Is it possible to add a voice if there is none? How to train your voice yourself at home for singing? How to develop a singing voice: useful habits

Often people who want to learn to sing do not understand what a vocal support is. They look for answers on the Internet, trying to repeat the sensations of other people who have achieved vocal support. In reality, the sensations when reaching vocal support are different for everyone. Today I will try to help you understand the question: “”, which means “How to achieve vocal support.”

Vocal support- This is, in essence, singing with the help of the diaphragm. When the diaphragm is engaged, our vocal cords will not strain as much because all the tension goes to the diaphragm. If you sing on a vocal support, you can sing for at least a few hours. Otherwise, you will have tension in your vocal cords. This is why it is imperative to develop your vocal support if you are going to seriously study vocals.

Without a developed vocal support, beginners often have problems:

  • The voice gets tired quickly;
  • A beginner without vocal support cannot hit high notes;
  • The newbie misses the notes. Yes Yes! Often this problem is not just a consequence of lack of hearing. Sometimes the reason for this is poor vocal support.

Exist different techniques vocals, many different vocal schools. But there is something the same for everyone - both for an opera singer and for a rock singer - " Vocal exhalation technique". In simple terms, one could say" breath", but breathing is also an inhalation. But the inhalation can be different in different vocal techniques.

How to set your own voice?

1. Breathe some air“in the stomach” (as in the stomach?), about half the volume of the lungs. Please note that when you took a breath, your stomach protruded forward, and at the same time, tensed a little. Very little! It’s like an internal feeling that all the organs have “come to tone,” but the abs don’t tense up.

2. After all organs have “come to tone”, shift your attention to the ligaments (Structure of the vocal apparatus). Now apply some air from the inflated belly to the ligaments. How to do it? Imagine that you wanted to say something, but you were cut off mid-catch: “I ska...”. But then you fell silent, and the air pressed into your ligaments.
Repeat the whole process several times for better memorization.

3. After You have practiced in “silent mode”, let’s switch to sound. So, after the air has pressed against your ligaments, begin to pronounce the sound. Any, but always a vowel, or better yet A, O or E, at any height convenient for you. It should be a short sound.

4. Now we repeat everything from start to finish. Repeated repetitions are necessary to coordinate the necessary work of the diaphragm and vocal folds. After this happens, you will begin to pay more attention to the sound itself, and you will no longer focus on the process described above.

Gradually, day by day, increase the duration of the sound, and also change the vowels: I, E, U, Z... Start with 2-3 seconds, at first this will be quite enough. Make sure that the sound is smooth and the same volume throughout the sound.
The smooth sound that you sang using the process described above is called the sound on " Vocal support".

Vocal support video

I suggest watching a video by a vocal teacher, Vasily Kashevarov, who explains what vocal support is and also suggests a couple of exercises:


So you and I found out "How to create your own voice". And then - even more interesting! Let's move on to the next lesson, from which you will learn how to develop an ear for music.

Over the past fifteen to twenty years, family song culture has practically disappeared in Russia, and this is a very serious loss.

Previously, the song sounded constantly: adults sang, gathering at one table; mothers sang as they put their babies to bed.

People sang just like that: going on a hike, digging potatoes, doing spring cleaning.

And yet song traditions are gradually returning.

Today, a huge number of people dream of not just singing, but doing it correctly and beautifully. Not everyone has the opportunity to study vocals with a professional teacher. In this case, try to learn to sing on your own at home.

How to learn to sing at home: developing the breathing apparatus

Karaoke is a real find for lovers of singing. Many people sing at home, in karaoke clubs, with friends and just for themselves. There are talented people who are given a voice by nature, and then they may well find themselves in the profession of a vocalist.

How to learn to sing at home? First of all, understand that it won’t work out easily and quickly. If you really want to achieve good result, you will have to work in three directions:

Develop proper breathing;

Learn to articulate correctly;

Choose a suitable repertoire.

So how to breathe correctly and why is it important for those who want to learn to sing? The problem is that many amateurs sing well, but they do not have the volume and power of sound. This happens because the layperson exhales the air immediately without holding it. The air runs out, the muscles relax - the sound is lost.

The biggest mistake is to inhale air into the upper part of the lungs. With such shallow breathing, the shoulders and collarbones rise, and tension in the neck and ligaments occurs. You won't get a beautiful "flight" sound.

How to understand what correct breathing is? There is a very simple way. You need to lie down, relax and imagine yourself sleeping. During sleep, a person breathes most physiologically. Air is drawn into the lower parts of the lungs. This can be understood by the fact that it is not the chest that rises in a sleeping person, but the stomach.

This is exactly how a person who wants to learn to sing at home, without a teacher, needs to learn to breathe with his stomach. It is not by chance that such breathing is called diaphragmatic. The air-filled lungs in the lower part expand and begin to put pressure on the diaphragm. A good breathing support is created, without which it will not be possible to get a strong, clear sound. The diaphragm is the secret to proper breathing and successful vocal training.

To check whether you are breathing correctly, stand against a wall, straighten your shoulders and inhale, placing your hand or (for clarity) some elongated object on your stomach: a comb, a small umbrella. If you feel that your hand has moved forward or you see how your stomach has “pushed” an object, everything is in order: this is exactly it, breathing with your stomach, or with your diaphragm.

Now you need to train your muscles with special exercises. The more you practice, the faster and better you will learn to sing. In fact, the harder and longer you pull the sound, the stronger the tension in the muscles should be. This will help you sing the entire musical phrase, or even two, without tension, beautifully and fully.

If you inhale air and immediately exhale, the end of the phrases will simply “smear” or not sound at all. This is why an amateur singer often does not “reach” a line to the end. To avoid a common mistake, you need to learn to hold the breathing support constantly.

Regular abdominal pumping is a good help, but there are also professional exercises.

Exhale as much air as possible, then, without drawing air into the chest, breathe “press”, inhaling and exhaling with effort. This exercise is designed specifically to develop the diaphragm; you cannot breathe this way while singing! Inhalation is done through the nose. As you inhale, the stomach retracts, and as you exhale, it protrudes slightly. The pace of inhalation and exhalation should gradually increase as the diaphragm strengthens.

Classic academic exercise for the diaphragm: imitate a shout. Imagine that you need to call out to a person located at a far distance. Shout “hey!”, feeling your diaphragm tighten. Do 8–10 of these “shouts.”

How to breathe correctly when singing? Take in air through your nose, filling the lower part of your lungs as much as possible. Inhalation should be silent, free, natural. Chest or clavicular breathing is unacceptable: you will simply become out of breath when singing and overload your ligaments. This is fraught with loss of voice, hoarseness, and sore throat.

You need to train daily. This is the main condition for success: the respiratory and articulatory apparatus must receive a constant load in order to be in good shape and maintain strength. A well-developed diaphragm is elastic and strong. Thanks to it, you can gradually develop your technique and learn to sing well.

How to learn to sing at home: important exercises

Daily exercises must include exercises to strengthen ligaments and articulation. The initial task is to learn how to get rid of tension in the throat and relax the ligaments. You will need to master a “vocal mask” - this is a special facial expression that allows you to sing sounds easier, stronger, and more beautifully.

Exercise “Wide Throat”:

Make a “vocal mask”: smile slightly, feeling the tension in your cheekbones;

Pull out your tongue while maintaining the “smile mask.” To make it easier, you can hold your cheeks with your fingers;

While maintaining this facial expression, breathe like a dog, at different paces. It is important to feel tension in the abs, coolness and relaxation in the neck. You can help yourself by placing a pencil, a sushi stick, or a pen on your tongue;

Maintaining the position of your tongue and cheeks, lower your jaw as low as possible and continue to breathe;

Leave the facial muscles in this position and pronounce the sound “a”, pushing it out with your stomach.

In this position, the ligaments rest.

The most important quality of correct singing is correct articulation, that is, clear pronunciation of vowels and consonants.

Articulation development exercise.

Include the original song. It's good if you remember the words by heart. If not, you need to have the text in front of your eyes.

Take a thick marker or felt-tip pen and hold it between your teeth. The main task is to hold the felt-tip pen while pronouncing words. Make sure that your upper teeth hang over the felt-tip pen: this will make it easier to sing the sound.

You don't need to try to sing at first, it's important to say the words. The tongue at this moment should not be either under or above the felt-tip pen. When pronouncing, he will constantly encounter an obstacle and get tired. This is a serious workout for the muscles.

After doing the exercise two or three times, you can move on to singing the text. Do three repetitions of the chant.

Now you can sing without a felt-tip pen. The point is that the articulatory apparatus remembers the position of the facial muscles, at which it will be easy for him to sing. Thus, the exercise allows you not only to improve articulation, but also to get used to the “vocal mask”.

Certainly, do not ignore tongue twisters– a mandatory element in the development of clear diction for all artists. When pronouncing tongue twisters, pay attention to the endings of words: they cannot be “swallowed”; the phrase must sound clear from beginning to end.

Some breathing exercises according to Strelnikova are excellent for simultaneously training the respiratory organs, vocal cords, and diaphragm. Many singers practice using this system, why not beginner vocalists do the same? The basis of this paradoxical system is a special breath through the nose. It should be sharp, short and noisy. But the exhalation should be completely unnoticed, light, it should be done with the mouth. You need to focus on inhalation.

Exercise "Pump".

Make a half-bow, lowering your arms freely. The back is rounded, feet shoulder-width apart.

Make the tilt stronger, as if you were actually working with a pump, and at the same time inhale sharply.

Take the original position along with a silent exhalation.

Repeat. One cycle of exercise – eight breaths. The full exercise is 12 cycles.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders" aims to expand the lower part of the lungs, which is very important for singers. When inhaling, the chest should tighten and all the air will rush down.

Place your arms parallel to the floor, bending your elbows. One hand is placed on top of the other.

Sharply, while inhaling, throw your arms towards each other, hugging yourself by the shoulders and simultaneously squeezing chest.

As you exhale, release the compression and return to the original position.

The number of repetitions is the same.

Another great exercise should be done in the same way as the Pump. However, your hands should be placed on your stomach. Simultaneously with the bend, press on the press and pronounce syllables with any consonants and vowels “i”, “u”, “o”, “e”. It will turn out very similar to the classic chant “mi-mu-me-mo”, “ri-ru-re-ro”, etc. The exercise helps develop respiratory support and voice.

How to learn to sing at home: choosing a repertoire

It's time to choose the right repertoire. It's not as simple as it might seem. It is important to catch the tonality (voice pitch) at which the cords will work as comfortably as possible, without tension. If the song is “yours”, the sound will flow freely, without clamps.

First try to sing individual sounds in unison (same sound) to the selected song. This means that two sounds of the same pitch will sound simultaneously: your voice and the music. If there are any at home musical instrument or a tuning fork, it’s easier to make the sound clear. Select the sound with your voice so that it matches and merges with the instrument or tuning fork. To begin with, you can do this without opening your lips, that is, simply hum.

If there are recordings of your favorite song performed by a professional artist, and if the key suits you, start singing. Try to copy the singer’s intonations, facial expressions, and movements - this will help you master the singing technique. Ideally, your voice and the artist's voice should merge completely.

The next step is to try to sing karaoke or the backing track of the chosen song. Be sure to record your performance and listen to it. When a person sings, he does not hear himself. Analysis of the recording will allow you to see errors and work on them. For example, if you are out of tune somewhere, that is, you are not in tune, you need to work on this fragment.

Children's songs are very helpful in learning to sing. They usually have a narrow range and a pleasant and understandable melody. When the children's repertoire is mastered, you can switch to popular music, romances, folk songs that you like.

If you know foreign language- Amazing. Songs by foreign performers will significantly expand your repertoire. If you don’t know, that’s fine: thanks to music you can learn a language. The main thing is that the work should be technically simple, sound within one octave (that is, there should not be too much difference between low and high sounds) and have simple lyrics.

Ask well-meaning relatives or friends who have an ear for music to listen to you sing. Don't take criticism with hostility. After all, you are just learning to sing, so every comment will only help.

Exercises to develop diction

Do breathing exercises every time before starting classes. To do this, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth 6 times. Please note that the inhalation should be short and the exhalation slow and drawn out. After this, do a warm-up for your mouth: move your lips and tongue. In this way, try to achieve their maximum relaxation.

Syllable pronunciation exercise

One of the most popular and effective exercises, which is taught back in primary school. Pronounce syllables that contain voiceless and voiced consonants, as well as vowels, clearly and loudly. For example, tpki, pkte, ptok, vkty. In order not to be interrupted, prepare a list of syllables and read them from paper.

Tongue Twisters

A great way to help you develop diction. It is worth preparing for it in advance. Find a few tongue twisters, write them on a piece of paper and read them thoughtfully out loud. Read at an increasing pace each time. Make sure you pronounce all the letters clearly, this is very important.

Developing a voice

In order to develop a voice, you need to arm yourself with an instrument, for example, a piano, and start learning scales. The fact is that without a teacher it is quite difficult to play the right note. But it is quite possible to do this if you have a tool at hand. Press the note C, listen to it and try to play it with your voice. Do the same with each note in the scale. Sing each note up and down.

Gradually make the task more difficult. When you have mastered the scale, try to sing it through the notes: do, mi, salt, si. And back: do, la, fa, re.

To understand whether you are doing the exercise correctly, record your voice on a voice recorder or mobile phone. By the way, recording devices can be excellent assistants in the training process. To learn a song, try playing the original recording and singing along with the artist. After that, listen to the recording. This way you will understand if you have problems with your voice.

Breathing exercise

Many people have often heard the combination “voice production” in music schools, but not everyone understands exactly what it means. Some call this a set of exercises designed to give the voice a certain style of singing, others think that this is its tuning for proper singing, according to the requirements of vocal art. In fact, voice production is First stage vocal training , depending on its direction and the natural characteristics of the voice of the beginning vocalist.

There is academic and folk, jazz and pop voice production, as well as choral voice production based on classical vocals. It includes not only vocal exercises, but also characteristic chants in the direction that suits you for voice development.

Many music schools offer vocal and voice training lessons. At first glance, they are almost the same from each other, but in fact they have different directions. If vocal lessons are designed to improve singing in a certain manner, then voice training is general vocal exercises for beginners, the purpose of which is not only to determine the desired direction for the performer, but also to acquire mandatory skills such as breathing, developing articulation, overcoming clamps and etc.

In many music schools, where there are several areas of singing (for example, academic and pop vocals), there are lessons in initial voice training, the results of which will help you choose the most successful direction for further development. Choir classes also have voice training lessons, aimed not at developing solo singing skills, but at initial vocal training. This is necessary so that the voice sounds correctly in the choir and does not stand out from the general choral sonority. Sometimes voice training refers to singing lessons for children under 10 years old with breathing exercises, learning complex intervals and teaching pure intonation.

Therefore, those who do not yet know how to learn to sing from scratch should sign up for initial voice training lessons in order to then determine their future direction. After all, there are voices that are more suitable for classical opera vocals than for folk singing, and vice versa. And there are voices that are more suitable for solo singing than for choral or ensemble singing, despite training in academic vocals. Voice training will allow you not only to gain basic singing skills, but also to learn a lot of interesting things about the characteristics of your voice, its timbre, range, etc.

The purpose of voice training is to teach basic singing skills. It includes not only a set of exercises, but also the development of the performer’s auditory culture. Therefore, the teacher can give you not only special exercises, but also recordings of various singers, since incorrect singing, tightness in the voice and various inconveniences can be associated with a lack of auditory culture, because on the radio and on music channels you can rarely hear opera arias or even just correct singing. Many modern performers, in order to attract attention, begin to invent a catchy but incorrect style of singing, imitation of which can lead not only to inconvenience, but also to injury to the vocal cords. Therefore, listening to examples of correct singing is also included in the complex of voice training and, if your teacher has not yet given you examples, ask him about it yourself.

The next part of voice production is the formation of respiratory support. These are various exercises with slow exhalations, hissing, and air pushes with the diaphragm designed to ensure that the voice has solid respiratory support when singing. Voices with poor breathing sound very dull and their characteristic feature is the inability to hold long notes. They begin to fade and gradually lose color and purity of intonation, so breathing properly will allow you to easily sing notes of varying durations.

Voice training sessions also include the removal of various vocal clamps, which can impede not only easy singing, but also clear articulation. Beginners often experience a mismatch between their speech and vocal voices, so it becomes difficult for them to pronounce words when singing. This barrier is easy to overcome when all voice restrictions are removed. You will not experience discomfort not only while singing, but even in speaking. And vocal exercises and simple but useful exercises will help you with this. Also, depending on the learning results, the teacher may give you exercises to position your voice in the direction most suitable for your voice.

In addition, voice production creates easy singing in different parts of your range. You can easily sing not only high notes, but also low notes. When you learn to sing freely and confidently, and your voice has a clear intonation based on well-placed breathing, then you can choose the direction for further training in vocal art. For some it will be folk or academic singing, others will choose pop or jazz. The main thing is your desire to sing, and teachers will tell you how to learn to sing from scratch and help you take your first steps in this wonderful art.

Every human voice has its own timbre. It can be pleasant (melodic, euphonious, velvety) and nasty (creaky, squeaky, noisy). With his voice, a person is able to create one or another atmosphere. Surprisingly, the meaning and essence of the words spoken are of a secondary nature. The first thing that attracts attention is the music of your voice. You involuntarily listen to his tone, intonation and timbre. Owners of rich and rich voices attract, attract and have a special magnetism. Unpleasant people, on the contrary, repel and irritate others. Few people want to communicate with such people. Therefore, many are interested in the answer to the question of how to make their voice more beautiful.

Natural and pleasant voice

A natural and free voice is called natural. It reflects the inner world of a person as much as possible. From birth we have a strong voice (as proof of this, just remember any healthy baby). However, the majority of people use only 5-10 percent of the natural capabilities of the vocal apparatus.

A pleasant voice covers all frequencies: low, mid and high. It is a kind of reflection of a person’s personality. If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then one can recognize various character traits by the voice. It doesn't sound particularly pleasant to a deceitful and vile person. If you attach importance to this and pay attention to the human voice, then it is quite easy to determine the level of development of the interlocutor, his mood and state of health, as well as true intentions. Another common reason is clamps (internal tensions), which deprive it of freedom. In this regard, the timbre becomes poorer, both rich, warm, low colors and ringing, high ones disappear. Therefore, owners of such voices think about how to make their voice more beautiful.

Variety of sound production

A person can produce sound by involving the whole body in this process. It resonates by its nature from the top of the head to the toes. However, due to the presence of clamps (internal stresses), vibrations do not pass through the entire body, but remain at the level of the throat. That’s why the phrase “speaking from the throat” is common. This certainly depletes the color of the sound. Experts say that sound can be produced in different ways:

  • Speak with your throat.
  • Talk with your mouth.
  • Talk with your chest. That is, the ability to fill the chest with vocal vibrations.
  • Talk with your stomach. This is the ability to fill the belly with vibrations.

External factors influencing the timbre and beauty of the voice

To strengthen the muscles that support posture, you should visit the pool or swim in ponds as often as possible. Together with special voice exercises, this gives stunning results. You should also not forget about rest and sleep duration. Many vocalists rightly note that the sound of the voice directly depends on what time you go to bed and what time you wake up. Speech speed can also be controlled. To do this, you need to be somewhat relaxed and internally calm. Thanks to this, the voice will sound much richer, richer and more pleasant. However, it is impossible to achieve results by artificially slowing down speech. If you repeatedly wonder how to make your voice more beautiful, then know that this is more than possible. If you work with it, you can achieve euphonious overtones, easy and correct intonation. It should be remembered that your voice is closely related to your personality and unique individuality. So you may have to change yourself to some extent. You need to have a pleasant voice not only to sing. During interviews, negotiations or presentations, he also plays a major role.

Important preparatory steps

  1. Improvement of the whole body. First of all, you need to get rid of diseases that are associated with the throat. These are laryngitis, colds and others. Consult a phoniator for advice. However, the process of sound production is associated with vibrations of the whole body, and not just the throat. Therefore, if you have problems with the digestive system, cardiovascular and pulmonary, then pay due attention to them. Otherwise, you cannot avoid sudden cough, shortness of breath, pain in the larynx and fatigue. Correct breathing is affected by osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine, which interferes with sound production and causes hoarseness. Suppression of emotions and psychological constriction deprive articulatory clarity.
  2. Proper nutrition. Ideally, it would be a good idea to avoid spicy, fatty and salty foods, as well as excessively hot or extremely cold foods. If this is very difficult for you, then at least try to include in your diet foods that are enriched with vitamins B and C. These could be: oranges, cabbage, liver, rice, spinach, eggs and others. You should not eat seeds, nuts and tomatoes the day before an important event.
  3. Quit smoking. You've probably heard about the dangers of cigarettes and cigarettes. It's no secret that smoking negatively affects the vocal cords. Therefore, quickly get rid of the bad habit.

Voice exercises

There are a number of exercises that will help you achieve desired result.

1. Breathing.

  • Take a deep breath and exhale sharply. Imagine that you are blowing out a candle. Happened? Now, with three extremely short exhalations, blow out three candles at once, and then five. After daily training you will master this technique.
  • Take five long, noisy breaths through your nose, as if you were inhaling the aroma of your favorite perfume. Then take the same number of exhalations through your mouth.
  • Imagine that you are riding in an elevator and you have to announce the floors. The lower the floor, the lower the voice will be, and vice versa.

2. Work on articulation.

Speaking clearly and clearly to others is required everywhere. Both in important negotiations and in any other situation. It is recommended to perform such exercises while looking at yourself in the mirror, as this helps to monitor your facial muscles.

  • Imagine that your tongue momentarily became a paint roller. Now you need to paint the palate very carefully.
  • Imagine that you are a horse, snort. In this case, the teeth should be closed, and the lips should be as relaxed as possible, and air should be released through them with a characteristic “Frrr”.
  • Pull your lips forward and slightly outward. Try not to move your head, but at the same time draw various pictures with them - from fruits to complex compositions.

Beautiful voices of the world

Beginner performers dream of great and strong vocals. Of course, a lot depends on natural data. However, to achieve this goal, you need to regularly study with professional teachers, conduct healthy image life, constantly devote time to certain training. There are voices that delight with their strength and sound; they become role models.

Top 10 best voices

  • Renee Fleming (soprano). This is the most fantastic and beautiful female voice. She wrote a very useful book on vocal techniques, “The Inner Voice.”
  • Placido Domingo (tenor). The owner of a virtuoso and rich voice. Performer of very complex parts.
  • Leo Nucci (baritone) has a powerful, flexible and most beautiful voice.
  • Krassimira Stoyanova (soprano). Her top notes sound transparent and pure.
  • Samuel Ramey (bass). Powerful and textured voice.
  • Netrebko Anna (soprano). Has a brilliant timbre and impeccable vocal technique.
  • Ildar Abrazakov (bass).
  • Roberto Alagna (tenor).
  • Sergei Leiferkus (baritone). Universal in both opera and chamber genres.
  • Yuri Marusin (tenor).


Each voice has its own timbre. It can be pleasant and bewitching with its sound, or it can irritate and “harm” the ear. Its beauty is greatly influenced by external factors. This includes posture, speed of speech, and degree of sleepiness. In order to have the most beautiful voice, you need to adhere to a number of rules. Take care of your body's health, don't smoke and eat right. You should also perform certain voice exercises that will help you achieve the desired result. There are voices that delight with their strength and sound; they become role models.