Autumn leaves made of paper: making origami with the children. DIY head wreath. How to make an autumn wreath from leaves, rowan berries, flowers with your own hands? How to make a wreath from paper leaves

A wreath of leaves is an indispensable attribute of autumn photo shoots. The two most popular options are rowan and maple. We have prepared for you step-by-step master classes, from which you will learn how to weave such wreaths on your head with your own hands. This process requires perseverance, but is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.

Instead of maple leaves you can use any others, and rowan is easy to replace with viburnum or even artificial bright berries. The base for the wreath can be prepared in advance or you can use a regular hairband. However, you can do without everything altogether. Some people use this autumn craft several times – it won’t wither, but it will dry out a little. And if you plan to make a wreath for photo shoots for a long enough period, the base must be strong.

Wreath base

The first step is to decide on the base material. In this selection you will find several options: choose the most convenient one.

Option No. 1: from twigs

To make the basis for an autumn wreath on your head, select young branches. Willow, birch, pine and other trees and shrubs are suitable, from which thin, strong twigs can be easily cut.

We strip the branches of bark and make them smooth. To make a wreath of leaves beautiful, you need to make the base correctly - it should not be too big or too small. Measure the circumference of your head, but constantly estimate the size of the workpiece as you work.

Use twine to tighten the twig ring. Then start wrapping rods around this frame. Build them up gradually and constantly reinforce them with jute.

Make a tight wrap when you finish braiding the branches and achieve the desired thickness of the rim for the wreath. Place the workpiece under the press overnight.

Option No. 2: made of paper and nylon

This base for an autumn wreath on your head will be made of lightweight materials, but you can rest assured of the strength and reliability of the design.

We have previously told you how to work with newspaper tubes. The principle is the same here. Cut magazines and newspapers into strips and roll them into tight tubes. Twist them together or simply glue them together. You can also make the base for the wreath using tape or sew these strips together.

To finally fasten the structure together, take nylon tights and wrap them tightly around the headband.

On such a blank you can glue or apply leaves, berries or other accessories from which you want to make your autumn wreath.

Option No. 3: made of wire

The good thing about a wire rim is that it turns out thin. This means that you can make the autumn wreath on your head more elegant and light. This perfect option for assembling small leaves in one or two layers.

The wire must be folded into one, two or three layers and intertwined with each other, twisting it into a bundle. Select the degree of winding depending on the thickness of the material.

Intertwine the ends of the wire and hide them. Wrap the top with twine or tape. This is necessary so that the craft turns out smoother and does not tangle the hair.

This wreath can be braided with leaves on top or the material can be glued directly onto it.

To make the wreath on your head more convenient, you can form peculiar loops at the ends of the wire. Then we will tie ribbons there and tie it with a bow. You can make this a unique decorative element: for example, add a wide red ribbon and leave its ends free.

Weaving pattern

As a rule, all head wreaths are woven according to the same pattern. It looks like this.

You can use flowers, autumn leaves, grass, dried flowers, rowan branches or any decorative material as a basis.

Additionally, the spaces between two adjacent leaves can be fixed with fishing line, thread or twine. Also you can use satin ribbon to make the wreath more colorful.

Maple leaf wreath

The most popular autumn option is a wreath of maple leaves. You can do it yourself quite quickly. Choose a warp from those described above, or weave without it.

The first step is to collect as many maple leaves of different sizes as possible. Dry them a little if it's humid outside.

The thickening near the stem must be cut off from each leaf.

We take the first leaf and bend the bottom edge so that we get a parallel line with the “stem”.

Using a branch of the second leaf, carefully pierce the first one as if making a stitch with a needle and thread.

We fold the second sheet in the same way as we folded the first sheet before. Take the third maple leaf and repeat the procedure.

So we go around the whole circle. To finish the wreath, you must first try it on your head, and then pierce the first and second leaves with the stem of the last one.

If desired, you can make one or two more rows.

Rowan wreath

Weaving an autumn wreath from rowan berries with your own hands is also quite simple. To make it perfect, we suggest you look at a visual step-by-step video instructions. With its help, you can easily repeat the process of making this beautiful autumn accessory.

This wreath can be additionally decorated with any autumn leaves to make it even more elegant. You can also make it from only one rowan - large clusters look very beautiful.

We hope that now you can weave a wreath on your head yourself, and your autumn photo shoots or competitions will be even more beautiful. By the way, leaves made of colored paper or foamiran are often used for school crafts. If you need to make something similar, use the provided instructions and our selection of leaf stencils.

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In autumn there is an abundance of bright yellow and red autumn leaves It's simply amazing. I am especially fascinated by maple leaves. Their shape and size simply whisper: “Oh, what a wreath of leaves we can make!” And it’s true, making a beautiful autumn wreath from maple leaves is very pleasant and, moreover, it’s the cheapest craft. It is made from what is at hand. The so-called improvised materials.

Of course, there are other options for making a wreath of leaves, which use a voluminous wreath base and a variety of decorative elements- twigs, ribbons, berries... But now I’ll tell you how to make a wreath for autumn in kindergarten. You make it, take it to kindergarten and don’t mind that it stayed there.

What you need to make an autumn wreath of leaves crafts for the garden:

  • beautiful large maple leaves,
  • a large sheet of cardboard, can be used for packaging to create the base of the wreath,
  • glue gun or any other good glue,
  • iron,
  • Polish for hair.

How to make a craft wreath from leaves

Collecting maple leaves in the park. The more there are, the better. Try to collect colorful autumn leaves of different sizes, both large and smaller. You can take a few simple autumn leaves, not maple ones, for variety. Also collect green leaves.

Next, the leaves need to be dried. This can be done by placing them between the pages of books, or you can iron them, so they will dry faster and will not curl. After ironing the maple leaf, spray it with hairspray to prevent it from crumbling. You can also dip the leaves in wax and then dry them, then they will definitely not crumble.

Now take a sheet of cardboard and cut out a circle from it, which will be the base of the wreath. I recommend making the base wide and large enough, then the wreath will look better on the door.

On the base, we begin to glue the prepared leaves overlapping each other, quite tightly, so that it turns out beautifully. The leaves should face in different directions, both inward and outward. Glue inner side sheets upward, since they curl inward. Then, when twisting the leaves, your leaf wreath craft will become more voluminous.

When you're done making your fall wreath craft, spray it with hairspray to help prevent the leaves from falling off.

An autumn wreath and rowan berries are no less beautiful. It is both autumn and winter, New Year's. To make a wreath of pine cones with your own hands, you will need a stronger base (you can make it from packaging cardboard or buy it from foam plastic) and a glue gun. The cones will only stick to a glue gun.

I love autumn very much for its bright colors, abundance of vegetables and fruits, warm scarves and berets and, of course, for its comfort and special atmosphere. I also really like creating interesting and beautiful home decor from natural materials.

In autumn, nature is generous with colors, and the whole the world is a riot of color. I always want to collect something, make bouquets, and also weave autumn leaf wreaths, cones and other gifts of autumn. And then leave all this beauty in your memory for a long time, because the winter season, which is stingy with paints, is ahead.

DIY autumn wreath

The word "wreath" comes from an old Slavic word meaning "gift". This wicker decoration made from natural materials in the form of a ring is designed not only to decorate, but also to protect warmth and peace in the house.

Editorial "So simple!" I have prepared 21 amazing ones for you idea for autumn wreaths, which are so easy to create with your own hands. Here it is - a symbol of the harvest, creating comfort.

  1. This wreath was used a large number of various herbs and fruits of reddish shades. This decor will become a fashionable and bright addition to your interior or the facade of your home.
  2. The natural colors of wreaths made from autumn leaves are familiar to the human eye; they calm, relax and harmonize.

    Fresh and dry leaves are very beautiful and only once again confirm that the best artist is nature. So why not fill the space of your home with her wonderful works, creating a special atmosphere of comfort.

  3. And this is a decoration for lovers of everything unusual. If you think round wreaths are too boring, try making a heart-shaped wreath. It looks very stylish and original.

  4. This season, according to the Pantone Color Institute, red is in particular favor. And this is a good reason to create a monochrome solution for your interior in red tones.

  5. All lavender lovers will appreciate such fragrant decor. Weave a lavender wreath and decorate your door with it, and happiness will definitely not pass you by!

  6. Old newspapers can also be used to make very cute wreaths that are great to hang on the wall or use as table decorations.

  7. To create this decor you will need pine cones, hot glue, pruning shears for cutting the cones, a wreath hoop (can be rolled from branches or newspapers), burlap or linen.

    Using pruning shears, you need to trim the cones, cutting off the tops. Working on such a wreath is labor-intensive and involves a lot of waste, but the result is worth it.

  8. The simplest, but at the same time in an effective way decorate a wreath on the door Decoration will be with autumn leaves collected on the street or in the park. A wreath made from leaves of the same type or combined looks beautiful. Oak, maple and other leaves are suitable for a decorative wreath; the color is your choice.

    You can add dry artichoke to the leaves, Pine cones, chestnuts, acorns and rowan.

  9. And this is a wonderful autumn wreath using physalis fruits. How do you like this stylish decoration front door?

  10. This wreath can be used as table decor. Stylish and beautiful, isn't it?

  11. Particularly popular are wreaths made of maple leaves, which can be woven in the usual way or come up with something more interesting.

    For example, you can take birch, maple branches or branches of another tree and intertwine them together. And then decorate the branches with leaves, ribbons, acorns or cones.

In autumn you can also see many orange physalis fruits, which stand out brightly against the background of other plants. Due to its natural property of being preserved for a long time without water, physalis is an excellent basis for decoration. So I suggest you get inspired by a couple more from physalis.

Autumn wreaths made from natural materials can be hung on a wall or door, placed around a candlestick, vase and other decorative items, and they will create an atmosphere of comfort, warmth and harmony in your home.

Let your imagination fly! And may your autumn wreath be bright and sunny. To create it, you can use both natural and artificial materials. So on the way home, don’t forget to collect an armful of maple leaves, pine cones, rowan berries and get to work quickly.

In addition, to the creation of such decorative wreaths You can involve children. They will be able to select leaves, pine cones and acorns that match the color, and also weave them into a wreath themselves.

Nastya does yoga and loves traveling. Fashion, architecture and everything beautiful - that’s what a girl’s heart strives for! Anastasia is an interior designer and also makes unique floral-themed jewelry. She dreams of living in France, is learning the language and is keenly interested in the culture of this country. He believes that a person needs to learn something new all his life. Anastasia's favorite book is “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert.

A wreath is a beautiful headdress that came into our fashion from ancient times. Only earlier wreaths had a magical meaning, so they were woven only in holidays. Today we use wreaths as hair decorations even in Everyday life. In this article we will tell you how you can make an original wreath from natural and decorative materials with your own hands.

For our ancestors, wreaths were a real amulet. They paid special attention to the plants that were used in weaving, because each of them had its own sacred designation, suitable for a certain event in life.

  • The ancient Romans wove wreaths of laurel leaves on the heads of their emperors to emphasize their power and glory.
  • They placed wreaths woven from oak leaves on the heads of great warriors, symbolizing courage and fearlessness.
  • Before the feast, Roman men wore wreaths of myrtle, which, according to beliefs in the Roman Empire, was considered a plant that relieves intoxication.
  • But crowns of thorns were used to cover the heads of Romans who were sentenced to death. Approximately the same rituals with wreaths existed among the ancient Greeks.

The peoples of Asia also had several interesting traditions associated with weaving wreaths. For example, brides on their wedding day had to decorate their heads with a wreath of orange flowers, which symbolized fertility. And outstanding writers, poets and playwrights were awarded olive wreaths, which symbolized popular recognition and admiration.

For the Slavic peoples, the wreath was an integral part of their life. With their help, they demonstrated to society their status, marital status, illnesses and important events:

  • Orphan girls wore wreaths with blue ribbons. People who met such girls on the street always tried to feed them and give them something.
  • A woman who had just become a mother wore a wreath of fresh roses and green leaves.
  • A cornflower blue wreath on a girl’s head meant that she was awaiting a marriage proposal from her beloved.
  • A primrose wreath symbolized the loneliness of a beauty abandoned by a young man.
  • Periwinkle wreaths were worn by engaged girls.

You could list the types of Slavic wreaths for a very long time, but the essence of each of them is the same - they were a reflection of what was happening in life, and of course, they played the role of decoration.

Modern girls decorate their heads with fashionable wreaths without even thinking about their meaning. They buy beautiful finished products made from artificial flowers in the markets and wear them every day to complement their bright image. In view of this, we have prepared several interesting master classes with the help of which any girl will be able to make wreaths from different materials with her own hands.

DIY wreath base

One of the most difficult steps in creating any wreath is preparing the base. After all, it should be strong, soft and at the same time practical. From the many existing options, we have selected the three most optimal.

Branches base

The best natural material for creating the base of a wreath is young long coniferous or birch branches. Dried ones will not work because they are no longer elastic and will break the first time you try to bend them. Therefore, we recommend working with freshly cut branches. They need to be prepared as much as possible.

Make a basis for You can also make a DIY wreath from a grapevine.

Now let's move on to the sequence of actions that must be followed when creating a base from branches:

  • Clean the branches from knots and needles, and then sort them by length.
  • Decide on the diameter of the future wreath and select the required number of branches for work. To create a small wreath, a couple of branches will be enough for you; if you are planning a large product, then you will need about 5 branches.
  • Connect all the branches together using linen rope. You will get a thin frame, which you will gradually compact by wrapping the remaining branches to it.

  • As a result, you should get a fairly dense rim. It needs to be placed under some kind of press so that it lies under it overnight. This way we will achieve the ideal evenness of the base for the future wreath.

Paper base

To make the paper base for the wreath, you will need a lot of newspaper or magazine sheets. You need to twist them into tight tubes, which are then glued together with tape. You will have to make a lot of tubes, because they must be layered on top of each other. As a result, you should have something like this:

You can add density to the paper circle using old nylon tights. Just wrap them around a paper base, securing the ends of the nylon with tape:

It will be very easy to attach any decorations to such a blank. By the way, if you don’t like nylon as a covering for paper, you can use any fabric.

Wire base

Wire is a very convenient material for creating the base of a wreath, but it is very hard, so it can injure the scalp. To avoid injury, the wire is wrapped in a thick layer of hemp or linen thread. You can show your imagination and use any other material - ribbons, foam rubber, and so on.

Base from old wiring

This material is softer than wire, but just as flexible. Therefore, by placing it on your head to measure the diameter of the future wreath, you will only need to cut it to the required length and that’s it. You will not have to perform any other manipulations.

Alternatives include using an old hoop, vacuum cleaner hose, or embroidery hoop for the wreath base.

DIY wreaths made from natural materials

To make wreaths from natural materials, you need to collect as many different leaves, acorns, pine cones, twigs, dried flowers and berries as possible, since they will be the main decoration of the future headdress.

Since we have already described the options for bases for wreaths, we will not dwell on the stage of preparing them. You can use any of the blanks to attach to it natural materials, which will be discussed below.

DIY wreath on the theme “Autumn”

Going out to the park on an autumn day, you can find a huge amount of beautiful bright leaves and other natural materials from which you can weave a themed autumn wreath. It may be useful to you for a photo shoot or autumn ball your child in kindergarten or at school. We will consider three options for wreaths:

  • DIY wreath of autumn leaves

To make this product, you need to collect different fallen leaves so that they are predominantly red and yellow. In this article we offer a manufacturing option DIY maple wreath.

  1. Each leaf will need to be preserved in paraffin so that they retain their appearance and do not crumble over time.
  2. To do this, grate an ordinary candle, melt the shavings and dip each leaf into the resulting liquid.
  3. Instead of paraffin, you can use glycerin, but you will have to spend a little money on it.
  4. When all the leaves are ready, they can be attached to the base. For this wreath, we recommend using a paper base wrapped in nylon so that you can glue the leaves without bending them.

Handmade maple wreath You can not only put it on your head, you can also decorate your home interior with it.

Rowan wreaths were woven in ancient times. People considered the berries of this tree to be a strong amulet against evil and damage. That is why rowan wreaths were placed on the heads of newlyweds and men leaving to fight.

The beauty of rowan wreaths is unique. The scarlet color of the berries and their tart autumn aroma add sophistication to the accessory. At the same time, absolutely anyone can create a rowan wreath. It can be done in two ways:

  • Winding rowan bunches one by one with strong threads to a wire base (you can also weave DIY and laurel wreath);
  • Stringing each berry on a thread like beads. You should end up with a long garland, which you will need to roll into several layers along the diameter of your head and tie them together with a strong red thread.

  • DIY wreaths made from rowan leaves
  1. To create such a wreath, you will first need to prepare bunches of rowan berry clusters with leaves.
  2. If you have collected twigs with beautiful leaves, first preserve them in paraffin or glycerin, and then use wire to tie them to a grapevine base.
  3. If the bunches of rowan berries are separated from the leaves, then you will have to tie these leaves to the bunches using linen thread.

DIY New Year's wreath

To make a New Year's wreath you will need the following natural materials - Christmas tree branches and pine cones. They need to be tied to a base (preferably wire) according to the already known scheme. The cones can be glued using a glue gun.

If you want to dilute natural paints, you can additionally use gouache. You can paint Christmas tree needles with white gouache to create an imitation of snow. An alternative decorative option is to varnish the wreath and sprinkle it with sparkles, which will also create a certain snow-covered wreath.

Wreaths made from fresh flowers by hand

A wreath of fresh flowers is a head decoration for summer, spring and autumn celebrations - weddings, birthdays, engagements. You can use absolutely any flowers that grow in your front garden. In this article we will give an example of how to make a magnificently beautiful wreath for the bride.

Prepare required material and tools:

  • Flowers
  • Wire for base
  • Secateurs
  • Floral ribbon

Having prepared all the materials and tools, proceed to creating a wreath:

  • Make the base for the wreath - wrap the wire with tape in several layers.

  • If you don’t know the exact diameter of the bride’s head, you can make small loops along the edges of the wire, thread a ribbon through them, with which the bride herself will fix the decoration.

  • Make bunches of flowers and greenery. Wrap each element together using floral tape;

  • Attach each bundle to the base using decorative wires. As a result, you should end up with a beautiful product like this:

DIY decorative wreaths

The only difference between decorative wreaths and similar products made from natural materials is that artificial dummies of leaves, fruits, berries and flowers must be used as decoration. They look very nice, but they cost money. We advise you to use them only if you will wear a wreath of decorative elements often.

This is relevant for dance groups that create images for choreographic productions, theater studios, whose costume department is constantly replenished.

Below we will present photographs of wreaths made from artificial materials. It is not advisable to describe the manufacturing technique, because it is no different from the one that we recommended using to create wreaths from natural materials.

DIY artificial flower wreath

DIY autumn wreath made from decorative materials

DIY ribbon wreath

DIY Greek wreath made from decorative materials

A beautiful fall wreath can be made in just a couple of hours. What not good way to entertain yourself on a gloomy autumn evening? Moreover, as a result of this activity you will get a stylish decoration for the front door, mantel, console in the hallway or dining table. Read on to learn how to make an autumn wreath with your own hands from natural materials, paper, felt, knitting threads and other improvised means!

How to make an autumn wreath with your own hands

Looking at some of the photos of beautiful fall wreaths in this article, you may decide that they require a lot of time to create, or at least good weaving skills. However, it is not. Decorative wreaths from leaves and other natural materials are quite easy to make today:

  1. Weave into a base of grapevine or willow branches;
  2. Glue it onto a circle made of polystyrene foam, cardboard or other available material.

Below we invite you to take a look at 30+ options for creating an autumn wreath on the door with your own hands with step by step instructions on their implementation.

DIY wreath of autumn leaves

First of all, you should decide on the design of the future wreath. Do you want it to be lush and colorful in keeping with rustic decor, or do you want it to look more sophisticated and elegant to suit the style of your modern apartment? Depending on the leaves you choose, an autumn wreath can look completely different, as evidenced by the following photos:

As you can see, in most cases, to make a wreath of autumn leaves with your own hands, craftsmen use a circle of vines, tied in several places with strong thread.

The photo below shows you simplified instructions on how to make a wreath of autumn leaves with your own hands step by step:

Beautiful autumn wreaths made from natural material

Branches, cones, feathers, spikelets, even vegetables and fruits - almost any natural materials can be used to make an autumn wreath to decorate your home. How about a stunning feather wreath?

Like the autumn leaf wreath, it is created using a special base and glue.

Some more interesting options:

An autumn wreath made of branches can look especially impressive, particularly in a composition with large flowers or fruits, even if they are artificial or made with your own hands from fabric or paper.

How to make an autumn wreath from paper

If you don't feel like going out to collect leaves and other natural bounty, then why not try making an autumn wreath out of paper? We offer several interesting ideas for this purpose in the photo!

An interesting craft - an autumn wreath made of felt

Soft felt is one of the the best materials For autumn crafts. It is available in all sorts of colors, is easy to work with and has a pleasant pile, thanks to which it seems to radiate coziness and warmth into the interior. Best photos with examples of how to make an autumn wreath from felt:

If felt is not your thing, then pay attention to the last photos in this article with autumn wreaths made of simple fabric and thread. Share with us in the comments: which option did you like best? Also read:

30 ideas on how to make an autumn wreath with your own hands - from leaves, pine cones and other materials updated: October 17, 2016 by: Margarita Glushko