Funny scenario “The first steps of a psychologist.” Scenario for the skit “Different types of help.” Work on psychoeducation of students Psychological exercise skit congratulations on


Teacher, student, 5 scientists (they are also Greek heroes), Psyche, Cupid, Venus, two sisters, king, oracle, zephyrs, Jupiter, voices.

Scene 1. Conversation between teacher and student at the table.

Student: " Teacher! I want to ask about what the soul is? What is psychology? Are they one or are they somehow distinguishable?”

Teacher: "My friend! I'll tell you one of the most ancient legends. Its name sounds like the myth about Psyche. I believe that after listening to the myth’s content (nye), you will find the answer yourself.”
Scene 2. U teacher and 5 famous people in history and science. The actors portraying great people stand in a line with their backs to the audience, alternately turning to the audience with their line, after pronouncing which they go behind the curtain.

^ introduction teachers:

We have gathered here today

To think about the question:

“What is the soul?”

This question has been in demand for many years.

One wise man shouts: “That is God!” (Demonstration of a portrait of Aurelius Augustine),

Another: “The soul is the essence of the world!”, (Demonstration of Plato’s portrait),

And the third says:

^ No, friends. The soul is the movement of the ether.” (Demonstration of the portrait of Democritus of Abdera),

The scientist will say: "No soul. There is a psyche, there is a brain, there are nerves.” (Demonstration of a portrait of I.P. Pavlov),

And the father will exclaim: "Rave! Don’t believe him, there is a soul, my son!” (Demonstration of the portrait of Seraphim of Sarov),
^ The scientists leave the stage in a line, and the teacher continues:
A century passes, followed by another,

But there is no single answer.

The time has come for you and me

Solve this riddle . (returns to the table, slow calm music sounds)

The teacher approaches the table and says to the audience:"So, let's begin!", sits down at the table.

  • In a certain country there lived a king and a queen. They had three beautiful daughters, and the youngest, Psyche, was so beautiful that she surpassed the goddess Venus herself in beauty. People revered her as Venus herself, abandoning the old sanctuaries of the goddess. Venus was annoyed with the mortal beauty and decided to punish her severely.

Scene 3. Venus enters the hall and delivers a monologue.

  • “I am cruelly angry! If only I were not lifted up so high,

  • I would not indulge in such rage.

  • I, daughter of Jupiter, who throws thunderstorms, mother of the god who inspires passion,

  • I gave the earth both joy and tears, carrying with me the power of great passion,

  • For thousands of years, captivating people with its invincible, immortal beauty,

  • Now insulted in her greatness by an insignificant mortal girl!

  • It has reached the point of insolence, such stupidity that she is given preference,

  • I hear comparisons between her and myself and insolent human judgment.

  • I must listen to mortal praise, she surpassed Venus.

  • I cannot bear such suffering!

  • Amur! ( calling his son)

  • Amur! ( Cupid flies in and bows to his mother)

  • Show your power and protect me from the suffering I have suffered.

  • Take one of the arrows, choose a freak from among the mortals: let her

  • Tormented by passionate torture, she suddenly becomes painfully in love with him,

  • But unrequited and in vain.


  • And so the world is crying out of love, groaning, sternly accusing me of all evil...

  • You won't believe how often people's anger curses me

  • And if I become obedient to you... ( Venus interrupts him)
Venus (with anger):

  • Are you apparently indifferent to your mother’s wishes?

  • There is no need to reason anymore, you must find a way

  • What's the best way to take revenge for an evil insult?

  • Fly, don't force me to ask again,

  • I'm waiting, Cupid, for the hour of vengeance to come...
Cupid bows and flies away. Venus leaves majestically.
Scene 4. The king (Psyche's father) turns to the oracle. The oracle sits on a chair (the face of an actor in a demon mask).
^ Teacher's comment: The king, Psyche's father, decided to turn to the oracle for help.

  • Oh, oracle! Great soothsayer! My two eldest daughters are happily married, and the youngest, despite her beauty, whiles away her days alone. Nobody is wooing her.

  • Tsar! Bring the doomed maiden to a high cliff and perform her rites in her funeral attire. Don't expect to have a mortal son-in-law! The groom will be wild and cruel, like a terrible dragon.
^ Both leave.
Scene 5. The father and sisters accompany Psyche to the cliff (to the edge of the stage). Farewell, then they leave. Psyche is left alone and mourns her fate. He looks around in horror, expecting that some monster is about to appear. The marshmallows take her away.
^ Teacher's comment: The father and sisters accompany Psyche to the cliff, saying goodbye forever.

  • I shouldn’t have caused you such torment, oh daughter! But the terrible hour is near. It's time! The gods are hurrying us! I need to leave you in this harsh area. Hurry up, let me hug you! Goodbye!

  • Thank you my dear father and sisters! Farewell!
^ She remains alone, falls to her knees and turns to the gods with tears.

  • Oh Gods! What am I guilty of? Are they really ready to destroy me for my beauty?
(falls from his knees, a pose of humility and suffering).

Zephyrs fly in and carry Psyche to the other end of the stage, lower her to the floor and leave.
^ Teacher's comment: Zephyrs fly in and take Psyche to a beautiful valley.
Scene 5. Psyche wakes up and sees that she is in a beautiful valley, gets up and begins to move towards the luxurious palace (passage from one part of the stage to another). Moving across the stage, Psyche is surprised by the beauty and riches.


  • Oh, unearthly beauty! The green meadow sparkles with silver dew, the wonderful flowers are divinely captivating, and the birds’ trills sound enticingly. A luxurious castle or palace beckons me to enter... ( enters the palace)

  • Where I am? Luxury, flowers, gold all around!
Vote (It's friendly from behind the curtains):

  • "Hello, princess! Be the mistress here."

  • “We, whose voices you hear, are your slaves and will serve you diligently.”
^ Psyche lies down to rest and falls asleep. At night, Cupid arrives, dressed in different clothes, to hide his deity from Psyche’s eyes.
Teacher's comment: Psyche walked around the palace all day, but was never able to explore all its rooms. Invisible servants accompanied the princess, fulfilling her every desire, as soon as she had time to think about it. In the evening, tired, Psyche went to bed, and under the cover of darkness, Cupid came down to her bed, dressed in different clothes.

  • ^ Cupid: I don't want to be recognized by Psyche. The marriage bond between a deity and a mortal is an impossible dream!

Scene 6. Night. Conversation between Cupid and Psyche. Showcasing their relationship.

Cupid enters the room, Psyche gets up from the bed.


  • Psyche, you are the sweetest and most wonderful of all! I am that serpent, that evil monster that the oracle predicted for you. I will be your husband.

  • There is nothing left for me, following you is my only joy, I don’t need any other desires.

^ Teacher's comment: Psyche did not see, but only felt her unknown husband, but, nevertheless, she fell in love with him dearly. Since then, they spent every night pleasantly together and rejoiced in each other.
Showing Psyche and Cupid enjoying their time together through scenes of laughing, smiling, eating an apple, and finally waltzing in a dance. Pleasant music sounds, Cupid and Psyche begin to dance. While dancing, Psyche begins to feel sad and looks depressed. Amur addresses her:

  • I am unable to see your sadness and these tears in your eyes. What is your longing about, Psyche?

  • Let me see my father or sisters whom I loved, in order to dispel the fear that torments them about my death. I want my sisters to be witnesses that I am unharmed.
Amur (jealously):

  • Psyche wants it this way - I don’t dare argue. But be careful, your sisters can give bad advice. And remember, at all costs, my appearance is closed to your eyes, do not give in to persuasion!
^ They disperse to the sides and hide behind the curtain.
Teacher's comment: Cupid sent Zephyrs for Psyche's sisters, and they took them on their wings to the palace.
Scene 7.Psyche and her two sisters come out to meet each other. On the way to Psyche, the sisters whisper enviously among themselves about Psyche's wealth. They meet Psyche in the middle of the scene, hug and have a conversation together, persuading Psyche to kill her husband.


  • How beautiful it is here! The luxurious garden, the grandeur of the palace, the wealth beyond counting. This did not happen without divine deeds!

  • Fate is unfair and cruel to us!
Hugs with Psyche. They admire her beauty, clothes and jewelry.


  • Sister, dear Psyche, you are more beautiful than ever! Your outfit is wonderful and priceless, and how many decorations you have on your hands! What does your husband do and who is he? Is he young or old, beautiful or ugly?

  • My husband is affectionate, kind, and, apparently, handsome and young, but I cannot say for the reason that he visits me only under cover of darkness.


  • After all, you don’t even know your spouse! We are so upset about this! Oh, unfortunate one! What if your husband is a disgusting and evil snake? Beware! One day it will sting you - and you will die a terrible death! ( And they both cried loudly).
^ Psyche (scared):

  • What should I do?

  • Hide a sharp knife under your bed, and when your husband comes to you tonight, kill him. Goodbye! ( They leave, leaving Psyche in fear and sadness).

  • Farewell!

Scene 8.
Teacher's comment: The treacherous sisters returned home, leaving Psyche in fear and sadness. After reflection, she doubted the sisters’ words and decided, before killing her husband, to look at him to make sure that he really was a snake. At night, when Cupid was sleeping, Psyche quietly crept up to him to realize her plan.
Cupid is sleeping. Psyche, with a lamp and a knife in her hands, sneaks up on him to kill her husband, but sees the god Cupid in front of her, which stops her. The knife falls out of his hands. Psyche blames herself and at the same time rejoices, examines Cupid, feels his bow. Suddenly oil drips onto Cupid's skin and Cupid wakes up.

  • Oh, Psyche! So have you repaid me for my love? Was yours, now stay alone, goodbye, we won't see each other again.
Cupid gets up and is about to fly away. Psyche clings to her leg in an attempt to hold Cupid. Cupid pulls his leg away and flies away. Psyche is left alone. Cries bitterly. He tries to commit suicide - drown himself in the river (approaches the edge of the stage, but stops).

Material for wall newspaper:
"Psychologist - a very important and necessary profession for millions of people. It is these people who are ready to listen to a person in a difficult situation, improve relationships between people, help with advice and give confidence. Since 1992, psychologists around the world have celebrated their professional holiday on October 22. It is on this day that we should congratulate these good people" (

"Psychologist's Day in Russia
- November 22 A person’s mental health is no less important than physical health. Mental health, as defined by the World Health Organization, refers to a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and productively, and contribute to society.

Every year on October 10th World Day is celebrated mental health(World Mental Health Day), held since 1992 on the initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health and designed to attract public attention to mental health problems.
In 2007, as part of world day mental health, the Day of Psychology was held for the first time, which indicates the importance and noticeable influence of psychology on many areas of life and that without psychology it is impossible to solve many social problems. In recent years, psychology has been on the rise and is developing as an experimental natural science discipline.
In Russia, as in many countries, there is not yet a single Psychologist’s Day established at the state level. However, Psychology Day is independently celebrated by some organizations and universities. Among the universities are the leading Russian universities, Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University, which celebrate Psychologist Day annually on November 22. On this day, the psychology departments were opened.
On November 22, 1994, the Founding Congress of the Russian Psychological Society took place in Moscow, and since November 22, 2000, Psychologist Day has been informally celebrated in Moscow. The main initiator of the Day’s events is traditionally Moscow University (

  • Winston Churchill on personal growth

"If you can:

Start your day without caffeine,

Be cheerful and ignore pain and illness

Refrain from complaining and not bore people with your problems,

Eating the same food every day and being grateful for it

Understand your loved one when he doesn’t have enough time for you

Ignore accusations from a loved one when

everything going wrong is not your fault

Take criticism calmly

Treat your poor friend the same as your rich friend

Avoid lies and deception

Fight stress without drugs

Relax without drinking

Fall asleep without pills

To sincerely say that you have no prejudice against skin color

religious beliefs, sexual orientation or politics

This means you have reached your dog’s level of development.”

Sir Winston Churchill (1874-1965)

  • M Gestaltist literature:
I do my thing and you do your thing.
I don't live in this world to live up to your expectations.
And you don't live in this world to live up to mine.
You are you. I am me.
And if we happen to find each other, that's great.
And if not, it cannot be helped.
  • Prayer of the German theologian Karl Friedrich Ettinger (1702-1782): Lord, give me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, give me the courage to change what I can change. And give me the wisdom to distinguish one from the other.
  • In reference books of quotes and sayings in Anglo-Saxon countries, where this prayer is very popular (as many memoirists point out, it hung on the desk of US President John F. Kennedy), it is attributed to the American theologian Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971). Since 1940, it has been used by Alcoholics Anonymous, which also contributed to its popularity.
  • Poems about psychologists
Psychologist? No, he's not a wizard

Not a miracle worker, not an athlete,

Not a life problem solver,

And he is not a super-human.

He breathes the same way, loves the same way,

And he feels the same way as everyone else.

He does not accomplish great destinies,

He doesn't know everything about you.

Memory can measure yours,

Thinking, temperament, speech.

He can only fix it a little,

But he is unable to save.

guide of your soul,

He's just a hint, not an answer,

Road sign, limiter

Your mistakes, friend victories.

Desiring harmony in the soul,

He won’t create it for you,

Helping with advice in life,

She won’t live for you.

Psychologist? No, he's not a wizard

Not a charlatan, not a sorcerer,

He is not a saint, not a serious sinner,

He is a man among people.


  • Poems by psychologists:
A. Asmolov
There are worlds
where truths meet...
There are worlds
where light is born...
There are worlds
where Psychology reigns,
To summarize

My General:
You are Pragalaxy.
new stars
You are the knowledge of the soul,
And you are Practice.
You... are both mother and father.
...and family.

In your womb
getting along lovingly
Wundt, Vygotsky
and even Dilthey
Jung Freud
smiles for you

You always
like Teplov
...and Capable
like Rubinstein,
You -
Similar to Leontiev
will risk being
more biased?

Without you I would
everything is cracked...
And fell apart
even gestalt.
Live like that
a thousand years
Our General
for you
not sorry!

There will be
There will be
There will be
strong in spirit...
About one thing
we pray
you General
You're just
Save it in yourself!

  • To the preschool psychologist: Author of the poem: Nadezhda Boltacheva
To the child's psyche
Didn't instill fear in adults
They need a subtle psychologist,
Tell me when and how
Explain this and that
Take a personal test
Give parents answers
Why doesn't their son eat...
Psychology is a science,
It’s not an easy thing, brothers.
Without a psychologist in our age
A person will not be able to live.
  • Ditty:
How will I open Freud's volume -
I find a symptom in myself,
and when Fromm turns up -
I find a syndrome in myself.

Don't waste your life on those who don't value you,

For those who don’t love you and don’t wait for you,

To those who will undoubtedly cheat on you,

Who will suddenly take a “new turn”.

Don't waste your tears on those who don't see them,

For those who just don't need you,

To those who, after apologizing, will offend again,

Who sees life from the other side.

Don't waste your energy on those you don't need

For dust in the eyes and noble show off,

For those who have a cold with wild jealousy,

For those who are madly in love with themselves.

Don't waste your words on those who don't hear them,

For a trifle not worthy of offence,

On those who breathe evenly next to you,

Whose heart does not hurt with your pain.

Don't waste your life, it's not endless,

Appreciate every breath, moment and hour,

After all, in this world, although not flawless,

There is someone who prays to heaven only for you!
The poems were written on January 28, 2009 and published on the website on January 29, 2009 mltihi)

  • One day in the life of a psychologist.Poems about a psychologist

Morning. House. Family. Alarm.
Empty refrigerator.
Bag. Umbrella. The stamping of feet.
Psychology lesson.

Types of memory. Adviсe.
Test: questions and answers.
Discussion. Bottom line.
Unexpected call.

Diagnostics. Program.
Concerned mom:
Deuces. Nerves. Corvalol.
Student looking at the floor.

Age. A crisis. Maturation.
Invitation to a meeting.
Puzzled father.
End of consultation!

Training. Personality. Height. Problems.
Exercise. Method. Themes.
Conversations. Tight circle.
"Suitcase". Farewell. Friend.

Hardware. Director.
Head teacher Plan. Report. Inspector.
Efficiency: rise and fall.
And the end result.

Shop. Price. Expenses.
Two weeks until payday.
Milk. Groats. Cheese.
Empty wallet.

Night. Floor lamp. Sofa. Textbook.
Jung... The husband is sleeping, the child is dozing.
Bern and Freud... Letter. Report.
Thesis. Congress. That's it! - Waste!

from book " Family psychology" L.B. Schneider

Psychologists joke:

  • The client is always right, even when he sits on the left.
  • Your own psychologist is like your own dentist.
    It’s painful, uncomfortable and fraught with complications...
  • If the client comes to the therapist earlier, then this is anxiety; if later, then this is resistance; if it’s on time, then it’s an obsession.
  • The answer you are looking for is within yourself, but it can be difficult to find.
  • A psychologist is not a profession - it is a diagnosis
  • Psychology is the expression in words of what cannot be expressed in words. (John Galsworthy
Poems about psychologists:

Psychologist is a calling
Psychologist is destiny:
Sympathy and suffering
Caring and kindness.

Psychologists We are confident that a real gentleman in all aspects of life takes care to meet the requirements of quality and safety in relation to... at work, modest behavior and still a good education. Attention to ecology is considered more chic than knowing which fork to eat snails with. Psychologists, studying behavior modern men, note: there is a gradual evolution of aesthetics into ethics. A gentleman needs not just a beautiful thing, but a thing made with...

His mother. But we’ll talk about this next time, and today we’re interested in psychology envy. Manifestation psychology The Envy program begins with sensation, testing, demonstration, etc. manifestations of the emotion of envy. The concept of “program... internal state, but distorts reality, thereby increasing the daughter’s envy of “slim and beautiful” people. Psychology envy includes: = own inferiority - worthlessness - insolvency - helplessness - unworthiness...

It is transmitted to the child from his mother. But we’ll talk about this next time, and today we are interested in psychology envy. Manifestation psychology The Envy program begins with sensation, testing, demonstration, etc. manifestations of the emotion of envy. The concept of the “Envy program” and... reality, thereby increasing the daughter’s envy of “slim and beautiful” people. Psychology envy includes: one’s own inferiority, worthlessness, inconsistency, helplessness, unworthiness, anger...

Most worthy men, and the other’s relationships with the opposite sex are not working out? What's the matter? Psychology relationship helps to look at the situation from the outside. Often those who are popular with men do not have impeccable appearance, sophisticated... interest. Just don't take it too seriously, like hard and tedious work. Humor and ability to see funny in the most unpleasant situation they will help you out more than once if you or your partner make a mistake. After all, in the end...

And ill-wishers. They are also waiting for a miracle and their Santa Claus. Write on napkins - if it’s appropriate, buy it funny postcards - so that they are not immediately thrown away. No time for letters - send a fax. Draw on it your heart under the Christmas tree... your contacts with the outside world. Contact all the important people in your life, and you will get what you need. psychology called “feedback”. Evaluate the year you've lived. This advice is not suitable for everyone, but only for those graphomaniacs who are not lazy...

Make it a meditation - in Tibet this is one of the oldest traditions. Take a large mirror. Stand naked in front of him, make faces, do funny things - and watch. Just by doing this and observing for 15-20-30 minutes, you will be surprised. You'll start... it's just something in your hands. You can play with him this way and that way. Look for new ways to make faces, do funny gestures, do whatever you can, and this will give you a great liberation, and you will begin to look at yourself not as a body...

training script. Journey.

I used this script as psychological training for teenagers (Council of high school students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Yarskaya Secondary School No. 1”) for preventive work on the occurrence of quarrels and conflicts in this group. The training was conducted in the form of a separate lesson, which presented the necessary stages -warm-up, main part, reflection and discussion.

Goals ׃ Prevention of quarrels and conflict situations in the group.


    group cohesion;

    help develop empathy and self-awareness;

    developing skills for joint activities;

    development of skills to “feel the group” and its individual members;

    developing skills in giving and receiving feedback.

Band size : 12 people.
Resources: a spacious room, free of unnecessary furniture, light chairs according to the number of participants, headbands (for half of the participants), a sheet of Whatman paper, a pack of markers for each, a technical means for playing music, an audio recording with relaxation music (BellasLullaby, RobPattinson), cards (according to the number of participants) with the names of the participants written on them, obscenities, candies.

Time: at least two hours.


In front of the entrance to the classroom there are 3 boxes of different colors: yellow, red and black. At the entrance, each training participant places a token in a box of the color they like.

(Yellow means joy, red means excitement, black means sadness).

Stage 1 - physical warming up.

Leading: Good evening, guys. I will ask you to stand in a circle at a distance free from each other and repeat after me the movements and phrases that I will now show.

Exercise “Granny from Brazil”

Leading : ( Standing straight, keeping your hands at your sides, cheerfully): “I have a grandmother in Brazil!”

Leading : ( Repeat position 1, then step your right leg forward, turning your foot inward): “She has this leg!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1 and 2, then turn the body so that the left (right) shoulder moves forward, and put the elbow of the left (right) hand forward, tucking the hand under the armpit ): “She has such a hand!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1, 2 and 3, then tilt your head onto your shoulder and curl your mouth) : “Her head is on one side and her mouth is crooked!”

    (Repeat positions 1, 2, 3 and 4, then jumping loudly in the resulting position) : “She jumps and shouts: “I am the most beautiful grandmother in Brazil!!!

Exercise "Luggage rack"

Leading: Now, let's imagine that the long-awaited summer holidays. You went on vacation to the village with your grandfather, far away, into the deepest forest, away from the bustle of the city and noisy street crowds. You had to go there by train. So you enter the carriage, find your compartment and discover that only the top luggage rack is free of things. You need to place your large and heavy travel bag on top. But first, imagine this bag of yours as vividly as possible. Here she is standing in front of you. What color is it? What shape? Feel its weight: it is quite impressive, but you are still able to cope with the task. You are strong and dexterous enough to throw your luggage upstairs. Let's get ready. Place your feet shoulder-width apart! “Took” the cargo. Raise it up... Do you feel tension in your arms? Back muscle work? The shelf is high. You have to stand up on your toes to push the bag all the way my walls. One more effort and... the bag is on the shelf! Uh-oh! Now you can completely relax and sit down on a chair. Squeeze and unclench your fingers several times, rotate your hands.

Exercise Spaghetti

Leading : Fine. But the road is long. It would be nice to have a snack in the meantime. Imagine pouring boiling water over instant noodles. But it's not just noodles- This is real spaghetti! Long thin pasta lies on a plate in front of you. Let's grab one of them with our fingers. It hangs freely, swaying from side to side. If we start to rotate our hand, then our imaginary pasta will begin to wriggle like a lace or rope. Try using a fork to hook the spaghetti. “Twist” them onto a fork. Catch the pasta in your mouth. Now turn yourself into spaghetti. Relax, swing your hands, feel like a real noodle...

Stage 2 - immersion in the game situation.

Leading: Your train has arrived at the long-awaited station. But the way to grandfather's house is still far away. Yesterday you had fun and interesting on the train. You were together -and no adults. But the day that came turned out to be completely different from the previous one. It was dim and gray. It was sad and bad. You started grumbling at each other and quarreling for no reason. Conflicts flared up out of nowhere, like sparklers, but unlike them, they did not burn out quickly. Nobody could understand what was going on. And you were faced with a choice, what to do? Is it worth taking the risk and going on a dangerous journey, or staying here, but at the same time continuing to quarrel and conflict. What do you choose?

(If the group members choose to travel (which they usually do), then the next stage of work begins.)

Stage 3 - overcoming obstacles.

Exercise “Enchanted Forest”

(A route is drawn on the floor with chalk or marked with a rope. Along this route, several chairs are laid in a chain, one after another. The result is a winding path three to five meters long.)
Leading: You have entered the forest. But he turned out to be bewitched. Why is he considered bewitched? Because there are areas in it, upon entering which a person ceases to see. If you manage to pass such a section of the road, your vision returns. Such areas are visible from the outside. Therefore, you can help each other cope with this task. You will have to overcome enchanted places in pairs. One in a pair will be the leader, and the second will be the follower. The follower is blindfolded. His task is to follow the route and not get lost or go off the path. The presenter will give him instructions with words: left, right, two steps forward, and the like. Of course, he is not allowed to approach the follower, touch him with his hands and somehow, other than words, direct the actions of his partner. When the follower overcomes the obstacle, he himself becomes the leader and helps his partner along the path.

(Participants are divided into pairs)

Are you confident in your abilities? In the reliability of partners? Has it ever happened to you that, in a state of tension, you lost control of yourself and forgot the simplest things: for example, where is the right and where is the left? Do not confuse these directions while walking through an enchanted section of the forest. Before we start moving, it is important to remember the following: the leader is solely responsible for the follower. He must clearly and timely warn him about all possible dangers and obstacles. And second: dear viewers, the success of the passage depends on you. Maintain silence so as not to interfere with contact between partners passing along the enchanted path. Observe how each pair organizes the transition, what are the differences in the actions of the participants.

(The leader ties a blindfold over the eyes of one of the members of the first pair, and the game begins. When all the pairs have overcome the enchanted section of the path, a discussion of this exercise begins.)


    How did you feel walking the trail blindfolded?

    What turned out to be more difficult for you: walking the trail or directing your partner’s actions?

    What did the audience see?

    Who has memorized and can demonstrate typical body language to a player walking through an enchanted area?

    How does the behavior of a person deprived of the ability to see the world around him differ?

Exercise "Abyss"

Leading: Now I ask you to go to the stairs. Stand on the steps and position yourself between the railing and the drawn line.

(take starting position)

Leading: I must warn you that now you find yourself high in the mountains where serious dangers await you. The line you see in front of you is- This is not just a line, it is the border of a narrow path. A deep abyss opened up behind her, falling into which leaves no hope of staying alive. At my signal, you turn into bizarre rock blocks, hanging over the path in the most unexpected way. Spread your legs, extend your arms, bend down... Only the participant on the far left becomes a climber. His task- walk along the entire length of the abyss without falling into it. A climber can overcome the path in any way: squeeze into narrow crevices between rocks, look for niches, crawl, clinging to “rocks”... The main thing- do not cause harm or pain to anyone. As soon as the first climber completes part of the path, the next participant can turn from a rock into a person and begin his dangerous journey. The one who reaches the end of the difficult path himself turns into stone. It is important that you all overcome this obstacle and pass the dangerous section of the route safely.

(When all group members have passed the gap, you can discuss the feelings they experienced during the exercise.)

Exercise "Swamp"

Leading: As soon as you, dashing travelers, managed to cross the inaccessible mountains, a new misfortune arose. On the way you came across a marshy swamp. It is possible to cross it only over rare bumps. And you must not stumble, otherwise you can easily drown in the quagmire. You will now begin your journey through the swamp. Be very careful! Help each other move from bump to bump. Support your comrades so that they do not fall into the swamp. Cause you're coming together and each You have the right to count on the help of your companions. Any pushing, rudeness towards comrades, lack of restraint, haste and ill-considered actions can lead each of the participants and the group as a whole to a sad result. And vice versa: mutual understanding, responsibility, under Keeping friends will ensure success.

( Chairs (according to the number of participants) are placed in a circle close to each other. Invite participants to take off their shoes and climb onto chairs)

Leading : You start moving on my command. You will move from chair to chair clockwise. The first stage will be completed when you return to the chair from which you started. Forward!

(After the group members have completed this task)

Leading : Well done! But your way through the swamp is not finished yet. I I suggest you stand two at a time on one chair (remove 3 vacated chairs from the circle).

(The group begins to move again under increasingly difficult circumstances. On successful completion this stage pull out circle three more chair. The movement takes place again over rare “bumps”. The crossing through the swamp is considered completed, and the task is completed, when everything participants are located according to three player on one chair
and, if they managed, supporting each other, to survive chairs, until the presenter counts to ten. )

Stage 4 - joint creativity.

Exercise "Evening" gatherings"

Leading : You have already walked most of the way. However, the journeynot yet completed. Beforespread out by youbig lake onon the other bank of which there is a hut.But evening comes and you decidepostpone the crossinguntil morning. After all, you still need build a raft - other watercraft you don’t have and don’t expect to. You divorced fire, dinner prepared, had a snack. I don't want to sleep yet. It's nice for you to sitby the fire, chat with friends, just having fun.In the evenings with special pleasure listen to all sorts of interesting stories . So I invite you to write your own story. But do This it will be necessary in an unusual way. our historywill be created jointly. Somebodythe story will begin from you. First the narrator will say a few phrases, then I clap clap your hands, and the continuation of the story will have to come up with his neighbor on the left . Then the right story passed on to the next and so on. But! Second Narratormust pronounce text in a special language - “jibrish”. Cotton- third participant returns to the story and continues story in Russian. Fourth speaks Jibri again"she." The fifth one returnsto the story and so on. In other words, every odd player tells a fairy tale history, everyone the even one “picks up” her in “jibrish”.

But What is “jibrish”? This is imaginarylanguage. Some kind of gobbledygook, gibberish. Of course, “jibrish” can be given a resemblance to some really existing language- French, English, German. As, for example, in the famous pseudo-Italian song of characters film “Formula of Love”: “Uno, Uno, uno, un momento!.." Or maybe do not leave any national language to the language features, and limit ourselves exclusively to the emotional coloring of speech, enhancing the story with facial expressions and gesticulation. If everyone understands, let's start!

Exercise "Dream our groups"

Leading : However, the time is already late. We need to rest before crossing the lake tomorrow. Tired travelerssettle down to rest and fall asleep.And they all have dreams. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see dream...

(turn on soft relaxation music)

Leading : Conjure up a picture in your mind- the image of your dream... You have wonderful dreams! Imagine that your dreams are floating above you, intertwining with each other, and a new image appears- common sleep of our group...

(place a large sheet of Whatman paper in the center of the circle and around it - markers. The music continues to play throughout the exercise)

Leading : Open your eyes... Now we will depict the collective dream that we had on this magical night. Do not talk under any circumstances while performing the task! Otherwise, we will frighten our dreams, and nothing will work out for us. Now you will silently pick up the markers and begin to draw your dream. At the same time, pay attention to what your comrades are portraying. Your task- create an image of the collective dream of our group. This means that you need to try to “build” your image into the system of other images so that you get a single, integral picture. I remind you once again that everything must be done silently. Please get started!

Stage 5 - completion of the journey.

Exercise "Raft"

Leading: Morning has come. Having set to work together, you built a raft from tree trunks and launched it into the water. True, only young trees with thin trunks grew nearby, so the raft, although it was quite strong, could tilt dangerously and even capsize if the load was placed unevenly.

(invite participants to sit on the “raft”, taking into account some instability of the raft. Remind that it is dangerous to shift its center of gravity)

Leading: So, you set off on a sailing trip on the lake. The weather was favorable, the lake was calm, and you hoped the journey would be easy. But, when you reached the middle of the lake, a huge eagle appeared out of nowhere, and for some reason became very interested in your craft. The eagle, having made a leisurely circle above you, landed on the edge of your raft, immediately breaking the unstable balance...

(be until this moment outside the boundaries of the “raft”, stand on the edge of the raft).

Leading: To you It is urgent to regroup so that the raft does not capsize!

Only you have changed your seats taking into account the weight of the unexpected “passenger”, as the eagle took off again and moved to the other edge of the raft.

(quickly change your location; repeat this procedure two or three more times, report that the eagle has flown away and leave the “raft”)

: Here, finally, is the shore. Our journey is coming to an end. You can already see the hut where grandfather lives. You were so looking forward to this meeting, you wanted so much to ask your grandfather for advice on what to do, how to continue to live in joy, without quarrels and conflicts. Approaching the hut, you climb onto the porch and knock on the locked door. The door opens on its own and you go inside. There, sitting at a large wooden table, your grandfather is waiting for you. You tell him about your trouble.

- “What do you want from me?”- asks grandfather.

- “Only you can help us! Do it!”

- "No, - says grandfather.- You are wrong. I I can't help you."

- “Why?”: - you ask. You certainly didn't expect such a turn.

- "Because, - Grandfather says- that only you can help yourself. You have already almost done it, having walked a long and difficult path and overcome many obstacles. After all, you almost didn’t quarrel and supported each other.I only can tell you what you need to do. But to do this you must complete three tasks.”

Exercise "IN each other's roles"

Leading: Each of you must portray one of your comrades in such a way that everyone else recognizes him. You need to portray without using words, only with the help of facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes. For each guessing, three attempts are given. If you accidentally get a card with your name on it, it's okay.

(Participants draw pre-prepared cards from a pile on which the names of all group members are written)

Exercise “Metaphor”

Leading: The next task is this. You will again have to pull out at random one of the cards with the name of one of the guys in our group. But now we need to come up with some kind of metaphor that help allows others to guess whose card you got. Lines from a song can serve as a metaphor, bright image, maybe some kind of association associated with this person. For example, you can offer the following metaphor: “When I think about this person, I imagine an old oriental jug with a golden ornament, in which ordinary water seems tasty and sweet...” Or: “Knowing the hobbies of this person, I immediately remember summer, river, early morning and a float diving into the water..."

Exercise "Gifts for Friends"

Leading: Here is the last task. The third time you will have to draw a name card. But now there will be no need to guess the person. And if you come across a card with your own name, you can openly exchange with someone. I want to invite you to give each other gifts. Imagine that you are magicians and capable of fulfilling any person’s desire. Look at your partner, guess what he dreams about. What gift would he like to receive? If you guess correctly and he will be happy with the gift you give him, then you have come to an understanding and there will be no more conflicts between you.

Stage 6 - farewell ritual.

Exercise. I give this to you as a sign...

(Prepare “gifts” (sweets). “Gifts” are placed in a beautiful vase, which stands on a ritually decorated table in the center of the hall.)

Leading : I invite everyone to take a handful of “gifts” and approach the other with the words: “I bring you this gift as a sign of my gratitude for...”

Each person completes a sentence depending on the relationship that developed during the training: “For understanding, love, recognition, help, etc.” (During the recitation, the gift is offered to eat)

Leading: And now I ask you tothank each other for playing together and do this exercise. You need to hug as many of your comrades as possible in 15 seconds.

Stage 7 - discussion of the training

(prepare cards for each participant)

Leading: Each of you received cards with questions. I ask you to answer them.

    What moments of the game did you like most? Why?

    Which task was the most difficult? Why?

    Did you feel the support and help of your comrades during the game?

    Did you learn anything new about the band members?

    During the game, were you able to avoid rudeness, aggression, or conflict?

    Is it possible to live without quarrels and insults in life?

Host: I ask you to put the tokens in boxes according to your mood. The training is over, and life lies ahead, to which our training was dedicated. Thanks to all!

Olga Kozhukharova
Scenario of a psychological play for older children preschool age"My world and me"


The girl looks first at everything that surrounds her. Then he studies himself and his body. Speaks:

“How the world changes, and how I myself change,

I am called by only one name.

In fact, what is called me is not me alone.

There are many of us, I am alive.

So that my thought does not have time to cool down,

I ask you: Who am I? Who am I? Who am I?

And that all this surrounds me?


A boy appears - the Little Prince - with a big book called “My World and Me”.

“You are a man, you are strong and brave,

Make your destiny with your own hands,

Go against the wind, don't stand still,

Understand that there is no easy road.

Now, as before, they do not trust miracles.

Don’t hope for a miracle – command your own destiny.”

Olga Valerievna

Everything is very simple - the child is small, and the world is huge, the baby is helpless, and we, adults, are omnipotent.

The world is not clear, but we know a lot

It is from these foundations that the child’s entry into the world begins, and it is we, the elders, who turn out to be Almighty wizards, showing how to deal with the world.

Your smiles, slaps, and then your words turn out to be guides that lay down the picture of the World.

You, girl, will hear fairy tales, learn poems, sing songs, watch cartoons - and, putting yourself in the place of the hero, you will go through life with him.

The heroes of fairy tales, like caring nannies, will teach you step by step to get acquainted, make friends, make peace and forgive.


Dance composition “Small Country”. The girl, the prince and others are dancing fairy-tale heroes, which the children themselves chose.


Girl: Who are you, stranger?

Prince: I - a little prince. And these are my friends, the heroes of fairy tales. Here is a wise book from which you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. I believe in you.

Girl (reads the title of the book). My world and me. Part one: Your body is the home of your soul.

Dance and rhythmic gymnastics “Cheburashka” (song “Cheburashka”, V. Shainsky, E. Uspensky).

Olga Valerievna: Girl, are you ready to answer my questions?

Girl. Yes. I take care of my body and health, I will help myself.

Olga Valerievna: What will you do to keep your body healthy?

Girl. First I will ask my friends and relatives who came to visit us. (Communication with the audience)


Girl. To keep my body healthy: I will eat healthy food, do exercises, brush my teeth, wash my hands, relax and smile more often.

Prince. Right! You're just smart, girl! How do you feel now? What feelings did you have?

Girl. What does “feel” mean? I don't know what "feelings" are. Show me them: where are they, what color are they, what smell do they have?

Prince: And to learn about feelings, open the next page of the book.


Girl (reading). Part two: The world of your feelings.

Dance – composition “Feelings”. During the dance, all fairy-tale characters show different feelings using facial expressions and pantomime.

Girl. So interesting! My mood and facial expression changed many times. Have you, viewers, noticed? (talks to the audience).

Prince. Girl, what feeling would you like to experience again?

Girl. Probably love... It is the strongest and most important human feeling. I love life, I love mom, dad, my nature. And you? (asks fairy-tale characters).

Fairy-tale heroes.

The sounds of nature are heard.

1st hero. I was taught that lakes are blue. I do not write. I just tend to run into the blue lakes, my favorite ones.

2nd hero. I was taught that birch trees are white. And I am free in my choice: my birches are brave, beloved.

3rd hero.

Everyone in the world loves fairy tales

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good things

And diligent work,

They tell you how to live

To be friends with everyone around you!

This is what the next part of the book “Learn to be happy” is devoted to.

Olga Valerievna: While we live, every moment of our life is beautiful, or rather, we must learn to be happy in any situation.


Girl. Today we read this book with you, rejoiced and worried. Let’s play together now, because the last part of our book is called “You, me, and you and me.”

Game "Find a friend"

Prince. Stop! Look around! What kind of people are around you! Look into their faces, without ordinary words. Look and that's it.

Girl. Thank you for the wise book. You are simply a magician!

Prince. I am not a wizard, I am just learning, but for the sake of those I love, I am capable of many miracles.

The artists say goodbye to the audience. The song "Friendship" is playing.