SMS with intimate content. Since you are now at some distance from each other, you have the opportunity to fantasize about how your meeting will go, including intimacy. Share these thoughts and your desires with your lover.

    Words alone probably won't be enough to keep the passion going, so don't forget about videos and photos. And we are not talking about the surrounding landscapes and your beloved cat! Send pictures in which you are present in a rather seductive manner. Take several pictures, then select and send the most spectacular and beautiful ones.

    Initiate periodically telephone conversations with a guy. After such conversations, the young man should have pleasant emotions. Forget about complaints, bored and offended tone and the like. Speak to your lover in a gentle voice, being careful not to go into high notes. The voice should be calm, the laugh should be melodic. Don’t delay the conversation; after a few minutes, say that you need to go away on business; it’s better for the guy to miss communicating with you a little, rather than for him to begin to pine for it.

    How to quickly get the man you love at home

    What to watch with a guy to make him horny

    Of course, the most obvious option would be any “adult film.” And yet, it is worth noting that not every girl will decide to offer to watch such a movie even after several years of relationship. It would be more appropriate to suggest watching a feature film, in which “as if by chance” there will be an abundance of erotic scenes. So, what paintings are worth paying attention to? These include such cinematic works as “Chloe”, “Paganini: The Devil’s Violinist”, “Everly”, “Going South”, “Killing Me Softly”, “The Case”. Note that the posters of these films look quite innocent, so if you are embarrassed to directly say that you specifically chose a film with an erotic slant, then you can easily say that someone recommended this drama or thriller to you, and you did not even expect to see something like that there .

    However, you are probably already an adult who should not be ashamed of your desires at all! So, what erotic films can you choose, from which it is immediately clear that intimate scenes are coming? These include: “Sleep with me”, “Diaries of a Nymphomaniac”, “Intimate Adventures”, “Wild Orchid” and others.

    Excite a guy with your hands, touches, kisses

    Guys are usually more excitable than girls, so if you want to excite your lover, it is unlikely to cause you any difficulties. If you are already in bed, then, in general, almost any caresses will have the desired effect. If you haven’t gotten to bed yet, then find an opportunity to be alone with the guy and excite him with the touch of your lips and hands. We can talk about passionate French kisses, light biting, stroking. Your movements should be confident and purposeful - stroke your beloved man not with your fingertips, but with an open palm, lightly run your nails over his skin, press your whole body against him. After such manipulations, the guy will probably immediately want to continue.

    How to excite a guy from a distance through short SMS

    Many women believe that the man should take the initiative in any area of ​​the relationship. A lady's behavior should be like that of an unapproachable queen.

    On the one hand, the approach is correct and corresponds to stereotypical ideas about relationships, but on the other hand, men with such ladies become bored.

    Any man likes it when a lady starts flirting with him, but how to do this if your dear one constantly disappears at business meetings and business trips.

    This is why they were invented short sms messages that excite a man's imagination from a distance.

    Exciting SMS to a man in your own words

    Most women who are inexperienced in sexual correspondence often make a common mistake - they try to overwhelm a man with vulgar messages.

    Due to his assertive behavior, the young man does not know whether to continue communication further. Of course, there are men who love this behavior, but many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to keep the intrigue.

    Therefore, it is better to start correspondence with an unobtrusive declaration of love in your own words. Next, it is recommended to move on to more explicit messages, supported by intimate photographs.

    Examples of short phrases and mind-stirring SMS:

    1. Day all day long, thoughts about you do not leave my head. I dream of being close to you, hugging you tightly and kissing you passionately!
    2. Can't you imagine how much I miss you. It seems to me that your scent accompanies me everywhere.
    3. Now morning, but I'm looking forward to the evening with great impatience. I dream of relaxing my body as gently as I did yesterday.
    4. Going to I’m going to bed and can’t decide: to take off the cute black stockings that delicately fit my slender legs?

    Or don’t touch them - will you rush over and help pull them off? – a challenging phrase can be written at night.

  • I wanted fall asleep, but it didn’t work out. I close my eyes and see your pumped up beautiful body: various vulgarities arise in my head.
  • Want caress your body and enjoy passionate kisses.
  • Come tonight if you want to see a sweet and long striptease performed by the priestess of love.
  • Darling, let's take a shower together today? Me and you, and a minimum of clothes!
  • Eat great idea to strap you to the bed and do whatever I want!
  • Want see your naked body on a soft bed.
  • Imagine me in my favorite black lace lingerie. I'll meet you like this today!
  • When you caress my body, I go crazy. I have never met big, strong and gentle hands.
  • So I want you so much that I’m going crazy now.
  • Want at night to extend the pleasure that we started this morning.
  • I'm now completely naked. It's boring at home and I'm alone.
  • Darling, I was cooking your favorite dish, and realized how much I missed it. I’ve already rented a Japanese schoolgirl costume and cognac – I’m waiting for it in the evening.
  • I read it an article about how you can please a guy. Come and let's try it!
  • Bought new underwear – a man’s assessment is needed.
  • I decided I don’t want to wear clothes at home anymore – I’m waiting for a reaction.
  • Today I signed up for yoga so I can touch my heels to my head – I think you don’t mind.
  • It is worth noting: the longer a couple is in a relationship, the more varied the words you will have to invent.

    On initial stage meetings, a young man only has to imagine a girl without underwear - and he is ready to run to her.

    Dirty SMS for a guy to cheer him up

    To cheer up your loved one, you don’t have to call him every hour. It is enough to write depraved or vulgar SMS to the guy.

    After reading the exciting text, he will immediately want to be next to his chosen one. Candid messages can be written in prose or poetry - it depends on the girl’s imagination.

    The proposed short messages will delight your loved one, he will have a desire to do what is indicated in the text.

    Don’t be surprised if the SMS is followed by a call with passionate words:

    How to excite a man via SMS?

    Not only women need affection and pleasant words. It is important for a man to hear words of love, desire, and motivation for sex from his chosen one. It turns on, excites, delights.

    A woman is obliged to pamper her beloved with this kind of expression, indicating superiority, sexual energy and the desire to become his.

    The role of “navigator” in a relationship belongs to the woman. She sprays passion, desire, interest. But interest must be maintained. Even if spouses have been living together for a long time, no one has canceled intimate games, erotic enticements for sex, compliments, and exciting phrases.

    A woman must use tricks and tricks to stir up interest. From time to time it is worth reminding a man of your erotic nature with words.

    It is better to do this via SMS by phone or correspondence on the Internet. The lack of opportunity to realize a woman’s intentions will “warm up” a man.

    Having awakened a desire in a guy in the morning, in the evening the girl will receive indescribable sensations, emotions, and mood. Intimate correspondence brings closer together, smooths out everyday conflicts, transports both people into a world of pleasure.

    Table: how to properly attract a man from a distance.

    The girl should write in the correspondence that she liked the night, she will not forget his hands on her body, the touch of her lips drove her crazy.

    The man will be mentally transported to that night, remember all the “sweet” moments and want to repeat it.

    You need to warm up your desire with the following phrases:

    I want to repeat.
    Want you.
    I want to become yours again for a moment.

    In this situation, use words with double connotations that intrigue the guy’s imagination. These are faint hints of a transition to serious action and rapprochement.

    Tell your guy an erotic dream you have imagined or share your intimate fantasies. This method has two advantages: it activates a man to take action, and he will understand what his chosen one expects from him in bed.

    To warm up passion and desire, write your loved one an erotic story of 2-3 sentences.

    But don’t finish the sentences, but invite him to come up with his own version of the development of events.

    After answering, say that you are ready to become a participant in the story and play this role for him.

    There is no need to be ashamed of erotic correspondence. It's not shameful. Men note that women who are liberated in sex attract them more.

    For excitement, send your sweetheart erotic photos in or without underwear, with the caption “waiting for you...darling.” After sending, it is advisable not to answer your loved one’s call so that the desire does not fade away.

    How to excite a man with words?

    Words are a powerful engine of our mind. What is heard is quickly perceived by the brain, which immediately creates an image, a picture in the head and sends a message to desire. Therefore, it is necessary to say stimulating words to a man. Not only women love with their ears. This needs to be remembered.

    Phrases that excite:

    1. I want you.
    2. Your baby is missed.
    3. I want to caress your body.
    4. Are you okay with dirty sex?
    5. Have you tried sex in unusual places?
    6. You give me unearthly pleasure.
    7. I want to feel you inside me again.
    8. My body is burning with desire.
    9. Tonight I only need you.
    10. I won't forget my orgasm. I want to repeat it. Can you help?
    11. Take me.
    12. Introduce me to your mini-friend.
    13. I belong to you.
    14. I want to feel your hands under my panties.

    To seduce a man with words, call him desirable, the only one, affectionate, God, gorgeous, giant, etc.

    List of telephone phrases

    With her words, a woman can bring a man to a passionate state. Therefore, do not save them, but use them as much as possible to maintain love and intimacy in relationships.

    List of beautiful phrases:

    • I'm wearing transparent underwear...
    • It's so lonely and cold without you...
    • The evening has already come, and I just felt your hands.
    • The order of the sun symbolizes the beginning of the fulfillment of intimate desires. I'm waiting for you in the evening.
    • I can’t think, my thoughts are confused from excitement and the desire to be yours.

    Passionate and love phrases:

    • Maybe he’ll meet you from work in a negligee?
    • I'm hungry, and I'm not talking about food...
    • I miss your lips.
    • I dream of your hands on my body.
    • I can imagine how you remove everything unnecessary from me.

    Examples of exciting phrases on the phone:

    • I imagine how your hands gently caress my chest and hips, squeeze my buttocks and languidly press my body, already lifeless from passion and desire, to your powerful torso.
    • Your lips fill with passion, I feel their warmth and cannot part with this feeling.
    • Today I have one desire - to become yours.
    • I am ready to obey you in intimate games.

    Relationships are everyday work. But even in this difficult matter, you need to follow special rules so as not to destroy that fragile wall of passion and trust.

    The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

    What should an ideal lover be like? Sometimes - naive and meek, sometimes - vulgar and daring. An experienced, sexy, temperamental, gentle woman always knows how to excite a man. By SMS? One of the rather spicy options!

    A real “tiger” knows how to turn on a loved one literally right away, how to bring him to the point of “losing his pulse.” An unpredictable, spontaneous, impulsive, wise, attentive and subtle woman never really even thinks about how to excite a man via SMS. The main thing is not to be shy about your desires.

    So, more details. Knowing how to excite a man via SMS, you can have no doubt: he will always dream of intimacy with you. All you need for this is your imagination and the art of seduction. Think about what turns your man on the most. You can even play groovy word game. Express yourself to the fullest, he will definitely like it.

    By the way, SMS messages can also help you if you are a little shy about direct contact. Or if you have tried a wide variety of methods of seduction and crave variety.

    How to excite a man via SMS? Everything depends on you. The main thing is to have a mobile phone. After all, it is not intended only for calls. With the help of messages, you can excite your man so much that he will rush to you in a matter of minutes, demanding more.

    The uniqueness of this method lies in the fact that you can inform your partner about your intentions or desires at any time, wherever you are. Imagine, for example, that love correspondence takes place right during business negotiations...

    Erotic SMS in correspondence is, of course, just something! If this actually happens in negotiations, believe me, they will be very spicy. The need to hide secret information and the business environment will only fuel your partner’s interest.

    Well, you shouldn't be shy. Just write what you want. Don't worry about appearing too slutty. Believe me, in this case your man will not think badly of you. Try to describe to him a picture of what awaits him after work, how he will be rewarded, etc.

    By the way, erotic SMS can be more than just text messages. Voicemail messages can excite your man even more. Your flirting voice will drive him crazy. Many girls use this method, but all men, without exception, are satisfied.

    You can also add a photo to the voice message. Give your partner a hint about what you are waiting for. Even if this surprise is small, it will excite your loved one and remind him that you think about him even when he is not around.

    By the way, this is a psychological moment. Your man will feel genuine interest in him on your part. This will create more trust and intimacy in your relationship.

    Before looking at some examples of exciting SMS messages for a man, it’s worth thinking about the phrases that you will be ready to write to him. Believe me, well-constructed correspondence will drive your other half crazy. Be a little Cleopatra, who knows how to conquer the stronger sex, and maybe a little girl from the Phone Sex agency. Basically, try your best.

    The best thing, of course, is an exciting SMS to a man. In your own words, tell them what you want. Add as much sexuality as possible to your sentences. No need for sharpness. Just some intimacy in the right place.

    A very important element in your SMS message will be the appeal. Write to him “my best”, “dear”, “beloved”. The sound of a man's own name is always pleasant. However, in addition to it and its derivatives of caresses, there are many other options. You can also address your loved one, for example, like this: “my hero”, “my happiness”, “desired”, “kitten”, etc. Well, then - the message itself. What can you write? Try these options:

    Of course, today no one limits themselves to just mobile phones. Social media also allows you to connect with your loved ones erotically. SMS messages that excite men will be stored in the message history for a long time, again and again warming up the partners’ interest, reminding them of the spicy conversation and their feelings.

    A good and passionate lover can hone the art of a seductress for months and years. The main thing is to be able to win over your loved one from a distance. Just don't forget about literacy. If a man knows better spelling than you, and you send him SMS with gross errors, you will not excite him, but rather make him laugh.

    Well, you just have to decide what messages these will be. SMS or MMS... Poetry or prose... Use your imagination. Search the right approach. And if you can find it, everything will be great.

    Not for anyone

    It’s a secret that men are turned on by dirty text messages. But don’t forget that you need to control yourself and not cross the line. The content of the text is very important for a man.

    If your relationship is at an early stage, try not to surprise him too much with your impulses and your frankness. For example, write something like:

    • “I wanted to write you a message at this very moment. I can't get enough of your photo. I want to see not only the photo, but also you. If you kiss the picture, you won’t get an answer... Let’s see each other?”

    • “Today I had a wonderful dream. You were in the lead role. Call me, I’ll tell you what we did.”

    One more thing. It is important not only to know what words excite men. An SMS will have a much greater impact if you subtly hint in it at a certain quality of your man, at some feature or character trait that is unique to him. That is, before sending such letters, you need to know as much as possible about him... If you have known each other for a long time, this will not be a problem. If your relationship is just starting (or you are just planning to meet), carefully monitor his profile on social networks. As a rule, users describe their preferences and habits here and post a variety of photographs. If you know your chosen one well, it will be much easier for you to find the right words to excite him. After looking at the information he posts on social media, try to use a deductive method. For example, take a close look at his photographs. He's probably proud of them. Hint in your messages that you are incredibly excited by his abs (biceps, shoulders, etc.).

    By the way, men talk about themselves in different ways. Some people spend almost their entire lives online. It’s like, “I’m like this, I live like this, I think like this, I do this or that.” Others are limited only by date of birth (city, specialty, place of work). The first ones, as a rule, are selfish. With the latter, you can start an erotic correspondence with the following message: “Hello, stranger. You are so mysterious...” Intrigue a man, maintain mystery and spontaneity, don’t ask unnecessary questions, play with him. In this case, you won’t be able to get bored of him and won’t move to the standard category. When you meet, your chosen one will definitely please you and will not disappoint you.

    By the way, don’t forget to pay attention to the number of women in his contacts. If there are too many of them, he definitely wants to be liked opposite sex and enjoys success with him. Tease him. For example: “Shall we play?” Then let your imagination run wild...

    Exciting SMS messages to your beloved man in prose or poetry should not be too long. Messages like this don't get you started. They are tiring. Especially if they arrive to your chosen one in parts. In this case, it will be quite difficult to grasp the meaning. A short message will make a man turn on his imagination and think about you even more. Send SMS that would encourage him to respond. Fill them with a lot of feelings and emotions. It will be simply impossible not to respond to such messages. Start with an innocent one: “What do you think about the one who thinks about you all day?” Don't forget to use punctuation marks. This technique will also stimulate your man's curiosity. Ellipses can play a big role in such messages. For example, write to him: “I think...” And pause. As a rule, when we receive an SMS from a person we are interested in, we want to respond to him immediately. Please wait for this response. And do not continue correspondence immediately after receiving it. Otherwise, you will create the impression that you simply have nothing to do. Play this way in the first phases of erotic correspondence. Your chosen one will begin to worry when you are delayed in answering.

    And finally. Of course, you shouldn’t forget that you shouldn’t write too long messages. But even if you write briefly... Write only to good mood. Even your carefully hidden negativity can completely ruin everything. Never talk about (either directly or indirectly) whether you liked the evening or not. Try to do everything so that the man does not feel under pressure. Just play with words. And be patient. Sometimes SMS messages do not require a response. Don’t think that if a man doesn’t answer you right away, he doesn’t care about you. Perhaps he is just trying to find the right words to express his interest, his attitude, his feelings for a woman. Men, they are like that... They need to digest information... Especially with such unambiguous content...

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    If a guy likes you, then it won’t be at all difficult to excite him. Take into account some nuances, show your imagination, and the chosen one simply will not be able to resist your pressure!

    How and with what you can excite and turn on any guy (man)

    Exciting SMS for intrigue in personal correspondence

    Some of these SMS may seem too frank for you, but if you want to excite your chosen one, then this is more than appropriate!

    • “I really miss you in my bed now!”
    • “I wish we could now be on a deserted beach by the sea...”
    • “Have erotic dreams!”
    • “Now I remember your kisses, mmmm...”
    • “I really want to press my whole body against you now!”
    • “I wish I could touch you with my lips now”
    • “You have no idea how crazy your body makes me!”
    • “I have never had such feelings as with you”
    • “I want to be your bad girl!”
    • "I get excited thinking about you"

    Sexy words and phrases on the phone

    If your lover loves to hear vulgar phrases from your lips, then be sure to take advantage of this circumstance. Perhaps you do not always dare to voice them in personal communication, then they will be very useful over the phone. Undoubtedly, you know which sexual topics sound most exciting to your chosen one, and build on that. For such phrases, it is better to choose the most appropriate time - you should know for sure that the man is not upset by anything right now, is not concerned about any difficulties at work, and so on. As with intimacy, such words require a conducive environment.

    Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some very neutral, but at the same time exciting phrases:

    • “I urgently need you to touch me. Without ceasing... I miss you so much!”
    • “You can’t even imagine how vulgar thoughts you evoke in me.”
    • “You really turn me on. Very!"
    • “I’m uncomfortable alone in my bed, you’re clearly missing here!”
    • “Just remembering our sex makes me shiver all over my body.”
    • “When I think about you, a whirlwind of sexual fantasies rushes through my head.”
    • "I want you!"
    • "My body needs you"
    • “I go crazy as soon as I start thinking about you. Immediately all sorts of pictures appear..."
    • “You are my greatest desire now. Erotic"

    Personal erotic photos and videos

    Many guys have few words to seduce, because most of them are visual people - people who perceive information better through pictures than in words. That’s why, if you don’t have the opportunity to communicate live right now, you should take advantage of useful features such as photos and videos. Send the guy erotic pictures, shoot short but intriguing videos with your camera. However, do not forget that subsequently such incriminating evidence did not play a good role in the reputation of many women - former lovers acted in bad faith and distributed this photo themselves, or they accidentally fell into the hands of the “wrong people.” To avoid problems in the future, do not record your face or any particularly distinctive features, such as a tattoo, on these materials; undoubtedly, you will be able to take stimulating photographs without this. However, we are only talking about too candid shots - a photo of just sexy underwear is unlikely to surprise anyone now.

    Online communication using the camera on your phone

    Communication through a phone camera can be no less intriguing and exciting. Many couples practice such intimate games during a period when they are forced to be at a considerable distance from each other, but at the same time they really need intimacy. However, such games are also appropriate simply for variety in relationships. The format of such communication depends on how relaxed you are. For example, if you wish, you can pleasantly surprise your lover by making a video call while completely naked or wearing erotic underwear. Undoubtedly, such a spectacle will remain in the memory and thoughts of the chosen one for a long time. With such a call, you can simply invite a man to visit or invite him to hurry home if you live together.

    How to learn to excite your husband with renewed vigor if passion has subsided over the years

    Unfortunately, many married couples are forced to admit the fact that passion fades over the years, and intimate pleasures become quite predictable, accordingly, bringing less and less true pleasure. Often, it is for this reason that infidelity begins in the family; spouses are looking for novelty in sexual relationships on the side, having ceased to be surprised by anything in bed with a long-time partner. You can maintain passion in a relationship for a long time or revive it if you adhere to certain nuances. So, what should you pay special attention to?

    Intimate messages throughout the day

    Start introducing into your daily communication not only the usual messages with a list of groceries and small errands, but also words with intimate overtones. If this is not typical for your relationship, then start from afar, writing, for example: “Today I wiped the table, I remembered what we did on it a couple of years ago.” Surely, at the beginning of your relationship there was something similar on some piece of furniture, in addition to the bed. After a while, you can write: “I can’t get this table out of my head.” In the following days, when your husband is already a little prepared for your unexpected change of mood and the new format of messages, you can continue to write SMS in a similar spirit. If you do this over a certain period of time, then during the day it will “inflame” not only you, but also your spouse. You can write about your erotic fantasies or describe how well your new underwear fits. You can also write about how you miss your husband, how much you miss him at the moment, share with him the most vivid memories from your intimate life.

    Surprise with a new look and erotic games

    Over the period of your life together, your spouse has undoubtedly become accustomed to the way you look, and you, most likely, have long lost the enthusiasm to surprise him in any way. However, if you want, you can really bring passion into your relationship with your partner just by changing your look.

    Of course, keep in mind the fact that sometimes this idea fails because women take advice about changing their look too literally and do it at the wrong time. Example: the husband had the most difficult negotiations, he is tired and just wants to lie on the couch after a hard day at work. Opening the apartment door, he sees his wife on the threshold, who for some reason dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and calls him Gray Wolf. Not every man will find this spectacle exciting, especially if there have been no hints of such games in recent years. Remember that such games with such a serious change in image are appropriate at the right time, in an established sex life, and preferably by agreement.

    This same paragraph talks about something completely different - about changing the usual style. First of all, take care of your body, no matter what condition it is in, you can probably make it better. Undoubtedly, you know your weaknesses - excess weight or lack thereof, sagging skin or something else like that. Take action to eliminate the shortcomings, and over time the results will be obvious to others, including your husband. Such changes are not immediately noticeable, but you can make adjustments that will be visible to your spouse instantly. Change your clothing style - dress beautifully and seductively, without reaching the point of vulgarity. Pay attention to what you wear at home - buy a seductive robe or lounge suit that will highlight your best features. Even if at first it seems to you that the new clothes are uncomfortable, remember that now your main goal is not convenience, but to seduce your husband. However, you can pick up a lot of things that excite the imagination and at the same time are comfortable.

    In addition, think about changing your hairstyle and hair color. However, it is important that you are confident that such changes will actually benefit you. If you have already found your ideal hairstyle, then it is enough to do a few salon treatments to make your hair look even more well-groomed.

    How to seduce your man from a distance without him losing interest in you

    There are times when couples separate for a while because of work, family reasons, or simply for some other reason, they live quite far from each other, without being able to see each other regularly. In such cases, women worry that the passion in the relationship will soon be lost, and there are reasons for this. If you don’t want your couple to suffer the same sad fate of separation as many others, then take matters into your own hands. As a result, this period will become one of the most exciting for you later.

    Intimate messages

    Take advantage of modern social networks and mobile phones - periodically send your boyfriend intimate SMS messages. Since you are now at some distance from each other, you have the opportunity to fantasize about how your meeting will go, including intimacy. Share these thoughts and your desires with your lover.

    Photo and video

    Words alone probably won't be enough to keep the passion going, so don't forget about videos and photos. And we are not talking about the surrounding landscapes and your beloved cat! Send pictures in which you are present in a rather seductive manner. Take several pictures, then select and send the most spectacular and beautiful ones.


    Periodically initiate telephone conversations with your boyfriend. After such conversations, the young man should have pleasant emotions. Forget about complaints, bored and offended tone and the like. Speak to your lover in a gentle voice, being careful not to go into high notes. The voice should be calm, the laugh should be melodic. Don’t delay the conversation; after a few minutes, say that you need to go away on business; it’s better for the guy to miss communicating with you a little, rather than for him to begin to pine for it.

    How to quickly get the man you love at home

    What to watch with a guy to make him horny

    Of course, the most obvious option would be any “adult film.” And yet, it is worth noting that not every girl will decide to offer to watch such a movie even after several years of relationship. It would be more appropriate to suggest watching a feature film, in which “as if by chance” there will be an abundance of erotic scenes. So, what paintings are worth paying attention to? These include such cinematic works as “Chloe”, “Paganini: The Devil’s Violinist”, “Everly”, “Going South”, “Killing Me Softly”, “The Case”. Note that the posters of these films look quite innocent, so if you are embarrassed to directly say that you specifically chose a film with an erotic slant, then you can easily say that someone recommended this drama or thriller to you, and you did not even expect to see something like that there .

    However, you are probably already an adult who should not be ashamed of your desires at all! So, what erotic films can you choose, from which it is immediately clear that intimate scenes are coming? These include: “Sleep with me”, “Diaries of a Nymphomaniac”, “Intimate Adventures”, “Wild Orchid” and others.

    Excite a guy with your hands, touches, kisses

    Guys are usually more excitable than girls, so if you want to excite your lover, it is unlikely to cause you any difficulties. If you are already in bed, then, in general, almost any caresses will have the desired effect. If you haven’t gotten to bed yet, then find an opportunity to be alone with the guy and excite him with the touch of your lips and hands. We can talk about passionate French kisses, light biting, stroking. Your movements should be confident and purposeful - stroke your beloved man not with your fingertips, but with an open palm, lightly run your nails over his skin, press your whole body against him. After such manipulations, the guy will probably immediately want to continue.

    Due to his assertive behavior, the young man does not know whether to continue communication further. Of course, there are men who love this behavior, but many representatives of the stronger sex prefer to keep the intrigue. The main task of the girl is to interest the guy and arouse interest in the person so that he instantly wants to be next to his beloved. Therefore, it is better to start correspondence with an unobtrusive declaration of love in your own words. Next, it is recommended to move on to more explicit messages, supported by intimate photographs. Examples of short phrases and mind-stirring SMS:

    1. All day long, thoughts about you do not leave my head. I dream of being close to you, hugging you tightly and kissing you passionately!
    2. You can't imagine how much I miss you. It seems to me that your scent accompanies me everywhere.
    3. It's morning now, but I'm looking forward to the evening with great anticipation.

    How to excite a man via SMS? erotic SMS: examples

    There are countless examples of SMS that excite men. And the words that you would like to pamper and excite your man may not always come to mind.
    Let's share erotic sms into three groups: erotic SMS in the morning, erotic SMS before bed and exciting SMS at any time. Why such frames? This will make it much easier for you to compose SMS.

    Let's not talk for a long time, but immediately read examples of erotic SMS! Exciting SMS for a man in the morning: - Today I had such an erotic dream with you. Do you want me to tell you? - I woke up, and I really want to feel you next to me, feel your touch.... - I just woke up, and my whole body is burning with desire for you... - Morning.

    Bed. I.

    How to excite a man via SMS?


    If you start unilaterally bombarding him with erotic phrases, then your persistence may give a completely different result than you wanted. As practice shows, in order for a man to get excited and think about his partner all day long, he needs to constantly feel her desire.

    This means that you will have to play erotic verbal ping-pong the entire time he is at work. Exciting SMS for a guy:
    • I want to see your naked body on my bed again
    • Dear, should you warm up dinner or bed in the evening?
    • I really want to know if I can count on us getting a little naughty tonight
    • Honey, get ready, tonight you will have an unforgettable erotic massage with a pleasant continuation
    • Darling, close your eyes and imagine me in your favorite red lingerie.

    How to excite a guy from a distance through short SMS

    Home » Home » How to excite a guy from a distance through short SMS Many women believe that a man should take the initiative in any area of ​​the relationship. A lady's behavior should be like that of an unapproachable queen.
    On the one hand, the approach is correct and corresponds to stereotypical ideas about relationships, but on the other hand, men with such ladies become bored. Any man likes it when a lady starts flirting with him, but how can he do this if his sweetheart constantly disappears at business meetings and business trips?
    For this purpose, short SMS messages were invented that excite the imagination of a man at a distance. Exciting SMS to a man in your own words Most women who are inexperienced in sexual correspondence often make a common mistake - they try to overwhelm a man with vulgar messages.

    Exciting SMS, phrases and words for a guy

    I'm waiting for you in the evening.

    • I can’t think, my thoughts are confused from excitement and the desire to be yours.

    Passionate and love phrases:

    • Maybe he’ll meet you from work in a negligee?
    • I'm hungry, and I'm not talking about food...
    • I miss your lips.
    • I dream of your hands on my body.
    • I can imagine how you remove everything unnecessary from me.

    Examples of exciting phrases on the phone:

    • I imagine how your hands gently caress my chest and hips, squeeze my buttocks and languidly press my body, already lifeless from passion and desire, to your powerful torso.
    • Your lips fill with passion, I feel their warmth and cannot part with this feeling.
    • Today I have one desire - to become yours.
    • I am ready to obey you in intimate games.

    Rules Relationships are everyday work.

    Phrases and words that excite men

    SMS to a guy, a man, when he is at work

    • Affectionate words for SMS that excite men with your own words
    • Intimate stimulating SMS and phrases for correspondence with a guy, a man
    • An example of a beautiful erotic letter to excite a man, a guy from a distance
    • Sexy SMS, phrases to excite a guy, a man
    • What should I write or say to a guy, a man, my husband at night, to wish him good night, to turn him on, to excite him from a distance?
    • How to excite a guy by talking on the phone, Skype: an example of a conversation
    • Poems that excite men
    • What should you not write to a guy or a man?
    • Video: How to make a man think about you?

    Most women believe that only the man should take the initiative in a relationship, which is why most often they behave like snow queens, trying not to show their real emotions.

    How to excite a girl with words so that she melts

    Let them rest while you enjoy each other.

    • Doorbell

    It’s better not to turn it off, because anything can happen. But you choose the time when someone’s visit is the minimum chance.

    Force majeure events are not taken into account. What if someone stumbles into the wrong door (drunk, or by mistake).

    • Alarm


    Otherwise it will be a pity when it flies into one of the walls. Turn off alarms in it to save your mobile phone.

    • Clothes with "intricacies"

    While he is undressing you, he will get tired, confused, and freak out. Choose erotic clothes, but “understandable” ones for your man.

    Otherwise it will be torn by your loved one.
    Choose a moment when a man’s eyes will sparkle and shine, when you feel that he is ready to give his whole life for you. This is where he came in! What a hit! You can act without missing a beat.

    Say intimate compliments to a man to excite him

    1. Yours is so beautiful...
    2. You have such a perfect body...
    3. You have such great skin...
    4. There is so much desired in your body parts...
    5. There is so much fire in your passion!

    Words and phrases that are accompanied by “rapid” breathing and sighs excite a man very much. If there are slight moans, the man generally goes crazy with excitement! Try to regulate this somehow, but make sure that everything is as natural as possible.

    What words to excite via SMS examples

    How to strongly excite a man through SMS But remember, for a strong effect you need not just a call to action, you need aggression on your part. For example, “Go into your office, I’m already there and I’m only wearing a fur coat,” “Your slave is waiting in the back seat : wear it or spank it,” or “Look in your jacket pocket, but not in a crowded place,” and there are pre-inserted fishnet panties. Etc. How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS Writing one SMS is a mine that can remain intact, or can cause an explosion.

    Or rather passion. Below we present passionate SMS exchanges that will definitely inspire you to great deeds! How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: examples of SMS How to excite a man by correspondence: and a little fun Exciting SMS poems for a man Rhyme, and even with humor, will never go out of fashion.

    • I love you so much that I can't wait for you to ring my doorbell.
    • My only one, no one has ever given me as much pleasure as you
    • Every minute spent with you makes me very happy
    • I love it when you kiss and hug me... And your hands caressing my body make me lose my mind
    • When you leave the bed of our love, I feel very sad
    • I want you so much that I think I'll go crazy
    • Darling, how would you like to continue in the evening what we started in the morning?
    • How I want your lips to caress my body right now

    Intimate stimulating SMS and phrases for correspondence with a guy, man Intimate stimulating SMS As you probably already understood, SMS correspondence can be a wonderful prelude to a stormy night.