Days of the Black Moon - days of Hecate: how to protect yourself and benefit from the dark period? Satanic days according to the lunar calendar Children born on the days of Hecate

Days of Hecate

The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.
They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside of orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

Eat lunar days, in which amazing people are born - people who have the power of the Goddess Hecate

Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the ruler of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution. In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him. The White Moon is a symbol of a woman housewife, whose tables are laden with food, healthy and happy children are rustling, and her house is entwined with grapes. In a word - a woman who creates simple and beautiful earthly happiness. This woman becomes the Black Moon when her children and a respectable home are in danger and she turns into a protector. Hecate’s main task is to protect the house covered with grapes from dark forces. It is believed that Hecate can destroy night ghosts, vampires and even demons.

Lunar days on which power passes to Hecate - 9, 15, 23, 29

People born on these days are endowed with the gift of Hecate. What does it mean? In their presence, everything falls apart and is destroyed. It's not their fault. This is their space program. But at the same time, the true necessarily grows with tenfold force, and the false dies forever. “Hecates” are a kind of bulldozers that clear new areas for new flower beds in the Universe. People born on 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are ecstatic. It costs them nothing to run out into the snow barefoot in the winter cold or rush from a cliff into a raging sea in a thunderstorm to experience a state where the spirit is captured by the feeling of their own strength and unity with the elements.

Should Hecate be feared? No. In no case. They are saviors. They can stop a fight, help a person out, intervene in a situation in which neither the police nor professional rescuers would risk finding themselves. You can rely on them. Hecates are betrayed to death by those they love. We can say that they are loyal to friends and loved ones. But not everyone correctly understands this devotion and fidelity. God gave them the opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is considerable luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from yours. life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like “Hecate.”
There is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck.

"Hecates" will allow you to write a novel of your married life together on clean slate, where they won’t leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hekate it can increase turnover several dozen times. So, honest entrepreneurs, hire Hecate!

Hecate's Challenge

Call Hecate on one of her days - 9, 15, 23, 29, as well as two days before the new moon and two days after. “Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.” If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.

A lunar birthday brings with it great significance for fate. The lunar birthday and its characteristics can tell you about many unpleasant moments in life. Birthday by lunar calendar falls on one of 30 lunar days. You can determine your lunar birthday or lunar day by date of birth using the lunar calendar. You can also find out what lunar birthday is from the lunar days calculator.

The most difficult days lunar month The days of Hecate or the days of the Black Moon are considered - these are the 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days of each month. And everyone who is born in these days of Hecate has the strength and energy of the Goddess Hecate herself.

The impact of the days of Hecate is manifested in the fact that in the environment of such a person everything falls apart and is destroyed. But you shouldn’t blame him: he’s just unconsciously fulfilling his cosmic program, laid down by the Moon on his lunar birthday. But as a result of this destruction, something truly valuable always comes. All those born in the days of Hecate strive to achieve unity with the primordial elements.

But do not underestimate or one-sidedly perceive everyone born in the days of Hecate. People under her protection have many qualities and abilities to act in critical situations in which another person, even one who has his own professional responsibilities, would not risk interfering. Children of Hecate can stop a fight and save a person from the elements. You can rely on them. People born on the days of the Dark Moon are the most devoted friends, relatives, and spouses. If your loved one was born on the day of Hecate, then, provided he has great and sincere love for you, he can give you so much of his energy that you can easily achieve success in any matter that is important to you! To do this, you just need to really trust your chosen one, who, with his power given by the powerful Hecate, will eliminate everything superfluous and unnecessary in your life together. All the trials that the children of Hecate bring to us are aimed only at quickly clearing our destiny and finding true cosmic happiness. Hecate's children act as indicators of the situation - in fate, in life, at work - wherever they appear. If there is something dark, negative, dishonest, then the situation undergoes destruction. If, on the contrary, the situation only reveals bright sides, then it further increases the success and happiness of everyone involved in it.

9th lunar birthday. Such people live a long time, but, as a rule, they feel deeply unhappy. They suffer from a lack of understanding of others, from their own complexes and fears. In order to find balance in life, these people need to constantly cleanse their psyche, get rid of external influences and their own negative emotions, cultivate humility, altruism, and try to see only the good in everything. Fasting, spiritual self-improvement, and acquiring one’s spiritual faith are especially useful.

15th lunar birthday. Such people have a complex character, unbalanced, capricious and conflictual. In their lives they have to change a lot about themselves. They often succumb to all sorts of temptations, become a temptation for others, love to seduce and seduce. They have many difficulties in their personal life. You need to learn to manage your emotions. They do not recognize authorities and are difficult to learn. Such people often have a weakened pancreas, so it is necessary to cleanse and fast.

23rd lunar birthday. Such people have a complex character and a difficult fate. Their life depends on the environment in which they grew up, what kind of upbringing they received, and what they learned. Any task is completed. They have acumen and the ability to find an approach to to the right person, charm. If such a person sets big goals for himself, he can become a teacher, monk, preacher, or devote himself to serving people. You must stand on your path, put all your strength into it, and not doubt your goal.

29th lunar birthday. Such people have very difficult karma, but have an interesting and rich life. From birth they carry dark power within them. They feel as if they are constantly fighting something. They live a long time, but in this life they must atone for their previous sins, moreover, of the entire clan, family, parents. These people have to suffer a lot and make many mistakes. A person on the 29th day perceives the world inadequately. Repentance, cleansing, prayer, and a positive attitude towards your trials will help you. But the most important thing is to overcome the original evil and fears of obstacles and the unknown. Then you will find happiness and reach the next stage of development.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

It is difficult to describe what contradictory emotions fill my being. There was a big collapse in life's path. There is such a period in my life now as in lunar cycle around the new moon, that is, the last two days of the previous lunar month and the first two of the new one. They are called the days of Hecate. These days are essentially days of reconsidering motives.

It is believed that the days of Hecate, due to the fact that they are days of purification of the soul, are the most fertile for this very soul.

Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside of orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.
In ancient Greek mythology, Hecate is the patroness of the underworld, the mistress of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution.

In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him.

It is also interesting that I was born in the first lunar day, i.e. I am the child of Hecate. I never thought about this, but now, when I’m philosophizing in depression, I noticed it.

What do they write on the Internet about the children of Hecate?
Children of Hecate are endowed with special abilities. In the presence of such people, everything that is false is destroyed and disintegrates. Their appearance is like chaos, followed by something new and strong. They are like a bulldozer - stubborn, assertive and often treacherous, for them there are no norms and prohibitions, they act as their Great Mother - Hecate - tells them, they destroy everything that should be destroyed, thereby making way for new shoots - pure and light. They are like a cleansing fire, they burn everything that is false and undeserving. further development. They, like forest orderlies, destroy what is sick, outdated, and rotting.
Children of Hecate are ecstatic - they can jump from a cliff into the sea or commit a crazy act just for the sake of a feeling of flight, freedom and inspiration - a feeling of connection with the Cosmos.
Also, unlike other people, Hecate’s children will not hesitate to defend the weak, intervene in the situation, take risks where the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the police are afraid to take risks. They are devoted to those they love to the point of death. They faithful friends and beloved ones. But, unfortunately, not everyone correctly understands this devotion and loyalty. God gave them the right and opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is considerable luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from your life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like Hecate. And there is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck. "Hecates" will allow you to write the novel of your married life together on a clean sheet of paper, where they will not leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hekate it can increase turnover several dozen times.
Also, the children of Hecate are endowed with the ability to bring good luck in matters of love.

My online fortune telling using Osho cards looks like this today:

So the results are CHANGE! God! I believe it is for good! I purposefully do not say “for the better.” “Best” is a superlative of “good.” Hoping for “+” while ignoring “-” means causing discord in harmony and producing distortion. The monad must be whole. I just hope that the collapse of life will be somehow compensated for by the takeoff.
I read somewhere that many of the symptoms of collapse that seem to us are actually harbingers of a breakthrough. It is proposed not only to feel the naturalness and temporary necessity of any destructive events, any obstacles that arise, but even to find them! attention! and the point of joy in this..
When we wait for something new, when we long for its arrival, it always manifests itself in our lives through pain and collapse. Any “saving changes” in this case will certainly begin with destruction.
To be Divine, to be a Master, means maintaining a balance between illness and joy, between suffering and happiness. For the Master is equally both.

Hecate is not dark, not black and does not represent the power of evil and darkness.
Hecate personifies process, the elemental power of destruction for the sake of creation, the power of renewal through death.

In ancient Greek mythology, a chthonic deity (of Asia Minor origin), the patroness of all night evil spirits, witchcraft and divination. In literary sources, many other functions were also attributed to her, in connection with which Hecate was identified with the goddess of the moon Selene, the goddess of the underworld Persephone, and the mistress of wild animals Artemis. She was depicted with a torch in her hands, often with snakes in her hair (sometimes with three faces).

The so-called satanic days before the new moon, the days of Hecate, are actually days of revision of motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.
They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

Hecate, or the other side of the Moon, was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside of orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

There are lunar days on which amazing people are born - people who have the power of the Goddess Hecate

Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the ruler of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution. In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him. The White Moon is a symbol of a woman housewife, whose tables are laden with food, healthy and happy children are rustling, and her house is entwined with grapes. In a word - a woman who creates simple and beautiful earthly happiness. This woman becomes the Black Moon when her children and a respectable home are in danger and she turns into a protector. Hecate’s main task is to protect the house covered with grapes from dark forces. It is believed that Hecate can destroy night ghosts, vampires and even demons.

Lunar days on which power passes to Hecate - 9, 15, 23, 29

People born on these days are endowed with the gift of Hecate. What does it mean? In their presence, everything falls apart and is destroyed. It's not their fault. This is their space program. But at the same time, the true necessarily grows with tenfold force, and the false dies forever. “Hecates” are a kind of bulldozers that clear new areas for new flower beds in the Universe. People born on 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are ecstatic. It costs them nothing to run out into the snow barefoot in the winter cold or rush from a cliff into a raging sea in a thunderstorm to experience a state where the spirit is captured by the feeling of their own strength and unity with the elements.

Should Hecate be feared? No. In no case. They are saviors. They can stop a fight, help a person out, intervene in a situation in which neither the police nor professional rescuers would risk finding themselves. You can rely on them. Hecates are betrayed to death by those they love. We can say that they are loyal to friends and loved ones. But not everyone correctly understands this devotion and fidelity. God gave them the opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is considerable luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from your life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like “Hecate.”
There is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck.

“Hecates” will allow you to write the novel of your married life together on a clean sheet of paper, where they will not leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hekate it can increase turnover several dozen times. So, honest entrepreneurs, hire Hecate!

Hecate's Challenge

Call Hecate on one of her days - 9, 15, 23, 29, as well as two days before the new moon and two days after. “Come, underground, earthly and heavenly goddess Hecate, goddess of roads and crossroads, bringing air, walking at night, favorable to the night and accompanying it, rejoicing in the barking of dogs, wandering in the darkness like a will-o’-the-wisp among the graves, terrifying the dead. Gor-go, Mor-mo, Bom-Bo, Moon of a thousand faces, come to us, great Hecate.” If you call her with a pure heart, all your desires can be fulfilled.
"New Interesting Newspaper"

Hecate ruled over all ghosts and monsters, night visions and sorcery. She was born as a result of the marriage of the titan Persus and Asteria.
Hecate had three bodies connected together, six pairs of arms and three heads. Zeus - the king of the gods - endowed her with power over the destinies of the earth and sea, and Uranus endowed her with indestructible strength.
The Greeks believed that Hecate wanders in deep darkness at night with her constant companions, owls and snakes, lighting her path with smoldering torches.
She walked past the graves along with her terrible retinue, surrounded by monstrous dogs from the kingdom of Hades, living on the banks of the Styx. Hecate sent horrors and painful dreams to the earth and destroyed people.
Sometimes Hecate helped people, for example, it was she who helped Medea achieve Jason’s love. It was believed that she helped sorcerers and sorcerers. The ancient Greeks believed that if you sacrifice dogs to Hecate while standing at the crossroads of three roads, she would help remove the spell and get rid of evil damage.
Underground gods like Hecate personified mainly the formidable forces of nature.

Hecate- not dark, not black and does not represent the forces of evil and darkness.
Hecate personifies the process, the elemental power of destruction for the sake of creation, the power of renewal through death

In ancient Greek mythology, a chthonic deity (of Asia Minor origin), the patroness of all night evil spirits, witchcraft and divination. In literary sources, many other functions were also attributed to her, in connection with which Hecate was identified with the goddess of the moon Selene, the goddess of the underworld Persephone, and the mistress of wild animals Artemis. She was depicted with a torch in her hands, often with snakes in her hair (sometimes with three faces).
Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Hecate (Ekath)- among the Greeks, the deity of moonlight. The cult of Hecate first existed among the Thracians and from them it passed to the Greeks. In Hesiod's Theogony, where she is first mentioned, she is called the daughter of the Titan Perseus; others call her the daughter of Zeus and Demeter or Zeus and Hera. Hecate bestows wisdom in public assemblies, happiness in war, rich spoils in hunting, etc. As the goddess of the underworld, she was also considered the goddess of all things mysterious; the Greeks imagined her fluttering with the souls of the dead at crossroads, where, therefore, her cult was sometimes performed. She helps sorceresses, who, like Circe and Medea, learn their art from her. Hecate was sometimes depicted as one female figure with two torches in hands, sometimes in the form of 3 figures tied at the back.
W. Blake

Hecate- goddess of darkness, witchcraft and mirages. Daughter of Persian and Asteria, granddaughter of the titans Koya and Kria, mother of Skilla (father of Phorcys). One of the most ancient and powerful goddesses, ruling over all ghosts and monsters in the kingdom of Hades. She had three bodies and three heads - a lion, a dog and a horse. At the crossroads of three roads, dogs were sacrificed and then Hecate helped not only in witchcraft, but also against witchcraft. At a later time, Hecate began to act as a symbol of otherworldly forces.

Hecate is the Greek name of an Anatolian and Thracian goddess first mentioned by Hesiod (c. 700 BC). Nilsson, in Greek Popular Religion, believes that the cult of Hecate originates from Caria; "This is confirmed by the fact that personal names in which her name is included are often found in this particular area, while in other places they are rare or not known at all."

There are versions that in early Hellenic history Hecate was a completely virtuous goddess associated with the Moon. Then the Hellenes, who brought patriarchal order, supplanted the goddess and she became formidable and terrible for them. However, from Zeus Hecate received power over the fate of the earth and sea, and from Uranus (grandfather) she received great power.

Thus, in ancient times, Hecate patronized hunting, shepherding, horse breeding, protected children and young men, and granted victory in competitions, in court, and in war. Later, with the strengthening of the cults of Hermes, Artemis and Apollo, her influence decreases, or rather changes. Her attributes are a key, a whip, a dagger and a torch.

In the classical era, Hecate became the goddess of the Moon, the night and the underworld. More often she was depicted with a torch in her hand. Statues of Hecate were placed at crossroads to protect against evil. At the same time, it was she who was blamed for the madness and the appearance of ghosts. Even later, Hecate becomes the patroness of witchcraft and the progenitor of all sorceresses. She was responsible for the madness that befalls people, insanity or obsession with any idea. At the same time, she could protect against evil demons and witchcraft.

In Rome, Hecate was compared with the goddess Trivia - “the goddess of the three roads.”


The so-called satanic days before the new moon, days of Hecate, are actually days of reconsidering motives. We live in certain cycles. The most important points of these cycles were previously considered to be the days before the winter solstice and before the new moon. At this time, a person must fast and limit external contacts. He must go deep into himself and reckon with the previous cycle. Today we perceive the days of Hecate (the well-known 29th lunar day) as satanic, and therefore harmful. In fact, these are days of cleansing, parting with the mistakes that we have made during these 29 days.
They are the most beneficial for the human soul.

Hecate, or the dark side of the Moon , was a very important woman. She took revenge on everyone who prematurely invaded the overworld. Hecate drove all those who were unprepared, those without a teacher, without tradition, outside of orders and prematurely eager for esotericism, crazy. A person who passed through the Gate, being unprepared, returned from there crazy.

There are lunar days on which amazing people are born - people who have the power of the Goddess Hecate

Hecate in ancient Greek mythology is the patroness of the underworld, the mistress of the Black Moon. There are two moons. They are believed to exist but are not visible to the human eye. One of them is White. It orbits the Earth every 28 days. Brings good luck, prosperity, blessing, joy. The Black Moon orbits the Earth in 29 days. And brings retribution. In Indian mythology, Hecate corresponds to the Goddess Kali - the Goddess of time, destruction and transformation. The long period of time in which our lives fell is called Kali Yuga, i.e. It is Kali (Hecate) who patronizes him. The White Moon is a symbol of a woman-housewife, whose tables are laden with food, healthy and happy children are rustling, and the house is entwined with grapes. In a word - a woman who creates simple and beautiful earthly happiness. This woman becomes the Black Moon when her children and a respectable home are in danger and she turns into a protector. Hecate's main task is to protect the house, entwined with grapes, from dark forces. It is believed that Hecate can destroy night ghosts, vampires and even demons.

LouThese are the days on which power passes to Hecate -,

People born on these days are endowed with the gift of Hecate. What does it mean? In their presence, everything falls apart and is destroyed. It's not their fault. This is their space program. But at the same time, the true necessarily grows with tenfold force, and the false dies forever. “Hecates” are a kind of bulldozers that clear new areas for new flower beds in the Universe. People born on 9, 15, 23, 29 lunar days are ecstatic. It costs them nothing to run out into the snow barefoot in the winter cold or rush from a cliff into a raging sea in a thunderstorm to experience a state where the spirit is captured by the feeling of their own strength and unity with the elements.

Should Hecate be feared? No. In no case. They are saviors. They can stop a fight, help a person out, intervene in a situation in which neither the police nor professional rescuers would risk finding themselves. You can rely on them. Hecates are betrayed to death by those they love. We can say that they are loyal to friends and loved ones. But not everyone correctly understands this devotion and fidelity. God gave them the opportunity to do eccentric things. If God sent you a beloved woman - Hecate, then by giving her endless love, you will receive from her energy that can take you to the very top of possible and impossible success for you. She will not be embarrassed by difficulties if she feels loved. She will overcome them and will be your closest and most sincere advisor and friend. It is considerable luck to have as your lover or beloved a person born on the lunar day of Hecate. You just need to trust them very much to allow their energy to eliminate everything unnecessary and alien from your life together. No one can separate the “wheat from the chaff” like “Hecate.”
There is hardly another day when such people are born who bring true, cosmic luck.

“Hecates” will allow you to write the novel of your married life together on a clean sheet of paper, where they will not leave a single stain of dirt. If “Hecate” appears at an enterprise, then collapse may soon await it. But only if the management is involved in “unclean” matters. If the management puts its soul into the development of the enterprise, then after the appearance of Hekate it can increase turnover several dozen times. So, honest entrepreneurs, Hire Hecate!

After her birth as a Celestial body, the Moon (Spirit of the Moon) carried within herself the Primary Aspects of the Mother of the World. Their carriers were two Goddesses from the Pantheon of Goddesses of the Mother of the World: Selene and Hecate. But after a rebellion against the Creator, led by the first archon and fallen co-creator Vallaum, the Goddess Hecate betrayed the Creator and Mother of the World and took the side of the forces of darkness. Since then, the Moon has been divided into two almost equal halves: one of them, in the person of the Goddess Selene, brought Light, Love and Good, and the other, in the person of the fallen Goddess Hecate, brought darkness, evil and destruction. The well-known “Days of Hecate” were distinguished by a particularly strong destructive influence on the Earth and people.

By the way, it was after this that the Lunar Cataclysm occurred, as a result of which the main elements of the lunar orbit changed. So, in particular, it was thrown into an orbit farther from Earth at a distance of 380 thousand kilometers (initially it was at a distance of 333,333 km). The force of lunar gravity and the speed of rotation around its axis and around the Earth also changed. After this, only one side of the Moon became visible from the Earth (before that, the entire surface of the Moon could be cyclically observed from the Earth). Since then, these sides have come to be called: dark and light. Dark forces began to actively use the powerful energy potential of the Moon as a means of enslaving and controlling women and everything Feminine, and also as a means of destructive influence on the Earth.