How to train your memory at home. How to improve memory: useful exercises. How to train memory in adults - effective exercises


You are not yet thirty, you are full of energy, and it seems to you that it will always be like this? Not at all, say experts from University of Virginia. If you are already over 27, then the likelihood that your memory will continue to deteriorate is very high. And it all starts with a dulling of the cognitive (conscious) skills of the brain.

On the pages of our website you can repeatedly find advice on how to how to strengthen your memory and increase brain activity. It would seem that we already know everything about this issue. However, information coming from different parts of the world, from different pillars of medicine, is sometimes very contradictory. And now, experts from the University of Virginia, based on research, say: deterioration of brain function associated with age-related changes, inevitably. The good news, according to scientists from this university, is that the negative effects of aging can be reduced.

What are the experts from Virginia based on? First of all, based on statistics obtained from the so-called Alzheimer's Association- an organization that was created to help patients with this disease and study this disease. It is reported that this Alzheimer's disease occurs every 70 seconds from someone living on our planet. This disease is the most common form of dementia in the world. Fortunately, not every person is susceptible to it, and those who are susceptible have every chance of avoiding this disease if they listen to the following 20 tips to improve memory.

1. The secret of life is in movement

Most studies show that the benefits physical exercise to the human brain is commensurate with the benefits that these same exercises bring to the human body. Exercises that develop the so-called cardiorespiratory endurance(usually expressed in the body’s ability to carry out long-term cyclic work) can reduce the risk of developing factors leading to Alzheimer’s disease. We are talking about diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

According to experts (they are unanimous on this!), routine daily exercise should become an integral part of your life. There is no need to move heavy objects for several hours in a row. Build your daily routine to move as much as possible. It’s very simple - park your car, for example, at the end of the parking lot so that it takes longer to get to the exit. Take routine walks around the house every night, increasing their duration day by day and so on.

2. Change the picture before your eyes more often! In every sense of the word

When you perform routine actions day after day, your brain goes on autopilot, so to speak. But as soon as you switch to some other job, your brain begins to generate a lot of new ideas along with new information you receive.

What can be recommended in this case? Try to give your brain these mini-shake-ups as often as possible. For example, just change the picture that is in front of your eyes. You don't have to fly to Haiti to do this.(although this is not the worst option!). If you work on a computer, install a program that will change the pictures on your desktop every day, or even every hour. Go to work and return from work, trying to take different routes. Brush your teeth at least sometimes with your left hand (if you are right-handed), and vice versa right hand, if you are left-handed. Start reading books that will force your brain to think about the ideas expressed in them. and generate new ones!

3. Snatch a few minutes a day to sleep!

As you know, during sleep our brain collects, organizes and stores information that you have accumulated during the day. That's why 8 hours of sleep, after all, is so necessary for our brain every day. But sometimes just 5-10 minutes of sleep during the day can be no less effective than eight hours of sleep at night in order to give the brain a little reboot. And according to German scientists, based on numerous experiments, 90 minutes of sleep is enough to get your brain working again over the perception, collection and accumulation of new pieces of information.

4. Train your photographic memory

The properties of memory, as such, are not concentrated in any one specific point in our brain. All data that enters our brain is accumulated and stored in different parts of it. Sometimes it is not easy to extract the necessary information from some corner of memory. Try this exercise: to force your brain to capture for a long time some incident or situation happening around you, try to photograph it, as it were. In other words, try to remember it using all your senses. Look around and pay attention to what you see. Try to remember the colors around you and even the texture of the objects around you. What smells do you smell? If you're eating, drinking (or even kissing!), try to identify the taste. This very effective trick will help you maintain a sane mind for a long time, even in old age. And besides, it will allow you to learn to never forget, where you threw, for example, your car keys this time!

5. Eat less

Let's not be unfounded, but let's move straight to the test results. According to information received from German scientists from Westphalian Wilhelms University (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster), a group of physically healthy volunteers, average age 60-year-olds ate for 12 weeks a diet that was 30 percent lower in calories than their normal daily diet. As a result all subjects increased their performance on memory tests, by 20 percent. Possible reason: Reducing the level of insulin produced by the body when digesting food. Another reason is a decrease in the level of so-called C-reactive protein, a blood plasma protein whose concentration increases during inflammation. Both factors are directly related to improving the functions of the human brain and, in particular, memory.

Participants in the experiment were given no more than 1200 calories per day. If it seems to you that cutting your daily diet to such an extent is inhumane, then try to at least limit yourself in the consumption of fats, meat and some dairy products. A year earlier, researchers from Columbia University Medical Center reported the results of a long-term study of more than 1,300 people who were adherents of the so-called Mediterranean diet. We are talking about a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, fish and the so-called monounsaturated oils(for example, olive oil). The diet almost completely excludes all fats, dairy products and even beef. All subjects who adhered to this diet for a long time showed a reduced risk of developing so-called mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.

6. Join the “What? Where? When?” club! Or just play logic games more often

Perhaps a chance to become members of the international club of experts "What? Where? When?" you don’t have much, but no one can stop you from watching this program ( and many other logical transmissions) on TV, straining their brains along with the participants to answer the host’s questions. Why, you ask? Then, back in 2009, research results published in the journal American Geriatric Society, dealing with aging problems, showed an interesting pattern. People over 65 who used for an hour a day for eight weeks special computer program for the development of cognitive skills, improved their memory and developed attention. This was shown by tests comparing these older adults with older adults from another group of participants who did not work with the aforementioned computer program.

7. Sitting at the computer is not always harmful!

Neuroscientist Gary Small, supervisor Memory & Aging Center at University of California at Los Angeles and author of numerous studies studying the human brain and its functions in at different ages, noted that using the World Wide Web is somewhat reminiscent of brain training exercises. To “measure” the brain activity of the experiment participants while they were using a computer, scientists used magnetic resonance imaging method. It should be noted that the participants in the experiment were from 55 to 76 years old. The subjects, when using the Internet, were on average twice as active as usual. Particular bursts of activity were observed at moments when decisions were needed.

Green and black tea have an excellent protective effect on our memory. Perhaps this is the result of the influence of drinks on certain enzymes in our brain. Caffeine is also known to increase the ability to concentrate. And middle-aged people who regularly consume moderate amounts of caffeine—three to five cups of coffee a day—are at lower risk of developing dementia later in life. Finnish and French scientists made such conclusions from their research.

Don't forget about the other benefits of consuming tea and coffee: by drinking a hot drink during your lunch break, or simply giving yourself such "tea breaks" several times a day, you reduce the likelihood of developing depression.

9. Are you already showing all the signs of depression? Be sure to consult a doctor!

Very often we live for years in depression, attributing our condition to permanent Bad mood. But “permanently bad mood” is the first sign of depression. And depression, if left untreated, can significantly weaken your memory. Talk therapy and taking appropriate antidepressants can help resolve this problem. It is important to remember that if you suddenly lose interest in those things that you previously could not tear yourself away from, and if you stop enjoying the things you once loved, then you probably have depression.

It is noteworthy that such a condition as depression most often affects those who have one of their ancestors suffering from this disease, and those who care for sick and elderly people for a long time.

10. Try to focus completely on one task at a time.

Research from the University of California, Los Angeles has shown that people remember less information when their brains are busy multitasking. Memory is especially difficult if such a person is trying to master new material.. There are, of course, exceptions. For example, you are studying something (any material for memorization), and the radio is playing nearby. Your memory can later help you remember, or “dig out” the necessary information from your brain, if you remember what melody was playing at the moment you memorized this information.

Try to constantly learn something new. Take every opportunity to do this, do it regularly, even when you are performing your daily duties at work - drawing up a contract, or just doing a photocopier. Try to fully concentrate on what you are doing turning off all distracting sources - TV, radio. Turn off the sound notifications of programs such as skype, ICQ - this will only distract you from completing the task at hand.

11. Monitor your blood sugar levels

If you do not suffer from diabetic disease, then all you have to do is maintain a normal weight and follow balanced diet, so as not to be at risk of developing this disease. If you have type 2 diabetes ( it affects 85-90 percent of all diabetics), you must always strictly follow the advice of your doctor in order to regulate your blood sugar levels.

Recent research shows that brain activity gradually decreases as blood sugar levels rise in diabetics. This happens due to the destruction of blood vessels, supplying blood to the brain. This process begins as soon as memory problems become apparent. Sometimes this happens before a person is diagnosed with diabetes.

12. Do eye exercises

Let's say you're trying to learn something by heart or just remember it well. To better complete the task, break away from this activity periodically and move your eyes from side to side for 30 seconds. According to researchers from Metropolitan University(Manchester, England), this simple exercise helps unite the two hemispheres of the brain. When both hemispheres work in unison, it is easier for you to restore your ability to remember using different types your memory. This happens partly due to the fact that such eye gymnastics excites the visual centers of the brain, positively influencing its activity.

13. Eat more greens

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a diet that can guarantee protection against Alzheimer's disease for anyone. But people whose diet contains few foods containing salt folic acid (folate) And vitamin B12, are at greater risk than others of suffering from dementia in old age. However, research on this topic is still ongoing. Much more is known about the memory benefits vitamin C, Chinese ginkgo(a rare plant, a descendant of ancient seed ferns) and vitamin E.

Excellent sources of folate include green lettuce, spinach, asparagus, turnips, mustard greens, parsley, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and beets. There is good news for those who hate all kinds of green salads. Also nutritious and healthy are foods such as lentils, beef liver, beans and beans.

14. Short-term cessation of breathing when falling asleep is an alarming signal

According to researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, people suffering from sleep apnea(temporary cessation of breathing) usually have certain memory problems. During apnea, a blockage occurs in the airways, causing people to breathe irregularly. The brain does not receive its portion of oxygen for a long time.

As is known, for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome About 12 million Americans are affected. And if you also have this syndrome, you need to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the appropriate treatment. The doctor may prescribe wearing a special device to correct breathing, or a special mask. In addition, the doctor may recommend losing weight, or even prescribing a surgical treatment method.

15. Learn something truly new to you.

If you are a Japanese puzzle fan sudoku, and you think that you are already training your brain enough, you are not entirely right. There is always the opportunity to master other puzzles, including Japanese ones - ken-ken, kendoku, kakuro and so on. But even in this case you will not be entirely right. The fact is that even the most “nimble” and inventive mind needs to train something completely different in specificity from what it knows how to do. So if you are good at puzzles and number sciences, try learning a new language, for example. Or if you are an avid gardener, take up painting - draw the same vegetables!

16. Quit cigarettes completely

It is very difficult to add something new to the call to quit smoking. In addition, the mechanism of the connection between Alzheimer's disease and smoking is not very simple for understanding even by scientific minds. However, one thing is clear - In smokers, this disease begins 6-7 years earlier than in non-smokers. If this seems like an unconvincing reason to give up cigarettes, look for other, more convincing ones. Believe me, there are more than enough of them.

17. Eat more chocolate

Every year more and more new researchers never cease to find wonderful beneficial features dark chocolate and never tire of praising its virtues! No less laudatory odes were sung to this tasty product for the fact that it has a very positive effect on human memory. However, cocoa is not a panacea. In 2007, neuroscientists announced the results of experiments on rats that were given the substance epicatechin, which is part of plant foods. Further tests showed that this substance affects the brain no worse than chocolate. A person can obtain epicatechin if they consume it regularly grape, different berries and drink green tea . Moreover, all this can be done with dark chocolate.

18. Maintain strict order in everything

As mentioned above, the brain needs a certain kind of shake-up in the form of new impressions. At the same time, in order for the human brain to function, as they say, smoothly and without anything interfering with it, it is necessary a certain amount of established, familiar information. It's about order, and this order should be in everything. Always put your glasses and keys in the same place. Write reminder notes to yourself that highlight what you need to do today. Even the process of writing these notes uses the part of the brain responsible for memories. Prepare for tomorrow in advance. For example, if you plan to take something with you to work in the morning, put it on the table in the hallway the day before - and you won’t forget it in the morning.

19. Don't retire as long as possible.

Good news for those who continue to work at their favorite job even after achieving retirement age. Such people enable their brain to remain active for as long as possible., forcing him to cling to his usual way of life and to a certain strict daily routine. Any job that gives you lifelong enjoyment will keep you connected to society for as long as possible, forcing you to make decisions regularly and train your memory.

Even better if we are talking about work, for example, in a museum, or in a library, where you can not only communicate regularly with a large number of people, but also constantly expand your knowledge base new information that makes your brain work.

20. Throw parties for your friends more often.

The very presence of people around us throughout our lives has a positive effect on brain function, reducing the risk of developing dementia. Certainly, provided that you are surrounded by people you like who value you and whom you respect. People who are physically isolated from other people (working alone at home), or people who are mentally isolated from other people (working in an unpleasant team) are one of the serious factors that can lead to depression. This is why all kinds of parties and receptions are so useful.

However, at these receptions another evil may lie in wait - alcohol. The data that research provides on the effect of alcohol on human memory is very revealing. For example, if you drink large doses of alcohol for several years - this is a sure way to dementia. However, short-term heavy drinking can also negatively affect your memory. On the other hand, for people who consume alcohol in moderate doses, it has a certain beneficial effect. For example, one study found that in people with mild cognitive impairment (mild forgetfulness that may not necessarily lead to dementia in the future), the risk of developing dementia was reduced by 85 percent if these people consumed no more than one glass of wine per day.

A man without memories is a man without a past. It’s not for nothing that one of the most powerful moves when creating television series is the amnesia scene - memories play a huge role for us, and memory problems can seriously affect the quality of life. A forgotten name of the pills, and as a result, incorrect treatment, a driver who forgot to carry out a vehicle inspection - it is better not to reach this state, but to solve the problem of improving memory once and for all.

Watching your diet

People think that only age characteristics and lack of exercise result in them having poor memory. What to do if, they say, we are all not getting any younger?
Nutrition plays a huge role in improving memory and increasing attention.

A varied table with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, fish rich in fatty acids, cereals, added to the diet vegetable oils, nuts and seeds helps not only normalize weight, but also solves the problem of how to improve memory and attention.

Excessive consumption of animal fats, heavy sauces, fast food, sweets and baked goods at the same time is one of the causes of memory problems.

Three important words starting with “C”

Memory problems plague those who devote little time to sleep, work around the clock, and cannot tear themselves away from the computer screen. With a decrease in the overall quality of life, the next problem gradually comes - the inability to remember important information, and now a person begins to suffer from forgetfulness not only at home, but also at work.

The reasons lie in the so-called triad C - sleep, sports, stress.
Lack of activity or extreme irregularity in sports leads to deterioration of blood supply internal organs, including the brain. A sedentary lifestyle contributes to various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, all this affects the nervous system, and as a result, memory problems begin.

Another important point, which should be taken into account when trying to solve the problem “how to improve memory” - analyze whether you are getting enough sleep. It is chronic lack of sleep that leads to an involuntary decrease in the ability to concentrate. And you need to sleep in comfort, at home, and not in fits and starts in transport.

The third point is minimizing stress factors. Improving our memory directly depends on our mental state. Irritation, fatigue, and insomnia do not at all contribute to increased attentiveness, while an active, well-rested person will solve most of the problems thanks to his calm state.

Concentration of attention

Sometimes our memory problem is related to the inability to maintain attention, and to solve it it is enough to increase our ability to concentrate.

To improve memory and attention, the following methods are used:

  1. When reading newspapers or magazines, use a pen or marker to highlight letters that are united by a common feature, for example, double ones, standing next to each other in a word, or identical ones, but located at a distance from each other;
  2. When you are riding in a car as a passenger, give yourself the task of noticing cars passing by that have something in common: only blue foreign cars, only those with license plates with the number 6, or only those with women behind the wheel.

These exercises will not necessarily solve memory problems, since you will not be tasked with remembering the signs found, but you will get rid of the absent-mindedness that is often associated with attention deficit.

Becoming ambidextrous

How to improve memory and attention for a person who gets enough sleep, exercises and doesn’t worry unnecessarily, but still regularly forgets something? Perhaps it's all about the predominant influence of one of the brain hemispheres.

Ambidextrous- a person who has equal command of his right and left hands, and is able to write, draw, hold instruments, and much more with them.

Ambidexterity It can be congenital, when a person initially has equally developed right and left hemispheres of the brain, and acquired.
To improve memory, a method of periodically changing the working hand is used. This allows you to “turn on” the less used and, therefore, less developed hemisphere of the brain, stimulate its work, which ultimately contributes to a significant improvement in memory.

Methods to make memorization easier

“I remember faces well, but I always forget names!” - sometimes people complain.
The problem of memory for certain categories of information is very common. Some people have better visual memory, others have better auditory memory, and for some, remembering a phone number is not an easy task.

  • Visual: in order not to forget a name or title, associate these words with some visual images, for example, imagine the “Flower Corner” company as a soft kitchen corner on which there are vases with flowers.
  • Laying out in places: when going shopping, mentally figure out exactly where you will put each item (a loaf of bread - in the right pocket, lemons - in the chest, chocolate - under the hat). Absurdity will only help you remember your shopping list.
  • Breakdown by association: when remembering digital values, break them into convenient pieces, associate each with a number that cannot be forgotten, for example, code 335311 - 33 (age of Christ), 53 (last digits of mother’s date of birth), 11 (drumsticks).

Learning foreign languages

Scientists have proven through a series of experiments that studying foreign languages helps improve memory, because we are forced to constantly keep a lot of new information, rules in our heads, memorize exceptions and use the capabilities of the brain to the maximum.

Speaking in another language, we don’t even notice how much work is happening in our head at this time: we remember a word in our native language, then look for an analogue in a foreign language, and when we hear the answer, we are forced to perform the reverse procedure.

For linguists, memory problems are not a problem at all, they are constantly forced to do so; for everyone else, even studying the basics of the language at home will stimulate memory.

Additional "anchors"

The Indians of North America used this method to remember important events: as soon as something happened that they wanted to forever imprint in their memory, they took out and uncorked one of the bags with an aromatic mixture. And from that moment on, every time they inhaled this smell, they recalled the event in detail.

How to improve memory if we don’t carry such bags with us? Establish associative connections using other senses: touch, taste, vision. Touch the fabric to remember how it feels under your hands, and this will help you remember the color; put lemon caramel in your mouth when you meet a person, and you will remember his name, feeling that taste on your tongue again.

  • Repetition is the best exercise
  1. Re-read the text a second time immediately after the first reading;
  2. Do this again after half an hour;
  3. The next reading must be repeated after 8 hours;
  4. After a day, read the material again.

It is advisable to repeat such exercises for long-term memory improvement after two weeks, and the last time after two months.

  • The brain remembers what it is working on

How to improve memory quickly and without a lot of time? It may not need to be improved; the problem may lie in the habit of mindlessly memorizing information instead of comprehending it.

The human brain is designed in such a way that it is difficult for it to solidify an order of words that is meaningless from its point of view without understanding what exactly stands behind these words. In the case when we understand what the text is about, we just need to understand the essence of the question, and the rest will emerge in our heads on its own.

The habit of first understanding and then memorizing gives an excellent chance of significantly improving memory, increasing attention.

  • Speaking out loud

As good exercise To improve memory, you can use the method of speaking the material you are reading out loud. This allows you to use not only visual, but also auditory memory, which increases the chances of memorization and generally improves memory.

How to quickly improve memory if simple speaking does not help? Try singing what you are trying to remember. Sing the lyrics to the tune of a famous hit or create your own melody using the phenomenon of a song that you can't get out of your head.

  • Data recovery

In one of the stories about Sherlock Holmes, the great detective asked his assistant how many steps on the stairs he climbed every day, and Dr. Watson could not give an answer.

Often we do not notice the most obvious facts and figures that are repeated over and over again, and as another exercise to improve memory, we should use the method of reconstructing past events.

Have a free minute at work? Close your eyes and try to restore the appearance of the colleague you met in the hallway yesterday. Remember what he was wearing, what he said, what his facial expression was. This method is great for those who have problems with visual memory and cannot remember faces in their heads, although they are not inclined to forget names.

Using the same exercise to improve memory, you can learn to remember the sequence of events - a few days after going to the cinema, try to remember in detail how many people were in the hall, what you ate and drank, do the same after visits to a museum or restaurant. And soon you will notice that memory problems begin to recede.

Five little things

The main problem of memory is not to grasp a picture, but to recreate it, and it is this ability that must be honed.

The problem of “how to quickly improve your memory” can be solved by a daily workout called “five little things.” It can be repeated at work, at home and even on the road.

  • At the first stage, place five different objects on the table in front of you, look at them for a couple of seconds, close your eyes and try to remember in detail what exactly is in front of you, what color, shape, etc. it is.
  • In the second stage, make it more difficult for yourself by trying to remember five objects that you just saw on a colleague’s desk or in a subway car.
  • The third step, which contributes to a significant improvement in memory, is to increase the number of memorized objects and the time that has passed since the moment you stopped looking at them. Remember what exactly and in what order is in the lower right drawer of your desktop before returning from your lunch break; Mentally paint a picture of the contents of the top shelf of your kitchen cabinet on your way home from work.

Puzzles and puzzles

Children's toys can improve our memory!
By putting together puzzles and solving riddles, we force the brain to strain, work, and stimulate the production of new neural connections.
To make it more challenging, set a timer and solve logic problems against time, and you will notice that the further you go, the faster you find the answer.

The main memory problem often lies not in a person’s inability to remember, but in the fact that we ourselves bring ourselves to a state where the brain cannot function normally, neural connections are depleted and torn, and in the future, drug treatment may be required to restore the ability to remember. To find the answer to the question “how to improve memory and attention,” you should devote time not only to exercise, but also to self-improvement and improving the quality of your life in general.

I am already over 60. The topic of how to improve memory after 50 years and brain function in old age has long been relevant to me. I’ll forget one, I won’t remember the other. Alas, it is impossible to reverse the aging process, but I really want to maintain a clear mind and memory! I think everyone in old age wants the same thing. In this article I will focus on methods and folk remedies for improving memory after 50–60 years. I will also list foods that are good for the brain and memory.

How to improve memory and brain function in old age

It's not all that difficult to improve your memory:

  • Create conditions for normal brain function, taking into account your age: avoid stress, unnecessary worries, be sure to get a good night's sleep, try not to overexert yourself during work, either physically or mentally, get plenty of rest, be sure to go for walks. fresh air.
  • Provide regular physical activity. Do as much physical work as you can, do exercises, walk - all this will improve blood supply and nutrition to the brain.
  • Exercise your memory regularly. Try to do things that will make you remember, think, absorb new information and analyze it. Read more, solve crosswords, learn poetry by heart. Be sure to take a short break every hour during these activities (get up, walk, do a few simple exercises).
  • Try to think positively and be good mood– this is also very important for improving memory and concentration in older people.
  • Eat right (following the regime and consuming only healthy foods), cleanse the blood vessels of the brain and the blood passing through them.

In addition to the methods recommended in this article, annual cleansing of blood vessels and blood with the following herbal collection is useful: immortelle and mulberry (5 parts each); horsetail, hawthorn (flowers), chicory (4 parts each); walnut leaves, nettle, sundew (3 parts each), motherwort and flax seed (2 parts each). Pour 1 tbsp. boiling water 1 s. l. mixture, boil for 5 minutes, strain. Take a third of a glass 20 minutes before meals for 1 month.

What foods are good for the brain and memory?

How to improve memory after 50 years with the help of nutrition? For a clear head, the diet of people after 50–60 years old should contain the following products:

Scientists say that one of the reasons for memory impairment is eating foods wrapped in aluminum foil. If you want to maintain a clear memory, give up homemade delicacies baked in foil, confectionery, and all other products with shiny wrappers (processed cheese, canned beer, yoghurt, cereal, etc.).

How to improve memory and brain function in old age using folk remedies

There are many folk remedies that help both improve memory after 50 years and preserve it even in old age.

How to improve memory after 50 years and older with the help of pine

Pine bark, cones, needles

To improve memory in old age ethnoscience uses buds, green and mature cones, bark, and pine needles.

You see, there are enough ways to improve memory after 50 years and older. The main thing is that at the first signs of brain dysfunction in old age, do not sit idly by - use simple folk remedies, eat foods that are good for memory - you now know how to do it.


People keep millions of notebooks every day so as not to forget about purchases, dry cleaning, important numbers and books. As a result, they themselves forget where they put their notebooks, instead of learning how to improve their memory. Thanks to simple techniques and tests, a person is able to significantly increase the level of memory and attention. To recognize people who casually greet you, and to easily remember the names of the characters in your favorite books, we offer you interesting, useful material on how to quickly improve your memory.

Ways to develop memory at home

There are several proven, user-friendly techniques and important areas for development. This:

  1. Nice fantasy. Associate numbers with objects, plants, animals.
  2. Repeat, but don’t cram for an exam! There is a fine line between these processes, which it is important not to cross. Think about what you repeat, otherwise, by memorizing, you will remember what you need for a short period. A short-term process will work.
  3. Correct concentration. Concentrate on the memorization itself. Comprehend, pay attention to the process, draw an analogy with facts from your life experience.
  4. Movement is life! Good blood circulation in the body activates brain activity and mental processes. Walk, dance, play sports.
  5. Eat right. Compliance with the rules healthy nutrition, a good daily diet has a beneficial effect on how to develop memory. Consume vegetables, grains, eggs, fish, and seafood to facilitate memory processes and concentration.

Medicines to improve memory and brain function

Drugs that improve memory, attention, and brain activity:

  1. Aminalon. The action of the tablets is aimed at improving mental activity. After taking a course of the drug, memory improves, mental activity and psychostimulation are stimulated, and all brain processes are optimized. The medicine has joined the list of drugs that help children restore speech and stop the inhibition of mental development.

  2. Vitrum memory. Vitamins in tablet form that improve memory, thinking abilities, and correct speech disorders. Vitrum represents vitamins, medicines for improving memory, which also act for the development of vision. The vitamin complex promotes the supply of glucose and oxygen to the brain. The composition of the blood is normalized thanks to the medication, metabolic processes and concentration increase.
  3. Intelan. Medicines for memory and attention are produced in the form of syrup and capsules. It has the properties of stimulating long-term brain activity. Indications for taking the drug are: impaired memory, loss of concentration, tinnitus, constant body fatigue, stressful background, depression, nervous disorders, tension, frequent dizziness.
  4. Folk remedies

    Traditional medicine also practices its own methods to improve memory. Recipes for folk remedies:

    1. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka into a half-liter jar of clover heads. The jar is closed and left to infuse in a dark place. The jar needs to be shaken daily for two weeks. After this time, the liquid is poured into a bottle with dark glass and sealed. The herbal infusion is taken for 3 weeks after lunch or before bedtime, a tablespoon. After the course, you need to take a three-week break, and then take the tincture again. The product will improve memory and normalize intracranial pressure.
    2. Strengthen your memory with mint and sage infusion. Dry crushed leaves are mixed one tablespoon at a time in a thermos. Add boiling water (2 cups) to the leaves and leave overnight. In the morning, filter the mixture and consume half an hour before meals once a day. For one dose of medication, a dose of 50 ml is calculated. Thanks to the tincture, the nervous system becomes toned, and memory and attention improve.

    Memory Improvement Products

    Pay attention to your daily diet, does it include food aids to nourish your memory and brain? These include:

    1. Fish and nuts, rich in vitamins, share the first place among such products.
    2. They are followed by berries: cranberries and blueberries, which retain a huge amount of antioxidants that affect memory sharpness, visual analysis and attention.
    3. Due to its oily structure, sage improves memory, so it should be added to tea periodically.
    4. Carrots slow down the transition to old age, so at least at three years old, at least after 50 years, take a vitamin supplement carrot juice not only tasty, but also healthy.
    5. Dark chocolate is very useful for brain function, increasing attention, and just a small piece is enough to restore working power.


    1. Vitamin E - will provide serious preventive measures against deterioration of attention. Contained in nuts, seeds, eggs, brown rice, lettuce, parsley, dill, oatmeal, and liver.
    2. Vitamin B1 is responsible for cognitive processes and high-quality memorization. You can make up for the lack of substance with the help of meat, oatmeal, buckwheat, peas and nuts.
    3. Vitamin B2 – replenishes the body with the energy necessary for work. Cabbage, tomatoes, peas, almonds, brewer's yeast contain the greatest number important element.
    4. Vitamin B3 – energy in nerve cells is controlled by this vitamin. Chicken meat, yolk, buckwheat, fish will replenish vitamin B3 reserves.
    5. Vitamin B5 - many delicious foods are filled to capacity with this memory stimulant. Caviar, liver, eggs, cabbage, milk, cheese retain a lot of useful substances.
    6. Vitamin B6 – increases intellectual abilities and memory. Potatoes, nuts, bananas, cabbage are rich in it.
    7. Vitamin B9 – the level of memorability and speed of thinking depend on it. The central nervous system operates under the influence of folic acid. To increase the level of vitamin in the body, you should eat dairy products, apricots, pumpkin, cheese, and meat.
    8. Vitamin B12 is a regulator of body activity at all times of the day. You can find it in fish, poultry, and beef.
    9. Vitamin C – you can get a powerful antioxidant not only at the pharmacy, but also by eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, apricots, and spinach.
    10. Vitamins K, D, P are indispensable for proper brain function, good memory and developed attention. They are present in nuts, broccoli, zucchini, cabbage, and green tea.

    Exercises to train memory and attention

    Memory needs constant training with the help of simple exercises and developmental processes. How to develop photographic memory and easily handle large amounts of information? There are the following exercises:

    1. Learn poetry or prose - this is better food for memory and brain. Don’t teach mindlessly, think about the meaning of the work.
    2. Connect the items you need to remember with those you already know well. An example of such associations is famous phrase: “Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits.”
    3. Focus your attention on the item you want to remember. After five seconds, close your eyes, imagine the image of the object, its outline, shape, color. Develop your attention by remembering the smallest details.

    In adults

    How to improve memory as much as possible and increase attention when you are already approaching old age? Simple exercises will help cope with forgetfulness, increase concentration, and activate brain activity. Gymnastics for memory development will be an excellent way to improve your skills at 20, 30 and after 40 years. Learn to think abstractly and memorize well thanks to the video lesson!

    In children

    Does your baby forget the necessary information after a minute, and it’s impossible to say anything good about good attention? A specialist can answer how to develop a child’s memory. The video presents special games for the development of extraordinary thinking. They also promote good memory and concentration in the child. An experienced psychologist will introduce you to activities that are recommended for younger students. How to improve your child's memory through mnemonic games? Let's prepare your child together with professionals!

    Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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We propose to consider 14 simple and effective ways memory enhancements to enhance your own academic and/or professional performance.

Use mnemonics

Just as a computer uses binary code to store data and retrieves it in a user-friendly form, the human brain records information in a specific order and later presents it in a specific form. Mnemonics uses exactly this technique. It helps to store information in a specific code and then easily remember it. It may sound abstruse, but it's actually very simple.

Mnemonics involves using simple associations to remember information. For example, images, words, smells and other things that are familiar to you that can be associated with new information. Use your imagination to master this memory improvement technique.

Learn something new

Memory is like a car: if you don't use it, you lose it.

To improve your memory and maintain brain performance, learn new things as often as possible. There is no recipe for longevity, but all long-livers have a common feature (except healthy eating): They constantly use their mind. Learn new dance, a new language, a new game.... At the same time, you will also make new friends, and sociability is also very important, but more on that a little later.

Get enough sleep

The process of storing information occurs while you sleep. The brain then switches from a receiving state to a storing state: during rapid eye movement sleep, all the events that happened during the day are classified and associated with other already accumulated memories and knowledge.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, studied the process of memory decline in adults and found that it is associated with bad sleep. And another study found that getting enough sleep helps children improve their academic performance. Combining these results, we get the main conclusion: to improve your memory, you need to get enough sleep, no matter how old you are. Every adult needs eight hours of sleep, perhaps a little more or less, depending on the individual.

The best way to remember the information you need is to focus on it just before you go to bed.

Focus on exercise

A study conducted by Dr. David Jacobs at the University of Minnesota concluded that people who regularly practiced cardiovascular exercise in their youth had better memory by middle age, namely after 45 years. This statement did not become a sensation, since it is already known all over the world that swimming, running and other activities help people avoid memory deterioration in the long term. After all, exercise raises your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain.

Watch your diet

The term “brain food” is quite common. There are foods that improve brain function and prevent memory loss. A new study conducted at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, found green tea to be one of these superfoods. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, ocean fish and olive oil, have also proven to be effective memory enhancers. Other foods to include in your diet include eggs, tomatoes, red wine (use with caution), capers, blueberries and turmeric.

Previous, lesser-known studies have found that vanilla, rosemary and sage may also stimulate memory.

Chewing gum is another proven way to improve memory, as it increases your heart rate and releases certain aromas. Both activate memories.

Practice meditation and proper breathing

Meditation is actively promoted these days as a panacea for various ills. It really can bring you real benefits and pleasure.

First, meditation can speed up your heart rate, thereby increasing blood flow to the brain and enriching it with oxygen. Secondly, this practice will help you relax and concentrate, which has a surprisingly beneficial effect on your mental abilities and overall well-being.

Most meditation techniques involve deep breathing, which also helps improve memory and relieve stress. In just a few minutes a day, you will improve your health, gain a positive attitude and feel more energetic. Plus, it's free.

Enjoy nature

Walking in the fresh air improves memory. This theory was confirmed by researchers from the University of Michigan by testing two groups of people who were asked to remember a list of certain items. At the same time, one group was invited to take a walk in the garden, and the other - to walk around the city. The first group had 20% better memory. But the researchers did not stop; they tested the subjects again. This time people were shown photographs of natural landscapes and cityscapes. The results were repeated!

The next time you forget something, open pictures of green forests on your computer and your memory will come back to you.


Computer games may be great, but they are unlikely to improve your cognitive function. But logical and strategic games will have a positive effect on memory and attentiveness. The most suitable games are chess, sudoku and the like. The gray cells in your brain will thank you.

Use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

The concept of NLP is relatively new, but it is very effective. The main idea is that the limits of human capabilities are invented by man himself, so they can be destroyed by self-hypnosis.

Basically it works like a placebo. Meditation is an excellent prelude to NLP, and when combined with diet, aromatherapy and training, you will effectively improve your memory and mental abilities.

Use aromatherapy

Perfume is not only a pleasant aroma, but also a way to revive memories. Aromatherapy is one of the most available means memory improvements. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of rosemary and mint.

Experiments conducted on mice confirmed that rosemary increases alertness and helps prevent age-related memory loss. Peppermint has similar properties, so next time you're studying for an exam, stock up on peppermint chewing gum.

Get acupressure or acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and produces excellent results in almost any area, so it is not surprising that it is also effective for improving memory.

Every part of your body is riddled with nerves and energy channels. You can activate certain points with a very fine needle or by pressing with your fingers.

To stimulate your memory and remember something important, apply gentle pressure to your temples with your fingertips for a few seconds. This way you will relieve stress and remember, for example, where you put your keys.

Visualize Memories

A study conducted at the University of Helsinki confirmed that people have powerful visual memory. Matching certain images with new information helps to recall that information when seeing the same picture again. That's why it's so easy to tear up when looking at old photos.

Stop multitasking

Multitasking is one of the biggest productivity misconceptions in the history of the human race. Even though all companies look for this skill in future employees, it actually significantly reduces the quantity and quality of things that can be accomplished within a given time.

To improve your memory and become more productive, stop doing too many things at once and start focusing on one thing at a time. Do the most important tasks first, then take a short break. Leave the easiest tasks for last. It is better to plan meetings in the first half of the day.


Communication is good for the brain and overall mood. Don't underestimate the power good conversation, even if you are not very interested in him. Simply chatting about recent events can improve memory by stimulating multiple areas of the brain at the same time.

The process of speaking keeps the contact points between neurons, synapses, active, which is necessary for good memory.