DIY Halloween: costumes, decorations, masks. How to make a Halloween pumpkin at home? What can you do for Halloween with your own hands? Interesting DIY Halloween classroom decoration ideas

Useful tips

Despite the fact that this holiday is not official in Russia and the CIS countries, people still like to celebrate it, because it is not only unusual, but also quite colorful and original.

Many people throw parties on Halloween. They can take place both in clubs, cafes and restaurants, and at home.

To beautifully decorate the room and cook original crafts on Halloween,We provide several interesting ideas, many of which you will definitely like.

DIY Halloween: Little Ghosts

You will need:

Styrofoam balls (available at the store stationery)

White cloth or gauze

Black pins

Thick thread.

1. Wrap each foam ball in fabric and tie a thick thread at the neck to secure the fabric.

2. Insert black pins to become eyes.

3. To hang the ghost, you can make a small loop of thread on the top of the head.

DIY Halloween Crafts: Spider Garland

You will need:

Thin brushes

Strong thread

Needle and thread or tape.

1. Prepare 4 pipe cleaners, gather them into a bunch and bend them in half.

2. Grasp the top of the head where the pipe cleaners fold, bend it slightly and twist the pipe cleaners to form the body of the spider.

3. Start straightening the spider's legs.

4. Using a thread and a needle or tape, attach the spider to the thread.

5. Make a few more spiders to create a larger garland.

DIY Halloween decor

For this project, you can use your imagination and use any objects (things, toys) to create an original Halloween corner.

In this case, a witch's locker was created. A large wooden box was used for this, but you can use it instead cardboard box, to which you can attach several shelves and decorate with paints (gouache) and/or black adhesive tape (or electrical tape).

As decorations you can add:

Toy skulls

Bats cut from black paper

Artificial web (buy in cans or make your own from threads)

Antique books and unwanted keys

Jars and cones, painted with gouache in the desired colors.

DIY Halloween at home: bloody candles

You will need:

Food parchment (baking paper)

White thick and thin candles

1 red candle

Pins and nails

1. To begin, cover your work surface with parchment paper and remove all stickers (if any) from the candles.

2. Light the red candle and get ready to drip red paraffin onto the thick white candle. You can insert pins and nails into the white candle in advance. Be careful, remember - paraffin is hot.

3. The same can be done with thin candles and then insert them into the candlestick.

How to make flying candles for Halloween

How to Decorate Your House for Halloween: Glow in the Dark Ghosts

Halloween Crafts: Hand

DIY Halloween Crafts: Cardboard Anti-Zombie Barricades

DIY Halloween Decorations: Eyes in the Dark

Halloween door decoration

How to make a big Halloween ghost with your own hands

You will need:

Transparent trash bags

Transparent wide and thin tape

Mannequin or volunteer

* you can use part of a mannequin (without the head) or something that has the shape of a torso, as well as a ball for the head.

Line (for hanging).

1. Torso

1.1. Place a large clear bag over the mannequin. If you have a volunteer as a mannequin, make holes in the bag for the head and arms and then put it on it.

1.2. Start wrapping thick tape around the bag. Pay special attention to the most intricate parts of the torso. Wrap around your waist, neck and shoulders. Add some tape to connect all the already wrapped parts - a couple of pieces from the neck to the shoulders and a couple from the waist to the neck.

* For more difficult places, you can use thin tape.

In the picture you can see strips of blue tape - this is so that you can better understand what to do next.

1.3. Continue wrapping the tape, varying from horizontal to vertical strips. The main thing is that the entire torso is covered.

1.4. To make the shape stronger, add another layer of tape. You can add a couple more layers if desired, but the more tape, the less transparent the ghost will be.

1.5. Using scissors (preferably with rounded ends), cut the shape from the back from the neck to the waist in a straight line. The dark tape in the picture shows exactly where this needs to be done.

1.6. Carefully remove the form from the mannequin and set it aside.

7. Nowhead.

If you don't have a head model, you can use a regular ball of the appropriate size.

*Under no circumstances use a real person for this.

7.1. Place a transparent bag over the mold.

7.2. Wrap thin tape around the neck to secure the bag at the bottom. And to secure the bag on top, wrap tape around it in the forehead area. If you are using balls, simply place some tape on the bottom and then start wrapping it around the entire ball.

What crafts and decorations can you make for Halloween with your own hands at home? The most important thing in decorating this terribly terrible holiday is pumpkins, candles and ghosts. But scary things can also be attractive to look at :) In this article, we have collected the most interesting and easy-to-make crafts that even a kindergarten-age child can make, and even more so, it will be interesting for any schoolchild, because children love horror movies so much!

We won’t write directly about pumpkins in this article; crafts made from pumpkins are already known to everyone. Let's talk about original and interesting things.

An essential attribute of Halloween is candles. And in order for the candle to stand steadily and not cause a fire at the holiday, and also to look in a creepy style, it needs a candlestick.

We will make a candlestick in the shape of a pumpkin, because it is in a pumpkin that candles are usually placed in this holiday. And also because such a candlestick will look terribly stylish. We need: a glass jar, paints, a brush, tape, glue and a candle.

Separately about paints. Either acrylic paints or gouache will do - they are all good at painting on glass. If you use watercolor paints, lather the brush with soap and the watercolor will not flow down the glass. We draw the outlines of a scary pumpkin face on the jar, and paint everything else orange. Glue a ribbon to the neck for decoration (any ribbon will do). The candlestick is ready. We insert a candle inside, wait until it gets dark and you can light it.

By the way, this candle was made by a 7-year-old child himself, and you will definitely succeed :)

You can glue an applique made of black colored paper, the same face of a scary pumpkin, or a cobweb and bats onto a candlestick, then you will get the following crafts:

And what would Halloween be without ghosts? They should be everywhere! You can simply cut out ghosts from white paper, draw faces on them and put them together on a string - you get a garland with which you can decorate your apartment or classroom at school. But we will make the creepiest ghosts look like real ones.

Crafts ghosts from napkins

To make one ghost we need 2 white napkins, a ribbon, felt-tip pens, all of this can easily be found in every home.

Let's start making ghosts at home :) Take one napkin in your hands and roll it into a ball.

Place the lump in the center of the second napkin and wrap it.

We tie the neck of the ghost with ribbon. We draw the face with felt-tip pens.

If you tie many of these ghosts onto one long ribbon, you will get a whole ghostly garland - an excellent home decoration for Halloween.

Hang the ghosts under the chandelier, and send these spiders across the floor and table:

We stick 4 pieces of wire through any suitable ball, bend it as needed, and the spiders are ready to decorate your home and scare guests.

And scary faces can be cut not only from pumpkins. If you don’t have a pumpkin, but you really want something like this, take an orange and cut it out. It's much easier, and no less fun.

In general, prepare for the holiday with imagination! Have a spooky Halloween!!!

Every year there are more and more enthusiasts who are ready to put on scary rags for fun and decorate the house for Halloween. If you belong to them, here are some tips on how to decorate your home for the holiday very simply and quickly. In this master class I will show you how to make Halloween decorations with your own hands - 20 options with step by step photos how to decorate a house terribly beautiful!

How nice it is to dilute the gray autumn days with a bright, warm and tasty holiday. Even though this holiday came to us from Celtic countries and its roots go far into Western history, this does not prevent residents of other countries from treating it with warmth.

In Russia, the attitude towards Halloween still remains ambiguous. Some people consider it an incomprehensible and uninteresting event, which only young people are interested in, while others are excitedly waiting for it to have fun from the heart!

In any case, you should start preparing for this holiday in advance. To make the party successful desired style, you should first of all take care of the decor of the rooms in which it will take place. Unfortunately, there are very few places in Russia where you can buy decent decorations for this holiday.

It is best to order them online, although chain stores often add themed accessories to their assortment before the holiday. But you can do everything yourself. So, let's make our house scary beautiful for Halloween!

The most popular decorations were:

  • Pumpkins with cut out eyes
  • Webs and spiders
  • Ghosts and witches
  • The bats
  • Walking zombies and mummies
  • Brooms, magic wands and other belongings
  • Black cats in all forms
  • Candles, dry leaves and other attributes of autumn.

A pumpkin walked around the garden... and ended up at a party

The main attribute of Halloween, of course, is the pumpkin, and it has many options to make your wildest fantasies come true: it can be cut out in the shape of a head with a terrifying smile and crooked teeth, dressed up with an elegant hat, painted with paints, wrapped in bright threads or covered with black lace stockings - who cares? that he is capable.

Pumpkins will ripen in the fields in October. And you can bring one such huge fruit into the house, extract all the pulp, cut out the scary face and put a candlestick inside.

In the dark, such a head will look very scary.


Now you can make a real work of decorative art from a pumpkin. You can draw intricate shapes and patterns on it, either with paints or with a regular pen, to suit every taste. You can also cut beautiful lines across the entire surface or make fancy-shaped through holes so that the chiaroscuro from the candle creates beautiful patterns.

Pumpkins come in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Large pumpkins should be placed near the entrance to the house. Smaller ones can be placed in rooms. They can be decorated with beads, sequins, rhinestones (suitable for light pumpkins) or fabric, bows and buttons (for bright orange pumpkins). On the surface you can depict drawings of spiders, cobwebs, bats, etc.

See how quickly and easily you can make a bat out of a pumpkin.

You can also cut out funny faces and scary pictures. Pumpkin can also be used as a flower vase. You can put asters, chrysanthemums and any other autumn flowers in it. Here you can also use rowan brushes and autumn leaves. Small pumpkins can be made into candlesticks. It will look very neat and cozy.

Perhaps because Halloween occurs in the fall, the pumpkin is the centerpiece of the day. This can be a decor item, a costume, or a children's craft. The main thing is to ask a terrifying appearance, scare everyone.

On our website we offer a craft option for young children, since they are the ones who love to sculpt from plasticine. You can make a pumpkin from an orange block, and not just one, but 3 pieces at once. You can also draw wonderful faces with plasticine and a toothpick on a soft surface. And also then make an unusual pyramid design, so to speak, a snowman out of pumpkins.

To create a Halloween decoration from plasticine, prepare:

  • orange and black plasticine;
  • toothpick.

We will make the autumn fruits themselves from orange plasticine. Black will be needed for the eyes, and you can also put a black witch's cloak on the figure.

Divide the orange block of plasticine into 3 portions, but not equal, but gradually reducing the amount of mass in each of them. Mash each piece individually in your hands. Pumpkins will be made from them, they will become a kind of lumps for creating a snowman. The finished faces will need to be collected into a pyramid.

Roll the prepared pieces into balls. Then press down on top of each one with your palm to make the balls more flattened. It’s convenient to press out the veins with a toothpick.

Now turn each prepared part into a muzzle. It will not be just a vegetable, but a kind of specimen that forms one part of a single structure. The first largest pumpkin has a hard time, because it is located at the foot of the pyramid. Give her a nose, a distorted mouth and pits for the eyes.

Also, stick on a patch for decoration to show that the strongman pumpkin has burst more than once and has been sewn up to be repaired.

The second pumpkin is in the middle. It’s hard for her too, but not as much as the previous one. She is surprised and tries to gather her strength. Come up with a facial expression for her.

For decoration, make a black blot on the side.

Now comes the smallest and most cunning pumpkin, which completes the whole structure. She smiles and winks at everyone around her, her cheeks stand out, it’s not hard for her at all, because she doesn’t hold anyone on her.

When your pumpkin fantasy is ready, assemble your snowman. Glue one piece to another according to size.

Mash a large amount of black plasticine in your hands, crush it with your fingers, pulling out a rectangular, very thin cake. From the prepared part we will make a long cloak with a cap. On one side, close the corners and smooth the seam with your fingers, pull out the sharp cap.

Glue the cape onto your head, or rather your face. The cap will be placed on the head and go down in the form of a long cape.

This witch is made from scrap materials - from plastic bottle, garbage bags and ribbons. The special thing about this one is that it can be used on Halloween to decorate your garden and yard.

The bat can be placed on any surface, or hung from the ceiling or door frame. The bigger, the better! They can be made from black bags, black tape, fabric and other materials. You can simply buy a toy at the store. You can place a web nearby and place it on a small spider. It is convenient to make a web from gauze or thin woolen threads. Most guests will definitely be impressed.

How to make a Halloween decoration - a bat from corks

These bats are made from cork and black paper.

To bring your finished mice to life, don't forget to glue on the eyes!

Black Cats

Black cats, as an ancient symbol of witchcraft, will be appropriate always and everywhere. These can be stickers, cut-outs, toys, figurines and even drawings.

How to do black cat from plasticine - master class

You can make such a cat together with your children - they really like modeling from plasticine!

You should definitely think about mummies when you decorate your bathroom, kitchen and toilet. The element of surprise is important here. And since guests usually enter these rooms alone and relax, the effect will be very unexpected. Decorate your zombie costume with red spots, and you can even make a mummy out of toilet paper.

Items related to the magical world can be placed evenly throughout all rooms, giving preference to the hallway and living room. These can be brooms, magic wands, old hats, bowlers, etc. The picture will be perfectly complemented by candles of different colors and shapes, wreaths of dry colorful leaves, as well as red apples and oranges.

An owl is one of the attributes of Halloween; it can also be molded from plasticine.

Feel free to decorate any candlestick!

Burn, burn clearly, so that it doesn’t go out! Candlesticks and candles are no less important objects at a Halloween party than a pumpkin. As a basis, you can take an ordinary candlestick from the IKEA range, and then as your rich imagination will tell you.

You can paint it, wrap it in a white bandage and pour red paint on it for a bloody effect, scrape a pattern of cobwebs onto the wax, stick on blanks in the shape of flies or bats - it’s all very simple!

How could there be no festive table???

Halloween is perfect holiday for those who break the rules, and this also applies to table decor. Only for Halloween among delicious dishes You might find severed fingers or dead spiders. For those who prefer a more classic style, we recommend using autumn natural decorations: yellowed leaves, rowan trees, chestnuts, hay, etc. Burning candles on the table will add a mystical atmosphere.

This is a master class on how to decorate a table for Halloween.

It doesn't take much time or effort to decorate your home for Halloween. The main thing is a little creativity, good mood and company. Decorating a house in a terrifying style with a cheerful circle of friends is a good warm-up before a noisy party, isn't it?

There is probably a lot more that can be said about Halloween decorations, but these are the most spectacular and popular of all. Just add some food, music and good company and the party will be a success!

Any holiday is an excellent occasion to transform your room, fill it with an unusual atmosphere with the help of original decoration items.

Many people's favorite holiday, Halloween, is approaching, which means it's time to think about how to decorate your room in an unusual and interesting way to surprise your friends and family, as well as please your loved ones.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several interesting and original ideas on how to easily and simply, and most importantly not expensively, decorate your room for the approaching nightmare night, Halloween!

Paper skeleton

How to make a paper skeleton with your own hands?

And the first element of decorating your room can be a cheerful and funny skeleton!

To make it you will need black thread or a thin black elastic band, straws (cocktail tube or empty pen refill), White paper and a black marker.

On white paper, draw a skeleton: head, body, arms and legs. Then use a black marker to draw in the details.

If you are not an important artist, you can use ready-made stencils.

Now all the parts need to be cut out.

WITH reverse side Glue two tubes onto the torso with double-sided or regular tape; it is to them that the arms and legs of the future skeleton will be attached.

Thread elastic bands into the tubes, the ends of which are glued to the arms and legs with tape.

This design will make your skeleton “alive”, because any breath of even a slight draft will set it in motion.

DIY spider web

How to make a web from threads with your own hands?

For a homemade web you will need: 3 dry branches and threads.

First you need to fix the branches together. Arrange the branches crosswise, and then use a thread to tie them in the center.

Now you can start weaving the web (see photo).

To make the craft look lively and interesting, we recommend making a small funny spider, and then placing it on a homemade web.

This interior decoration element will look great in the corners of the room, wall or cabinets.

Bringing with your own hands

How to make a ghost with your own hands?

What would Halloween be without a ghost? And that is why at least one ghost is simply obliged to live in your room!

To make such a spectacular room decoration object you will need: white threads, a metal hanger and black adhesive paper.

The hanger must be bent (see photo) and then white threads must be tied to it. The more threads you tie, the more voluminous your homemade ghost will look.

Cut out eyes and a mouth from adhesive black paper and glue to the threads.

This craft will look especially cool on the porch of a private house or on a window with the window open. Any breeze will set the homemade propulsion in motion and will look very intimidating.

How to make a ghost out of paper?

If hangers are not available and large quantity threads, then the cast can be made from ordinary white paper.

Roll up neat balls from white paper. Wrap the tip of the bag in a bagel.

Surely everyone has a couple of black clothes hangers in their wardrobe. They will become the basis for creating bats to decorate the room.

From black construction paper, cut out the silhouette of wings, as well as a round muzzle and ears.

Glue all paper parts to the hanger with double-sided tape.

The eyes and nose can be made from buttons.

These bats will be a wonderful decoration for a chandelier, cornice or bookshelves.

You always want something unusual for a holiday, and Halloween is just the right time to bring strange and incredible ideas to life. Unlike other holidays, when everything should be decorous, beautiful and sublime, on Halloween you can have fun from the heart, turning your home into a haunted house, filling it with mysticism, magic and horror and black humor.

Ominous spiders and bats, skeletons in all corners, “severed” limbs and heads in alcohol, ghosts and Velma attributes - all this can briefly become elements of your interior, and many of the decorations can be made yourself.
And of course, pumpkins are the main symbol of All Saints' Day.

We offer you interesting ideas for decorating the interior for Halloween and a collection of master classes that will help you cope with the task. We hope your holiday will be fun and interesting.

Bats for wall decoration

There are bats everywhere... made of paper! There are many ideas on the Internet on how to decorate walls with paper butterflies, but for Halloween, butterflies can be replaced with bats.

And if you stick them on the wall behind the sofa and shine the light from below, it will turn out really creepy.

And more bats!

You can also make three-dimensional bats using plastic pumpkins or regular Christmas balls.

For a gift, you can sew a bat from felt - for example, such a glamorous baby.

And more ideas for inspiration

Ordinary branches look very good in the interior. They can be left natural or painted black. The branches can be placed anywhere: in flowerpots, vases, hung from the ceiling, placed near a window or on a wall.

You can decorate branches in different ways. For example, black crows cut out of paper or three-dimensional bird figurines made from lightweight materials. Witches' cauldrons or hats hanging on such a “tree” will also look good.

The tiny lights of the garland will create a frightening effect in the dark, when ghostly shadows slide in the interweaving of branches on the wall in the flickering light.

Another spider? Why not.! Lit from below with candle flames, it looks very impressive!

The silhouette of a witch can be cut out of black paper and pasted on the wall - why not an ominous shadow? A wreath of long black feathers also looks very beautiful. However, they can be very different!

A witch hat is also a traditional Halloween decoration that can be placed anywhere. A very simple option is hats made from disposable plates and cardboard cones. If you cannot find black dishes, then the hat can be painted after gluing with aerosol or acrylic paint. Then you can stick on any suitable decor.

Such exquisite candlesticks can be made from black lace and ordinary glass jars or cups. Simply adhere the lace to the jar using double-sided tape. It is not even necessary to glue the tape around the entire circumference of the jar - just lay a strip along the joint of the lace and press the edges well. To make the seam less noticeable, you can glue a ribbon or other decor on top. And then just insert candles into the jars and light them. To make lighting convenient, use a long pasta.

Another option for lanterns is hanging jars. Just don’t forget to make holes in the lids for air circulation. It is better to fill such a lamp with something non-flammable - in case you don’t keep track and the candle gets to the filler. Halloween may be a holiday of horror, but it should end in a fun, not tragic way.

White decor for Halloween? Somewhat unusual (except for the traditional mummies and ghosts), but very stylish! If your home is designed in a Scandinavian interior, then white and natural tones are what you need!

Vintage, vintage... This decor option will appeal to those who prefer sweet elegance and do not want to fill their home with horror films. Pumpkins wrapped in black tulle add charm to the composition, and an old alarm clock with frozen arrows reminds us of eternity.

This is the kind of monster you can make if you have unwanted old dolls lying around. And it’s not even necessary that they be preserved intact! Three legs and two arms will be enough to create scary Siamese twins. Everything you need.

You can also turn old Barbie into a mummy using the most ordinary toilet paper. The doll will not be harmed, because you don’t have to glue anything.

A bouquet of eyes - who would have thought that it would look so great! You can make the eyes yourself or use ready-made ones. Glue the eyes onto pom-poms, thread or foam colored balls, attach them to wire stems, and you can make not only cool bouquets, but also original wreaths.

You can also try making similar decor from doll heads...

Gift option - candy bouquet with eyes. First, it will please the eye, decorating the interior, and then it will delight the stomach with delicious sweets.

For this creepy bust you will need a fake skull, doll eyes, a wig and a hat. You can attach the skull to any base, the main thing is that the figurine is stable. You can decorate a handsome man (or a beauty) with any decorations and accessories.

Decorative web and thread spider

What's Halloween without spiders???

Well, of course, we won’t dilute them in a jar and then throw them into a witch’s potion. And we won’t throw it on the guests’ table either. Halloween is Halloween, but there's no point in scaring your friends - they'll be offended...

But it’s quite possible to hang a decorative web somewhere in a corner, above a fireplace or by a window.

Such a web is made from twigs and thin threads, and spiders can be made from shaggy thick yarn.