What is the best bottled drinking water? The results of a drinking water study have been published. Types of drinking water

Image source: top-cooler.ru

Considering the great response to past publications, we decided to continue the series of articles, one way or another related to the topic of the drinking bottled water market in Russian cities. In this information review, we will examine the issue of drinking water rating in the city of Moscow and the Moscow region, the largest market in Russia, and we will start with such a segment as water packaged in 19 liter bottles. As a rule, companies deliver it directly to apartments and offices, and this water can also be purchased in large chain stores such as Auchan, Metro, Globus and the like; often such products can be found at gas stations.

We will not bore our subscribers detailed description all our actions, as some graphomaniac journalists like to do. Just know that in order to prepare the material it took us about 6 months of painstaking work and several dozen experiments. And so, to the point.

Below we present official data from several non-profit organizations specializing in monitoring the quality of drinking water. The figures were obtained by interviewing respondents, according to the results of anonymous questionnaires made by them on the basis of a detailed studied physical and chemical analysis of samples in accordance with GOST. The voting also took into account the fact of the least amount of consumer complaints and complaints about the quality of a particular product in general.

The following organizations (non-profit*) participated in the quality survey:
– “Rospotrebnadzor”;
– “NK Russian Control”;
– OSPBV (branch of the Union of Manufacturers, Moscow);
– Union for the Protection of Consumers of Goods (Moscow);
– Rossminprom (SP RF).

Please note that the survey was conducted anonymously in order to exclude manipulation by manufacturers to gain commercial interests.
The analysis included the most popular brands in Moscow and the Moscow region, with the names of products falling under the classification “19 liter bottled water” (listed by comma, according to alphabetical order):

Water AVK, AquaAreal, Amelia, Aqualider, Abago, Arkhyzik, Aqua Donbai, Arkhyz, Aquaideal, Aquaflot, ABC of Water, Aquaru, Alexander Key, Barskie Klyuch, Butylkof, Biovita, Bourgeois, Magic Water, Vera, Wave of Baikal, Water Online, Mountain peak, Dear Muscovites, Valley of apple trees, Darzakh, Erinskaya, United, Pearl of the Caucasus, Healthy water, Kara-Su, Kubay, Karachay, Royal water, Legend of the mountains, Bear region, Novoterskaya, Nestlé, Our water, Real water, Oxy, Pilgrim, Pavlovsk springs, Senezhskaya, Holy spring, Senezhskaya, Sofia glacier, Santalovsky spring, Element of life, Holy spring, Staro-Mytishchi spring, Salkovskaya, Semerik, Slavnitsa (var), Make the world kinder, Colored well, Khvalovskaya, Uvinskaya pearl, Filimonovsky spring, Chernogolovskaya, Shishkin Les, Shkolnik, Aeneya, Elbrusinka, Eden 19 liters.

After analyzing the data and checking all the original figures, we received a rating of bottled water for coolers, where the places were placed one by one, according to the aggregate quality criteria. The format of our article does not physically allow us to post the list in full, so we decided to name only the first ten best samples.

  1. Water "Santalovsky spring" 19 l.
  2. Water “Ulanskaya” 19 l.
  3. Water "Arkhyz" 19 l.
  4. Water “Holy Spring” 19 l.
  5. Water "Karachay" 19 l.
  6. Water "Senezhskaya" 19 l.
  7. Water "Aleksinskaya" 19 l.
  8. Water "Semiruchye" 19 l.
  9. Water "Barskie Klyuchi" 19 l.
  10. Water "Gornaya Elite" 19 l.
*You can see the full list and transcript of analyzes by going to the portal of water cooler suppliers using the link: official water delivery Arkhyz.

The names are different, but the source is the same. Why are we overpaying?

Also, as part of our small study, we received very interesting side conclusions from inspection organizations. The data obtained indicate that some brands of drinking water are completely identical to each other, that is, in fact, they are the same water under different names. For example, water “Aquaflot” 19 liters, “United”, “ABC of Water”, “Pavlovskie Springs”, “Bourgeois”, “AquaAreal”, “Eneya”, “Slavnitsa”, and “AVK”, with a probability of 99% , obtained from the same source, as they say, bottled from “the same barrel,” or rather, a source located directly in Moscow.

A similar situation was found with other brands from the checked list. So, for example, water “Mountain Top” 19 liters and water “Legend of the Mountains” 19 liters completely coincide with each other both in composition and other organoleptic properties, being essentially one product under different names and water “Legend of the Mountains” differ from “ Mountain Peak" only with an additional 20% surcharge.

Drinking water “Glavvoda 19 liters” is actually bottled in the Moscow region and is drinking water “Semerik”, which has a new name, and unlike Semerik water itself, “GLAVVODA” water 19 liters costs 15-20% more, it turns out that there is an overpayment It just goes with the label.

We will definitely return to this issue in our next publications and will try to cover in as much detail as possible the problem of price manipulation through deliberate misleading of buyers.

But we received the most interesting conclusion on drinking water from the company “Nestle Pure Life” 19 liters, after renaming it is called “Eden” 19 liters: all experts unanimously claim that this water was obtained from the central water supply system with subsequent conditioning based on the salt composition . This directly indicates the artificial origin of the water composition.

There is also positive news: with the help of these tests, we were able to destroy and dispel the common myth that supposedly all “Caucasian” water is bottled in basements in the Moscow region, and not transported from the Caucasus. Now we have every reason to assert with 100% confidence that everyone’s favorite Arkhyz water 19 liters is extracted specifically in the North Caucasus: its mineral composition, physico-chemical and organoleptic indicators correspond to the declared production region. The same applies to other tested samples of mountain water: “Sofia Glacier”, “Mountain Peak” and “Pilgrim” water, with their microchemical compositions, completely coincide with water that can be obtained exclusively in the region of the Teberda Biosphere Reserve.

For clarification of all indicators, figures and ratings, we decided to contact representatives of the companies included in our rating and among the leaders of the Moscow bottled water market: Vodokhleb LLC, Arkhyz LLC, Vodovoz LLC, Top Water LLC . These comments will become the topic for our next articles, studies and investigations. In the near future we will prepare new materials from which you can learn how not to get caught marketing gimmicks manufacturers of drinking water, we will answer the questions of which water is truly mountain and which water is better to choose for constant use in everyday life, at home and in the office. All the best to you, follow our publications.

There are a lot of different mineral waters in our world, each of which is endowed with its own unique feature. All of them can be different in mineral composition, and also treat different diseases. And today, we want to tell you about the ten best mineral waters in the world and Russia. You will learn which water is better to buy and how to distinguish a fake from the original.

Before ending up in a container, this mineral water goes through a complex and thorny path 400 km long through rocks Nepal. Discovered in 1997, the source is essentially a gift from ancient glaciers, whose melt water formed the basis of this variety. Enriched with an impressive amount of trace elements and minerals, thanks to its long underground journey, this life-giving moisture is extremely beneficial for health and strengthening human immunity. This can be verified by taking into account the fact that the monks of Tibet use this water exclusively, considering it the most suitable for all living things.

This variety mineral water is perhaps the most unique on the planet, since this water is nothing more than rain that irrigates the lands of Tasmania. At first, these are just clouds making a celestial voyage of 16 thousand km in order to descend to the ground in the form of precipitation, where specially designed containers await them for collecting liquid. The main highlight is that water is collected in an area that, according to the meteorological organization, has the cleanest air on Earth. Manufacturers claim that this water is cleaner than mine water, because water in the ground also has non-zero contamination. Water is bottled in environmentally friendly containers, including a minimum of impurities in its composition. The average price per bottle is $4.

This type of water is considered one of the most popular in the world. Ask show business and movie stars what they drink, and you will hear the name "Voss". This water is also served in luxury five-star hotels. Water gained its fame largely thanks to chemical composition and the fact that it is a champion in terms of minimal salt content. That is why it is so soft and beloved in dozens of countries. The source of the water base is located in the southern part of Norway, from where the mineral queen disperses throughout the world. The unit price of a bottle ranges from an average of $8.00.

Already from the name you can understand that the homeland of this water is the island of Fiji, in particular, the Ugara Valley of Viti Levu. Manufacturers carefully ensure that water does not come into contact with air, just as it existed in natural conditions under the remains of an ancient volcanic crater, tightly closed on all sides. The first contact of water with air occurs only after opening the lid. Fiji mineral water was chosen by many stars and politicians, including Paris Hilton, Nicole Kidman and US President Barack Obama. It is very useful for people with dermatological problems, as it boasts a high presence of fluoride, silicon and calcium, which, in addition to skin and nails, also have a great effect on hair.

This water is a real record holder among mineral waters for oxygen content. There is 35 times more of it here than in any other water. Thanks to this, it works very well if taken, for example, after hard physical work or after active exercise in gym. This “breathing” water came from northwestern Europe, the city of Tilburg in the Netherlands. Some time ago, in addition to two standard options - with and without gas, a new one appeared on the shelves - with the aroma of elderflowers and lychee. The water is bottled in interesting 0.33l ball bottles, and its price ranges from 2 euros.

The full name of this water is "Cape Karoo Natural Mineral Water", and its source is located in the savannah of South Africa. In order to fully guarantee the quality of the product, before going on sale, manufacturers subject the water to a very detailed examination in a number of independent laboratories, thereby once again confirming its health benefits. The water contains a very small amount of nitrate compounds and a neutral pH level, which makes it possible not only to consume it internally, but also to use it for cosmetic purposes.

A characteristic feature of this mineral water is the complete absence of carbon at all stages of its production. The variety dates back to 2003, and the country that gave this water to the world is Iceland. Manufacturers report that their product is the basis of waterfalls and glaciers, which is true. A volcanic eruption that happened many centuries ago caused the formation of a drainage basin called Olfus, from where this water comes, which tastes like a piece of ice. The shape of the bottle in the form of a volcano is also interesting, by which you can immediately identify the variety.

The famous brand of medicinal table water, which arose back in the 30s of the 19th century in Georgia. To this day, mineral water of this brand is the main drink of a huge number of people who drink it both for preventive and medicinal purposes. "Borjomi" is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs. Its composition of mineral substances has remained to this day the same as it was at the time of the discovery of the first spring, of which there are now 9, located within the Borjomi Nature Reserve.

As paradoxical as it sounds, “Kona Deep” is sea water. It is extracted not from natural springs or from artificially created wells, but directly from the ocean very close to Hawaii. Research has been conducted there for more than 30 years and has revealed that, while preserving minerals and beneficial properties, at a depth of 2-3 km, the water is purified from a number of pathogenic microorganisms and other unfavorable factors. It is recommended to drink this desalinated and commercially available water during active training or during the hot season. If it seems too salty, then you can add ordinary water to it. Its price is usually a little less than 2 dollars.

The birthplace of this water is several natural springs near the French city of Evian-les-Bains, which is located on the shores of Lake Geneva. The history of water begins at the end of the 18th century, when it helped the noble Marquis Lessert in the treatment of kidneys and liver. Almost 200 years later, water has gained worldwide fame, and now, despite its comparative high cost, it is very popular on all continents. Its benefits are not limited to the liver and kidneys, but extend to the entire gastrointestinal tract. Due to its mineral balance, it is very useful for pregnant women and children to consume. Its quality is confirmed by the fact that the water is not artificially purified, but when bottled at the source, it retains its authentic taste and purity.

The best mineral water in Russia

All these waters are considered elite, some of them you will not find in Russia, and their prices are simply outrageous. Remember that high price does not always mean quality, as a rule it is the fault of excessive marketing. But don’t be upset, we can also find good mineral water, which in its composition can compete with the leaders in the rating. Here are several high-quality, not very expensive and healthy mineral waters that can be found on the shelves in Russia:

  • Narzan
  • Slavyanovskaya
  • Essentuki
  • Arkhyz

How to spot a fake

The main problem is that mineral water is very easy to counterfeit, while the costs are minimal - tap water, soda, salt and iodine. And the worst thing is that about 3/4 of the water on the Russian market (70%) is fake. There have been cases when police departments discovered tens of thousands of counterfeit bottles of water. In large supermarkets, the percentage of counterfeits is much lower; there you can ask for a quality certificate, but even this does not provide a 100% guarantee.
According to the State Trade Inspectorate, the most frequently adulterated waters are: Borjomi, Narzan, Holy Spring, Bon Aqua, Essentuki. And this is not surprising, because all of them are considered market leaders and are in great demand. Almost every one of these manufacturers can be found in all stores in Russia and the CIS countries, some of them do not produce nearly as much water. Now we will give you some useful recommendations that will help protect you from counterfeiting.

  • Look at the price. Making fake water is not very expensive, which is why the price of such water can be significantly lower, and this is the very first sign of a fake. Sellers of kiosks and stalls buy water at small wholesale markets, where there are the most fakes, where the price of fake water is 15-20% lower than the original. Be sure to look at the price, if it is lower than the market average, then it is better not to buy this water.
  • Look at the manufacturing date and container of the bottle. As a rule, original mineral water does not stay in warehouses for a long time, and if you get a bottle with a manufacturing date more than six months ago, it is better to refrain from purchasing it. If the water container is made of glass, this is a significant plus; such water is more difficult and more expensive to counterfeit, and on its bottle and lid, as a rule, there are various embossings.
  • Look at the quality of the bottle and label.

As soon as summer takes its toll and it gets hot, we remember that we need to drink water. A plastic bottle with a trust-inspiring label can be bought on every corner these days, but do you know the origin of the water you drink? We tell you how to choose table water for drinking, as well as mineral water for medicinal purposes.

How to choose drinking water

  • The shelf life of water in a plastic bottle is one and a half years, in a glass bottle - up to two years.
  • The most difficult thing to counterfeit is mineral water in a glass bottle.
  • Pay attention to the label: it must be high-quality printed, easily readable, glued evenly and neatly.
  • Reputable manufacturers always indicate what kind of water is contained in the bottle: drinking, carbonated, mineral, medicinal, table. You can only drink table water without restrictions. Healing mineral water is a medicine and has indications and contraindications.
  • If the water bears the name of a source, find the address of the production on the label - it should be located near this source.
  • There is no sediment or suspension in a bottle of high-quality drinking water.
  • Remember: a high price does not guarantee high quality!

Artesian water is obtained from deep underground springs. This is a storehouse of minerals necessary for the human body to function. Choose it, and not just purified tap water, which, going through the stages of purification, has lost all its beneficial properties.

Mineral water Perrier is one of the most famous brands in the world. Mineral water in pot-bellied glass bottles is sold in 140 countries. It is bottled from sources in the south of France near the town of Vergeza. Perrier has recently produced water with the addition of lemon or lime - it quenches thirst well and does not contain artificial flavors.

Real "Seltzer" is a mineral water with a low carbon dioxide content, from a source in Germany, located in the city of Lenberg and named after Queen Augusta Victoria. The name of seltzer water comes from the German mineral spring Selters, known throughout Europe in the 19th century.

Real Borjomi mineral water Today only one company produces it - IDS Borjomi Georgia, part of the international IDS Borjomi International. "Borjomi" in bottles is sold only carbonated. For those who drink it for medicinal purposes, doctors recommend releasing the gas first.

"Arkhyz"- This is low-mineralized drinking water that is suitable for adults and children. It is mined in the village of the same name in Karachay-Cherkessia.

"Narzan"- this is not the general name of a type of mineral water, but a mineral spring in Kislovodsk. There cannot be any “Narzans” coming from other places, unless they are fake.

"Essentuki"- not just a brand, this water must be bottled from a well located at the Essentuki mineral water deposit. Look on the Essentuki label for the exact well number. Water from the Essentuki spring has varying degrees of mineralization. For example, the concentration of salts in Essentuki-17 water is 9.2-13.0 g/l; this is the most mineralized, very salty-tasting medicinal water. The mineralization of Essentuki-4 water is lower - 6.0-9.0 g/l, therefore it is classified as medicinal table water.

A person needs from one and a half to three liters of clean water daily - this does not include liquid taken with food (for example, with soup or tea).

Choosing mineral water

  • The label of medicinal mineral waters always indicates for which diseases they should be consumed.
  • The label must indicate: address and phone numbers of the manufacturer, well number, water composition, date of manufacture, storage conditions and period, GOST number, date of chemical analysis and name of the laboratory.
  • The presence of salts gives mineral water its specific taste.
  • If the water contains any components that are unique to it, they should also be listed on the label.
  • Hydrocarbonate water has a slightly soapy taste.
  • Mineral water is brackish due to the presence of chlorides.
  • Sulfates give water a bitter taste.
  • Expensive mineral water is not always the best. Often these are marketing costs and overhead costs.

Comment on the article "Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality water?"

More on the topic “Which drinking water is best to buy”:

Section: Housekeeping (Quality drinking water). Recommend water. It purifies tap water, cools and heats. Afterwards we took the water for analysis, it was good. At home I buy Societe Minerale in 5-liter bottles for drinking.

Section: School problems (Drinking water). who has water like this at school? If any of your children have this kind of water at school, please ask, does it taste normal? Our oldest school has a cooler with Eden water, it’s clean, the water is good. so it’s not true that children are bought the most...

about drinking water - and a cooler. We eat at home. A matter of taste. All about tasty and healthy food, as well as drinking water - and a cooler. I'm tired of carrying 5 liter cans, I want a cooler. I looked at it from the bottom. We buy 19 liter bottles at Globus for 179 rubles and throw them away later.

Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? Sulfates give water a bitter taste. Expensive mineral water is not always the best. But there was a minus here, the tap water was simply terrible, it smelled strongly of bleach (and We have no idea how polluted it is...

We bought a cooler, order water and buy disposable glasses. The teacher does not deal with water, it is the parents who should 2. A drinking bottle of water is an item for personal use. If you have something to pour water into - please, no - think about your water yourself.

Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? Healing mineral water is a medicine and has indications and contraindications. For tea it is quite logical to order clean water= now a lot of companies deliver water to apartments...

Drinking regime in schools? School. Child from 7 to 10. Non-working cooler in recreation (As I said when I saw him there, my MCH is for the best) 11/19/2009 1:21:35 PM, Mamusja. The water should be at room temperature, so if you buy a cooler, then the simplest one, only...

Water. Help. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. I’m asking because I’m tired of carrying 5-liter bottles from the store (the child drinks a lot of water at home, takes it with him to school, to training).

About drinking water. - gatherings. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. And if you buy, which one? In general, do you think it’s safe to boil tap water for food in Moscow?

Once the water in the bottle warms up to the desired temperature, I add the mixture. It’s just that the water in the thermos can cool down during this time, and the boiling water from I would also take a third one for water. And cold drinking water in a bottle, you can give it to drink, and dilute the mixture by adding it to...

As far as I understand, the quality of water after a good filter is in no way inferior to bottled water, the filter will live under the sink, the faucet looks quite decent, and, most importantly, they will install it themselves - we are finishing the repairs. I buy drinking water in 5 liter bottles. It's hard to carry...

drinking water. - gatherings. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning We don’t have a good filter and it’s difficult to install now. Children drink a lot of water. That's why I want to buy a cooler and not have to worry about it. And in the case of a filter, the solution to this issue will take...

I came up with the idea of ​​ordering drinking water in 20 liter bottles to be delivered to my home. Now I'm wondering - should I just get a pump or a cooler with heating and cooling? There is also an option with a heater - like a cooler, but without cooling.

Tap water.. On vacation with children. Tourism packages. Traveling abroad and in Russia: buying a tour, booking a hotel, visa, passport In Turkey, you can wash your face and brush your teeth with tap water in good hotels. But they don’t recommend drinking it, not because there...

Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? The name of seltzer water comes from the German mineral spring Selters, famous in I wrote a review for those who are interested in sunscreens for children.

There are no harmful additives in distilled water. Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? filter and boiled water are not much different... children's water, like boiled, was not made for children's water at our plant... most often there is nothing wrong with the sediment...

filter for drinking water. Household appliances. Farming. Housekeeping: tips for housekeeping, cleaning, purchase and use Is it possible to buy a filter like a kettle, you pour water into it and it is slowly filtered, and after a few hours you can drink this water...

delivery of drinking water. ...I find it difficult to choose a section. Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? +1000. There is always water in the classroom, but I always give a bottle of water, then suddenly there are 2 glasses. A drinking bottle of water is an item for personal use.

Bottled drinking water: how to choose quality? You can only drink table water without restrictions. Drinking water in primary schools. Help! Giving a bottle of water is the solution. Some are water-drinkers, some are not. Teach that you cannot drink water from the same bottle with strangers.

Drinking water. . Child from birth to one year. Then they looked at the sediment and began to buy bottled baby water “Vinnie.” They say that a child up to 1 month old needs to boil water from bottles, and then give it that way, or even better, give it boiled water from a bottle...

Water quality ratings for drinking water from major manufacturers will help you draw conclusions about the quality of the drinking liquid, which will help maintain and improve your health. In addition, you will learn about the features of the production and composition of bottled waters. Varieties of mineral and purified waters. How to distinguish a fake? Water quality ratings of drinking water from major manufacturers will help you figure out which water is best to drink regularly and which bottled water is better not to buy.

About water and producers

Due to the low quality of drinking tap water, residents of our country who care about their health tend to use bottled or mineral water for regular drinking. At the same time, even those who are lucky in the region with good tap water are increasingly refusing to drink it regularly due to a persistent decline in quality. Therefore, many residents of our country drink purified water from bottles and cook with it.

As for mineral water, its regular use will not only maintain health, but will also significantly improve it, because such waters contain an extensive complex of mineral components necessary for our body. Today, the production of drinking bottled and mineral water is carried out not only by large trading concerns with a worldwide reputation, but also by small private companies.

In this regard, a lot of fakes have appeared. And to put it mildly, such water will not only not be useful, but can also harm our health. We hope our drinking water quality rating will help you choose suitable and healthy water.

About the composition of drinking water from bottles

In the Russian Federation, a simplified scale for classifying bottled waters is used:

  • Purified drinking water
  • Natural mineral water
  • Artificial mineral water

Water obtained from clean underground springs, with a natural complex of dissolved minerals, is called natural mineral. Moreover, in our country such water is also divided into several subspecies:

  • medicinal
  • medical dining room
  • dining room

The first two types are best consumed not regularly, but on the recommendation of a doctor. But table mineral water can be used as drinking water. The level of minerals in it must be at least 1 g/l. The main producers of such water in our country are “Silver Dew” and “Sarova”.

The amount of minerals in medicinal table water should be in the range of 1-10 hl. These waters include Essentuki-4, Borjomi and Narzan. The concentration of dissolved minerals in medicinal water should be 10-15 g/l. These are the waters of “Essentuki-17” and “Lysogorskaya”.

Purified drinking water is ordinary water, thoroughly purified from various impurities and harmful components. This artificially purified water is packaged in bottles and can be used for regular drinking. The first type of such waters was released in 94 and was called “Holy Spring”. In the late 90s, such well-known brands as Aqua Minerale and Bon Aqua appeared. Then a large number of local producers appeared.

Water Quality Rating

The number of varieties of water and their producers is growing every year. So, in the early 90s there were about 200 types of drinking and mineral water in bottles, and in the mid-90s there were already 500. Today there are about 700 types of water registered, with a hundred of them produced in the north of the Caucasus.

The most popular water, accounting for about half of all sales, is Georgian water. Among them are such well-known brands as “Borjomi”, “Essentuki” and “Narzan”. At the same time, Borjomi is clearly in the lead.

Based on the results of analyzes of various studies, the following manufacturers are leaders in the market of natural mineral and purified waters:

  • "Holy Source"
  • "Borjomi"
  • "Narzan"
  • "Aqua Minerale"
  • "Bon Aqua"
  • GG&MW Co. N.V. from the manufacturer Borjomi
  • Nestle Waters from the manufacturer of the Holy Spring
  • "Kavminvody"
  • Biba water
  • "Mercury"
  • "Avka"
  • "Raifa Spring"

Drinking water researchers do not rule out a large increase in the range of products on the natural mineral and purified water market. At the same time, there are a large number of companies producing counterfeits on the market. This water is practically no different from ordinary tap water. But how to distinguish such manufacturers?

How to distinguish low-quality water?

Of course, you cannot open and taste water in a store, but some conclusions about the quality of drinking or mineral water can be drawn from its appearance:

  1. Carefully study the label on the bottle. A conscientious manufacturer provides detailed information about the chemical components of the liquid, specifies the category of water, and describes the source where the liquid was taken. The label must also contain registration information.
  2. Pay attention to the design of the bottle and label. Typically, counterfeit manufacturers do not work on the market for a long time, so they are not particularly worried about appearance and packaging and label design. Products from proven, reliable, high-quality manufacturers are usually packaged in a beautiful container with logos, and the lid and label are beautifully designed.
  3. To minimize the risk of buying a counterfeit, purchase goods at large retail outlets. Typically, the owners of such stores purchase goods only from trusted suppliers.

If you doubt the quality of drinking water from a bottle, you can always order a water analysis and check it for all indicators. You can order such an analysis in our laboratory. To do this, you need to contact the manager at the specified phone number. During the call, you can find out the cost of such a check, which depends on the number of indicators analyzed.