Intimate hygiene of a newborn girl: how to properly wash your baby to avoid possible problems and unpleasant consequences. Hygiene of a newborn girl: features of caring for the genitals The best way to wash a newborn girl

After a newborn is discharged from the hospital, each family member has new concerns in caring for the baby. Often parents, especially dads, are afraid to pick up their baby at all, for fear of harming his fragile body. Indeed, although during this period the child’s skeleton is already fully formed, its bones are very fragile and can be subject to deformation if the baby is lifted from the crib abruptly or carelessly. But you need to pick him up to feed him or change him, bathe him or carry out the necessary hygiene procedures. To overcome this completely understandable fear, you need to get acquainted with ways of holding a baby in your arms. Sometimes even mothers themselves don’t know how to properly hold a newborn in their arms when washing themselves.

Basic rules for holding a newborn when washing

The key to keeping your baby's skin clean and healthy is regular bathing and washing as needed. It is the second procedure that helps keep the skin of the baby’s intimate parts clean and fresh. And, conversely, keeping a baby in diapers for a long time often leads to diaper rash and overheating.

Daily bathing of a newborn is a mandatory hygiene procedure. When completely immersed in specially prepared water, the baby experiences freedom and relaxation. Very rarely, newborns react negatively to the bathing process. Also, not all babies experience pleasure when they begin to wash themselves.

Even in the maternity hospital, mothers are told and shown in detail how to properly hold the baby when washing. When parents at home are faced with the need to carry out a hygienic procedure, they usually experience uncertainty and fear, because they are afraid of damaging the fragile spine and joints of the baby’s arms and legs.

This will not happen if general and specific rules regarding holding a baby in your arms in different cases are followed: while lifting from the crib, carrying, bathing and washing.

What not to do in such situations:

  1. pick up abruptly;
  2. pull the hands;
  3. forget about fixing the head with your fingers so that it does not tip over;
  4. pick up uncertainly and carelessly;
  5. do not hold it on one hand for a long time;
  6. vigorously scrub dried feces onto the baby’s delicate skin (it’s better to moisten it with a napkin and then wash it);
  7. use adult detergents, sponges and other people's towels for washing;
  8. wipe the wet body rather than pat it dry with a towel or napkin.

When it's time to wash your baby:

  • After changing the diaper, if the baby's intestines are relieved. In the first month of a baby’s life, it is recommended to wash it with boiled water; later, it can be washed under the tap.
  • If your baby is not very dirty when changing the diaper, you can wipe it with a damp baby wipe.
  • Usually diapers are changed and hygiene procedures are carried out every 3 hours.

Important! Before washing, mom and dad or their assistants must wash their hands with soap.

“How to properly hold a newborn when washing? How to carry out this procedure without harming the baby?” - these questions arise before parents immediately after the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital.

While washing, you need to hold the baby securely, but not too squeezing. So that he does not get scared and does not experience discomfort, it is necessary to put him face up, placing his head on a bent elbow, and placing his body on his arm. The buttocks can be supported with the palm of your hand. At the same time, keep one leg lowered so that the perineum is open. Wash with jet warm water(not higher than 36 degrees).

The fastest way to wash your baby, if there is no help, is to place him under a stream of warm water over the sink. How to hold a newborn when washing under the tap? You need to put it on one hand, bent at the elbow, tummy up and wash warm water from the tap. The main thing is that the water temperature is adjusted (36-37 degrees). The washing sequence for girls and boys is the same: from the genitals to the anus, not forgetting to carefully wash the folds in the perineum. After a month, newborn boys can be washed by placing them on their tummy.

Features of washing girls and boys

Boys can be washed while lying on their back and tummy. For a girl, the second position is not suitable, because this way you can introduce an infection with the remains of feces into the genital organ. Washing boys while lying face down is allowed when he is a little older.

How to properly wash a newborn

Babies in the mother's womb are protected from infections by a special lubricant. After the newborn is born, this protective layer is washed off. In girls, it remains on the labia for some time. The lubricant should be kept for the first 2-3 days to ensure protection. It is washed off during bathing and washing. If this does not happen, you can gently wipe it off with a damp cotton pad. This procedure should not be done at once, but in several steps, because the skin here is delicate and can be easily damaged. There are certain rules on how to hold a child (girl) while washing and what mistakes to avoid during the procedure:

  1. Firstly, never put a girl with her butt unwashed after a bowel movement into a basin.
  2. Secondly, wash with a stream of warm water directed from the front to the anus.
  3. Thirdly, do not get carried away with using detergents; it is better to bathe with water. Wash your butt that is too dirty with baby soap.
  4. Fourthly, to prevent synechiae (fusion of the labia) when washing newborn girls, do not use washcloths and regular soap and perform the procedure very carefully.

Washing a newborn boy

Washing a male baby is associated with a lower risk of infection, this is due to the physiological structure of his genital organs. Here, too, there are a number of features of the postpartum development of boys associated with the division of the tissue of the glans penis, which was single before birth. This process occurs naturally by the age of 3, less often by 7 years. When washing the boy, you need to pay attention to this and not interfere in the process. If adhesions form in the foreskin area, contact a surgeon.

Advice. You need to wash the baby with a stream of warm water, starting from the genitals and scrotum and moving to the anus. Use baby soap and gels only for washing the anus. If diaper rash or irritation occurs, you can use powder or oils, but only for the butt.

Features of washing with one hand

If mommy does not have assistants, then she has to master the intricacies of hygiene procedures on her own. The most difficult way to wash a baby is to hold him in one hand and use the other. In such a situation, you need to prepare water at a temperature of 37 degrees in advance, then put all the necessary items nearby: a clean diaper, soap, a towel, powder or oil. Only after this, free the child from a wet or dirty diaper and begin washing. Experience and dexterity in performing the procedure come with time. The main thing is to be confident in your actions, remembering that the baby’s health depends on it.

Young parents who have their first child often have no experience communicating with a newborn. Many adults, especially dads, are afraid to take part in the daily care of their baby. To prevent this from happening, you need to learn in advance the subtleties and features of tactile communication with your future baby. Such parents would benefit from courses on preparing pregnant women for childbirth. There they will have their first acquaintance with how to pick up, hold and bathe the baby.


Regardless of the gender of the baby born, it is very important to constantly monitor how her intimate hygiene is maintained. Caring for a newborn baby requires certain skills from young parents. Not every mommy (and even more so daddy) knows how to wash a newborn girl.

This knowledge is simply necessary, because it determines a close connection with the health of the baby’s reproductive system later.

Features of the intimate sphere of newborns

Women's reproductive health is directly related to intimate hygiene. You need to take care of this from the very first days while staying in the maternity hospital. Immediately after the baby was born into this world (you need to know this, because it is very important), she is not yet fully formed hymen, which is a staunch protector of the vagina.

In addition, at this moment, beneficial microflora has not yet populated the organism. That is why the remains of feces, care products and other factors can lead to damage and disease of the baby’s genitals.

Parents just need to learn how to lead as quickly as possible proper care behind the private parts of a newborn daughter.

Some difficulties of the first days

Many parents are scared that their newborn toddler has some kind of discharge. In most cases, there is nothing wrong with this, and on the contrary, it is quite normal for a baby who has just been born.

White mucus discharge is completely normal for girls. Moms, remember that this secret protects the internal environment from foreign infections. Therefore, there is absolutely no need to clean it too thoroughly and often. Intimate folds can serve as a reservoir for excess cream and powder that needs to be removed cotton swabs, having previously moistened it in sterile oil (do this no more than twice a day).

There are too many hormones in the body of a little girl who has just seen the world. The result is that the labia may become swollen. This is normal and usually goes away within a couple of weeks.

Hormonal levels and hypersecretion of mucus can lead to the labia minora becoming fused. To reduce this to a minimum, you need to move them apart and wipe them from time to time. This problem is aggravated in newborn girls, because their labia minora protrude slightly, which serves as an additional factor for their fusion.

The occurrence of bleeding from the vagina in little girls. This can happen in the first days after birth. There is no need to be afraid, because this is the result of the fact that children's body is gradually being rebuilt.

Parents should sound the alarm when they notice redness or pus discharge in their little daughter. In this case, you should immediately rush to see a pediatric gynecologist.

How to wash a newborn girl: the right means and necessary measures

When a girl is bathed in her first days of life, it is better to use boiled water; after two weeks, you can use ordinary tap water.

You should try to use wet wipes less often. Yes, they are used, they are very convenient. However, even if they are soaked in a very soft lotion, they may contain preservatives and other chemicals, which will cause allergies, dermatitis and diaper rash.

When to wash a newborn baby girl? It is better to wash her at the moment when mom changes the diaper. And once you’ve washed the baby, it’s useful to give her an air bath - let her lie naked for a few minutes, only if the room is warm.

It is very correct to monitor the water temperature: do not use very cold and very hot. If it happens that the child’s stool has dried a little on the skin, you should soak a cotton swab in some water and apply it to the girl’s skin for a few seconds, after which you can easily remove all the dirt. You can also wash the little girl with herbal infusion. As a rule, it is chamomile or calendula. Most often, mothers do this when the girl has some health problems - redness, inflammation, and the like.

We must protect the little girl from having her intimate area come into contact with synthetic products. detergents. Diapers and baby clothes should be rinsed very well. You only need to choose soap and baby powders for washing.

Pediatricians do not prohibit the use of powders and creams. They just warn that with any actions parents need to know when to stop. Healthy baby It is absolutely not necessary to coat it with creams and oils. All this will be useful only if the skin is dry (you will need oil), redness and diaper rash appear (you will need cream or powder - for a diaper).

Attention! Decide: either cream (oil) or powder. A common mistake: powder is sprinkled on the cream, it all rolls into lumps, rubs and prevents the child’s skin from functioning normally.

How to properly hold a newborn girl while washing?

Before understanding the question of how to wash a newborn girl, you need to understand how to hold her while doing this. The main feature of this process is that all necessary hand actions should be performed correctly (wash from the genitals to the anus). There are two ways to lift a newborn baby for washing over her bathtub or under the tap.

First. The girl should be placed with her back on her mother’s left hand. In the area of ​​the mother’s elbow will be the daughter’s head, neck and shoulders. With the same hand you can hold the girl’s left thigh, and with your right hand, when washing, make movements directed from front to back. It is recommended to choose this option because it allows you to ensure best review and removing all dirt is not only more convenient, but also more correct.

Second. In the first weeks and months, you can bathe your newborn baby with her back up. Her tummy will lie on her mother’s left palm, and her head, neck and shoulders will lie on her elbow. The same hand will hold the girl by the thigh.

Rules for intimate hygiene of a newborn

How to wash a newborn baby girl? When performing hygienic procedures for caring for a newborn baby, certain rules must be observed.

Perform all procedures only with clean hands: mother should wash her hands very well.

It is necessary to wash the girl with water after defecation from the pubis to the butt, so that feces do not get into the vagina. If there is no feces in the diaper, you can wipe the baby with a damp cloth.

The procedure itself should be performed with warm, but not hot, water, so first you need to adjust the water temperature, and then take the baby.

Be sure to wash the girl twice a day - morning and evening.

Pediatricians advise washing the crumbs without using detergents - with regular water or chamomile infusion. And it is better to use baby soap only if the bottom is too dirty.

The girl must have her own clean towel. They should first wipe the genital slit and groin folds, and only then the anus. And no need to rub delicate skin girls, you just need to gently blot it.

After finishing the ablution procedure, you need to look at the labia to see that they are completely washed. If necessary, you can wipe off what you missed with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

After the baby is washed and dried, you can apply oil or protective cream to the skin and put a diaper on it.

Diapers need to be changed after each baby's bowel movement. And if the baby doesn’t poop, then every three hours.

Try to arrange air baths for the girl more often.

Despite all their quality, you should not use any cosmetic products too often. It is better to use them as needed.

A lot of useful things are said in this article about how to wash a newborn girl. Let's summarize all of the above:

– you should not overuse soap and other products when washing your child; the permissible amount of their use is twice or thrice a week;

– you should wash the girl only with clean hands, moving from the tummy to the butt;

the best remedy for washing, use running water (with the exception of boiled water in the first days after birth);

– use hygiene products only to wash the outside and it is better to choose liquid ones;

– after the end of the procedure intimate area do not rub with a towel, but blot;

- every year - once - bring the baby to an appointment with a gynecologist;

– over time, as the girl grows up, she should be taught how to properly perform ablution procedures.

It is important for parents to protect their daughters by taking care of their intimate health. Because these are future mothers who will one day definitely give us grandchildren!

When a new little person appears in the family, the whole life of the parents is turned upside down. Every mother worries about the correctness of her actions regarding her baby. After all, the routine of walking and feeding, sleep, and most importantly, hygiene determines the health and condition of the baby. Taking care of the baby’s body and keeping it clean is one of the main tasks of a young mother. However, caring for a boy and a girl is slightly different, due to the different structure of the child’s genital organs. Today you will learn how to properly wash a newborn girl, why it is important to maintain the “golden mean” of cleanliness and what are the basic rules of intimate hygiene for a child.

You have had a daughter and your postpartum worries are replaced by anxiety about her health and development. So, let's talk about washing a girl in the first months of her life.

  1. Before bathing your child, you need to prepare the water. In the first weeks of life, it is recommended to bathe the girl in sterile boiled water. After about two weeks, you can use plain running water to bathe your baby.
  2. Immediately after birth, the little girl's genitals are sterile - there are no beneficial bacteria in the vagina. Therefore, it must be protected in every possible way from infections and microbes. Over time, after just a few weeks, the vagina is populated with beneficial bacteria, its own microflora appears, which can subsequently protect the body from infection.
  3. Before bathing, you need to wash your hands and cut your nails - you should not harm the baby.
  4. If you are bathing a child for the first time, you need to wrap him in a diaper and gradually lower him into warm water, starting from his feet. When the baby gets wet along with the diaper, she is not afraid. This way you can instill in your child a love of water procedures.
  5. Gently rub your hand over all parts of the girl's body. You should use soap and other detergents no more than three times a week. Even the safest baby soap dries out delicate skin. The rest of the time, you can simply rinse the baby.
  6. If you wash off feces, do so under running water. Standing water can cause fecal particles and germs to enter the vagina.
  7. If you are cleaning your baby after a bowel movement, it is best to do it in the sink. To do this, place the child on left hand on the back. Pre-set the water, but do not expose the baby to the stream - a sharp change in water temperature can burn the child. The girl should be washed from the genitals to the anus so that bacteria do not enter the vagina.
  8. If fecal residues are stuck to the skin, they must first be soaked. Cotton pads should be moistened in warm water and applied to the skin. After this, everything will be washed off without difficulty.
  9. After bathing, carefully examine your child's genitals. A newborn baby is covered with a white cheesy substance that protects it in the womb. Immediately after birth, the baby is wiped and given to the mother, however, the remnants of this lubricant may be with inside girl's labia majora. If there is little lubricant, it will gradually be absorbed, but if there is a lot of it, the lubricant must be carefully removed and the mucous membrane cleaned. This is very easy to do with a cotton pad soaked in sterilized vegetable oil. The procedure should be as careful as possible. Under no circumstances should you go “inside”; only the external genitalia are cleaned. It will most likely not be possible to clean the lubricant in one go; it is better to do this in 3-4 baths, that is, gradually.
  10. After bathing with a soft towel, you need to wet the child’s labia first, then the folds, and only then the butt.
  11. After bathing, allow your child to spend some time without clothes or a diaper. Air baths should be regular to avoid diaper rash and rashes.

Norm or pathology

Some mothers of newborn girls ask many questions about the child's genitals. Immediately after birth, you may notice that the baby's labia are swollen. This is the absolute norm, this is how the mother’s hormones are released. When the baby is connected to the mother, they have a common blood circulation and their bodies are closely interconnected. Within a few weeks, the child’s body will be rebuilt and everything will return to normal.

A newborn girl may also have swollen mammary glands due to hormonal changes. This is also normal, this happens even with newborn boys. Sometimes colostrum even comes out of the breast. Under no circumstances should you squeeze or knead your breasts. Also, a girl may have whitish and even bloody issues. Over time this goes away.

However, if you think that the discharge is heavy or purulent, this is a reason to contact a pediatric gynecologist.

What are synechiae

Synechia is an inflammation of the girl’s labia minora, in which they seem to fuse together and close the urethra. At the same time, the girl cries when urinating because it becomes painful. Synechia can occur after an imbalance of the normal microflora of the vagina and mucosa. This may occur due to frequent colds after taking antibiotics. The cause of synechiae can also be improper washing. If a mother often washes a girl’s genitals with soap, she washes away all the microflora. Such excessive cleanliness can be dangerous. It's better to wash the girl clean water, you should use soap no more than 3-4 times a week.

  1. The baby's clothes should not be tight, they should not rub or squeeze the skin.
  2. The use of hygiene products to care for children's skin should be moderate. Remember that healthy skin does not need additional treatment. Use diaper powder or cream if diaper rash and redness develop on your baby girl's skin. In other cases, regular washing is sufficient.
  3. The diaper should be changed every 2-3 hours.
  4. You need to wash your child after each bowel movement, and also before bed. Over time, when the baby learns to go to the potty, washing should be regular, every night.
  5. Wet wipes should not be used constantly. Even though they are intended for children's skin, they contain alcohol, fragrances and other additives. Use wipes for emergency cleansing – when visiting, at the clinic, or on the road.
  6. You only need to wash your baby with your hand. Do not use a washcloth or sponge for this - they can damage the delicate baby skin.
  7. It is very good to wash the child with weak herbal decoctions. Chamomile, chamomile, and calendula will not only gently cleanse the baby’s skin, but will also soothe the baby.
  8. A towel for a child must be individual and clean.

These simple rules will help you maintain the girl’s health from the very beginning of her life. Proper hygiene is the basis of women's health expectant mother. Love your child, don't overdo it with detergents and let your baby be healthy and happy!

Video: how to wash a newborn baby

You need to wash your face 2 times a day – in the mornings and evenings. Tell your daughter how to do it correctly, give her a beautiful bright personal towel and allocate a separate shelf in the bathroom where she can put her shampoo, soap, etc. cosmetical tools. The girl will definitely like it. Wash your hands with her before eating, as well as after walking and visiting the toilet. Firmly remind your child that this is important to do to get rid of germs. When your daughter begins to cope without your help, you can move on to intimate hygiene.

Intimate hygiene for girls

Explain to your baby that she must change her panties every day and wash herself, preferably without using soap. Many pediatric gynecologists believe that it negatively affects the natural microflora of the vagina. The little girl's sebaceous and sweat glands are still immature, so warm water and a soft towel for drying are quite enough. Frequent use of soap dries out the mucous membrane and disrupts the protective water-fat layer, and washcloths and sponges can injure the delicate skin of a child.

Intimate care technique

The girl should wash herself only with running water at a comfortable room temperature. This should be done by moving your hand from front to back, so as not to accidentally introduce an infection from the anus. Show your daughter how to do this correctly using her doll as an example. Then, for some time, it is worth observing how she copes without you, in order to give advice if necessary.

Hygiene rules for girls aged 1.5 years

If the baby is already 1.5 years old, you can start teaching her to wash herself. At this age, this should be done after each bowel movement; once in the evening before bed is not enough. Prohibit your daughter from sitting on the floor, chair, or sofa without panties. Hygiene rules should be instilled in a child from a very early age.

2.5 years

At 2.5 years old, the baby is already able to wash herself and dry herself with her mother’s help, doing everything without reminders. At this age, you need to wash yourself 2-3 times a day. It is better to change panties twice a day - in the morning and after nap. A three-year-old girl can easily wash herself, but still her mother should continue to monitor hygiene procedures.

Note to moms!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

3-5 years

By the age of 3, the baby should have a supply of panties. Also, she should always have wet wipes in her pocket so she can clean her genitals after visiting the toilet outside the home. Explain to your daughter that only she and her mother can touch her genitals, and, if necessary, a doctor, but strictly in your presence.

5 years

By the age of 5-6 years, the baby should independently carry out hygiene procedures every day: wet the genitals toilet paper after urinating and wash yourself before bed without reminders. You can already change your panties once a day. Let the daughter do everything herself, but the mother should quietly control her.

6 years

The child should already go to school 2 times a day without reminders. Make sure that your daughter has a special toothbrush - a children's toothbrush, with soft bristles. Teach her to rinse her mouth after every meal, wash her hands after going to the toilet and returning from a walk. Also, the child should remember to shower regularly.

9 years and older

It’s time to introduce your 9-10 year old daughter to the features female body: explain to her what menstruation is, how to maintain hygiene during such periods. Tell them that you can’t take a bath at this time, that you need to change your pads at least 4-5 times a day. Encourage your daughter to tell you when her period starts. Tell her that you will need to keep a diary and note the timing and duration of your periods. Explain that it is important that they are regular, because the health of the genital organs and the ability to become a mother in the future depend on this.

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