The ideal girl through the eyes of men. Ideal girl

What kind of woman can be called ideal for a man? Which one will make him look for not just one night’s entertainment, but a relationship that will last, perhaps, a lifetime? Should she have some special appearance, clothes, figure, spiritual qualities, etc.? What do men look for in women?

Even though everyone claims that there are no ideal people, and that each person has his own shortcomings and advantages, society is still trying to find and understand what kind of people should be perfect girl. Smart and beautiful? Understanding and caring? Which?

If we start to study the opinions of many men on this issue, we will quickly understand that each man is looking for something different. Of course, men love with their eyes, which means they will really like a girl who is attractive in appearance. But is it possible to find the ideal? One a wise man I once said that some people like dark ones, others like light ones, and others generally like red-haired ones. But everyone likes these, and others, and others. This means one thing: beauty is definitely not the determining factor in a relationship.

You probably understand that for men of different ages, the ideal girl will be completely different. Young guys who have not yet reached the age of twenty usually do not mind their beloved drinking and smoking. But time passes, and it is the girl’s moral qualities that come to the fore. After all, now a man views her not just as a companion for parties and other things, but as the keeper of his family hearth.

Does the ideal girl have to be smart? On this issue, men's opinions are slightly divided. It’s unlikely that anyone will be able to admit that he likes the type of blonde that people love to tell jokes about: beautiful, but stupid as a plug. Of course, anyone will be more interested in a girl who strives to be educated, well-read and intelligent.

But unfortunately for us, there are a lot of young people who say that it is enough that a girl is a little smarter than a tree. Some guys feel extremely uncomfortable with an educated girl, because you don’t know what to expect from them. If there is such a stereotype that beautiful girls All they need is money, fame and universal adoration; what smart girls need is far from easy to understand.

Of course, it is impossible to derive some kind of algorithm that will definitely make a girl ideal for absolutely anyone young man. Everyone has their own ideal. Therefore, girls should understand and support only their man, take care of him and contribute to the growth of not only him, but also themselves. It is very important for men that they can never blush for their soulmate. Even if she is a housewife, does not work and runs the household, in any case she must remain well-groomed and beautiful woman, with whom you can talk about everything.


Young people pay great attention to the fact that their ideal girl should always be faithful to them. They absolutely do not need to check the feelings of their chosen one, but they must clearly understand that she is not capable of betrayal.

In addition, men really don’t like it when women delve into his earnings and wallet, trying to find out how much his friends and relatives earn. This is very unpleasant for them. After all, when a man doesn’t earn enough, he himself understands this very well and tries with all his might to change this situation. Therefore, you never need to irritate him again with your reminders and lectures.

How long the love between a man and a woman will last mainly depends on the two of them, on the understanding and interests of the two people. As it turned out, many men want their girlfriend to share their hobbies: she watches football, can carry on a conversation about all brands of cars, and always allows her to go fishing or hunting with friends.

Quite often, the main factor that men pay attention to when choosing a wife is the presence of hobbies that are interesting to both of them. But what is noteworthy is that many young people are ready to exchange a football fan just like them for an expert in the culinary arts. Do you think that the phrase “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” is greatly exaggerated? It's not like that at all! Every man who feels like the breadwinner in the family really wants a delicious dinner to always be waiting for him when he comes home.

A rather important factor is the first impression a girl makes. Representatives of the stronger sex believe that she simply must be bright, so that everyone in the crowd will look at her. Someone said that if a person is attracted to a girl whom he sees for the first time, this can naturally be called love at first sight, but most likely it is nothing more than a combination of gestures, facial expressions and smells. And the subconscious interprets them in its own way and gives the brain a signal about whether he likes the girl or not.

Men definitely don’t like girls with makeup on them, but at the same time they won’t like the so-called gray mice. So strive for the ideal - something in between the first and second options.

In general, it doesn’t matter at all what qualities a girl has. After all, each of them is an ideal for a specific man who is looking for her. And it doesn’t matter whether she’s blonde or brunette, tall or short, cheerful or serious. The main thing is that she does not pretend to be something that she actually is not. When a man loves, the weight and length of his beloved’s legs are not very important to him.

An ideal is a fickle thing that changes with the passage of years and experience. Appearance, intelligence and character are just fickle and temporary criteria that are not nearly as important as the internal content and connection between a man and a woman.

In a word, you realized that it is impossible to create a portrait of an ideal girl. But one thing is important for all men: that a woman loves him not for any specific qualities, such as materials, moral or physical, but simply because he exists and lives in this world.

Hello everyone, friends. Today I will try to talk about what an ideal girl should be like in the eyes of a man. . This article will be useful for both boys and girls. I'll tell you what kind of young lady a real man dreams of.

A few months ago I wrote an article about what a bitch is. If you haven't read it, be sure to read it.

Well, now let’s return to our topic and consider what an ideal woman should be like. And the first thing I want to say with confidence is that there is no girl on the planet who will be ideal for all guys. And it doesn’t matter who this woman is - a Hollywood star or a toilet cleaner.

From here we can draw another conclusion: every man sees the ideal of a woman in his own way. And even if he says that he likes a young lady who weighs 120 kg, or who is 20 years older than him, he will be right. And no one has the right to criticize or condemn him. Everyone represents their ideal differently. And the girl who seems ideal to me will not be ideal for another guy.

A single man should know which young lady he considers ideal for himself. He must decide for himself who he wants to find. I wrote about this in the article: “This needs to be done before you start dating!” If you have not yet done the “My Quality Girl” exercise, which I described in this article, then be sure to do it.

What should an ideal girl be like for a guy?

1 The ideal girl should inspire her man.
A guy will never date a girl if he doesn't feel sexual desire To her. A young lady should excite a guy with her figure and feminine energy.

Many men say: “I need clever woman“,” “I need a girl who will understand me,” “I need a girl who will develop,” this is all true, but he does not say the main thing: “I need a girl who will satisfy me in bed.” Well, how can he say that? It will look stupid from the outside.

I would like to ask a question to a man who says this: Just imagine, right now: you found a smart girl who is developing, who understands you, but the mere thought of having sex with her makes you feel bad. Will you date her? Of course not. You will tell her: “Sorry, you are very good and the right girl, but you're not my type."

This is our nature, and any man, first of all, looks at the figure of the young lady, and only then at other things. And there is no stereotype of a good or bad figure, again, to each his own.

2. The ideal girl should be faithful to one man.
I'm not saying that she should only have sex with one guy in her entire life and that's it. Or that she must remain a virgin until marriage. That's all, not that important. But if she has already chosen a guy for life, then she must remain faithful to him all the time. That's what I think, and I think most guys will support me.

3. An ideal woman should develop herself and not be fooled by a guy’s money.
Here it is also not necessary that she earn a lot. But a girl should do something, study somewhere, try to provide for herself, and not just sit at home, watch TV and say: “Why should I work? I will find myself a husband who will provide for me.” If a young lady thinks so, then she is no longer an ideal option for a man.

4. An ideal girl should think about her health and the health of her future children.
Nowadays, many guys don't like girls who smoke and drink. And indeed, I myself am disgusted when a woman stands with a cigarette. Well, okay, she doesn’t care about her health, but what about her children? Okay, let’s do without criticism today...

5. An ideal woman should understand and support a man.
When you want to do something, sometimes even you yourself are not sure that you will succeed. And it is very important that in difficult times your loved one has faith in you. And if a girl doesn’t care what you do, if she doesn’t believe in you, laughs, criticizes you, then she won’t ideal option for you.

These are the qualities that the ideal woman that guys dream about should have. Of course, a few more points could be added here, but I didn’t go into details, but wrote what is important for almost any guy.

And what do you think? What should an ideal girl be like?

This article is for those of you who, for some reason, cannot have serious relationships with men. Although there are plenty of examples around when the young ladies you know (and far from being beautiful!) have long been successfully happy with their men. What's the matter? Let's turn to the men themselves and find out what an ideal girl looks like through the eyes of a man. So, below are the summarized results of surveys of representatives of the stronger half of humanity themselves. Take it into service!

Let's start, of course, with the appearance. Men do not yet have telepathic abilities, so they cannot immediately discern your rich inner world; they have to rely on their eyesight when getting to know you. “A man loves with his eyes!” is a hackneyed, but still relevant phrase.

The appearance of a girl, and later of a mature woman, should, in the opinion of men, remain attractive even after 25 years of marriage. So the idea that for good luck with your acquaintance and the wedding that follows, you need to maintain excellent physical shape, and then you can relax and immerse yourself in the sweet nothing-not-doing-with-you about your appearance is fundamentally wrong. The correct thought: “A stupid woman watches her husband, a smart woman watches herself!”
So men are advised not to relax, to develop the habit of ALWAYS being in excellent physical shape, to take care of your appearance at any age, to forget about the “house” (that is, old patched) clothes that you wear at home - “Well, no one except She doesn’t see me as her husband or children!”

Think how nice it will be for your boyfriend, and then your husband, when a slim, youthful and stylish woman is ALWAYS by his side - at home, at a party, and on the street. dressed girl. But wouldn’t it be nice to catch the admiring glances of other men and the envious glances of women? Especially if your man keeps himself in excellent shape. In general, don’t get yourself into a state where, when people look at you two, they mutter under their breath: “Beauty and the Beast!”

The ideal girl through the eyes of men. Mind

Are you still sure that “men only want beautiful, stupid women?” Then it’s not surprising that they haven’t stopped yet Serious relationships with a normal man..."Silicon Zina" is needed today, perhaps only for one-time carnal pleasures by some narrow-minded man who has suddenly become rich. Are you happy with this role? (By the way, men are categorically not advised to get carried away with silicone and Botex. Such self-intervention may look good today, but how will it look in 5-6 years?... Swollen lips that have moved to one side and breasts of different sizes are unlikely to cause delight in a man, and you don’t need it either).
According to most men, a girl with an open book in her hands looks sexier than her friend in a mini skirt and a deep neckline! Did you know about this? So, the ability to maintain a conversation on various topics, without confusing Havana with Hawaii and dominoes with a dominant, will dramatically increase your rating when it comes to meeting a worthy man.

Advice: don't go overboard when demonstrating your IQ. A man may perceive this as an attempt to humiliate his mental abilities. Appreciating a woman's intelligence, he will not allow his ego to suffer! Maintain a reasonable balance and do not be like young ladies who simply overwhelm men with their intellect, showering them with sophisticated scientific terms even during foreplay to sex.

The ideal girl through the eyes of a man. Character traits

There is quite a wide range of options here - each man has his own preferences. But the most common ones are:


Well, everything is clear here. There are probably some men who are in awe of the ferocious fury who hates everything that surrounds her and kicks cute kittens that get in her way. But most prefer to see a kind and affectionate young lady next to them


Condescending towards their own numerous flirtations and hobbies, most men categorically do not accept this from their girlfriends, much less their wives. Almost everyone said that they were unlikely to forgive the girl’s betrayal.

Taking care of him, beloved

It is in the service that he is strict, brutal, courageous (continue the list yourself). And at home he happily turns into small child who likes care and attention. Fresh cutlets every day, fulfilling his whims when he is sick, an ironed suit and fresh shirts... Taking care of him, the only one...


We don’t live in Ancient Rus', there is no need to demonstrate the ability to stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. You need to be more feminine, ladies, more feminine. You are not a cool woman, you are a Girl with a capital G!


Stumbling for the 1001st time over his not-so-fresh socks scattered around the apartment, don’t start kicking out loud, followed by a showdown. Treat with understanding a man’s gloomy mood after troubles at work. Don't be nervous about him forgetting your mom's birthday. And so on. Patience and more patience.


Surprised? Let me explain. When he has big troubles (this happens, you know, in his life), a man really needs your support, so feel free to lend him your shoulder in difficult times, instead of smearing pity and sobbing in the corner of the apartment.

The ideal girl through the eyes of a man. What else should be present in it.

Caring for the future

Taking care of your health, and therefore the health of your future children. Therefore, categorical rejection of alcohol and tobacco abuse. A reasonable attitude towards money (the ability to save part of your earnings for future purchases, even better the ability to invest - in general, having at least a basic understanding of financial literacy), preparation for future family life.


The rating of girls who do not know how to cook deliciously and maintain order in the house is much lower than those for whom this is all familiar. Men reason simply: “If her parents did not teach and accustom her to do all this, then I will certainly not be able to change her!.. I will look for another!”


I mean, having a job. And it’s better to have your own business, even if it’s tiny. Freeloaders who sit on a spouse’s neck and demand more and more expenses for themselves disappear from a man’s life quite quickly. To put it simply, they break up with them. But if a young lady earns money on her own, even if she sits at home at the computer (which is generally ideal in the eyes of a man, she runs the household and brings a penny into the house!)

And smile one last time:

“A man writes to me today

-Let's get to know each other, honey! Don't look at the fact that I'm over 50... I'm a stud in bed!

-How is that, I ask? You neigh, kick and lose manure?..

Sent me to the “black list”.. He was probably offended...”

Each of us has a desire for ideal in our blood, and we strive to achieve it in everything: in our personal lives, in the sphere. Also, when choosing ours, we look for the ideal. It seems to everyone that having found the highest goal in their life, it will become easier and simpler. But no one asked the question about

Probably every representative of the fair sex from the very beginning early childhood We strive to be perfect. And most often this is done only to please a member of the opposite sex. But everyone knows that there is no universal criterion of ideality. How many people - so many opinions. If for one guy this is the height of perfection, then in the eyes of another it will not be such. From this we can conclude that the concept of “Ideal girl” is very subjective. If one guy likes a thin, slender brunette, then his friend, quite likely, has a desire to feed her quickly so that she gets better. In this world everything is relative. Also, do not forget about how old your betrothed is, where he studied, was born, and was raised. After all, this is why they say: “What is good for a German is death for a Russian...”. But still, what is the ideal girl like in the minds of a modern guy?

Criteria for choosing the ideal girl

1 criterion. Age. Most likely, this female representative has already graduated from university, and she is approximately 23-27. It is believed that at this age a girl is already independent and ready to make a thoughtful and important decision. Of course, relationships with younger girls are also possible, but most often they do not promise marriage, since such a girl has not yet lost the desire to “hang out”; she can easily be carried away by a new company or party. In addition, if she has not yet turned 18, then it is quite possible that she will be charged with “corruption of minors.” And this is definitely not the limit of dreams.

2 criterion. Education. In the guys' understanding, she should have a higher education. But, unfortunately, in our modern society, this is not available to everyone. In addition, you can be intellectual and educated without the treasured “red crust”. In this case, the most important thing is how you use your knowledge and your abilities. But we should not forget that men are of the opinion that a woman should not be smarter than themselves. From here we can conclude: the ideal girl for a guy is not just smart and educated, but also wise.

3 criterion. Appearance. Well, that goes without saying. An ideal girl simply must be beautiful, but her beauty must be natural. “War paint” does not attract a man, but rather scares him. After all, high-quality and correctly done makeup can completely change your face. Back in ancient times in Rus', people chose their betrothed near the bathhouse, because only there you can see the real face of a woman - without makeup. Also, one of the main conditions for a man is to look stronger than his chosen one. Therefore, beauties should not abuse heels. There are no problems with hair color either. Do men like blondes? Yes Easy. I went to the store and took the paint I needed.

4 criterion. Behavior. It has long been no longer a secret that absolutely every man wants his chosen one to treat him with respect, understand him, and admire him. And a man just needs to feel significant. He should take part in absolutely all issues related to everyday life, family, and your relationships. The ideal girl should understand all this, and under no circumstances hurt her betrothed. Also, alcohol, cigarettes and nightclubs do not fit into the concept of ideal.

5 criterion. Femininity. Every man wants the girl next to him to be well-groomed, neat, gentle and feminine. After all, he is looking for his beloved, and not a friend with whom he can drink beer in the evening. It is important to maintain femininity in any situation.

And the most important and basic criterion is Love. If a guy loves you, then you are beautiful to him with all the disadvantages and shortcomings. And if you are loved, that means you are ideal, and you should move through life with your head held high. It is about you that your loved one should say: “I feel good with her and I’m happy with her!”