Masks for the growth of highlighted hair. How to prepare a mask for highlighted hair. Homemade mask for highlighted hair based on herbal decoctions

What is highlighting? Highlighting is one of the most popular procedures, which are done in salons by hairdressers. Experts believe that blondes should be especially careful and take good care of their hair. For the reason that lightening the strands, and this is the effect the procedure is aimed at, greatly injures the hair.

In order for the hairstyle to always look flawless and the hair not to look burnt, dull and dry, additional care is required. And it is not at all necessary to visit expensive salons for this. There are many recipes on how to make bleached hair smooth and silky.

The most useful masks at home

There is a huge selection of natural herbs and oils that are sold in pharmacies and are quite affordable.
REFERENCE! Blondes should better moisturize each hair, as when subjected to severe tests, they become weak and dull.
The most useful tools can be confidently included:

Masks containing glycerin

The benefits of glycerin are irreplaceable. It softens every hair, gives softness, smoothes and softens unruly strands. Moreover, it can get rid of dandruff and make ends less split. It is necessary to use masks with glycerin at least once a week. The composition envelops each hair, protecting it from external environmental factors, and thereby protects the hair.

  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 1 teaspoon gelatin;
  • 5 tablespoons of honey;
  • ½ tablet of salicylic acid.

All components are mixed and applied completely to the entire head. After thirty minutes you can wash it off. For better impact, you can wear a bath cap.

Oil based masks

In any era, cosmetic oils could be considered a storehouse of health and beauty. Now is no exception. Fortunately, and not only for blondes, pharmacies sell any product to suit even the most sophisticated taste. Many quality manufacturers add oils to shampoos. Ideal option For highlighted hair, you can use the following oils: wheat germ, shea tree, camellia, ylang-ylang, and grape seed. Distinctive feature specifically oils, is that they moisturize not only the hair structure, but also have a positive effect on the skin.

  • 1 teaspoon castor oil;
  • 10 drops of wheat germ oil;
  • 2 tablespoons honey;
  • 1 chicken yolk.

Mix all ingredients and apply to hair for half an hour. If the honey is candied, you can melt it in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees so as not to burn your scalp

Natural herbal masks

Many stylists focus on caring for highlighted hair using herbal remedies. They saturate the hair with moisture and give elasticity and restore natural strength.

  • nettle leaves;
  • boiling water.

Rinse the nettle leaves with boiled water. After this, you need to wait a few minutes (no more than half an hour). After the broth has cooled, it can be used. It is worth noting that blonde hair may take on a slightly greenish tint due to nettles.

  1. Dairy products. Oddly enough, but ordinary kefir or milk perfectly heals damaged curls from the inside, giving the hair silkiness and elasticity.
  2. Beer. With its help, curls become more manageable and elastic.
  3. Honey. At all times, honey has a healing effect not only on the hair, but also on the body as a whole.
  • 100 grams of honey, heated in a water bath;
  • 1 chicken yolk;
  • 30 grams lemon juice;
  • 5 drops of argan oil.

Mix all components and apply to hair for thirty minutes.

Lemon with celandine

Ideal for highlighted hair that becomes “greasy” very quickly.

  • 1 lemon;
  • 20 g dried celandine;
  • 100 ml boiling water;
  • 150 ml kefir;
  • 30 g flower honey.

Celandine leaves need to be poured with boiling water and left for a few minutes (10-15). After that, mix lemon juice with kefir and honey. Pour the broth containing the celandine through gauze. Mix everything and apply to hair. Exposure time 40 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse your hair. You don't have to use shampoo when rinsing.

The best professional masks from manufacturers

If the owner of light curls does not like to prepare masks with her own hands. Or you simply don’t have time, then in this case you shouldn’t be upset. These days, store shelves are simply full of various hair products. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. Loreal Professionnel Lumino Contrast. This mask contains oils and a complex of vitamins that will help your curls become more nourishing from the inside. It is not necessary to apply the mask wet hair. Exposure time is thirty to forty minutes.
  2. Estel Prima Blond. Ideal for blondes. It contains components based on amino-functional siloxane polymer, which restores hair shafts and sodium PCA, which gives freshness to color. Moreover, if the hair roots begin to acquire a yellowish tint, then this mask washes out the yellowness from the roots. Exposure time is 10-15 minutes. After which you need to rinse off lightly warm water, not hot.

The benefits of masks

It is best to use masks not only after highlighting, but also before the procedure. The ideal option would be a mask with purple or blue pigments; such masks remove yellowness, after which you can apply a balm or conditioner. If a girl does highlighting all the time, then masks are vital. They nourish, restore, strengthen, moisturize. This is very necessary for bleached hair. Professional masks with ceramides help restore very burnt curls. Moreover, the restoration procedure has a cumulative effect, and after some time even the most whimsical strands will gain shine, radiance and beauty.


The mask will help you cope with the problems caused by highlighting and will help you look beautiful and attractive. The main thing is to remember that hair is a full-fledged part of the body, which requires competent and proper care.

When subjected to partial lightening, the hair becomes dry and weakened. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to choose a product that would make your strands moisturized and elastic, while caring for each hair.

Without going into specific details, we can give a short list of very useful substances and components that masks should contain for the care and restoration of bleached hair. These include:

All these products should be used in masks in the right proportions and combinations in order to collectively complement and enhance each other.

Professional hair cosmetics are created based on scientific developments, tested and very easy to use. It is made from chemical components and contains the entire range of the above-listed products and ingredients.

By going to any pharmacy or specialty store, you will find a sufficient number of masks for hair damaged by highlighting at quite affordable prices. It is quite difficult to understand all this diversity. As a rule, preference is given to an advertised, recommended or well-known brand. But it should be remembered that the selection of funds is purely individual.

Here are the most common components of medicinal cosmetics for moisturizing and increasing hair elasticity:

  • Dimethiconol- a lubricant that provides damaged strands with shine and shine.
  • Cetearyl Alcohol extracted from coconut oil, eliminates frizz.
  • Acetamide MEA- allows you to retain moisture inside the hair.
  • Panthenol- reliably protects against the harmful effects of weather conditions on the hair, regulates the production of sebum by the glands, and relieves skin itching.
  • Linolenic Acid- relieves dryness, helps retain moisture. Works against hair loss. Enhances the beneficial effects of vitamins.
  • Keratin hydrolyzate (Hydrolyzed Keratin)- provides elasticity to discolored, brittle ends.
  • Soybean Oil- enriches, gives a healthy glow.
  • Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii)- seals porous scales, gives hair smoothness.
  • Cocoyl sarcosine– extract from wheat germ. Strengthens thin and brittle hair.
  • Tocopheryl Acetate- vitamin E. Moisturizes, provides thickness and shine, accelerates hair growth.

By realistically assessing the condition of your hair and your intended prospects, you can choose a mask that is ideally suited to your composition. It is also necessary to take into account that the mask should not contain dyes and substances that can color your bleached strands, such as henna and mumiyo.

How to use it correctly?

So, the mask has been selected and purchased. But that's not all. It is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use of this product and strictly follow them. Professional masks that are used to treat highlighted hair are applied in different ways. The method of application depends on the consistency, exposure time, and composition of the medicinal components.

However, there are general rules:

Provided that the drug is well selected and used correctly, the result will not take long to arrive. Usually changes in better side can be seen after the first application. However To consolidate the desired effect, it is recommended to use masks constantly.

Rating of professional products

The world-famous brands L'Oreal, Estelle, Londa, Vella, Schwarzkopf and Garnier produce various professional masks that are convenient for home use. Choosing from all this variety is both difficult and expensive.

In this situation, various publications come to the aid of consumers, which constantly study the preferences and reviews of users and compile ratings of professional masks for highlighted hair.

Usually the top 10 most effective and popular products are published. This information is very useful and helps in choosing, although it is advisory in nature.

On a long list professional means For the care of bleached hair, the most popular are masks containing oils, vitamins, as well as valuable extracts from plants. I would like to highlight at least 5 such masks.


There are a lot of professional products for caring for highlighted hair, to suit every taste and budget. It is important to choose a mask that suits your hair structure individually., take into account their condition after lightening. And then everything is simple - follow the instructions for use and work on the radiant appearance of your hair. Remember that a proper balance between the chemical component and natural ingredients is important.

In pursuit of beauty and fashion, women change their appearance, namely their hairstyle and shade of hair. In addition to the usual coloring, there is such a hairdressing experiment as highlighting, which consists in lightening individual strands using cosmetics based on ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Highlighted hair looks excellent and suits almost every representative of the fair sex, but after such a procedure it suffers greatly. That is why it is important to provide her with proper care - for this there are various masks for highlighted hair.

Features of caring for bleached strands

You should pay maximum attention to dyed hair if you don’t want to sacrifice your image and appearance, otherwise an unkempt mop can radically ruin it and bring all your efforts to naught. If you do not know how to care for colored strands, it is recommended to consult with specialists. They will give you good advice, recommending natural or professional masks for highlighted hair, which allow minimizing the negative impact of the components contained in the dye for lightening strands.

It is advisable to do the procedure itself only in trusted salons with experienced professionals - independent coloring may entail negative consequences, which will lead to a deterioration in the condition of the hair. It's worth knowing that many are easy to prepare. nourishing masks for highlighted hair at home.

The basis of lightening curls is a strong chemical effect on them, as a result of which the structure is disrupted and their appearance deteriorates. The ends suffer the most from this procedure, so after it is better to cut them off by 3-5 cm. The main task of the mask for colored and highlighted hair is to restore its structure, as well as additional nutrition and hydration, thanks to which the hair will acquire a healthy and well-groomed appearance. For this purpose, modern manufacturers produce lines of care cosmetics for bleached strands.

How to properly use care products for bleached hair

Professional hairdressers and trichologists advise making masks for highlighted hair once every 8-10 days; reviews from girls with colored strands confirm their effectiveness. After using special products, the mop will become shiny, soft and silky. It is worth remembering that care products for bleached strands should be selected depending on their type, length, condition and time of year. For example, in the summer they suffer from ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to delamination and fragility, so it is advisable to use moisturizing masks for highlighted hair. They saturate them with additional moisture, restoring “vitality”.

Moisturizing balms must be applied to the roots, evenly distributing them along the entire length of the strands, paying special attention to the ends. After applying the balm, it is advisable to wrap the curls in cling film or cellophane to enhance the effect, and after an hour and a half wash with a special shampoo. In winter, hair dyed in light colors also needs special care, since frost causes it no less harm than the sun. During this period shown nourishing masks for highlighted hair.

The benefits of using conventional products for bleached hair

If a girl has never dyed her hair, then she is recommended to use homemade masks for highlighted hair. To prepare them, there are enough ordinary products that everyone has in the house: kefir, milk, egg yolk, brown bread, beer and yeast. Depending on the type and degree of damage, from these products you can create the best mask for highlighted hair, which will give your hair a dazzling result and will be inexpensive.

The effective action of natural mixtures is achieved thanks to natural ingredients that penetrate deeply into the scalp and the structure of the curls, ensuring their strengthening and intensive restoration from the inside.

Restoring mixtures for colored strands that can be prepared at home:

  • Mask with burdock oil for highlighted hair saturates them with moisture and nutrients, thanks to which they acquire a well-groomed appearance and become stronger. To prepare this mixture you need to take 20 ml burdock oil, 1 chicken yolk, 1 tbsp. l. cognac and 1 tsp lemon juice - mix all ingredients and apply along the entire length of the head, rinse off after an hour.
  • Kefir mask for highlighted hair provides them with deep nutrition, thanks to which they gain shine and strength. In 20 ml of kefir you need to add 1 tbsp of olive oil and apply the mixture to your curls (unwashed, if necessary), then wrap with film and wash after 30-40 minutes.
  • Revitalizing mask for highlighted hair With cosmetic oils. You need to take 15 ml of heated coconut oil and 10 ml of olive oil, mix them and apply to washed, towel-dried curls. It is necessary to wrap them in cellophane and leave them for at least an hour and a half.
  • An effective mask for highlighted hair with oat extract (can be bought at a specialty store) and egg yolk. To prepare it, you need to take 10 ml of oat extract and 2 egg yolks - mix all the ingredients and spread them on your curls, leaving for one and a half to two hours (if possible, it’s better overnight).
Professional products for bleached curls

What masks for highlighted hair the most effective of the professional series? An experienced specialist can answer this question. It is quite difficult to choose a suitable balm, but there are universal ones on sale that have a beneficial effect on all types of bleached strands:

  • Mask for highlighted hair Estelle is aimed at intensive nutrition and maintaining the blonde shade for a long time. This product gives curls strength and shine, thanks to shea butter, pearl extract and lipids, which are included in the composition. It comes in a large, convenient 300 ml jar - the product lasts for 3-4 months if you use it once a week. Its consistency is dense, has a pleasant light smell and purple color, due to which it eliminates yellowness, giving the curls a light silvery tint.
  • Mask for highlighted hair L'Oreal just like the previous one, it is aimed at restoring their lipid balance. The substances included in its composition highlight highlighted strands, giving them additional shine and moisture.
  • Masks for highlighted hair against yellowness Italian and domestic manufacturers have gained enormous popularity among girls, since these products are distinguished by their unique composition and high efficiency. With intensive use of anti-yellow products, the strands gradually acquire a fresh, silvery tint. Hair becomes pleasant to the touch, and combing becomes much easier.

Before deciding to lighten your hair, experts recommend first familiarizing yourself with the ratings of shampoos and masks for caring for highlighted hair.

Chic beautiful hair have always been considered the standard female beauty and attractiveness. In pursuit of perfect hair, girls try a lot of different coloring and styling products. One way to change your hair color is highlighting. This method allows you to add brightness to the image by lightening only some strands.

Although the procedure of highlighting curls is less harmful than full dyeing, it nevertheless depletes the hair, making it dry and brittle. Therefore, all women and girls who have subjected their strands to partial lightening should use special care products. The most popular are masks for highlighted hair. This article will tell you what these means are and how to use them correctly.

Which is better?

Speaking about caring for weakened hair (and this is exactly what they are when they undergo partial or complete lightening), we can say that they require products that will help moisturize each hair.

Various masks for highlighted hair can make hair less brittle and more elastic. Those that contain natural oils are of particular value. The benefits of plant components can hardly be overestimated, because they are a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Useful components for homemade masks include medicinal herbal decoctions and fruit extracts.

Summarizing all of the above, we can make a list of the most useful tools for damaged hair. These include:

  1. Masks with glycerin.
  2. Products with oils.
  3. Masks based on decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  4. Caring masks with egg and honey.
  5. Regenerating masks with vitamins.
  6. Professional masks for highlighted hair.

All the tools on this list can complement each other.

The benefits of glycerin in hair masks

Hair masks using glycerin can significantly soften curls, smooth out unruly strands, and also help treat split ends and get rid of dandruff.

Glycerin in the composition of medicinal hair products has an enveloping effect, protecting each damaged hair, creating a dense film on it, which allows minimizing the aggressive effects of negative factors. To achieve a positive result, you need to use such masks in courses. Usually the mask is done once a week for two months. You can make adjustments to the schedule depending on individual characteristics hair.

A variety of masks for highlighted hair with glycerin will be a real boon for women with damaged strands. Therefore, let's look at recipes for preparing popular options.

Regenerating hair mask with gelatin and glycerin:

  • 1 tsp gelatin;
  • 100 ml glycerin;
  • 5 tbsp. honey;
  • Half a tablet of salicylic acid.

With chamomile:

  • 100 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 60 g glycerin.

The components must be mixed and distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair. Wash off any remaining product after half an hour.

The miraculous power of oils

Nowadays, pharmacy chains offer a large selection of different oils that help make homemade masks for highlighted hair beneficial properties. Products such as shea butter, camellia oil, ylang-ylang, and grape seed oil are widely in demand.

All these oils are widely used in the manufacture of expensive shampoos and other products. They can be used not only in combination with other ingredients, but also as a complete medicine on their own.

To do this, apply a few drops of any oil to your hair and leave for 25-30 minutes, then rinse. Masks using these oils are considered very beneficial. Therefore, let's look at recipes for preparing some of them.

Mask for very damaged hair with wheat germ oil

  • 0.5 tbsp castor oil;
  • 10 drops of wheat germ oil;
  • 2 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 yolk.

Honey should be melted in a steam bath and the remaining ingredients should be added to it. Wet your hair with this solution and leave for 30 minutes.

Revitalizing mask with camellia oil:

  • 2 tbsp. olive oils;
  • half a banana (ripe);
  • 7 drops camellia oil;
  • 50 g yogurt;
  • 2 yolks.

This best mask. There should be little highlighted hair damaged by dyeing. Otherwise, it is better to entrust hair care to a professional.

Masks with vegetable oils help not only moisturize your hair. Reviews indicate that they care for the scalp. After use home remedy the strands do not get tangled and comb well. These masks with oil extracts of plants and fruits are good because their components can be replaced and combined.

Power of nature

What are the benefits of herbal decoctions for all hair types? They help saturate weak curls with moisture and beneficial elements. That’s why experts so often recommend using decoctions and masks for highlighted hair that requires special nutrition and hydration.

Burdock root decoction mask:

  • 50 ml of burdock decoction (roots);
  • 2 yolks;
  • 30 ml kefir.

To prepare a decoction you need to take 0.5 kg of peeled roots and pour boiling water over them. Let the product boil for 2-3 minutes, then set aside and wait for cooling. Next, mix the broth with yolks and kefir, then apply to the strands, leaving for 45 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

This recipe is universal, because it is suitable for all hair types.

Gift from bees

The benefits of honey for hair have been known for a long time. It has valuable restorative properties, so it is well suited for the rehabilitation of damaged hair that has a faded appearance, brittle structure and split ends.

A honey mask for highlighted hair is easy to prepare at home. It will return beauty and radiance to your curls. And another important component, which is very valued in cosmetology, will help with this - a chicken egg. Mutually complementing each other in cosmetic products, these two ingredients provide the curls with complete care. Every woman who wants to have beautiful hair should use such masks.

Healing mask:

Honey mask with lemon juice:

  • 100g liquid honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 30 g freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • 5 drops of argan oil.

You can't live without vitamins

Hair needs vitamins to grow properly. Of course, vitamins enter the body with food. But in case of hair coloring, they must be applied directly to the hair. A vitamin mask for highlighted hair will have an amazing effect (reviews about it are positive).

Vitamin mask:

  • 6 drops of vitamin E;
  • 6 drops of vitamin A;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 1.5 tsp burdock oil;
  • 30 ml of chamomile infusion.

After using the mask, the hair becomes silky and shiny.

Professional products

If you don’t want to spend a lot of time preparing homemade masks to care for depleted hair, then you can purchase them at a pharmacy or store. Even if you have to spend a pretty penny on them, the results are worth it. The most popular are masks for damaged hair chemicals, there may already be a lot, professional medicines can cope even with massive damage), containing oils, vitamins, as well as valuable extracts from plants.

The list of these includes these cosmetics:

  • Lumino Contrast from L`Oreal Professionel.
  • Pantene.
  • Hair mask Gliss kur “Extreme recovery”.
  • Elseve Hair Mask “Full Recovery”.

All purchased masks for highlighted hair act instantly, giving the curls shine, silkiness and a well-groomed appearance.

Night rest

Not everyone knows that brittle hair can be restored at night, during sleep. To do this, you just need to apply the mask to your hair, put a plastic cap on top, and wash your hair in the morning. If you are interested in the question of which masks will not spoil highlighted hair, but will provide intensive restoration, then night care products are your answer.

Sage care complex:

  • 50 ml sage decoction;
  • 50 ml chamomile decoction;
  • 1 yolk.

All substances should be mixed and moistened with hair. Afterwards you will need to wrap your hair with a towel.

Mask "Abundance of oils":

  • 8 drops of grape seed oil;
  • 5 drops of camellia oil;
  • 8 drops of shea butter;
  • 35 ml olive oil.

All oils must be shaken well and then lubricated with them on your hair. In the morning you should wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Such products will help if highlighted hair is dry. These masks are absolutely harmless.

What can help a woman add brightness and novelty to her image? And it is possible to completely update it. Undoubtedly this new hairstyle And new color hair. IN modern world There is a huge selection of different coloring products on store shelves. But a type of coloring called highlighting is gaining more and more popularity.

  1. Be prepared that coloring will require you to reconsider your entire line of hair care products. The emphasis will need to be on hydration, because without nutrition and moisture, well-groomed, dyed hair risks turning into dry hair;
  2. even if before dyeing you could easily do without conditioner and not experience discomfort, after dyeing you will have to add it to the list necessary funds care for highlighted hair;
  3. never comb them when wet, this can damage their structure;
  4. to reduce the risk of brittle ends, it is necessary to treat them with a product containing silicone;
  5. immediately after painting, try not to expose them to direct sunlight or sudden temperature changes;
  6. When drying with a hairdryer, it is recommended to set the maximum temperature to reduce the exposure time; manipulations should be carried out from the roots to the ends of the hair.

Ways to care for highlighted hair

If you choose professional care, it will help restore lipid balance, prevent rapid color fading and help nourish your hair without weighing it down.

An alternative to professional care may well be home care, for example, the use of masks. An important detail: for such care to be effective, these procedures must be carried out regularly, at least once a week. Let's look at the most effective and popular recipes for highlighted hair.




To activate growth, mix one spoonful of plantain, nettle, oregano, celandine flowers and sage. The collection is poured with 150 ml of boiling water and infused for 60 minutes. Next, you need to strain the mixture and add a spoonful of honey. The mask should be distributed over the scalp, then put on a plastic cap and leave to act for 2 hours. After which the composition is washed off with warm water, without using shampoo. Hair should not be exposed to artificial temperatures.


To prepare the mask you will need half a glass of kefir and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. The mask is applied for half an hour and washed off with shampoo.


To prepare this effective mask, you need to mix 300 grams of rye flour bread and 2 tablespoons of chamomile tincture. Distribute the composition throughout the hair, leave for half an hour, then rinse with shampoo.


Simple but incredible effective mask, which contains only one ingredient - chicken eggs. The yolks are separated from the whites and applied along the entire length, after which the hair is wrapped in a towel. The number of yolks is determined by the length. The mask is left for 40 minutes, then washed off with shampoo.


A pleasant and effective mask. A mixture of mashed banana, yolk, lemon juice and 1 spoon of honey is applied to the hair and left for half an hour.

With cottage cheese

Mix 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise and a little olive oil. Leave for 40 minutes.

With beer

The mask allows you to activate growth and saturate your hair with vitamins. To prepare the mask, you need to combine an egg, 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese and half a glass of light (live!) beer. Leave to act for 40 minutes.


According to legend, the beautiful Cleopatra was the first to use grapes for cosmetic purposes. This is not surprising, because grapes contain many beneficial substances that magically affect the condition of the skin and hair.
To add volume and revitalize dull, thinning hair, squeeze the juice from the grape pulp and combine with 1 spoon of honey and flax oil. The mask should be distributed along the length and left for 15-20 minutes, then rinsed with shampoo.

With avocado

This one product can replace an entire line of expensive hair care products for highlighted hair without causing side effects. Avocado, thanks unique composition, helps retain moisture in hair cells, nourishes them and intensely moisturizes.
To prepare such a miraculous mask, you need to extract the avocado pulp and crush it to a paste. Add egg yolk, 1 spoon of olive oil, 1 spoon of lemon juice. Leave the mask on for 25 minutes, then wash off with shampoo.


It was not without reason that our grandmothers preferred various oils. Applying oils is incredible effective means in the struggle for beauty. Burdock, almond or coconut oil Apply to hair an hour before washing. IN olive oil you can add egg yolk.


Women are famous for their inconstancy, craving for change, thirst for something new. Most often, change begins with oneself, namely, with one’s appearance. The image and style change, and with them the hairstyle and hair color. When it comes to coloring, beauty salons provide simply a huge selection: ombre, bronding, coloring, and, of course, highlighting, and much more.

Modern dyeing products, in addition to being effective, cause minimal harm to hair health. However, any coloring is stressful and they need to be restored.

A great alternative salon care Highlighted hair is treated at home. It includes the use of various masks, the effectiveness of which depends only on the regularity of these procedures.