Personal road map. How to create the perfect product roadmap and what does it take? Creation of the section “To the secrets of nature”

Today in our article we will talk about a concept that has long been well known to everyone and is used in a variety of spheres of human activity. Only most of us know it as “action plan” or “ calendar plan" And today we will talk about such a term as “Roadmap”, which, in general, is the same thing, but it’s just not quite familiarly called.

Although, in recent years, the phrase “road map” in relation to the development plan of a particular enterprise has begun to be used more and more often by our fellow citizens. And many of you have heard it more than once. True, this concept in each industry is filled only with its own peculiarities and subtleties, so it would not be amiss to once again become acquainted with its role and significance, but not only in a general sense, but also in relation specifically to the cryptocurrency sector.

IN different time We paid a lot of attention to what the development should have so that the widest possible audience would be interested in it, which, in turn, would ensure the idea’s promotion and successful development. For example, we wrote about such an important component as White paper. The presence of the White Paper not only allows users to become more familiar with the new product, but also indirectly indicates serious attitude teams to their brainchild (after all, they tried, they spent time).

Roadmap can also be included in the list of attributes necessary for the successful development of a startup. Although road mapping is not always used. Basically, this is done if the launch of a new product is being prepared, which has not yet been presented on the market, but existed only in the thoughts of the authors or, in best case scenario, on paper. Or another case - a product has been successfully presented on the market for a long time, but interest in it begins to decline and it is necessary to revive it or attract the attention of users to some new aspect of development.

In short, Roadmap can be defined as a technological map of a product, although, in our opinion, this concept is still somewhat broader. This is, in fact, a list of key steps that the startup team is going to take for its promotion and development, as well as a description of the methods and tools through which the set goals will be achieved. All this is presented with specific deadlines and dates. Having become familiar with such a document, the user clearly sees what the company has already done, what stage it is currently at, and what its plans are for the future.

Unlike WP, which is compiled, as they say, once and for all, the roadmap can undergo changes over time, the need for which arises during the implementation of the project.

Perhaps this aspect may not seem like the highest priority to some, but we would not advise underestimating it. Indeed, depending on who exactly such an “action plan” is created for, its content largely depends.

Basically, documents of this kind are created for project managers, developers, related structures and for you and me, that is, for users. Road mapping, to be effective, must include goals and technologies for achieving them, from the first steps of the project to its completion.

You are mistaken if you think that every crypto startup has only one such " long-term plan" As a rule, authors create several of them, different types and for various purposes.

First of all, of course, it is worth noting the main map, which defines the main development goals, displays a large-scale strategy and forms a list of global tasks. But there may be Roadmaps in narrow areas. For example, there may be some kind of “schedule” for people who attract funding for a project, or for those who are responsible for advertising, etc.

In the case of international projects, Roadmaps are compiled by country, taking into account various national issues, from local traditions to languages ​​supported by the company’s website.

First of all, in order for the team to act consistently, in accordance with clearly defined tasks. The main point here is the specification of the direction of work and its sequence: we solve one problem, move on to the next, or simultaneously work on several points at once.

Such a document helps in making forecasts for the development of an idea, and also allows you to identify risks in advance and, if possible, avoid them. In addition, in the process of creating a roadmap, new ideas may arise regarding attracting the attention of users, faster development of the international market, effective development strategies, etc. And in general, working according to a clear plan is always more effective than chaotic throwing around - there is less chance of something happening miss and make mistakes. And for potential investors, a long-term vision of the project makes it easier to make a decision on investing (or not investing) in it.

To develop a roadmap on your own, you don’t need to be a “best student”, and you don’t have to resort to the help of professional web designers either. We will describe the methods and stages of developing such a document below, and you decide which of them is most suitable for you.

Ways to create a roadmap:

  1. Using spreadsheets. This is perhaps the simplest and most accessible method. All you need is the ability to use Excel, and you will be able to create a table displaying your idea, initiatives, and indicate the deadlines for their implementation. This table will need to be updated from time to time. But this is not its main drawback. The main thing is that you will not achieve the necessary visualization and will not be able to fully imagine your strategy. And since the table is a static document, its control and synchronization are difficult.
  2. Presentation. It's a little more efficient to visualize the Roadmap using presentation software. Here the opportunities are wider and there is more freedom of action. But again you will have to deal with updates manually and the same problems with control and synchronization.
  3. Special services. Perfect option– this is when updates to the “track” occur synchronously for each team member, and this can only be achieved by using special services for managing the product with the appropriate functionality. In this case, you will achieve high-quality visualization, be able to link processes to a global strategy, establish cooperation with an interested audience, and integrate with other systems.

Among the most popular services of this kind, we can recommend Roadmunk, Hygger, Proofhub, Roadmap planner, etc.

Stages of work on the roadmap:

  1. Define strategy. Each global strategy is based on certain key goals. The main thing is that you and your entire team see your idea both as a whole and, so to speak, in a “disassembled” form, without missing out on the details that are important for target audience and reflecting her needs. All this, in the end, should form a clear picture of what you want to get as a result.
  2. Release customization. Decide on the functions that you want to highlight. Decide whether or not to present certain data (internal and external) in each release.
  3. Set your priorities. And various assessment metrics or your own scorecard, which is easy to create yourself, will help you arrange them correctly. Remember also the well-known rules in prioritization.
  4. Don't avoid communication. Without feedback and transparency in relationships, no strategy has ever worked. Yours won't work either. So strive to share your Roadmap, share it and keep it updated.

  1. Don't confuse a track with a backlog, they have several different purposes and filling. If the backlog reflects specific steps (tasks) that need to be completed by a certain deadline, then the roadmap determines the direction of work on a larger scale.
  2. Your document should be based on the main goals and large objectives, but you can show some flexibility in the details and minutiae.
  3. All changes in the company's strategy and goals should be tracked by you and reflected in the Roadmap.
  4. Priorities can change over time and need to be reviewed with a long-term view. It may turn out that some tasks have lost their relevance.

In other words, as we noted at the beginning of the article, the Roadmap is not an immutable document. Treat her as an effective assistant in your work on quality product. You can create “paths” for both global goals and small tasks. After all, big things consist of little things and you can’t concentrate only on global stages. But every detail, every little thing, you must align with the end goal and the main strategy, taking into account what product you should receive at the end of the work.

So, Roadmap is a plan for the development (release) of a product in the short or long term. This could be a completely new product, or it could be a new (updated) version of a product already on the market. Such a map, as a rule, reflects the ways and means by which you can achieve your goals, both intermediate and main.

A roadmap in the hands of a skilled product manager is a real strategic weapon. Just as most strategists know how to competently handle their work tools, a product manager must be able to tactically apply the roadmap and use available services for this purpose.

Whereas previously these tasks were accomplished with simple Excel or Powerpoint functions, today's product managers can truly benefit and enjoy working with quality tools to create a roadmap.

Why do you need a roadmap?

The purpose of the roadmap, as the main document of the product manager, is to convey the main ideas and progress in tasks to team members and external stakeholders (shareholders, customers, partners).

A product roadmap consists of a global initiative and all its planned steps. It doesn't have to include every product feature and detailed lists of bugs. This strategy document is intended for individual planning purposes.
It is imperative to update the product roadmap throughout its entire life cycle. Included features, initiatives and requirements must be created and initiated by many parties: management, customers, sales managers, partners, support, developers, financiers and, of course, product people.

Roadmaps are not limited to products: their goals are similar for different types(for example, marketing and IT roadmaps).

Any roadmap aimed at its audience has its own characteristics.

  • Roadmaps for developers typically focus on features, sprints, releases, and milestones. They are quite short and, as a rule, larger in scale.
  • Roadmaps for sellers focused on a combination of features and benefits for customers.
  • External roadmaps(for customers or partners) are focused on the main benefits of the product for them. Like any external document, this type of product roadmap should be attractive, visually clear, and accessible.

Also, roadmaps differ between teams. For example, a roadmap in an Agile team will be different from a typical roadmap in Waterfall.

Differences between roadmaps in Agile and Waterfall

  • Waterfall teams are typically business-oriented, driven by financial metrics. In Agile, goals are customer-centric (e.g. user growth and customer satisfaction).
  • Waterfall roadmaps reflect one- or two-year completions, while an Agile roadmap typically reflects quarterly completions. Planning in Waterfall and Agile companies also differs depending on the time frame.
  • The differences are also related to the principle of interaction. Interactions in Waterfall teams are consistent, and members of Agile teams work in a cross-functional and concurrent manner.
  • Finally, Waterfall roadmaps have limited flexibility, while Agile roadmaps are much more flexible, as is the methodology itself.

There is no perfect approach to visually creating a roadmap; you can use different templates to display basic data:

  • Global Strategic Initiatives
  • Releases by period (quarter)
  • Detailed Features
  • Information about bug fixing

How to create the perfect roadmap?


One of the simplest ways to create a roadmap is to use spreadsheets. For example, using Excel you can compile product ideas, initiatives, set timelines and deadlines. They are fairly easy to update.

However, roadmaps in tables have significant shortcomings. Tables do not provide sufficient visualization and are not sufficient to represent the strategic plan. In addition, Excel is a static document, which, after sharing, is difficult to control and synchronize versions with all team members.


It's much easier to visualize a roadmap in presentation software. Here the product manager has more opportunities and freedom of action.
Even so, a presentation is a static document that requires manual updates, just like a spreadsheet, which can create confusion with version control. Ideally, the roadmap should be updated synchronously for all team members. That is why today functionality for creating road maps is becoming more and more popular.

Why are custom services better than simple ways to create a roadmap?

Product managers today have the ability to visualize roadmaps using the best management tools that help:
  • Present a visual product roadmap
  • Link global strategy to roadmap processes
  • Identify and evaluate ideas
  • Collaborate with all stakeholders (including clients and non-technical colleagues)
  • Integrate with third-party systems
Which service should you choose? Here TOP 7 platforms for product managers who care about high-quality visualization of the roadmap:

Once the service for product management is defined, you can start creating the roadmap. Where to begin? How to create a roadmap that everyone can understand?

Main stages of creating a roadmap

There is probably no need to remind once again about the key business goals that are directly related to the creation of roadmaps. By clearly understanding these, as well as your initiatives in which you intend to invest, you can determine which features to add to your roadmap (by thinking about what will have the biggest impact on your business). Here's a 4-step strategy that will help everyone:

1. Definition of strategy

Typically, global strategies are based on key goals. This shared vision of goals determines your forecast for the entire product. A strong product vision is supported by details related to your customers and their needs.
It reflects the essence of what you want to achieve. Make sure your team understands everything at this stage to develop their future masterpiece.

2. Customization of releases

Here you select the features to highlight and decide whether internal or external data should be presented in every release or not. External and internal release dates may vary.

3. Prioritize features

Remember that customer requests should always be measured against your strategy.
There are various metrics that help evaluate your strategy. It is not difficult to create your own scorecard for your type of product, since each product is somewhat unique. Having your scorecard will help you prioritize your roadmaps objectively. Don't forget about general rules on priority setting and known prioritization methodologies.

4. Sharing the roadmap

Creating great products is impossible without communication, feedback and transparency in relationships. You cannot do without them in your strategy.

As a conclusion

It looks like roadmaps are becoming mandatory and effective tool for management purposes. They help manage team schedules, discussions, break down tasks into subtasks, complete work on time, measure productivity and achieve successful results.

Well-designed software with a roadmap option is a powerful strategic tool in product management.

What is your experience using roadmaps? Share your ideas and success stories.

Road map - this is a visual representation step-by-step scenario achieving the strategic goals of the enterprise, a scenario for achieving efficiency or maintaining a stable state of the production process, which the working groups adhere to when performing practical tasks for the implementation of “Hoshin Kanri” (a method of strategic planning and a tool for managing complex projects, a quality management system that allows taking into account the requirements and wishes of the Customer ).

The roadmap ensures the management and improvement of each process of the production structure through the application Deming cycle, or PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act, i.e. “Plan-Do-Check-Adjust/Act”). PDCA is shorthand for the scientific method:

  • Plan (define a strategic goal, formulate goal setting);
  • Do (identify the main steps (milestones) to achieve your goal);
  • Check (use Lean manufacturing tools to control the actions taken, apply management decisions to check the effectiveness of the selected solutions);
  • Adjust/Act (form a standard based on the results of the actions taken, conduct an audit, make adjustments).

Road mapping connects the expectations from the idea, the strategy and the plan for the development of the process and arranges in time the main steps of this process according to the principle “past - present - future”. Road maps allow you to view not only probable scenarios and development paths, but also their profitability, which allows you to choose the optimal paths to achieve in terms of economic efficiency and profitability of enterprises and the process as a whole.

Let's define the reasons why Process Owners should use a roadmapping tool:

  1. Creating a roadmap is, first of all, effective planning of all areas and factors that are involved in achieving the task;
  2. Road maps include such precise characteristics as time;
  3. Creating roadmaps helps Process Owners ensure that when the time comes, they will have the resources and technology needed to implement their strategy and plans;
  4. Roadmaps are the link between the strategy of the Management and Management Process Owners and the overall development strategy of the company;
  5. With the help of roadmaps, gaps (shortcomings) are identified in the planning of development milestones by Process Owners, which allows avoiding, rather than solving possible problems in future;
  6. At each stage of the roadmap creation process, emphasis is placed on several of the most important aspects, for example: the need of the enterprise and its development dynamics. Thus, it is possible to use time and resources in the most reasonable and efficient way. With the help of roadmaps, it is possible to set the most realistic goals;
  7. The road map develops a kind of “guide” for managers, thus allowing them to identify intermediate results and adjust areas of activity;
  8. The joint use of several roadmaps allows for the strategic use of technologies throughout the company, for example, the process of delivering gas and mineral products to the Customer’s site; both employees of TMS-Logistics LLC and employees of NKT-Service LLC are involved in this process; the creation of a single roadmap will allow directing the action of two organizations to achieve one goal;
  9. Creating roadmaps involves the exchange of information between representatives of various managed companies, departments, process owners and other parties interested in achieving the goal. Using a road map, it is possible to explain to everyone in a very clear way the direction in which the production process is moving, its potential capabilities and prospects;
  10. The road mapping process forms within the group a common understanding of the development goal and ownership of the development plan;

From the above, it is obvious that the Roadmap makes it possible to predict possible directions for applying the results of the enterprise in general and employees in particular: firstly, from the standpoint of bringing ineffective processes to efficiency (that is, assessing the role of the Process Owner, the effectiveness of the decisions he makes), and in - secondly, from a commercial point of view (to evaluate the possible economic efficiency of implementing this development). Enterprises have practical experience in building a roadmap in

The problem we are considering here can be formulated in different ways. We can say that we strive to bring order to the company’s business processes, make them transparent and manageable. We can say that we are creating a process management system, or in another way: we are introducing a process-oriented approach to company management.

Whatever you call it, the point is that we want to create workable process controls that enable continuous improvement. We are building an organizational system, and this construction must be carried out on the basis of a certain methodology and technology. No one will undertake to build a house or a ship without mastering the technology for constructing the object that needs to be created. “Organization building” is no simpler than engineering. It also has its own laws and rules, violation of which never goes unpunished. The huge number of unsuccessful projects in the field of “institutional construction” is explained precisely by the fact that the work was carried out without an “architectural project” in violation of SNIP (building codes and regulations). Therefore, in our work to introduce a process approach to management in the company, we will be guided by a strictly defined technology, which is presented in the diagram in the form of a “road map” of the project. We will follow this map step by step, consistently approaching our goal - creating a process management system.

The first point of our “road map” is the identification of the company’s strategy. It is necessary to clearly formulate the basic principles of the company's activities in its target market, defining its customers, the key values ​​​​that are significant to consumers and the main differences from competitors. This is important because these principles imply requirements for the company’s internal organization, its processes and structure. There is no point in pursuing processes without first defining who they should serve and what they should be like to satisfy customers and provide an edge over competitors. All this stems from market strategy.

The next step is to develop an organizational concept. This is a kind of “architectural design” of our organizational system. It defines the structure and interconnection of processes, as well as the main centers of responsibility and their functions in servicing processes.

The organizational concept serves as the basis for identifying processes and developing an organizational structure. These two tasks are solved in close cooperation. During process identification, their characteristics are determined: inputs, outputs, clients. suppliers, performers, goals and targets. Process executors are determined in relation to the organizational structure, while the structure itself is clarified and detailed.

Using the results of process identification, we can determine performance indicators for performers and create job responsibilities for them. Next, requirements for the job positions of performers, remuneration rules related to performance indicators, process regulations and instructions for performers are developed.

This is the sequence of “construction” of the company’s process management system. Violation of this order inevitably leads to project failure and disappointment for both managers and employees.

We will look at each stage of this “road map” in detail in our next articles.

It is also important that all this “construction activity” is carried out in the form of a project. That is, according to a clearly defined plan with specific deadlines, responsible executors, control and evaluation of results. The project may cover the processes of the entire company or one of its divisions; this must be determined first. Project goals must be formulated in such a way that measurable criteria for success are defined. It is necessary to answer the question: “What business indicators should improve as a result of implementing a process approach?” This could be inventory turnover, reduced logistics costs, increased production volumes, or other indicators.

Then a project team should be formed, which should include representatives of all parties interested in the process: process clients, suppliers, performers and, of course, the process owner. Customer representatives in the company are marketing specialists, and supplier representatives are purchasing specialists. If the project covers all company processes, the project team should include all top managers.

To prepare a project plan, you need to use our “road map”, which contains all the main stages of work.

It is important that the official status of the project is established by order of the General Director, which defines:

  • Project Manager,
  • Composition of the project team,
  • Project goals and success criteria,
  • Project results,
  • Project plan.

During the work, it is necessary to conduct weekly reviews of the results obtained and identified problems, and develop solutions to ensure further progress.

Many projects fail due to poor management. The reasons for the high mortality rate of organizational transformations are well known. I will name the three most common.

  1. Lack of attention to the project from the company manager . When the manager believes that it is enough to appoint those responsible and not think about it anymore, then the project uncontrollably “goes to the bottom.” No change in an organization can occur without the strong support of management. The head of the company must demonstrate an unyielding will to change, constantly monitor the progress of the project and remove all obstacles from its path.
  2. Low employee engagement . An extremely unproductive approach to process implementation is one in which business analysts or external consultants develop process regulations, and then managers force employees to work according to these regulations. People resist changes that are imposed on them from the outside. The energy of resistance can be transformed into a driving force for change by involving employees early in the development of processes and working with them all the way to the final results. In this case, people consciously and responsibly carry out the decisions that were developed with their participation.
  3. Wrong methodology for carrying out organizational change . Carrying out organizational changes requires special competencies, knowledge of methods for carrying out changes and the ability to apply them. The methodology for implementing the process approach outlined in our articles makes it possible to reduce the risks of this project. To do this, you need to follow the “road map” and our recommendations.

In the following articles of this series, we will discuss in detail each stage of implementing a process-oriented approach to company management.

Practical guidance on implementing the process approach is given in the electronic training course “How to build a process management system in your company.”

"New model
new model
implementation of the plan
implementation of the plan

Road map

A roadmap is a visual representation
step-by-step scenario for the development of a specific object
– a separate product, and even a plan to achieve
For example,
resolution of international conflicts and struggles
with especially dangerous diseases.
Road mapping links
vision, strategy and development plan for the facility and
arranges in time the main steps of this
process according to the principle “past - present -

Road map

Road maps allow you to view more than
potential profitability, and also choose
optimal paths from a resource point of view
cost and economic efficiency.

Road map


Open Registry
The new look of the clinic - open registration,
organization of registrar jobs, allocation
structural divisions of the registry: call center,
map storage. Optimization of internal logistics,
separation of patient flows. Uniform loading
medical staff and receptionists. Elimination of all types
losses from streams
Emergency medical
patients by distribution and alignment
flows and reducing process times.
Installation of management information system
streams. Reduced patient stay time
in the clinic
Extraordinary patient
Increasing accessibility and quality of medical
helping the population by optimizing processes and
elimination of losses, opening of the duty officer's office
doctor. Creating comfortable conditions for staying in
clinic, increasing the share of doctor work with
patient up to 90%
New direction
1st stage of medical examination
Reduced time for
medical examination up to 2 days

Open Registry
Emergency medical
Healthy childhood office
Increasing the availability and quality of medical care for the population through
optimization of processes and elimination of losses.
Increasing the number of patients registering through KIIS and COLLcenter.
Reducing the waiting time for patients in line at the registration desk.
Increasing the share of maps in the map storage
Reducing the time required to provide emergency medical care.
Improving the work of the emergency room.
Patient satisfaction with the quality of services provided
Flow delimitation and routing of healthy children for
maximum convenience and reduction of time spent in
clinic and preventing the spread of diseases
New direction
Organized pediatrician
Creating comfortable conditions for patients to stay in the clinic.
Optimal distribution of responsibilities between doctor and nurse.
Increasing the share of the doctor’s work with the patient, reducing the share of the doctor’s work with
medical documentation.
Transition to working with EHR.
Bringing the doctor’s workplace according to the 5C system, creating comfortable
working conditions, procurement necessary equipment(monitors, printers and

Plan development activities cover all stages of creation and
project execution.
In a well-organized project, each goal must be met.
be responsible for a specific management body: manager
project for all goals (project mission), responsible executors for
private goals.
The essence of planning is:
a) setting goals and ways to achieve them based on the formation
set of works (events, actions) that must be
b) application of methods and means for implementing these works;
c) linking the resources necessary for their implementation;
d) coordinating the actions of organizations participating in the project.
The main purpose of planning is to build an implementation model
project. It is necessary to coordinate the activities of participants
project, it helps determine the order in which they should
work to be done.

10. Tactical plan for project implementation

Tactical (operational, detailed) planning
associated with the development of tactical, detailed plans
for operational management at the responsible level
Tactical planning is a process
who directs the day-to-day activities of the project.
It is the process of planning what needs to be done
when should it be done, who should do it, and what
resources or investments are needed to do this.
This is the process of implementing strategic goals.
When a tactical action plan or operational plan
presented as the basis or for an application for
financing, or to apply for a loan, or
to allow others to invest in the process or
project in any way, they are often called
business plans.

11. General view of the tactical work plan (TWP)


12. TPR example: TITLE section

Tactical plan for project implementation
from _________
Project: “Creation of a new
medical model
providing primary
health care"
Enterprise: State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Republic of Moldova "...."
Project Manager:
Ivanov I.I.

priority (problem) areas.
Questioning is a rather labor-intensive process, but
it allows you to better identify the problem.
When compiling questionnaires, it is necessary to determine
specific questions, the answers to which would allow
identify bottlenecks of one problem, not the whole
For example: the direction “reception” is defined
bad." But what specifically doesn’t suit me: the duration
communication with the registrar, information content, queue?
specify goals.
is being compiled
depending on the number of mentions in questionnaires.
Thank you for attention!