Why do some die early and others live long? Why do people die. Why is it believed that people most often die in the morning? Why doesn't a person know the date of his death?

This phenomenon is characterized by the sudden death of a healthy person without obvious causes.
Vsya.Rf was looking for the reasons, prerequisites and ways to prevent this strange phenomenon .

Lately, the following phrase has been heard more and more often: “died due to sudden death syndrome”.
The media often reports about accidents that become commonplace in a person’s life. This strange phenomenon is characterized by the sudden death of a healthy person without obvious causes. Find reasonable and scientific explanation it is still too difficult for this mysterious phenomenon.

In this material All.Rf will understand in detail who is at risk; how to avoid a tragic incident and why this phenomenon is taking human lives at a catastrophic rate!
Stay with us - it will be interesting!

Back in 1917, this phenomenon received its name “sudden adult death syndrome,” which is firmly attached to it to this day.

What can cause this syndrome to appear?

Workaholism is no good

Asian researchers also wrote about this, providing shocking data that the inhabitants of their countries are accustomed to working hard.
No wonder that a large number of deaths occur in China, right in the office or factory. A person works, gets overtired, and the body, as it were, wears out and “burns out,” extinguishing the burning candle of life.
Further studies showed that the deceased had no health problems other than severe stress and physical fatigue.

Stress and unhealthy atmosphere in society

This can include ordinary stress from work, problems in your personal life, psychological disorders and even depression.
Almost all young people who died from sudden death syndrome experienced moral pressure from their families and had tense relationships with relatives. And if you combine all these negative aspects in one, the percentage of risk of a tragedy increases extremely quickly.

We don't watch what we eat

Scientists have noticed that this syndrome manifested itself especially strongly with the advent of technical and information progress, that is, just at the time when almost all food products, water, household products, and medicines began to be “stuffed” with chemicals. Harmful substances constantly accumulate in the body from a person’s earliest years, and at one point, the vital system simply cannot withstand the next influx of foreign substances.
In addition, you can find it on the shelves now natural products it became extremely difficult.

Die in peace - die in your sleep

Death in a dream is a rare phenomenon, but very real.
Many people died while in the dream world due to sudden cessation of breathing. The reason for this is the unawareness that we are in a dream and perceive everything that happens there at face value. If something terrible happens, then under the influence of fear the brain may even “forget” to breathe, no matter how paradoxical this may sound. It is horror that causes the brain to stop breathing during sleep. However, this assumption is still considered an unlikely explanation.

Drawing a conclusion, we still cannot say with exact certainty what “sudden death syndrome in adults” is and how to predict its occurrence in an individual person.

However, based on the information received and expert research, we can prevent this through reasonable and adequate planning of sleep, work and rest.
We must make every effort to reduce the occurrence stressful situations and try to maintain a harmonious and calm climate in the family.

Of course, no one is immune from worries and nerves.
But we have something to strive for!

At all times, humanity has been interested in the question: why do people die?

From a medical point of view, death is the cessation, complete stop of the biological and physiological processes of the body.

In medicine there is a clear classification of death. There are categories, type of death, type and cause.

Type of death:

  • Natural or physiological;
  • Pathological.
  • Main;
  • Intermediate;
  • Direct.

There is no consensus on the question “Why does a person die?” No. Some scientists believe that a person dies of old age. Others say that death comes due to body defects that accumulate throughout life. Geneticists believe that life expectancy is already genetically determined.

According to statistics, the majority of people on the planet die from heart disease. In second place is death from cancer. Next - respiratory diseases (lung diseases, lower respiratory tract infections, tuberculosis).

Unbelieving people are afraid of death because they do not allow the existence of another life after death.

When and how a person dies is decided by higher powers

So: why do people die? All people descended from Adam, and the answer to the question of death must be sought in the origins of human existence, namely, in the Fall.

The Holy Scripture states: “God did not create death” (Wisdom 1:13). The Greek theologian Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos) writes: “The sin that resulted in death was the fall of Adam in the paradise of sweetness.

God gave man a commandment not to eat from forbidden fruit, at the same time informed him:

“The day you eat of it, you will surely die.”

And after committing sin, death entered human nature; first spiritual death, which consists in the separation of the human soul from God, and then physical death - the separation of the soul from the body.”

From the point of view of most religions, death is the death of the physical body, the shell. Humanity has never doubted the existence of the other world. After all, even ancient people put weapons and dishes in the graves of the dead, preparing them for the afterlife. This is what the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans did.

Peoples who did not know about each other’s existence believed in the same thing - the existence of life after death.

And the most compelling evidence of the existence of life after death is the resurrection of Christ.

When and how a person dies is decided by higher powers. You can get into accidents many times, drown, fall from a window, but remain alive. This means that a person has not yet finished his earthly affairs, his path. They say about such people: “Born in a shirt.”

Others die suddenly, despite precautions, and their death seems absurd and premature. There are no accidental deaths and each person dies within the time limit that he earned and that was determined for him by higher powers. But God does not reveal to people the hour of their death, since it is not useful to them.

The early death of a person does not mean that he was guilty

Why do young people die?

Here is what one of the Optina elders said about this:

“each of us must die; but when, God alone knows. And this is God’s predestination of when someone will die. If someone dies, at any age, in youth, or in old age, or in middle age, then this is what God has destined for him; then you need to be calm about this, just reconcile your conscience with repentance and trustworthiness. No matter how long we live, we still have to die; whoever dies young, we must assume that God wills it so.”

The early death of a person does not mean at all that he did something wrong and because of this he was not allowed to live longer.

For example, a young artist painted beautiful paintings and suddenly died of a sudden illness. This means that his path on earth has been exhausted. God believes he will give more in heaven. And the Lord takes some people ahead of time for their own good.

The villain dies early. Why? Because the Lord chooses death to save the soul of a sinner. On earth such a person cannot understand what he has done in life and this will happen in heaven. This is why young, full of energy people pass away from life.

No less people are concerned about the question why good people die early.

The early death of an adult is either God's punishment or God's mercy.

Everyone understands that the causes of death are different: diseases, disasters, accidents... Contrary to the belief that the “good” die, and the “bad” live and live, both die. It’s just that the “good” ones are always in sight, attract more attention to themselves, and it’s hard to part with them. But people try not to pay attention to the “bad” ones, their death is unnoticeable to others, so it seems that they live for a hundred years.

The death of a small child is a punishment for parents

Often, parents who are heartbroken over the loss of a child have the question: “Why should I do this? How to survive this? The opinion of the saints on this matter is clear: if a child (under 7 years old) dies, then this is primarily a punishment for the parents. This means that they deserved it through their actions, thoughts, way of life, possibly in the past.

For a child, early death is a reward. God never sends unbearable trials. Here is the answer to the second part of the question. It is better for parents who have lost children not to try to penetrate into the secrets of God’s providence, but to transform their grief into fervent prayer to God for the repose of the souls of their children.

For believers there is no word - death, as something finite and empty. Death separates us from our loved ones, and it does not depend on us whether a person lives or dies. Orthodox believe that there is no death, and when a person dies, he passes from temporary life to eternal life.

Saints about death

Metropolitan of Moscow Macarius (Bulgakov):

“Death is the limit by which the time of exploits for a person is limited and the time of retribution begins, so that after death neither repentance nor correction of life is possible. This truth was expressed by Christ the Savior with his parable about the rich man and Lazarus, from which it is clear that both immediately received reward after death, and the rich man, no matter how much he suffered in hell, could not free himself from his suffering.”

Sayings of the Saints

Scientists have found that our body is designed to last 150 years. And the current longevity record of around 120 years roughly proves this.

But the average life expectancy in Russia is only about 70 years. This means that 30 years of life can actually be added to this.

And the sooner you think about it, the longer you can extend life. After all, our body begins to age at the age of 15, and after 40 the aging program is launched at full speed.

So now you will know the 5 main reasons why do people die prematurely and how to deal with them.

1 - Limited body resource + Unevenness of life

Our body's resource is clearly limited. It can be spent in 50 years, or in 100.

When a person lives according to the rules, eats and goes to bed at the same time, the body needs fewer resources to maintain life.

But if there is something new every day - you go to bed at 22 or 3 in the morning, then have lunch at 12, or even without lunch at all - the body wears out and ages faster.

The human body works like a car. An experienced driver knows how to drive without breakdowns or accidents. And the newcomer will either accelerate or brake, or even crash somewhere.

Learn to control your body smoothly. Create rules for your life and a clear daily routine.

It may seem boring, but believe me, it is much more boring to be treated in a hospital when your body fails. But many people don’t even get this chance.

2 - Heart problems– According to statistics, about 50% of people who die from diseases die from cardiovascular diseases.

Our heart is constantly at work. A person can lose some organs and survive. But heart problems are a clear threat to life.

So do 3 hour-long cardio workouts a week - running, swimming, cycling at a heart rate of 120-150. Bring your weight back to normal. Fat is an extra burden that wastes heart resources faster. Take contrast showers more often. This is the best workout for your blood vessels.

3 - Free radicals- these are active molecules that are missing one electron and they strive to take it away from other molecules.

By taking away the electron, it becomes safe. But a molecule deprived of an electron also begins to search for the missing electron.

It turns out to be a domino effect.

And this process continues endlessly. Thus, free radicals cause an oxidative process in the body.

What this is can be understood by watching how iron rusts.

That is, in essence, it is the slow destruction of the body from the inside. The problem of free radicals is relevant in our time.

While refueling a car, gasoline fumes produce as many free radicals in our bodies as our great-grandfathers never received in their entire lives.

Free radicals are formed during breathing, reach us with cooked food, and so on.

They are everywhere. And it’s impossible to hide from them! What to do?

1.Move to a less populated city or travel to the countryside more often.

2.Reduce the amount of cooked food

When cooked, destructive processes occur in food, which increases the number of free radicals.

Therefore, if you want to slow down the aging process, try to eat less cooked food.

3. Include antioxidant foods in your diet.

And then most of the free radicals will be neutralized by the molecules of these products, and not by the cells of your body.

Here is a list of such products.

Among the herbs that have a rich antioxidant composition are sage and rosemary, chamomile and hawthorn, rose hips, yarrow herb and wormwood, leaf green tea. Among fruits, grapes and fennel, pomegranates, cherries, plums and almost all citrus fruits have especially valuable antioxidant effects. Among the berries, you should pay attention to blueberries and cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn and rowan, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. From dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Vegetables rich in antioxidants include potatoes, eggplant and parsley, red peppers, red beans and spinach, cabbage, carrots and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets, artichokes and black beans. Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans and walnuts are the champion nuts for antioxidant content. From fish, you should pay attention to the richest source of the vitamin of youth - vitamin E - salmon, cod liver, pike perch, eel and squid. And the most valuable spices will be ground cinnamon, dried parsley, turmeric, oregano leaf and cloves.

4. Start getting rid of bad habits, especially smoking.

Each cigarette is millions of free radicals that you inhale of your own free will.

5. Avoid heavy tanning.

The sun's rays provoke the activity of free radicals.

4 - Poor brain use + Demand –

Scientists have proven that those who have strained their brains all their lives, constantly learned new things and expanded their horizons live longer.

The brain controls all processes in the body. And if it is not developed, then all life support processes will be less efficient.

This means that the body will age faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, use your brain more often. Constantly learn something new, train and develop it.

You can start with the techniques in this video.

This will increase your relevance in life. After all, a person is alive as long as he has something to live for.

5 – Genetics-Do you know what your parents and grandparents were sick with?

Did you know that most diseases, even cancer and AIDS today can be cured or seriously slowed down at an early stage.

Genetics influences life expectancy by 25%. So there is only one piece of advice here. At least once a year, or better yet every 6 months, undergo a full medical examination.

But it’s best to set up your life for longevity with the help of this knowledge

Alexey Lukyanov

Scientists have found that our body is designed to last 150 years. And the current longevity record of around 120 years roughly proves this.

But the average life expectancy in Russia is only about 70 years. This means that 30 years of life can actually be added to this.

And the sooner you think about it, the longer you can extend life. After all, our body begins to age at the age of 15, and after 40 the aging program is launched at full speed.

So now you will know the 5 main reasons why do people die prematurely and how to deal with them.

1 - Limited body resource + Unevenness of life

Our body's resource is clearly limited. It can be spent in 50 years, or in 100.

When a person lives according to the rules, eats and goes to bed at the same time, the body needs fewer resources to maintain life.

But if there is something new every day - you go to bed at 22 or 3 in the morning, then have lunch at 12, or even without lunch at all - the body wears out and ages faster.

The human body works like a car. An experienced driver knows how to drive without breakdowns or accidents. And the newcomer will either accelerate or brake, or even crash somewhere.

Learn to control your body smoothly. Create rules for your life and a clear daily routine.

It may seem boring, but believe me, it is much more boring to be treated in a hospital when your body fails. But many people don’t even get this chance.

2 - Heart problems– According to statistics, about 50% of people who die from diseases die from cardiovascular diseases.

Our heart is constantly at work. A person can lose some organs and survive. But heart problems are a clear threat to life.

So do 3 hour-long cardio workouts a week - running, swimming, cycling at a heart rate of 120-150. Bring your weight back to normal. Fat is an extra burden that wastes heart resources faster. Take contrast showers more often. This is the best workout for your blood vessels.

3 - Free radicals- these are active molecules that are missing one electron and they strive to take it away from other molecules.

By taking away the electron, it becomes safe. But a molecule deprived of an electron also begins to search for the missing electron.

It turns out to be a domino effect.

And this process continues endlessly. Thus, free radicals cause an oxidative process in the body.

What this is can be understood by watching how iron rusts.

That is, in essence, it is the slow destruction of the body from the inside. The problem of free radicals is relevant in our time.

While refueling a car, gasoline fumes produce as many free radicals in our bodies as our great-grandfathers never received in their entire lives.

Free radicals are formed during breathing, reach us with cooked food, and so on.

They are everywhere. And it’s impossible to hide from them! What to do?

1.Move to a less populated city or travel to the countryside more often.

2.Reduce the amount of cooked food

When cooked, destructive processes occur in food, which increases the number of free radicals.

Therefore, if you want to slow down the aging process, try to eat less cooked food.

3. Include antioxidant foods in your diet.

And then most of the free radicals will be neutralized by the molecules of these products, and not by the cells of your body.

Here is a list of such products.

Among the herbs, sage and rosemary, chamomile and hawthorn, rose hips, yarrow herb and wormwood, and leafy green tea are distinguished by their rich antioxidant composition. Among fruits, grapes and fennel, pomegranates, cherries, plums and almost all citrus fruits have especially valuable antioxidant effects. Among the berries, you should pay attention to blueberries and cranberries, viburnum, sea buckthorn and rowan, strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. From dried fruits: dried apricots, raisins and prunes. Vegetables rich in antioxidants include potatoes, eggplant and parsley, red peppers, red beans and spinach, cabbage, carrots and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beets, artichokes and black beans. Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans and walnuts are the champion nuts for antioxidant content. From fish, you should pay attention to the richest source of the vitamin of youth - vitamin E - salmon, cod liver, pike perch, eel and squid. And the most valuable spices will be ground cinnamon, dried parsley, turmeric, oregano leaf and cloves.

4. Start getting rid of bad habits, especially smoking.

Each cigarette is millions of free radicals that you inhale of your own free will.

5. Avoid heavy tanning.

The sun's rays provoke the activity of free radicals.

4 - Poor brain use + Demand –

Scientists have proven that those who have strained their brains all their lives, constantly learned new things and expanded their horizons live longer.

The brain controls all processes in the body. And if it is not developed, then all life support processes will be less efficient.

This means that the body will age faster.

Therefore, if you want to live long, use your brain more often. Constantly learn something new, train and develop it.

You can start with the techniques in this video.

This will increase your relevance in life. After all, a person is alive as long as he has something to live for.

5 – Genetics-Do you know what your parents and grandparents were sick with?

Did you know that most diseases, even cancer and AIDS today can be cured or seriously slowed down at an early stage.

Genetics influences life expectancy by 25%. So there is only one piece of advice here. At least once a year, or better yet every 6 months, undergo a full medical examination.

But it’s best to set up your life for longevity with the help of this knowledge

The question of why a person dies sooner or later has worried more than one generation. From a biological point of view, a person, like any living creature, has the ability to be born and die. But if you look at this situation as a psychologist, then a person dies in order to give way to a new younger generation. New people are born who grow up and create their own new life. Perhaps this is the meaning of life.

Why do good people die?

This is a question that people ask themselves very often. And in truth, more and more often, good people who really brought good to the world began to leave life. If you believe in religion, then each person has his own time limit, which cannot be changed in any way, even despite how his life was lived and what actions he committed. Whether it's true or not, for some reason heaven takes the really good people.

Why do people die early?

It does not always happen that a person dies only when he grows old. With the advent of new times, young people who were not even 30 years old began to die. The reason for this is fatal diseases, which have become more and more progressive in recent times. It is also impossible to ignore the fact that teenagers are increasingly committing suicide. Death in early age may indicate a low standard of living in countries where people die en masse at a young age. A low standard of living leads to a high risk of fatal diseases, which lead to death. Speaking about the death of young people in general, it should be noted that in the CIS countries such situations occur very often. Average life expectancy has decreased to 55-60 years, although previously it was 70-80 years. This is due to genetically modified food, poor environment and constant stress.

Why do people die from cancer?

Over the past 30 years, people have become more likely to die from cancer. Perhaps this is the cause of the explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in 1986. Tons of radioactive substances were released into the air, which ruined the lives of many people. An important cause of human cancer can also be attributed to the consumption of food with GMOs. Scientists have proven that genetically modified food causes tumors, which develop cancer cells in the human body.

Why does a person take a long time to die?

The answer to this question is very ambiguous, because a person can die either quickly or die for several days. A long death may be caused by a specific disease or by an injury incompatible with life. When a person loses blood, he can die from a couple of minutes to several hours, it all depends on the injury. Death from cold can also be considered a long-term death. Before dying, a person falls into a coma, after which death occurs; Scientists claim that death from hypothermia is painless for humans.

Why does a person die in his sleep?

It happens that a person dies in his sleep. This certainly sounds very creepy, but some people claim that they wanted to end their lives with just such a death; They explain this by saying that such death is the most painless. The cause of death in a person's sleep is most often cardiac arrest. Scientists explain that cardiac arrest during sleep is not uncommon. The human brain at this moment is in a calmer state and the person may not even feel any pain.

Why do loved ones die?

Experiencing the death of a loved one means doing something impossible. The loss of a loved one can lead to terrible depression, which often results in suicide. Explain why exactly he dies close person impossible, because everyone has their own cause of death. We can only say one thing: the death of your loved one should not make you think about suicide, you should continue to live!

Why does a blood clot break off and death occur?

Death from a detached blood clot - this is the conclusion doctors are increasingly writing. Unfortunately, a severed blood clot really takes a life, and it is almost impossible to save a person. The detached blood clot reaches the heart, thereby stopping its work, as a result of which the person dies in a matter of seconds.

Why does every person die?

No matter how much we would like it, our fate here is not eternal and sooner or later people go to another world. Why is this happening? From a scientific point of view, human death is a biological process that occurred in absolutely all stages of evolution. If you are a believer, you have probably heard that a person dies in body, but not in soul. His soul, if it is clean, moves to a new young body, but if the human soul was bad, then it passes into the body of an animal or plant.

Why does a person die with his eyes closed?

Some people find something mystical and unusual in this fact. But scientists explain this by saying that this is human physiology. A person does not always die with with open eyes. This feature depends on how exactly the person died. For example, if a person died a slow death, then most likely his eyes will be closed.

Why doesn't a person know the date of his death?

They say that the date of death is known only to the Almighty, so a person a priori cannot know exactly the day he will die. However, there are people who are willing to tell you the date of your death. Fortune tellers, magicians, psychics - all these people have some kind of connection with the other world, so perhaps such a question as the exact date of death will be possible for them. Psychologists often ask this question: would you open an envelope with the date of your death written on it? Most people answer without any hesitation - yes. But in fact, if you think about this issue, then everything is not as clear as it seems at first glance. On the one hand, having found out your date of death, you will be able to make plans for the future, definitely counting on something. After all, such a problem as the monotony and dullness of life is known to many people. Perhaps, having learned the date of their death, they will stop wasting their lives on something empty, and will decide to spend the rest in such a way that in the last minutes there was something to remember. But on the other hand, to live a calm day, not counting the hours that are allotted to you very hard. This is what human psychology is all about. We cannot live in peace if we know that there is a specific period of time left to live, and with every second of this time there is less and less time. Probably, the fact that we do not know the date of our death is very good. But again, this question is purely individual.

Why do people die when a plane crashes?

Airplane accidents happen quite often, so it is not surprising that for many people, flying an airplane is an ordeal. Such a phenomenon as an airplane accident occurs very often. But not every accident ends with the plane crashing. It all depends on the severity of the breakdown on board the aircraft. Why do people die when a plane crashes? The altitude at which the ship travels during the flight is so high that with the entire mass of the plane during the crash, the force of the impact is so high that it is fatal to the lives of the people on the plane. Scientists say that in order to avoid death in the event of a plane crash, tickets should be purchased at the back of the plane. Perhaps the likelihood that you can die during a flight is not high, but nevertheless, so many cases have been recorded that it is simply impossible to ignore this fact.

Why are people afraid to die?

The fear of death is a fairly common phobia, so if among your friends there are those who are afraid of death, then you should not convince them otherwise, because it is impossible to remake the human psyche. Most often, the fear of death intensifies at the moment when a person sees a potential threat to his life. The limbs begin to get cold, the body becomes stiff, and inside the person the heart is beating wildly. Sometimes, simply because of fear, a person can also die, because the speed at which the heart beats can cause a heart attack.

Why did so many people die in 2015?

As statistics show, in 2015 a lot of deaths were recorded in the CIS countries. The main reasons were various diseases that were incompatible with human life. These diseases were most often associated with cancer. This is evidenced by the low standard of living, as well as the poor ecology. Emissions from factories and factories have greatly affected the health of many people. Also, a lot of people have died due to the war that is taking place in eastern Ukraine. Moreover, people continue to die there, including not only soldiers, but also ordinary local residents who became simply innocent victims of the war.

Why does a person scream when he dies?

A person's death can occur for many reasons. In this case, a person can experience very severe pain, so during the last seconds of his life he can scream loudly, showing the last signs of life. Also, when a person falls from some cliff or high building against his will, he may also scream loudly. You could probably see this in some films or cartoons. Whatever it is, a person does not always scream when he dies; as usual, everything depends on the situation.

How do you find out why a person died?

It is not always clear why a person died. For example, death in a dream is clear evidence of this. A person could go to bed in the evening absolutely healthy and die at night. How to find out the cause of death? The autopsy will show everything. A pathologist performs an autopsy on a person to determine the cause of his death. Very often people die due to cardiac arrest, but to be 100 percent sure, an autopsy is performed.

In our world, everything has its beginning and its natural end. This also applies to human life. A person is born, lives, and then leaves this world. However, modern science cannot give a definite answer to the question: why do people die? There are many hypotheses and assumptions, but none of the existing theories has been proven unambiguously and irrevocably. However, many other questions have not been proven. For example, why does a person’s heart beat and not stop? So there are many mysteries, but no answers yet.

As for natural death, it is inextricably linked with old age. With age, all processes occurring in the body begin to gradually fade away, as cell activity decreases. Immunologists suggest that over the years, autoimmune processes begin to intensify in the immune system, and immunity turns from a protector into an enemy. This is expressed in the destruction of one’s own cells.

This program is laid down at the genetic level, that is, genes at a certain age begin to modify the proteins they generate. The ultimate goal is the destruction of a living organism. In other words, each of us already at birth has a certain algorithm of development and self-destruction. And therefore we all live according to a clearly established and verified program.

In principle, all living organisms must die, otherwise the evolution of development will stop. This is the highest goal of nature to create more complex ones from simpler forms, and then even more complex ones, and so on ad infinitum. This global-scale plan is being realized with the help of DNA. It is she who is the instrument that transforms life on the blue planet. Scientists are studying DNA, trying to influence it, but are still at the very beginning of their journey.

From all that has been said, it is clear that nothing is clear. It is only clear that we are all part of some great plan, and our departure from this world is a prerequisite. That is, they kick us out, push us out, although at first they greet us quite warmly. But if we cannot understand the nuances of natural death, then let us at least understand the nuances of premature death.

Premature death

In this case, the question: why people die is also of topical importance. Premature death occurs as a result of cardiac arrest. In this case, the brain is no longer supplied with oxygen contained in the blood and dies. It is precisely its death that leads to the death of the entire organism. The reasons for the sad end can be very diverse.

The first place is occupied by heart diseases. In second place is cancer, and in different countries it can be different. Thus, in China and Mexico, liver cancer leads, and in Central and Northern Europe, lung cancer occupies a dominant position. AIDS still ranks third in mortality, but only at the expense of Africa, since America and Europe have generally dealt with this problem. Africa also leads in tuberculosis due to poor hygiene and insufficient vaccination. In other cases, people die from kidney disease, various infectious epidemics, colds and etc.

There is an opinion that it is best to leave for another world in a dream. This type of death is quite common among older people. They leave this world due to respiratory arrest as a result of a violation of the regulation of breathing by the central nervous system. However, besides this, there is a mysterious phenomenon that science cannot explain. This is called sudden and unexplained death syndrome or SIDS. This phenomenon is mainly observed in adult Asian men.

The deadly phenomenon was first described in 1917 in the Philippines. Then it was recorded in Japan, Laos and Singapore. It is noteworthy that before death a person feels absolutely normal. Late in the evening he goes to bed with a lot of plans for the next day. Then he falls asleep, and in the middle of the night he begins to moan protractedly, snore muffledly, suffocate, and then dies. Even if relatives wake up the unfortunate person, this does not save him from a fatal end. An autopsy of the corpse does not show any pathologies, and there are no signs of poisoning, allergies or premeditated murder.

In the early 90s of the last century, scientists conducted a 2-year study in Thailand and found the following facts:

In all cases, men died from SVNS;

Their ages ranged from 20 to 48 years;

None of the deceased were overweight;

All the dead had good health and did not have chronic diseases;

None of them took drugs, all smoked little and drank almost nothing;

The deceased had normal working capacity, there were no cripples or disabled people among them;

Everyone died in their sleep, and in 60% of cases their death occurred in front of their loved ones;

In 95% of cases where there were witnesses, death occurred within an hour after the first groans and strange snoring appeared.

The peak of unknown deaths is a seasonal phenomenon. The largest number of people leave for another world from March to May. And the lowest is observed from September to December.

This problem is considered very serious, but doctors still do not know why people die. And SVNS claims 3 thousand lives every year. Moreover, these are strong men under the age of 50. The cause is believed to be mental and physical stress. They accumulate, reach a critical value and trigger the body’s self-destruction mechanism. However, not all experts share this point of view.

People who snore have a certain chance of dying in their sleep. During sleep, they experience a short-term cessation of breathing, which is called apnea. Basically, everyone who sleeps stops breathing. There can be up to 10 such moments within 1 hour. As a result, the heart rate slows down, the oxygen concentration in the blood drops, and arterial pressure rises. This process can occur smoothly and imperceptibly, or it can provoke arrhythmia, heart attack or stroke. Usually in critical situations a person wakes up, but this does not always happen.

How does a person feel on the eve of death?

A person’s feelings on the eve of death are known from the words of those who have experienced clinical death. These people claim that, while on the operating table, they heard and saw everything that was happening around them. They also saw a dark tunnel, at the end of which a bright light shone. White light. Doctors explain such visions by a lack of oxygen in the gray matter. In such a state, a person can dream of anything. It’s just not clear why different people the visions are extremely similar. Such coincidences suggest certain thoughts regarding life after death. But this is a completely different big topic.