Bringing a woman. How to quickly bring a woman to orgasm? Ways. How to give maximum pleasure to a girl and bring her to orgasm

Orgasm is the highest point of pleasure that a person receives during sex or masturbation. Speaking about how to quickly bring to orgasm, you should understand that this feeling, as such, varies greatly between girls and guys. Therefore, this issue should be considered based on gender.

How to quickly bring a girl to orgasm

This is the first thing we will consider in this material. Firstly, the key to a bright and quick orgasm is a high degree of arousal of the representative fair half humanity. Therefore, a man should not rush too much and immediately get into his chosen one’s panties. Before starting the act of love, it is advisable to take a shower and then lie naked with each other. At the same time, it is recommended to kiss the girl’s neck and ears. Representatives of the fair half of humanity are very excited by whispering and breathing into the ear and neck area. Say her name, say sweet things, but don't be vulgar. Slowly press your partner harder and harder so that he feels your rough masculine, but at the same time gentle strength.

Gradually, you need to move from the neck to the chest, stroking the nipple, kissing it, biting it a little. Then clasp your chest with your palm, gently squeeze it, gradually increase the impact. The main thing is not to overdo it and not hurt your chosen one. Gradually it is worth moving on to stroking and squeezing the buttocks and thighs. Move your finger near the labia, but do not touch them. The close proximity of a man's hands, combined with the lack of contact, will make the girl “catch fire.” Next, the man should touch the labia with his penis, but not insert the organ into the vagina. Repeat kissing the neck, chest, make the girl sweat a little while waiting for the act to begin. It is advisable to “play” with the clitoris with your finger.

Only after all this, when you feel that your partner is very excited, begin sexual intercourse. Don't rush, build up the pace little by little. If you enter a girl from behind, try not to forget about the clitoris and stimulate it with your fingers. This is very important, since many girls are not able to come without strong clitoral stimulation. These tips will help quickly bring a woman to orgasm, unless, of course, she is frigid.

How to quickly bring a man to orgasm

As for the question of how to bring a man to orgasm quickly, here, as a rule, it is a little simpler. The fastest way to bring a man to orgasm is with your hands. To do this, you need to clasp the genital organ with your hand, imitating the muscles of the vagina. Gradually it is necessary to increase the pace of friction. One more effective method is oral stimulation of the penis using the lips and tongue. Such caresses lead to a bright and quick orgasm.

The sexual revolution of the last century revealed the secrets of intimacy between a man and a woman. Now no one blushes at the word “sex”, and many are interested in the secrets of this process. This is especially important for men who want to bring maximum pleasure to their partners, and this is important not only physically, but also in the context of confirming their worth (the so-called “sexual egoism”). Very often, representatives of the stronger sex are tormented by the question of how to bring a woman to orgasm. Let's look at the main points.

What should you know about orgasm?

Orgasm is considered the violent finale of sexual intercourse, when partners are at the peak of pleasure. At the same time, the woman experiences a whole range of sensations: a light and pleasant spasm, a powerful push in the perineum and a feeling of warmth that spreads throughout the body. It seems as if something is being pushed out of the body, after which the vaginal muscles begin to contract. All this is accompanied by pleasure on the verge of bliss. There are several types of orgasm:

  • Genital

This type of orgasm is the most common, and it occurs locally (in the genitals). This phenomenon is based on muscle contraction in the pelvic area. It covers only one part of the body. It is short-lived and is divided, in turn, into several subtypes: clitoral, vaginal, uterine.

  • Chest

This phenomenon occurs extremely rarely, as a result of specific exercises.

  • General orgasm

This type is the most extensive, as it covers all parts of the body. It lasts quite a long time, sometimes even up to several days.

How to recognize a female orgasm?

The palette of women's sensations during orgasm is very bright, but it is individual for each one. Many women indulge in simulation, which has a number of objective reasons. Psychologists have calculated that simulation occurs when a girl wants sexual intercourse to be completed as quickly as possible, and also for the sake of a man (so as not to offend or seem frigid). Is it possible to recognize an orgasm?

Firstly, the voice changes. At the peak of bliss, there are unlikely to be even melodic moans. Most often, intonations change involuntarily, taking the most unexpected forms. Secondly, you should pay attention to your breathing. With a real orgasm, the heartbeat quickens, and breathing becomes fast, like after a run; it will never be smooth.

Thirdly, a woman’s movements can tell a lot: the eyes open slightly, there is redness of the skin, constriction of the pupils. In this case, the partner can arch her neck, throwing her head back. You can also feel a contraction of the vaginal muscles, but this phenomenon is short-lived. After the test, the woman needs 5-10 minutes of rest to recuperate.

How to achieve orgasm?

It is possible to bring a woman to orgasm, but this requires A complex approach. Should be considered individual characteristics the partner’s body, her preferences, as well as a number of other psychological factors.

So, let's look at the main ones

  • Discussion of the problem

    Guessing and assumptions will not help here. Partners need to identify the main points that bring pleasure. Be direct. If you have any special preferences, then there is no need to be shy about them.

    • Take a break from extraneous thoughts

    Having sex is not the best time to think about problems. Forget for a few hours about everyday life, plans for tomorrow and fears that someone will come in. By the way, overwork and orgasm are incompatible things.

    • No effort

    Willpower won't help here. Maximum relaxation is necessary, not a race for orgasm. Sex is a source of pleasure, not a marathon.

    • Remember that a woman needs time

    You should use all the means that women like: from foreplay to a variety of caresses. The main thing is to bring the woman to the maximum degree of arousal, after which it will be easier to achieve orgasm.

    • Consider the characteristics of the body

    If in your sex life there are problems, perhaps your partner has problems with the endocrine system (if in the past with sexual attraction everything was fine). If there is no stress or disagreement with your partner, you should make an appointment with an endocrinologist.

    • Get to know each other

    In sex, it is important to listen to your partner: choose the moment, catch sexual impulses, accept the fatigue factor.

    • Determine the place of sex in your life

    Sex is not only a physical, but also a complex spiritual connection. Many factors play a role here: from the level of relations between partners to the degree of trust. A man can reach the peak of pleasure with an unfamiliar woman, but for the fair sex everything is different.

    Lack of orgasm or anorgasmia occurs for a number of the following reasons:

    • Lack of harmony between men and women (dysgamy).
    • Loss of interest in sexual activity, monotony in sex.
    • Fatigue and depression.
    • Conservative views on sex.
    • Sexual illiteracy.
    • Presence of diseases.

    Anorgasmia affects the overall health of a woman, affecting all systems: from the reproductive to the nervous. At the same time, you may feel a loss of strength, irritability and a depressed state. This condition is treatable. To do this, you should contact a sex therapist who will conduct a detailed analysis of the problem, establishing the nature of anorgasmia: congenital or acquired. If this phenomenon has already happened in your life, then both partners should be examined. The main thing is not to isolate yourself, treat each other’s problems with understanding and turn to specialists in a timely manner.

Turkish researchers have announced the discovery of four more interesting areas inside a woman, the stimulation of which leads to orgasm; scientists called them deep vaginal erogenous zones. True, not all women have these zones active and responsive, researchers say. Well, here’s your task for the night: check everything empirically. Buy some lube, print out this article (you'll need it), and get started exploring and hopefully giving your friend a treat she never knew she had before.

1. Point A

Occurs in 11% of women

Find Start the engine, start your fingers. Move along the front wall of the vagina until you reach the cervix. Right in front of it you will find point A. Move your finger left and right along this zone, imitating the movements of a windshield wiper. Do you feel some kind of compaction with a spongy surface with your finger? This means that you have not yet reached your destination, and this is the G point you met along the way (imagine, yes). Remember this place, and then move another couple of centimeters deeper, to point A.

Wake me up“The vagina only responds to pressure or movement; simply reaching the right place and standing there will not be enough,” sexologist Dr. Jennifer Berman asserts with conviction and persistence. Proceed like this: use lube, don’t forget about long foreplay, and then use the “hook and pull” technique: reach point A with the pad of your finger, slightly press the “button” and move your finger up to the entrance. If your fingers are short, use the tip of a long, curved sex toy (for example, the Njoy Pure Wand).

2. Point O

Occurs in 8% of women

Find So have you found her G-spot? It is done? Now turn your finger over, touch the opposite wall and move a little deeper until you feel a spongy area on the back wall of the vagina. Hello, this is point O. It’s good both on its own (ask your partner how she likes it?), and as a hint to further development relationships. Has your girlfriend refused anal sex? Stimulation of the O point will also affect the walls of the anus (which have many nerve endings). This is where your friend will understand what pleasure she was depriving herself of. And if she doesn’t understand her feelings, you can tell her.

Wake me up When she gets aroused (you'll know by the amount of lubrication), try the "hook and pull" technique on the O and G spots at the same time. Put down your brushes downsides to each other so that one palm faces up and the other down. Then insert both index fingers into the vagina, so you can stimulate both the front and back walls of the vagina. They say it will end with her orgasm pretty quickly, so you still have time to read at night. A simpler option: rhythmically press the O point, as if stroking it.

3. Cervix

Sensitive in 7.5% of women

Find With deep penetration (if nature has generously rewarded you), you can reach her cervix with your penis. “It feels like you’re hitting the cartilaginous tip of your nose,” sexologist Lisa Masterson from Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles) is not very romantic, but she is extremely specific. In most women, the cervix is ​​at a depth of 8.9–11.4 cm, but the woman is not yet aroused. Keep in mind: when blood rushes to the genitals, the cervix moves even deeper into the body. But you can still reach it.

Wake me up Keep an eye on her monthly cycle: around ovulation (usually 13–16 days after the start of her last menstrual period), cervical stimulation can be especially pleasant. Move one or two fingers around this area (or whatever you put there?), and when you touch the neck itself, apply quiet and gentle pressure. If your fingers are not long enough, you can use a vibrator with a wide head.

4. Pelvic floor muscles

12% of women use them to have an orgasm

Find Well, the ones that surround the vagina. Of course, you won't be able to touch them. But you have seen them at work more than once: the convulsions in which a woman who has received pleasure beats are ensured precisely by the contraction of these muscles. Note: A 2014 study in Brazil found that young women with stronger pelvic floor muscles were more likely to achieve orgasm. Why? If these muscles are toned, they can contract tirelessly during sex, pushing her toward release. Help your girlfriend train her invisible muscles.

Wake me up Your friend most likely already knows the most effective method- Kegel exercises. Diversify them. Buy a set of vaginal balls, these will be your exercise machines. Lubricate one with lubricant, place it inside your partner’s vagina and see if she can hold the ball inside with muscle effort. Then add the second one. The balls not only excite, but also strengthen her muscles and also stimulate the G-spot.

Bringing a woman to orgasm is the goal of every real man. It is difficult to believe experts who claim that some wives have lived a long married life without experiencing this happiness.

There is nothing more pleasant when a happy, satisfied lover or wife is next to you. Of course, intuition and passion are important in intimate matters. With experience comes the ability, based on signs of behavior, to understand what else needs to be done to bring a girl to orgasm.

There is a misconception in some men's understanding. Like a lightning attack and pressure the best way help bring a woman to orgasm. In relationships, they behave assertively. Eliminate foreplay completely or reduce it to a minimum. The time when the partner’s body softens from gentle words and timid caresses.

The preparatory stage of communication is very important. At first, the beloved becomes more trusting and softer. Allows innocent touching of hands. Thrives from compliments and explanations of feelings. With this start, bringing a girl to orgasm will not only be easy, but also pleasant. Because a caressed and satisfied woman opens up. Becomes devoted. She is ready for further sexual contacts. A playful lover who is always open to you and lends itself well to your control. This is cool!

Tricks to help you achieve orgasm

Ladies are gentle creatures. A special approach must be taken to them. Straightforwardness is offensive to many of them. An open, direct gaze, immodestly thrown at the chest area! An attempt to unceremoniously examine her erotic flower may cause resentment or anger. Therefore, in order to bring a woman to orgasm, you should open it gradually, guessing weak sides. To do this, you need to come up with a strategy and stick to the plan.

Not needed here. If you want to bring a girl to orgasm, be observant. Don't rush to get only yours. Let her enjoy you too. A special approach is necessary for those who are still pure, innocent or shy. Become a flirt master. Bring your girlfriend closer to you gently, but with persistence. Soft and overly compliant men are unpleasant. They rarely manage to bring a woman to orgasm.

Liberated and experienced ladies dictate the terms of the game themselves. They know what they want and say it directly. True, many of them are cold. Stingy with affection. Sharp tongue. You don't have to stand on ceremony with them. They themselves know the best ways to bring a woman to orgasm at a pace convenient for her. And they will willingly lead you to such actions.

Start intimacy with regular communication. A sharp throw is appropriate only in a fit of mutual strong passion. When both are on fire! Then you don’t even have to think about bringing the girl to orgasm. Everything works out naturally.

In cases where there is no great mutual heat, it is necessary to kindle it with gradual actions. A banal but short conversation about the weather will calm the lady down. Say a few words about the beauty of the world around us. Note that this also applies to her. In a conversation, find the topic that most worries your interlocutor. Use this thread and pull it towards you. Talkativeness is a wonderful trait that helps to quickly persuade you to have sex and easily bring a woman to orgasm. When she talks a lot, she is completely open. You just need to fuel her desire to speak out and play a gentle erotic game at this time.

Come from afar. How to properly bring to orgasm?

Soulful foreplay is a wonderful tool that easily softens and ignites all the ladies. Hot guys try to skip this step in relationships and, in vain. Experienced men! Those who know how to bring a woman to orgasm without misfires have several foreplay scenarios in stock. Well sharpened. Proven in practice. Win-win.

Another magic button that liberates a mistress is her ears. When listening to her stories, always express admiration. Praise with sincerity. Accept even the most ridiculous stories and obvious deception with complete confidence. At the same time, gently call her by name. Take meaningful pauses. Such a preparatory technique flawlessly helps bring a girl to. She becomes gullible. Reveals. Gives his hand. Caresses begin between you. The force of attraction increases.

Tune your voice to a sensual mood

You still listen carefully to the “presentation” of your chosen one, but you begin to imperceptibly force things. In order to take the initiative into your own hands, start telling something too. Little by little. In small phrases, but very confidentially and passionately. Do not rush to show force, this will not help you bring a woman to orgasm, and may scare her away. Better complain a little. Tell us about the difficulties in your personal life. Let him begin to feel sorry for you. Add more and more sensuality to your voice. As if you are not concerned with the idea of ​​bringing a woman to orgasm, but are simply glad to have an understanding interlocutor.

The techniques are not complicated. But the woman’s soul is already trembling. She is ready to be useful. Protect, caress. Showing sympathy and affection - a clear sign– the victim pecked. “Hook” without haste. Don't scare me away. Act as if you have no intention of bringing the woman to orgasm. You are simply surprised by her beauty. We were stunned by intelligence and sincerity.

Let him speak out. Agree. Warm up her confidence that she is right with encouraging phrases and sensual sighs. Let her feel sorry for you. Showing initiative, she, like a wasp on honey, gets more and more stuck.

Some people, and even older men, get lost in such a game. They are completing. And completely in vain! Don’t be afraid to seem a little confused and unsure at first. For most beauties, such “weaknesses” evoke a desire to excite and add strength. When they get into the situation, they themselves begin to convince you that you are great. You can bring a woman to orgasm, you just haven’t met the only one who deserves it. Your fish itself asks to be put into the net. Start being more active. From innocent caresses, slowly move on to more revealing parts of the body. However, do not turn off the button. Don't stop saying sweet words in a sensual voice. Tell me how beautiful she is. She is the most amazing!

Beautiful transition to the active phase

A proven rule helps to effectively cope with the task of bringing a girl to orgasm. You need to beautifully move from the preparatory phase directly to physical intimacy.

At this stage, the main button of influence that helps bring the girl to orgasm is the lips. For this purpose, someone invites you to dance, accompanied by quiet music. Others, without changing their position, begin to cover their arms, legs, neck with kisses and quietly take off their clothes. Someone gently grabs, and then shows force. Ladies love this approach. The main thing is that your actions do not frighten. Although your beloved has fallen into your network, she is not yet excited enough.

With a selfish approach on the part of a man, there is every chance of ruining the matter. But a little patience will help bring a girl to orgasm without losing her own potential. The LP isn't for everyone. But don’t rush to collapse on the sofa. Keep charming her. Your goal is not to quickly bring the girl to orgasm, but to conquer her.

Kiss me everywhere!

Open up your beloved. Place kisses on your chest. Gently stroke your tummy. Please note. For many women, you can easily bring a girl to orgasm only passionate kisses of the whole body. So don't skimp on kisses. Gently caress the supple body. Be careful about your reaction to affection. Where it is more pleasant, there are more affectionate touches. If she is ashamed, reassure her with gentle words and show a little persistence. If he gets tense, refuse to caress the inaccessible area.

Don't forget to caress the bottom well enough. This magical place can also bring a girl to orgasm even at the stage of caresses.

Legs - especially inner side Hips and feet are especially sensitive. Kisses and caresses are amazing at helping to bring a girl to orgasm, even earlier than you hoped. The womb is close. It's hot and ready to receive you!

Apply aerobatics techniques

And you risk not giving in! Go back to the ear. Sheike. Let it start! The whole body will tremble. This game is the highest level of ability to bring a girl to orgasm. Some, unable to withstand the tension of passion, begin to bite. Or she demands to take it quickly.

You may ask, how can you, if you want to bring a girl to orgasm in this way, not fall yourself? Practice. It's worth it. No quick game gives the same pleasure as a long and sensual game. She's driving me crazy. Serves as a fuse for a long and happy relationship.

Bring a girl to orgasm with strength and power

There are ladies who are cold from loneliness. They are sweet and wonderful. But bringing a woman to orgasm in this state is only possible through the manifestation of male power and strength. Because the heat capacity of such ladies is very high. No matter how much you caress, no matter how much you kiss, it’s still not enough for her.

Melt the ice, bring a woman to orgasm and take the soul out of the darkness to the surface. Not every man has this level of skill. The weak ones fall off immediately. The brave take the initiative with confidence. They are not looking for magic buttons. Do not use toys or fingers. They approach the victim confidently. They are taken by surprise. And they raise the temperature to such a level that the blood itself boils.

Note that any man can bring a woman to orgasm, regardless of age, physical qualities, or beauty. Nature has provided many ways for this. However, the main things in this matter are: Love and Desire.

This means that in order to get an orgasm, a woman needs (who would have thought?!) to get aroused. Moreover - before the act. We don’t reach below the waist with our hands, we don’t grab the chest. At first. Initially, we assume that the girl is sexually inclined. I especially recommend dealing with a cleanly washed girl - it’s more pleasant to kiss her, and she’s calmer that she’s clean. Many people have a complex about this.
If you have known each other for a long time, you can immediately press your erect penis against her, she will like it. You can tell her what you are going to do, in detail... A hot whisper in her ear, kisses on his neck and act as you describe. I recommend that you linger on the kisses of the neck and ears, and change the position as quickly as possible to a lying one - it’s more comfortable this way. Just don’t dump her right away if you doubt what she wants.

Be sure to kiss the neck and ears. You suck the earlobes lightly, you can bite them, but not too much. With your tongue you caress the ear from the inside, with its tip you penetrate the hole, gently breathe into the ear, whisper the words very well, the lady’s name, then again move on to the lips, hands caress the neck, ears, lips again the neck - you see that she is already aroused, you begin to kiss the neck stronger, you hide your teeth behind your lips, you bite her neck like this, you can already gnaw her ears with your teeth, but be careful, don’t forget about the whisper, and caress with the tip of your tongue...

Sometimes there is a sensitive area on the back of the head, but I’ve only encountered it a couple of times... Try it, maybe it will happen. Gently stroke her with your fingers at first, then harder. Also, press her chest with your chest - they are sensitive to pressure. Don’t grab it with your hands - let her get so excited that she asks for it or clearly shows it. If he presses his hips against you - let him. But don’t rush, she snuggled, press her tighter and nothing more. Continue kissing, in this state, don’t think about your lips anymore, switch completely to your neck (!) and ears, your breathing is stronger, hotter, but don’t act like an animal. It's too early. When the lady starts pressing harder and harder, you can put your hands on both her chest and her butt... Depending on how she presses harder...

Here it is now:
Breasts - be sure to find out if she likes her caresses. If not, even
don't think about it. Be careful with your nipples, don’t squeeze your breasts too much
at first, only if she asks, or you see for yourself that she enjoys it.
We stroke the breast counterclockwise, with our fingers, but don’t grab it with the whole palm. You start from the edges of the chest with your fingers and, having made a semicircle, move to the nipples - stroke the nipple with your fingertips, then, as it were, push the nipples inside your spread fingers, and grab the nipples.

So, also - all this time we do not forget about kisses, ears, words. Eat
one more little thing - move your legs closer to her, put them between hers
legs and press it to the “pussy”, she will tell you how to press it hard. Hy and
Press yourself with your member, as she gets more and more aroused, you can imitate the movements during the act.

But let's get back to the chest. Now you can clasp it with your palm,
picking it up as if from below, the thumb and index finger stroke the nipple
(carefully). Further caresses are already stronger (I assume that all this is for her
I like it) you can strongly grasp and squeeze your breasts.

Breast kisses. You lick the nipple from bottom to top with your tongue, suck it all
don’t try to take the breast into your mouth, just the nipple and the adjacent one are enough
area. With the back of the tongue - circular movements around the nipple,
then use the tip of your tongue to tease the tip of the nipple - let the lady see it, on
try to portray pleasure on your face (this is all boredom...)

Caress the other breast with your hand, don’t linger on one breast for too long,
between the breasts it is also very pleasant for them when you kiss. Licking movements with the tongue, sucking kisses - not much. Clavicles, shoulders - sucking kisses, biting with teeth hidden behind the lips, perhaps not hidden if the lady likes slight pain. Just don't get carried away.

If you stroke your shoulders, the movements are of medium strength, light.
on the contrary, they will calm you down.

Buttocks. In the middle on both sides there are two sensitive
places, kiss them, tickle them with your tongue. Squeeze the butt with your hands with a medium and stronger caress, fingers, palm, but not roughly - marks remain and it hurts the lady. Don't be shy to ask why she moaned - it may well be that you are too cruel.

I don’t take into account the back and legs - somehow I didn’t meet any ladies, y
of which these places are sensitive. Let this be a task for

The inner surface of the thighs - light caresses, fingers seem to run over
skin, caress the hairs (they are there, there is a light fluff, try first
just stroke it), then move your palm from the knee and above, but not
hurry to touch “it”, even if she herself asks. Kiss
with strong movements, lick your tongue very, very strongly, then return to your ears and kiss them, demonstrating strong arousal, pressing your member as hard as you can, breathing into your ears hotly, hotly, showing your desire.

In principle, you can insert it, the girl must be ready... But this
not the highest grade, unclean work.

Now it’s good to walk lightly over the chest again, go down stroking
movements along the back to the ass, strongly (not rudely, I say again - everything
you'll fight off your desire!) squeeze them, press your dick against the "pussy" and...
Nothing. The lady should sigh, hug you and show you what she wants. AND
let He'll get over it for now. The fingers again move to the inside
the surface of the thighs and at the end of your upward movement, touch the labia. (Damn, that’s the right word for me!) You touch her where the vagina is, with a little finger inside.

Your lips are again near her ears, your penis presses against her and no longer hides,
you completely move as if you are fucking her. You do it with your finger
movement up, to the clitoris, and, without pausing, down again, the rest
fingers move over her lips. Do this several times, then the middle one
finger on the clitoris, caress it. The movements are circular, counterclockwise. Hy,
in fact, you can bring her to orgasm without the help of a penis...
Go back down again, stroke the clitoris with the end of your palm, with your fingers
you penetrate inside, stroke her in a circle, then again deeper, again a little
finger at the entrance, in a circle, fingers up on the clitoris, stroked both down and
deep inside, again in a circle...

After a minute or two of this kind of bullshit, she can already cum. Here
such a moment - you haven’t finished, right? She's uncomfortable with it, which is good
use to ask her to do something she didn't want or couldn't do before. Tell her how pleasant it was for you to stroke her, and then ask for what you want.