How to become a foreman at a factory. Olga Paratnova: What issues concern modern leaders. What education should a site foreman have?

Alexander Tyshchenko, expert and speaker at INTALEV Academy of Management events, answered popular questions that executives of Russian companies come to the master class “5 steps to working KPIs. How to increase business efficiency."

Will the implementation of a KPI-based management system solve all the problems in the company?

The KPI system is just one of the tools for building an effective management system. Is it possible to build a house with one ax? Yes, you can. But this will be a long and ineffective process. To optimize construction, it is necessary to use other tools. Is it possible to build a house without an axe? Yes it is possible, but it will also be ineffective. It is necessary to use as many tools as possible to optimize enterprise management processes.

Is it possible to build an effective personnel incentive system without developing a KPI system?

It can be built, but will it work? Will it encourage staff to complete their assigned tasks? The KPI-based incentive system has repeatedly proven its validity and effectiveness. But we need to be careful; inept actions with an ax can lead to the fact that instead of building a house, we will lose an important part of the body. When creating an incentive system, it is important to follow a phased approach and maximum involvement of employees in the development, discussion and approval of a new incentive system. The right approach allows not only to remove the effect of workers’ aversion to innovations, but also to set them up to expect a new “fair” system of remuneration for work. Therefore, it is important to participate in such projects not only of economists, analysts, programmers, but also of HR department employees.

Is it possible to start a KPI development project if there is no clearly defined goal?

No project should begin without a clearly defined goal. The KPI tree is based on an integral result - the goal of the company's activities. It is from the integral that the construction of a tree of indicators begins, the “unpacking” of goals for the rest of the company’s employees. Before starting to develop a KPI management system, you should hold a strategic session at which you need to:

  • approve the company's mission;
  • develop/update a goal for the medium and long term;
  • determine a strategy for achieving your goals.

How to convey to the owner the need to implement a KPI-based management system?

"Water wears away stones." In some cases, negotiations on the development of technical specifications for a project drag on for several years. It is important to understand what stage of development the company is in, how much labor and financial resources will be required to implement the project, and what the outcome will be.

It is also necessary to recognize that due to the mentality of a Russian entrepreneur, he would rather “break the woods” and “get into trouble” himself than turn to professionals/consultants. In Russia, 30 times (!) less money is spent on consulting than in the USA. It is not surprising that their enterprise efficiency is much higher than in Russia.

Why are projects to implement a management system through KPI not implemented?

  • There are no clearly formulated goals, vision, mission of the company;
  • Resistance of management, which is accustomed to living in conditions of “muddy water”, lack of planned indicators and responsibility for achieving them;
  • Lack of interest of the owner in the implementation of the project: “something needs to be done, we’ll try, and then we’ll see...”
  • There is a “mosaic” approach to developing KPIs, when key performance indicators are described by department, and then they try to “glue” it into a single system. With this approach, indicators located at the “junctions” between departments often do not fall into the area of ​​responsibility of a specific performer, or two or more employees are assigned responsibility for the same indicator (in fact, no one is responsible). It is these points that are the “bottlenecks” in the company and the points of serious losses. Important A complex approach to the development of a KPI system, from the integral to the lowest level indicator.

How long does it take to develop and implement a KPI system?

The key stage of the project lasts 4-12 weeks. A properly developed KPI system in connection with a material incentive system is a self-improving, developing system. If an employee is interested in fulfilling planned key indicators, he tries to decompose factors to lower levels, establish control over them, or delegate responsibility to subordinates or related departments. Regulations, regulations, and orders are being formed to control processes. The tree of indicators is “growing”. The efforts of employees are directed to the “bottlenecks”, where the main losses occur, after which new ones appear, requiring further measures to correct the situation.


The Council of Masters at PJSC AAK "PROGRESS", the leading enterprise of the Primorsky regional branch of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, plays an important role in the production process. Possessing organizational skills, site foremen can manage the production process quite effectively, which leads to plan implementation and high quality indicators.

What changes have occurred in the Council of Masters over the past year, and how work is carried out among the personnel, was told by the Chairman of the Council of Masters of Progress, member of the Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia, Deputy Director of Production for Work with Personnel, Tatyana Deeva.

- Tatyana Anatolyevna, what role is currently assigned to the craftsmen at the enterprise?

It is the production foreman who must competently and effectively manage the work entrusted to him. labor collective and the production site. He must properly structure work with personnel and organize it, thereby achieving high technical and economic indicators while fulfilling the production program. The result of the work of the production site and the workshop as a whole largely depends on the foreman. After all, the master is actually locked into production. He works in the given system that is determined for him by top management, while, of course, he himself must take the initiative in order to complete the assigned tasks.

- What changes have occurred in the composition of the Presidium of the Council of Masters?

Due to the transfer of some members of the presidium to new positions and new divisions, changes occurred in the composition of the Council of Masters. The head of production preparation came up with a proposal to replace Roman Koval, who was previously on the presidium and left for a promotion, with Denis Tovpeko, production foreman of the slipway equipment workshop. And Vitaly Mitrofanovich Polyakov retired. Thus, now the presidium of the Council of Masters includes ten masters: Yuri Aleynik, Yuri Ivanov, Irina Zlobina, Natalia Ukrainian, Olga Nikeitseva, Vasily Prokhvatilov, Vladimir Stasinets, Alexander Frolov, Lyudmila Tarasova, Denis Tovpeko.

- How is the work of the presidium structured?

The work is structured in accordance with the structure of the management organization of the Council of Masters, where issues are divided and resolved by sector. Previously, each sector was assigned a member of the presidium, who is part of the presidium of the Council of Masters and clearly leads his own direction assigned to him. But since last year, changes have been made to the work in this direction; now members of the presidium are assigned to production workshops. Assemblers supervise assemblers, mechanical assembly production supervises machining shops, production preparation supervises their workshops, PCM and rubber goods production supervises their own, mechanics supervise the chief mechanic service, and auxiliary production has its own supervisor of production foremen. Now they all resolve issues in sectoral areas, be it organization of production, mentoring, advanced training, labor motivation and others within the framework of their production. This has become much more convenient for both other craftsmen and workers. The loss of working time has been reduced, there is no need to go to another production and look for someone responsible for the required sector, and people have more trust to a person familiar to him, rather than to an outside master who came to solve his problem.

- Recently, all work stations of craftsmen have been equipped with electronic modules “Production Issues”. How does this help them in their work?

The idea of ​​creating the “Production Issues” module began with the concept of developing the production system of the Russian Helicopters holding company last year. Based on this concept, an action plan was developed, the first point of which is the creation of a “chain of help” for the company’s employees, the main goal of which is to effectively resolve any production issue in the most expeditious way.

At the first stage of the launch, the “Production Issues” module was tested at the cutting section in the blanking and stamping shop, and then it was partially modernized and brought to the level of the entire workshop. Today it is a semblance of an electronic notebook with elements of deadlines and performance discipline. Everything works quite simply: any employee of the department can send a request indicating a specific deadline to any service - PDB, BTK, BTZ or technology bureau. And the recipient has the opportunity to either appoint an executor from among the service’s employees, or transfer the issue to another structural unit if it is not within the competence of this service.

IN currently employees of the blanking and stamping shop are already actively using this module, writing their requests, and tracking the process of solving them. In particular, the program helps to quickly resolve issues related, for example, to ensuring production or equipment operation. For department employees, the module is a tool that allows them to contribute to the improvement of production and organizational processes and thereby increase the efficiency of their work and receive feedback from enterprise managers.

Moreover, all questions are collected, classified and a kind of certificate is created, which indicates all the questions asked of a production nature and the answers to them. By viewing the service dialogue, the master can find the answer to his question without even asking it.

- What changes have appeared in the issue of motivation of workshop groups?

Work continues to motivate employees - in accordance with the Regulations on the Master's Fund, the best workshop group based on production indicators is awarded a bonus. Thus, based on the results of February 2018, according to production indicators became the best: group of master Evgeniy Dumbrovsky (mechanical shop), Alexey Ivanov (metalwork and welding shop), Yuri Aleynik (blanking and stamping shop), Dmitry Yakovenko (aggregate and assembly shop), Irina Zlobina (control testing and electrical systems shop), Lyudmila Zelenaya (workshop for the production of electrical installation parts of aircraft) and further through the workshops.

In March last year, at the presidium of the Council of Craftsmen, a decision was made to reward craftsmen whose groups were recognized as the best workshop group; previously, the bonus fund was distributed only among workers. In the competitive process between master groups, the master plays an important role, and thus we decided to reward him too.

- Last year, a large project “School of Masters” was launched. Did this training bring results?

Yes, definitely. The school of craftsmen yielded results, and the masters who completed the training began to use new tools in the workplace, which significantly increased the level of production culture and labor protection, qualifications, and most importantly, the quality of the products. In four months, more than half of the planned 120 people completed training; the rest will attend the “School of Masters” this year.

The masters gained knowledge in the field of economics, industrial relations, psychology, enterprise structure, planning, learned to work with the PROGRESS automated control system database, acquired skills in the basics of lean production, development of the production system, and basic aspects of labor legislation.

Today, craftsmen are involved not only in the production of products, but also in activities for the reconstruction of workshops. Distractions from direct responsibilities occur quite seriously, which imposes a double amount of work and a burden of responsibility.

- What are your future plans?

Last year, in the main production, a planned certification of the workshop staff was carried out for compliance with the position held in accordance with STO-317, where, in order to increase the efficiency of the certification process, at the initiative of the production director, changes were made to the certification process - a workplace certification procedure was introduced. When carrying out this procedure at the workplace, the master more clearly shows the level of his professional competencies, and the members of the commission form an assessment of the certified person informally. So to speak, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. This practice will be continued this year. Also this year, together with the trade union organization of the enterprise, we want to launch competitions among the teams included in the group’s workshops. The enterprise has large workshop groups, especially in assembly production, which are internally divided into teams. All interested teams will take part in the competition, and the master team will take direct part. Regulatory documents are currently being formed and regulations on holding competitions are being developed.

- How are preparations going for the reporting and election conference?

This year the reporting and election conference of the Council of Masters will be held in September. We have already begun preparations. Questions of interest to the craftsmen are collected by production departments, and we prepare a report on the work done over the past period, since the conference is held every two years. And traditionally, in addition to production issues, the agenda will include the issue of re-election of the presidium of the Council of Masters.

At any catering enterprise there is a person who is responsible for absolutely all processes occurring in production. There is a big burden on his shoulders, but he fulfills his duties with honor.

The profession of a technologist implies not only hard work, but also limitless opportunities for introducing new ideas and initiatives, flights of creative imagination, as well as enormous prospects for career growth.

Professional responsibilities

The description of the responsibilities of a technologist will take many lines, since more and more new ones are added to them every year. Previously, catering establishments were subject to fewer requirements than today. Therefore, the presence of a technologist at each of them was optional. The recipes have not changed for years, and practically no new dishes have been introduced. The cooks simply cooked according to established schemes, and the production manager dealt with the paperwork.

IN modern world in conditions of fierce competition, it is impossible to do without a technologist, since it depends on him how popular a cafe, canteen, restaurant will become among consumers, and what income they will generate.

The main responsibilities of a food service technician or engineer include:

  • development of new dishes and preparation of technological cards for them;
  • drawing up a work schedule for all workshops in production;
  • quality control of manufactured products;
  • study of the catering services market;
  • distribution of responsibilities among staff;
  • study and implementation of new technologies;
  • monitoring the serviceability of equipment and the availability of necessary inventory;
  • organizing the supply of raw materials for production;
  • work with documents;
  • monitoring compliance with sanitation and hygiene standards;
  • organization of banquets and presentations;
  • development of a plan for the reconstruction of production workshops.


You can study to become a production technician at a college or technical school. The process can take from three to five years. At the same time, you initially need to obtain a specialty as a cook and pastry chef, and only then can you become a production technician. Without knowledge of recipes and the principles of cooking, training in this profession will be inappropriate. Upon completion of a special educational institution, a fifth category is assigned. After this, you can work as a technologist or manager. production in any public catering establishment (restaurant, cafe, canteen), as well as in meat processing plants, canning factories, fish processing shops, dairies, shops for the production of semi-finished products.

In addition to the specifics of cooking, future food service technicians and engineers study subjects such as:

  • physiology of nutrition;
  • microbiology;
  • sanitation and hygiene;
  • foreign service;
  • chemistry (organic, inorganic, analytical and physical colloid);
  • biochemistry;
  • organization of enterprises;
  • processes and devices;
  • equipment;
  • merchandising;
  • management;
  • marketing;
  • basics of economics;
  • standardization and metrology;
  • psychology of business relationships.

One becomes a process engineer after graduating from a higher educational institution. The amount of knowledge gained in this case will be much greater, but it will also take 5–6 years to master the profession. After graduating from a university, technological engineers can not only work in their specialty, but also engage in teaching. In addition, they will be happy to be seen in laboratories at large plants and factories as research assistants.

The curriculum, in addition to the above subjects, includes such disciplines as engineering graphics, thermal engineering, electrical engineering, and theoretical mechanics. At the end of the educational process, the process engineer receives the title of chef of the sixth category.

Work and career

Without experience, organizing the work of a catering enterprise will be quite difficult. Therefore, even with an education, in a small cafe or restaurant a specialist first has to show his professional skills by working as a cook. Having shown sufficient initiative and zeal in working in a relatively short terms, you can become a chef and technologist rolled into one. Over time, such a specialist can grow to become a manager or director of a company operating in the catering industry.

At large enterprises, a novice process engineer will first have to be an assistant to a more experienced colleague. Then afterwards he proceeds to independent execution their immediate responsibilities. As you climb the career ladder, you can become chief technologist, production manager, deputy director or director of an enterprise.

The main advantage of working as a technologist is the opportunity to do what you love while receiving a decent salary. An important fact: you have to spend your entire life learning and improving your skills, discovering new horizons and introducing innovative ideas.

Another positive point is the high demand for technicians and process engineers in connection with the opening large quantity cafes, restaurants, supermarkets, meat, poultry and fish processing shops.

Personal qualities

To work in any catering establishment, you must have certain skills personal qualities. A process engineer must have an excellent memory, pronounced Creative skills, excellent aesthetic taste. Communication skills and the ability to find reasonable compromises are needed to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team. However, the technologist and engineer must be as demanding as possible of their subordinates. The ability to think quickly and creatively will be useful in the event of force majeure circumstances.

An engineer or production technician must have a highly developed sensitivity to the subtlest shades of smell and taste. The ability to visually determine how much a product weighs is highly valued. Having organizational skills will make it easy to establish the flawless operation of all departments of a public catering enterprise.

Another main criterion for the professionalism of a process engineer is excellent physical endurance, since to achieve good results he often has to work beyond normal limits, stay on his feet or in a sitting position for a long time, stay in rooms with high or low temperatures, as well as in places with high humidity. Therefore, people with diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive system, musculoskeletal system and respiratory organs are recommended to opt for another specialty. Persons who have a source of chronic infection in their body are strictly prohibited from working at a catering establishment.

In order to become a true professional in your field, you must devote yourself completely to your work. You need to exchange experiences with colleagues, read articles, follow the latest in the culinary and confectionery industry on the Internet, subscribe to specialized publications, attend exhibitions and professional competitions - then the result will not be long in coming!

Why women should be praised more often than men; what tone to give orders and other subtleties that will not be taught in any business school.

Effective leadership of people requires specific skills that, unfortunately, are not developed in everyday life. The formula is simple: lack of management skills = lack of effective leadership. And if you do not adhere to this axiom, your work in a leadership position will become torture both for your subordinates and for you personally. Using these tips, you will learn how to do it quickly, clearly, and effectively.

  1. People don’t work on their own; they need to be put to work. It is difficult for a person to start in the morning, and later – when he has already “got into a rut” – to stop. Therefore, in the morning and afternoon, train yourself to go around workplaces, and with your presence encourage your subordinates to start working. Ensure that subordinates go out for lunch and leave workplace no later than indicated in their schedule (provided there are no emergency situations). This way, you will protect employees from overwork, which is a kind of error prevention.
  2. Follow this algorithm: first distribute or confirm tasks and only then begin to complete your own tasks. Don't make your subordinates wait for your tasks, it will irritate them!
  3. Instructions regarding tasks should be voiced as clearly, loudly, and directively as possible. They should be radically different from the usual conversational manner. Those repaired should not think and discuss what “it was” - a task, a wish, a joke of humor.
  4. Plan your work for tomorrow. Set aside a specific time to complete this task, for example, from 14:00 to 15:00. And then at 15:00 you should already know exactly who will be doing what tomorrow.
  5. Separate those who are working from those who are not, as one loitering person can distract up to six others from their work. Those who are not working must be taught to hide. Make a rule: when you meet a slacker, give him the most unpleasant, dirty and stupid task.
  6. Monitor the organization of the work rhythm. Urge those who are too slow and hold back those who are too hasty. It is your responsibility to create balance. If you don’t encourage the team, then people will use their unspent energy on the side: drinking, partying, re-educating their wife, losing personal and other people’s property in gambling. But if you push the team too hard, then you will face mistakes that are expensive and difficult to correct.
  7. Apply the carrot and stick rule. Demonstrate publicly that you keep track of all the shortcomings and merits of your subordinates. Know how to praise, if necessary: ​​this motivates the employee and shows him that his work is appreciated. And use the whip when behavior is not as expected. This technique develops discipline. Academician Ivan Pavlov, experimenting on dogs, found that the ideal proportion between reward and punishment is 7 to 1.
  8. Do not approach your subordinates with your help if the situation does not require it. Remember that your main task is to organize the work in such a way that it is completed without your direct participation. After all, as I said Karl Marx: “If you want to influence other people, then you have to be a person who really stimulates and moves other people forward.”
  9. Women should be praised especially often. Women's bodies are designed in a very successful way for management: the more you praise and demonstratively appreciate them, the better they work. Always use this technique. The method of gifts and treats is also suitable. Don't be greedy: give each woman one tangerine a month or a piece of candy - and the results will exceed your wildest expectations.
  10. Don't be shy about reminding people that they came to work to work. People, unfortunately, forget about this if you don’t remind them at least once a week. Do this as correctly and politely as possible.
  11. On Friday, write down what you need to start your working Monday with: you will save at least an hour of working time. Over the course of a two-day weekend, operational tasks go somewhere to the back of my mind and don’t come up right away.
  12. Learn to scold and reprimand people without emotion. Remember that you agreed with your subordinate (as part of the employment contract) that you are senior to him in position, but no one gave you absolute rights to educate him.
  13. Remember that the maximum result at the end of the month is achieved by the one who organized the optimal working rhythm, and not by the one who demanded the most. Your task is to load people up so that they are slightly tired by lunch, and after lunch they have enough energy until the end of the working day. During the night they must have time to regain strength in order to work the next day. By squeezing every effort out of people, it won't take long for you to get the results you want. If your business process doesn't allow for regular staff replacement, don't do it. By the way, it is interesting that in Russian business culture it is not customary to sleep at work during the lunch break: apparently, in the value base, readiness to do work is still a higher priority than labor productivity.
  14. In order to manage something, you need to know the object of control. You should know basic information about your subordinates: married, children, main hobbies, interests. When you talk to a person, perceive him not as “Vasya Pupkin”, but as “Vasya + wife + two children + a volume of his own poems in his hands.” I assure you: the quality of communication, understanding and effectiveness of your communication will be much better.
  15. Accept two things: money and responsibility are not distributed fairly. If you are a manager, you will be required to take responsibility for something that you cannot influence, to demand impossible financial results. If you directly and rationally prove that this is impossible, you will be listed as an opponent. If you express agreement, you will be perceived as “tolerant.” We need to find our own strategy for conveying doubts about the reality of the plans.
  16. Listen to comments from higher management. From a higher level, your erroneous actions are visible, which from your level are invisible in principle.
  17. Pay special attention to the transfer of information to related departments of the organization and specialists. The necessary information must be transmitted at the required time and place in the required form. The information transmitted must be sufficient, but not redundant. If you share information too early about it with high probability will be forgotten. If you transmit it too late, then they will not be able to respond to it properly. The form of information transfer should provide the receiving party with ease of working with it.

Thank you for attention! I sincerely hope that this material will be useful to you, and most importantly, used in your work. Constructive criticism and significant additions in the comments are welcome!


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Source: "News in detail. Newspaper of the Novosineglazovsky village", March 2013.

We thank the OMK Press Center for providing this material.

- “Problem solving boards” are one of the tools for conveying information from workers to management. Today it is no longer a secret to anyone. How actively are they used at the plant?

Very active. We have accumulated a whole database of various issues that concern workers today.

Some of them are resolved very quickly. Some are slower. But as we gain experience in describing and solving problems, certain changes are made to the procedure for searching for algorithms for correct solutions and the root causes of situations that have arisen. This is necessary so that there is a single, standardized, and therefore more effective approach to solving these problems, in order to exclude repetitions of such issues or the occurrence of similar situations.

- How long has it been since the first such board appeared?

Three months have already passed. During this time, their own leaders in illuminating and solving problems emerged. This is a mechanical section 1.5, a section for painting and packaging of connecting parts 3.2. For example, at site 1.5, workers voiced 59 problems, 41 of which were resolved, and the rest are in progress.

But in some areas not everything is smooth. Sometimes craftsmen do not respond promptly to the signals indicated on the boards. As a rule, this happens because there is not enough experience, and they are embarrassed to ask how to correctly use this tool. As a result, people are turning to boards less and less. Therefore, I would like to remind employees once again that such a tool exists and they should not forget about it. Regulations for working with “problem solving boards”, including an electronic database, have now been developed. Now all unresolved problems that take a long time to resolve, or those that are systemic in nature, will be brought to the highest level. For example, issues whose resolution is seven days overdue are brought to meetings with the production director. If for 14 days, then for discussion with the managing director.

Photo 1. Senior foreman of mechanical section 1.5 of JSC Trubodetal Mikhail Kozakov at the problem solving board

- “Problem solving boards” are intended to solve some current production situations or are their “powers” ​​broader?

They are designed to bring out from the collective those issues that, in principle, concern the workers. These could be living conditions, production tasks, labor protection, problems with technology. That is, absolutely all the problems or uncomfortable conditions that an employee encounters in his professional activities. As the experience of introducing similar boards at the Vyksa Metallurgical Plant shows, it is everyday issues that first arise: something is wrong in the showers, meal rooms, etc. And as soon as this level of problems is solved, production issues begin to come to the fore.

Have you been able to break the stereotype that a person does not talk about a problem because he is afraid of some kind of repression, punishment, or deprivation of a bonus?

As I said before, not all sites actively use “problem boards.” In some places you can still find the following opinion: “speak or don’t speak, nothing will be solved anyway.” And at the same time, for some reason, the choice is made in the direction of “don’t tell.” That is, nothing is written on the boards. Here we need to clearly understand: if the problem is not brought up anywhere, then it means there will be no reaction to it.

Our production system implementation department can provide all the support in finding the reasons and the correctness of the decision. We answer all questions. We have a clear understanding of how this tool should work. And we convey this understanding to the masters. If you have any difficulties, please contact us.

If the problem is not brought up anywhere, then it means there will be no reaction to it.

Employees of our department often talk with plant workers. And personally, I see no reason for any fear of voicing problems. People today have many different ways to indicate something. current issues and besides the board...

Sometimes there are situations when a problem appears on the board, but the shift technicians do not record it in the database, that is, they keep silent. If something like this happened at your production site, you need to contact our hotline. Employees of the production system development department will record the signal. They will have a conversation with the masters and answer all questions.

There is also a special email address where you can also send your questions. All this is done with one goal - to get the problem out White light" Without information, we will not decide anything for a simple reason - we will not know what to decide... Accordingly, if there is a signal, then we will know where to put our efforts. And there is only one conclusion: THERE IS A PROBLEM - WRITE ON THE BOARD.

In your opinion, there is no reason to be afraid. And how comfortable do the employees themselves feel when they come up to the board and start writing some problem? Any information about this?

My experience of communicating with employees shows that there is no such problem. Many people already understand why a board is needed, what and how to write there. Sometimes some difficulties arise with the same wording, but we explain how the information should be conveyed. If we see a problem, we work with senior experts to correctly describe the way to solve it. We enter all this into an electronic database, where we determine the nature of the question posed, etc.

At our plant there are a number of other mechanisms aimed at solving production issues. For example, work councils were created precisely to voice certain problems and solve various production situations. Does this cause any problems?

I can give you this example: according to a number of signals indicated on the “problem resolution boards,” several senior foremen have instructions in the electronic database with the wording: “bring this issue to a meeting of the work councils.”

- So there is some kind of complementarity, there is no competition?

Yes, there is complementarity. There can be no competition here, because the goal is one: improving production conditions, increasing the feeling of comfort in the workplace, and team loyalty. It is important to reassure people that they are being heard, their concerns are being taken into account and being addressed. And boards do not exist to punish anyone or add work. This is primarily necessary for the factory workers themselves to make their working conditions more comfortable.