Lipstick shape and character. How can you tell your personality by the shape of your lipstick? Two extremes of one lipstick

Lipstick is a weapon of mass destruction for men! And I simply cannot imagine my everyday life without these elegant cases with bright contents... But, to be honest, I never wear lipstick in public. And all because, although beautiful on the outside, my lipsticks are rather ugly on the inside.

No matter how hard I try to use them in a way that preserves the original pointed shape, it very quickly transforms into something round and not so elegant. "Why?" - I thought for a long time. But it turned out that it’s all about psychology!

Each “lip” has its own cut

Psychologists have long identified eight types of women who “sharpen” their lipsticks in different ways. As it turned out, there are many representatives of the fair sex in the world whose lipstick tops, like mine, are distinguished by their rounded shapes. And that says a lot!

The character of such a woman is as “rounded” as her lipstick; she diligently avoids sharp corners and conflicts. This lady is distinguished by her poise, diplomacy and friendly attitude towards people.

And indeed, I tried to look at myself from the outside. Yes, I know how to find a common language, listen and maintain a conversation! Otherwise, I simply could not work as a journalist and communicate for many years with people of very different characters and lifestyles.
However, other female types can be identified by the cut. Here they are:

Two extremes of one lipstick

Out of curiosity (does the system really work, or is the case with me just a coincidence?) I unobtrusively “examined” the cosmetic bags of my female friends. And she revealed two different polar forms of lipstick. But first things first!

It turns out that not all women change the shape of their lipsticks as they use them. There is a small percentage of beauties whose “lips” remain perfectly pointed until the bitter end. And with them, too, everything is clear: medal winners in school, excellent students in college, perfectionists in life! These are ideal housewives, in whom every little thing in the house knows its place. And in their personal life they will not tolerate chaos.

It turned out that these are the lipsticks that are in my mother's makeup bag. And, I’ll tell you, the characteristics of psychologists absolutely coincide with reality.

The complete opposite of this example is women, whose “lips” have an absolutely indefinite shape. Uneven, unsightly cuts indicate the unbalanced disposition of their owners. Such ladies throw tantrums at their husbands over trifles and can easily start a scandal over a blouse in a store.

However, these ladies also have their “advantages”. Among them are energy and artistry, which are so attractive to men. They can easily show off, but at the same time destroy a positive impression of themselves overnight. My ex-supervisor Galina used similar lipstick, and this was precisely the character that characterized her.

From brown to red - one step

By the way, you can determine what kind of character a woman has by her favorite lipstick color. My personal favorite is red, and I attribute my preference to its versatility: it goes with different images and situations. But psychologists say that the reasons for loving such a bright color lie in the subconscious.

Lipsticks in scarlet shades are chosen by self-confident people, for whom emotions, communication with other people (especially the opposite sex), and career are extremely important. Strong character and the ability to achieve your own goals are what underlies the love for red lipstick!

Having figured out the psychological background of red, I automatically became interested in brown shades of lipstick. And all because ten years ago I preferred this particular color. And, as it turned out, not in vain! Colorists claim that these are extremely similar colors. Women who prefer “chocolate” on their lips strive for leadership and are ready to confront any troubles. At the same time, they are sexy and strive for male attention.

It's all about the color

The complete opposite of the previous types - lovers of pink shades. They are so romantic that they can seem frivolous. But it should be remembered that such women in relationships with the opposite sex choose the role of “daughters,” and not all men like this.

By the way, one more absolutely correct remark. Among my friends there is a couple fair half whom he adores pink color. And she really does paint her lips pink, likes to put on the mask of a little girl and abstract herself from any kind of responsibility. It is characteristic that this character fully corresponds to the one that her mature husband wanted to see.

Psychologists give characteristics to lovers of other shades of “lips”. Here they are:

  • natural peach tones. They are preferred by confident women who know their worth, but who do not strive to be shocking. They are balanced, fair and are reliable companions in marriage.
  • lilac shades. Lips painted in this range say the following about their owner: bold, ready to challenge society, but at the same time quite reserved and introverted.
  • colorless hygienic. There are two options here: either the woman is one hundred percent confident in her attractiveness, or she has chosen a natural style for herself.
And finally, one more piece of advice. You can try to find out a woman's character by what lipstick she uses. But it’s best not only to look at this part of a person’s face, but also to listen to exactly what words are coming from him! After all, the color of lipstick can be changed depending on the image, while the character of the person remains unchanged.

No matter how they try to determine a woman’s character: by style, manners, behavior, and even by the shape of her lipstick. It is on the basis different ways By grinding off lipstick, scientists created an original classification of female character types. We see our lipstick every day, but we don't pay attention to the different ways we use it. PEOPLETALK will tell you what a cut of lipstick can tell you.

Flat shape

You are a true optimist and take only good things from life. Straightforwardness is the main trait of your character, but sometimes it can offend people dear to you. You are nimble and purposeful, and most importantly, you can always be relied on.

Flat and concave

You have a huge number of friends, and you are the real life of the party. If one of them solves a crossword puzzle, they will ask you the question, because you are the most erudite in the company. You are a multifaceted person, and you have many different interests; there is always something to talk about with you. But there is also a negative side - this is your absent-mindedness and wild inconstancy. Something has to change in your life all the time.

Pointed shape

Psychologists don't say anything good about you. You are selfish, arrogant and disrespectful of the opinions of others. It’s hard to communicate with you, but you consider yourself ideal. I wouldn’t want to be friends with you, because at any convenient moment you are ready to trip me up. But you are a person of mood, you can have a lot of fun with you, but it’s better to say goodbye at this point.

Beveled at an acute angle

You are cheerful, cheerful, but you think that you shouldn’t reveal your soul to anyone, it’s better to silently draw conclusions. You always know what you want and never waste your time on trifles. Confident, but also quite conservative.

Angled with notch

Melodrama is your weakness, although you can cry while watching a comedy. In the evening, you usually hold a consultation, where a huge number of your friends gather and you wash everyone’s bones. You may be offended by the lack of attention paid to you. Very sociable, easy-going, energetic and you fall in love at first sight. Your only disadvantage is the problem with time management, because you are always late.

Beveled on both sides

You're a talker and everyone should listen only to you. A real careerist and heartbreaker. It's easy for you to start new relationships. You're always trying to find a way around it. You are quite selfish, but loyal. You enjoy your life and try to add some sparkle to it, finding new interests. It’s difficult to get to know you, it will take a lot of time, because you are a mysterious girl.

Rounded shape

To achieve your goal, you are ready to go over your head. You can stand up for yourself and always plan ahead. Nobody helps you with anything, and you don’t need it, because you achieve everything yourself. As for the sense of humor, this is not for you, you are rather Princess Nesmeyana. You avoid conflicts and, according to psychologists, you are a friendly, generous and romantic woman.

The tip is worn obliquely

A mysterious lipstick will tell you about the character of its owner. Manufacturers are trying in every possible way to make lipstick not only elegant and beautiful, but also so that its owner does not feel the lipstick on her lips. There are lipsticks different forms, colors and have a variety of packaging. But be that as it may, the new product still takes on the form created by its owner.

It’s interesting, but psychologists’ studies have shown that the shape of the lipstick that a girl creates during use, one way or another, changes. And every girl can’t have the same lipstick shape, because each one paints her lips differently.

Each woman has her own technique for applying lipstick. Therefore, by the tip or cut of the lipstick, you can determine what kind of character a girl has. Interestingly, not only lipstick leaves an imprint on the lips, but its owners also imprint their marks on it.

How can you tell your character by the shape of your lipstick?

A study has shown that the average woman uses about 900 tubes of lipstick in her life! Girls have a great passion for lipstick for a reason. After all, this is a way of self-expression, and besides, lipstick is also considered useful, because it moisturizes and nourishes delicate skin lips But how can one determine her character?

Smooth rounded shape

If the lipstick has a rounded, even shape, then we can say about its owner that she is very hardworking and has a non-conflict nature. You can always rely on her and trust the most hidden secrets. This person has a fairly calm and simple character.

Even in the most difficult situations, such a person will always find a way out without conflicts; she will smooth out all the corners, like lipstick. In her personal life and at work, she is very purposeful. This person cannot stand carelessness; neatness is her second self.

IN family life this woman is a wonderful mother and wife, as well as a wonderful housewife. Everything is always in its place with her. This person will never let himself be offended. This girl is friendly and attractive. But it is worth noting that she will never let a man whom she does not love get close to her; a man should try hard to prove his feelings to his beloved.

Unchanging shape or obliquely erased

If the shape of the lipstick remains unchanged or is erased askew, then its owner is a real dreamer. She has a rich imagination and often exaggerates and embellishes. It is better not to enter into an argument with such a woman; she will prove her point of view in every possible way.

Such a girl always knows how to listen to her interlocutor; you can safely trust her with secrets. But she herself is in no hurry to open her soul and very rarely shares her secrets with others. She will help in a difficult situation. Through her excessive friendliness, she often forgives her friends and is quite loyal to their actions.

Such a person is very attentive to detail and loves to observe other people, analyzing their actions. She chooses her friends very scrupulously; she is very picky about this. Such a girl is restrained in her feelings and emotions, but if you just touch her nerve, she will show everyone the other side of herself.

The shape of the lipstick resembles a sharpened pencil

This form of lipstick is rare. And her owner is also an unusual and unpredictable nature. He likes to command and often shows his “thorns”. She is very picky when choosing friends and soulmate. Among friends and acquaintances, she is always an authority.

He often shows stubbornness about little things. Loves cleanliness and order. For such a person, everything is always in its place and it simply cannot be any other way. Such a woman is very amorous, but when she experiences the smallest difficulties, she quickly despairs. The mood of such a person can change a hundred times a day. Very friendly and extraordinary personality.

Undefined lipstick shape

The owner of such lipstick is a vulnerable and secretive person. He does not prefer to share his thoughts with others, because he has a feeling of not trusting people. She's insecure. He often tries to hide his displeasure at playing in public.

Takes everything too personally. Unbalanced and selfish personality. The shape of the lipstick speaks for itself. Just as lipstick does not have a clear shape, its owner does not know what she wants from life. She has no specific tastes or hobbies.

The lipstick shape resembles a cone

Such a person lives by the rules and loves life very much. She understands people well and solves her own problems. He never asks for help and does not complain about his fate. Calm and confident, she boldly moves forward despite everything.

A fairly balanced personality, it is difficult to anger her. Knows how to listen and give good and valuable advice. She does not seek to be the center of attention and is sometimes shy. The only thing that is her drawback is envy. Very often this character trait is to her benefit, since there is a desire for the best. For her, this is some kind of incentive to achieve her goals. This is a person who, if he sets his mind to something, persistently achieves his goal.

Lipstick flat cut

If the lipstick has a completely flat shape, then its owner is a real optimist. Friendly and cheerful. She never pays attention to minor troubles, she always looks at things differently. Knows how to support and cheer. She literally infects everyone with her optimism.

Such a girl true friend, you can always rely on her. She does not tolerate lies and justice is very important to her. Never gossips or discusses others. At work, she is an interesting person and easily achieves her goals.

Slightly tapered lipstick shape

This form of lipstick indicates that its owner is a practical, disciplined and self-confident person. She always has everything at hand, both in everyday life and in her personal life, everything is laid out on the shelves. Can't stand clutter. Such a girl easily finds a common language with the people around her. She is punctual and organized.

Easily organizes any meeting or party. He solves all problems with ease and has time not only to work, but also to relax. Being a conservative, such a woman does not like surprises or surprises of any kind. He is wary of changes.

Lipstick and brush

There are women who cannot imagine lipstick without a brush. In this case, if a girl applies lipstick with a brush, then only one thing can be said here: she always wants to be the first everywhere. Such a person loves to be the center of attention, she is feminine and always keeps up with fashion. We can assume that this girl is an artist by nature.

Lack of lipstick

But what if women don’t use lipstick at all? How to characterize it in this case? Everything is very simple. If a girl does not prefer to paint her lips, this indicates that she either appreciates natural beauty or is confident in her natural beauty. Such a girl can be a classic feminist. She does not strive to stand out and does not require the attention of men. Work is what comes first for her, and she completely immerses herself in it.

That's how she is lipstick. Did anyone realize that leaving a mark on the lips, it also remains on the lipstick? And from the way a girl uses lipstick, you can tell what kind of person she is. After all, everyone has their own way of applying lipstick. And using lipstick every day, no one pays attention to how it changes. But lipstick can change in different ways, and the shape of each owner is also different. Lipstick, like a woman, can change.

Who would have thought that such a familiar and simple thing as lipstick could reveal many of the secrets of its owner? This may seem strange to some, but what color and cut it has cosmetic product, will indicate the characteristics of temperament and the inner world of the individual. So, let's figure out how to tell your character by your lipstick?

Color tells a lot...

Do you want to know your personality by your lipstick? Then take a closer look at your makeup bag!

  • Red color. Of course, shade plays a role here. For example, if you wear dark red lipstick, there is a high chance that you are emphasizing attractiveness and sexiness. You know how to soberly assess a situation and judiciously take advantage of it. Well, lovers of a brighter and more saturated scarlet shade most often turn out to be artistic, sophisticated people who love to be the center of attention. It is interesting that, unlike women who use dark red lipstick in calmer tones, fans of scarlet color often find themselves not completely confident in their sexuality. They are no strangers to play, and an eye-catching lipstick color becomes a way to prove to the world that they really want to be fatal beauties, but are not too confident in their success.
  • Brown and its shades. Supporters of brown lipstick usually turn out to be slightly conservative ladies, self-confident and persistently moving up the career ladder. They often occupy leadership positions.
  • Pink. As with red, the shade is important. If you like warm colors floral pink lipstick, most likely, those around you consider you a kind of dandelion girl - a little flighty and frivolous, perky and sweet. However, it may turn out that you are not actually as superficially cheerful as you may seem. Usually, lovers of pink lipstick turn out to be true lifelong friends for their men. But if you like cool, transparent pink shades, slightly reminiscent of whitish ones, you may not think too highly of what others think and say. Very fans of light, cool shades of pink rely on their appearance when choosing a life path and career. With luck, they can become prominent figures in the fashion industry or cinema.
  • Natural shades of lipstick (peach, caramel, beige). Usually they are to the taste of women who are calm, confident in themselves and in their appearance. Their owners are not afraid to accept themselves as Mother Nature created them, and do not strive to attract increased attention to themselves. Often such women turn out to be reliable friends and good employees.
  • Unnatural lipstick colors. Blue, Purple, Black, Purple and other shades often turn out to be an indicator of a woman’s creative potential. A person whose life is based on creativity can afford to use lipstick in these colors. Most often these are young women and girls with non-conformist views.

How can you tell the character of a lipstick, taking into account its cut?

If you look closely at the shape of the top edge, you can very easily recognize the character by the lipstick.

  • If you wear lipstick in such a way that it retains its original slanted cut for a long time, it is quite possible that you are reserved, organized and know what you want from life.
  • If the lipstick has the same flat cut on both sides, its owner most likely loves communication, will not refuse the attention of others and is slightly curious.
  • When lipstick begins to look like a pencil sharpened evenly on all sides, it often turns out that its owner is dismissive of the opinions of others, relying more on her own conclusions. This may turn out to be some kind of barrier in communication.
  • The flat edge of lipstick indicates directness and optimism. Women with this lipstick are most often surrounded by friends, but sometimes they can express themselves too categorically and harshly.
  • The rounded edge of the lipstick speaks of the hard work, responsibility and neatness of its owner. Most often she is balanced and principled.
  • If the top of the lipstick is slightly concave, its owner is most likely inquisitive, sociable and surrounded by friends.

Hello, dear readers. Is it possible to determine character by lipstick? There are many ways to determine a woman's character. One of these is to see what kind of cosmetics she uses. This is not only brands, color, smell (although this is also a topic for analysis), but also shape.

Characteristic signs

So let's check how this test works and how to determine a woman's character by her lipstick, namely by its rounded tip. Please note - the lipstick should not just be from the store, it has already been used, and by how the tip of the lipstick used looks, we will determine the character of its owner.

1. The tip of the lipstick is rounded

What does rounded lipstick tell about the character of its owner:

  • This is a charming woman who attracts men.
  • By nature she is generous, but often overly principled; she is little concerned about the opinion of society.
  • Great hostess.
  • Lover of catchy colors, but...
  • Liberated in bed, she prefers the most incredible caresses before making love.
  • She stands her ground all the time, has her own opinion, and often argues even with herself.

2. Pointed lipstick

If a woman wears such lipstick, then she:

  • Rebellious, does not tolerate restrictions and prohibitions, a fierce debater.
  • But at the same time, he is an open personality, honest in the fight for the truth.
  • Persistent, stubborn.
  • Has great difficulty finding a common language with others.
  • Skillful organizer.
  • Not afraid to take on responsibilities.

3. Lipstick with sharp ends on both sides

If a cosmetic bag has become a haven for just such a lipstick, then its owner:

  • Knows what she wants from life.
  • He has high self-esteem and loves himself very much.
  • Almost always achieves his goals.
  • Has excellent memory and unsurpassed taste.
  • It is difficult for her to part with money, but she does not skimp on spending on herself.
  • In marriage, one lives more for oneself, and not for one’s spouse.
  • Extremely strict in bed, but sexy.

4. Lipstick with a concave top

If a lady has lipstick of this shape, then she:

  • She is an observant person, but she likes to “poke her nose” into other people’s affairs and loves intrigue.
  • The nature is carried away, often ready to embellish.
  • She is extremely clean and appreciates family comfort.
  • Knows how to carry on a conversation.
  • In bed - extremely intricate.

5. Lipstick with a smooth slope

  • Unusually amorous nature.
  • She is so generous that one can say about her: her soul is “wide open.”
  • He plans a lot, but doesn’t have time to implement it.
  • Energetic, hospitable.
  • He gets offended quickly, but...
  • Makes promises, but immediately forgets about them.
  • He often buys absolutely unnecessary things.
  • In bed he behaves relaxed.

6. The lipstick is rounded but has a pointed top.

If there is a lipstick of this shape in your cosmetic bag, then its owner:

  • She devotes herself entirely to her family and believes that home is her fortress.
  • Responsible, knows how to command.
  • He likes to exaggerate and can be stubborn over small things.
  • Always needs company.

7. Lipstick with a smooth top

If there is a lipstick of this shape in your cosmetic bag, then its owner:

  • A restless person, energetic, an excellent comrade and a loyal friend.
  • He goes towards his goal, but often gives the impression of an uncollected, reckless person (although he is not like that).
  • Loves to “swim” in male adoration.
  • It depends too much on your own mood.
  • For the sake of love, she is ready to sacrifice herself.

8. Lipstick retains its original shape

If there is a lipstick of this shape in a cosmetic bag, then its owner:

  • The person is punctual and neat.
  • A thrifty, reserved person.
  • Independent, knows how to distribute her strengths and talents.
  • Fears emotional unrest.
  • Doesn't stand out as ardent in bed.

How do you like the test? Did anything match? But in any case, each test is funny, interesting, fun, and if something else matches, then it’s worth developing your observation skills, especially if you work in women's team or with clients.