How to tie a stole around your neck in different ways. How to beautifully tie a stole around your neck in different ways. Methods for tying stoles on the neck and shoulders over a dress

A stole is a wide and long scarf that can be made from the most different materials(wool, silk, cashmere, linen, etc.). It completes the look, helping you look stylish and elegant. But how beautiful is it to wear it around your neck? Let's look at 12 exquisite ways that will quickly teach you how to tie a stole correctly.

How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat

Let's look at how to tie a stole on a coat different ways. At the same time, we use different versions of models: without a collar, with a collar, with a hood.

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How to tie a stole on a coat without a collar

On a coat without a collar, such an accessory not only performs a decorative function, but also protects the neck from the cold. An excellent option for tying a stole on a coat with a neckline is “Cascade” (the diagram is shown in the photo).

This method of tying

  • Form wide folds along the width.
  • Throw it from front to back.
  • Cross the ends and bring them to the chest.
  • Loosely tie the ends together.
  • Add volume to the shape by pulling parts of the structure up.
  • Spread the ends over your chest.

A coat with a collar, especially a fur one, is already decorated and does not need additional accessories. But if you wish, you can wear a wide scarf (even a summer one). However, it is better to use as much as possible simple techniques twists.

The following tying option goes well with the collar, for which it is better to take a square stole. How to tie it with equal sides:

  • We fold the material diagonally.
  • We wrap the neck in several turns.
  • We bring the ends forward and hide them under the collar.

A coat with a stand-up collar is considered an ideal option for wearing a stole, since the silhouette is not overloaded and nothing sticks out from under the accessory. One suitable tie pattern is the “Bow”, which requires a long stole.

We tell you step by step how to tie a long stole on a coat in the shape of a bow:

  • Place the scarf on your neck with the ends down in front.
  • Fold the left half in half.
  • Take this part in the middle with your left hand (so that it looks like a bow tie).
  • With your right hand, take the free end of the product, place it under the fold, throw it from bottom to top through the center of the bow, and bring it down under the neck.
  • Straighten out the folds and turn the bow to the side.

How to tie a stole on a coat with a hood

A stole can be tied on a coat with a hood in the simplest way called a “Hidden Knot”.

In this case, to do it beautifully, follow the instructions:

  • Place the scarf on the front of your neck, with the ends on your back.
  • Place both halves over your chest.
  • Bring the left part over the right, dive under it, pull it up and tighten the knot.
  • Straighten the left stripe straight.
  • Pull the inner ring around the neck outward, covering the nodal part with it.

How to tie a stole around your neck: sophisticated ways

Let's look at 3 of the most sophisticated ways that will allow you to tie a scarf around your neck in style.

Place the scarf around your neck, making one side a little longer. Make a knot on this half without tightening the loop all the way. Pull the tail of the shorter part through the loop. Tighten the knot, lifting it higher if necessary. Straighten the ends of the product.

Hang a cashmere stole around your neck, tie the ends of the item together to form a closed “ring”. Cross the two lines of the scarf (the “ring” should form a “figure eight”). Place the bottom circle of the number 8 over your head and distribute the folds.

Throw the wide product over your shoulders and distribute it. Throw one end of the product over your shoulder, preferably to hip level. Place the second edge on the chest or hide it in folds if the fabric is light.

How to beautifully tie a stole on your head in different ways

Let's look at the most popular ways to tie a stole on your head.

"High Turban"

Throw a silk scarf over your head. On the right and left we collect it into a fist so that it tightens tightly. Next, cross the ends of the product held in your fist above your forehead, and then move it behind the back of your head. Cross there again and move forward. Cross the ponytails, which have already become short, one last time and hide them in the folds of the turban.

There can be any wearing options - you can hide the ends both in front and behind. Detailed video instructions (on will clearly demonstrate how to tie a stole on your head in the form of a turban:

"Oblique styling"

Place the product on the top of your head slightly diagonally. It should cover the left side of the head (while the hairline of the forehead is closed), and open the right side. Next, pull the ends of the scarf back and tie a strong knot at the back of your head (tightly so that the bandage is pressed tightly to your head).

At the center of the forehead you should get a kind of triangle by crossing two layers of the scarf. A thick cashmere stole, tied in this way, can be worn in the fall or even in winter instead of a hat.

“Laying on the bias” (two scarf technique)

Place the first scarf diagonally and tie it at the back of your head. Tie the second openwork one on top - also diagonally, but in the other direction. Tighten stoles 1 and 2 at the back of the head.

Dangle the ends so that 2 scarf tails are on the right side and the other 2 scarf tails are on the left side. Then wrap it around your head, alternating ends. Hide the ends at the back of the turban, tucking them under the edges of the wrapping.

A beautiful rectangular stole tied over women's jacket, will complement the image, make it more original and refined. Most of us know how to tie a scarf on a coat, creating a harmonious look. But what to do if the situation requires you to wear a jacket, but you don’t want to give up your favorite accessory? Learn how to tie a scarf on a jacket correctly using universal methods (including the Hollywood style)!

If the hood on your jacket does not come off, then some tying methods will not work. What is the easiest way to tie a stole on a jacket with a hood? The one that has long been loved by French fashionistas.

This is done as follows:

  • Fold the scarf lengthwise. You can fold it several times, depending on how large the stole is.
  • Drape it around your neck. You've created a loop. Place both ends of the stole into it.
  • Straighten the ends if you want to leave them hanging freely, or pass through the loop a second time.

If you have a down jacket without a collar, then a snood-shaped tie is ideal. To do this, you need to take a light, wide, fringed scarf.

The tying is done as follows:

  • Tie the ends together with the fringe.
  • Make a figure eight by placing the knots in the center.
  • Drape it around your neck, straightening the drape.

A tying method called the Windsor Knot is also ideal. The stole for such a knot needs a long one.

This is done as follows:

  • Fold the stole lengthwise.
  • Throw the resulting strip around your neck, extending the right end longer.
  • Make a loop.
  • Pass the right tip through the resulting loop twice.
  • Tie a loose knot like a men's tie.
  • Without tightening the knot, straighten it so that it looks voluminous.

How to tie a stole on a leather jacket

If you want to wear this product with leather jacket, then it is important to comply with several conditions. The stole should be light and airy. Accessories with patterns or fringe will look good, and for a dark-colored jacket it is better to choose a bright scarf.

The best combination with a leather jacket is the cowl closure method. Here's how it's done:

  • Fold the scarf into a triangle.
  • Tie the resulting ends diagonally - the bottom left with the top right.
  • Throw it around your neck and then wrap it one more time.
  • Straighten and hide the ends.

A stole poncho can replace some items of clothing in the fall. For example, a cardigan, sweater or warm jacket. To do this, throw a knitted stole over the shoulders so that one part is longer and the other shorter. Place the long part on the opposite side and secure it beautifully with a brooch.

You can also tie a long and warm scarf in the form of a snood. This technique never becomes outdated, so you will look stylish and fashionable. Examples of how a snood looks on the neck can be seen in the photo:

How to beautifully tie a stole video

By choosing the right stole, you can combine it with different wardrobe items. And knowing how to tie it on a coat or jacket in different ways, you are guaranteed to be known as a fashionista (even if you have only one accessory). To always look stylish, we recommend checking out 10 elegant ways to wear such a scarf:

A stole is a rather feminine wide scarf that looks good with a classic coat. But, in conditions modern fashion, when it is simply necessary to be able to combine incongruous things, girls have learned to wear stoles with various models of jackets. A scarf is not just meant to keep you warm in cold weather..

With it you can create interesting bow, which will add femininity and a little romance to the image. Let's talk about all the subtleties and nuances that will help you look stylish in the fall by wearing a stole over your jacket.

A beautiful rectangular scarf tied over a jacket will complement the look, making it brighter and more sophisticated. Most of us know how to tie a scarf on a coat and create a harmonious look. But what to do if the situation requires you to wear a jacket, but you don’t want to give up your favorite stole? Learn to tie a scarf on a jacket.

If the jacket and stole are made in the same color scheme, the image will turn out boring.

How can you not wear them together?

Some rules will help you avoid mistakes in combinations:

Ways to tie beautifully

You can leave the ends of the scarf hanging out, you can hide it inside, make a beautiful knot out of them, or casually throw the fabric over your shoulders. An elegantly knitted scarf will show that you understand fashion and can create your own unique style.

But before we talk about how to tie a stole, we want to note the main rule - it won't look good on a hunched back. Any scarf provides for a proud, straight posture. So wear it with dignity and don't slouch. Let's look at different ways of tying a stole depending on the model and style of the jacket.

For a leather jacket

Silk fabrics or cotton scarves with bright prints look good with a leather jacket. You can tie a scarf elegantly using these simple methods.

French knot

One of the fashionable ones is the French knot:


The second method has a beautiful name - necklace.

  1. Straighten the stole and fold it in half lengthwise. Tie the diagonal ends together into a knot.
  2. Place the scarf around your neck with the knot at the back. Wrap the stole around your neck several times, throwing it over your head. As a result, the knot should be in front.
  3. It can be hidden under the drapery or left open. A stole tied in this way with a beautiful border or large beads looks very original.


The third method we will consider is called wrapping. It provides for hidden ends of the stole inside. The result is a neat collar around the neck, which will add a little charm and sophistication to the image.


Another method is called weaving. Like wrapping, it involves tying a collar with the ends hidden inside the fabric. But unlike the previous method, the scarf does not cover the neck, but rather opens it up and emphasizes its elegance. You will need a long scarf that you need to carefully lay around your neck.

  1. We tie the ends of the scarf approximately in the middle of the chest.
  2. We thread one end into the loop that is formed between the neck and the knot.
  3. We make a light knot again.
  4. We perform these movements until the short ends of the scarf remain in your hands. They can be left hanging freely or hidden under fabric. You can adjust the length of the clamp at your discretion.

For a jacket with a hood

Let's start with a simple, classic way of tying a stole on a jacket with a hood.

For the second method you will need a short stole. If your scarf is too long, fold it in half.

  1. Wrap the hood around your neck several times.
  2. Under the throat, insert the ends of the scarf into the loop as many times as the length of the scarf allows.
  3. Leave the ends 10-12 cm long and tie them in a nice loose knot. If desired, the remaining fabric can be hidden under the fabric.

Do not put the stole over the hood, otherwise it will look like you have a hump.

For a jacket with a collar

If you decide to tie a scarf on a jacket with a collar, then it is better to raise it, that is, make a stand out of the collar. And tie a scarf on top. This will not only warm your neck in windy and cool weather, but will also allow you to tie a stole beautifully, creating a fashionable image. The method is called “necklace with a knot.” It is quite simple, but original, suitable for early spring, when it is not yet warm enough for the neck to be left open.

  1. Take a light stole and wrap it around your neck.
  2. Wrap one end of the scarf around your palm and insert it inside the resulting loop to make a knot. Leave it free.
  3. Pull the other end of the scarf through the loop. As a result, you will get an interesting knot at chest level, and the ends of the stole will hang carelessly.

Another interesting way involves having a double-sided stole with different patterns in your wardrobe. This kind of scarf is now at the peak of popularity; with its help you can create a magnificent look.

  1. Twist the scarf into a light rope so that both sides are visible.
  2. Wrap it around your neck and jacket collar.
  3. The ends of the stole can be left hanging on the chest, or can be tied in a knot.

For a jacket

With a puffed jacket, a scarf looks beautiful not with the ends hanging loosely, but with the ends tucked inside or beautifully tied. Let's consider one of the methods, which is called the wild west. Fold the fabric into a triangle and drape it around your neck with the ends remaining at the back. Cross the ends over your neck, bring them forward and tie a knot. Next, there are two options:

  • leave a knot above the main fabric;
  • hide the knot inside.

A stole tied in a careless way looks very original with a puffy jacket:

  1. Drape the fabric around your neck so that the ends hang over your chest, with one end ending in the middle of your chest and the other being twice as long.
  2. Take the long end of the fabric and wrap it around your neck until the length reaches the middle of your chest.
  3. Cross both ends of the scarf over your shoulder and tie it in a loose, light knot. As a result, you will get tips no more than 12–13 cm long. This method of tying looks especially interesting if you use a stole with beads or muslin threads.

For a jacket without a collar

Let's look at several ways to tie a scarf over a jacket without a collar

Double loop

The first method allows you to leave hanging ends, which, if desired, can be thrown over one shoulder. You need to wrap the scarf around your neck several times. Take one tip in your hand and insert it inside the loop. Then tie a loose knot with the other tip. Slightly move the structure to the side. If desired, one hanging end can be thrown back over the shoulder.

Inner loop

No less beautiful is the way of tying a scarf with an internal loop. Take the fabric in your hands and wrap it around your neck several times. We make the last turn so that the ends of the fabric hang carelessly on the chest. We overlap them and insert them into the loop on the neck from the inside.

A selection of the most spectacular ways to tie and use a stole. Regular accessory women's wardrobe"works real miracles."

A stole is a wide scarf of various colors and textures. An indispensable accessory in the wardrobe modern woman, it is worn at any time of the year. If it is a thin, light, flowing fabric, a stole is used in summer or spring, and wool and other dense materials will be appropriate in the autumn-winter period.

The versatility of this accessory lies in the variety of ways to tie it and use it. This non-standard wardrobe element can radically change a woman’s image. It is tied on the head, neck, or thrown over a dress, coat or jacket.

How to tie a stole in style? How to tie a stole on your head and neck? How else can you wear a stole? This collection of material contains answers to all your pressing questions and a demonstration of the most popular ways to use stoles. After familiarizing yourself with the secrets and recommendations outlined in the article, any woman will be able to look modern, fashionable and impressive.

Which stole to choose?

When choosing a stole, you should be guided by the main question: what will it be worn with? Decorate a coat or Evening Dress, a romantic blouse or a “rocker biker jacket” - there are a huge number of options. The main thing is to follow the basic rules of clothing combinations, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and face. Naturally, a stole with a similar floral print, and on a thin fabric a stole made of dense and hard material will look rough.

When choosing a stole, pay attention to it color scheme. The shade should “suit” the face and match the things you plan to wear it with. Options are also possible here: it can be an independent bright accent in a woman’s appearance or a finely selected elegant addition to clothing.

So, the more similar accessories a woman has in her wardrobe, the easier it is to create any stylish images in clothes.

How to tie a stole - methods

Let's look at the most common methods of tying a stole, ranging from simple to somewhat intricate.

How to tie a stole using the "loose ends" method

Throwing the stole around the neck, the loose ends are thrown forward, over the shoulders. Basically, the scarf is wrapped around the neck and the ends are left on the chest as decoration. The ends of the stole, depending on the length, can simply hang down, or you can tie them with a light knot.

How to tie a stole using the Long Tail method

Throw the scarf around your neck, throw one end behind your back, and decorate the front folds beautifully. For better fixation of the stole, you can secure it with a pin from the inside (on the shoulder).

In this simplest variation, both voluminous and narrow stole models look beautiful.

How to tie a stole using the “Loop” method

The stole is folded in half in width and draped over the neck. The ends of the scarf are threaded into the loop formed (when folded). The degree of tightening of the stole can be different: tight and clear or loose and airy.

Light summer scarves tied with a “Loop” can be additionally decorated with a brooch or a decorative flower (as in the photo).

How to tie a stole using the “Reverse Loop” method

Variation on the theme "Loop". Perform the same manipulations as described in the previous method (step No. 1), but first thread only one end of the stole into the loop (step No. 2), and thread the second into the other loop (step No. 3), pull the ends slightly (step No. 4).

How to tie a stole using the “Twist” method

Twist the stole slightly along the fabric, wrap it around the neck, crossing it in one place, and carefully tie it, hiding the ends under the bottom.

This method is great for wide and long scarves. A narrow stole after twisting will look too short. Great for women with thin and long necks.

How to tie a stole using the “Hood” method

The stole is twisted around the neck twice, crossing and tying a small knot at the back (following the principle of the previous method). One layer of stole is slightly pulled out and used as a hood or hood.

The method is convenient due to its versatility, turning a scarf into a headdress and vice versa. In this form, the stole resembles the well-known snood.

How to tie a “Volume Arc” stole

A simple method is to tie the ends of the stole, move the knot under the neck, and spread the scarf beautifully across the chest. You can also twist it slightly by adding voluminous folds.

How to tie a stole on your head?

Often a stole is tied not only around the neck, but is also used instead of a headdress. It will be appropriate in the hot summer heat, instead of a hat or Panama hat, and during cool, windy weather. A warm soft stole for your head in winter will become an unusual decoration and protection from frost. By preferring a stole to a trivial hat, it will be easier for a woman to maintain her hairstyle, its volume and shape, even in the winter cold.

There are also plenty of options for tying a stole scarf on your head: with a scarf, a turban, traditionally draped over your head and throwing the loose ends over your shoulders, or tying it around your neck. Everyone chooses according to their taste and clothing style. So, how else can you wear a stole?

How to tie a stole on your head - method 1

The stole is thrown over the head and tied under the chin in a knot (like a regular scarf). The loose ends of the scarf remain in front or are thrown behind the back.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 2

A variation of the first method, when the ends of the stole are not tied, but simply thrown over the shoulders (or over one shoulder).

How to tie a stole on your head - method 3

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (lengthwise), and a knot is tied at the back, at the back of the head (like a scarf). If the length of the stole allows, you can (before making a knot) wrap the ends of the scarf around your neck again.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 4

The stole is thrown over the head, the ends are aligned (in length), tied at the back of the head (optional) and the stole is twisted into a tight rope, which is wrapped around the head. To secure the scarf, make a decorative knot or bow on the front or side.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 5

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Gathering the ends into soft folds, tie a tight, voluminous knot. The loose ends can be left on the back or wrapped around the neck. A braid or a bun of hair wrapped in a stole will look fashionable and stylish.

How to tie a stole on your head - method 6

Fold the stole lengthwise, wrap it around your head, with the ends towards the back of your head. Wrap your head around your forehead, forming a “turban”. The ends of the scarf are tied on the forehead or pulled back, fixing it at the back of the head.

The photo shows several options for forming a “turban” from a stole.

By the way, such a universal way of tying a stole on your head is convenient not only in summer, but also in winter. You just need to choose a warm and soft scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck?

Most often, a stole is tied around the neck. There are a huge variety of design variations and the number of decorative knots.

Below, the photo shows several ways to beautifully tie a stole.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 1

The edges of the stole are twisted at the back, forming a voluminous loop at the front. First, one free end is tied to the side (on the shoulder) in a knot, hiding the tip. Then the same manipulation is carried out with the second end. The stole is carefully straightened across the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 2

Make a voluminous arc of stole on the chest. Twist the edges at the back and bring them to the front. Tie the loose ends around the neck and hide the ends nicely under the stole. Straighten the scarf.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 3

Place the stole around your neck and tie one knot at each end. Arrange the nodes asymmetrically, one above the other. Tie the loose ends and twist the scarf back. Hide the peeking ends under the stole, in the loop of one of the knots. Form pleats beautifully.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 4

Place the stole around your neck and align the edges. Tie the ends of the scarf into a knot. Twist the stole and insert the head into the hole formed. Depending on the length of the fabric, the scarf can fit tightly around the neck or fall slightly in two tiers onto the chest.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 5

Wrap the stole around your neck as shown in the photo. Tie up loose, hanging ends. Hide the knot under the first tier of the scarf, straighten the ends.

How to tie a stole around your neck - method 6

Wrap the stole around your neck, leaving the ends hanging over your chest. At one end, make a light, loose knot into which to thread the second free edge of the stole. The asymmetry of the location of the node looks beautiful and impressive in any image.

How to wear a stole with a coat?

Fashionable stoles are indispensable when paired with outerwear: coat, fur coat, jacket. Sometimes, it’s enough to simply and chaotically throw a scarf over your shoulders or throw one edge slightly behind your back, and the image will be fashionable and creative. Sometimes fashionistas tightly twist a scarf around their neck or secure the hanging long ends of a stole with a belt.

If a girl considers herself modern and wants to always be the center of attention, she should know how to tie a stole beautifully. Not just to tie, but correctly and in different ways. A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its owner and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress. The first step, of course, is to choose the right combination of the stole with the rest of your clothing. For bright items, you need to select models with unusual prints. Images of animals, outlines of mustaches, eyes and other unexpected designs will be a good solution.

For the cold season, a wool stole is suitable, which can simply be hidden under a jacket, like a wide scarf, or can be beautifully tied or laid over outerwear. However, stoles are worn not only in autumn or winter - in summer, in cool rainy weather, a stole can also be thrown over the shoulders, tied around the neck or head: skillfully rolled and tied thin stoles make original and exquisite headdresses. Nowadays you can again tie a stole on your head like a turban or turban. Today we will look step by step at different ways to tie a stole around your neck or head.

A stole, beautifully tied around the neck, will enhance the beauty of its owner and can hide some minor flaws in the upper part of the dress.

In essence, what is a stole - it is a wide and long scarf, which, with a wave of a light female hand, turns into anything. Today there is a fantastic variety of ways to tie this elegant accessory. women's clothing. Silk and wool stoles tied around a woman's neck look especially good. On the neck, on the head, no matter where the stole is tied, the eyes of fashionistas are always fixed on French women. They are the ones who know how to tie a stole like no one else.

The classic way (and the simplest) is to simply cross the ends.

It looks like this.

  1. You need to put the stole around your neck so that the ends hang forward.
  2. Cross the ends of the scarf. Leave one as is, vertically down. The other one needs to be thrown over the shoulder.

Method “Loop or knot in French”

  1. The stole must be folded in half in length. Drape it around the back of your neck.
  2. Pass both ends through the resulting loop and straighten as you like.

There are also more serious decor options. For example, like this:

Alternatively, there is this elegant way to tie a stole:

  1. You need to wrap it around your neck - there will be one loop in front. And the tails will be located on the chest.
  2. The loop needs to be pulled out a little more, twisted once, in the form of a rope resembling a figure eight.
  3. Thread the ends that hang freely into the bottom circle of the resulting figure eight on both sides. One on top, one on bottom.

How to tie a stole on your head in winter: warm and elegant

A piece of clothing such as a stole is worn not only as additional element for a coat or dress. It can be used to make an excellent headdress. And it will fit smoothly into any style. What is beautiful is also stylish. So, how to tie and cover your head correctly.

There are a variety of options. The simplest of them is described below.

  1. You need to put a stole over your head. The middle should be at the top of the head.
  2. Throw one part behind your back. The other one should be left hanging freely in front. You will get a light hood like this.

This option is suitable for summer, autumn and spring.

In winter, a wool stole will be a worthy replacement for any headdress - no hats can compare with it in aesthetics, and in warmth too. All you have to do is throw it on your head and wrap the tails around your neck, and a beautiful warm headdress is ready. You can tuck the ends under the collar of your coat or fur coat.

Interesting and fashionable option wearing a stole in the form of a simple turban.

You can wear a stole on your head in the form of a bandana. There are no secrets here - every woman knows how to tie a scarf on her head.

How to tie a scarf instead of a hat to make it stylish

Fashion forces women to look for ways to look more and more beautiful. Therefore, they abandon standard clothing items and come up with replacement options instead. There are again several ways to use stoles, scarves and shawls.


Such methods are suitable, first of all, for those who do not like to wear hats. They are heavier than a scarf or handkerchief, especially when wet. What can be done to replace it? Of course, wear a stole instead of a hat.

Here are two simple options with a headband pattern. There is nothing complicated, you just need a suitable scarf.

These options go very well with any coat and fur coat, in particular if the clothing has a fur collar.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. The scarf needs to be folded in half lengthwise. Cover your head diagonally, crossing your tails at the back of your head.
  2. Then bring the scarf to your forehead, covering your head again diagonally on the other side. Cross your tails at the back of your head again.
  3. Form a bow from the loose tails and secure the stole on the head.

And a more complex “Turban” method, loved by most women:

  1. The scarf must be folded lengthwise. Wrap around the head, tails to the back of the head. Wrap the scarf around your head, forming a turban.
  2. Tie the ends of the stole to the forehead, or bring it to the back of the head, fixing them there.

How to beautifully tie a stole on a coat instead of a collar: simple methods

By the autumn-winter season, the question arises of how to wear a stole on a coat more rationally. The simplest and most popular thing is to tie a wide scarf instead of a collar. The basic option is to drape the scarf around the front of your neck. Straighten the ends. Cross them from behind and bring them forward. This will take less than a minute.

Option "Node".

  1. The scarf needs to be wrapped twice around the neck.
  2. Bring the tails forward.
  3. Place one into the resulting ring.
  4. Then tie the two tails into a weak knot, tucking it under the ring.

Option "Complex knot".

  1. Cross the ends at the back, forming a large loop in front.
  2. Twist it with a figure eight.
  3. Pull the left tail up into the loop, the right one through the bottom.

Here are some easy ways to tie a scarf with a collar. Look at the drawings and photographs, and maybe your imagination will suggest some new way.

Eleven Girl Friends: Additional Ways to Wear a Scarf

Below is a photo review of ways to wear a stole scarf, when you look at it it becomes clear how to do it. The diagrams are superfluous here - everything can be seen without them.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3 “Loop”

Option 4 “Reverse loop”

Option 5 “Broad step”

Option 6 “Butterfly”

Option 7 “Strict style”

Option 8 “Evening”

Option 9 "Stars"

Option 10 “Casual”

Option 11 "Universal"

  • try to choose material in bright colors, with different prints;
  • large flowers look very good on such a product and create a feeling of celebration;
  • don’t settle on just one material: if everyone wears silk scarves, this doesn’t mean you need to follow in their footsteps - get creative, play with fabrics and achieve the desired effect;
  • use additional accessories when wearing a stole: brooches, clasps, beautiful pins - everything that can enhance the impression should be used.

How to beautifully tie a stole scarf: 5 ways (video)

How to beautifully tie a scarf, headscarf, stole (video)

Just a few years ago in our country beautiful stole scarf It was difficult to find on store shelves. If only in the markets it was possible to “unearth” a distant similarity. In addition to beauty, there must also be quality, and this has always been a problem. But once this item of clothing became a trend, the situation changed. The manufacturers understood which way the wind was blowing, and a wide variety of these products appeared on the shelves. The form began to change, the artists tried to outdo each other, and stunningly beautiful drawings emerged from under their hands. There are scarves on sale made from any material you can imagine. All that remains is to choose what you need, and fashionistas are already familiar with the science of using a stole. It’s just a matter of making a splash and impressing those around you with your appearance.

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Knowing how to beautifully tie a stole around her neck, a girl will never look boring and faceless. She will add freshness, originality and uniqueness to her everyday and weekend outfits. The result is a stylish look and a bold statement of your individuality to the whole world.

How to tie a stole around your neck

For many girls, a stole is a favorite accessory. It has a timeless style and can be used to create a wide variety of looks. Fashionistas consider a stole to be an essential attribute of stylish outfits. These rectangular capes, which can be made from satin, wool, linen, silk, fur and other materials, are practical, functional and versatile.

They are suitable for a lady of any age, social status and build. They are adored by slender teenage girls, curvy madams of Balzac age and active adult women who watch their figure and look great.

Having decided on the color of the stole, the lady can only master fashion techniques tying it around the neck. They will be covered in the review below.

Simple ways

Having a stylish stole on hand, but not knowing how to tie it around her neck correctly, a lady can simply throw the dangling ends over her shoulders for a casual and relaxed look.

This method of tying will work perfectly in casual outfits, which consist of sneakers, cropped cargo pants and a loose pastel coat. You can complement the look with a comfortable backpack or bag with a long handle.

Another elementary way of tying a stole is to tie the loose ends of the cape into a knot around the neck. The girl can only lay out the fabric beautifully over her shoulders to achieve the desired visual effect.

This method looks good on plain capes without prints, as well as on bright multi-colored stoles decorated with floral, geometric or ethnic patterns.

French knot

Fashionistas are attracted by the simplicity, conciseness and sophistication of the French knot. This method is suitable for scarves, neckerchiefs and fashionable voluminous stoles. Every girl who likes the elegant, but at the same time luxurious style of French ladies can repeat it. To achieve an impressive effect, a fashionista needs to follow the following guidelines:

  1. The stole is thrown over the neck
  2. The loose ends are tied into a knot and thrown over the shoulders onto the back
  3. The accessory is adjusted and carefully draped
  4. The image is ready

This method of tying looks great on bright stoles of red, burgundy, rich of blue color. They can be tied over cashmere coats classic cut, complemented by beautiful leather boots and a good brand bag.

Triangle: a stylish option for winter

It is important to understand that a stole is not just fashion item, but a practical and functional accessory, the purpose of which is to protect against cold and wind. By tying a stole folded diagonally onto a coat in the form of a neat triangle, the girl will feel all the delights of owning this accessory.

It will turn a walk in frosty weather into a pleasant and comfortable promenade that will bring only joy and pleasure. In combination with a stole, you can use bright knitted mittens, a warm alpaca wool hat and comfortable boots.

Variations for brave fashionistas

The stole can also be worn as a vest. To do this, you need to throw the accessory over your shoulders and grab the loose ends with a belt. This look looks bold and unusual. It will appeal to extraordinary, creative girls who are not averse to experimenting with personal style and image.

You can try on this look at any time of the year. The “vest” looks great over a coat, and also as an addition to an outfit for a cool summer evening.

Leather jacket + thin stole: a win-win combination

If voluminous knitted scarves look great when paired with warm down jackets and winter coats, then thin silk stoles ideally complement fashionable leather jackets.

They look harmonious against the backdrop of classic models, daring biker jackets and leather vests. You can tie an accessory different ways, however, many girls, following the examples of fashion bloggers, simply wrap a cape around their neck in several layers.

This gives the outfit relaxation and ease - what you need for a comfortable casual style modern fashionista.

How to tie a bright stole

If the outerwear in a fashionista’s closet does not please the eye with the brightness of colors and depth of textures, you can dilute the looks for the winter season with beautiful colored stoles with patterns. They will look great against the background of plain coats, down jackets and jackets.

To stylishly tie a stole in the form of a bandana, you need to follow these steps:

  1. The cape folds in half diagonally
  2. The scarf is laid out on the chest in the form of a triangle.
  3. The loose ends are tied around the neck

When the look is ready, all that remains is to straighten the cape, making sure that the fabric draperies are neat and look as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Loop with drapery: universal method

This universal method can also be used to tie a stole. It consists of folding the cape in half and threading the loose ends into a loop. The method is good not only for its simplicity, but also for its versatility. It can be used for accessories made of different fabrics, which are designed in plain and colored designs.

Imitation snood: an original step for fashionable girls

If snood, which is at the peak of popularity, is not yet in a girl’s wardrobe, she can use this method of tying a stole, which will compensate for its absence. You need to proceed as follows:

  1. The stole is slightly twisted,
  2. Then the accessory is wrapped around the neck several times,
  3. The ends of the cape are tied together and hidden in the resulting folds.

The good thing about this method is that it looks harmonious with any outerwear. It can be worn by owners of thin spring coats, voluminous quilted jackets, faux fur coats and classic raincoats.

Fur stole and images using it

In winter, warm fur stoles are especially relevant. They warm you well and protect you from the cold. However, if a fashionista ties the accessory correctly, she will be able to make her look not only comfortable and relaxed, but also stylish.

Cape made of natural or faux fur It is best to throw it over your shoulders and fasten the loose ends with a brooch or a massive decorative pin. Complete with such an accessory, basic wool coats in beige, brown or black look good.

Tie method

Those who like to experiment should try tying a stole around their neck using the tie method. To do this, the scarf is tied like a tie, resulting in a stylish and unusual fabric design. The method works especially well on plain stoles in grey, black or white.

Elegant double knot: the choice of elegant ladies

If the stole is made of light, airy fabric, it can be used to create an elegant knot around the neck. To do this you will have to take the following steps:

  1. A double folded stole is placed on the shoulders,
  2. The loose ends are threaded into the loop, but it is not tightened.
  3. Next, form a figure eight from the loop, and thread the ends through it again,
  4. The resulting double knot is straightened,
  5. The image is ready.

When the knot is tied, you need to carefully straighten it in front of the mirror so that the print on the stole looks in the most advantageous light.

Using a pin: a highlight in the image

If you fasten the free ends of a stole thrown over your shoulders with a pin, you can not only secure a beautiful drapery of fabric, but also give the image a bright twist.

A massive designer pin decorated with stones or rhinestones will look especially impressive against the background of plain scarves in noble shades. It could be Bordeaux, Marsala, sangria, emerald, beige or indigo. Instead of a pin, a girl can use a large brooch with a catchy design.

We wear a stole on our heads: images for romantic ladies

If a girl likes femininity and romance in her looks, then she can tie a stole on her head. This will not only protect her from the winter cold, but also add sensuality and beauty to the image.

Tying a stole is not difficult: you need to fold it diagonally, throw it over your head, and tie the loose ends around your neck with a loose knot. The accessory looks great and casual. It will complement a winter outfit with a fur coat, jacket or coat.

Knowing how to tie a stole around her neck in different ways, a girl will ensure recognition in the fashion community. She will unobtrusively demonstrate to others her taste and deep knowledge of current fashion trends.

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