How to behave with a man. Natural and Natural Beauty How to Dress for a Date

How to become natural?

Makeup, if done correctly, makes a girl beautiful. This is undeniable. It allows you to emphasize your advantages, highlight them favorably, and add brightness to your image. But still decorative cosmetics is not always at hand. The skin needs rest, and girls sometimes need to take a break from applying makeup every day. Therefore, it is important to have natural beauty and well-groomed appearance. We'll tell you how to achieve this result.

Act from within

It is important to understand: beauty is directly related to health - physical and psychological. That is, by maintaining health at all levels, you will be able to observe external changes for the better. Find out how to get closer to the ideal in different aspects in our article.

Food and healthy image life, physical activity constitute excellent health. Avoid fatty foods and fast food with harmful trans fats. Choose sweets carefully. It is better to avoid store-bought cakes and chocolate, replacing them with honey and sweet fruits. Don't forget about water - it can literally work wonders. If you drink 3 glasses of water before breakfast, you will not notice how your skin short term will become smooth, elastic, radiant. In total, you need to drink 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

Play sports - the body needs physical activity. Temper yourself, sleep the number of hours you need to look fresh, cheerful, and rested at any time of the day.

Choose skin care

What type of skin is yours - oily, dry, combination? A cosmetologist will help determine this accurately and recommend care products. Maintenance must be regular. Combine visits to the beauty salon and home treatments. Read about that in our article.

Try it in home care oils - cosmetic and essential. For example, after steaming your face and cleansing with a scrub, it is recommended to apply nourishing oil - for your skin type.

Healthy skin, perfectly shaped eyebrows, radiant eyes - and no makeup is needed. The natural beauty of a girl is much more important, and it is definitely worth striving for.

Surely you are familiar with this situation: you are sitting at home in a chair and stroking a cat - a “domestic predator” lying on your lap, and at that very moment a dog comes in. “Shhh!” – and sharp claws dig into your leg! What happens to the cat a second before? The animal approaches and sharply tucks its tail. I'm pretty sure there is a scientifically explainable connection between tail tucking and claw extension. Let us now take a look together at the man - the largest of known to the world"domestic predators"

When a person does not control himself (for example, being frightened), he involuntarily shrinks, tensing his arms, his fingers tugging at the reins or cord, disturbing the horse’s balance, including the emotional one. I can’t count how many times in my life I have seen broken cords and people “carried” across the earth, whose whole mistake was precisely the lack of control over that very “reaction with their tail between their legs.” How does the horse respond to this reaction? That's right: he lifts his head, tries to break free and run away. This all ends with working with a martingale or dowel. You hold the horse - it wants to run, but does not have such an opportunity, and everything else begins: throwing the tongue over the bit, lifting the head, even candles. Do you need this? All these additional means of controlling the horse are what I call “weak apologies for rough handling and lack of knowledge.” Most riders have no idea what exactly is going on in their horses’ heads and what to do in the event of such animal behavior and, more importantly, NOT to do.

To become a “natural” horseman, you need to adapt to the horse’s emotions and balance them. If she is excited, you are cool and calm. If a horseman learns to control his own emotions, then his hands will tense very carefully and relax almost instantly. This kind of hand work is most suitable for riding, and it seems to me that good riders know this, but on a subconscious level. Their only problem is that they learn to control their hands, but they need to work with their own emotions. Study the horse's psychology and behavior. The more natural your relationship with your horse becomes, the more safe and comfortable it is for both of you, both when communicating and while working.

In nature there are two types of people: horsemen and everyone else. Horsemen, in turn, can be divided into five groups: supporters of natural relationships, supporters of ordinary (generally accepted) relationships, eccentrics, bores and aggressors. I have seen all these types in action many times.

Do you know who else classifies us? Horses! They can determine at first glance whether a person is dangerous to them or not. If he is dangerous, then the horse will react to such a person only from the point of view of self-defense. In this case, it will be unpredictable. If safe, she will immediately try to gain the upper hand by putting pressure on the person, both mentally (ignoring his demands) and physically (for example, kicking and stepping on feet).

Horses make riders philosophers. They are prey by nature, so their life principles are directly opposite to the customs and habits of predators. A man's greatest achievement in a relationship with a horse is when he convinces him that although he looks and smells like a predator, he is not one. Understand that if a horse is scared, it doesn’t think that you want to offend it, it believes that your goal is at least to kill it! Do not be fooled by the fact that a horse is a domestic animal; inside any even well-trained horse lives its wild ancestor, which can easily cripple and even kill a person.

Horses are governed by three basic instincts: sensitivity to danger, flight from fear and susceptibility to herd behavior. If we want to change the psychology of the victim horse to the psychology of the partner horse, we must slightly change its instincts: sensitivity should now be aimed at perceiving a person, flight should become an impulse to move, herd habits should now be aimed at interacting with a person.

Controlling your emotions does not mean only working with the horse, but, first of all, working on yourself. This does not mean that you should strive to become immune to external stimuli, just learn to control your hands regardless of your emotions.

A "natural" conic must think like a horse in order to predict its reaction. He needs to understand that the horse always acts based on three basic instincts and a sense of self-preservation, therefore punishing it for misdeeds is absolutely pointless! The horse's behavior stems from the feeling of comfort or discomfort that it experiences, depending on the situation. The task of a “natural” horseman is to ensure the first and minimize the second. You need to be consistent and unhurried in ridding the horse of irrational fears directed at humans.

Most often, if a horse is scared, we stop, try not to make noise or make sudden movements. But this is not a solution, since a horse frozen in anticipation of an attack is dangerous. It is up to you to ensure that she is ready to accept the person and does not expect aggressive actions from him. This is not training, but a great responsibility as the leader of your horse.

The second way I can suggest to you to make your horse less emotionally excitable is the habituation method. It is quite simple: you simulate a complex situation yourself. The horse becomes frightened by some object or action, but you do not remove it from the object of fear until it gets used to it. She calmed down - and you immediately stop the unpleasant action or remove the “scary” thing out of sight. The horse comes to the conclusion that the discomfort will only go away if it stops panicking.

Horses think very quickly, so if you can prove that their worries are unfounded, and you can do this without losing control of your own emotions, you will very quickly earn their trust. This is exactly the case when your emotions should not be reflected in the work of your hands: the softer your touch on the reins or line in an attempt to keep the animal from running away, the faster the horse will be able to get rid of stress or claustrophobia.

A simple example: start jumping up next to the horse and jump until the horse gets tired of being afraid of your non-standard behavior. You must convince the horse that his whole life consists of certain situations that he can only comprehend through his own experience. He stopped being scared - you stopped jumping. You will be surprised how quickly a horse gets used to such experiences once it is convinced that they do not threaten its health. She will squint at you, move her ears, even lick her lips - this external signs, by which you can understand that the horse is becoming wiser and is preparing to change its behavior and attitude towards you personally.

It must be admitted that a person is an open book to a horse. Teach your animal to read it correctly and draw the right conclusions. A horse needs a leader - calm, confident, focused. The most important thing for a “natural” horseman is to learn to be just such a leader for a horse and, no less important, to understand exactly how to train the horse itself.

I am very happy when experienced horse riders come to me to become “natural”; they are no longer interested in riding so much as in the relationship with the horse on which my system is built. This is why I travel so much and try to reach as wide an audience as possible. My goal and main dream is for people to get pleasure and joy from communicating with horses and for my students to be able to say: “They really know how to work with horses.” And most importantly, their own horses should think the same!


Translation by Daria Kuzovleva

Natural beauty is valued not only by men, but also by women.

While we are young, we believe that cosmetical tools make us even more beautiful and forget that with their help, in 10 years, we will look much older than our age.

Many people define natural beauty in different ways. Some people believe that to be natural and beautiful means to have a harmonious and asymmetrical arrangement of the eyes, lips and nose.

Others consider a girl to be naturally beautiful if she has beautiful hair.

There are many criteria for natural beauty, but what does it mean to be natural and beautiful?!

Natural beauty is within us

IN modern world There is a concept of natural beauty, which is determined by the outer shell.

But this is a completely wrong judgment. People have completely forgotten what attracts by appearance, but by a pure soul.

You can have ideal facial features and natural beauty, many fans, but not have just one who will be nearby at any moment. All this is due to human qualities and inner beauty, which many women in our time have completely forgotten about.

It is not uncommon now in which the man is Alain Delon, and the woman is an ordinary girl, without outstanding external data and natural beauty.

When judging such a man and envying such a woman, just think about why this happens. And all because she is so filled with soul that a man doesn’t even look at how beautiful or ugly she is.

To be naturally beautiful, you just need to fill your soul with love and care for others.

It is important for men to have someone close to them Nice picture, and a girl with sparkling eyes, self-confident, blooming, with a rich spiritual world, and of course, well-groomed.

Naturally, all men love with their eyes, so it is also necessary to take care of yourself. After all, from time immemorial, a woman has been the ideal of natural and natural beauty.

How to be natural and naturally beautiful

  • be yourself;
  • eat right;
  • exercise;
  • take care of hair;
  • watch your posture;
  • natural beauty requires the correct gait;
  • quit bad habits;
  • take care of your skin;
  • refuse solarium;
  • pamper yourself.

To have natural beauty you have to be yourself

All women are beautiful in their own way and have natural beauty. The main thing is to feel comfortable in your body and love yourself as God created you.

If you have it, you feel happy and calm in any position or situation. Believe in yourself and be yourself, then people will be drawn to you.

For natural beauty, you need to work on your personality and individuality, this way you will increase your natural attractiveness.

Proper nutrition is the key to natural beauty

Good mood and freshness depend on proper nutrition. You need to feed your body useful vitamins and substances to radiate beauty and health.

Change your diet and your eyes will be filled with sparkle and life, you will always be energetic and present, have a healthy body and a healthy mind.

With the help of food you can change the color of your skin, the volume of your hair and the beauty of your nails. Follow and you will have natural beauty.

Playing sports - reviving natural beauty

Playing sports will tighten your body and make it more flexible and flexible.

Sports will help improve your body's health, improve blood circulation and give your skin a fresh, healthy color. This way you can prevent the aging process, which will allow you to preserve your natural beauty for many years.

Hair care - affects natural beauty

Hair is your pride. Proper regular use will make them vital, elastic, soft and shiny. With the help of careful and

voluminous hair will increase your self-confidence.

Correct posture will help you be beautiful

Natural beauty originates in our body, so an even posture attracts the attention of men and attracts them to you. A straight posture will allow you to keep your head held high, which is very important for a woman.

Flying gait

Grace, lightness and plasticity will improve your appearance. Your movement and eloquence will make you more attractive and naturally beautiful.

It’s not for nothing that in the famous film “ Love affair at work“Verochka taught Lyudmila Prokofievna to differentiate, and she was right. and the plasticity of the panther will charm any man.

Move smoothly and sensually, starting from the hips and thus enhance your natural beauty.

Bad habits will prevent you from becoming naturally beautiful

Smoking and alcohol harm health, complexion, teeth and age a woman by ten years.

Moreover, a woman who smokes or drinks pushes her away, her behavior seems vulgar and men do not take such ladies seriously, because they understand that the girl who is leading is not correct image life, will soon lose its natural beauty and wither like a rose without water.

Skin care - preserve natural beauty

Take care of your body skin. It requires special attention, because it is prone to early fading and the appearance of wrinkles; there is no time for natural beauty when the skin of the face is sagging.

Say no to solarium

The influence of sunlight, especially artificial ones, will lead to photoaging. Because of this, you may develop fine wrinkles and your skin tone will become uneven.

Nowadays, all the girls are young and think that they look better tanned. Yes, this is true, but what will happen when you become 10 years older, then the solarium will not help and no one will return the natural beauty of youth.

Pamper yourself

You need to constantly pamper yourself and do something for your pleasure. Visit spa salons or do various activities, go to the pool, listen to music and take a break from your problems.

Natural beauty fades when you are tired and your eyes do not give light to others.

Natural beauty in adulthood

As women age, they begin to feel less confident, but this is a big mistake. Looking at young girls, you can see that the older generation looks better.

Young modern girls are chasing artificial beauty and forget about the natural one.

Dear older ladies, your body is attractive and your skin is no worse, be sure of this, just follow additional procedures and keep yourself in good shape.

It is necessary to stimulate the production of natural collagen, and you can preserve natural beauty for a long time, to do this you need to:

  • take vitamins (C and E - help produce collagen. It is produced in the morning, so take vitamins after 2 hours of sleep or an hour before bedtime);
  • take good care of your skin (during menopause or before it, use products to restore hormonal levels);
  • do exercises for facial beauty.

To do exercises for the facial muscles, you need to open your mouth as wide as possible and round your lips. Then close your mouth and relax. Repeat the exercise several times.

Another way to tighten your facial muscles is to take a deep breath and, as you exhale, open your mouth and stick out your tongue. Open your eyes wide and look up.

The third method is to pinch the cheeks to improve blood circulation and give the face natural beauty in adulthood.

Natural and natural beauty without makeup

Not every girl can imagine herself without makeup. Typically they are more concerned about appearance, and not about the condition of the skin.

Instills from childhood that a girl is beautiful when she wears makeup. It is worth understanding that this is just a commercial move.

From a young age, everyone uses cosmetics, and after 5 years the skin does not look so beautiful, so it is simply impossible to imagine yourself without makeup.

If you want to have natural beauty, then you shouldn't wear makeup every day. You can look natural and beautiful without it.

How to have natural beauty without makeup:

  • good sleep (8 hours of sleep will work wonders and remove dark circles under the eyes, eliminating the need for powder and foundation);
  • wash your face with cool water (it will give you a healthy look and invigorate you);
  • use moisturizing creams made from natural ingredients;
  • a scrub once a week will help remove skin residue;
  • drink about 3 liters clean water;
  • eat vegetables, cereals and fish;
  • give up meat dishes for a while;
  • Sunbathe before 11:00 and after 17:00 using sunglasses to prevent wrinkles;
  • do face masks once a week;
  • natural beauty without makeup involves caring for eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • do exercises in the morning;
  • quit bad habits;
  • decide on a hairstyle (for young people suitable for girls, older people can curl themselves with a curling iron or curlers);
  • take care of your teeth (a smile is a woman’s natural beauty);
  • moisturize your lips.

If you follow all these methods, then natural beauty without makeup will be within your power. Well, if all this is a burden to you, then you can continue to use cosmetics, and after 50 years you will regret it.

What could be more delightful than an invitation to a date? Moreover, from the man whom I had long dreamed of. “Here is the chance,” you think with delight, “I will definitely conquer him with a stunning dress, charm him with a smile and surprise him with my wit.”

But in reality, everything happens somehow differently: the dress turns out to be poorly chosen, the smile is glued to the face with a rubber mask, and the jokes prepared in advance get stuck in the throat like a fish bone...

How so? Have you really overdone it? Or is it all due to the notorious excitement? We ask ourselves these questions “after the fact.” After the unsuccessful date ended with the banal “I’ll call you sometime.” When the chance is hopelessly ruined.

In order to avoid common mistakes, you need to review old templates and settings.

If you rummage through your native Yandex or women's magazines, you can come across the frequent advice “to be natural” a thousand times. But how? Is it possible to calm down the excitement when the Man of My Dreams is nearby? Is it possible to calmly pretend “yes, I agreed to meet out of boredom”? No and no again.

Option 1. Mentally replay the upcoming date as a very successful one. You and your man had a lot of fun during the meeting. You felt fun and at ease. You looked at each other with warmth and sympathy. You wanted this evening to last your whole life...

Option 2. Imagine that you are not going on a date, but to an ordinary meeting with an old friend. You haven't seen each other for a thousand years. You have something to tell each other about. You always felt comfortable together. You had a great relationship, plus now you have discovered a romantic side to it...

The options are, in fact, endless. The main thing is that you really like the chosen “scenario”. Paint yourself a positive picture and replay it several times before the meeting.

At the same time, it would be nice to drink mint tea. Drip some valerian into it. This will help you finally relax and boldly look temptation in the eye. :))

And don't be afraid to be yourself. Tell yourself that no matter how things turn out, you will always win. You have you - charming, unique and the way heaven created you. And if this man is your soul mate, he will definitely appreciate you and your essence, without artificial veneer and masks.

Smile at the exaggerated image that the guys from the Chekhov duet painted, and don’t repeat the mistakes of others!

How to dress for a date

The issue of wardrobe always worries us girls. An example from a conversation between two girlfriends:

Have you already decided what you will wear on a date?

No. I have nothing to wear.

So buy a new dress!

Already bought. Six pieces. None of them fit...

And the funny thing is that a man often doesn’t care how you dress. Of course, this does not mean that you need to go in faded jeans and a stretched sweater. This means that it is unlikely that your date will determine the brand of the outfit and will attach importance to whether you are wearing a dress from an elite fashion designer or sewed it yourself.

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For a romantic meeting, the outfit must be feminine, soft-fitting, emphasizing feminine charms, but covering them enough to create intrigue. And most importantly - convenient.

A very unpleasant sight is a woman constantly pulling down her short skirt or straightening a falling strap. This way you won’t be able to be natural and relaxed. Think through your wardrobe in terms of comfort:

  • If you are afraid that your panties are visible due to the low waist of your trousers, wear a skirt or dress. You can read about what dresses are in fashion now in;
  • If you are afraid of torn tights, carry spare ones in your purse;
  • If you feel that fashionable breeches are pressing, don’t give a damn about fashion.

I love the phrase from the movie “Happy March 8, men!”: “He may not remember the color of your sweater, what kind of manicure you had... But eyes glowing from within, a quiet gentle voice and a pleasant smell will leave a mark on his soul for a long time.”

If you feel like you are stuck on choosing a wardrobe, laugh with the group “Animals” (clip “Everything That Concerns”).

How to talk to a man

Many girls are afraid that they will not be able to maintain an interesting conversation and make two typical mistakes: either they withdraw into themselves or, on the contrary, they chatter incessantly. I had a problem with the second one. I brought my interlocutor to a quiet boil, dumping a thousand unnecessary details from my personal life on his head. Until I saw myself from the outside in the film “Nothing to Lose.”

In a short episode (at 68-69 minutes of the film) main character accidentally meets an acquaintance in a bar, who in a few seconds managed to talk about her relationships with her friends and about her strange dreams. Now, whenever I start chatting uncontrollably, I remember the expression on the bartender’s face in this film - surprised, contemptuous, disgusting!

For those who suffer from silence, the following tricks help:

  1. Be interested in his personality: his hobbies, work, favorite sports teams, etc. (men love to talk about themselves).
  2. Ask clarifying questions on the topic that you notice inspires him to be talkative.
  3. Use the expressions “I would also like” or “I, like you, tried to find interesting book about this”, etc. This will help to “find” common interests and develop a sense of kindred spirits.
  4. Don't be afraid to admit your incompetence on the issue under discussion. A man likes to feel more knowledgeable. He will be happy to fill you in on the details of the topic. For example, he likes jazz. Ask for his opinion or advice on what classics he recommends you listen to for educational purposes.

And don’t get tired of reminding yourself: the best interlocutor is a sensitive listener!

Film library

The film I mentioned, “Nothing to Lose,” is an excellent comedy that can lift your spirits. But the picture is not entirely about how to behave with a man. If you want to watch something more purposeful, I would recommend these films:

  1. “Happy March 8, men!” 2014. The main character had the chance to read the thoughts of the opposite sex. This property helped her change: having gotten rid of the image of a standard blonde in a “sexy” style, she became more natural and even more attractive to men.
  2. "Bridget Jones's Diary" 2001. A comedy melodrama about a girl who managed to attract the attention of two very attractive men at once precisely by remaining herself and not being afraid to get into funny situations.
  3. "Once Upon a Time in Vegas" 2008. A bright comedy about the relationship between the two sexes. In the beginning of the movie main character tried too hard to “meet his ideal”, but still “turned out to be not good enough for him.” But then, when she allowed herself to be herself, she began to glow from within and met her true love.

Let's start with the appearance. This seems to be the simplest thing. But there are pitfalls here. Hairstyle, clothing - all this often “obliges” a person to behave in a certain way. Do you feel comfortable in your clothes? different styles otherwise. Therefore, you should not choose clothes based on the image that supposedly suits you. Do not copy the image of film actors, or their heroes, famous musicians and others. Develop your own style. The hairstyle should suit you (you and only you, and not please your mother or your girlfriend who is crazy about Johnny Depp, or your friend who is a fan of Angiolina Jolie). Also choose clothes that suit you – based on how they look on you and how comfortable you feel in them. Why is it important? Because without portraying anyone externally, you become more liberated and show your inner essence.

Step 2

Next - about gestures and facial expressions. Don’t try to copy graceful gestures from movies, don’t paste a Hollywood smile on your face. If a gesture or facial movement suits you, you will remember it subconsciously. And by strenuously repeating things that are unusual for you, you will not look natural and feel free and easy.

Step 3

Speech. I don’t think it’s worth explaining how important this is. The timbre of the voice, the speed of speech - everything should be natural, happening by itself. If you try to copy your idol's voice, it will be funny... for a while. And then it will be just funny. The speech patterns should also be yours. There is nothing wrong with the fact that you “picked up” a phrase or word somewhere - you just liked it and your subconscious imprinted it. But don't overuse it. As you know, a joke repeated once is no longer a joke. And there’s absolutely no point in specifically memorizing “cool phrases.”

Step 4

Topics of conversation. This is a reflection of your thoughts into the outside world. Don't try to talk about topics that don't interest you. As a rule, it turns out boring. Of course, you can carry on a conversation (if you have some understanding of the topic). But it’s not worth starting a conversation about airplanes because at the moment airplanes are fashionable. Talk about topics that interest you.

Step 5

Life style. Do not try, under any circumstances, to copy someone else's lifestyle! If you like to lie on the couch in the evening and watch TV, lie there. Don't walk on rooftops looking at the moon instead. Especially if you are afraid of heights. You don't need to force yourself to be like someone else. And there is no point in doing what is fashionable, but you are not interested. Find something you like, a job that you like, go to a university where you have long wanted to study to become an architect, say. Then your life will correspond to your inner world. And you will feel lightness and freedom. And you will be yourself. In other words - natural.