How to make natural homemade soap: instructions for beginners. Basics of Soap Making at Home Homemade Face Soap

Hi all!

Soap making is a fascinating and at the same time very simple process. Go online and you will find all the information you need on it. But in order to fully understand this, you need a lot of time and money. Yes, yes, yes, pleasure is not cheap. After all, if you are really drawn into this process, you won’t be able to get by with just one dye or scent. You'll want more.

Soap making is a great hobby. Interesting and, in principle, simple. And this process does not require any long time, everything is quite fast. The main thing in soap making is your imagination! If it exists, everything will work out...

Today I want to make a very clear review on the topic of soap making, so to speak, to summarize the information. I will be as concise as possible)))

So, the necessary ingredients for soap making:

1. Soap base (matte or transparent). Price kg approximately 250 rubles.

2. Titanium dioxide (colors the transparent base matte)

3. Dyes. The price of one is 50-70 rubles.

4. Fragrances. Price approximately 50-80 rubles.

5. Base oils. 40-100 rub.

6. Essential oils. 30-200 rub.

7. Containers for soap making.

8. Wooden or glass sticks

9. Molds for soap making.

10. Alcohol (in a bottle with a spray bottle)

11. D-panthenol, vitamin E.

12. Additives to soap.

There is no need to use all the ingredients at once. Let's say essential oils and fragrances are rarely needed together. Vitamin E or D-panthenol also can not be used, etc.

There are many ways to make soap. This:

1. whole soap

2. soap with swirls,

3. soap in several layers

4. loofah soap

5. soap using additives.

6. scrub soap

7. anti-cellulite soap

8. combination of several positions, etc.

Soap can be made in the form of a piece of cake or pastry, in a flat form or in the form of a figurine, soap is melted into one another, made in different colors, you can’t count everything...

Here are some soap maker secrets and tips for beginners:

1. Soap base can be melted in a water bath or in the microwave. Do not allow the base to boil.

2. The use of dyes and essential oils must be strictly dosed. This is especially true for essential oils.

3. You cannot add too many base oils, otherwise the soap will not lather.

4. Some essential oils cloud the base, this must be taken into account if you need an absolutely transparent effect.

5. Do not stir the base very vigorously, otherwise there will be a lot of bubbles.

6. You must constantly degrease all surfaces and layers with alcohol.

7. It is better to use silicone molds. It's easier to get soap from them.

8. Start with the simplest soap, do not immediately take on complex methods.

9. Use additives carefully. Don't overdo it! Otherwise, the soap will be difficult to use and additives will clog the drains.

10. Soap can always be digested or somehow used for another soap, so never be upset if the soap doesn’t turn out the way you intended)))

Of course, there is a lot of advice. These are some of the main positions.

Homemade soap makes a great gift. If you don't know what to give, try making soap. This gift will be both pleasant and useful! Soap is a little art! Create and you will succeed.

I'm posting photos of my soaps. I do this for the soul, so don’t judge harshly. By the way, I myself only used one soap, the rest was all given away)))

I wish you all pleasant impressions and a great mood!

Making soap with your own hands is a creative and incredibly exciting process. You can make soap from the base, from scratch, or use baby soap, filling it with aromas and beneficial substances. There are hundreds of recipes for making homemade soap.

If this is your first time deciding to make your own soap, start with the simplest method.

You need: - 2 pieces of baby soap (or any other that does not have a pronounced smell); - 4-5 tablespoons of base oil (olive, palm, almond, cedar, etc.); - 100 milliliters of boiling water; - 2 tablespoons of glycerin; - dyes, fragrances, flavorings as desired.

Grate store-bought soap on a fine grater. It is advisable to protect your respiratory tract from soap dust by wearing a mask. Boil water in a large saucepan and place the container in which you will cook the soap on top. You will get a water bath. Pour the base oil and glycerin into the container and mix with a wooden or plastic spatula. As the mixture heats, add soap crumbs, constantly stirring the entire mass. During cooking, add boiling water if necessary. Instead of water, you can add decoctions medicinal herbs to make the soap even more useful. However, it is worth remembering that soap with herbal infusions should be used within 1-2 months.

If the lumps do not want to disappear, you can beat the mixture with a mixer

When the mass becomes homogeneous, it can be removed from the water bath. Now it’s time to add useful ingredients: - fragrance or essential oil (it is not recommended to use them together) will give your soap a scent; - soap with the addition of milk powder, coconut flakes or ground almonds perfectly moisturizes the skin; - dried and ground herbs (yarrow, string, celandine , chamomile, oregano) will help the skin become softer, accelerate wound healing; - cosmetic clay, salt, ground coffee will give the soap a scrub effect; - food or special soap dyes will change the color of your soap.

Grease silicone molds with vegetable oil and place the resulting soap mass in them. Let it cool for several hours, and then remove the almost finished soap from the molds. Post it on blank sheets paper and leave for 2-3 days so that each piece dries well.

Many who have tried to melt store-bought soap and make soap from it self made, often not satisfied with the texture, and sometimes the smell. The base soap has a more pleasant consistency. The base itself has a neutral pH and is practically odorless.

Anti-cold soap

You will need: - 100 grams of soap base; - essential oils of eucalyptus, spruce, cedar; - dried heather flowers.

Place dried heather flowers in a thermos and pour 100 milliliters of boiling water. Close the thermos and let the broth brew for 1-2 hours, and then strain it through cheesecloth.

Melt the soap base in a water bath.

To speed up the process, the soap base can be cut into small cubes

Remove the melted base from the water bath and add 1 tablespoon of heather decoction, as well as essential oils. The total amount of oils should not exceed 1/3 teaspoon. Mix the mixture and pour into molds. Leave to harden at room temperature for 2-3 hours, and then remove the soap from the molds, place on sheets of paper and leave overnight to completely dry.

Bath soap

If you like to take a steam bath, then you simply cannot do without amazing soap with the aroma of chocolate and coffee.

You will need: - 60 grams of transparent soap base; - 30 grams of white soap base; - 1/2 teaspoon of natural ground coffee; - 1/2 teaspoon of grated dark chocolate; - 1/2 teaspoon of honey; - 1/2 teaspoon spoons of glycerin; - “Chocolate” flavor.

Melt the clear soap base in a double boiler.

You can also heat the soap base in the microwave by setting the timer for 15-20 seconds. Do not allow the base to overheat and boil

Add glycerin and 3 drops of chocolate flavor to the base. Mix thoroughly. In a water bath (the microwave method will not work here), melt the honey, add ground coffee and chocolate. Stir until the consistency is smooth. Add the hot filler to the soap base, stirring constantly with a wooden or plastic spatula.

Grease a silicone baking pan with vegetable oil to make it easier to remove the soap later. Pour in the dark soap mixture with coffee, honey and chocolate until it fills about half the mold. Using a spray bottle, spray the alcohol onto the soap several times to remove any bubbles that have formed. Leave to dry for about 20 minutes at room temperature.

At this time, melt the white soap base, add a few drops of glycerin and “Chocolate” fragrance to it. Take a mold, spray a little more alcohol onto the surface of the soap and fill it with white soap base. The soap is almost ready. It only remains after 2 hours to remove it from the molds and leave it overnight to completely harden.

Mistakes of beginner soap makers

Very often, new soap makers add too many essential oils. Firstly, too strong a smell can cause dizziness. Secondly, it is possible that an overdose of oils will cause allergies or skin irritation. If homemade soap is intended for children, it is better to avoid using essential oils altogether.

If you don't want to use food coloring, but want a red soap, don't add hibiscus tea or rose petals. They will not give red at all, but a dirty gray-green color.

Watch the amount of base oil. If there is too much of it, the soap will not lather.

If you decide to make soap with sea ​​salt, then add this ingredient when the mass is slightly above room temperature. If you pour salt into a hot soap mass, it will decompose into soap flakes and water.

Before making soap, watch master classes on the Internet. You will see many techniques that will allow you to make colorful soaps of different shapes and textures.

“...I liked using honey natural soap for washing. The skin after it is very soft and moisturized. I don’t always even apply cream after washing...” Read on for a detailed review with photos of handmade soap “Handmade soap”!

You can buy handmade soap in any store and even make it at home. But soap made from natural ingredients that will meet all quality parameters is not easy to find. I continue to try Ukrainian-made natural cosmetics and introduce you to new brands. Today the plan is handmade soap “Handmade soap”. What came out of our acquaintance with him, read further in the women's magazine!


About handmade soap “Handmade soap”

The handmade soap shop I'm going to talk about is on Instagram. The link to it is at the end of the article. There you will find soap for any skin type and to solve a wide variety of cosmetic problems. They contain natural ingredients: starting from the base, ending with essential oils, dried flowers and even.

About packaging

Handmade soap was placed in such a box. Simple, concise and natural. I'm that packing style natural cosmetics I love it very much.

Opening the box:

Inside are two bars of soap, carefully laid on shavings. To your left is handmade soap-scrub “Calendula”, to your right is “Honey Soap”.

Under each bar there was an insert with additional information: the composition of each soap and weight:

And now about each soap in more detail.

Handmade soap-scrub “Calendula”

Beginner soap makers are recommended to train on ordinary children's soap without additives or fragrances. If you are confident in yourself, then purchase professional soap base in specialized stores. They sell white, transparent and multi-colored bases with added oils in packages of 250, 500 and 1,000 grams.

What to buy:

Base oil

It can be anything: coconut, almond, olive, castor, grape or apricot kernels. The oil consists almost entirely of organic compounds: fatty acids, vitamins, waxes, microelements, which are extremely beneficial for the skin.

Add no more than ½ teaspoon of oil to 100 g of soap base. An overdose of essential oils can cause severe allergies, and the soap will stop lathering.

There are many varieties of base oils, each of which has its own therapeutic effect and imbues homemade soap with skin-beneficial properties.

Base oil Skin type Property
From apricot kernels Any Saturates the skin with vitamins: A, B, C, E, F. Moisturizes, softens, increases elasticity, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands
From grape seeds Oily and mixed Regulates the function of sweat glands, restores the natural oiliness of the skin
Castor Dry and mixed Removes pigment spots well, whitens and nourishes the skin, fights fine wrinkles
Almond Any Saturates the skin with vitamins E and F, moisturizes, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, prevents expansion
Coconut Any Protects skin from ultraviolet rays, smoothes and makes it softer
Eucalyptus Oily and mixed Used for skin whitening, treatment of furunculosis and acne
Sage Oily and mixed Smoothes wrinkles, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. An excellent remedy for combating acne and other skin problems
Palm Any Is an antioxidant and natural source of vitamin E
cocoa Any Accelerates the process of restoration of damaged skin cells, eliminating various cosmetic defects

What to buy:

Single-color handmade soap can be made using water-soluble food dyes.

  • Cocoa and coffee will make the soap chocolatey.
  • Chamomile infusion will give the soap a yellow tint.
  • Saffron and curry - bright yellow.
  • Spinach, dill and parsley - green.
  • Beet juice - red or pink.
  • Chamomile essential oil - blue.

Do not use red rose petals (gives a dirty gray color) or hibiscus tea (gives a dirty green color) to create red shades.

Natural dyes have low light fastness and fade quickly in the sun. Therefore, such soap must be stored in a dark place.

For multi-color pour-over soaps, liquid or dry pigment is used in standard and neon shades. Pigment dyes give a bright, rich color and make the soap slightly matte. Before adding to the soap base, the dry pigment must be ground with oil or glycerin.

Mother of pearl, a mineral dye in powder form, gives homemade soap a beautiful shimmer and shine. It perfectly emphasizes the relief of the product. Mother of pearl is used in soaps with a transparent base and is applied to the surface of the product with a brush or fingertip.

This dye does not need to be pre-dissolved and is added dry to the molten base.

What to buy:


To give homemade soap additional properties, various additives are used: glycerin, cream, honey, herbal infusions, dried flowers.

For example, during the preparation process you can add finely ground coffee, oatmeal, and ground nut shells to the scrub soap. Some of these compositions are easy to prepare yourself. But, for example, you will have to purchase bamboo or baobab fruit powder.

What to buy:

What tools are needed?

  1. Heat-resistant containers with a spout that can be heated in a microwave oven or in a water bath.
  2. Silicone 2D and 3D molds for soap.
  3. Alcohol for lubricating the surface of molds and better connecting soap layers. The alcohol must be kept in a spray bottle with a volume of 30–150 ml.
  4. Glass or wooden sticks for mixing the soap base.
  5. Thermometer for liquids.

What to buy:

How to make homemade soap

Step 1

Prepare all the necessary components in advance: dyes, oils, fillers, and so on. Cut the soap base into small cubes and melt it in a water bath. Make sure that the base temperature does not rise above 60 °C. Otherwise, bubbles will form in the soap and its quality will deteriorate.

Step 2

When the soap base is completely melted, add any base oil you like, dye and one teaspoon of filler, for example, ground. In this case, coffee will act as a dye and give the product a deep chocolate shade.

Step 3

Pour the mixture into the mold, after sprinkling it with alcohol from a spray bottle. If you are working with several layers, then when pouring a new one, do not forget to spray the previous one with alcohol and lightly scratch its surface for better adhesion of the layers. The surface of the soap can be decorated with whole coffee beans.

Step 4

Place the mold in a cool place for 2 hours (never in the freezer!). Then remove the soap from the mold by letting it soak for a few minutes. hot water, and place on paper to dry for 1–2 days. The finished soap must be stored in breathable packaging. For example, in cling film.

Bonus: 4 homemade soap recipes

Homemade face soap

  • white soap base;
  • 2 tablespoons lanolin oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of any aromatic oil;
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped oatmeal;
  • 1 tablespoon ground almonds.

Chocolate and vanilla

  • soap base;
  • a few drops of vanilla essential oil;
  • 1 teaspoon almond oil;
  • 1 teaspoon ground coffee;
  • a few drops of honey and ylang-ylang oil.

Strawberries and cream

  • opaque soap base;
  • ½ teaspoon olive oil;
  • ½ teaspoon strawberry seed oil;
  • red or pink dye;
  • 2 tablespoons cream;
  • strawberry and cream flavorings.

Pink dream

  • white soap base;
  • 1 tablespoon pink clay;
  • 1 teaspoon apricot essential oil;
  • 5 drops vanilla oil;