Children's shoe factory in China. Buying good shoes from China. Is it possible to buy shoes remotely without coming to China?

Popular brands have been ordering shoes from China for several years now. World practice has developed due to the conditions that have been created in the Celestial Empire for the development of production. As a result, the cost of one pair of shoes delivered from China is cheaper than the brand’s own production in the homeland. This situation could not but affect the development of trade - more and more companies are seeking to buy shoes from China in bulk.

Why is it worth ordering shoes from China wholesale from our company?

It is not difficult to order shoes wholesale from China. There are a lot of companies offering intermediary services in the delivery of shoes from the Middle Kingdom. The company stands out favorably against the general background. We offer our clients a full range of services:

  • access to catalogs of Taobao shoe sellers (we do not impose suppliers with whom we have a contract on our clients);
  • a proven system for purchasing goods (our company has been working with both wholesale and retail customers for 10 years);
  • transparent payment and delivery system (the buyer always knows what he is paying for and, thanks to the three-step payment system, has the opportunity not to pay the entire cost of the order at once);
  • 10 years of experience working with Chinese suppliers.

Our experience allows us to avoid the mistakes of beginners and guarantee our clients the maximum result: high-quality inexpensive shoes from China.

We have perfected the ordering and delivery algorithm so that buying inexpensive shoes wholesale from China is no more difficult than making a purchase in an online store.

Our website is not an online store, but an official intermediary of a Chinese online supermarket. The entire catalog of our website is a copy of Chinese Taobao, translated into Russian for the convenience of our customers.

What products do we offer?

China is a leader in the production of branded footwear; designers and technologists carefully monitor trends and respond to every request on the market instantly, including the creation of replicas of famous brands. In pursuit of buyers, factories do not skimp on quality, but create goods for each buyer.

Shoe manufacturers divide their quality into several categories:

The latter is a sign of the highest quality. It is shoes with this marking that we offer our wholesale customers to choose. Despite the high quality of workmanship and materials, AAA-class shoes will cost the buyer inexpensively.

Our company helps customers choose shoes according to their stated requirements:

  • product material;
  • seasonality;
  • men's/women's, adult/children's

Buying high-quality shoes in China is a difficult task, but thanks to well-developed multi-stage order verification schemes, it is possible.

Where to buy shoes from China wholesale?

A wholesale buyer who decides to place an order in China is faced with a number of questions. Not only the purchase price, but also the final result, what the customer receives in the end, that is, profit, depends on the correct solution of each issue.

For Russian entrepreneurs there are great shopping opportunities in China:

  • Shopping through Alibaba
  • The service is designed for wholesale buyers
  • The language barrier
  • Unproven delivery schemes
  • Customs issues
  • Independent departure
  • opportunity to see quality and choice
  • costs of stay, search for sellers.
  • Taobao.
  • Both wholesale and retail buyers can use the resource.
  • Opportunity to get acquainted with real reviews buyers
  • Small volumes

Anyone can purchase inexpensive but high-quality shoes from China with our company. The buyer only needs to place the desired product in the cart in the required quantity and place an order. All you have to do is pay for delivery and after some time receive the goods in your city.

If you have any questions, we are ready to answer them by email or by phone indicated on the website.

Currently, China is a confident leader in the production of consumer goods, including shoes. When buying shoes, even in expensive boutiques, consumers often purchase goods manufactured in China. It can be manufactured either under the brand names of popular brands or by unknown local manufacturers. Shoes vary greatly depending on the technical equipment of the manufacturer's factory, the quality of the materials used, and the availability of control over the products produced.

There is an opinion among consumers that all Chinese goods are of low quality. In fact, this is only half true. Cheap economy-class goods produced in small enterprises are of really poor quality and have a very short service life. Most factories value their reputation and produce decent products.

Large Chinese shoe companies

Almost the entire world buys Chinese shoes, of which about 10 billion pairs are produced annually. Purchasing is a profitable business. Products produced in the Middle Kingdom are much cheaper than European ones. An effective infrastructure necessary to reduce the cost of manufactured goods has been created here.

Equipment and components for various types shoes, there are markets for raw materials. Next to large factories there are enterprises producing packaging and components. Many famous Spanish and Italian brands have moved their shoe production to Chinese territory.

There are also domestic factories in China that spend huge amounts of money on developing their own collections. Chinese designers do not stay away from European fashion; they attend leading shoe exhibitions and quickly respond to new products. As a rule, every new collection Chinese factory is an exact copy of famous European shoe manufacturers.

There are also enterprises that produce shoes according to customer designs. Valuing its business reputation, the factory will not produce the same model for other buyers. Typically, from the moment an order is received, finished products are produced within two months. The Chinese are trying to meet deadlines; the production cycle is scheduled for the whole year.

The minimum batch, the production of which can be ordered, is from three thousand pairs of shoes of the same type. The Chinese treat even those customers who place small orders with respect, because it is possible that next time they will increase the volume. If an order is accepted, it will not be moved up in the production schedule to benefit a major customer. The Chinese are very disciplined and efficient; they strictly adhere to instructions in the production process.

Chinese shoe market

Among the many shoe companies, it is not easy for someone who decides to organize the supply of Chinese shoes to navigate. Reliable companies with extensive business connections in the Chinese footwear market and direct contacts with enterprises come to the rescue.

It should be noted that the footwear market in China has its own specific characteristics. The production of various product segments is distributed among the provinces of the country. Thus, women's shoes are made in Sichuan province, and the city of Chengdu is the center of its production. More than a thousand shoe factories produce products for every taste, from the cheapest to branded ones.

Expensive men's shoes from genuine leather made in Guangdong province. Shoemakers in Zhejiang province are more focused on producing men's shoes from artificial leather. Many sports shoe manufacturing enterprises are located in Fujian Province.

Those suppliers from Russia who prefer to purchase finished products can purchase them in bulk at specialized markets. They are located in large cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Urumqi. The quality of Chinese shoes is improving every year, and the price remains attractive.

Expanding your business and creating your own collections of clothing, shoes, and accessories can be done much more economically by paying attention to such an area as OEM production in China. Recently, business representatives from the CIS countries and Russia have begun to pay more and more attention to this format. The Moneymaker Factory made step by step plan cooperation with Chinese factories and factories, and perhaps you have the option to significantly expand your zone of influence!

Today, more than 4,000 factories of various types in 350 industrial areas operate successfully in China.

All plants and factories are geographically located in industrial regions in Primorye and the East.

The most important thing is that at these enterprises the cost of labor is several times lower than in America and Europe, so many brands decide to sew clothes, accessories and other products here.

The Moneymaker Factory decided to examine this issue in detail and present the reader interested in long-term cooperation with Chinese factories in OEM format, a step-by-step algorithm, plus, reveal some interesting and important details!

OEM production

So, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) production is a system of relationships that involves the execution/creation of a particular product (in our case, clothing and accessories) according to a special order.

As a result, the resulting product has the client’s brand name, that is, absolutely any company can order the production of a branded product identical in quality and all basic characteristics, reducing financial investments.

OEM Benefits

Is it worth paying attention to this format at all? Definitely, as there are a number of advantages!

  • Production, as already noted, allows the creation of goods under a certain brand, and this point cannot but be unimportant in the context of promoting one’s goods on the market.
  • There is always the possibility of replacing the contractor and starting the production of clothing and accessories at another factory, and all this while maintaining the name of your brand.
  • OEM production greatly shortens mass production times.
  • There are no restrictions in terms of the production of this or that product, plus, it does not matter where the customer lives geographically.
  • Low labor costs combined with highly developed infrastructure.
  • There is no need to increase the cost of organizing tailoring.
  • The ability to concentrate 100% on selling and promoting your products.

If you are firmly confident in your decision, then all the necessary steps will be described step by step.

Step 1. Selecting a manufacturer (factory/plant)

This point cannot be underestimated! Sometimes difficulties begin at the search stage. Attention! You can find a manufacturer on or comfortably use the Russian-language project, in which all factories are divided into categories, which simplifies the process significantly.

After several applicants have been selected, it is definitely worth conducting an analysis of the validity of the choice! We have compiled a simple checklist for you that will help in this matter (for each question in the table, try to find the answer, and the picture will become clear):

Table Checklist for choosing a factory/plant in China

General information about the plant/factory

Technical assessment of the enterprise

Financial assessment of potential

Availability of legal registration documents in full.

Quality and level of equipment and technology.

Basic financial indicators.

Field of activity.

The presence of certificates, both Chinese and international format.

Availability of the results of the latest audit.

Experience of cooperation with foreign companies, especially from Russia and CIS countries.

Compliance of the equipment used with quality standards.

Occupied market share.

The main competitors in their market segment.

Personnel qualification level.

Organizational production structure.

Loading and depreciation of equipment.

Financial indicators and general condition.

Based on the information received, it is already possible to draw conclusions. Once the choice is made, you can contact the factory/factory representatives directly. Of course, for these purposes it is best to use the services of a translator. If all is well, you can move on!

Step 2. Discuss branding details

At this step, you should discuss with maximum scrupulousness all the nuances of the design, logo, and also agree on the shipping brand, texts that will be written on labels or packaging, and so on.

This point is so important, since subsequently it will depend on it whether the end consumer will like the product, moreover, whether problems may arise at customs.

Step 3 - Discussion of volumes. Minimum quantity

Since we are talking about an order at a factory, it is therefore quite natural that there is a certain minimum value, which is different for each factory and depends on a number of conditions. It is impossible to predict what number of units is considered starting - everything is discussed individually with the supplier, but there are a number of general trends that will be useful and interesting for you to get acquainted with!

There is an unwritten rule - in factories the minimum order is 200 units (1 color and 1 model). Sometimes it is possible to agree on smaller volumes, but in such a situation small orders will be “made” from materials and accessories that are already available from suppliers or from leftovers, which is not suitable for every situation.

As for adding your own label, there are also a number of nuances. There is a restriction on the production of special accessories and packaging products under an individual brand. For example, cardboard hang tags will be produced in any quantity, but starting from the figure of 5,000 units.

Step 4 - placing an order

It is necessary to send your order to the selected Chinese manufacturer, which will list in as much detail as possible the nomenclature (list) of the ordered goods. We recommend that you describe each item in as much detail as possible, describe the quality and quantity of each type of product, attach sketches, photographs, pictures, descriptions, and requirements for the materials used.

This is done in order to obtain the most correct quote for the final cost of the goods from the Chinese factory, as well as the so-called packing list (international term Packing List).

REFERENCE: What is Packing List? This is a document in which the manufacturer indicates the dimensions of the packaging container, weight, volume, net, gross, as well as article numbers, attaches photographs, and so on, that is, a complete set of data about the product being produced is generated for the correct calculation of logistics and customs duties.

Once you receive a packing list from the manufacturer, you will see which type of transportation is best to use. At this same stage, we recommend requesting an export HS Code from your Chinese partners.

Step 5. Make a list of expenses

Since the issue is serious, it is better to initial stage, even before concluding a contract, find out how much, at least approximately, you will spend on customs and delivery. To do this, having received a packing list and HS Code from the manufacturer, immediately send them to the transport company and broker so that they can calculate the cost of services of this nature. After their answer, you will have a clearer “picture” in your head regarding the economics of the project.

Step 6. Receive product samples

At step 5, it is best to request samples of the garments and accessories being sewn to ensure that the product will be of the highest quality. By the way, this is relevant when you have several candidates in mind for cooperation.

Typically, sending samples will cost a certain amount, but in the end you can avoid the risk of receiving a defective shipment. Upon receipt of the samples, if you are satisfied with everything, you can begin drawing up the agreement/contract.

Step 7. Conclusion of a contract

This is one of the most important and fateful stages. We strongly recommend that you never make an advance payment until you have your sample contract signed by the plant/factory in your hands.

We also do not recommend concluding the so-called Proforma Invoice in the form of a small document without any specifics. Only a full-fledged contract with a written annex in the form of your specifications, drawn up by a professional lawyer. By the way, today most Chinese industries also work with English-language versions of contracts.

ADVICE: It is best to sign the received samples (see the previous paragraph) by the manufacturer, putting a stamp on them, plus add the inscription “Reference sample to Agreement No. ___ dated ___.”

Step 8. Prepayment and launch!

You need to remember that the Chinese will never work without advance payment, and this is their right. After the official conclusion of the contract, you, logically, need to make an advance payment or, as an option, a deposit.

Attention! At this stage, you can still make some adjustments to production, especially with regard to packaging containers, and also slightly change the packing list. This opportunity will no longer exist.

Pay special attention to the correctness of the indicated weight, since if it is indicated incorrectly, then at customs you may encounter such a nuisance as an administrative fine reaching up to 100% of the total customs value.

Step 9. Receive mass production sample

As a rule, ordinary factories in China ask the client for about a month to produce a batch. This also includes the time for printing stickers (stickers), packaging, inserts, and so on from an outsourcing printing house.

Now is the time to request a production sample that was created specifically as part of mass production. If there are any complaints about quality, and this sample is radically different from the first one, then you should urgently contact representatives of the factory and resolve this issue,

Step 10. QC Order

At the same time, all details are checked under a “microscope”:

  • Packaging quality
  • Box sizes
  • Weight and so on

ADVICE: Be sure to record all stages of the check on film, calculate the number of places and make sure that, in addition to your cargo, nothing unnecessary is put in the container. This also applies to gifts from partners and even catalogs of goods, which our “friendly” customs can easily mistake for undeclared goods or even smuggling.

Thus, you can see that the process itself falls entirely on the shoulders of the factory, and the customer’s difficulties are mainly nerves, worries and great responsibility, plus constant control, because their own money is at stake. That is why we have also prepared the TOP 5 basic rules for OEM production that will help you avoid fatal mistakes in this area!

TOP 5 rules for working with factories

Sometimes the unexpected happens: it seems that all the conditions have been met, but problems still occur. Why? The fact is that the vast majority of OEM production facilities located in China are not able to fully defend their rights and freedoms, since all disputes in this area are resolved exclusively according to Chinese laws.

Of course, the legislative framework has been improved many times, but it has not become ideal, which is why it is so important to be extremely careful. Before you start looking for partners, familiarize yourself with a number of simple rules that will help you avoid losing money.


Thus, you have a turn-based strategy. By adhering to all points of the plan, you will be able to minimize risks and get an excellent opportunity to expand your zone of influence and increase conversion under your brand.

If you still have any questions, representatives of the Moneymaker Factory are ready to answer them at any time!

Look for where it is profitable to order shoes in bulk for your retail store? Welcome to the catalog of the KIFA Internet platform. Here you will find:

  • A large assortment of children's shoes: for kindergarten, for school and for sports,
  • Daily sales and discounts on seasonal shoes,
  • Minimum prices from manufacturers,
  • Own trade marks KIFA, whose collections are created taking into account the real needs of clients.

Good selection and prices?

IN large quantities It’s easy to get lost in a shoe catalogue. To choose exactly what your store needs:

  • Use filters: by age, gender, material, type of shoe,
  • Focus on seasonal promotions and discounts: they are all collected in a separate “Promotions” section. The wholesale discount percentage can reach 50% or higher.
  • Subscribe to email newsletters and SMS: and you will be the first to know about all the new products in the catalogue,
  • Choose the most optimal transport company for you to deliver orders,
  • Pay for orders with accumulated points,
  • Track all your orders in your Personal Account,
  • Upload electronic documents directly to your EDF,
  • Receive only marked shoes: KIFA is a partner of the Honest Sign company and will be the first to know about all the innovations and amendments to the bill.
  • A personal manager is ready to help you by phone 8-800-555-07-62 (the call is free for any operator in the Russian Federation), by chatting with an online consultant or by email:

Shoe market trends 2020/2021

Today, shoes are not only about protecting your feet from bad weather, they are a way to express your bright individuality. The KIFA catalog allows you to select the assortment of your store taking into account a wide variety of tastes.

Fashion designers and manufacturers consider the most promising models for next year to be:

  • Sports shoes and sports-chic style shoes with thickened soles, bright decorative inserts and eye-catching laces,
  • Deliberately rough boots, tractor soles, deliberately rough external seams in finishing,
  • The return of animal prints: leopard, crocodile, python and, attention! - zebra!
  • The pattern of the year is checkered. Small and large, plain and Scottish, straight and diagonal - the cell gives incredible amount fashionable combinations in shoes.
  • Large square heel
  • 2020 inherits the hippie love for laces, laces, fringes and tassels. The shoes will be decorated with functional and decorative elements summer and winter.
  • High boots and over the knee boots are back in trend! Above the knee? No - even higher: to the middle of the thigh! For high shoes, a narrowed shaft and even a “stocking” are important.
  • But for ankle boots, a wide shaft that automatically gathers into folds will be relevant.
  • Fashionable colors of 2020 suddenly offered acidic shades and the more “poisonous”, the more fashionable. However, it is too early for classic fans to panic. Beige, matte gray, blue, deep blue, burgundy, as well as all shades of natural leather are still relevant on the catwalks.

How to choose quality shoes for a retail store

28.01.2015 14924

In the context of currency fluctuations, reducing business margins, and a drop in purchasing activity, many Russian entrepreneurs find themselves on the Asian continent in search of new suppliers. As if having predicted such interest, Chinese suppliers set about building a made in China brand, forming large-scale shoe clusters and receiving support at the government level. What is happening in China's domestic shoe market and will the country's exports continue to grow?

National interest

According to Euromonitor, the average income of China's population continues to rise, and with it consumer demand for footwear. According to Euromonitor forecasts, the country's footwear market will maintain positive dynamics in the next few years, but the growth rate will not be so impressive. Last year the growth was 320 billion yuan or about 52 billion US dollars. In 2012, shoe consumption in the medium and upper-average segment began to grow, but the national average still remains low - only 1.11 pairs.

Footwear industry in China (including the first quarter of 2014)

Price volume

Number of pairs

Average bill

Turnover (millions of US$)

Turnover (million pairs)



Men's and women's shoe consumption patterns are different from each other. Men in China tend to place more importance on the design of a model, preferring classics. Women pay more attention to the compliance of a particular model with global trends. It is logical that women are the main consumers of shoes in the country.

According to a survey conducted by the Union of Hong Kong Trade Development, nearly 84.9% of respondents have purchased at least two pairs of leather shoes in the past 12 months. The average expenditure of respondents for each pair of leather shoes was 1075 yuan. Almost 80% of respondents visit shopping centers and department stores at least once a month, mainly on weekends and holidays.

The market for plastic shoes is growing at an equally rapid pace: according to information from the website, 527 shoe factories in China produce shoes made from synthetic materials.

The main consumers of casual and sport footwear are young people aged 18 - 30 years, students and office workers. They are quite demanding not only about quality, but also about the brand image, as well as the individuality of the model. Among all the products of sports brands, shoes are the most important in terms of building a brand and distinguishing it from competitors. In recent years, in addition to the market leaders - Nike, Adidas and Li Ning - other local companies, such as 361, Anta, Toread, have been increasing their momentum.

Internal competition

According to Su Chayung, President of the China Leather Industry Association today, “the main problems of the industry are rising labor costs, labor shortages in some, especially coastal areas, and fairly high competition from other Asian manufacturers.”

To optimize costs and increase profits, many companies are modernizing production and changing management systems. Some large companies have moved their factories from coastal provinces to the central regions of the country, where labor is cheaper. “The leather and footwear industry in China is at the beginning of a restructuring phase. The entire modernization process will take one to two years and will lead to the closure of small enterprises that cannot meet high environmental standards,” says Su Chayung. “The industry plays a huge role in the development of the national economy, but many enterprises have environmental problems that need to be addressed.”

Currently, there are four main clusters of the footwear industry in the country. The first is located in the south of the country in Guangdong province with production centers in Guangzhou and Dongguan. Factories producing high-price shoes are mainly concentrated here. Zheiyang Province, mainly in the cities of Wenzhou and Taizhou, is home to companies producing mid- and low-price footwear. Many of them focus on releasing only male models. In the west of the country, in the cities of Chengdu and Chongqing, footwear industry enterprises produce female models middle and low price segment. The fourth cluster is located around the cities of Quanzhou and Jinjiang, local factories are focused on the production of sports shoes.

Competition exists not only among local manufacturers; companies from the USA and European countries such as Italy and Spain are also intervening in the struggle for buyers in China - they dominate the high price segment. Products from joint ventures located in Taiwan and Hong Kong account for the lion's share of mid-price footwear. However, it is in this segment that Chinese manufacturers have managed to strengthen their presence in recent years. But, as before, most local companies compete with each other primarily in the market for cheap shoes. Increased competition has led to further segmentation of the market. According to analysts, such processes will lead to an improvement in product quality and a strengthening of the image component of brands.

Export policy

China is the world's largest shoe manufacturer and exporter. The country shows a significant positive trade balance in the footwear market. In 2013, Chinese shoe production reached a new record high of 14.2 billion pairs. Three quarters of this, worth US$48.1 billion, was exported, up 8.5% from the previous year. Over the past four years, however, annual export growth has declined slightly but steadily.

According to a report by the National Union of Leather and Shoe Workers of China, leading light industry enterprises in Guangzhou province recorded an increase in their revenues last year. Last year, exports amounted to 3.41 billion pairs of shoes worth 13.92 billion US dollars. At the same time, the total number of exported shoes decreased by 5.9% compared to the previous year, but the total value of exported goods increased by 5.2%.

Anta Group's sales increased by 28.3% in the first half of 2014, Qiaodan reported an increase of more than 10%, thanks to contracts concluded with several global brands for sewing batches of shoes. Footwear sales in China increased in value by 9.6% in the first half of 2014, reaching more than US$50 billion. According to the same source, footwear exports totaled 5.3 billion pairs during the six-month period, up about 0.2%, up 12.2% year-on-year to reach $24.5 billion. 438 million pairs were leather uppers, with a value of US$59 billion (up 15% in volume and 19% in value).

In 2013, footwear exports from Guangdong to the US, Africa, Latin America and the EU declined to varying degrees. These 5 markets account for 76.5 percent of the province's total footwear exports. However, recently there has been a decrease in exports of Chinese shoes to these regions, while exports to countries in Africa, ASEAN and the Middle East have simultaneously increased. Wholesale supplies of footwear from China to Russia are characterized by stable growth.

Main trading partners

Price volume

Number of pairs

Average bill

Turnover (millions of US$)

Turnover (million pairs)



The total turnover of Chinese-Russian trade in January-October 2014 increased by 7.1% compared to the first ten months of 2013 and amounted to $78.9 billion. The growth rate of Russian-Chinese trade in January-October exceeded the growth rate of China's overall foreign trade turnover, which grew by 3.8% in annual terms over this period. Chinese exports to Russia grew in the first ten months of 2014 by 10.1% in annual terms, reaching $44.3 billion; imports of Russian goods to China increased by 3.4%, to $34.6 billion.

The most popular shoes supplied to Russia from China are considered to be rubber and plastic shoes (most often these materials are used in the sole) - this type accounts for more than 60% of the total export volume. Also often Russian buyers Chinese textile (or rag) shoes are ordered. The top three in supplies from China is closed by leather shoes, whose share in exports increases annually.

In the context of currency fluctuations, reducing business margins, and a drop in purchasing activity, many Russian entrepreneurs, in search of new suppliers, find themselves in Asia...