How to stretch ski boots at home. How to stretch genuine leather shoes to size. Stretching leather shoes to length

Hello, dear readers! Everyone has probably had problems when the shoes fit perfectly on their feet in the store, but at home the herds are tight and tight.

But this problem can be overcome. Let me tell you how to stretch your shoes at home. At the same time, boots and shoes will become more comfortable.

You can quickly stretch products made from natural and soft materials. If you bought genuine leather shoes, then you should not rush and use special products.

Even if there is slight compression and discomfort, the shoes will acquire a suitable shape during wear.

tight and new shoes Thick leather cannot be made larger than half the size.

Remember that no special miracles will happen. If the shoes are too tight, it is better to exchange them for a larger size.

You can return an unsuitable pair to the seller within two weeks of purchase. It is important that the shoes are not worn.
I suggest you study some useful recommendations that will help you:

  1. Products made of synthetic material are practically not susceptible to any changes. Synthetics hold their shape well, and even a professional approach will be powerless.
  2. Textile or any rag shoes can be damaged by any changes. Fabric products tear easily when deformed.
  3. If you often have problems with your shoes, then it may be the shape of your feet. In such cases, special orthopedic devices are recommended.

Any stretching procedure should be carried out with caution, because each material has its own tensile strength.

How to stretch suede or leather shoes

Suede and leather are not that difficult to stretch as they are elastic materials.

They become especially pliable when exposed to heat:

  1. External and inner surface must be moistened with vodka or alcohol. The pair then needs to be worn for several hours. This impact will make the material softer and the shoes can be adjusted to your feet.
  2. Pour boiling water over the inside of your boots. In this case, you can fill them with water for a couple of seconds, and then hot water needs to be drained. Wait for the material to cool slightly and then put the products on your feet. It's better to put on your socks first. To avoid getting your shoes wet, you need to put a bag inside.
  3. You can also use ice. Fill two bags a quarter full with water. Then place them in your boots and place them in the freezer. After the ice has melted a little, remove it from your shoes. Remember that this method cannot be used for every material.

Such methods are used to expand suede shoes with fur. At the same time, you should not get the insides of your boots and boots too wet.

How to stretch faux leather products

Leatherette does not stretch well and can crack and lose its shape under load. But even artificial and narrow shoes can be made wider.

Here are some effective methods:

  1. Apply Vaseline or greasy cream to the inside of the shoes. Within 2-3 hours, the moisturizing composition can be absorbed into the material. And then you should put on the shoes and walk in them for 30-40 minutes.
  2. You can also try the newspaper method. They need to be stuffed into each shoe and then left to dry at room temperature. With this method, you must be careful so that the boots do not become deformed. Do not speed up drying with a hair dryer or battery.
  3. To stretch the shoes in length, you need to insert a bag inside and pour cereal into it, which you water. When the grain swells, it will stretch the boots in 9-10 hours.

How to stretch licked shoes

It is difficult to alter patent leather shoes as the top coating may be damaged. In this case, the surface may lose its shine and become cracked.

It is easy to stretch patent leather shoes if the leather is thin and soft.
In the video you can see different methods.

Here are some of them:

  1. Mix alcohol and water in a ratio of 2 to 1. You need to wet your socks with this mixture, and then put them on, and uncomfortable shoes on top. You need to walk like this for an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.
  2. You can treat the inside of your boots with cream or Vaseline. If there are pads, they need to be inserted inside. If not, then wear thick socks and boots on top.

Is it possible to stretch rubber boots?

As the reviews confirm, if the boots are made of traditional rubber, then it will not be possible to change them. If polyvinyl chloride is used as the material, then this is quite possible.

To check the material you will need a sharp needle and a lighter. If you heat the needle and touch the boots in a hidden place and they start to melt, then it is PVC material and can be changed.
For the procedure you will need a couple of liters of boiling water, a container with cold water, woolen socks and boots.
First, pour boiling water into the boots, and then wait 4-5 minutes.

After this, the material will become softer. Then put on thick socks. Pour boiling water out of your boots and blot them, and then put them on over your socks. Walk like this for a few minutes.

After this, place the boots in a bowl of cold water for about an hour.
This procedure will not only enlarge the products, but also adjust them to the shape of your legs. It is better to walk in such shoes after a few days, when they have completely hardened.

Popular ways to stretch shoes

Let's look at some effective ways to stretch your shoes:

  • wear a thick sock. This option is suitable if you need a little stretching;
  • If your shoes are difficult to deform, you can try wet your socks. But remember not to let them get wet;
  • You can try to enlarge small shoes using alcohol-containing liquids. Spray the surface inside, and then wear it on the sock;
  • You can try stretching your shoes using potatoes. Large potatoes are used instead of special blocks;
  • You can try to warm up the shoes with a hairdryer, but the device should not be brought too close to prevent overheating.

Do not freeze patent leather shoes as they may crack. It is better to immediately choose a suitable size for a child’s room, since the child’s foot should be located comfortably.

If you can’t stretch the product at home, you can seek help from a specialist. The workshop has special equipment for such purposes.

Ballet shoes can be stretched just like other products. You can use a special means for carrying. For example, shoes can be heated with a hairdryer and then a special composition can be applied.

This stretcher can be purchased at the store.
You can try to make the size larger using ice.

How to stretch in length

Experts can often stretch shoes to length. You can go to a workshop or use a special purchased aerosol.
If the shoes are too tight in length, you can ask someone close to you who has longer feet to carry them in.
You can try to break in your shoes using trempel. To do this, the pair needs to be dipped in water for a few minutes, and then the trempel is placed inside.

It is known that material stretches when wet, and a trempel will help set the necessary direction.

How to wear shoes wide

You can stretch narrow shoes using old methods. For example, the walls can be lubricated with cologne, and then the products can be worn for several hours.

A similar method should be used in the evening, when the legs swell more and increase in size. At night, shoes should be stuffed with newspapers and paper.

The disadvantage of this procedure is the strong odor, which is absorbed into the material for a long time.

It's worth trying to use it. In this case, the products are processed both externally and internally.

Then you should start posting. After 4-5 hours the oil should be removed. Please remember that this option cannot be used.

Nuances of choosing shoes

There are some rules to consider when buying shoes. This will avoid further complex stretching procedures. First of all, choose products made from natural materials.

They will last longer. In addition, such shoes are easier to break in. Select shoes by size only.

Even if your foot size scares you, you shouldn’t cheat and buy smaller shoes. Remember that stretching such products to size is very difficult. Choose models that visually reduce the length of your legs.

Wedge or round toe options will help with this. It is recommended to purchase in the evening hours, when the feet swell a little.

If you have your own interesting recipe for making narrow shoes bigger, write it in the comments.

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That's all I have for today. Let's say goodbye until the next interesting meeting. Bye bye.

Unfortunately, it often happens that purchased shoes do not always fit perfectly. Even after trying on shoes that seem to fit perfectly, you may soon encounter the problem of chafing or tightness. This is due to the fact that when worn, shoes can change their shape and, as a result, size. Usually, this only happens with low-quality shoes. But what to do if the money is spent, the shoes are bought, but their size is not quite right? Fortunately, there are many ways to change the size of your shoes, so in this article we will talk about how to increase your shoe size at home.

In order to increase your favorite shoes to the desired size, it is not at all necessary to take them to the workshop and pay money. Absolutely anyone can do this from the comfort of their own home. The most effective ways to stretch shoes will be described below.

How to stretch your boots yourself?

  • Wear wool socks. This is perhaps one of the simplest and effective ways stretching shoes. Before putting on your natural wool socks, wet them with hot water. Even if your socked foot finds it difficult to fit into the shoe, still try to push it through. The shoes will definitely stretch due to the toe and will be wider. The foot will feel freer in worn-in shoes. To enhance the effect, try walking around the apartment. You need to keep your feet in shoes in this way for at least two hours. If your leg becomes numb due to severe tightness and you begin to feel pain, take your legs out for a while and then repeat.
  • Use vodka. You need to rub the inside of the shoes with vodka, then, after you put them on, rub the outside as well. This will cause the boots to stretch. Instead of vodka, you can also use medical alcohol or oil. It is best to take castor oil.
  • Liquid soap. You need to prepare a soap solution. To do this, take half a glass of warm water and dissolve soap in it. It can be anything, but liquid soap dissolves the fastest. Next, use a spray bottle and spray the entire surface of the shoes. Especially need to be sprayed outside. To make your shoes stretch out faster, walk around your apartment wearing them and wearing socks.
  • Wear cologne. Take pieces of cloth or cotton pads, soak them in cologne and rub your shoes well. Some pieces need to be left inside the shoes. Then, wrap the pair in a plastic bag so that no air gets in and leave it overnight. The package must be tight. In the morning, after unpacking your shoes, remove any remaining cologne with a damp cotton pad and walk around the apartment wearing them. If your shoes do not stretch, or do not stretch enough, repeat the procedure.
  • Pour boiling water over your shoes. Method only for leather goods! There is no need to use boiling water on suede, patent leather or non-woven shoes. genuine leather, as this will lead to their deformation. Boil water and pour it over your boots. Wait about ten minutes for them to cool and put them on your feet. Walk around the apartment until the shoes are completely dry.
  • Fridge. This is a great way to stretch your sneakers very quickly. In order to do this, you need to prepare a plastic bag without holes. Distribute the bag evenly on the bottom of the sneaker so that it touches all of it internal sides. After this, pour water into the bag and tie it well. To maintain hygiene, wrap the sneakers in another bag and place them in the freezer to freeze. In winter, instead of the refrigerator, you can take your shoes to the balcony. Every other day you can take the sneakers out of the freezer. We throw away the bag and wait for the shoes to melt. If the ice does not melt for a long time, you can lightly dry it with a hairdryer. Then, be sure to walk around the apartment in sneakers.

It is worth noting that this method is not suitable for leather products, since in the cold the leather can crack, and this will lead to loss of appearance.

  • Warm. Heat, as well as cold, can stretch boots. To change the size of your favorite shoes using heat, put them on and turn on the hair dryer at the warmest temperature. Direct the air jet of the hairdryer onto your shoes and wait until your feet feel hot. For maximum effect, put on wool socks before putting on your shoes.
  • Use old newspapers. Our grandmothers used this method to stretch their boots. Find any newspapers or any other waste paper lying around, wet them and try to stuff as many newspapers as possible into each shoe. The effect is achieved due to the fact that when the paper dries, it increases in size and, accordingly, the shoe expands.
  • Grain method. Take your shoes and pour grain inside. Then, fill it with water and leave the shoes in this condition for twelve hours, or better yet, a day. The shoes will become wider due to the fact that the grain inside will swell and stretch them.
  • Use paraffin. This is the most The best way for stretching leather products, since paraffin is the most gentle product for the skin. Rub the inside of your leather boots with this product. Leave them overnight and remove the paraffin in the morning with a damp cotton pad. Carry shoes around the apartment.
  • Sprays and aerosols. This professional products, which can be purchased at some shoe stores. Spraying sprays to increase the volume of shoes allows you to achieve the desired effect in a short time. After you have sprayed the aerosol on your shoes, be sure to put them on and walk around the apartment so that the product quickly takes the shape you need. The disadvantage of this method is the rather high price of the funds.

It turns out that you shouldn’t be upset that your shoes are a little smaller than you need, because there are many ways to stretch your shoes without leaving home. The main thing is to choose the method that is best suited for your model, and for this, you need, first of all, to take into account the material from which the shoes are made.

You bought shoes, but they turned out to be tight, too hard or narrow. In the store, you thought your shoes fit you... or almost fit. But on the first day of wearing it, it turns out to be too tight, too hard or narrow, and you end up feeling uncomfortable. In such a situation, you can return the purchase to the store or try to stretch the shoes and “fit” them on your feet.

The question “What to wear with blue wedge sneakers?” — 2 answers
Many shoe repair shops offer shoe stretching services. With the help of special expanding lasts, your shoes will be stretched to your size; this method is especially effective when it comes to expanding narrow tops leather boots. But you can also stretch your shoes at home; for this there are both special means and folk methods proven by many generations.

In order to stretch your shoes or boots, you can purchase specialized stretching sprays or foams at a shoe store. For example, Duke Of Dubbin, Salamander, Twist, Kiwi, Salton, Silver, Oke products have proven themselves well. They soften shoes in tight places and are especially effective in cases where you need to stretch slightly tight shoes made of soft natural leather. Apply spray or foam to the problem areas of the shoes outside and inside (for patent or suede shoes only on the inside), wetting the material generously, then put the shoes on with terry or wool socks. Walk around in your shoes until the product dries completely, usually this takes about an hour. If necessary, repeat the procedure two or three times.

One of the most effective folk ways to stretch shoes without using specialized sprays is to treat them with alcohol, which softens the leather. To do this, you can use cologne, vodka or alcohol diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio. Wet your shoes generously with this solution inside and out (you can use a spray bottle or a cotton pad soaked in liquid), put them on a sock and walk around the apartment for an hour or two. However, for colored shoes, alcohol-containing liquids must be used with caution: if the paint is unstable, it may “float”. Therefore, first carefully rub a non-visible place with a cotton swab and see if the cotton wool is stained.

Too hard shoes or a pair that has become caked after seasonal storage can be softened using castor or vegetable oil, or Vaseline - they perfectly soften the skin. You process the shoes in the same way as the previous method and break them in. After a few hours, the shoes must be thoroughly cleaned of any unabsorbed oil. This method is suitable not only for shoes made of genuine leather, but also for products made from artificial materials.
To expand your shoes, you can treat the inside of them with a 3% vinegar solution. This will also help you soften and stretch shoes that are pinching your toes. The outside of the shoes can be treated with another shoe stretching agent. The disadvantages of this method include the rather pungent smell of the product - but the vinegar also dissipates quite quickly.
You can also stretch shoes that rub your feet in certain places using paraffin, that is, an ordinary candle (a white household candle without dyes is best). To do this, rub the inside of the shoe with a candle and leave it overnight. In the morning, clean your shoes from paraffin. If your shoes rub your heel, you need to treat the heel with alcohol, walk around in your shoes until the alcohol dries, and then wipe the heel of the shoe with a candle or soap.

Another common one folk way shoe stretch marks - wet newspapers. It is especially well suited for processing fabric, rubber shoes and demi-season leatherette shoes that are not afraid of moisture. To do this, you need to wet the shoes well, then stuff them as tightly as possible with wads of newspaper paper and leave them to dry. Every 3-4 hours, newspapers that have absorbed moisture must be changed, otherwise the shoes may become deformed. Continue the process until the shoes are completely dry. At the same time, it is important that shoes are dried in natural conditions, away from sunlight and heating devices; it is also better to avoid drying them on a radiator.

If the shoes are too hard, stretching with newspapers can be made more effective by using very hot water for wetting or by pre-treating the shoes with steam. To do this, hold it for 10-15 minutes over a kettle or pan of boiling water so that the steam goes “into the inside.” However, we must keep in mind that not all shoes can withstand the aggressive effects of temperature, so it is better not to risk expensive, spectacular shoes or boots, choosing more gentle stretching methods.

Winter boots or boots can be stretched in the freezer - or, if there are sub-zero temperatures outside, on the balcony. You just need to place a plastic bag in your shoes, fill it with water and leave it overnight. It is advisable to use two bags for each shoe, tie the bottom bags and leave the top ones open. The secret of this method is to ensure that the water in the bags tightly fills the shoes from the toe to the heel. As it freezes, it will slowly expand and stretch the shoe. In the morning, take out your shoes and wait until the ice melts and the bags can be removed. The procedure for freezing shoes can be repeated if necessary. The method is effective, but it is still undesirable to use it for expensive shoes. In addition, you must keep in mind that it cannot be used for summer or demi-season shoes that are not designed for use at sub-zero temperatures - otherwise the leather may stretch, but the sole will crack.

You can stretch leather shoes in the opposite way - using heat treatment with hot air. Use a hair dryer to warm up your shoes or boots for a minute or two. Then immediately lubricate your shoes with shoe stretcher and put on your boots or shoes with a terry sock. After the shoes have cooled, repeat the procedure in the same sequence. And so on several times until the shoes fit your feet the way you want.

Practical and comfortable. If a pair is slightly tight, you can stretch shoes made of artificial or natural leather at home. It is worth emphasizing that the processing methods are different and what can be applied to natural shoes can ruin leatherette ones. Take a good look at the pair and let's get started.

Ways to stretch genuine leather shoes

One way or another, they are all related to water and temperature effects:

    Wet socks in warm water, put a plastic bag on your foot, a sock on top, then shoes and wear for at least 20 minutes.

    Quickly dip the shoes in boiling water, put them on cotton socks and wear them until they cool down.

    It’s good to treat the inside with alcohol, vodka or triple cologne, put on a sock and walk around until it dries.

    Fill with wet, well-wrung out newspapers. Leave overnight, repeat if necessary. This good way for stretching in width.

    Place a bag inside the shoe, fill it with water and put it in the freezer until the morning. Remove, keep at room temperature until thawed and dry. Repeat if necessary.

    Treat with a special spray, gently pull the shoes with your hands and wear them at home for at least half an hour.

If you need to stretch the leather to size, it is better to go to a workshop; at home you can tear the seams.

How to stretch leatherette shoes

Leatherette shoes do not have the same elasticity as natural ones, since the material has a woven base. If it is too small for you, you need to be extremely careful not to tear the seams and the material itself.

You can stretch leatherette shoes like this:

    the “wet newspaper” method described above;

    heating the steam with a hairdryer and wearing it until it cools;

    rubbed with paraffin before going out;

    putting shoes on the toe, having previously treated them well with alcohol.

Choose your pair carefully. If you feel uncomfortable already in the store, but you are ready to do anything just to buy this particular pair (it matches the color, is ultra-fashionable), compare the cost and possible consequences. If you can't stretch, you'll be wasting your money. Shoes after “wet” stretching and mechanical impacts are not subject to exchange or return.

A situation familiar to everyone: shoes or boots fit perfectly in the store, but at home they rub blisters. It's not a problem! We will teach you how to stretch leather, suede, patent leather and even rubber shoes using improvised means.

How to stretch leather or suede shoes

Leather and suede are pliable, elastic materials, especially when exposed to heat.

  • Wet the inside and outside of the shoes with alcohol or vodka, put on a pair and wear for several hours. Such an impact will help soften the material and adjust the shoes to the size of your feet.
  • Place the shoes in a bathtub or sink and pour boiling water over the inside. It is enough to just fill the insides of the product for a couple of seconds and immediately pour out the hot water. Blot the moisture, wait until the shoes cool down a little, and put them on your feet. Preferably over socks to avoid getting burned.
  • If you are afraid of getting your shoes wet, do the same, first placing a bag inside each shoe so that the boiling water and the lining do not touch.
  • Not only boiling water will be effective, but also ice. Fill two bags a quarter full with water, tie them and drop each into your shoe. Place the structure in the freezer and remove it when everything is completely frozen. After the ice has melted, remove it from your shoes. This procedure is suitable for a strong, undemanding couple: not every material will withstand the cold test.

The same methods are suitable for winter shoes with fur lining. Just don’t get the insides of your shoes or boots too wet. Well, you will need to dry your shoes carefully.

How to stretch faux leather shoes

Faux leather does not stretch well and deteriorates easily: it cracks and loses its shape. However, it is too early to lose hope. There are ways to stretch such shoes.

  • Lubricate the inside surface of the shoes with greasy cream or Vaseline. Wait 2-3 hours for the moisturizing mask to be absorbed into the material, and then put on your shoes and walk in them for 20-40 minutes.
  • You can try the familiar method with newspapers. They should be stuffed tightly into each shoe, and then the pair should be left to dry at room temperature. When stuffing, do not be overzealous so that the shoes do not become deformed. Also, do not try to speed up the drying process with a battery or hair dryer: excessive heat exposure can damage the material.
  • A method for wasteful people or those who need to stretch the narrow top of high boots. Insert a bag into your shoes, pour any small grains into it, and pour water on top. The grain will swell and stretch the tight boots without your intervention in 8–10 hours.

How to stretch patent leather shoes

It is more difficult to stretch patent leather shoes because there is a risk of damaging the top coating: it may crack and lose its shine. You can painlessly enlarge your shoes if there is soft and thin leather (natural or artificial) under the varnish. Is your couple like this? Then let's get down to business!

  • Mix alcohol and water in a 2:1 ratio and wet your socks with the resulting solution. Now put them on and put tight shoes on top. You should walk in your shoes for about an hour or two until the socks are completely dry.
  • Treat the inside surface of the shoe with Vaseline or cream, paying special attention to the dense parts: the toe and heel. Then you need to insert the lasts into the shoes (if you have them) or, as usual, put the shoes on with thick socks.

If your waterproof friends are made of durable classic rubber - alas, not at all. If it’s made from the now common polyvinyl chloride (aka PVC), then it’s as simple as shelling pears. To check the material, all you need is a needle or awl and a lighter. Heat the metal and touch the boots in an inconspicuous place, just do not pierce them. If the boots begin to melt, then these are PVC and the shoes can be stretched.

You will need:

  • several liters of boiling water,
  • deep container with ice water,
  • wool or terry socks,
  • your boots and your feet.

Pour boiling water into rubber shoes and wait 3-5 minutes: the material will become noticeably softer. Put on thick socks and move the bowl of cold water closer. Pour boiling water out of your boots, quickly pat them dry with a towel so as not to wet your feet, and put them on your socks. In the heated steam, stomp and walk around for a few minutes. Leave the shoes in cold water for an hour, and then don’t forget to dry them.

This method will not only make your rubber boots bigger, but will also adjust them to the shape of your feet. True, you should walk stretched shoes only after a day or two, when the boots have completely hardened.