Leo thick thoughts of wise people for every day. Leo Tolstoy - thoughts for every day Smart thoughts for the whole day

Brief, clear, intelligible and, most importantly, positive. Quotes from great people for every day will help you look at your own life a little bit from the outside. An unusual angle of view, a somewhat unusual interpretation, may help you understand and evaluate the events happening to you a little differently. Maybe they will help you understand yourself. Or maybe not. In any case, they will cheer you up - after all, that’s why they are positive quotes for every day :)

Happiness is not having what you want, but desiring what you have.

Miracles are where people believe in them, and the more they believe, the more often they happen.
Denis Diderot

Act as if you are already happy and you will actually become happier.
Dale Carnegie

Wherever you can live, you can live well.
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus

I've missed over 9,000 times in my career. I lost almost 300 matches. 26 times I was entrusted with making the decisive shot and I missed. I have failed very often in my life. That's why I succeeded.
Michael Jordan

Success is moving from failure to failure without losing enthusiasm.
Winston Churchill

If you're falling off a cliff into an abyss, why not try flying? What do you have to lose?
Max Fry, "The Chronicles of Echo"

Aim for the Moon... because even if you miss, you'll land on one of the stars
Les Brown

You are never given a desire without being given the strength to make it come true.
Richard Bach

When you really want something, the entire Universe will help make your wish come true.
Paulo Coelho

Well, have you received an additional positive charge? If it's not enough for you, let's continue. Positive quotes for every day will restore your self-confidence and give you answers to difficult questions. So here’s another portion of thoughts and sayings for inspiration and energy.

I think you should enjoy the race while you're on the horse.
Johnny Depp

If you don't make mistakes, it means you're not trying to do anything.
Coleman Hawkins

There are no disappointments in life - only lessons.
Jennifer Aniston

Everyone needs a chance to change for the better.
Jay Z

Without going too far, how do you know what you're capable of?
Thomas Stearns Eliot

If you hit the wrong note, continue playing without anyone noticing your mistake.
Joe Pass

You can't limit yourself. The more you dream, the more you will achieve.
Michael Phelps

Follow your heart. Be true to yourself. Never follow someone else's path, unless you get lost in the forest and find a path - then, of course, you should follow it.
Ellen DeGeneres

Keep your head high and swing your hips as you walk.
Christina Aguilera

I am grateful to fate for all my problems. As I overcame each one, I became stronger and more capable of solving the problems I had yet to face. Thanks to all these difficulties, I developed.
JC Penney

Remember that there is always more positive in life than negative. Sometimes all you need to do is take a fresh look at your life and realize that everything is in your hands. Make this your daily attitude, and let these positive statements serve as a kick (in a good way).

When you find yourself in a dead end, question everything except your ability to get out of it.
Twyla Tharp

Every problem is a chance to prove yourself.
Duke Ellington

Let bad times come and go. I enjoy every minute of the fight.
Mary Madsen

Do not worry. Do your work calmly, joyfully and carefree.
Henry Miller

You and only you are able to write the story of your life that you are destined to tell. And the world needs your story because it needs your voice.
Kerry Washington

In order to get what you want from life, it is absolutely necessary to take the first step: decide what exactly you want.
Ben Stein

To avoid criticism, you need to do nothing, say nothing and be nothing.
Elbert Hubbard

Life is a great value. It is given only once. Don't waste it on a bad relationship, a bad marriage, a bad job, bad people. Spend your life wisely doing what you want to do.
Eric Idle

There is no reason not to follow your heart.
Steve Jobs

You can't be a kid who stands on a water slide and thinks for a long time about what to do. You must go down the chute.
Tina Fey

A selection of positive quotes about love for inspiration and funny quotes about everything for a smile

It has long been known that in difficult situations one is guided by the experience of predecessors. There are even special books that offer wise thoughts for every day. But psychologists say that it is better to compile such a diary yourself.

Settings book

Today, almost everyone can find quotes and phrases to their liking very easily. People are guided in their choice by various factors. Some prefer thinkers who shocked the world with their innovative ideas. The latter like morals from parables or myths. Still others prefer clippings from their favorite books and sentences from the most beautiful films. Some copy something from the dialogues of politicians and business people.

Surely, one should start collecting wise thoughts for every day with the sayings of ancient Greek philosophers. For example, an expression from Aristotle will make your morning good. This man once noted: “To master your passions is to direct them into the right direction" Such a quote will remind a person that even desires that harm work, in reasonable hands, work for good.

Philosophy of Antiquity

Solon said brilliant things. This Greek, who was a politician and a poet, noted: “Wealth breeds glut, and glut breeds insolence.” These words will help you behave modestly all day, regardless of your financial status.

Wise thoughts can also be drawn from the work of the father of fables - Aesop. The legendary poet taught: “If you can prove something to someone with deeds, then why waste words?” Having analyzed this aphorism, the reader will remember that sometimes meaningless dialogues take much more time than doing work.

Many instructions for the day can be found in the quotes of Xenophanes. The philosopher noted: “In order to find a sage, you need to be smart yourself.” With this phrase, the man says that only in a conversation with learned man you can learn something new. But talking to a fool won't teach you anything.

Wise thoughts for every day of the week should also be sought in the works of the mystic and mathematician Pythagoras. This philosopher noted: “There is no need to chase happiness, since it always sits within ourselves.”

Phrases for managers

You can start your morning with aphorisms from successful politicians. Such phrases are especially important for people working in leadership positions who constantly deal with complex issues. Instructions from famous public figures often help to make right choice in various areas of life.

The great emperor, who was able to unite significant territories, noted: “It is better to be first in the village than to take second place in Rome.” This phrase will allow you to set priorities correctly and realize your place.

Wise thoughts were expressed more than once by the famous Frenchman Charles de Gaulle. He once said: “In politics you have to let down either your country or the electorate. I prefer the second option." This phrase will help you place emphasis, understand what you should fight for - for the common good or for the happiness of individuals.

American journalist and writer Mark Twain spoke about power. He noted: “During the reign one must be guided by formalities, but one can not pay attention to morality.” Everyone interprets this expression in their own way.

For the diary of a strong lady

Quotes will help you get into the right mindset fair half humanity. Aphorisms are especially useful for women who want to change their lives for the better.

The Iron Lady of Great Britain, Margaret Thatcher, managed to combine two personalities - a skillful politician and an elegant lady. She said: “A woman’s home, of course, should be the center of the world, but by no means its border.”

Wise thoughts immediately spread. Phrases from the charming Marilyn Monroe also gained enormous popularity. The actress and sex symbol of the era has repeatedly noted: “I am ready to live in a world ruled by men as long as they allow me to remain a woman.”

Coco Chanel was distinguished by her extraordinary talent, charisma and perseverance throughout her life. It is she who owns the expression: “There are no ugly women, but there are many lazy ones.” The standard of a real business lady, she always achieved her goal, so she repeatedly said: “Everything is in our hands. Therefore, they should not be omitted under any circumstances.”

Aphorisms of an amazing actress

The creativity of another person is unique. Wise thoughts for every day can be drawn from the work of the unsurpassed Faina Ranevskaya. This person is a holiday, comedy and drama in one person. Her statements more than once made those around her blush. The actress often said: “The Lord created a woman beautiful so that she could make a man fall in love with her, and stupid so that they themselves would feel something for the stronger sex.”

The actress also had her own opinion about marriage. The cinema genius noted: “Home and children replace everything for a person. Therefore, before deciding to take this step, you should think carefully about everything. What is more important to you - “everyone” or “family”. Faina said the following about heartfelt feelings: “Brains, pills and butts have a soul mate, but I was born whole.”

The actress also had an excellent understanding of the psychology of the opposite sex. She noted: “Men are always unlucky. Some women are not to their liking, others are too tough, others are too much for them.”

The aphorisms of this person are a mixture of humor and wisdom. They will be a great start to the day.

Collection for the strong half of humanity

Men can also collect their own collection of quotes. Their quotes should be based on light satire and irony. The aphorisms of the outstanding humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky are ideal for them. One of the artist’s most popular phrases is: “When arguing with a fool, think about it, maybe he’s doing the same thing.”

Smart thoughts for every day can give and folk art. For example, an excellent motivation for the rest of your life will be the phrase: “Not every owner is worth the loyalty that a dog gives him.”

Albert Einstein's phrases are unique. A theoretical physicist once noted that there are only two infinite things - the Universe and stupidity, although he was not sure about the first.

Collection of expressions from the screen

Inspire to work good mood and the expressions of your favorite movie characters can also be positive. The lines of characters from TV series and films sometimes make more sense than in books. The thoughts of wise people will help you find a solution to a complex problem. For example, one of the characters in the situational comedy How I Met Your Mother said: “It’s okay if your friends don’t like your friend. But it’s terrible when your beloved doesn’t respect your friends.”

Many interesting phrases and expressions belong to one of the most popular doctors in the world from the TV series “Scrubs”. A character in one of the scenes remarked: “How low is my self-esteem, if even in my own fantasies I only help the main character.”

The film “Revolver” is unique in its plot and content. Many quotes and phrases from this picture have become famous all over the world. But the slogan of the film gained the most popularity: “In order to become smarter, you need to play with a wiser opponent.”

Idol Quotes

For many people, their on-screen idols are their authority. And, indeed, people who have achieved general popularity know what to teach their supporters. You can start your work week with a phrase from the talented actress Angelina Jolie: “When you do something for someone just like that, from the heart, and don’t expect gratitude, then the deed is written down in the book of fate. And then they send you happiness that you never even dreamed of.” In turn, actor Keanu Reeves said: “I don’t need to be happy just to live.”

Wise thoughts for every day can be highlighted from the words of Steve Jobs. The engineering genius was sure: “Only perseverance distinguishes successful entrepreneurs from failures.” This man often made reasonable proposals when speaking to university graduates. In one of his speeches, he noted: “The only way to do great work is to love the work you do.”

The Wise World of a Writer

Of course, most of the phrases that inspire and give strength can be found in good books. Every person has his own favorite author, whose philosophy he understands without difficulty. Today, the Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho has become especially popular. His works sell millions of copies, and the whole world knows phrases from his works. The following quote helps to deal with life’s troubles: “If a person wishes for something, then the whole Universe will help make the dream come true.” Such thoughts of wise people every day become an impetus for the struggle for happiness.

The writer’s creativity is so limitless that there will be enough interesting, kind and inspiring quotes from his works for several months to come. In one of his books, the author noted that The best way to find something interesting is to get lost.

Some of his works are small parables that can also serve as wise guidance for a new day.

Own dictionary

It’s very simple to create a diary with expressions that will set you up for a positive wave. It’s worth devoting time to this activity at least sometimes, and within a few months you will have your own collection of interesting expressions.

The place to start collecting words of wisdom is from creativity that you are already familiar with. You can write out beautiful lines from your favorite song and poem. Later, people begin to create their own phrases. Maintain such a unique dictionary of interesting aphorisms, where it will be possible on the page in social network. Thus, not only you, but also your family will become familiar with unique quotes.

If you constantly put off this work, then remember the words of American entrepreneur and philanthropist Bill Gates: “Stop living as if you will last 500 years.”

Not only is despair a grave sin, it is also unpleasant. Depression may develop Bad mood, unwillingness to live, apathy. And the results of such conditions are various sores. Any disease is energy block, stagnation.

Therefore, rather than deal with the consequences of such unpleasant conditions later, it is better to prevent them. I have prepared a selection of tips and wise thoughts for every day. They will help you look at the situation globally or from a different angle, calm down and continue living. Or rather, simply reading them may not help, but putting them into practice will certainly help.

Be calm and serene, like a lotus flower at the foot of the temple.

  • Everything is as it is and will be as it will be.
  • In any situation, remember that this is the result of your own choice.
  • Instead of whining and complaining, take responsibility and change what you don’t like.
  • Every moment is unique.
  • Thought creates reality.
  • Everything made by human hands began with a thought.
  • What you put out is what you receive.
  • Energy does not come from outside and does not go anywhere.
  • The world is a mirror - it returns to you what you transmit into it.
  • Any situation in life can be changed simply by changing your attitude towards it.
  • There are no perfect people.
  • No one owes nothing to nobody.
  • Everyone has the right to their opinion, and if it does not coincide with yours, this is not a reason to be angry and indignant.
  • How you do something is how you do everything.
  • (how much you feel), so much outside (in your life).
  • If you are criticized, draw conclusions.
  • If the criticism is justified, take action. If it is unreasonable, think about how you caused it, how you irritate this person and how you can help him.
  • Life is wiser than us.
  • Do what you have to do and come what may.
  • Try to find something good in any situation.
  • Your life today is the result of your past thoughts.
  • Being angry is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to die.
  • 90% of problems resolve themselves if you reduce their importance.
  • Be careful what you wish for - they will come true. Don’t allow negative thoughts towards yourself and other people.
  • Give thanks for all the good things you have and you will receive even more.
  • This too shall pass.
  • Work it out.
  • Appreciate every moment, it is unique.
  • Don't rush to live, life is fleeting.
  • Speak kind, inspiring words to your loved ones more often. Praise the children.
  • Your body is the only place where you will spend your whole life. , appreciate, take care of him.
  • Get aesthetic pleasure: listen to music, surround yourself with beautiful things, contemplate nature.
  • Laugh every day.
  • Love and humor can work wonders.
  • You can do anything, you just have to want and put in the effort.
  • Success is 1% talent and 99% effort.
  • Whatever you believe in will work.
  • Daily small steps towards your goal are better than big ones, but only occasionally.

Write in the comments principles, sayings, quotes that help you stay afloat and not give up in difficult situations.

“During the serious illness of L. N. Tolstoy in January 1903, when his life hung by a thread and he could not devote himself to his usual work, he still found the strength to read the Gospel and, out of habit, every day tearing off the calendar that was in his bedroom, he read the collected there are sayings of various great people. But last year’s calendar came to an end, and Lev Nikolaevich, lacking anything else at hand, wanted to compose excerpts for himself from different thinkers for every day. Every day, while in bed, as much as his strength allowed, he made these extracts, and the result of this work was the book offered to readers.

This included selected thoughts of the following writers and sages: Epictetus, Diogenes, Marcus Aurelius, Socrates, Confucius, Buddha, Lao-Tse, Aristotle, Plato, St. Augustine and more modern ones: Pascal, Rousseau, Spinoza, Luther, Vauvenargues, Kant, Schiller, Bentham, Schopenhauer, Voltaire, Klinger, Thackeray, Dostoevsky, Vilmain, Ruskin, etc..».

"The Mediator", 1903

1st of January

One winter, Francis walked with his brother Leo from Peruza to Porzionkul; it was so cold that they were shivering from the cold, Francis called Brother Leo, who was walking ahead, and said to him: “Oh, Brother Leo, God grant that our brothers set an example of holy life throughout the whole earth; “Write down, however, that this is not complete joy.”

“And write down, brother Lev, that if our brothers heal the sick, cast out demons, make the blind see, or raise the dead for four days, write down that there will be no complete joy in this either.”

And, going even further, Francis said to Leo: “Write down again, brother Leo, that if our brothers knew all languages, all sciences and all scriptures, if they prophesied not only about the future, but knew all the secrets of the conscience and soul, “Write down that there is no complete joy in this either.”

Having gone even further, Francis again called Leo and said: “And write down again, brother Leo, sheep of God, that if we learned to speak in the tongues of angels, if we knew the course of the stars, and if all the treasures of the earth were revealed to us, and we knew If only all the secrets of the lives of birds, fish, all animals, people, trees, stones and waters, write down that this would not be complete joy.”

And, having walked a little more, Francis again called Brother Leo and said to him: “Write down also that if we were such preachers that we would convert all the pagans to the faith of Christ, write down that there would be no complete joy in this either.”

Then Brother Leo said to Francis: “What, Brother Francis, is perfect joy?”

And Francis answered: “But this is what. What if, when we come to Portsionküll, dirty, wet, numb from the cold and hungry, and ask to be let in, and the gatekeeper tells us: “Why are you tramps wandering around the world, seducing people, stealing the alms of poor people, get out of here?” ! - and will not open it to us. And if we then are not offended and with humility and love think that the gatekeeper is right, that God Himself inspired him to do this to us, and wet, cold and hungry we will stay in the snow and in the water until the morning without complaining about the gatekeeper, then, brother Leo , only then will there be complete joy.”

January 2

People find it difficult, worry and worry only when they are busy with external affairs that do not depend on them. In these cases, they anxiously ask themselves: “What will I do? Will something happen? What will come of this? How would this or that not happen? This happens to those who constantly worry about what does not belong to them.

On the contrary, a person who is busy with what depends on him and dedicates his life to the work of self-improvement will not worry himself so much. If he began to worry about whether he would be able to adhere to the truth and avoid lies, then I would say: calm down - what worries you is in your own hands; look only at your thoughts and actions and try to correct yourself in every possible way. Don’t say: “Will something happen?” Whatever happens, you will turn it into learning and benefit.

– What if I die fighting misfortune?

- Well, what? In that case, you will die the death of an honest man, doing what you should do. You still need to die, and death should find you doing something. I would be pleased if death found me doing something worthy of a person, doing something good and useful to all people; or that she would catch me while I was trying to correct myself. Then I could raise my hands to God and say to Him: “Lord! You know Yourself how much I took advantage of what You gave me to understand Your laws. Have I reproached you? Did you resent what happened to me? Have you shirked your duty? I thank You for the fact that I was born, for all Your gifts. I have used them quite a lot: take them back and dispose of them as You please - after all, they are Yours!

Could there be a better death? To survive to such a death, you do not need to lose much, although, it is true, you will gain a lot by doing so. If you want to keep what is not yours, then you will certainly lose what is yours.

Whoever wants to have success in worldly affairs does not sleep all night long, constantly fussing and fussing, falsifying strong people and generally acts like a vile person. And in the end, what did he achieve with all this? He achieved that he is surrounded with some honors, that he is feared and that, having become a boss, he controls some actions. Don’t you really want to work hard to free yourself from all such worries and sleep peacefully, fearing nothing and not suffering from anything? Know that such peace of mind does not come for free.


January 3

Whether our life ends with carnal death is a question of the greatest importance, and it is rare that a person does not think about it. Depending on whether we believe or not in eternal life, and our actions will be reasonable or senseless. Any reasonable act is necessarily based on confidence in the immortality of true life.

Therefore, our first concern should be to disassemble and understand what is immortal in life. Some people work hard to understand this for themselves. They recognize that their whole life must depend on it.

Other people, although they doubt immortality, are sincerely tormented by their doubt and consider it their greatest misfortune. They spare nothing just to find out the truth, tirelessly seek it and consider this the most important thing in their lives.

But there are also people who don’t think about it at all. Their carelessness when it comes to themselves surprises, outrages and frightens me.

(Vlas Pascal)

4 January

Judge not lest ye be judged. For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. And why do you look at the speck in your brother's eye, but do not feel the plank in your own eye? Or how will you say to your brother: Let me take the speck out of your eye, but there is a beam in your eye? Hypocrite! First take the beam out of your own eye, and then you will see how to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

(Mm. VII, 1–5)

It is easy to notice the errors of others, but difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.

A person is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.

(Buddhist wisdom)

Do not judge your neighbor until you are in his place.


5 January

One thing we know, or can know if we want, namely, that the heart and conscience of man are divine, that in the denial of evil and the recognition of good, man himself is an incarnate deity; that his joy in love, his suffering in anger, his indignation at the sight of injustice, his glory in self-sacrifice, are eternal, indisputable proofs of his unity with the supreme Sovereign; that in this, and not in bodily advantages and not in a greater variety of instincts, he himself is the ruler over the lower animate world. Since he denies or violates the dictates of his heart and conscience, he dishonors the name of the heavenly Father, and does not sanctify His name on earth; since he follows them, he sanctifies His name and receives from the fullness of His power.

(John Ruskin)

6th January

One whose faith is weak cannot arouse faith in others.


The sin of the whole world is, in essence, the sin of Judas. People do not disbelieve in their Christ, but sell Him.

(John Ruskin)

Jan. 7

Whoever has laid down his life in the light of understanding and serves it, there can be no desperate situations in life, he does not know the torment of conscience, is not afraid of loneliness and does not seek noisy society - he has a higher life, does not run away from people and does not chase after them. He is not confused by thoughts about how long his spirit is imprisoned in a fleshly shell; the actions of such a person will always be the same, even in view of his imminent death. For him, one concern is to live wisely in peaceful communication with people.

(Marcus Aurelius)

January 8

The pious, the people of action, say: glory to our youth, which has not disgraced our old age.

The penitents say: glory to our old age, redeeming our youth.

But both of them say: it is good for him who is sinless, but for those who have sinned, repent, correct yourself, and you will be forgiven.


January 9

A person standing on tiptoes cannot stand for long. A person who exposes himself cannot shine. He who is satisfied with himself cannot become famous. He who boasts cannot have merit. He who is proud cannot rise. Before the court of reason, such people are like waste food and are disgusted by everyone. Therefore, he who has understanding does not rely on himself.


January 10

He who hates his neighbor, as it were, sheds human blood.


The one whose anger has no boundaries, the one who is entwined with it like a dodder, will soon lead himself to where only his worst enemy would like to push him.

Freshly strained milk does not sour, an evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, but like a fire buried in warmth, it gradually burns and torments the madman.

(Buddhist wisdom)

January 11

And so someone came up and said to Him: Good Teacher! What good thing can I do to have eternal life? Jesus said to him: if you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come and follow Me.

(Mm. XIX, 16. 21)

How insensitive and indifferent a rich man can be to the grief of others.


January 12

If you have done evil to your neighbor, even if it is small, consider it great, but if you have done him great good, consider it of little importance; Consider a small kindness shown to you by others to be great.

The blessing of God will descend on the one who gives to the poor; a double blessing rests on the one who meets and sees him off kindly.


13th of January

The straight path or rule of behavior that must be followed is not far from people. If people set themselves a rule of behavior that is far from them, that is, that does not agree with their nature, then it should not be accepted as a rule of behavior. A carpenter hewing an ax handle has before him a model of what he is doing. Taking in his hands the ax handle of the ax he is using, he looks at it from both sides and, after making a new ax handle, examines both of them to see how similar they are; so a wise man, who has the same feelings for others as he has for himself, finds the right rule of behavior. He does not do to others what he does not want done to him.


January 14

Every creature benefits not only from everything that is sent to it by Providence, but also at the very time when it is sent.

(Marcus Aurelius)

Oh, how happy we are, living without hatred of those who hate us; how happy we are if we live among those who hate!..

Oh, how happy we are, free from greed among the greedy. Among people consumed by greed, we live free from it!..

Oh, how happy we are, not calling anything ours. We are like the bright gods, imbued with holiness!..

(Buddhist wisdom)

January 15

Simplicity of life, language, and habits gives strength to a nation, while luxury of life, pretentiousness of language and effeminacy of habits lead to weakness and destruction.

(John Ruskin)

True political economy is one that teaches people not to desire, but to despise and destroy everything that leads to destruction.

(He's the same)

January 16

The horse is saved from the enemy by its fast running, and it is unhappy not when it cannot crow like a rooster, but when it has lost what it was given - its fast running.

The dog has a sense; when she is deprived of what is given to her - her flair, she is unhappy, and she is not unhappy when she cannot fly.

In the same way, a person becomes unhappy not when he cannot overcome a bear or a lion, or evil people, but when he loses what he has been given - kindness and prudence. Such and such a person is truly unhappy and worthy of pity.

It’s not a pity that a person was born or died, that he lost his money, house, estate: all this does not belong to a person. It’s a pity when a person loses his true property - his human dignity.


January 17

The whole world is subject to a single law, and all rational beings have a single mind. The truth is one, and for reasonable people the concept of perfection is also one.

(Marcus Aurelius)

All good things are nothing before the good of truth; all sweets are nothing before the sweetness of truth; the bliss of truth immeasurably surpasses all joys.

(Buddhist wisdom)

January 18

Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will wear. Is not the life more than food, and the body than clothing?

(Mm. VI, 25)

Don't worry about tomorrow, because you don't know what else will happen today.

Who has bread in a basket and says, “What will I eat tomorrow?” - he belongs to those of little faith.

He who created the day will also create food for it.


January 19

When a sage adheres to the law of virtue, he hides it from the eyes of people and does not regret that it is not known to anyone.


False shame is the devil's favorite weapon. He achieves more with it than even with false pride. With false pride he only encourages evil, and with false shame he paralyzes good.

(John Ruskin)

January 20th

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts: it is born in our heart, it comes from our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with an evil thought, suffering relentlessly follows him, like a wheel following the heel of an ox pulling a cart.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts: it is born in our heart, it is created by our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.

“He offended me, he triumphed over me, he enslaved me, he insulted me,” hatred will never fade away in a heart alarmed by such thoughts.

“He offended me, he triumphed over me, he enslaved me,” - whoever does not give refuge to such thoughts will forever drown out hatred in himself.

For what comes from hatred is not overcome by hatred: it is quenched by love - such is the eternal law.

(Buddhist wisdom)

January 21

He who is ashamed of the shameless and not ashamed of the shameless, following a false opinion, enters the evil path of destruction.

(Buddhist wisdom)

A commendable trait in a person is modesty, for a shy person will not soon sin.


January 22

What strength is there in a person who always acts according to the will of God and is submissive to Him in everything!

(Marcus Aurelius)

The essence of love for God lies in the soul’s desire and attraction to the Creator in order to merge with His highest light.


January 23

Everything that people admire so much, everything that they worry and fuss so much about to acquire, all this does not bring them the slightest happiness. While people are busy, they think that their good is in what they strive for. But as soon as they get what they want, they again begin to worry, lament and envy what they do not yet have.

And this is very understandable, because freedom is not achieved by satisfying one’s idle desires, but, on the contrary, by ridding oneself of such desires.

If you want to be sure that this is true, then put at least half as much effort into freeing yourself from your empty desires as you have hitherto spent on their fulfillment, and you will soon see that in this way you will receive much more peace and happiness .

Leave the company of rich and powerful people; stop pleasing noble and powerful people and imagining that you can get anything you need from them. Seek, on the contrary, from righteous and reasonable people what you can get from them and, I assure you, you will not leave them empty-handed if you only come to them with a pure heart and good thoughts.

If you don’t take my word for it, then at least for a while try to get close to such people, try to take at least a few steps towards true freedom. And then decide for yourself where you are drawn more: to good and freedom or to evil and slavery. There is nothing shameful in such an experience. Test yourself...


January 24

Be truthful even towards a child: fulfill what you promise to him, otherwise you will teach him to lie.


Never teach a child anything that you yourself are not sure of, and if you want to instill something in him tender years so that the purity of childhood and the power of the first combinations imprint this on him, then be careful most of all that it is not a lie, which you yourself know is a lie.

(John Ruskin)

The 25th of January

And when they came to the place called the forehead, they crucified Him and the villains there, one on the right and the other on the left. Jesus said: Father! forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.

(Luke XXIII, 33–34)

The human soul does not voluntarily, but by force, turn away from truth, moderation, justice and goodness; The more clearly you understand this, the more meekly you will treat people.

(Marcus Aurelius)

January 26

Can you reasonably be indignant at a person who is possessed by some disgusting disease? How is it his fault that you are disgusted by his presence? Treat moral illnesses in the same way.

“But,” you say, “man has a mind with the help of which he can recognize his vices.” It's right. Consequently, you also have reason and can, through reasonable behavior, bring your neighbor to an awareness of your shortcomings; so show your reason, manage to awaken a person’s conscience and heal his blindness without anger, impatience and arrogance.

(Marcus Aurelius)

January 27

In comparison with the world around him, man is nothing more than a weak reed; but he is a reed, gifted with understanding.

One little thing is enough to kill a person. And yet man is above all creatures, above everything earthly, because even when he dies he will realize with his mind that he is dying. A person can realize the insignificance of his body before nature. Nature is not aware of anything.

Our entire advantage lies in our ability to reason. Understanding alone elevates us above the rest of the world. Let us value and support our understanding, and it will illuminate our whole life, show us what is good and what is evil.

(Vlas Pascal)

28 January

He who subsequently covered up his former evil deeds with good ones shines in this dark world like a moon on a cloudy night.

(Buddhist wisdom)

It is good for a person who repents of sins while he is still courageous.

Repent before your strength leaves you, add oil before the lamp goes out.


January 29

The truth in nothing is learned by talking, but only by work and observation. And when you master one truth, the other two will probably appear before you as beautiful as the first leaves of dicotyledonous plants.

(John Ruskin)

Childhood often holds in its weak fingers a truth that people cannot hold with their courageous hands and the discovery of which is the pride of later years.

(He's the same)

January 30

He who imagines truth in lies and sees lies in truth will never comprehend the truth and will rush in vain in delusions.

But the one who saw the lie in the lie and knew the truth in the truth is already close to the truth, and his path is correct.

Just as rain uncontrollably penetrates into a poorly covered building, so passions easily penetrate into a heart that is not protected by reflection.

(Buddhist wisdom)

January 31

Art is only in its proper place when it is subordinated to utility. His task is to teach, but to teach lovingly; and it is shameful, and not sublime, when it only pleases people, and does not help them discover the truth.

(John Ruskin)

People who speak colorfully and skillfully, with a pleasant manner, rarely possess the virtue of philanthropy.

(Chinese wisdom)

In his lectures, Vladimir Nabokov used the following technique. He closed all the curtains in the room, achieving complete darkness. “In the firmament of Russian literature, this is Gogol,” and at the end of the hall a lamp flashed. “This is Chekhov,” another star lit up on the ceiling. “This is Dostoevsky,” Nabokov flipped the switch. “But this is Tolstoy!” - the lecturer threw open the drapery of the window, and the room was flooded with blinding sunlight.

He was the first to renounce copyright, was an opponent of the state system, and was excommunicated for rejecting religious authorities. He refused the Nobel Prize, hated money and took the side of the peasants. No one had ever known him like this. His name is Leo Tolstoy.

Lev Nikolaevich left us 165,000 sheets of manuscripts, full meeting works in 90 volumes, wrote 10 thousand letters. Throughout his life he searched for the meaning of life and universal happiness, which he found in in a simple word- good.

“Thoughts for Every Day” by Leo Tolstoy

They say that man is not free because everything he does has a cause that precedes it in time. But a person always acts only in the present, and the present is outside of time; it is only the contact of the past and the future, and therefore at the moment of the present a person is always free.

Don't worry about tomorrow, because there is no tomorrow. There is only now; live for it, and if yours is good today, then it will always be good.

People grow only through trials. It is good to know this and thus accept the sorrows that befall us, to lighten our cross by willingly putting our backs under it.

If you recognize life not in the body, but in the spirit, then there is no death, there is only liberation from the body.

We recognize something in the soul that is not subject to death. Just separate in your thoughts what is not bodily, and you will understand what does not die in you.

We have no right to be dissatisfied with this life. If it seems to us that we are dissatisfied with her, then this only means that we have reason to be dissatisfied with ourselves.

A person truly knows the law of God only when he does what he considers to be the law of God.

There are responsibilities to one’s neighbor, and every person has a responsibility to himself, to the spirit that lives in him.

Drive away from yourself everything that prevents you from seeing your connection with all living things.

The need to recognize God is felt most clearly when we abandon Him and forget Him.

Don't worry about others loving you. Love and you will be loved.

It's a human thing to justify one's sin - it's a devilish thing to sin.

The sexual feeling in all animals and in man is invested for the great task of procreation, and therefore it is a sin to think that this feeling is given to man only for pleasure.

The real self of a person is spiritual. And this is me in all of them. So how can people not be equal to each other?

Only someone who does not believe in God can believe that people like himself can arrange his life so that it is better.

Murder is always murder, no matter who authorizes it, and no matter what its justification; and therefore those who kill, or prepare to kill, are criminals, no matter what they are called.

The true law of God can only be that law that is the same for all people.

It is not shameful or harmful not to know. We cannot know everything, and it is shameful and harmful to pretend that you know what you do not know.

Only those who constantly think about it can live a good life.

Learn to see the good in all people, just not in yourself, and also learn to judge only yourself, and not other people.

The sage was told that he was considered a bad person. He answered: it’s good that they don’t know everything about me, they wouldn’t have said anything else.”

Don't praise yourself, don't judge or argue. All the beginnings of sins are in thoughts.

I live well - I write, I’m in a hurry, maybe I’m wrong, to say before death what I know and consider necessary. Kisses. you. Loving you L.T.