The stone bronzes properties of yang or yin energy. Yin Yang symbol: masculine and feminine. How stones are divided into YIN and YANG according to the Chinese school

According to ancient Eastern philosophy, in particular Chinese, which believes that all processes in the World contain polarity. We all have masculine and feminine principles by nature, and so do stones. The creator characterizes masculine energy, the perceiver - feminine. The creative stone should have a bright, saturated color, be shiny or transparent, and the receptive stone should be dull and paler.

But let's look at this topic in a little more detail.

Stones are divided into Yin and Yang according to their color, purity, hardness, crystal lattice and chemical composition. For convenience, we will take the transparency of the stone as a basis. All pure and completely transparent stones belong to the Yang principle (male stones), all opaque stones are associated with the Yin principle (female stones). The stones are translucent, combining the characteristics of Yin and Yang, and have Dan properties.

In addition, there are four trigons corresponding to the four philosophical primary elements: Water, Earth, Air and Fire.

Trigons, which combine the signs of the Zodiac, are also divided into male and female. Two trigons - Fire and Air - male, yang.

Representatives of Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - have stones that are clean, transparent, occupy a high position on the Mohs hardness scale and have impeccable edge polishing; Possessing unique properties, they receive and transmit any energy information data.

Zodiac signs of Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Their stones are transparent, but with a haze, with a cloud, nebula, like air, with the inclusion of metal, stones of mysterious and all-pervasive power.

Two trigons - Earth and Water - female, yin. Earth is a purely female trine of negative polarity, with completely opaque stones, uniform in color, without any special inclusions. This trine in astrology is represented by Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Zodiac signs of Water - Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer. Their stones are greenish-bluish, gentle muted color range, with a tendency to change color, with play, internal glow, mystery.

But, when choosing a stone, you should also take into account the fact that the stones themselves are very sensitive to the gender of their owner: female stones are happier on a man’s hand, and male stones are happier on a woman’s hand.

In Ancient India, the best emeralds were considered "masculine", and in China, jade was revered as the most perfect embodiment of masculinity in nature.

There are more Yin stones in nature.

Stones with the masculine principle Yang (creative): Aventurine, Adamite, Actinolite, Alexandrite, Diamond, Almandine, Ametrine, Andalusine, Balin, Benitoite, Vesuvian, Verdelite, Verdite, Vivianite, Heliodor, Heliotrope, Hessonite, Garnet, Grossular, Danburite, Iolite , Cinnabar, Conicalcite, Red Corundum, Cat's Eye, Flint, Creedite, Crocoite, Lazulite, Lapis Lazuli, Magnetite, Moldavite, Jade, Opal, Peridot, Pyrite, Pyrope, Rhodolite, Rhodonite, Rhodochrosite, Rubbelite, Ruby, Rutile Quartz, Carnelian, Staurolite, Steatite, Tanzanite, Tektite, Tiger's Eye, Titanite, Topaz, Tsavorite, Unakite, Fluorite, Chrysoberyl, Chrysolite, Zircon, Charoite, Spinel, Eudialyte, Epidote.

Stones with the feminine principle Yin (perceiving): Agalmatolite, Agate, Azurite, Aquaaurite, Aquamarine, Alabaster, Amethyst, Ammolite, Angelite, Anhydrite, Apatite, Apophyllite, Aragonite, Argillite, Barite, Belomorite, Beryl, Turquoise, Bowenite, Brazilianite, Diamonds Germaier, Wawelite, Variscite, Wolframite, Jet, Hematite, Goethite, Hyalite, Hiddenite, Howlite, Rock Crystal, Demantoid, Diopside, Dilptase, Dolomite, Dravite, Smoky Quartz, Dumortierite, Jadeite, Pearl, Serpentine, Emerald, Calcite, Caholite, Quartz, Kyanite, Clinohumite, Covellite, Coral, Cornerupine, Blue Corundum, Kunzite, Cuprite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Moonstone, Malachite, Marganite, Morion, Muscovite, Neptunite, Obsidian, Petrified Wood, Oceanite, Onyx, Otolase, Mother of Pearl, Petersite , Prehnite, Rose Quartz, Sagilite, Sapphire, Sardonyx, Seraphinite, Apache Tears, Smithsonite, Sodalite, Stilbite, Tourmaline, Uvarovite, Ulexite, Phenakite, Haliotis, Haliotis, Chrysocolla, Chrysoprase, Celestite, Cerussite, Citri, Zoisite, Shungite, Amber , Jasper.


Individual selection of stone is a complex matter.

During the awakening interest in minerals, and this happened when the directional IC with Neptune connected with the natal ascendant.

For me this was an indication - the path through humility.

In progressions, the progressed ASC + Mercury conjoined with the “Scorpio” nat. Jupiter - to learn, understand deeply and expand the subject of passion.

Until now, this interest has not faded away, I continue to search on the Internet for relevant information, in beeches (tested version), the necessary books that (no longer strange) catch my eye, read, analyze, take notes.


During Mercury retrograde, I finally understood “why?” - SELECTION OF STONE ACCORDING TO A SPECIFIC NATAL CHART.

Gems, as legends describe, are “shards of stars.” Stars and planets, as we know, influence us. And I no longer doubt one iota about the energetic influence of stones on humans, as well as planets. This is written about in ancient treatises, in the research of both modern stone experts and those who have long since left us and left their legacy.

An example of the influence of a stone on a person, I experienced, as they say, first hand, in my youth, even before marriage. I wasn’t interested in anything like that, and I didn’t know anything about it. Like most young ladies, she loved jewelry. My mother had a small collection of gold jewelry, but for me they were TABOO.

Knowing my interest in this, for holidays and birthdays they gave me mostly nice jewelry, some of which I still have.

Once they gave me a small string of red stone beads. I don’t know what kind of stone it was, it looks like a ruby, but it doesn’t seem to be it, since I have in my collection an old ring in a silver frame with a ruby, I wear it and nothing, it’s like a talisman, it collects all the dirt on itself, I clean it and I wear it again.

I happily put these beads on right away. After some time (I still remember even the sensations), I didn’t feel very good, of course, at first I didn’t connect it with the beads. And then it got worse, I began to feel nauseous, I thought that I had been poisoned by something, then I felt completely sick, I felt suffocated, and, completely unconsciously, I pulled these beads from my neck. They, of course, fell apart. I stand, look at the scattered beads and feel that things are getting better. That’s when I realized that it was the beads that made me feel bad.

I collected it with a broom into a dustpan and threw it in the trash. After a short period of time, everything disappeared as if by hand. This is the story with the “alien” stone for me...

Having such experience, of course, I select jewelry, as they say, with feeling, with sense and with arrangement))).

Yin-Yang stones

Everything that exists is endowed with energy consisting of two opposite poles

– YANG, exciting, masculine projective, and

YIN, soothing absorbent feminine.

Women's stones are indicated for the development of softness, intuition, calmness, prudence, femininity, sexuality, and maternal instinct.

Men's - for the development of activity, self-confidence, perseverance, courage, physical strength, leadership abilities.

Yang stones (male) include:

diamond, rock crystal, calcite, red and brown agate, hematite, morion, obsidian, onyx, tourmaline, zircon, rhodochrosite, ruby, carnelian, red jasper, opaque yellow and orange, heliolite, citrine, carnelian, beryl, chrysoberyl, aventurine, alexandrite, garnet, emerald, cat's eye, jade, peridot, blue and fire opal, hawk's eye, topaz, morganite, rhodonite, pink sodalite, spinel, tiger's eye, amber.

YIN stones (female) include:

adularia, pearl, cacholong or milky quartz, mother of pearl, jet, rauchtopaz, shungite, coral, red obsidian, sardonyx, black, yellow, moss and satin agate, honey jade, wax opal, amazonite, heliotrope, jadeite, malachite, serpentine, fluorite , chrysoprase, black, green and brown jasper, azurite, aquamarine, turquoise, lapis lazuli, labradorite, sapphire, sodalite, sapphirine, chrysocolla, amethyst, charoite, rose quartz, selenite.


Feng Shui stones (wind chime)

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that studies natural energy flows and their impact on human life. It is built on the principles of interaction of 5 main elements -

Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal.

The art of Feng Shui teaches us to change a situation for the better by transforming the surrounding space. Minerals also play a big role in Feng Shui - by placing gems in certain places in the apartment according to the cardinal directions, we attract good luck in the desired area of ​​life. You can use stone figurines, individual stones, or druses and geodes.

For overall harmonization of life and improvement of the health of apartment residents, place it in the center of the apartment

Jasper, marble, rock crystal, amethyst, uvarovite.

Good stone balls or eggs, druses, figurines of cranes or turtles.

For money luck and prosperity, place in the southeast

Rock crystal, pyrite, petrified wood, citrine, marble, emerald, jade, malachite.

Nice stone figurines of frogs, turtles, fish, a bull, paired figurines of dogs, a sailing ship, a sculpture of the god of wealth Hottei, trees with leaves made of green stones.

To harmonize personal life and family relations place in southwest

Rock crystal, tourmaline, garnet, selenite, rose quartz, marble, charoite, jade.

Good stone eggs, paired figurines of doves, ducks, cranes, geese, herons or dolphins, paired candlesticks, stone flowers or images of flowers, pink or red stone hearts, vases made of red or yellow stone.

For successful studies and quick acquisition of new knowledge, place it in the northeast

Rock crystal, amethyst, aquamarine, beryl, jasper, dolomite.

Stone figurines of a snake or turtle are good.

To make new friends and patrons, place products from

Bronze, silver or gold, rock crystal, white jade, calcite, pyrite, fluorite.

Good figures or images of dolphins, mosaic portraits of male people, icons, autumn landscapes.

For quick career growth in the north they place

Rock crystal, fluorite, calcite, adularia.

Stone fountains, stone figurines of turtles or fish, images of sea and river landscapes and waterfalls made from the corresponding stone are good.

To gain recognition, fame and success in the south they place

Rock crystal, ruby, carnelian, garnet, heliotrope, amethyst, hematite, malachite.

Good are stone pyramids and figurines of horses, roosters, eagle, peacocks, druses or pointed crystals, stone trees, images of forest landscapes made from corresponding stones.


In order to weaken or strengthen the influence of the 5 elements on our own energy, we should wear certain minerals.


Reduces the influence of:

Increases influence:


Reduces the influence of:

Increases influence:


Reduces the influence of:

Jasper, marble, amethyst, golden topaz, tiger's eye, citrine, rauchtopaz, amber, jade, flint, rock crystal

Increases influence:

Aquamarine, selenite, belomorite, opal, fluorite, adularia, sapphire, turquoise, beryl, coral


Reduces the influence of:

Ruby, garnet, hematite, rhodonite, carnelian, sardonyx, spinel, heliotrope, carnelian, rose quartz

Increases influence:


Reduces the influence of:

Pyrite, aventurine, diamond, tourmaline, alexandrite, pearl, heliodor

Increases influence:

Malachite, petrified wood, chrysoprase, peridot, emerald, olivine, moss agate


On the way to perfection

Constantly wearing talisman stones changes a person’s character and energy for the better, helps get rid of unnecessary personality traits, and promotes self-improvement.

To develop a certain quality in yourself, use gems that suit the occasion.

Practicality - agate, obsidian, rhodonite, rock crystal, garnet, diamond.

Spirituality –

Amethyst, jadeite, aquamarine, amazonite, heliotrope, rock crystal, emerald, tourmaline, sodalite.

Prudence -

Amethyst, tiger and cat's eye, adularia, topaz, peridot opal, garnet, sodalite.

Intelligence –

Agate, aquamarine, rock crystal, jadeite, coral, sardonyx, fluorite, amber, jasper, aventurine, adularia, alexandrite, amethyst, heliotrope, hyacinth, garnet, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, rose quartz, rhodochrosite, carnelian, citrine.

Memory -

Alexandrite, diamond, amethyst, turquoise, coral, ruby, carnelian, jasper, garnet, calcite, lapis lazuli, jade, onyx, rhodonite, selenite, citrine.

Softness and tenderness -

Moonstone, jade, topaz, charoite, amethyst, pearl, rose quartz.

Endurance -

Chrysoprase, garnet, rauchtopaz, adularia, obsidian, rhodonite, black tourmaline.

Eloquence - agate, aquamarine, beryl, garnet, carnelian, chalcedony, jasper, rock crystal.

Coolness and calm -

Emerald, sapphire, jade, garnet, turquoise, heliotrope, hematite, opal, carnelian, chalcedony, diamond, agate, malachite, obsidian, onyx.

Activity –

Aventurine, amethyst, rock crystal, jade, sapphire, diamond, turquoise, hyacinth, tiger and cat's eye, jade, ruby, jasper, agate, beryl, garnet, pearl, emerald, rhodonite, carnelian, tourmaline, chalcedony, amber.

The ability to enjoy life -

Diamond, beryl, garnet, emerald, onyx, sapphire, spinel, jasper, topaz, aventurine, turquoise, carnelian, adularia, hyacinth, pearl, lapis lazuli, malachite, opal, ruby, chalcedony, chrysolite.

Friendliness –

Beryl, lapis lazuli, sapphire, malachite, turquoise, hyacinth, amethyst, opal, tourmaline.

Mandatory –

Garnet, lapis lazuli, jade, rock crystal.

Strength of character -

Diamond, beryl, garnet, jasper, rock crystal, obsidian, jade, calcite.

Inspiration and creativity –

Amethyst, turquoise, amber, hyacinth, emerald, tourmaline, topaz, obsidian, rhodonite, garnet, ruby, citrine, spinel

Bravery and determination -

Agate, aquamarine, diamond, amethyst, jadeite, emerald, jade, ruby, sapphire, carnelian, amber, jasper, sodalite turquoise

Intuition –

Amethyst, beryl, rock crystal, pearl, emerald, coral, lapis lazuli, adularia, malachite, selenite, carnelian, sodalite, tanzanite, heliotrope, cat's eye, sardonyx, jasper


Seven chakra stones

According to ancient Indian knowledge, in our body there are seven active energy centers - chakras, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​human health and psychological state. If the work of a certain chakra is unbalanced, biostimulant gemstones are used - they are placed on the energy center, water is infused on them, worn as jewelry, and stored in the house.

Muladhara -

coccyx chakra (responsible for vitality and confidence) –

Hematite, rauchtopaz, obsidian, shungite, morion, bull's eye, ruby, garnet.

Svadhisthana –

sex chakra (responsible for sexual energy and stamina) –

Ruby, garnet, rhodonite, red jasper, tourmaline, spinel, citrine, amber.

Manipura -

solar plexus chakra (responsible for the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract)

– carnelian, citrine, tiger’s eye, carnelian, topaz, cacholong, selenite, yellow sapphire, beryl, zircon.

Anahata –

heart chakra (responsible for the cardiovascular system) –

Rose quartz, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, red and green tourmaline, malachite, jade, jadeite, emerald, chrysoprase, peridot, amazonite, uvarovite.

Vishuddha -

Throat chakra (responsible for breathing and coordination) –

Aquamarine, turquoise, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, sapphire, blue agate, blue topaz, sodalite.

frontal chakra (responsible for reason and intuition) –

Sapphire, amethyst, lapis lazuli, fluorite, charoite, blue aventurine, sodalite, alexandrite, blue tourmaline.

Sahasrara -

parietal chakra (responsible for the nervous system and mental balance) –

Diamond, rock crystal, opal, adularia, amethyst.


Another example from personal experience.

I bought a ring with turquoise and really liked it. After wearing it for a while, I took it off, feeling somehow uncomfortable. I saw a turquoise necklace, liked it too, remembered that I had a ring, and bought it. I wore it almost all summer. The feeling was favorable, the stones “merged” well with my energy.

"Walking" on the Internet jewelry stores, I saw earrings and a bracelet I liked, again, remembering that there was a ring and a necklace, I decided to buy it. I ordered it. Received. I put it all on myself, walked around, felt it - it was not comfortable, somehow heavy, I took off the ring and necklace. I left the bracelet and earrings. I walked again, good. The earrings are a pleasant feeling, and I admired the bracelet all the time. I realized that everything together is “hard”, but in pairs it is excellent and with a feeling of slight joy.

The throat chakra VISUDHA is also responsible for the respiratory system, and I have chronic bronchitis, turquoise helps relieve exacerbations and, in fact, actually relieves them.

I got bronchitis because I didn’t take my own health seriously. I caught a cold, ended up in the hospital (I couldn’t stand hospitals) - “gemini” Uranus in trine (quickly and easily) to K-8, didn’t get treatment, ran away, “scorpio” Jupiter squared “leo” Pluto and Saturn (in the same degree ) 1st house.

There is a good phrase - “in the first half of life we ​​successfully acquire diseases, in the second half we unsuccessfully fight them”))).

Take care of your health!

The Strongest yin yang amulet- This is a reliable protection against dark forces. The reality around us is full of surprises, and they do not always bring us benefit. To protect yourself from completely unnecessary troubles, you should take care of your internal balance. It is at that moment when you feel harmony within yourself that you will stop taking external negativity to heart.

When the feminine and masculine principles coexist in a person, his biofield is invulnerable. The magic of the talisman is like a strong wall standing in the way of everything evil and bad.

While you are under the influence of the talisman, all destruction (especially on the astral level) is blocked. The ancient sign promotes the development of completely new qualities and emotions.

What does "Yin-Yang" mean?

The combination of two absolutely opposite energy forces - female and male - personifies an unusual symbol of the ancient Eastern world. Its name is equally unusual - yin-yang.

In some magical teachings, this element is associated with the moment of the origin of life and the entire Universe. Its strength lies in maintaining the necessary world balance. In other words, yin-yang (yang) controls everything that exists.

Correct use of the power of the symbol allows you to develop creative abilities and balance the natural processes occurring in the body.

Each of us feels the influence of both the feminine and the masculine. It doesn't depend on gender. Yin carries comfort, care for offspring, and warmth. Yang is associated with courage, production, and protection. When both energy components penetrate each other, something unique is created - complete harmony.

A woman should radiate her energy, and a man should radiate his. If it turns out the other way around, and a force that is inappropriate for him begins to dominate in a person, unfavorable transformations of the psyche and body occur. This results in various health and emotional problems.

The meaning of the Yin-Yang amulet

In recent years, many people have worn a sign in the form of a talisman or gotten a tattoo with this symbol. But not everyone knows about the real meaning of the magical image. Its history goes back to the distant past - this is probably one of the most ancient images that have survived to this day. And the strength of the “Yinyan” amulet is not inferior to other amulets.

Its purpose is protection from negativity, from evil, from foreign influence. Before using an amulet with yin-yang symbols, you should tune in to the same wavelength with it. Only after this the talisman will have a positive effect on its wearer.

You must familiarize yourself in detail with the information about two principles, about two sources. This is especially important if you decide to get a tattoo. After all, such an image will always be with you - you will not be able to remove it if you wish.

Female and male forces will interact with each other until a conflict occurs between them. The internal balance of a person is directly related to all life situations. The more comfortable you feel, the easier everything will be for you.

Stones and metals of yin-yang energy

Each existing item has its own unique charge. Everything that surrounds us is endowed with energy. Some are associated with a minus sign, others with a plus sign. And together everything around interacts, connects, and forms complete harmony. If something is not happening correctly, it indicates an imbalance.

The male component of Yang (Yang) is firmness, excitement, strength. Feminine Yin is associated with softness, tenderness and calmness. These two absolute opposites cannot exist without each other.

If you choose a stone, you need to find out which energy group it belongs to. And depending on what you miss most in life, or what problems most often arise with, you should choose a mineral for yourself.

Women's stones help you become more balanced and wiser. They develop intuitive abilities. Gives thoughts more clarity and rationality. If you can't always control your emotions, opt for minerals with yin energy.

These are: pearls, serpentine, red obsidian, sapphire, malachite, jasper, black agate.

Men's ones are suitable for those who lack confidence and courage. They will perfectly help you cope with awkwardness in society. Develop leadership qualities.

These are: emerald, jade, diamond, ruby, peridot, tiger's eye.

If we talk about metals, here the energies are distributed as follows: silver - female, gold - male.

Alena Golovina- white witch, psychic,author of the site


It is no secret that when recognizing one’s ray or sub-ray, a person often resists and says that “he is not like that.”

Indeed, it is not always that a person has clearly developed precisely those qualities that contribute to his successful self-realization on the territory of his “native” ray. One might assume that it is mainly the “dark archers” (the Devil and the Moon) who resist, but in fact no - they usually (if they are “broken”) they quite clearly feel that this is all about them.

And most often among those who somewhat “resist” there are: Magi(“I don’t invent anything new, I don’t know how, and in general, I’m a sensory person (in socionics)”), Jesters-Fools (“I’m serious, I don’t like it when they laugh at me, how can I break the rules when my mother...” - and so on), sometimes Powers(imagine a Yang Power that very persistently, raising its voice, occupying all the space and, as they say, pushing, tells you how timid it is, does not know how to insist on its own, does not know how to lead.. - then, however, they usually agree). Empresses come across people who have long been eager to become a “business woman” and are now not ready to learn that their main task is to take care of people, about family, to create intimacy.. If they are childless (and this often happens to them, since they suffer and receive lessons precisely on the territory of their “native” ray - then they usually get pregnant, when they sort themselves out), then they immediately say straight away: “What family values?? I don’t have children and never will.” Whatever arguments they give for not noticing this part of their life (not all, of course) - nothing, then they comprehend and agree, they begin to work with themselves. The remaining rays are usually not particularly “resistant”.

All I’m saying is that we are not necessarily born very “similar” to our ray. If the soul is ancient or the karma is heavy, then very often the corresponding qualities must first be developed in oneself, making sidhi (magical properties) out of one’s shortcomings. And life constantly pushes us towards this. Including through a visit to a tarot readerJ

In order to help a person develop certain qualities, it makes sense to recommend some stones whose properties enhance the corresponding abilities. Those of my clients to whom I recommended the stones are very satisfied and wear them with pleasure, so I highly recommend them.

For Magavery suit rhinestone (Yin stone). As we remember, in order for the Magician to come up with ideas given by God, it is very important for him to have purity of intentions (the symbol on the “Magician” card, like white clothes, reminds us of this) and to be able to concentrate in order to to realize the idea. At the same time, the socionic intuition of possibilities is not very important for the Magician, because the Magician is distinguished not by the abundance of ideas, but by the fact that his ideas are successful, given by God, and already contain everything necessary for their implementation. These are ideas that seem to want to be realized on their own, pulling the right people and the necessary resources. So, rhinestone kills unnecessary astral clichés and helps a person concentrate. It greatly enhances intuition and increases awareness. Rock crystal gives a person clear consciousness and purity of intentions - exactly what is needed for ideas to come. There are some rules that make sense to follow when choosing a stone: rock crystal should be without kinks and “hairs”, because this greatly loses its properties. If the stone is on your piece rock, then you don’t need to charge it, it charges itself. If not, then once a week for a day it needs to be buried in rich soil (or in a flower pot). Rock crystal should be “yours” - it will resonate with you personally when you find it, and can even cause strong physical reactions such as dizziness. Therefore, you need to approach the choice of stone consciously and carefully. A stone that is not “yours” will also work, but worse.

Stones Popesses(or destroyed Moon) are considered moon rocks: selenite, adularia, belomarite (Yin stones). They enhance the ability of clairvoyance, clairaudience and claircognizance. They sharpen intuition and help to hear the flow (including working with cards and other predictive systems). Once a month, such a pebble should lie on the windowsill on a moonlit night (for example, on a full moon) to charge, otherwise it will stop working.

One more stone Popess- This malachite (Yin stone), a stone for free, independent and self-realized women, but at the same time living happily with their beloved men. ForPapessQuite often she calls into her life men who are “servants of the Pope” - but she wants intimacy and “earthly” love, creating a family. AEmpressesthe stone will be useful for just the opposite - to remember their professional fulfillment if they are completely devoted to their family. The stone is good for those who haveray and sub-ray - Popess (or Moon) and Empress and there is a need to balance these two slightly contradictory parts within yourself. In other words, the stone gives a feeling of its integrity and helps to combine a beloved husband and a favorite job. In addition, malachite, due to its general ability to promote integrity and balance, has a very good effect on health, regulating the functioning of the entire body. For men, malachite is a stone that increases material wealth, if he is going to spend money on the woman he loves.

Also Empressescan I recommend amazonite (Yin stone). It patronizes the hearth, children, family happiness. Develops purely feminine wisdom, the ability to interact harmoniously with men, find the right words, create intimacy - that is, the traits and abilities of the Empress. For men, this stone is relevant only if they want to better understand their women or if the task is to find a woman who will show the qualities of the Empress in relation to him, this is mainly not about romance, but about family and marriage.

Beams and subbeamsPopes, as well as destroyedDevilscan I recommend amethyst (Yang stone). It facilitates connection with the Higher Self and Spirit Guide. Is greatly enhanced in tandem with sapphire (connection with Egregor of the Mission). The stone promotes any creative activity, where a good and strong flow is needed (writing, etc.).

Representatives of dark rays (Moon, Devil) can I recommend about sidian (Yang stone). It protects against bad intentions and helps to cope with devilish energies - anger, aggression, etc. Helps to get rid of various kinds of addictions (gambling, etc.). Drives away larvae (severe negative thoughts or experiences). Discourages the desire to lie (in children).

Hawk eye, tiger eye (Tao stones) - give the ability to sharply throw out all the energy in one direction and withstand the battle. They help with indecision, inability to concentrate, show will, and overcome the resistance of circumstances. Moreover, the tiger's eye acts more in tactical matters, and the falcon's eye - in strategic ones, helping to set priorities and highlight the main thing. It makes sense for representatives of the ray and sub-ray to wear these stonesPowers.

Stone Shutov-Fools- This aventurine (Yang stone). This is a stone of wit and easy winnings, daring. It attracts money and helps you invest it successfully. It should not be worn by players, as it increases excitement, but it is very useful to wear for calm and balanced people (such as Taurus and Virgo) to bring a little drive into their lives.

For the remaining rays, no specific stones have yet been identified, but it is possible that over time they will be found. In the meantime, if you wish, you can wear some of the ones listed, whose description “purrsed”. This allows you to call upon the energies and properties of the corresponding card into your life, even if the “native” ray is some other one. And of course,everyonewithout exception favorable to wear sapphires , which strengthen the connection with the Egregor of the mission and help tune in to the “native” energies.

Rules for using stones :

1. 1) Cannot be combinedon one person yin and yang stones- they need to be worn in turn, otherwise they conflict and weaken each other.

2. 2) Cleaning stones: the stone is cleaned of physical dirt, then placed at the bottom of a glass and placed under running water for an hour cold water from the tap. After this you can wear it. If you want, you can breathe a soul into the pebble by sharply exhaling on it after cleaning and immediately calling it by name.

3. 3) It's better if the stone is a gift , because gifted stones (or products with them) begin to work immediately, and those that a person bought himself - only after six months.

4. 4) The energy of the stone remains on a person twice as long as he carried it on himself (for example, if you wear a stone for an hour, then for another two hours). Therefore, it is fashionable, for example, to wear yang stones for the day, and yin stones for the day, then the properties of all these stones will affect you.

(c) Anna Gak using materials about the stones of the Gates of Isis Tarot school