What is your real relationship with your husband? Test for women! Joint test for spouses: is there a crisis? Psychological test for spouses

This test will help you better find out what type of head of family your spouse is. Let the husband go through it first, and then the wife. By comparing the answers, the couple can better understand each other and try to figure out why there are certain differences of opinion. This will help, perhaps, solve some family problems. For the answer “agree” score 2 points, for the answer “sometimes” – 1 point, and for the answer “disagree” – 0 points.

1 . The spouse gets along better with older children than with kids.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

2 . In case of divorce, children should remain with their mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

3 . An ideal husband will definitely be an ideal father.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

4 . Only women can show strong emotions. Men should be discreet.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

5 . In matters of raising children, the father's word is always decisive.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

6 . With the birth of a child, the husband is deprived of his wife’s attention.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I don’t agree.

7 . It’s easier to live completely without a father than to tolerate a drunkard.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I don’t agree.

8 . There is an opinion that the wife copes with everything better than her other half, so let her take care of raising the children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

9 . Only the mother should help and give advice to the child.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

10 . Strong parental love helps in raising children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

11 . The father must participate in raising the child only at the request of his wife.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

12 . If the spouses separated when the child is still very young, he will not notice the absence of his father at all.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

13 . Children are most often spoiled by their mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I don’t agree.

14 . The family should definitely go on vacation together.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

15 . The methods of raising boys and girls differ significantly from each other.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

16 . A child (both a boy and a girl) loves to spend time in the company of his father.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

17 . You periodically feel that there is something more important to your spouse than family.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

18 . In any issue related to raising children, you will successfully combine the responsibilities of mother and father.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

19 . Most of the respect should go to the father, not the mother.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

20 . The spouse should always intervene in matters of raising children.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

21 . The spouse will cope much better with the baby.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

22 . For a son, a father is much more important than for a daughter.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

23 . A man cannot be a good educator, since nature has assigned him a different role.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.

24 . Grandmothers make raising a child much easier.

A. I agree.

B. Sometimes.

B. I disagree.


Now you need to calculate how many points you scored. The answers fall into 3 categories. The 1st category includes answers to questions 1, 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 19 and 22. The 2nd category includes answers to questions 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 23. 3- I category - answers to questions 3, 7, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21 and 24. You need to calculate which of them received the most points. Depending on the result, you will find out what kind of head of your family he is.

If more points are scored in the 1st category of questions, the father belongs to the “traditional” type. It is he who represents the interests of your family in any contact with the outside world. His vote is always decisive, and he retains the right to make final decisions. He is moderately strict, and assigns certain responsibilities to the children and expects them to be strictly fulfilled. Such a father realizes how important raising children is and pays great attention to it. However, he gives the right to understand the emotional experiences and worries of his offspring to the mother. Children, feeling this, treat their father with respect, but they do not have too close a relationship.

If more points are scored in the 2nd group of questions, your spouse is one of the fathers who believes that the main thing is material well-being. He believes that his other half can choose any methods of raising children, since it is the woman who is called by nature itself to be a mother and educator. In addition, this type of husband is a workaholic, he is completely immersed in work and makes sure that the family does not need money. You can, under various pretexts, leave your children in the full care of their father, which will help him understand that they require real human warmth, communication and love, and not just prosperity.

The 3rd group includes the “modern type” of the father, who, despite his busyness and workload, devotes as much time as possible to his children. He devotes his weekends to walks with his children, visiting the zoo, circus or attractions, and he also tries to spend his evenings with them.

The children are very grateful to him for this, in return he receives love, adoration and admiration. They will trust all their childhood secrets (and then adult ones) to him rather than to their mother.

"Test for the spouse"

For each answer, award the number of points indicated in brackets. As a result, the result will help you find out what kind of wife you really are.

1 . While cooking you:

A. You are guided only by the taste of your spouse (6 points).

B. More with your taste preferences (2 points).

B. According to the established family menu, that is, a week - what your husband likes, a week - what you like (4 points).

2 . Do you periodically have thoughts that:

A. You got married in vain; without your spouse your life would be much simpler and more enjoyable (1 point).

B. Despite the difficulties, being close to your loved one is a great happiness (5 points).

B. Another day flew by without gifts, adventures or passionate declarations of love (2 points).

3 . If one of your “well-wishers” told you in confidence that your husband is not so faithful to you, then you:

A. You are burning with strong revenge and are preparing an insidious plan to punish your offender (1 point).

B. You try to immediately find reasons within yourself (6 points).

B. You inform the “well-wisher” that you have no doubts about your spouse (3 points).

4 . A new restaurant has opened, and your husband promised you to go there in the evening. You are in joyful anticipation, but your spouse, coming home from work, said that he was very tired and the visit to the restaurant was cancelled. You:

A. You pout and stop talking to your husband (2 points).

B. Say that the holiday is not cancelled, prepare an original dinner, light candles and arrange romantic evening at home (6 points).

B. You report that you are as tired as he is and also want to stay at home (5 points).

5 . As a child, your favorite thing to dress up as was:

A. Boy shorts and pants (1 point).

B. Elegant dresses, blouses and skirts (5 points).

B. Children's tracksuits(4 points).

6 . As a child, your favorite games were:

A. Games “like adults”: salespeople, doctors or teachers (4 points).

B. Children's girls' games with dolls and toys (5 points).

B. Boyish pastimes: “Cossack robbers”, football, etc. (1 point).

7 . What was your favorite thing to play with:

A. Toys and dolls (2 points).

B. Boys and girls (5 points).

B. Both with children and with dolls (4 points).

8 . During games you preferred:

A. Remain a leader at all costs (2 points).

B. Become a leader during the game, gaining authority (4 points).

B. They willingly gave the initiative to other children (6 points).

9 . Your spouse returned from work in a bad mood, you:

A. Make guesses rather than persistently question him, believing that, having rested, he himself will share his troubles with you (5 points).

B. You persistently begin to find out what bad things happened to him at work (6 points).

B. You become very upset and begin to get angry with him because he spends so much time at his job (2 points).

10 . You are going on vacation, but suddenly your spouse informs you that they won’t let you leave work. You:

A. You unpack your suitcases and don’t go anywhere (5 points).

B. You stay at home, but on every occasion you blame your other half for everything (2 points).

B. Do not cancel the trip (4 points).

11 . You have agreed to meet with friends, they are waiting, but suddenly your husband says that he is not in the mood:

A. You call your friends, apologize and cancel the meeting (6 points).

B. Going to a meeting without your husband (4 points).

B. Do as your spouse says (3 points).

12 . You argued, and your opinions are radically opposite. You:

A. Persistently do not deviate from your opinion (5 points).

B. You give up your position, but then strongly reproach yourself and condemn yourself for being too complacent (2 points).

B. Despite a heated argument that threatens to turn into a scandal, you desperately defend your opinion (1 point).


Less than 25 points. Your marriage cannot be called the happiest and, for the most part, it is your fault. You do not listen to your husband’s opinion; your desire is the law. Any slightest conflict can escalate into a big quarrel due to your intransigence. Remember that your husband is also a person, that you once fell in love with him for his many virtues that have not disappeared anywhere. Try to be more accommodating and soft.

26–50 points. You are a tactician, and peaceful enough not to aggravate relations over trifles. You can give in when you think the issue is unimportant, but if you feel that your family happiness something threatens you, you know how to “attack” and “bite” (however, quite intelligently). You respect your opinion, but the opinion of your other half is not in last place for you, which always allows your family to come to a common denominator.

More than 50 points. You are a very determined and even somewhat tough person. However, your tact and exceptional femininity allow you not to notice your attacks. If you are dissatisfied with your marriage, then you are not thinking about how to get a divorce, how bad everything is and how poor and unhappy you are, but on the contrary, you are looking for ways to strengthen your marriage, how to make it harmonious and happy.

"Spouse Test"

This test is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that the husband must go through it. For each answer, award the number of points indicated in brackets.

1 . How do you distribute household responsibilities?

A. In accordance with everyone’s interests, that is, who likes what (9 points).

B. It all depends on the work (4 points).

B. There is no distribution because the spouse does everything (2 points).

2 . Do you think that you can and should share your problems with your wife?

A. Always necessary (4 points).

B. Sometimes, but not all, so as not to upset her (9 points).

B. No, never (2 points).

3 . Are there times when your spouse is bothered by something in your behavior (excessive drinking, flirting with other women, rudeness, etc.)?

A. Never (9 points).

B. Unfortunately, sometimes this happens (4 points).

B. Often (2 points).

4 . At crucial moments, do you help her?

A. Yes, both in word and deed (9 points).

B. I can give good advice(4 points).

B. I don’t help, let her learn to make decisions herself (2 points).

5 . Do you express your joy at tasty food, your wife’s new hairstyle or the fact that the apartment is clean and comfortable?

A. Of course, I will always praise her (9 points).

B. Sometimes, excessive praise is harmful (4 points).

B. No, these are her responsibilities (2 points).

6 . Do you show interest in her aspirations, work and health?

A. Of course (9 points).

B. No, there is catastrophically little time (4 points).

B. Here’s another thing: it’s better to play chess in the yard or go to a cafe with friends and drink beer (2 points).

7 . Is there criticism in your attitude towards your wife?

A. Yes, it happens that healthy criticism has never bothered anyone (4 points).

B. No, my wife is ideal (9 points).

B. I am very critical, she does everything wrong (2 points).

8 . Are her wishes and personal opinions important to you?

A. Yes, I always try to listen to her (9 points).

B. Unless she insists very much (4 points).

B. No, only the man decides everything in the family (2 points).

9 . How demanding are you of yourself?

A. Very demanding (9 points).

B. Slightly, I’m not that bad (4 points).

B. Not at all demanding (2 points).

10 . Do you raise your children and take an active part in their lives?

A. Definitely, these are my children (9 points).

B. If there is free time(4 points).

B. No, raising children is a woman’s responsibility (2 points).

11 . Do you involve your children in helping with the housework?

A. Of course, I myself try to help my wife and teach my children (9 points).

B. Yes, I periodically have conversations with children about how mom needs help (4 points).

B. No, I don’t see the point in this (2 points).

12 . Do you instill in your children the idea that their mother should be taken care of?

A. Yes, I myself take care of her (9 points).

B. I explain that children should be attentive to their mother (4 points).

B. No, it is the mother who should take care of me and the children (2 points).

13 . Do you consider it necessary to maintain your spouse’s authority in the eyes of your children?

A. Of course, it is important that children respect their mother (9 points).

B. Not really (4 points).

B. No, this is not the main thing (2 points).

14 . How do you behave during an argument?

A. I listen carefully to my wife’s opinion (9 points).

B. I try to understand her, but not always successfully (4 points).

B. Often a small conflict develops into a scandal (2 points).

15 . In the heat of a very strong argument, are you able to adequately evaluate your actions and actions?

A. Yes (9 points).

B. Trying (4 points).

B. No, I’m right about everything (2 points).

16 . Are you taking any steps to correct your mistakes?

A. Immediately (9 points).

B. Only after thoroughly analyzing what happened (4 points).

B. Never what’s done is done (2 points).

17 . Does your wife remind you that the family needs a salary and should leave it?

A. Never reminds (9 points).

B. Occasionally (4 points).

B. No, she doesn’t, because my money is my money, let her earn it herself (2 points).

18 . There is an opinion that the one who brings home more money, is the head of the family and distributes the family budget. Do you agree with this statement?

A. No, leadership does not depend at all on the amount invested in the family budget (9 points).

B. In my family, money issues are resolved jointly (4 points).

B. When distributing the family budget, a dispute always arises (2 points).

19 . Do you consult with your spouse in cases when you yourself have already made your decision?

A. Of course, children must understand that in the family everything happens by mutual agreement and respect (9 points).

B. In exceptional cases (4 points).

B. Never, the wife must make all her husband’s decisions (2 points).

20 . Do you believe that the intimate side of married life completely suits your spouse?

A. Without a doubt (9 points).

B. I would like to believe, but... (4 points).

B. No (2 points).

21 . Are you capable of having an affair?

A. No way (9 points).

B. Under certain circumstances this is possible (4 points).

B. Yes, I do this regularly (2 points).

22 . Do you support your wife in her hobbies?

A. Of course, I am glad that she is a versatile person with a great inner world (9 points).

B. Sometimes, when it does not intersect with my interests (4 points).

B. I don’t support her, she’s doing stupid things (2 points).

23 . Do you devote too much time to purely male hobbies (hockey, hunting, etc.):

A. No, I would like even more (9 points).

B. The spouse believes that it could have been less (2 points).

B. It all depends on the time of year and mood (4 points).

24 . Your wife asks you for a car. How will you react?

A. No question. If you don’t need to go anywhere yourself (4 points).

B. Of course, I will, because she won’t ask for trifles (9 points).

B. Only over my corpse (2 points).

25 . Your spouse is driving the car, and you are nearby. How are you behaving?

A. I am absolutely calm because she is a wonderful driver (9 points).

B. In difficult road situations I can give advice (4 points).

B. I constantly comment and give advice (2 points).

26 . How do you feel when you return home from a long business trip?

A. I’m in a hurry because I miss you very much (9 points).

B. I’m eating as usual. If you hurry, you will make people laugh (4 points).

B. What's the hurry (2 points)?

27 . Does your wife often receive flowers and gifts from you?

A. Constantly, for me it’s a small thing, but she’s pleased (9 points).

B. Mandatory on holidays (4 points).

B. Why (2 points)?

28 . How do you prefer to spend your time during your vacation?

A. Together with family (9 points).

B. Everything depends on the current situation (4 points).

B. Unfortunately, we usually have different opinions about how and where to relax (2 points).

29 . What do you focus on most often?

A. On the positive character traits of my wife (9 points).

B. On negative (2 points).

B. I try not to focus attention (4 points).

30 . If you know that something you do can please your wife, what will you do?

A. I do it with great pleasure (9 points).

B. Of course, I will do it, but without much enthusiasm (4 points).

B. Why do I actually need to do this (2 points)?

31 . What do you think connects you with your wife?

A. Family, mutual respect and love (9 points).

B. Attachment and children (4 points).

B. General material interests only (2 points).

32 . Imagine going back in time and meeting your “future” spouse. What will you do?

A. I will marry the same woman again (9 points).

B. I’ll think carefully before making a decision (4 points).

B. I would never choose her again (2 points).


Less than 80 points. You call your relationship family, but what are you basing it on? Family is caring for each other, mutual respect, interest in the affairs and problems of your other half, as well as readiness to help at any moment. You think most of all about yourself and your peace of mind. Try to be more self-critical and change your behavior. Perhaps then the long-awaited peace and tranquility will come to the family.

80–170 points. You are a good father and contribute to the family budget. Your family can be called happy, if not for one “but”: you often forget that your spouse is a person, a woman, that you need to pay attention to her, be interested in her well-being and mood, give flowers and give compliments.

If you take this information into account, your family can be considered a harmonious, established happy unit of society.

More than 170 points. Yours family relationships perfect. Love, friendship, peace - all this reigns in your home. You give a lot to your spouse and children, but you also receive no less in return. This is the kind of union many couples strive for. Keep it up!

Test “Weather in the house, or your family’s Biofield”

With this test, you will find out what your family’s biofield is and whether anything needs to be changed so that the “weather” in the house improves significantly.

To make the result as reliable as possible, try to answer the proposed statements honestly.

1 . We have a very friendly and close-knit family.

2 . On weekends and various holidays we get together at the dinner table and have fun.

3 . The company of some members of the household, as a rule, drives me crazy.

4 . Our house is very cozy, warm and comfortable.

5 . In our family life, sometimes events occur that disrupt our harmony in the relationships between us.

6 . The best vacation For each of us it is to stay at home.

7 . Sometimes conflicts occur in the family, but they are quickly resolved.

8 . The bad habits of someone in the household are very annoying.

9 . I completely agree with the saying “My home is my castle.”

10 . Frequent visits from family friends have a beneficial effect on our relationships.

11 . There is a very hot-tempered person in our family.

12 . In our family, everyone can count on support and mutual understanding.

13 . Some members of our family have a difficult character.

14 . Mutual understanding and respect for each other reign in our family.

15 . The arrival of guests to our house often causes minor disputes, conflicts and showdowns.

16 . Long business trips make me miss home and my family members.

17 . Even friends who have visited our home at least once notice the harmonious and friendly atmosphere in our family.

18 . From time to time, major scandals break out between members of our family.

19 . The atmosphere in the house sometimes does not affect me in the best possible way and can cause depression.

20 . I acutely feel my loneliness and uselessness in the circle of my family.

21 . In our family there is a tradition of relaxing in nature together in the summer.

22 . We are used to doing all household chores together, because it is much simpler and more interesting.

23 . In our family, everyone loves to gather in one room to sing their favorite songs and play musical instruments.

24 . As a rule, an atmosphere of peace and happiness prevails in our family.

25 . A painful and heavy atmosphere prevails in our house.

26 . A source of irritation for me is the habit of some family members to speak in a raised voice.

27 . In our family it is not customary to speak rudely, and for the inconvenience caused we ask each other for forgiveness.

28 . Family holidays are accompanied by a noisy feast.

29 . After studying or working, I am in no hurry to go home, since nothing good awaits me there.

30 . Family members constantly offend me with or without reason.

31 . Our house is always in perfect order and cleanliness.

32 . Sometimes I get in a mood when I don’t want to see or hear anyone, even my family members.

33 . Relations between our family members are very strained.

34 . Some members of our family feel uncomfortable within their own walls and tend to appear at home less often.

35 . Our house is always full of guests.


For each affirmative answer to questions 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35 and for each answer “no” For questions 3, 5, 8, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, score 1 point.

Less than 8 points. This result should alert you. Your family has a negative biofield. Most likely, things are heading towards divorce, and you regard family life as difficult and unbearable.

9–15 points. Your family has a variable biofield, that is, at times love and harmony reign in the house, but they are always replaced by scandals and showdowns. During times of adversity, you feel disappointed in your partner, but time passes, life gets better, and then you forget old grievances.

16–22 points. Your family is distinguished by positive energy; of course, not everything goes smoothly for you, but minor troubles, as a rule, drown in a sea of ​​love and mutual understanding.

23–35 points. One can only dream of such a family biofield.

You are an ideal family, friendly and cheerful.

Test “What kind of teacher are you?”

This is very unusual test. It is an exercise for parents to understand how to raise their children.

Read all statements carefully and agree or disagree with them.

1 . Girls, unlike boys, are more obedient and disciplined.

2 . Girls treat animals and nature more carefully.

3 . Boys, unlike girls, are able to soberly assess the current situation and find a logical solution.

4 . Boys, more than girls, always strive to distinguish themselves in something.

5 . Boys achieve greater success in mathematics than girls.

6 . Girls react more sharply to the atmosphere in which they find themselves and do not tolerate suffering and pain well.

7 . Girls express their thoughts better than boys.

8 . Girls have better auditory memory, and boys have better visual memory.

9 . Boys are well versed in their surroundings.

10 . Boys are generally more aggressive than girls.

11 . Girls are more passive.

12 . Girls are sociable and prefer large and noisy companies to a narrow circle of friends.

13 . Girls are softer and more affectionate.

14 . Girls are more susceptible to the influence of others.

15 . Boys are enterprising and active.

16 . Girls are by nature less courageous than boys.

17 . Girls worry and suffer from an inferiority complex more than boys.

18 . Girls do not tend to compete with each other.

19 . Boys feel a greater need to stand out in society, to demonstrate their capabilities and skills.

20 . Boys are more prone to creativity, while girls do monotonous work well.


Now check your answers with the table and draw conclusions regarding your ideas about raising girls and boys. You may need to reconsider your views.

This test will let you know if the teachers are good at teaching your child. To do this, you need to ask him to mark with a “+” sign those objects to which this or that statement applies, and with a “–” sign those to which it does not apply.

And there is only one question for the child in this test: “In what lessons does it happen that the teacher...”.

1 . Most of the time is spent checking homework and survey, spending virtually no time explaining new material?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

2 . Never gives homework or asks anything that was not explained in class and that there is no place to find out on your own?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

3 . Is he kind to all students without exception?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

4 . Always praise and give high marks to those who completed a task in an original way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

5 . Is he in no hurry to leave the classroom after the bell rings and during breaks answers students’ questions related to a new topic?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

6 . Explains a new topic in an interesting and understandable way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

7 . Explains with a bored look new material, without caring that the students understand and understand it?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

8 . Loves you as much as all your classmates?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

9 . Is he friendly only to those students who study well and do not violate discipline?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

10 . Scolds and lowers grades because a student presents the material in his own words, and not as it is written in the textbook, or solves problems in an original way?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

11 . Evaluates student responses largely objectively?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

12 . When explaining new topic strives to simplify rather than complicate it with unnecessary details?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

13 . Practically does not require from students even what he should require according to the program?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

14 . Requires students to say only what they think is correct?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

15 . Is he friendly towards C students?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

16 . Demonstrates illogical behavior: sometimes forgives hooliganism, sometimes punishes for trifles?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

17 . Gives explanations based on old textbooks that students do not have in their hands, which makes it difficult to complete homework?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

18 . Often declares to students: “Tomorrow I will ask you about new material, and you must answer this way and not otherwise... Those who do not listen will blame themselves”?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

19 . Never mocks or insults students?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.

20 . Knows his subject perfectly, but does not make his students look like complete ignoramuses?

A. Mathematics.

B. Russian language.

B. Literature.

G. Music.

D. Drawing.

E. Physics.

J. Geography.

Z. Biology.

I. History.

K. Physical education.

L. Foreign language.


After your child will pass the test, start counting the results for each subject separately.

For each “+” for statements numbered 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 19, 20 and for each “–” for statements numbered 1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 score 1 point.

Your child is lucky if any subject scores more than 14 points. And if there are several such subjects, you can rest assured that your child is not going to school in vain. But even if there are only 2-3 subjects (especially basic ones) that scored more than 14 points, we do not advise you to transfer your child to another school. Talk to him and his classmates, find out what doesn’t suit them about the teachers, try to find a common language with the teachers and express to them your wishes and concerns in a gentle and correct manner.

Who is your husband - son, lover, rival...? Do you know that your true attitude towards your husband directly affects your role in family life?!

What can you expect in this article?

Read carefully and you will find out:

1. How and why do family relationships develop?
2. A test for women will help determine their true attitude towards their husband!
3. The test results will help you rethink and improve a lot!

How and why do family relationships develop?

When getting married, every girl in her imagination paints pictures of a happy family life: love, respect, mutual understanding... But after the wedding, lovers have to rebuild their relationship, now a family one, and each spouse chooses his role.

Unfortunately, in most cases, women (as well as men) know how to properly build these same family relationships only by hearsay. And it’s good if there was a successful example before your eyes when parents really loved and appreciated each other.

But the culture of family life in the CIS countries in most families leaves much to be desired...

You can’t tell in a nutshell what to do and how to do it...

After all, a relationship is a job like any other, and to get the results, you need to put in a lot of effort. Over time, responsibilities and worries dull feelings and you have to think about romance less and less.

“Everything is fine, and thank God!” - this is what many couples think.

But is it really good?

What role have you given yourself in your family life? Take a special test for women on their attitude towards their husbands, and you will learn a lot about yourself and your role in the family.

Test of attitude towards your husband!

A few more words...

The attitude towards your husband changes over the years, and this is normal. Some people's relationships become even stronger, while others grow apart over the years of family relationships. But if you are together, then this has a higher meaning!

Perhaps you have asked yourself more than once what attracted you to this man? Why did you choose it? The test questions will help you figure this out.

Write down your answer options so you can calculate the result later.

1. Do you notice that your husband is more attractive than other men?

a) he is my most beautiful;

b) he’s quite handsome, but that’s not important to me;

c) sometimes he is beautiful, but sometimes he is simply ugly;

d) he is cute, but some men are much more interesting than him.

2. Who is the leader in the family?

a) my husband;

b) we are equal to him;

c) it happens both ways;

3. Do you feel protected and calm next to him?

a) always;

b) partially;

d) in general, yes.

4. Is your spouse showing aggression towards you?

a) manifests, but thinks differently;

b) never;

c) it happens, and I’m unhappy with it;

d) occasionally.

5. How well do you know your husband?

a) pretty good;

b) I know a lot;

c) he still knows how to surprise me;

d) I know everything about him.

6. Is he more successful than many men around you?

a) he is successful;

b) there are more successful ones;

c) he wants people to think so;

d) he himself interferes with his success.

7. Does criticism take place in your family life?

a) he advises - I agree;

b) we try to do without it;

c) he is usually critical of me;

d) happens.

8. How do you usually spend your leisure time?

a) I want to spend time with him, but I respect his need to be alone;

b) always with him;

c) we spend time together often, even too much;

d) everyone has their own hobbies.

9. Can your spouse be called the most courageous of all the men you know?

a) rather yes, he has this quality;

b) no, I don’t need it;

c) I doubt it very much, but it suits me;

d) definitely, yes.

10. Who needs advice more often, you or your partner?

c) the same;

d) this is not accepted here.

11. How does he behave among friends?

a) he usually attracts attention to himself;

b) does not stand out, sits modestly;

d) everyone loves him very much.

12. If a dispute arises, whose word will be decisive?

a) we find a compromise;

b) making a decision always takes a lot of effort and time;

c) we are always very emotional in disputes and do not give in to each other;

d) I decide everything.

13. Have you ever wanted to leave him?

a) no, never;

b) no, but...;

d) yes, it is possible.

14. Do you have fans who try to court you?

a) no, my husband will not allow this to happen;

b) I remain faithful to my husband and stop any attempts;

c) sometimes;

d) often.

15. What does your spouse say about past relationships?

a) they evoke negative memories;

b) a feeling of resentment remains;

c) can discuss them calmly;

d) there are pleasant memories.

16. What do you think about your relationship with your husband?

a) I am very happy;

b) I love him with all my soul;

c) my opinion depends on circumstances and mood;

d) it’s nice that he treats me tenderly.

17. What do you do when he returns well after midnight?

a) waiting for him to come;

b) unobtrusively trying to find out where I was;

c) if he wants, he will tell him himself;

d) I start to make trouble.

18. What does he usually reproach you with?

a) my inability and helplessness;

b) my know-it-all attitude;

c) says, I can be harsh;

19. How do you feel about your former fan?

a) he is still close to me;

b) we are good friends;

c) we don’t intersect;

d) I tremble when I meet him.

20. Which of the following applies to you?

a) he creates opportunities for me to express myself and feel the fullness of existence;

b) I feel that he needs me;

c) he always says when something doesn’t suit him about me;

d) my husband listens to my opinion and follows my instructions.

Results of the attitude test towards your husband!

Which answer option is more common for you - a, b, c or d?

If you have more options A)…

It can be argued that you not only love your husband, you worship, adore and idolize him. Your relationship is based on understanding, trust and tenderness. You are ready to remain in the shadows and create all the conditions for him to realize himself in life and fully reveal his talents.

In many ways, you are an ideal wife, don’t forget about yourself. Only on equal terms will you both truly value each other and be able to achieve true unity, as well as realize your full potential.

If more answers b)…

You simply disappeared into your husband. You are ready to be with him day and night, take care of him and fulfill his various whims. By pleasing your spouse every day, you have completely forgotten about yourself, your interests, needs and pleasures. Such family relationships are not the best option. And your spouse most likely perceives you as a caring mother, and not as a woman. Remember about yourself, you deserve no less attention.

If your answers are dominated by letter c)…

You have an “adult” and independent partner, and you are very similar to your husband. Independent man strives to be a leader, but you compete with him all the time. What do you want to prove by wasting so much energy fighting for leadership? Is this what you wanted when you were twirling in the wedding dance? Let him know that you need his care and support. You should be tender and feminine again so that your relationship sparkles with new colors.

If more answers d)…

You are the clear leader in your family, and that suits you. Your husband has come to terms with his situation and loves you with all your needs and aspirations. Over the years of family life, your husband has become very attached to you, but it can be very uncomfortable and painful for him when you suppress him with your criticism. And you know it! You take out your frustration on him because you always wanted to be around more strong man. Perhaps you should be less strong yourself? Then, according to the law of compensation, your husband will begin to demonstrate this power.

How to improve your relationship with scents?

Yes Yes! You heard right! Fragrances have a very strong influence on men and can evoke love, tenderness, passion or other intense feelings in them. The main thing is to choose the right bouquet of aromas and choose real, high-quality perfumes for the right mood. However, everything is already ready for you. All you have to do is decide on your mood! All

For each question, choose one of three answer options: “yes”, “occasionally”, “no”.

Questions for your husband

1. Do you spend at least half of your free time with your wife?

2. Do you take every opportunity to praise your wife and express your admiration for her?

3. Do you refrain from comparing your wife with your mother or a friend’s wife in matters of cooking, housekeeping, if the comparison is not in favor of your wife?

4. Do you show interest in your wife’s intellectual life, the books she reads, her passions?

5. Do you thank your wife for the services she provides to you (laundry, etc.)?

6. Do you allow her to communicate with other men and accept friendly attentions from them without making jealous remarks?

7. Do you take care not to criticize your wife in front of strangers?

8. Do you still continue to court your wife, giving her gifts and constant attention?

9. Do you allow her to spend part of the money from the general budget at her own discretion?

10. Do you try to delve into your wife’s problems and help her in difficult times?

Questions for the wife

1. Do you live in the interests of your husband?

2. Do you compare him with other, more successful men?

3. Do you make efforts to make your home more comfortable?

4. Do you give your spouse complete freedom in his affairs?

5. Do you take your husband's taste and interests into account when purchasing certain things?

6. Do you try to spend your free time taking into account your husband’s interests?

7. When there are differences in views, do you make concessions?

8. Do you follow news and other events and facts in order to understand your husband’s intellectual interests?

9. Do you refrain from criticizing your husband's friends?

10. Do you try to diversify the menu?

11. Do you make an effort to live in harmony with your husband's mother and other relatives?

12. Do you express dissatisfaction with the way your husband manages his time?

13. Are you able to withstand financial difficulties?

Counting points

The answer “yes” is scored 0 points, “occasionally” - 1 point, “no” - 2 points. Calculate your total points.

0–5 points. Your family life and the relationships established between you are quite prosperous. Your marriage partner feels grateful towards you. Your opinion matters a lot to him. Your partner sees you as an excellent conversationalist, a reliable and caring friend.

5–10 points. There is some instability in your relationship. Sometimes there is indifference on your part, but no particular conflicts arise.

10–15 points. Relationships in your family are strained. Each spouse feels dissatisfied. There is a deep misunderstanding between you. Your partner is not interested in the reason for your actions and considers you selfish. All this leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family. Because of this, the spouse finds other hobbies that are not at all related to family life. The reasons lie in your frivolous and sometimes selfish attitude towards your partner and his feelings. You need to think about this, and as soon as possible.

15–20 points. Your family relationship is on the verge of breaking down. Your partner only formally considers himself your spouse. Each of you has your own life, mutual understanding is alien to you. It is quite possible that your partner has long had other interests not related to family.

These two questionnaires are designed to help you both determine the extent of your marital needs and evaluate the effectiveness of how they are being met within your family. The forms are identical, but the first must be filled out by the wife, and the second by the husband. Try to answer the questions as sincerely as possible. Don't try to downplay the role of a need that isn't being met.

After you complete the survey, review it again to make sure your answers accurately reflect how you feel. But don't erase or cross out anything when you make changes. Leave the first answer so the other spouse can see the options and discuss them with you.

People are often inconsistent when answering. This usually reflects a lack of awareness of a need or feeling. Don't feel stupid if the place you place a need (question 1) doesn't match the place you put it at the end of the questionnaire, but reflect on the inconsistency and identify your top needs.

When answering questions, circle the number or letter of the item that corresponds to your need, unless the question requires a detailed answer.

Questionnaire to analyze a woman's marital needs


Need for tenderness

2. To what extent do you think your husband should show you affection:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your husband does not show you affection as often as indicated in the answer to the second question, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

4. Do you want anyone other than your husband to show affection to you? If yes, please explain.

Assessing a husband's tenderness

1. Show how satisfied you are with your husband's affection for you.

2. Your spouse shows you:

c) as much as you want, but not the way you like;

d) there is not enough tenderness, and when he shows it, it is not the way you would like.

3. How could your need for affection be better met in your marriage?


2. How often would you like to enter into this relationship with your husband:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

a) very unhappy;

b) unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

4. Would you like to enter into this relationship with someone other than your husband? If yes, please explain.

1. How satisfied are you with your sexual relationship with your husband?

2. Your husband gives you:

a) completely what you need in this regard, and you like the way he does it;

3. How can a husband better meet this need?


Need for communication

2. How often do you think your husband should talk to you?

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If you don't talk to your spouse as much as you want, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

d) are happy that you are not talking to your husband.

4. Would you like to talk to someone other than your husband? If yes, please explain.

Assessing communication with your spouse

1. How satisfied are you with your communication with your spouse?

a) communicates with you as much as you need, and you like the way he does it;

b) doesn’t communicate enough, but you like the way he does it;

3. How can your husband better meet your need for communication?


1. Show how much you need a holiday companion.

2. How often should your husband join you on vacation:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your husband does not join you on vacation as often as you would like, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) indifferent;

d) happy that your spouse does not join you on vacation.

4. Would you like someone else besides your spouse to join you on vacation? If yes, please explain why.

Rating your husband as a holiday companion

1. How satisfied are you with your husband as a holiday companion?

2. Your husband vacations with you:

a) always when you need it and you like the way he does it;

b) not always when you would like, but when he joins, you like it;


2. How much money do you need to receive from your husband to support yourself and your children?

3. If your husband does not earn enough money as you would like, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

d) happy that my husband doesn’t earn any money at all.

4. Would you like someone other than your husband to support you financially? If yes, please explain.

Assessing husband's financial support

1. How satisfied are you with your husband’s financial support?

2. Your spouse:

a) earns enough money and you like how he earns it;

b) he doesn’t earn enough, but you like how he earns it;

c) earns enough, but you don’t like how he earns it;

d) he doesn’t earn enough money and you don’t like how he earns it.

3. How can your need for financial support be better met?

Need for attractiveness of spouse

1. How much do you need an attractive spouse?

2. Which of the following characteristics of attractiveness would you like to have in your husband:

c) appropriate haircut;

d) hygiene, personal care (cleanliness, absence of odor);

d) something else.

3. If your husband does not meet the requirements that you circled when answering the second question, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

4. Would you like to be attracted to anyone other than your spouse? If yes, please explain.

Assessing your spouse's attractiveness

1. How satisfied are you with your spouse's attractiveness?

2. Your husband:

a) attracts you and you like how he achieves this;

b) does not attract you, but when he does, you like the way he achieves it;

c) attracts you, but you don’t like how he achieves this;

d) doesn’t attract you when this happens, you don’t like it.

3. How can you best satisfy your need for an attractive spouse?


2. What do you most want in your spouse sincerity and openness:

a) when he shares everything with you - both good and bad in life;

d) when he shares his plans for the future and his projects;

d) something else.

3. If your spouse fails to be sincere and open in the areas you noted above, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

d) we are glad that he does not interfere with your affairs.

Assessing your spouse's sincerity and openness

1. How satisfied are you with your spouse’s sincerity and openness?

2. Your spouse:

a) is sincere and open with you, and you like the way he shows these qualities;

b) does not show sincerity, but when he does, you like the way he does it;

3. How can your husband better meet your need for sincerity and openness?

Need for help at home

1. How much help do you need from your spouse around the house?

2. How much time do you think a husband should devote to household chores:

a) ... hours a day;

b) ... hours per week;

c) ... hours per month.

3. If your spouse does not devote as much time to household chores as noted above, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it;

d) are happy that your spouse does not help you around the house.

4. Would you like someone other than your husband to help you around the house? If yes, oh please explain.

Assessing spousal help at home

1. How satisfied are you with the way your spouse helps you around the house?

2. Your spouse:

a) does everything around the house that is necessary, and the way you like it;

b) doesn’t do enough housework, but when he does, it’s the way you like;

d) does not help with the housework enough and not as much as you would like.

3. How can your husband better help you around the house?


1. How much do you need your spouse to devote himself to the family?

2. How much time do you think a husband should devote to his family:

a) ... hours a day;

b) ... hours per week;

c) ... hours per month.

3. If your husband does not devote the time you named, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

d) happy that he is not involved in the family.

4. Would you like someone other than your husband to participate in the life of the family? If yes, please explain.

Assessing how a husband devotes himself to his family

1. How satisfied are you with your husband’s dedication to the family?

2. Your husband:

a) devotes enough time to his family, and you like the way he does it;

b) does not devote enough time to the family, but when he does, it is the way you would like;

d) does not devote enough time to the family and is not involved in the family as you would like.

3. How can your husband better meet your need for commitment to your family?

Need for admiration

2. How often do you think your spouse should admire you:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your husband does not admire you as often as you indicated, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) have a neutral attitude towards this;

d) are happy that he does not admire you.

4. Would you like someone other than your husband to admire you? If yes, please explain.

Assessing how much your spouse admires you

1. How satisfied are you with the way your spouse admires you?

2. Your spouse:

a) admires you to the proper extent, and you like the way he does it;

b) doesn’t admire you enough, but when he does, you like the way he does it;

c) admires you enough, but not as much as you would like;

d) doesn’t admire enough, and when trying to admire, he doesn’t do it the way you would like.

3. How can your husband satisfy your need for admiration?

Below I have listed the ten basic marital needs and left room for you to add any other needs that are necessary for your complete marital bliss. Before each name, put a number from one to ten that corresponds to the importance of this need for you. Place number 1 in front of the most important need for you, 2 in front of the next most important need, etc. until you have placed all the numbers. The needs you have assigned numbers 1 to 5 are those that you believe your husband should pay the most attention to.


Sexual relations

Holiday companion

Financial support

Spouse's attractiveness

Sincerity and openness

Help around the house

Dedication to family


Anything else

Questionnaire to analyze the husband's marital needs

Need for tenderness

1. How much affection do you need?

2. How often do you think your wife should show affection to you?

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your wife does not show affection to you as often as you would like when answering the second question, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

d) are happy that they do not show affection towards you.

4. Do you want anyone other than your wife to show affection to you? If yes, please explain.

Assessing a Wife's Tenderness

1. How satisfied are you with your wife’s affection for you?

2. Your spouse treats you with:

a) as much tenderness as you want and the way you like;

b) not enough tenderness, but when he shows it, he does it the way you want;

c) as much tenderness as you want, but not the way you like;

d) there is not enough tenderness, and when it is shown, it is not the way you would like;

3. How could your need for affection be better met?


The need for sexual intercourse

1. How much do you need sexual relations?

2. How often would you like to enter into this relationship with your wife:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If this happens less often than in the answer to the second question, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

d) are happy that these relationships are absent in your life.

4. Would you like to enter into this relationship with someone other than your wife? If yes, please explain.

Assessment of sexual relations between spouses

1. How satisfied are you with your sexual relationship with your wife?

2. Your wife gives you:

a) completely what you need in this regard, and you like the way she does it;

b) not enough, but when it happens, you like it;

c) completely what you need, but not as you would like;

d) not enough and not the way you would like.

3. How can a wife better meet this need?

Need for communication

1. How much do you need communication?

2. How often do you think your wife should talk to you:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If you don't talk to your spouse as much as you want, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) are indifferent to this;

d) are happy that you are not talking to your wife.

4. Would you like to talk to anyone other than your wife? If yes, please explain.

Assessing communication with your spouse

1. How satisfied are you with your communication with your wife?

a) communicates with you as much as you need, and you like the way she does it;

b) doesn’t communicate enough, but you like the way she does it;

c) communicates enough, but not in the way you would like;

d) does not communicate enough and not in the way you would like.

3. How can your wife better satisfy your need for communication?


Need for a holiday companion

1. How much do you need a holiday companion?

2. How often should your wife join you on vacation:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your wife does not join you on vacation as often as you would like, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) neutral;

d) are happy that your wife does not join you on vacation.

4. Would you like someone else, besides your wife, to join you on vacation? If yes, please explain.

Evaluation of a wife as a holiday companion

1. To what extent is your wife your holiday companion?

2. Your wife is on vacation with you:

a) always when you need it and you like the way she does it;

b) not always when you would like, but when she joins, you like it;

c) always when you would like, but not the way you like;

d) not enough, and when you relax together, you don’t spend time the way you would like.

3. How can you improve the need for a vacation companion in your marriage?


Need for financial support

1. How much financial support do you need?

2. How much money do you need to receive from your wife in order to properly support your family?

3. If your wife earns less than you would like, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be indifferent to this;

d) are happy that your wife doesn’t earn any money at all.

4. Would you like someone other than your wife to support you financially? If yes, please explain.

Assessing wife's financial support

1. How satisfied are you with your wife's financial support?

a) earns enough money to support her family, and you like how she earns it;

b) she doesn’t earn enough to support her family, but you like how she earns it;

c) earns enough, but you don’t like how she earns it;

d) she doesn’t earn enough and you don’t like how she earns it.

3. How can your need for financial support be better met?


Need for an attractive wife

1. How much do you need an attractive wife?

2. Which of the following characteristics of attractiveness would you like to have in your wife:

a) physical perfection and normal weight;

b) appropriate choice of clothing;

c) appropriate haircut;

d) appropriate cosmetics;

e) hygiene, personal care (cleanliness, absence of odor);

e) something else.

3. If your wife does not meet the requirements that you circled when answering the second question, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it.

4. Would you like someone else besides your wife to be attracted to you? If yes, please explain.

Rating your wife's attractiveness

1. How satisfied are you with your wife's attractiveness?

2. Your wife:

a) attracts you, and you like how she achieves this;

b) does not attract you, but when she attracts you, you like how she achieves this;

c) attracts you, but you don’t like how she achieves this;

d) doesn't attract you, but when she does, you don't like how she achieves it.

3. How can you better satisfy your need for an attractive spouse?


The need for sincerity and openness

1. How much do you need sincerity and openness?

2. What is the most desirable thing for you in your spouse sincerity and openness:

a) when she shares everything with you - both good and bad in life;

b) when he talks about his former personal life;

c) when he talks about his daily life;

d) shares plans for the future and his projects;

d) something else.

3. If your spouse fails to be sincere and open in the areas you noted above, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it;

d) glad that your wife does not interfere with your affairs.

Assessing the sincerity and openness of the spouse

1. How satisfied are you with your spouse’s sincerity and openness?

2. Your spouse:

a) is sincere and open with you, and you like the way she shows these qualities;

b) does not show sincerity with you, but when she does, you like the way she does it;

c) shows sincerity and openness, but not in the way you would like;

d) does not show sincerity and openness, and when he does, it is not the way you would like.

3. How can your wife better meet her need for sincerity and openness?


Need for housework

1. How much do you need your spouse's support at home?

2. How much time do you think a wife should devote to housework:

a) ... hours a day;

b) ... hours per week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your spouse does not devote this time to housework, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it;

d) happy that the spouse does not do housework.

4. Would you like someone other than your wife to help you around the house? If yes, please explain.

Assessing spousal domestic support

1. How satisfied are you with the way your spouse runs the household?

2. Your spouse:

a) does everything you need around the house, and you like the way she does it;

b) doesn’t do enough housework, but when he does, it’s the way you like it;

c) does everything that is necessary around the house, but not in the way you would like;

d) does not do enough housework, and if he does, it is not the way you would like.

3. How can your wife be a better housekeeper?


Need for dedication to family

1. How much do you need your spouse to devote herself to the family?

2. How much time do you think a wife should devote to her family:

a) ... hours a day;

b) ... hours per week;

c) ... hours per month.

3. If your wife does not devote the time you named, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it;

d) are happy that she is not involved in the family.

4. Would you like someone other than your wife to participate in the life of the family? If yes, please explain.

Assessing how a wife devotes herself to her family

1. How satisfied are you with your wife’s dedication to the family?

2. Your wife:

a) devotes enough time to the family, and you like the way she does it;

b) doesn’t devote enough time to his family, but when he does, it’s the way you would like;

c) devotes enough time to the family, but not as much as you would like;

d) does not devote enough time to the family, and is not involved in the family the way you would like.

3. How can your wife better satisfy your need for dedication to your family?


Need for admiration

1. How much do you need admiration?

2. How often do you think your spouse should admire you:

a) ... once a day;

b) ... once a week;

c) ... once a month.

3. If your wife does not admire you as often as you indicated, then you:

a) very unhappy;

b) moderately unhappy;

c) be neutral about it;

d) are happy that she does not admire you.

4. Would you like someone other than your wife to admire you? If yes, please explain.

Assessing Your Wife's Admiration for You

1. How satisfied are you with the way your spouse admires you?

2. Your spouse:

a) admires you to the proper extent, and you like the way she does it;

b) doesn’t admire you enough, but when she does, you like the way she does it;

c) admires you enough, but not in the way you would like;

d) does not admire enough, and when trying to admire, does not do it the way you would like.

3. How can your wife better satisfy your need for admiration?

Match your needs

Below I have listed ten basic marital needs and left room for you to add any other needs that are essential to your marital happiness. Before each name, put a number from one to ten, which corresponds to the degree of importance of this need for you. Place number 1 in front of the most important need for you, 2 in front of the next most important need, etc. until you have placed all the numbers. The needs you have assigned numbers 1 to 5 are those to which you believe your wife should pay the most attention.


Sexual relations

Holiday companion

Financial support

Spouse's attractiveness

Sincerity and openness

Household chores

Dedication to family