Tea retains fluid. What delays the excretion of fluid from the body, a list of products. Oils and fats

After the January holidays, the topic of losing weight is more relevant than ever. Our experts will tell you which products are best for removing water from the body. In other words, how to lose a couple of extra pounds without strict diets and at the same time improve your health.

Mikhail Gavrilov,

psychotherapist, member of the Institute of Functional Medicine

There can be plenty of reasons for fluid retention in the body. Provided that everything is in order with your health, puffiness provokes an abundance of salty or sweet foods in the diet, especially eaten in the evening, the abuse of fast food and convenience foods (toxins retain water in the body).

By the way, if you drink little water, the body will also save fluid and accumulate in reserve. When you lose weight, you may also experience some swelling. When fat breaks down, water is formed, with the removal of which the body does not always cope quickly.

It is necessary to solve the problem of puffiness in a complex way, including with the help of nutrition correction. Reduce your salt and sugar intake, drink enough water, and eliminate anything that causes you food intolerance from your diet. Some foods will help you to remove the excess.

White meat poultry

Protein binds water. Therefore, if you are faced with puffiness, you need to eat animal products 3-4 times a day. Nutritionists also practice the so-called protein strikes - during the day you need to eat about 1 kilogram of boiled white meat of turkey or chicken. But such days can only be practiced by people with healthy kidneys, no more than once a month and under the supervision of a doctor!

Any greens

There is an opinion that in winter there is nothing useful in greenery. Of course, in terms of vitamin content, it is much inferior to the one grown in summer. But greens are high in coarse fiber (the one that most of us are undernourished), which absorbs both water and toxins like a sponge! It not only helps to remove water, but also improves intestinal motility.


Give preference to lemon or orange. These fruits contain potassium, which is involved in water-salt metabolism. Add citrus juice to water, dress salads with it, add it to marinade for meat.

Cranberries and lingonberries

These berries are known for their mild diuretic effect. Eat them fresh, make compotes or squeeze juice. By the way, to remove excess fluid, you can also use the leaves (of the same lingonberry) to brew a useful diuretic tea.

Irina Lizun ,

dietitian at clinic "K+31"


Coffee is considered one of the best natural diuretics, which means it has a good diuretic effect. Of course, we are talking about natural coffee. At the same time, you should not abuse it, since more than five cups will no longer have the best effect on water metabolism. The ideal recommendation is to drink two to three cups of coffee a day.


Rice is a very good product if you want to remove excess water from the body. This is why rice diets are so popular. Many even sit on rice porridge for months to achieve a greater effect. Dried apricots, prunes or raisins can be added to rice porridge if desired. But the weight is reduced due to a significant loss of water in the body, which will return along with extra pounds as soon as you stop dieting.

decoctions of herbs

If we are talking about fluid retention in the body, then you need to choose the right diuretic. The pharmacy today sells various fees for these purposes. For example, you can buy the same chamomile. Infusions or teas are prepared from these herbs, which have a diuretic effect. But before you cook them, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since some medicinal herbs, despite their beneficial properties, remove the microelements necessary for the body along with water.


Despite the fact that winter is not the season for watermelons, nevertheless, we cannot help but think of them when it comes to products that remove water from the body. Nutritionists even recommend doing watermelon fasting days. This gives a good cleansing effect, since watermelon not only removes water from the body, but also has a good antioxidant effect and removes toxins. The only thing is that this method is contraindicated for those who have kidney stones and diabetes.

Ginger Cocktail

Another good remedy for removing water from the body is a cocktail based on ginger and lemon. The recipe is simple. Add a little ginger (literally on the tip of a knife) and a slice of lemon to a glass of water (you can just squeeze the juice from a third of a lemon).

Add half a teaspoon of honey and pour warm water. Both of these products remove fluid from the body, as well as activate the metabolism and improve the movement of the lymph. The only thing to remember is that such a cocktail should not be used by people with stomach diseases, as it can irritate the damaged mucosa.

Water retention in the body is a common problem. It often seems to those who have been affected by this trouble that their body has been "captured" by fat. But in reality, the reason is the fact that the body does not remove the accumulated fluid. In this article, we will tell you which foods retain water in the body.

Fluid retention in the body - causes

Water accumulates in body tissues. This occurs when the balance of forces that determine the movement of fluid through the body is disturbed.

If it is difficult for the body to remove water, swelling appears. This is affected by:

  • diet high in sodium;
  • poor circulation caused by;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of movement in life.

Fluid retention is easy to spot. How?

1. Weight gain.

2. The appearance of edema, especially on the legs and ankles.

3. Do a simple test. Press on the skin with your finger. Just a few seconds. If after some time a white mark and pits remain, then you have fluid retention in your body.

To reduce these symptoms, you should eat a low-salt diet and increase your intake of fluids and foods with a diuretic (diuretic) effect.

What foods retain water in the body

When health problems begin, it is necessary to reduce not only the amount of salt consumed, but also to exclude certain foods that stimulate fluid retention.

Alcoholic drinks

It would seem that their use causes an increased desire to visit the toilet. But despite this, excess sugar accumulates in our body. causes fluid retention in the stomach and legs.

A glass of wine a day is no problem. But large doses of high-calorie drinks, such as beer or cocktails, are best avoided.


The smoked meats we love so much are high in sodium. Also, they are very fatty. All this causes fluid retention in the body. Bust in the diet of sausages negatively affects the blood vessels.

Quick snacks

We are talking about crackers, chips and other similar products that contain excess salt and spices that enhance the taste. In addition, such food is highly addictive. As a rule, it is difficult to stop at one serving - we eat the whole pack, don't we?

processed sugar

Much of what we eat contains huge amounts of sugar and sweeteners. Sugar in excess, like salt, causes swelling. If you are concerned about fluid retention in the body, it is worth limiting your sugar intake and find a natural alternative to it, such as stevia or honey.

Wheat flour products

People whose diet is filled with pizza, cookies, bread or rolls often suffer from weight gain and swelling.

Why? White, edible flour contains a lot of carbohydrates, which accumulate in the body and do not allow it to work in the right direction. Try including whole grains in your diet, one way or another, but in reduced amounts. In a short time, you will see positive results.

Edema is a concern for many people. Often they are even confused with excess fat and try to remove water with diets and exercise. Not only does this approach not work, but it exacerbates the problem. Let's look at the causes of fluid retention and how to remove it.

What is puffiness?

In medicine, edema is the excessive accumulation of fluid in the body. Our body consists of 70% water, 2/3 of which is inside the cells of the body. In the space between the cells there is also water - 1/3 of the total. When the amount of water in the intercellular space increases, edema appears.

Edema is general and local. The general can be seen by fluctuations in weight. For example, in the morning you have one weight, and in the evening you become two kilograms heavier (calorificator). Local is associated with specific diseases, such as Quincke's edema, edema in diseases of the veins of the legs or lymphatic vessels.

There are many reasons for fluid retention. We will consider them below, and now we will highlight the main one - a violation of water-salt metabolism. Water-salt metabolism is the intake and removal of water and mineral salts from the body. Excessive or insufficient water intake, excessive or insufficient salt intake cause edema.

Excess water intake is extremely rare. Healthy on average. Most people don't drink that much, replacing the water with sweetened tea, coffee, and other drinks. However, water and drinks are not the same thing. They act on the cells of the body in different ways. Excess water becomes when the function of the excretory system is impaired by acute or chronic kidney diseases.

Salty food retains water in the body, so salinity is recommended to be excluded from a healthy diet. Lack of salt also causes fluid retention. If there is little salt inside the cell, then water will not linger in it and will come out into the intercellular space, forming edema.

Signs of violation of water-salt metabolism:

  1. Weight fluctuations during the day within 1-2 kg;
  2. Large body volumes with low weight;
  3. Flabbiness of the skin;
  4. Marks on the skin from bedding or clothes.

To establish a water-salt metabolism, you need to drink enough water and consume enough salt - do not refuse it and do not overdo it. If you start drinking the same amount of water every day and consume enough salt, then in 2-3 months the quality of your body will noticeably improve.

Not only violations of water-salt metabolism causes fluid retention. It often accompanies cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, diseases of the kidneys and lymphatic vessels, chronic stress, and a sedentary lifestyle.

  • Fluid retention occurs at high and low pressure. To remove fluid from the body, it is necessary to normalize the pressure.
  • and sex hormones are always accompanied by edema. To get rid of them is necessary.
  • Diabetes mellitus and the abuse of carbohydrate foods raise blood sugar levels, which affects the functioning of internal organs, including the excretory system. , but if you are not sick, . Eliminate simple carbohydrates and control the intake of complex ones. In a month you will see how your body will change.
  • Kidney disease disrupts the excretory system. To get rid of excess water, it is necessary to cure the disease.
  • Violation of the lymph flow always causes stagnation of water, and it is provoked by various inflammatory diseases, so treat the diseases and excess fluid will go away.
  • and cortisol retains fluid in the body. Control the level of stress - swelling will go away.
  • With low physical activity, the work of a number of body systems is disrupted, which can also cause fluid stagnation.

Rules for getting rid of edema

For starters, it is necessary to normalize the drinking regimen. All cells of the body are made up of, it must be eaten in sufficient quantities. are needed for the hormonal system, so even during active weight loss, fats cannot be reduced too much. , minimizing the consumption of sugar-containing foods, including dried fruits,.

Most people are looking for quick methods to get rid of swelling. But everything fast gives a short-term result and does not eliminate the cause. All of the above recommendations require time, regular implementation, and sometimes material costs for examination and treatment (calorizator). But unlike massage, fasting days, saunas and water procedures, they eliminate the cause. You just have to maintain the result and be attentive to your health.

We often notice, especially in the morning, that the face seems to be blurred, it is impossible to put the ring on the finger, and for some reason the shoes have become a little cramped. This is fluid retention in the body. Many people suffer from this problem, especially in the modern rhythm of life. After all, it is our treatment of our own body that leads to such disappointing consequences.

If more fluid is retained in the body than it should be, then all systems work with overload. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: from genetic and somatic diseases to malnutrition.

Compliance with the drinking regime is one of the important components that provide a normal amount of fluid in the body. The daily dose of water for each person is 30-50 ml per 1 kg of body weight. A small correction is made depending on the time of year and air temperature. The more a person sweats, the more fluid he needs to drink to maintain water balance.

Fluid retention in the body

There are a number of foods that provoke fluid retention in body tissues. This:

Product name Table salt content (mg/100g) %DV
sauerkraut 800 26.6
Cheese 800 26.6
Cornflakes 660 22
Canned tuna 500 16.6
Rye bread 430 14.3
Green beans 400 13.3
Beet 260 8.6
wheat bread 250 8.3
Chicory 160 5.3
Celery root 125 4.1
cow's milk 120 4
celery leaves 100 3.3
Raisin 100 3.3
Eggs 100 3.3
Fish 100 3.3
Veal 100 3.3
Spinach 85 2.8
Pork 80 2.7
Beef 78 2.6
Champignon 70 2.3
oat flakes 60 2
Bananas 54 1.8
Potato 30 1
red cabbage 30 1
rosehip fruit 30 1
Cottage cheese 30 1
Green peas 20 0.6
Tomatoes 20 0.6
Dates 20 0.6
Oranges, nuts, almonds 20 0.6
  • table salt and foods that contain it
  • pickles, canned and pickled foods;
  • sweets - cookies, cakes, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, honey, all kinds of syrups;
  • fatty dairy products - butter, heavy cream, fermented milk products containing preservatives;
  • sauces with preservatives and modifiers - mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • spreads, margarines, hard cheese;
  • chicken eggs;
  • yeast products - white bread, muffins, pasta;
  • all types of smoked products - meat, sausages, fish;
  • fried foods with oil;
  • chips, snacks, crackers;
  • tea, coffee (only sweet);
  • alcoholic drinks of any strength;
  • all products that contain preservatives, dyes and other synthetic additives;
  • fast food.

To avoid swelling, which is only the first sign of a violation of water-salt metabolism, you need to exclude from your diet foods that retain fluid in the body.

Do this at least for a while so that your body can regulate the excretory processes and remove excess water on its own.

It cannot be said that in the modern world, with the current speeds and intense rhythm of life, a person will be able to completely refuse to consume foods that can provoke fluid retention. But avoiding their frequent use is simply necessary.

In order to quickly remove excess water from the body, include healthy foods in your diet that will help to cope with this problem without drugs. But this is possible only if you noticed the puffiness in time, and it was not yet very strong.

If the problem turned out to be much more serious, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. And he will advise you to include several other foods in the diet.

Fluid-removing products

There are a number of products that are very useful for fluid retention in the body:

  • fruits with a pronounced diuretic property: watermelon, viburnum, chokeberry, strawberries, blueberries.
    Before eating these fruits, it is advisable to do an ultrasound to find out about the presence of kidney stones. It should be used with caution in people suffering from renal insufficiency.
  • products - natural diuretics: buckwheat, celery, parsley, dill, pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper, beets, apple cider vinegar;
  • products that help eliminate toxins and accelerate metabolic processes: lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, cabbage;
  • diuretic teas and decoctions of medicinal herbs: lingonberry and blueberry leaves (also contribute to lowering blood sugar levels), chamomile, calendula, chicory, centaury.


The lack of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements can also lead to fluid retention in the body. It is imperative to introduce the following foods into the diet:

  • containing vitamin B6: salmon, red meat, tuna, bananas, brown rice. This vitamin also contributes to the normalization of digestive processes;
  • containing vitamins B1, B5 and D: low-fat dairy products and fresh fruits. These products also have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, bone tissue and metabolic processes;
  • trace elements calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium. They are found in large quantities in greens, spinach, melons and citrus fruits. In addition, these products actively fight viral infections and enhance immunity.

In order for the body to fully get rid of excess fluid, toxins, slags and other products of processing and vital activity of the body, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen.

Drink clean, high quality water. Juices, compotes, teas, fruit drinks and other liquids with which we often try to replace water will not bring any benefit. If sugar, honey, minerals and other natural ingredients are present in the liquid, this is already food. And water should enter the human body in its pure form. Some nutritionists recommend using structured water as a water resource. This is water that has undergone a process of purification by cold - freezing.

What you need to do to get rid of excess fluid in the body:

  1. drink clean water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day. Soon your body will realize that it has enough water and will stop storing it for future use in tissues. The swelling will go away.
  2. Avoid salt as much as possible. Salt is known to retain water in the body. It also masks the real taste of the product. If you gradually get used to less salty foods, you can notice and discover a whole new taste of familiar foods. But completely unsalted food is also not always good. After all, edible salt is the main source of sodium for the human body.
  3. Walking in the fresh air and dosed physical activity will help speed up the metabolic processes. This will also lead to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
  4. Proper diet. Make it a rule to start the day with breakfast, which always includes oatmeal boiled in water without salt and sugar. Add dried fruits, cinnamon, turmeric to it. If it’s completely unbearable and you want something sweet, a spoonful of honey will replace sugar and serve as a source of glucose.
    You can vary your breakfast and replace oatmeal with other cereals - buckwheat, brown rice, corn. Corn is almost the only cereal that contains elements of gold that can be absorbed by the human body.
  5. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and wholemeal bread daily. This is a source of "correct" carbohydrates, which will not only help remove excess water from the body, but also provide it with the necessary energy for the whole day.
  6. Fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and legumes are the most correct and healthy source of proteins, without which the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible.
  7. Replace sugar, muffins and synthetic sweets with natural ones - dried fruits, nuts, honey and dark chocolate in small quantities.

The human body is 75% fluid, but excess fluid can cause major problems. Edema itself can occur for various reasons. One of them is a warning about impending troubles or a predisposition to some kind of illness.

You just need to learn to understand your body language. It sends us signals for a reason that we often ignore. Morning swelling is an occasion to think about your health. And of course, take action.

Fluid retention in the body is an unpleasant phenomenon familiar to most people, especially women. It leads to edema, due to which not only the appearance suffers, but also the load on the internal organs increases. Difficulty removing fluid from the body is a symptom of certain heart and kidney diseases. But most often this happens due to the wrong lifestyle and because many do not know which foods retain water in the body. If edema has become constant companions of life, first of all, you need to adjust the menu, reducing or completely eliminating these products in it. Often this is enough to get rid of bags under the eyes in the morning and a couple of extra pounds.

Why does fluid retention occur in the body

The main reason for water retention in human tissues and cells is electrolyte imbalance. Electrolytes (sodium, potassium, magnesium and calcium) play an important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the body. They are responsible for metabolism and affect the composition of the blood. Excessive or insufficient intake of even one of these minerals leads to an imbalance.

Sodium and potassium regulate water-salt metabolism: sodium ions retain water, and potassium removes it. Excess sodium in the body causes the accumulation of excess fluid. Insufficient intake of potassium also provokes edema.

The daily dose of sodium to maintain electrolyte balance is 1.5-3 g. Regular excess of this dose (more than 4-5 g) leads not only to edema, but also to increased blood pressure and kidney disease.

The main source of sodium in the body is foods containing salt. Excess consumption of salty foods is the main cause of morning swelling, but not the only one.

Another reason for water retention is high levels of insulin in the blood, which stimulates the release of aldosterone, a hormone that retains sodium in tissues. Therefore, edema is also provoked by foods and drinks with a high glycemic index.

Thus, there are two main food groups that are able to retain water in the body. Let's dwell on each in detail.

Foods high in sodium

All foods containing a large amount of sodium in their composition are foods that retain fluid in the body. The most common source of sodium is table salt (sodium chloride). Almost all food of animal and vegetable origin contains pure sodium chloride:

milk; seafood; meat; eggs; celery; legumes; cereals.

Their salt content is low, and their consumption is the minimum necessary to maintain electrolyte balance. But in the production of many food products, sodium is artificially added to them. Most often, manufacturers aim to enhance the taste and keep the product fresh for as long as possible, so they add additional forms of sodium instead of salt:

sodium nitrite to improve color and as a preservative; monosodium glutamate to enhance taste; sodium saccharin - sugar substitute; sodium benzoate - keeps the product fresh for a long time (preservative); sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).

These forms of sodium are found in high amounts in all processed foods. The quantitative content of sodium salts in them is expressed in the table.

Name of food The content of sodium salts, mg/100 g

smoked sausage

boiled sausages, sausages

Hard cheeses 900-1300
Hamburgers, sandwiches (fast food) 1000-1200
Sauerkraut 800
Canned fish 400-600
Canned meat (stew) 500-700
Bakery products:

from rye flour

from wheat

sea ​​kale 550
Pickled olives 1500
Canned vegetables (peas, beans, corn) 400-700
Mayonnaise 2000-3000
Ketchup 1500-1800
Soy sauce 5000
Chips 1000-1700
Rusks, snacks 800-1200

The foodstuffs marked in the table are the leaders in the content of salt, therefore, with a tendency to edema, they should be excluded from your diet in the first place.

A small package of any salty snacks, or just a few slices of sausage, provides a dose of sodium that is several times the daily requirement. The constant addition of various sauces, even to healthy foods with a low salt content, also leads to an overdose of this trace element, provokes electrolyte imbalance and fluid retention in the body.

Foods with a high glycemic index

Another group of foods that cause water retention is foods with a high glycemic index (GI). Its use causes a sharp release of insulin, which leads to the production of the hormone aldesterone. It retains sodium in the cells of the body and causes swelling.

Below is a list of high GI foods:

all sweets: chocolate, cookies, sweets, halva, waffles, muffins; sweet products; dried fruits; bakery products; potato; cornflakes.

These foods that retain water in the body should also be limited if edema and excess weight are present. When eating high-fat dairy products, the body also begins to produce aldesterone, so they can be added to the list of products that provoke water retention.

Drinks that retain water in the body

When drinking some drinks, the liquid will be retained rather than excreted, so if you are prone to edema, you should limit their intake. For example, beer and sugary carbonated drinks have a high glycemic index, and coffee in small doses has a diuretic effect, but when it is abused or with a lot of sugar, coffee retains water in the body.

Drinking alcohol always causes swelling. Alcoholic drinks are strong diuretics, they remove fluid from the body, but at the same time they upset the balance of all body systems, including the water-salt balance. To remove toxins from the liver, water is needed, so all the liquid drunk after an alcoholic libation accumulates in the intercellular space and causes edema.

How to deal with fluid retention in the body

The best way to get rid of swelling that comes from drinking foods and drinks that cause fluid retention is to completely limit them in your diet.

But due to various circumstances, it is not always possible to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition, so these foods and drinks can appear on the menu of any person. What can be done to minimize the risk of edema after eating foods that cause the accumulation of water in the tissues of the body?

To do this, you should follow a few rules and recommendations.

Drink as much pure non-carbonated water as possible (at least 1.5-2 liters per day). At first glance, this seems illogical: if water accumulates, its intake should be reduced. But the body will react to the restriction of fluid with an even greater delay, it will save it "in reserve". With sufficient fluid intake (except coffee and sugary carbonated drinks), the need for water accumulation will disappear. Exercise and walk outdoors. This helps to speed up the metabolism, improve kidney function and remove excess water faster. If there is a lot of fluid in the body, a bath or a warm bath with sea salt and soda helps to successfully remove its excess. Try to add as little salt as possible when cooking. The salt contained in the diet of a modern person is quite enough for the normal functioning of all organs (even without the use of various sauces, smoked meats and snacks). Eat foods and drinks high in potassium and fiber - they contribute to the rapid removal of excess fluid: green tea and hibiscus; dried apricots and raisins; berries, especially cranberries, blueberries, chokeberries; wheat bran; nuts; bananas; avocado; jacket potatoes; watermelons and melons; herbal teas from chamomile flowers, calendula, lingonberry leaves, blueberries, lemon balm; zucchini; cucumbers. Use the juice of fresh vegetables (carrot, cabbage, beetroot) as a diuretic. It is forbidden to prescribe and drink pharmacy diuretics on your own - they are addictive and remove potassium, magnesium and calcium salts from the body along with sodium salts. Periodically arrange fasting days. Regular discharges on kefir, apples or milkweed prevent stagnation of fluid in the cells (2 tablespoons of green tea are brewed in 2 liters of milk). To eliminate swelling caused by foods high in salt, you need to eat rice or oatmeal in water for several days (unsalted, of course). This is a proven tool that athletes use to dry their muscles before competitions.

If, after excluding products that provoke fluid retention from the menu and following the recommendations for the prevention of edema, they still occur and cause concern, this is a reason to consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination of the body. Perhaps the cause of swelling is a serious disease that requires the intervention of a doctor and the appointment of medication.

Proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are the best means of preventing edema caused by the accumulation of fluid in the body. Daily consumption of clean water, fresh fruits, vegetables, meat and seafood, steamed or boiled, the exclusion from the diet of fast food, sweets and industrial-made sauces is the key to an excellent appearance, the absence of edema and health problems.

We often notice, especially in the morning, that the face seems to be blurred, it is impossible to put the ring on the finger, and for some reason the shoes have become a little cramped. This is fluid retention in the body. Many people suffer from this problem, especially in the modern rhythm of life. After all, it is our treatment of our own body that leads to such disappointing consequences.

If more fluid is retained in the body than it should be, then all systems work with overload. There can be many reasons for this phenomenon: from genetic and somatic diseases to malnutrition.

Compliance with the drinking regime is one of the important components that provide a normal amount of fluid in the body. The daily dose of water for each person is 30-50 ml per 1 kg of body weight. A small correction is made depending on the time of year and air temperature. The more a person sweats, the more fluid he needs to drink to maintain water balance.

Fluid retention in the body

There are a number of foods that provoke fluid retention in body tissues. This:

Product name Table salt content (mg/100g) %DV
sauerkraut 800 26.6
Cheese 800 26.6
Cornflakes 660 22
Canned tuna 500 16.6
Rye bread 430 14.3
Green beans 400 13.3
Beet 260 8.6
wheat bread 250 8.3
Chicory 160 5.3
Celery root 125 4.1
cow's milk 120 4
celery leaves 100 3.3
Raisin 100 3.3
Eggs 100 3.3
Fish 100 3.3
Veal 100 3.3
Spinach 85 2.8
Pork 80 2.7
Beef 78 2.6
Champignon 70 2.3
oat flakes 60 2
Bananas 54 1.8
Potato 30 1
red cabbage 30 1
rosehip fruit 30 1
Cottage cheese 30 1
Green peas 20 0.6
Tomatoes 20 0.6
Dates 20 0.6
Oranges, nuts, almonds 20 0.6

table salt and products that contain it; pickles, canned and pickled products; sweets - cookies, cakes, sweet carbonated drinks, chocolate, honey, all kinds of syrups; fatty dairy products - butter, heavy cream, fermented milk products containing preservatives; sauces with preservatives and modifiers - mayonnaise, ketchup; spreads, margarines, hard cheese; chicken eggs; yeast products - white bread, muffins, pasta; all types of smoked products - meat, sausages, fish; fried foods with oil; chips, snacks, crackers; tea, coffee (only sweet); alcoholic drinks of any strength; all products that contain preservatives, dyes and other synthetic additives; fast food.

To avoid swelling, which is only the first sign of a violation of water-salt metabolism, you need to exclude from your diet foods that retain fluid in the body.

Do this at least for a while so that your body can regulate the excretory processes and remove excess water on its own.

It cannot be said that in the modern world, with the current speeds and intense rhythm of life, a person will be able to completely refuse to consume foods that can provoke fluid retention. But avoiding their frequent use is simply necessary.

In order to quickly remove excess water from the body, include healthy foods in your diet that will help to cope with this problem without drugs. But this is possible only if you noticed the puffiness in time, and it was not yet very strong.

If the problem turned out to be much more serious, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe the appropriate treatment. And he will advise you to include several other foods in the diet.

Fluid-removing products

There are a number of products that are very useful for fluid retention in the body:

fruits with a pronounced diuretic property: watermelon, cranberries, viburnum, chokeberry, strawberries, blueberries.
Before eating these fruits, it is advisable to do an ultrasound to find out about the presence of kidney stones. It should be used with caution in people suffering from renal insufficiency. products - natural diuretics: buckwheat, celery, parsley, dill, pumpkin, zucchini, bell pepper, beets, apple cider vinegar; products that help eliminate toxins and accelerate metabolic processes: lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus, cabbage; diuretic teas and decoctions of medicinal herbs: lingonberry and blueberry leaves (also contribute to lowering blood sugar levels), chamomile, calendula, chicory, centaury.


The lack of vitamins, amino acids and trace elements can also lead to fluid retention in the body. It is imperative to introduce the following foods into the diet:

containing vitamin B6: salmon, red meat, tuna, bananas, brown rice. This vitamin also contributes to the normalization of digestive processes; containing vitamins B1, B5 and D: low-fat dairy products and fresh fruits. These products also have a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, bone tissue and metabolic processes; trace elements calcium, manganese, potassium, magnesium. They are found in large quantities in greens, spinach, melons and citrus fruits. In addition, these products actively fight viral infections and enhance immunity.

In order for the body to fully get rid of excess fluid, toxins, slags and other products of processing and vital activity of the body, it is necessary to observe the drinking regimen.

Drink clean, high quality water. Juices, compotes, teas, fruit drinks and other liquids with which we often try to replace water will not bring any benefit. If sugar, honey, minerals and other natural ingredients are present in the liquid, this is already food. And water should enter the human body in its pure form. Some nutritionists recommend using structured water as a water resource. This is water that has undergone a process of purification by cold - freezing.

What you need to do to get rid of excess fluid in the body:

drink clean water in the amount of 1.5-2 liters per day. Soon your body will realize that it has enough water and will stop storing it for future use in tissues. The swelling will go away. Avoid salt as much as possible. Salt is known to retain water in the body. It also masks the real taste of the product. If you gradually get used to less salty foods, you can notice and discover a whole new taste of familiar foods. But completely unsalted food is also not always good. After all, edible salt is the main source of sodium for the human body. Walking in the fresh air and dosed physical activity will help speed up the metabolic processes. This will also lead to the removal of excess fluid from the body. Proper diet. Make it a rule to start the day with breakfast, which always includes oatmeal boiled in water without salt and sugar. Add dried fruits, cinnamon, turmeric to it. If it’s completely unbearable and you want something sweet, a spoonful of honey will replace sugar and serve as a source of glucose.
You can vary your breakfast and replace oatmeal with other cereals - buckwheat, brown rice, corn. Corn is almost the only cereal that contains elements of gold that can be absorbed by the human body. Be sure to eat fresh vegetables, fruits and wholemeal bread daily. This is a source of "correct" carbohydrates, which will not only help remove excess water from the body, but also provide it with the necessary energy for the whole day. Fat-free dairy products, lean meats, fish and legumes are the most correct and healthy source of proteins, without which the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible. Replace sugar, muffins and synthetic sweets with natural ones - dried fruits, nuts, honey and dark chocolate in small quantities.

The human body is 75% fluid, but excess fluid can cause major problems. Edema itself can occur for various reasons. One of them is a warning about impending troubles or a predisposition to some kind of illness.

You just need to learn to understand your body language. It sends us signals for a reason that we often ignore. Morning swelling is an occasion to think about your health. And of course, take action.

Most people are familiar with the problem of edema and excess fluid in the body. Often, going up to the mirror in the morning, we notice that the face is as if swollen or “blurred”. On the hands and feet, swelling is also determined visually, and by other signs: the shoes are very tight, and the straps of summer shoes cut into the skin; in winter, it can be difficult to fasten the “zipper” on boots.

If “heaviness in the legs” is felt, and the swelling is invisible in appearance, you can press your finger in the lower leg area: there is a trace - there is swelling.

Where do edema come from?

It is not always easy to determine the cause of the “swelling” of tissues and the occurrence of puffiness - competent medical diagnostics is needed.

For example, more fluid enters the body than is excreted; disturbed electrolyte balance or metabolism; have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart, liver or kidneys.

Fluid may be retained due to lack of movement, poor posture, hot weather, working in one position - sitting or standing, taking certain medications - including contraception, wearing tight (uncomfortable) clothes and shoes. In women, edema can also be accompanied by PMS, and in most cases pregnancy, although this cannot be considered the norm.

When water is retained in the tissues, the body has to work under conditions of serious overload. This can last for months and even years: many people here simply get used to their illnesses, and believe that there is "nothing to be done about it."

Sometimes, having discovered a tendency to edema, a person seeks to limit fluid intake, but the problem does not go away. Edema remains, the state of health does not improve.

The body needs to remove toxins - this requires water. If it is not enough, the body waits until it has enough, and the kidneys stop working at full capacity. But, having received such problems, people do not calm down, and resort to diuretic tablets: the fluid accumulated “with difficulty” is forcibly removed, and the process begins anew.

What to do to avoid fluid retention and swelling? Eliminate fluid-retaining foods from the diet or reduce their intake to a reasonable minimum. If the edema is strong, for a while it is worth abandoning such products completely, giving the body time to come to its senses and remove excess water without stress. True, it seems to many that it is impossible to do without these products, and they ask the question: what then is there?

Fluid retention products

First of all, "fast food" and ready-made products from the store: bring home - and eat. In the first place, any smoked meats and canned food - meat and fish, salted fish "for beer", as well as beer itself. Any alcohol causes edema: the body is actively struggling with dehydration, trying to restore the acid-base balance, and generally return to normal. Chips, crackers and other snacks rich in salt also cause the body to retain fluid.

Photo: liquid retaining products

In general, salt is found in many products, and in considerable quantities, and we also add it to dishes that consist of these products: for example, we salt salads with sausage, cheese and mayonnaise. Any fried foods also retain water, whether it be potatoes, meat or ruddy pancakes. And pouring potatoes and pasta with ketchup, we seriously impede the work of the kidneys, which already have a hard time.

Fatty homemade sauces, pickles and marinades, canned compotes, high-fat dairy products, eggs, pastries (especially white flour), store-bought sweets - from cakes and soda to chocolates and syrups, convenience foods, aged cheese, margarines and spreads, juices with sugar, sweet tea and coffee - this is not a complete list of products that contribute to the accumulation of fluid.

Let's talk about some products in more detail. There may be doubts about coffee: this popular drink is known to have a diuretic effect. This is true if you drink coffee without sugar, and in a sufficiently large amount - at least 3 cups. But we usually drink sweet coffee, and even with cookies, and the liquid is retained, not excreted.

Everyone knows about the benefits of milk, cottage cheese and yogurt, but when you use high-fat milk, the body begins to produce more insulin, the presence of which enhances the work of the adrenal glands: they produce a hormone that retains sodium salts.

Photo: liquid retaining products

To stay healthy, a person needs only 2.5 g of salt per day, and this is less than 1/3 tsp, so food, to be objective, can not be salted at all. Why? But because salt is hidden in natural, natural products, and not only in store-bought, ready-made and semi-finished products.

So, in a serving of ordinary beets, peas or red cabbage, up to 9% of the daily salt intake can be contained; in pasta and cereals - up to 14%, in greens and mushrooms - from 3 to 15%, etc. It seems like a trifle, but we salt our food when cooking, and even add “something salty” to “brighten up” the menu.

Sauerkraut is the most useful vitamin product, but it must also be consumed wisely: there is a lot of salt in it - up to 800 mg per 100 g.

Another point is water retention due to excess creatine. This compound enters the body mainly with meat and fish, and is partially synthesized by the kidneys, liver and pancreas. Creatine is a source of energy for muscles (that's why athletes take it as a supplement), but we spend it, with a modern lifestyle, negligible - less than 2 g per day. And we eat meat and fish dishes almost daily, and more than once; excess creatine works on the accumulation of water - up to 2 liters, even if the edema is "not visible to the eye." To restore fluid balance, you do not need to take diuretics or cut down on your drinking regimen; on the contrary, you need to drink up to 3 liters of pure water per day, against the background of a salt-free diet, until the edema “comes down”.

Hidden salt can be "found" in very useful products, although at first glance it seems strange. From 2 to 8% salt contains corn and oat flakes, chicory, green beans, rye bread, potatoes, celery (root), spinach, bananas, raisins, oranges, dates, rose hips, nuts, tomatoes, etc.

Can swelling be avoided?

And now what i can do? Eliminate a product from the diet just because it contains salt? Not at all.

It is impossible to refuse the products that we need for a normal life in any case. But it’s worth reducing the amount of salt, as well as changing your diet for the better: stop eating fast food, prepared food, sausages, mayonnaises and ketchups, and start feeding yourself freshly prepared food, from organic and natural products.

Sugar promotes fluid retention, like salt, and we can do without it for sure, replacing it with honey, dried fruits, jam, etc. - in reasonable quantities.

Walking and exercise, even in the form of morning exercises, greatly contribute to the acceleration of metabolic processes, improve kidney function and prevent swelling.

You should not take diuretic drugs without a doctor, but drinking clean water, up to 2 liters per day, is a must: when the balance of water consumption is observed in the body, edema does not occur. In summer, when the hot sun and hot wind “take away” more moisture from us, you need to monitor your drinking regime especially carefully.

Tags: fluid retention products, which foods retain fluid