Thematic week “Snow-White Winter”. Calendar - thematic planning in the second junior group on the topic: "Winter fun" Calendar plan in the second junior group winter

Theme of the week: “Winter”.

Target: expanding children's understanding of seasonal changes in nature.


1.introduce children to characteristic features winter, the properties of snow, with changes in the life of birds and wild animals; learn to establish simple cause-and-effect relationships; develop auditory and visual attention, fine motor skills; activate the dictionary; learn to answer questions;

2. develop a sense of color and rhythm, create a positive emotional mood in the group;

3. cultivate interest in understanding nature and reflecting one’s impressions in artistic and aesthetic activities.

Changes in the subject-spatial environment:add to group paper snowflakes, place them in the group space; place the “Winter’s Tale” layout in the design center; place paintings with winter scenes in the center of creativity; bring in a doll in winter clothes; post information on seasonal changes in nature in the parent's corner.

Final event:entertainment “Visiting Snowflake”.



Organization of a development environment

for independent activities

Working with parents

Individual work


Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises

Conversation “What we like in winter” - clarify children’s ideas about the coming time of year.

Finger gymnastics: “The bear is sleeping.”

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet, quiet - don't make noise.

Didactic game“What color” - consolidate the ability to recognize and name colors.

ZKR “Who is screaming?” (exercises with non-speaking children).


reinforce neatness while eating.

Subject pictures with images of animals.

Box with snowflakes cut out of paper.

Individual conversations with parents about ways to observe natural phenomena during walks.


Cognitive development



1.FEMP: “Many and One” - teach children to find one and many objects in a specially created environment, answer the question “how many?” using the words “one, many.”

2. FORMATION OF A healthy lifestyle:outdoor game “Catch a snowball” -develop dexterity and attentiveness in children, as well as speed of reaction. The presenter has a bag with small balls - “snowballs”. Hand out small multi-colored plastic buckets to the children. At a given signal, the children run and try to catch them by placing buckets under the flying snowballs. When all the snowballs in the bag run out, the game ends.

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development


How does it snow, what shape are the snowflakes, is it possible to catch them, do they melt at the touch of your hand, etc.

Work : basic instructions - collect toys after a walk.

  • P/I “The snow is spinning”
  • - to develop in children the ability to correlate their actions with the text.

We all gathered in a circle, spinning like a snowball!

(Children approach each other, then spin around.)

(Children perform actions arbitrarily and slowly squat at the end.)

A cold wind blew. How? V-v-v-v!

(“V-v-v-v” is pronounced by the children.)

The snowflakes scattered and scattered in different directions.

(Children scatter around the playground.)

P/N: “Run to me” - teach to hear the signal and complete the task.

Children run around the area and at a signal, stop and take some pose.

Low mobility game:"Who is missing." Promote the development of attention and memory.

Situational conversationabout the fact that during a walk you should not run around, you need to play together and in harmony, walk carefully, looking at your feet: Maxim, Misha.

We teach children to have a friendly attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, we develop a sense of kindness, a willingness to help each other, build friendly relationships and value them, we teach children to call each other by name, not to quarrel, and to value friendly relationships.

Remote material:

Work before bed

Speech development

Reading fairy tales “Zayushkina’s Hut” - to cultivate in children sympathy for the hero of the fairy tale.

2nd floor day

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Awakening gymnastics.

Role-playing game "Hospital. The little bear came to the doctor"

Teach children imitative actions and role-appropriate dialogues.

Independent activity in the creativity center (painting).

Conversation “Let's share toys” - develop friendly feelings.

Continue to strengthen the ability to dress independently

Set for playing "Hospital"

Paints, brushes, album sheets.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

We teach children to have a friendly attitude towards peers and adults, emotional responsiveness, we develop a sense of kindness, a willingness to help each other, build friendly relationships and value them, we teach children to call each other by name, not to quarrel.

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.



Integration of educational areas

Cooperative activity adult and children

Working with parents

Group and subgroup activities

Individual work

Educational activities in critical moments


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Didactic gameson sensory development: “Arrange the dishes in groups” (by color) - train children in distinguishing primary colors.

ZKR pure sayings with the sound “S”:

The garden is in the snow and the forest is in the snow, and I am running in the snow.

From autumn to spring the bear sleeps and dreams.

Sanya has a snow scooter.

Sanya has a sleigh.

Give Sanya snowfall -

He will give everyone rides.

Individual work on ZKR (Lisa, Zakhar, Pasha).

KGN : practical exercise “Wash, wash clean, clean”

Make you want to wash your hands cleanly

Dishes from different sets.

Subject pictures “Dishes”.

Invite parents and their children to draw a picture on the topic “Why we love winter”






- consolidate and systematize ideas about seasonal changes in nature and natural phenomena characteristic of winter;

Enrich children's vocabulary, teach them to answer in detailed sentences;

Cultivate a love for nature.


According to the physical instructor's plan.

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Observation behind what and how changes in nature with the arrival of winter. What changes are visible in the weather.

Outdoor game “The little white bunny is sitting” - teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Outdoor game “Hit the target” - train children in long-distance throwing.


Game task “I know where I’m going!” - teach walking backwards, maintaining the direction (Seryozha, Anya, Arisha)

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.

Work before bed

Speech development

Listening fairy tales “The Snow Maiden” - teach children to empathize with the fairy-tale hero.

2 half days

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Awakening gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics"Snowball"

One, two, three, four, bend your fingers one by one

You and I made a snowball, “Make it” with both hands

Round, strong, Draw a circle with our hands

Very smooth, with one hand we stroke the other

And not at all sweet. We wag our fingers

Role-playing game:"Hospital. The little bunny has a toothache” - teach children imitative actions and role-appropriate dialogues.

Independent activityin the center of creativity (modelling).

KGN : exercise: “We follow appearance»

Learn to use personal hygiene skills in a timely manner and independently.

Plasticine, modeling boards, molds.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Teach children to put on tights and socks on their own.

Take-out materials: sleds, dolls, buckets and shovels.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities between adults and children

Working with parents

Group and subgroup activities

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation “Why you can’t eat snow” - cultivate a positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.

Breathing exercises“Blow on a snowflake” - develop speech breathing, voice strength, and train your lip muscles.

Did. a game "Guess what's missing?"

Develop memory and attentiveness (Fedor, Nastya, Sasha D.).

KGN : reinforce neatness while eating.

Board game "Memory".

Mug with snow.


Speech development

Musical development

1. Storytelling according to the picture " Winter fun»

- teach to consistently, meaningfully perceive a picture, highlight the main thing in it, distinguish bright details.

Develop speech activity;

2. according to the music director’s plan

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Observation behind the sky. Sky is blue. There are clouds or clouds in the sky. The clouds are white and fluffy. The clouds are dark and heavy.

Outdoor game: “It’s frosty and windy outside”

Learn to act in accordance with the text.

It's cold and windy outside,

Children are walking in the yard.

Hands rubbing

Hands, hands warm.

(They walk in a circle, rubbing and warming their hands.)

Little hands will not freeze, We will clap our hands.

This is how we can clap, this is how we warm our hands.

(They stop, turn their faces in a circle, clap their hands.)

To keep our feet from freezing, we stomp a little, this is how we know how to stomp, this is how we warm our feet.

(They walk in a circle with a stomping step.)

Work: collect toys after a walk.

Practice walking in a straight direction through game tasks (Pasha, Sonya).

To develop basic physical qualities, motor abilities, as well as cognitive and communication skills of children in joint activities.

Remote material:sleighs, dolls, buckets and shovels.

Work before bed

Artistic and aesthetic development Speech development

View cartoon "Zayushkina's hut"

Cultivate a sense of empathy for the fairy-tale hero.

2 half days

Physical development

Speech development Social and communicative development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Finger gymnastics"Met":

The palms are folded together, the fingers are connected in pairs. We tap our fingers together in accordance with the text:

Two chickens met, pee-pee-pee, pee-pee-pee.

Two ducklings met, quack-quack-quack, quack-quack-quack.

Two kittens met, meow-meow-meow, meow-meow-meow.

Two puppies met, woof-woof, woof-woof-woof.

Two bulls met: Moo!

Role-playing game"Hospital. Vaccination for foxes"

Teach children imitative actions and role-appropriate dialogue.

Independent activityat the design center.

Kgn: strengthen the skills of independently putting on tights and socks, fastening sandals.

Complete the hospital play set with syringes.

Small toys, construction sets.


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

KGN: learn to put on shoes independently, ask for help from an adult if necessary.

Remote material for independent games.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activities between adults and children

Organization of a developmental environment for independent play

Working with parents

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Morning exercises.

Conversation on the topic “Letter to Santa Claus” - create Christmas mood, talk about New Year's traditions.

Finger gymnastics"The bear is sleeping"

Like on a hill - snow, snow,

And under the hill - snow, snow.

And a bear sleeps under the snow.

Quiet, quiet - don't make noise.

Didactic game“Find an object of the same shape?”

Teach children to find objects that are similar in shape.

Vocabulary enrichment « Wonderful pouch"(what is it, what does it look like, what is it made of?) (Maxim, Fedor, Sonya).

KGN: Develop basic personal hygiene skills: wash your hands before eating

Layout "Winter's Tale".

Game “Wonderful Bag”, a set of small objects of different shapes

Place advisory material on choosing costumes for the New Year's party in the corner for parents.


Cognitive development

Physical development



Strengthen children's ability to build a ladder of three cubes;

Show how to make a ramp from a plank.

2.according to the physical instructor’s plan

Walk 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Observation for passenger transport: consolidate knowledge about cars, how do cars affect nature?

Outdoor game "Sparrows and the car"

Continue to teach children to act in accordance with the text.

Slide downhill.

Work: collect toys after a walk.

Conversation: “Why can’t you throw snow?” (Misha, Nikita).

Continue to develop the desire to play group games without getting offended.

Removable materials: shovels, ice cubes, dolls.

Work before bed

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Conversation “What do we like in winter?”

Clarify children's knowledge about winter activities

2 days

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Physical development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Finger gymnastics"We met."

Unlearning nursery rhymes “You, winter-winter”

Learn to memorize words and understand their meaning

Role-playing game"Hospital. The doll has a toothache"

Teach children imitative actions and dialogue appropriate to the role.

Independent activityat the design center.

A book with nursery rhymes.


Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Continue to develop the desire to play group games without being offended.

Remote material:ice skates, sleds, dolls.



Integration of educational areas

Joint activity between an adult and a child

Organization of a developmental environment for independent activity

Working with parents

Group and subgroup work

Individual work

Educational activities in special moments


Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Morning exercises.

Articulation gymnastics"Blow away a snowflake"

Develop speech breathing, train lip muscles.

Conversation based on drawings drawn together with parents on the topic: “Why do we love winter?”

Make children want to talk about their drawing.

Independent activityin the center of creativity.

KGN: Strengthen the skills of careful eating

Place new coloring pages in the center of creativity.

Place an exhibition of children's works “Magic Snowflakes” in the reception area


Artistic and aesthetic development

Musical development

1 . according to the music director's plan

2. Application "Magic Snowflakes":

Strengthen the ability to use a brush and glue;

Teach children to form small balls from napkins and stick them in a certain sequence.

Lane 1

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development Physical development

Observation watching older children make snow figures.

Outdoor game "Santa Claus"

To instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements (bunny, bear, fox, birds).

I am Frost Red Nose, (Children jump towards the teacher like bunnies)
Overgrown with a beard.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Come out quickly!

Come out, bunnies!

I'll freeze it! I'll freeze it!
(The teacher is trying to catch the children).

Exercise "From circle to circle"

Teach children to jump on two legs.

Game task "Walk over the bridge"

Develop balance when walking (normally) on a log, arms to the sides)

(Sonya, Lisa, Pasha, Nikita).

Work before bed

Speech development

Cognitive development

Social and communicative development

Didactic game“Guess by the sound?”

Strengthen children's ability to correlate animal voices and their images

2 half days

Physical development

Musical development

Social and communicative development

Speech development

Gymnastics after sleep.

Entertainment "Visiting Snowflake"

- develop emotional responsiveness;evoke a positive emotional response in children and create a good mood.

Role-playing game"Hospital. Doll Masha has a sore throat"

Learn to perform imitative play actions and participate in dialogue appropriate to the role.

Independent activityin the center of the dressing.

Snowflakes made of paper.

Walk 2

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Physical development

Independent play activity.

Removable materials: ice cubes, sleds, dolls.

Natalya Mehralieva
Daily planning in the second younger group. The theme of the week is “Snow-White Winter. Winter fun" 4th week of January

01/25/2016. Monday

Ind. Job. Conversation on the topic "What is the weather today?"- Masha, Fedor, Roma.

Sound pronunciation work: “Su-su-su- it was cold in the forest” - Nastya, Artem, Rita.

Work to develop core movements: standing long jump across two lines (distance 25-30cm)– Dasha, Kirill D, Carolina.

I half of the day. Morning gymnastics: complex No. 10 "We are strong". Conversation on topic: “What games do you like to play?”.KGN: a game “We take care of our appearance together with the Katya doll”. D/game "Collect the beads" Target: teach children to build sequential chains. Role-playing game "Family" Target: develop interest in the game. Walk. Watching footprints in the snow. Target: develop observation, imagination. Work "Bird and Chicks" Target: train children to act on cues. "Train" Target: train children to walk. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. Let's make a snowman out of snow. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Game situation “Let’s teach the doll Masha to use a spoon” awakening: card No. 5 "Walk".KGN: exercise “Let’s teach the doll Masha to use a handkerchief”.Reading a fairy tale "Mitten". Learning nursery rhymes “Delicious porridge is smoking” “Ask your neighbor to pass a napkin, thank him for it”

Walk. Work: shoveling snow from buildings on the play area. Free activity with external material. P/game "Mice in the Pantry". Target: train children to run in all directions. Sledding under the supervision of a teacher.

Working with family. Invite parents to watch on the way home winter nature.

Invite Timur's parents to strengthen their skills in using a spoon while eating. Invite Fedor’s parents to strengthen their button-fastening skills.

01/26/2016. Tuesday.

Ind. Job. Repeating a nursery rhyme"Okay, okay"- Fedya, Masha, Nastya.

Work to develop core movements: standing long jump (distance 40 cm)-Dasha, Timur, Vlad M.

Sound pronunciation work “Us-us-ks-a goose is grazing in the meadow”-Valya, Kamila, Vlad D.

I half of the day. Morning gymnastics: complex No. 10 "We are strong". Conversation on topic: "Safe behavior in winter" Target: reinforce the rules of behavior outdoors in winter. KGN: a game “Let’s comb the Katya doll”. D/game "Find the object" Target: learn to compare the shapes of objects with geometric patterns. Role-playing game "Let's go for a walk" Target: teach how to correctly name items of clothing. Walk. Observation of plants. Target: to develop knowledge about plant life in winter. Work: Cover the plants with snow to protect them from frost. P/games "Find yourself a mate" Target: train children to act on cues. Snowball games. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. We are building a slide for dolls. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Game situation “Let’s teach the doll Masha to use a fork”. II half of the day. Gymnastics awakening: card No. 5 "Walk".KGN: exercise “Let’s tie a bow for Yulia”.Reading a fairy tale by K. Chukovsky "Fly Tsokotukha". Learning a song "My mommy". Games with building materials. Table culture. Exercise "don't talk while eating" Walk. Work: cleaning up toys on the site. Free activity with external material. P/game "Bubble". Target: train children to stand in a circle. Slide ride under the supervision of a teacher.

Working with family. Invite Karolina and Masha's parents to carry a handkerchief with them.

Offer to Fedya and Nastya's parents repeat the nursery rhyme"Okay, okay"

01/27/2016. Wednesday.

Ind. Job. D/game "Pick a figure"

Target: consolidate children’s ideas about geometric shapes, practice naming them - Masha, Artem, Roma.

Work to develop core movements: free walking and running - Fedor, Vlad M.

“Match the color of the item” Target: exercise the ability to correlate color cards with the color of an object - Marina, Lera, Kirill P.

I half of the day. Morning gymnastics: complex No. 10 "We are strong". Conversation on topic: "Signs of Winter" Target: fix the signs of winter using a mnemonic table. KGN: a game “Together with the kitten we use a mirror”. D/game "Geometric Lotto" Target: teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with geometric figure. Role-playing game "Doll's Birthday" Target: teach correctly, find and select utensils for tea drinking. Walk. Watching snowfall. Target: to form ideas about the state of water. Work: clear the bench of snow. P/games "Hit the target" Target: exercise children in throwing. "Shaggy Dog" Target: train children to act in accordance with the text of the poem. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. We are building a house for dolls. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Game situation “Let’s teach the doll Masha to use a napkin”. II half of the day. Gymnastics awakening: card No. 5 "Walk". KGN: exercise “Let’s show Mishka how we can dress”. Reading a fairy tale "Goat-dereza". Games in the book corner, sensory corner. Table culture. Exercise “Let’s teach Parsley to use a napkin” Walk. Work: feed the birds. Free activity with external material. P/game "Find yourself a mate". Target: learn to walk, run randomly.

Working with family. Invite the parents of Valya and Fyodor to have a conversation with their children about neatness at the table.

Talk to parents Artem about that that he pushes children.

01/28/2016. Thursday.

Ind. Job. We sculpt round objects - Lisa K, Sasha, Seryozha.

Work to develop core movements: maintaining correct posture in a sitting position - Fedor, Valya, Taisiya.

“What is the sky like today?” We develop speech - Margarita, Carolina, Bogdan.

I half of the day. Morning gymnastics: complex No. 10 "We are strong". Conversation on topic: "Favorite game with snow" Target: developing speech, memory. KGN: a game “Let’s teach the doll Masha to carefully wash her hands and face”. D/game “Match the saucer to the cup” Target: Teach children to distinguish, correlate and name primary colors. Role-playing game "Salon" Target: teach children how to properly use a comb. Walk. Crow observation. Target: reinforce the desire to take care of birds. Work: clearing paths of snow. P/games "Bird and Chicks" Target "Knock down the pin" Target: Develop basic skills of hitting the ball at the target. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. We are building a palace out of snow. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Game situation “Chew food thoroughly while eating”. II half of the day. Gymnastics awakening: card No. 5 "Walk". KGN: exercise “Eliminating clutter in clothes”. Reading “Like our cat.” Games in the corner "Builder". Suggest coloring pages for topic: "Vegetables". Table culture. Exercise “Let’s teach Parsley to use a spoon” Walk. Work: clearing the veranda of snow. Free activity with external material. P/game "On a smooth path". Target: train children to act in accordance with the text. Working with family. Suggest to parents of girls that they need to have a comb.

Invite your parents to look at the footprints in the snow on the way home.

01/29/2016. Friday.

Ind. Job. Work to develop core movements: orientation in space - Masha, Vlad M, Taisiya.

"Color over the picture" we shade without going beyond the contour - Lisa P, Vlad D, Kirill B.

Repeat finger gymnastics "Father Frost"- Fedya, Lisa K, Carolina, Kirill D. I half of the day. Morning gymnastics: complex No. 10 "We are strong". Conversation on topic: "Birds in Winter" Target: introduce children to wintering birds. KGN: a game “Teaching the bunny to hang up the towel”. D/game "Seasons" Target: Teach children to distinguish the four seasons Role-playing game "Builder" Target: teach children to work collectively. Walk. Sky observation. Target: continue to get acquainted with various natural phenomena. Work: clearing the swing from snow. P/games "Find your color" Target: train children to act on the teacher’s signal. "Guess Who's Screaming" Target: train children to imitate the cry of an animal. Free activity of children under the supervision of a teacher. Games with portable toys. We build nesting dolls from snow. Work to develop a culture of behavior at the table. Game situation “Let’s teach the doll Katya to behave politely at the table”. II half of the day. Gymnastics awakening: card No. 5 "Walk". KGN: exercise “I’ll roll up my sleeves and won’t get them wet.”. Reading and learning A. Barto "Charger" Games in touch corner: house, turtle. Suggest an album "Birds in Winter". Target: continue to introduce wintering birds to Table Behavior Cultures. Exercise “We eat carefully together with the bear” Walk. Work: putting toys in a box. Sledding, swing. P/game "Knock down the pin". Target: Develop basic skills of hitting the target with the ball.

Working with family. Invite Sasha and Masha’s parents to fix the primary colors, game "What colour?".

Consultation "Children's games in winter"

Photo exhibition "Our children"

Municipal budgetary educational institution
secondary school No. 10 with in-depth study of individual subjects

Head of the Ministry of Defense
_________ /Reshetnikova N.V./
signature full name
Protocol No. _____________
meetings of the Moscow Region
dated ____ _____________ 2014

Deputy Director for Research and Development
_________ /Nurislamov S.F./
signature full name
Protocol No. _______________
NMC meetings
dated ____ _____________ 2014

Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 10
_________ /Ozerova E.V./
signature full name
Order No. ______________

dated ____ _____________ 2014

Subject literature
General education level
general education, specialized, in-depth
Kostenko Svetlana Nikolaevna
FULL NAME. teacher-developer
Class 7 A, B, D, D

2014-2015 academic year

Number of hours:
Total 70 hours; per week 2 hours

The work program is compiled in accordance with the federal component of the state educational standard of basic general education (2004), taking into account the approximate program of basic general education in the Russian language for secondary schools, lyceums, recommended by the Department of educational programs and standards of general education of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the author's program course "Literature" grades 5-9, edited by G.S. Merkina. - M.: Russian Word, 2010.
Surgut 2014


The literature work program for 7th grade students is compiled on the basis of the Federal State Standard of the Model Program of Basic General Education in Literature and the Literature Program for the 7th grade textbook by G.S. Merkin in two parts, recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, 2010.
The program is accompanied by a literature textbook for grade 7, edited by G.S. Merkina, 2010; methodological manual “Literature in the 7th grade, lesson by lesson” M., “Russian Word”, 2010 and the methodological magazine “Literature in School” of the publishing house “First of September” for 2009-2010-2011. The purpose of these manuals is to help the teacher in building modern lesson.
Modern school literary education carries the most important cultural-preserving, developmental and educational functions, being an integral part of the overall process spiritual development nation.
The federal component of the state standard of general education in the 7th grade allocates 2 hours a week for literature lessons.
This program is built on a chronological basis with access to a linear examination of historical and literary material in high school.
From the 5th grade, students study the pinnacle works of classical and 20th century literature, appropriate to their age and level of reading interests.
The study of fiction at school involves systematic reading and comprehension of texts, comprehension of the uniqueness of the writer’s creative personality and his literary heritage.
The main goal of literary education is the formation of moral positions, aesthetic taste, and perfect command of speech. The purpose of literary education determines the nature of specific tasks that are solved in literature lessons.
In these lessons students:
- form an idea of ​​fiction as the art of words and its place in the culture of the country and people;
- realize the originality and richness of literature as an art;
- master theoretical concepts that contribute to a deeper understanding of specific works of art;
- acquire knowledge and skills of an analytical nature;
- use various shapes communication with the art of words to improve your own oral and written speech.
In grade 7, special attention is paid to the problem of gender and genre: epic, lyric poetry and drama are presented in a variety of genres. We are talking not only about the richness of genres, but also about how they are born, modified, and faded away. The course model helps you see difficult life art of words: both from antiquity to today Various genres of epic, lyric, and drama were replaced.
The goals of studying literature can be achieved by turning to works of art that have long been popularly recognized as classical in terms of their artistic quality and have become the property of domestic and world literature. Consequently, the goal of literary education at school is to introduce students to classic examples of world verbal culture that have high artistic merit, express the truth of life, general humanistic ideals, and cultivate high moral feelings in the person reading.
The literature course is based on the textual study of works of art, solves the problems of developing reading skills, developing a culture of oral and written speech.
The main idea of ​​the literature program is the study of literature from myths to folklore, from folklore to ancient Russian literature, from it to Russian literature of the 18th, 19th, 20th centuries. The program follows a systematic focus: in grades 5-6 it is the mastery of various genres of folklore, fairy tales, poetic and prose works of writers, familiarization with individual information on the history of the creation of works, individual facts of the writer’s biography (vertical). There is a system of introducing literature from different centuries in each of the classes (horizontal).
The leading problem of studying literature in the 7th grade is the peculiarities of the writer’s work, his position, the image of man as the most important problem of literature.
Reading a work of foreign literature in the 7th grade is carried out at the end of the school year.
The program includes a list of necessary types of work on speech development: vocabulary work, various types of retelling, oral and written essays, reviews, reports, dialogues, creative works, as well as works for memorization, lists of works for independent reading.
The predominant forms of current control are oral answers, drawing up complex plans, quotation plans, writing compositions, essays, and performing tests.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students of grade VII in literature
As a result of studying literature, the student should know/understand
the figurative nature of verbal art;
the content of the studied literary works;
basic facts of the life and creative path of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol;
studied theoretical and literary concepts;
be able to
perceive and analyze literary text;
highlight the semantic parts of a literary text, draw up abstracts and a plan for what you read;
determine the type and genre of a literary work;
highlight and formulate the theme, idea, problems of the studied work; characterize the characters
characterize the features of the plot, composition, the role of visual and expressive means;
compare episodes of literary works and compare their heroes;
identify the author's position;
express your attitude to what you read;
expressively read works (or fragments), including those learned by heart, observing the norms of literary pronunciation;
master various types of retelling;
construct oral and written statements in connection with the studied work;
participate in a dialogue on the works you read, understand other people’s points of view and argue your own;
write reviews of independently read works and essays;
use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life For:
creating a coherent text (oral and written) on the required topic, taking into account the norms of the Russian literary language;
determining your reading range and evaluating literary works;
searching for the necessary information about literature, about a specific work and its author (reference literature, periodicals, television, Internet resources).

A 7th grade student must
authors and content of the studied works of art
basic theoretical concepts related to the study of historical works (historical genres, features of solving the problem of time on the pages of a work of art, etc.);
Theoretical and literary concepts and categories

Genre-generic concepts, categories and terms
Structure-forming elements
Imaginative world
Expressive means of artistic speech

Epic hero

Ritual poetry
(Carol songs, Maslenitsa, wedding songs)

Poetic vocabulary and syntax

Lyrical folk song

Figurative and expressive means. Permanent epithet

Old Russian story


Oh yeah
Odic plot
Odic character
Paths and figures in the ode

Poem as a designation of various genre formations

Aesthetic system

Literary genera
Dramatic character

Conflict in Comedy
Speaking surnames

Romantic poem

Hero of a romantic poem
Style; expression

Creative history

Satirical story
Fantastic (hyperbolized) plot
Satirical images


Poetic form

be able to:
- highlight episodes in the work being studied that are important for the characteristics of the characters;
- determine the ideological and artistic role of plot elements in the text;
- determine the ideological and artistic role of visual and expressive means of language in the text;
- compare two heroes of the work being studied in order to identify the author’s attitude towards them;
- distinguish between epic and lyrical works;
- retell orally or in writing an epic work or an excerpt from it;
- create an oral and written essay-reasoning on the work being studied: a detailed answer to the question and characterization;
-make a plan for your own oral or written statement;
-make a plan for an epic work or an excerpt from an epic work;
-give feedback on the work you read yourself;
-use the reference apparatus of the anthology and books read.

The main ways of activity of the teacher and students in literature lessons in the 7th grade are:
- work with the textbook
- messages, conversation
- lexical work
- creating slide presentations
- correspondence excursions to the places of life and work of the writer
- artistic retelling
- expressive reading
- role-playing and reciting
- drawing up quotation and thesis plans
- compiling working materials for the essay, questions for the textbook article
- work with portraits of writers, illustrations, reproductions of works
paintings that are consonant with the theme and mood of the work being studied
- oral verbal drawing
- dramatization
- analysis of lyrical and epic works
- work with theoretical and literary concepts
- individual and group assignments
- filling out reflective tables
- creating questions that allow you to correct the initial
text perception.

Forms and means of monitoring knowledge, general educational abilities, skills and
methods of activity of students of grade VII in literature
Forms and means of monitoring knowledge, general educational abilities, skills and methods of activity of students of the 7th grade in literature are determined in accordance with the local act “Regulations on the current control of knowledge, general educational abilities, skills and methods of activity, intermediate and final certification of students” (order No. from 2005) and is reflected in the section of calendar and thematic planning “Modes of students’ activities, forms of ongoing monitoring of knowledge, general educational skills, skills and methods of activity, intermediate and final certification of students.”
Used forms, methods and means of checking and assessing learning outcomes:
- writing essays on literary works;
- creative tasks, their testing: various types of retellings, answers to questions (oral and written);
- drawing up plans for a future essay;
- writing reviews of works;
- creating a story - characteristics of one of the heroes or a group of heroes;
- creation of an original work;
- checking poetic and prose texts memorized;
- testing;
- Control questions;
- independent work.

When assessing the speech format of essays and presentations, the following are taken into account:
- diversity of vocabulary and grammatical structure of speech;
- stylistic unity and expressiveness of speech;
- number of speech defects.

Mark “5” is given if:
1) the content of the work fully corresponds to the topic;
2) there are no factual errors;
3) the content is presented consistently;
4) the work is distinguished by the richness of its vocabulary, the variety of syntactic structures used, and the accuracy of word usage;
5) stylistic unity and expressiveness of the text have been achieved.
The work is allowed 1 defect in content, 1-2 speech defects.
Mark “4” is placed if:
I) the content of the work is mainly consistent with the topic (there are minor deviations from the topic);
2) the content is generally reliable, but there are isolated factual inaccuracies;
3) there are minor violations of the consistency in the presentation of thoughts;
4) the lexical and grammatical structure of speech is quite diverse;
5) the style of work is distinguished by unity and sufficient expressiveness.
No more than 2 defects in content and no more than 3-4 speech defects are allowed in the work.
Mark “3” is placed if:
1) the work contains significant deviations from the topic;
2) the work is reliable in the main, but there are some factual inaccuracies in it; there were some violations of the sequence of presentation;
4) the vocabulary is poor and the syntactic constructions used are monotonous, incorrect word usage occurs;
5) the style of work is not unified, the speech is not expressive enough.
No more than 4 defects in content and no more than 5 speech defects are allowed in the work.
Mark “2” is placed if:
1) the work does not correspond to the topic;
2) there were many factual inaccuracies;
3) the sequence of presentation of thoughts in all parts of the work is disrupted, there is no connection between them;
4) the vocabulary is extremely poor, the work is written in short, similar sentences with a weakly expressed connection between them, cases of incorrect word usage are frequent;
5) the stylistic unity of the text is violated.
The work contained more than 4 content errors and up to 7 speech errors.
Marks for creative works in literature are given: the first - for content, the second - for literacy in magazines on the pages “Russian Language” and “Literature” in accordance with the school local act on filling out class magazines.

Literacy is assessed by the number of spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors made by the student on the basis of Appendix No. 1 “Norms for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities of students in the Russian language” to the author’s program by M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, N.M. Shansky. in Russian - Programs of general education institutions. Russian language. 5-9 grades. -M.: Education, 2009

Evaluation of students' oral responses

Oral questioning is one of the main ways to take into account students' knowledge of literature. The student’s detailed answer should represent a coherent, logically consistent message on a given topic. When assessing a student’s answer, one must be guided by the following criteria and take into account: 1) completeness and correctness of the answer; 2) the degree of awareness and understanding of what has been learned; 3) linguistic design of the answer.
The answer to a theoretical question is assessed using a traditional five-point system.
The mark “5” is given if the student: 1) fully presents the studied material, gives correct definition concepts; 2) demonstrates an understanding of the material, can substantiate his judgments, apply knowledge in practice, and give examples from a work of art; 3) presents the material consistently and correctly from the point of view of the norms of literary language.
The mark “4” is given if the student gives an answer that satisfies the same requirements as for the mark “5”, but makes 1-2 mistakes, which he himself corrects, and 1-2 shortcomings in the sequence and linguistic design of what is presented.
The mark “3” is given if the student demonstrates knowledge of the main provisions of this topic, but 1) presents the material incompletely and allows inaccuracies in defining concepts or formulating judgments; 2) does not know how to substantiate his judgments and give examples in a sufficiently deep and conclusive manner; 3) presents the material inconsistently and makes mistakes in the language of the presentation.
The mark “2” is given if the student reveals ignorance of most of the relevant material, makes mistakes in the formulation of definitions and judgments that distort their meaning, and presents the material in a disorderly and uncertain manner.
Contents of the training course program
Introduction (1 hour)
Familiarization with the structure and features of the textbook. The uniqueness of the course. Literary genres (lyrics, epic, drama). Genre and genre education. Movement of genres. The personality of the author, the position of the writer, work and creativity.
Theory of literature: literary genera.
From oral folk art(2 hours)
Epics (1 hour)
“Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich”, “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”. A.K. Tolstoy. "Ilya Muromets". An event in the epic, the poetic speech of the epic, the originality of the character and speech of the character, conflict, the instructive speech of the epic, the reflection in the epic of folk ideas about morality (strength and kindness, intelligence and wisdom).
Theory of literature: epic genres in folklore. Bylina (epic song). Theme of epics. The originality of the central characters and conflict in the epic (compared to a fairy tale, legend and tradition).
Speech development: feedback on the episode, written answers to questions.

Local history: legends and traditions about the people's defenders of the region (region).

Russian folk songs (1 hour)
Ritual poetry (“Girls, carols!..”, “Our dear Maslenitsa...”, “They said there would be matchmakers on horseback”); lyrical songs (“My downy pillow...”); lyric epic songs (“Soldatskaya”). Lyrical and epic beginning to the song; the originality of the poetic language of folk songs. The polysemy of the poetic image in folk song. Life, moral ideas and the fate of the people in folk songs.
Theory of literature: song genres in folklore, diversity of the genre of ritual poetry, lyric epic song.
Local history: song folklore of the region.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: folk festival, “gatherings” in the literary drawing room, oral newspaper.

From ancient Russian literature (2.)
From “The Tale of Bygone Years” (“And Oleg remembered his horse”), “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.” The instructive nature of ancient Russian literature; wisdom, continuity of generations, love of homeland, education, fortitude, religiosity.
Theory of literature: epic genres and genre formations in ancient Russian literature (instruction, teaching, life, travel, story).
Speech development: detailed retelling, presentation with elements of an essay.
Connection with other arts: icon painting, design of monuments of ancient Russian literature.
From the literature of the 18th century (6 hours)
M.V. LOMONOSOV (2 hours)
The life and fate of a poet, educator, scientist. “O you who await...” (from “Ode on the day of the accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elisaveta Petrovna, 1747”), “Preface on the benefits of church books in the Russian language” (excerpt). Thoughts about enlightenment, the Russian language; faith in the creative abilities of the people. Subjects of poetic works; peculiarity of the poetic language of the ode and lyric poem; poetic images. The theory of the “three calms” (excerpts). Basic provisions and significance of the theory about the styles of fiction.
Literary theory: ode; theme and motive.
Speech development: .
Connection with other arts: work with reproductions (portraits of M.V. Lomonosov).
Local history: correspondence literary and local history excursion: Kholmogory Moscow Germany St. Petersburg.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: hour of reflection “M.V. Lomonosov is a scientist and encyclopedist."

G.R. DERZHAVIN (1 hour)
Biography of Derzhavin (based on the pages of V. Khodasevich’s book “Derzhavin”). Poem "To Rulers and Judges." Reflection in the title of the theme and problems of the poem; originality of G.R.'s poems Derzhavin in comparison with the poems of M.V. Lomonosov. The theme of the poet and power in the poem.
Theory of literature: lyric poem, the difference between a lyric poem and an ode, thematic diversity of lyrics.

DI. FONVIZIN (3 hours.)
Brief information about the writer. Comedy "Minor". The originality of the dramatic work, the main conflict of the play and its problems, images of comedy (portrait and character; actions, thoughts, language); education and sophistication; education and family; Fathers and Sons; social issues in comedy; writer's position.
Literary theory: humor, satire, sarcasm; drama as a literary genre; comedy genre; "talking" names; literary direction (creation of primary ideas); classicism.
Speech development: role-playing, oral composition.
Connection with other arts: theatrical art (theater professions, author's concept and execution [interpretation]; actor and director; director and artist).
Possible types of extracurricular activities: dramatization.

From 19th century literature (23)
A.S. PUSHKIN (3 hours)
Freedom-loving motifs in the poet’s poems: “To Chaadaev” (“Love, hope, quiet glory...”), “In the depths of the Siberian ores...”. Man and nature (“Cloud”), Friendship and the theme of duty. “Song of the Prophetic Oleg”: Oleg’s fate in the chronicle text and in Pushkin’s ballad; motives of fate prediction, omen, foresight; faith and superstition. Poem "Poltava" (abbreviated). The image of Peter and the theme of Russia in the poem. The civic pathos of the poem. Depiction of the “mass” and personalities in the poem. The originality of poetic language (through elements of comparative analysis). Creative history of creation of works.
Literary theory: poem, difference between a poem and a ballad, figurative world of a poem, grouping of images, artistic image and prototype, tropes and figures (rhetorical appeal, epithet, metaphor), genre education, friendly message.
Speech development: various types of reading, including by heart; essay with elements of reasoning.

Local history: correspondence literary and local history excursion “The Routes of the Decembrists.”
Possible types of extracurricular activities: literary games on the works of the poet and literature about him; an hour of poetry in the literary lounge “My Pushkin”.
M.Yu.LERMONTOV (3 hours)
Poems: “Motherland”, “Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich...”. Homeland in lyrical and epic works; the problems and main motives of the “Song...” (homeland, honor, dignity, loyalty, love, courage and bravery, independence; personality and power); the central characters of the story and the artistic techniques of their creation; speech elements in creating characterization of the hero. Folklore elements in the work. The artistic richness of “Song...”.
Literary theory: lyric genres; deepening and expanding the concepts of the lyrical plot and composition of a lyric poem; folklore elements in the author's work; stylization as a literary and artistic device; contrast intake; ; gradation
Speech development: story about an event, review.
Connection with other arts: oral drawing, work with illustrations.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: a day at the historical and literary museum “Moscow of Ivan the Terrible”.
N.V. GOGOL (2 hours) N.V. Gogol in St. Petersburg. New topic depiction of bureaucracy and the life of the “little man”. Exposing servility, stupidity, lack of spirituality. The story “The Overcoat”: the main conflict; tragic and comic. Image of Akaki Akakievich. The author's attitude to characters and events.
Literary theory: satirical story, humorous situations, “talking” names.
Speech development: various types of retelling, selection of quotes to characterize a character, compilation of a dictionary to characterize a character, writing a story based on a given plot.
Connection with other arts: “Petersburg Tales” by N.V. Gogol in Russian art (painting, cinema, animation).
Possible types of extracurricular activities: correspondence literary and local history excursion “Petersburg N.V. Gogol."
I.S. TURGENEV (2 hours)
A story about the life of a writer in the 60s. general characteristics books "Notes of a Hunter". The diversity and complexity of the characters of the peasants in the depiction of I.S. Turgenev. The story “Khor and Kalinich” (natural intelligence, hard work, ingenuity, talent; complex social relations in the village as depicted by Turgenev); story “The Singers” (main theme, talent and sense of dignity of the peasants, the author’s attitude towards the characters). Prose poem “Beggar”: theme; the artistic richness of the poem.
Literary theory: portrait and character, prose poem (deepening ideas).

ON THE. NEKRASOV (2 hours)
Brief information about the poet. Poems: “Yesterday, at six o’clock...”, “Railroad”, “Reflections at the Main Entrance”, poem “Russian Women” (“Princess Trubetskaya”). The main theme of the poet's works is folk; the originality of the poetic muse N.A. Nekrasova. Writer and power; new types of heroes and characters. The main issues of the works: the fate of a Russian woman, love and a sense of duty; fidelity, devotion, independence, perseverance, swagger, indifference, defenselessness, lack of rights, submission to fate.
Literary theory: dialogue speech, development of ideas about the genre of the poem.
Speech development: reading by heart, extracts to characterize characters, quotation plan, elements of a thesis plan.
Connection with other arts: N.A. Nekrasov and the Peredvizhniki artists.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: historical, local history and literary local history correspondence excursion “On the Siberian roads of the Decembrists.”
Brief information about the writer. Fairy tales: “The Tale of How One Man Fed Two Generals,” “The Wild Landowner” and “The Wise Minnow.” The originality of the plot; themes of the fairy tale: labor, power, justice; techniques for creating the image of a landowner. Writer's position.
Literary theory: satire, satirical image, satirical character, satirical type; parable character of satirical tales; morality; the originality of artistic and expressive means in a satirical work; paths and figures in a fairy tale (hyperbole, allegory).
Speech development: various types of retelling, written feedback.
Connection with other arts: work with illustrations.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: an hour of poetry in the literary lounge “Peasant labor and the fate of the tiller as depicted by poets of the 19th century” (1 hour Ext.):
A.V. Koltsov. “The Plowman’s Song”, “Bitter Share”;
N.P. Ogarev. “My dear side...”;
I.S. Nikitin. "Plowman";
A.N. Pleshcheev. “Boring picture!..”;
A.N. Maikov. "Haymaking", "Niva";
M.L. Mikhailov. “Trunya”, “The same sad pictures...”, etc.
L.N. TOLSTOY (2 hours)
L.N. Tolstoy took part in the defense of Sevastopol. Creative history of “Sevastopol Stories”. Literature and history. The story “Sevastopol in December”: man and war, life and death, heroism, feat, defense of the Fatherland are the main themes of the story. Images of the defenders of Sevastopol. The author's attitude towards the characters.
Literary theory: story, book of stories (development of ideas).
Speech development: selection of materials for an answer according to plan, drawing up a quotation plan, oral essay-reasoning.
Connection with other arts: work with illustrations.
Local history: literary and musical composition “City of Russian glory, feats of arms.”
Possible types of extracurricular activities: writing a script for a literary and musical composition.
N.S. LESKOV (1 hour)
Brief information about the writer's biography. "Leskov is a writer of the future." The story "Lefty". Features of the problem and the central idea of ​​the story. The figurative world of the work.
Theory of literature: the originality of the style of the story. Expanding ideas about skaz, the skaz character of prose.
Connection with other arts: the image of Lefty in Russian art (painting, cinema, animation).
A.A. FET (1 hour)
Russian nature in poems: “Evening”, “Rye is ripening over a hot field...”. Universality in lyrics; observation, good feelings; beauty of the earth; meditation poem.
Theory of literature: the lyrics of nature, tropes and figures and their role in the lyrical text (epithet, comparison, metaphor, non-union).
Speech development: reading by heart.
Works of Russian poets of the 19th century about Russia (1 hour)
A.S. Pushkin. “Two feelings are wonderfully close to us...” N.M. Languages. "Song". I.S. Nikitin. “Rus”. A.N. Maikov “Niva”. A.K. Tolstoy “You are my land, my native land”

A.P. CHEKHOV (2 hours)
Stories: “Chameleon”, “Death of an Official”. Exposure of unscrupulousness, selfishness, veneration of rank, self-abasement. The originality of the plot, the ways of creating images, the social orientation of the stories; writer's position.
Theory of literature: psychological portrait, plot (development of ideas).
Speech development: retelling close to the text; compiling a dictionary of the character's language.
Connection with other arts: work with illustrations, drawings by students.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: humor evening “What are you laughing at?” (1 hour Ext. Thu.). It is possible to involve works of other authors, for example:
MM. Zoshchenko. “Monkey language”; A.T. Averchenko. “Discovery of America”; N.A. Teffi. “Collar”, “Friends and Foes”, etc.

From the literature of the 20th century (21 hours)
M. GORKY (2 hours)
The story “Childhood” (chapters I – V, VII, VIII, XII, XIII). “The Legend of Danko” (from the story “Old Woman Izergil”). Main plot lines in autobiographical prose and short stories; development of the boy's character; the problems of the story (personality and circumstances, a loved one, life for people, heroism, envy, indifference, humility, disobedience, pride, pity) and the author’s position; contrast as the main technique for revealing the concept.
Literary theory: development of ideas about autobiographical prose, vocabulary and its role in the creation of various types of prosaic artistic speech, romantic hero, method of contrast.
Speech development: various types of retelling, quotation plan.
Connection with other arts: work with illustrations.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: conference “M. Gorky and Russian writers (L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov).”
I.A. BUNIN (2 hours)
The poem “The bright April evening has burned out...”. Man and nature in the poems of I. Bunin, reflections on the originality of poetry. "How I write." The story "Cuckoo". The meaning of the name; kindness, mercy, justice, humility, humility are the main problems of the story; images-characters; image of nature; images of animals and beasts and their significance for understanding the artistic idea of ​​the story.
Literary theory: themes and motives in a lyric poem, poetic image, artistic and expressive role of non-union in a poetic text.
Speech development: preparing questions for discussion, expressive reading, various types of retelling.
A.I. KUPRIN (2 hours)
The story "The Lilac Bush". Mutual understanding, mutual assistance, a sense of comradeship between the author and his hero. The main storyline of the story and subtext; artistic idea.
Literary theory: story (development of ideas), dialogue in the story.
Speech development: preparing questions for discussion, reviewing an episode, drawing up an answer plan.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: meeting in the literary lounge or discussion club “What is kindness?” based on materials from studied and independently read works, from personal observations and ideas.

V.V. MAYAKOVSKY (2 hours)
Poem “An extraordinary adventure that happened to Vladimir Mayakovsky in the summer at the dacha.” Problems of the poem: poet and society, poet and poetry. Techniques for creating images. The artistic originality of the poem.
Literary theory: autobiographical motifs in lyrical works; motive, theme, idea, rhyme; tropes and figures (hyperbole, metaphor; syntactic figures and intonation at the end of a sentence).
Speech development: expressive reading.

S.A. ESENIN (2 hours)
Poems: “The golden grove dissuaded me...”, “I left my native home...”. Subjects of lyric poems; lyrical “I” and the image of the author. Man and nature, a sense of homeland, the emotional wealth of the lyrical hero in the poet’s poems.
Theory of literature: image-landscape, tropes and figures (epithet, oxymoron, poetic syntax).
Local history: literary and local history excursion “Through Yesenin’s places.”
Speech development: reading by heart, oral review or review of a poem.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: a literary and musical evening or an hour in the literary lounge “Songs and romances based on poems by S.A. Yesenin", an evening of one poem "My Sergei Yesenin".
I.S. SHMELEV (1 hour)
The story "Russian song". The main plot lines of the story. Problems and artistic idea. National character in the writer's portrayal.
Literary theory: the narrator and his role in the narrative, a story with elements of an essay, antithesis.
Speech development: oral and written feedback on what has been read, work with dictionaries.
MM. PRISHVIN (1 hour)
The story "Moscow River". Topic and main idea. Motherland, man and nature in the story. The image of the narrator.
Theory of literature: subtext, expressive means of literary speech, gradation.
Speech development: writing abstracts.
K.G. PAUSTOVSKY (2 hours)
The story “The Meshchera Side” (chapters “Forests”, “Meadows”, “Unselfishness”). Reading and discussion of fragments that recreate the natural world; human and nature; small homeland; the image of the narrator in the work.
Literary theory: lyrical prose; expressive means of artistic speech: epithet, comparison, metaphor, personification; landscape as a plot-forming factor.
Speech development: presentation with elements of reasoning.
Local history: each region is beautiful in its own way (lyrical prose about a small homeland).
Poem "Don't let your soul be lazy..." The theme of the poem and its artistic idea. Spirituality, spiritual work is the main moral dignity of a person.
Theory of literature: expressive and artistic means of speech (rhetorical exclamation, metaphor), morphological means (the role of verbs and pronouns).
Speech development: reading by heart, compiling a dictionary of poem vocabulary on a given topic.
A.T. TVARDOVSKY (1 hour)
Poems: “We say goodbye to our mothers...” (from the series “In Memory of Mother”), “At the bottom of my life...”. Poem "Vasily Terkin". War, life and death, heroism, sense of duty, home, filial memory are the main motives of the war lyrics and epic of A.T. Tvardovsky.
Theory of literature: composition of lyric poem and poem, poetic syntax (rhetorical figures).

Possible types of extracurricular activities: a meeting in the literary lounge or an hour of poetry “Poems and songs about the war of poets of the 20th century”:
A.A. Akhmatova. “Oath”, “Song of Peace”; K.M. Simonov. “Do you remember, Alyosha, the roads of the Smolensk region...”; A.A. Surkov. “In the dugout”; M.V. Isakovsky. “Spark”, “Oh, my mists...”, etc.
Lyrics of poets participating in the Great Patriotic War(1 hour)
Mayorov “Creativity”, Bogatkov “Agenda”, M. Jalil "The Last Song"
Sun. N. Loboda “The Beginning”. Features of the perception of life in the works of poets of the pre-war generation. Wartime everyday life in poems by poets who participated in the war.
B.L. VASILIEV (1 hour)
The story “Exhibit No...”. The title of the story and its role in understanding the artistic idea of ​​the work, the problem of true and false. Exposing indifference, moral wretchedness, hypocrisy.
Literary theory: the narrator and his role in storytelling.
Speech development: preparing a plan for a debate, various types of commentary on an episode.
V.M. SHUKSHIN (1 hour)
Brief information about the writer. “Cranks” and “eccentrics” in the stories of V.M. Shukshina. The story "Microscope". The inner simplicity and moral height of the hero.
Literary theory: ways of creating character.
Speech development: compiling a dictionary of characters’ language, written feedback, essay-reasoning.
Connection with other arts: the activities of V.M. Shukshina in cinematography (scriptwriter, director, actor).
Local history: Srostki is the small homeland of the writer.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: V.M. day Shukshina at school.
Russian poets of the 20th century about Russia (1 hour)
A.A. Akhmatova. “I had a voice. He called comfortingly..."
M.I. Tsvetaeva. “The rowan tree was chopped with dawn...”
I'M IN. Smelyakov. "Story".
A.I. Fatyanov. “We haven’t been home for a long time...”
AND I. Yashin. “Haven’t I forgotten how...”
A.A. Voznesensky. "Murom log house".
A.D. Dementiev. "Volga".
The originality of the disclosure of the theme of Russia in the poems of poets of the 20th century.
Speech development: a detailed description of one of the poetic texts, reading a poem by heart.
From foreign literature (12 hours)
Brief information about the author. Sonnets: “When the judgment of silent, secret thoughts...”, “The beautiful is a hundred times more beautiful...”, “If you stop loving, then now...”, “I love, but I talk about it less often... " Themes and motives. “Eternal” themes (love, life, death, beauty) in the sonnets of W. Shakespeare.
Literary theory: solid form (sonnet), stanza (deepening and expanding ideas).
Speech development: various types of reading, reading by heart.
R. BURNS (1 hour)
Brief information about the author. Poem "Return of the Soldier." The main motives of the poem: a sense of duty, military honor, the people's idea of ​​goodness and strength.
Literary theory: lyric epic song, ballad, allegory.
R.L. STEVENSON (2 hours)
Brief information about the author. The novel “Treasure Island” (part three, “My Adventures on Land”). Techniques for creating images. Resourcefulness and curiosity are the most attractive qualities of a hero.
Literary theory: adventure literature.
Speech development: reading and various ways commenting.
Possible types of extracurricular activities: hour aesthetic education“S.Ya. Marshak translator.
The image of a poet. Basic biographical information. Acquaintance with poems, their themes and features of poetic images.
Literary theory: haiku (haiku).
Speech development: an attempt at writing.
A. de SAINT-EXUPERY (2 hours)
Brief information about the writer. Fairy tale "The Little Prince". Goodness, justice, courage, decency, honor in the understanding of the writer and his heroes. Main events and author's position.
Literary theory: lyrical prose (development of ideas), truth and fiction.
Connection with other arts. A fairy tale by A. de Saint-Exupéry in the language of other arts. Children's drawings based on " The Little Prince».
YA.KUPALA (2 hours)
Basic biographical information. Reflection of the fate of the Belarusian people in the poems “Man”, “Who’s going there?”, “Alesya”. M. Gorky and M. Isakovsky are translators of Y. Kupala.
Speech development: comparative characteristics of the original and translations.

Works to be learned by heart
M.V. Lomonosov. From “Ode on the Day of Accession to the All-Russian Throne...” (excerpt).
G.R. Derzhavin. “To Rulers and Judges” (excerpt).
A.S. Pushkin. 12 poems of your choice.
M.Yu. Lermontov. "Motherland".
ON THE. Nekrasov. “Reflections at the Front Entrance” (excerpt).
A.A. Fet. Poem of your choice.
S.A. Yesenin. Poem of your choice.
From poems about Russia by poets of the 19th century. 12 poems of your choice.
ON THE. Zabolotsky. "Don't let your soul be lazy..."
A.T. Tvardovsky. "At the bottom of my life..."
W. Shek s p i r. One sonnet of your choice.

Educational and thematic plan


2. From oral folk art

3. From ancient Russian literature

4. From Russian literature of the 18th century

5. From Russian literature of the 19th century

6. From Russian literature of the 20th century

7. From foreign literature

8.Repeat at the end of the year


Calendar- thematic planning

Section topic
Lesson topic

Number of hours

Date to

Date given
Mastering subject knowledge

form of control
Educational product
Preparation for State Examination, Unified State Examination

Introduction to the course of Russian literature
The uniqueness of the course

Verbal response

Movement of genres

Epics “Svyatogor and Mikula Selyaninovich”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”

Reflection of folk ideas about morality in the epic
Classify material, ability to plan your work when solving problems
Verbal response
Features of the genre

Russian folk songs

Polysemy of the poetic image

Verbal response
The originality of poetic language.

Old Russian literature

The instructive nature of ancient Russian literature. From "The Tale of Bygone Years"

Tracing the continuity of generations, patriotism

Detailed retelling
Text analysis

"The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom." Genre originality

Genre originality

Expressive reading
Presentation with elements of an essay

Episode Analysis

18th century literature

M.V. Lomonosov. The life and fate of a poet, educator, scientist

Features of the poetic language of the ode
Establish cause-and-effect relationships, analogies
Essay with elements of reasoning
Essay with elements of reasoning

The theory of the “three calms”

The importance of style theory
Analyze, .
Answers on questions
Features of poetic language.

G.R. Derzhavin. Theme of the poet and power

The originality of the poet's poem
Systematize, highlight the main thing, establish cause-and-effect relationships
Subjects and problems of works

D.I. Fonvizin. Comedy "Undergrown"

The originality of the dramatic work
Ask clarifying questions; make judgments and support them with facts
Oral essay
Oral essay
Oral essay

Images of the comedy "Minor"

Literary theory
Compare the results obtained with the training task
Reading by role
Image analysis

Social issues in comedy

Literary direction (primary ideas)

Answers on questions
Oral essay

19th century literature

A.S. Pushkin. Freedom-loving motives in the poet’s poems

Creative history of creation of works
Analyze, compare, classify, summarize
Different kinds reading
Lyric Analysis

"Song about the prophetic Oleg"

Chronicle text and ballad by A.S. Pushkin
Analyze, compare, classify, summarize
Different types of reading
Different types of reading

Poem "Poltava"

The civic pathos of the poem
Establish cause-and-effect relationships, analogies

Essay with elements of reasoning
Essay with elements of reasoning

M.Yu. Lermontov. Homeland in lyrical and epic works

Lyric genres.
Compare, classify, summarize
Story about the event

Story about the event

"Song about Tsar Ivan Vasilyevich"

Fiction and fidelity to historical truth
Ask clarifying questions; make judgments and support them with facts
Answers on questions

The artistic richness of “Song”

Fiction and fidelity to historical truth
Compare the results obtained with the training task

Oral response plan

N.V.Gogol in St. Petersburg

New theme – depiction of bureaucracy and the life of a “little” person
Classify material, plan your work when solving problems
Selection of quotes to describe a character

The story "The Overcoat". Main conflict

Writing a story based on a given plot.

I.S. Turgenev. "Notes of a Hunter"

Complex social relations in the village.
Establish cause-and-effect relationships, analogies
Answers on questions
Portrait and character.

Theme and artistic richness of the prose poem “Beggar”

The diversity of peasant characters as depicted by the author
Analyze, compare, classify, summarize
Expressive reading
Expressive reading
Literary theory

N.A. Nekrasov. Brief information about the poet

The originality of the poet's poetic muse
Establish cause-and-effect relationships, analogies
Characteristics of heroes
Extracts for characterization of heroes

Poem "Russian Women". (“Princess Trubetskoy”)

The main problems of the works
Compare, classify, summarize
Answers on questions

Quotation plan, elements of a thesis plan



Problems of fairy tales

Different types of retelling

Problems of fairy tales by M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Genre features

Problems of fairy tales
Solve a problem, interact in a group

Different types of retelling

Peasant labor and the fate of the tiller as depicted by 19th century poets

The originality of poetic works
Analyze, compare, classify, summarize
Expressive reading by heart


Literature and history
Plan your work, clearly set a system of tasks
Quotation plan
Drawing up a quotation plan

“Sevastopol Stories” by L.N. Tolstoy. Features of the genre

Literature and history
Set a system of tasks, identify the main ones among them, choose rational solutions, quickly make adjustments to your work
Quotation plan
Drawing up a quotation plan

N.S. Leskov. The story "Lefty"

The figurative world of the work
Analyze the overall results of the work, compare these results with those planned at the beginning of it, identify the causes of deviations and outline ways to eliminate them

ROUGH PLANNING OF EDUCATIONAL WORK (for the week – 12.12-16.12.2016)

Group: II junior group No. 2 Topic: “Winter - winter”

Target: expand ideas about winter (changes in weather, plants in winter, behavior of animals and birds). Introduce winter sports (skating, skiing, sledding). Form ideas about safe behavior in winter. Develop research and educational interest in experimenting with snow and ice. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, the ability to notice the beauty of winter nature.

Final event: Date of the final event: December 16, 2016

Responsible for the final event: educators, parents.

Day of the week

Main part

Variable part


Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

National-cultural component

DOW component




Educational activities in special moments


Conversation: “Hello, Zimushka-winter!” Expand children's understanding of the characteristic features of winter nature and develop conversational speech.

Looking at snowflakes on a string. Exercise to develop speech breathing: “blow on a snowflake.”

To consolidate washing skills, to facilitate the implementation of the skill consciously and with pleasure to follow the rules of washing.

Introduce illustrations from the album “Seasons” “Winter” into the subject environment. Look at the illustrations and find the distinctive features of this time of year.

Memorizing poems “Santa Claus”, “Christmas tree”, nursery rhymes, calls about winter.

Monday 12/12/16

GCD: 1. Cognition. (FCCM). “Winter has come” by Ilyushin No. 12 p.52

Expand your understanding of the seasons, the length of the day, and the characteristic features of winter nature; consolidate skills in the formation of relative adjectives and cognate words; replenish your vocabulary.

2. Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Watching the freshly fallen snow

Goals: to form an idea of ​​winter; evoke an aesthetic experience from the beauty of winter nature, the joy of a walk. Labor: removing snow from the site. Goal: continue to teach how to use a scraper and shovel.

Game exercise “Horses” (Tsok-tsok-tsok, I am a gray horse. I knock my hooves, if you want, I’ll pump it) - coordinate the gallop steps with the rhythm of the song with a subgroup of children.

Encourage you to remember the dressing algorithm by learning the poem “Let's take Bear for a walk.”

Remote material:

brooms, shovels, dolls, dressed according to the season Sandbags, balls, hoops, small toys, molds, signets, sticks, buckets, scoops.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Head massage.

Hardening procedures.

Preventive actions. Gymnastics for the eyes.

Learn the proverb “Wolves prowl - they are looking for food.” Involve Kirill Ch, Samira, Amelia.

CHHL: With Marshak “It’s pouring, it’s pouring snow.” develop a desire to listen to a poem about winter; cultivate a love for winter

In the art corner:

tinted paper, gouache white, brushes different thicknesses.

A selection of poems about winter, riddles.


Observing frost patterns. Goal: look at the frosty patterns on the window.

Sub-game “Crested Hen”

Game exercise: “The wind is blowing”

The wind blows in our faces

The tree swayed

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter. The tree is getting higher and higher

A moment of safety.

Conversation “Is it possible to eat snow?”

Games with external materials: sleds, shovels.


S/r game: “The doll is sick”

Did. game "Pick up clothes." Goal: learn to classify clothes by season.

Encourage children's participation

in joint games, create game situations that contribute to the formation of an attentive, caring attitude

to others.

Independent games in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Conversation “Clothing for children in a group”


Conversations: “Children’s games in winter.” Goal: to develop children’s coherent speech.

Teach Prokhor and Dima to soap their hands and wash them off with water.

Organize children's activities in accordance with their desires and needs.

Encourage children's desire to independently select toys and attributes for play, and use substitute items.

Book corner:

illustrations for the poem “Sleigh”, snowflakes. Pictures depicting winter.

Independent activity in activity centers.

Tuesday 12/13/16

1.Cognition. (ICD). "Slide for Katya's doll"

Learn how to build a slide by placing parts (cubes, prisms, bricks) next to each other, making the building stable. Learn to distinguish and name the four primary colors. Develop a desire for playful communication, speech activity, and the ability to communicate with adults and peers. Abstract No. 3

Exercise children in walking and running in a column, changing walking and running along symbols. Develop the ability to jump on two legs while moving forward. Develop response to signals, develop balance and correct posture when walking.


Watching snowflakes calmly fall.

Goal: to introduce children to the properties of snow. Labor: clearing paths from snow.

Outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting...”

Round dance game "Winter"

Promote the development of observation skills.

Games with snow: “Traces”, “Let’s decorate the area with figures”, “Let’s color the snow”

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Walking barefoot on a massage mat.

Preventive actions. Exercises for prof. colds.

Individual work: standing long jump. Involve Kirill.Ch, Savely, Danil K, Amelia.

CHHL: learning the finger game “We came to the yard for a walk”

Creative workshop.

Drawing “A white snow fell.”

Materials: tinted paper, white gouache, paint brushes, napkins, cups of water.

GCD:1.Musical entertainment

According to the specialist's plan


Bird watching. Draw children's attention to pigeons, crows, sparrows, draw children's attention to what birds eat.

P\i "Shaggy Dog"

Teach Dasha and Vika to walk along the path while maintaining balance. D, Danila A.

Create a desire to play joint games, enrich children’s motor experience.

Removable materials: buckets, spatulas, molds, ice cubes. Games with snow: “Traces”, “Let’s decorate the area with figures”.


Experimentation: “Guess what’s hidden in the bucket?” Material: a bucket of cereal, covered with a napkin.

Individual work on developing basic movements exercise “Bunny”. Practice jumping, involve Dasha, Dima, Arseny, Danil A.

“In order for there to be order, everything must be in its place” Conversations “what is where”, “How we put away toys” (Safety at home)

Looking at pictures of adults: “What people do in winter.” In a corner of nature: select pictures, help in creating the album “Seasons”

Working with parents:

Consultation " Unconventional techniques in the artistic creativity of children 3-4 years old"


Conversation “Why children are not cold.” Goal: to consolidate the names of items of clothing, to develop children’s speech.

D/i “When does this happen?” - consolidate the concept of winter phenomena, activate vocabulary on the topic.

Situational conversation about washing hands with soap with the aim of learning how to properly lather with soap, rinse with water, and wipe dry with a towel.

“Mosaic” “Collect a snowflake” - develop thinking, fine motor skills, get joy from work.

Wednesday 12/14/16

GCD:1. Speech development. Telling the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox” by Zatulin p.47

Introduce children to the Russian folk tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox”, teach them to listen carefully and understand the content. Learn to answer questions based on the text. Vocabulary: howl, lament, hum, regale. Cultivate interest in Russian folk tales.

2. Music.

According to the specialist's plan.


Observing the work of a janitor is to cultivate a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Outdoor game “At the bear in the forest.”

ATS. “Over a snowdrift” (stepping over, jumping over an obstacle 20 - 30 cm high), Fasten: names winter clothes, the general word is clothing.

Conversation “Frosty days” Form an idea of ​​the seasons: winter; connections between seasons and weather; name the main signs of the winter period.

Removable materials: scoops, shovels, rakes, snow molds.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage chest area.

The board game “Clothing” is to enrich children’s knowledge about the seasons, about the clothes characteristic of each season.

CHHL: Russian folk tale “Rukavichka”

Looking at books and illustrations with winter landscapes and precipitation - reinforce the names of the seasons, teach them to admire the world around them.

Examination of illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Children's educational institution "Rechetsvetik"

"About a snail."

Pal. gymnastics:


1.Continue to teach children to draw with their fingers.

2. Form children’s understanding of color.

3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.


Observing the behavior of birds at the feeder P\game: “Birds and the cat” (by analogy Sparrows and the car)

Teach Roma, Dasha, Danil K, Yaroslav to throw snowballs with one hand.

Strengthen the ability to undress independently and carefully put things in a locker. Learn to help each other.

Games with external materials. Steering wheels, blades, molds, toys, cars.


Poetry evening - arouse interest in listening to music and memorizing poems about winter.

“Who is screaming?” Strengthen the ability to correlate pictures of pets with corresponding toys, develop the ability to pronounce lightweight words, onomatopoeia

(ko-ko-ko, ku-ka-re-ku, pee-pee).

To teach children to be polite, to form a respectful attitude towards each other; create situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others

In the center of the fine art: plasticine, salty dough.

Stencils – circles for painting, wax crayons, tinted paper.

Working with parents:

Involve parents in decorating the group for the New Year.


Conversation “How can we help birds in winter?” - cultivate love and compassion for birds, develop children's speech.

Looking at the “Winter Fun” paintings with children - learning to name the actions depicted in the pictures.

Improve the ability to eat carefully, independently, to swallow food without leaving it behind the cheek. Encourage the use of a napkin.

Looking at the paintings “Winter Fun” with children - learning to name the actions depicted in the pictures

Thursday 1.12.16

GCD: 1. Modeling“It’s hard for a bunny in the forest in winter, you and I will feed the bunny with carrots” Pavlova No. 9 p.96

Learn to roll plasticine into a cylinder, pull it back to obtain the desired shape; consolidate knowledge about the color orange; cultivate a caring attitude towards animals.

2. Physical education.

According to the specialist's plan


Vegetation monitoring

Objectives: to develop knowledge about plant life in winter; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature. “The Fox and the Hares.” Goal: to teach how to run without bumping into each other.

Labor activity: shoveling snow, clearing paths. Goal: to teach to work together, to achieve goals through joint efforts.

To develop the desire in children to play outdoor games that help improve basic movements (walking, running, throwing), to cultivate a desire to play together and have fun.

Removable materials: turntables, spatulas, scoops.

GCD: 1. Physical entertainment.

According to the specialist's plan.

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

D\i “A little white snow fell” - clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic, learn to coordinate words with movements.

CHHL: Z. Aleksandrova “Winter Song” (Help to understand the main idea of ​​the work, teach to answer questions about the content)

“Garages” - teach how to build a building for a car, naming the parts of the construction set.


“How to behave on the street” - reinforce the rules of behavior on the roadway in icy conditions. P\i “We are cheerful guys” - exercise running, develop endurance, create a joyful mood.

“Hit the target” - strengthen throwing from behind the head, develop eye and dexterity.

Continue to teach how to wash your hands correctly, form the habit of washing your hands after using the toilet and before eating

Independent activity during a walk.

Removable materials: buckets, shovels, scoops, ice cubes.


Role-playing game “Chauffeurs” (Continue to teach how to take on a role, act in accordance with it, develop verbal communication)

Sensory exercise “Assembling a pyramid” (develop hand coordination, learn to distinguish rings by size, color, learn to string rings in a certain sequence)

To teach children to be polite, to form a respectful attitude towards each other; create situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others.

Independent games for children: Offer children skittles, ring throws, balls.

Goal: To teach how to independently develop motor activity, strength, and agility. In the book corner: poems about winter, p. n. fairy tale "Mitten".

Working with parents:

Consultation for parents "Children's traumatism"


Conversation “What the frost drew for us on the glass” - develop curiosity, expand and deepen knowledge about inanimate nature, develop interest in natural phenomena

D\i “Repeat after me” - develop attentiveness, learn to act on a signal.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills (Continue to teach how to silently take a seat at the table, not to push your neighbors with your elbows, to say thank you for breakfast)

Looking at the illustrations for the book “Winter Animals” - to cultivate interest in new books and care for animals.

Friday 12/16/16

GCD: 1.Music

According to the specialist's plan.

2. Drawing. “Snowfall” by Pavlov No. 21 p. 49

Teach children to convey a picture of winter in a drawing; develop the ability to use paint and brush; introduce the season - winter; learn to place an image on an entire sheet of paper; consolidate children's knowledge of the relationship between objects in size; cultivate interest in drawing.


"Snow removal vehicle monitoring". Work on site: snow removal. Under. game “We are not afraid of Frost.”

Outdoor game “Train” (Practise running with a change of pace, develop the ability to switch and distribute attention, quickly respond to a signal)

Conversation about the signs of winter (Form ideas about seasonal changes in nature, note the signs of winter, teach to perceive descriptions of objects and phenomena)

After sleep:

Awakening gymnastics.

Massage of the chest area.

Hardening procedures. Walking on a relief surface.

Didactic game “Find a snowflake” (Teach to use the prepositions “in, behind, under, on, in front” in speech)

CHHL: “Winter quarters of animals” - to cultivate the ability to listen carefully to a fairy tale.

Work in the corner sensory development: mosaic (Develop fine motor skills, hand muscles, attention, visual perception)


Watching the onset of dusk.

Individual work on mastering basic movements - walking with high knees.

Minute of safety “Danger in winter” (Introduce various situations that pose a health hazard - icicles on the roof, slippery sidewalks, icy steps, etc.)

Removable materials: ice cubes, spatulas, scoops.

Independent play activities while walking.


S/r game “Waiting for guests”

D/i “When does this happen?” - expand your vocabulary on the topic, form an idea of ​​time periods

HBT. Toy cleaning training. Game situation: The cubes are tired and want to go back to their box, put them in a way that makes them comfortable. Analysis: note that we worked together, the group became cozy and beautiful.

Independent play activities in activity centers.

Working with parents:

Folder “Winter”

At the end of January, work on introducing children to the signs of winter is completed. To consolidate ideas about animals and plants in winter, according to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the teacher plans to look at landscapes, write stories about winter, manual labor and reading works of fiction on the topic. The result of the week is a dramatization of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.” Detailed description speech exercises, cognitive activities, movement and round dancing games, reading material can be found in the appendix “ Thematic week"Snow-White Winter"

Social and communicative development

The teacher continues to work on social and communicative development, teaching children game techniques in a story game, organizing exercises “Swing”, “We will quarrel and make up”. There are a number of excursions throughout the week: to the site traffic, to the medical office.

Cognitive development

For cognitive development The teacher plans observations of birds at the feeder, snow melting and the weather. Offers to children Board games“Who needs what form”, “When does this happen”, etc. The teacher teaches children the techniques of folding a square from parts and offers the painting “Winter” for viewing.

Speech development

In area speech development the vocabulary is enriched and activated through didactic games. Children continue to learn simple phrases, which contributes to the formation of ZKR.

Artistic and aesthetic development

At the end of January, kids learn to sing their name, sing along to familiar songs and play along on musical instruments. The teacher organizes teamwork“Snowy Winter”, construction of a “House with a Gate”, which contributes to the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children.

Physical development

The teacher talks with children about how to dress properly in winter so as not to get sick, organizes outdoor games “Chickens in the Coop”, “Find Yourself a Mate” and others aimed at physical development children.

Check out a fragment of the theme week


OOCognitive developmentSpeech developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.S.r. game "Groceries Store". Goal: to develop children’s ability to act in accordance with their role.Examination of the painting “Winter”. Goal: develop observation skills, learn to answer the teacher’s questions.Di. "Multi-colored chest." Goal: to learn to focus on endings when agreeing words in gender.Looking at winter landscapes. Goal: to introduce children to beauty, to teach them to see the beauty of winter nature.Physical exercise “Winter”. Goal: learn words, strengthen the body’s defense systems.
Construction of buildings from snow. Goal: learn to shovel snow using shovels to a certain place.Excursion to the feeding trough. Goal: to determine the habits of birds in winter.Exercise “What time of year?” Goal: to develop the ability to formulate your conclusions in speech, to answer with an expanded sentence.Exercise “Sing your name.” Goal: to develop children's song creativity and ear for music.P.i. "Chickens in the garden." Purpose: to train children in climbing. P.i. "Find yourself a mate." Goal: to develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.
2 p.d.Exercise "Swing". Goal: to teach children to act in pairs.Observation of colored ice floes. Purpose: to show children what happens to water at different temperatures.Reading A. Tolstoy “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.” Goal: discuss the actions of the heroes, prepare for the dramatization.Help the teacher in making attributes for the staging of the fairy tale “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.” Goal: to attract children to work.Exercise “Blow on snowflakes.” Goal: to develop the respiratory system.


OOSocial and communicative developmentCognitive developmentSpeech developmentArtistic and aesthetic developmentPhysical development
1 p.d.S.r. game "Let's go to kindergarten" Goal: to diversify the plot of the game.Di. “Arrange by color” (any options). Goal: to consolidate the ability to group objects by color.Pronouncing phrases. Goal: development of phonemic hearing and onomatopoeia ability.Di. "Color Lotto". Goal: to consolidate the names of colors, teach to play by the rules.Conversation with children “How to dress correctly in winter.” Goal: to form an idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle.
Clearing paths from snow. Goal: to teach how to use shovels when shoveling snow.Didactic games of the teacher's choice. Goal: continue to teach children to play by the rules.Exercise “The shepherd boy woke up in the morning.” Goal: to form the ZKR.Theatrical game “Frosty days”. Goal: to encourage children to improvise.P.i. "Find yourself a mate." Goal: to develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.