If children are constantly sick. Dr. Komarovsky about what to do if a child is often sick? Why does a child often get colds?

Children of any age are susceptible to illness. In principle, it is normal to catch a cold sometimes. And if a child often suffers from colds, what should he do?

Some parents are very worried because children, for example, 5 years old, “do not recover from illnesses.”

What then can we say about 3-year-old children who have just started going to school? kindergarten? If a mother goes to work, if her child gets frequent colds, she has to take sick leave or ask for time off.

Sometimes this is perceived negatively by management.

In medicine, the term ChBD appeared. This is an abbreviation for the phrase “frequently ill children.” But not every patient can be called frequently ill.

And so that parents do not sound the alarm ahead of time, a table has been created according to which you can find out whether a child is often sick and whether he can be classified as a child with acute illness.

To draw a conclusion, you need to remember how many times the baby caught a cold in a year, or, easier, look at the medical record and count the visits to the doctor over the previous year with complaints of acute respiratory infections. Compare the results with the table and get the answer.

In addition, the FCD group includes only those children whose colds occur without connection with existing chronic diseases.

Why do children often get sick?

Due to weak immunity, children may experience frequent colds. At any year of life, the doctor prescribes medication that helps get rid of the disease.

But medications can negatively affect the immune system, especially antibiotics, which kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria in the body.

Immediately after recovery, the child is still weak, and colds may recur very soon.

Therefore, you should not immediately send your child to children's group(playground, nursery, kindergarten) or a place of large crowds of people (transport, shops).

After defeating the disease, strengthening the immune system should follow by saturating the body with vitamins. Otherwise, a vicious circle may result: “the child is weak because he just got sick - the child got sick because he is weak.”

You can get out of it only by strengthening the child’s body with healthy food, physical exercise and hardening. But these activities should not be started during illness or immediately after it.

What are the dangers of frequent colds in a child?

In addition to the fact that a sick child has to endure medication, he also misses school. Then catching up is very difficult and unpleasant. In terms of health, frequent colds are very dangerous.

If a child often suffers from colds, complications may develop. They will also have to be treated, and this is an additional medication burden on the body.

Most often, the following complications may occur as a result of colds:

  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • tonsillitis;
  • otitis;
  • allergic reactions.

Each diagnosis is scary in its own way. So, if your child constantly catches a cold, hurry to strengthen his immunity to avoid complications.

What factors reduce immunity in children?

The task of parents is to strengthen the child’s immunity and increase his tension. But very often, due to irresponsible and ignorant parents, the child’s immune system is weakened.

The result is frequent illness. Every married couple who is planning a pregnancy or already has children should know what factors reduce the body’s defenses:

  • Intrauterine problems. A pregnant woman must clearly know and follow the regimen. She needs normal sleep proper nutrition, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Passive smoking. It has long been known that those who inhale smoke receive a greater dose of nicotine than those who smoke. Therefore, you should not smoke near a child, much less in a house where a 2-year-old child lives.
  • Poor sleep. Children's body requires rest for 8 hours at night, and another 1-3 hours during the day (for children under 6-7 years old). During sleep, all systems rest and restore energy. A well-rested child will be much healthier than one who lacks sleep. Parents should monitor their children's bedtime.
  • Stress, tense psychological environment at home or at school, kindergarten. A nervous, mentally “exhausted” child does not have proper protection from the external environment.
  • Fast food, unbalanced diet . The body must receive all nutrients, minerals, trace elements, vitamins. And there is nothing healthy in fast food and snacks. In other words, immunity is built from bricks, half of which comes from food (natural plant and dairy products, cereals, berries and fruits).
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Anyone who always sits at the computer or in front of the TV does not develop their muscles.
  • Hyperprotection. The habit of wrapping children up too much, protecting them from any breeze or the slightest load, is observed more often among the female half of the population. Frequent colds in a child may occur due to this reason. You can’t behave like this with children, they should be at least a little hardened and ready for weather surprises in the form of unexpected rain, wind, snow and other things.
  • : many sections, duties, except for school ones. It happens that parents try to realize all their dreams and desires in their children and load them with additional activities, completely taking away their childhood. The result is constant nervous tension and lack of time to restore vitality. Often against the will of the baby himself early years he is sent to classes in languages, wrestling, dancing and handicrafts at the same time. And then they wonder why the child often gets colds. And he simply has no time to rest and relax.
  • Lack of personal hygiene. Dirty hands and all other parts of the body are a step towards diseases.
  • Vagrancy. Lack of permanent residence has a negative impact on health.
  • Excess of flour, sweets, and semi-finished products in the child’s diet.
  • Forced eating when there is no feeling of hunger. This is a common problem for children and adults. Man eats to live. Only when you feel hungry, you need to eat something. Snacking and forceful eating is an unhealthy attitude towards eating. If children from the age of 4 get used to eating without need, but only because it is necessary, by the age of 10-12 they will be obese.
  • Fasting. Not eating at all is also harmful. Everything should be in moderation.
  • Lack of fiber in the diet. Vegetables are rich in fiber. It is useful for the body, as it cleanses of decay products, toxins, and increases defenses.
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins. It is best to saturate the body with natural vitamins contained in berries and fruits. In cold seasons, pharmacy vitamin complexes are used for this.

How to strengthen children's immunity

Strengthening the immune system is a system of measures aimed at healing the body and restoring its defenses.

How to strengthen a child's immunity? It's not too difficult. But the whole family may have to change their usual lifestyle a little. You can achieve what you want using the following actions:

  • regular and nutritious meals,
  • sufficient sleep duration,
  • walking,
  • feasible physical activity,
  • vitaminization,
  • hardening.

Remember that everything is good in moderation. You shouldn’t get too carried away with any of the above. Regularity and common sense are the path to health.

How to prevent disease

There is no point in constantly being afraid and worried, much less worrying your baby. It is important to find out the causes of frequent colds. Sometimes they lie not so much in a weakened immune system, but in the irresponsibility of parents and defects in upbringing.

It happens that a child leaves school during recess without a jacket; bites dirty nails; forgets to wash hands before eating; kisses homeless animals; pretending to be asleep, playing on the phone under the covers half the night.

To eliminate the possibility of getting sick, monitor your children and make sure they correctly understand safety precautions and basic hygiene rules.

Conduct unobtrusive educational conversations, select books of appropriate content, go to a lecture by a famous doctor.

Convince your son or daughter that everyone is responsible for their own health and can protect themselves from many problems by following simple rules.

How to prevent your child from getting frequent colds

You can find information on the Internet about how to treat colds. But you can’t do without a pediatrician, especially in difficult cases.

Self-medication can end in disaster, so you should not resort to it. To treat acute respiratory infections, the doctor usually prescribes symptomatic medications: antipyretics, antihistamines, expectorants, etc.

But to prevent colds in children, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Herbal immunostimulants. They are the most forgiving. A course of taking echinacea, immunal or ginseng is recommended for 2 months. However, only a doctor should prescribe these medications to a child.
  2. Vitamin complexes are a chance to avoid colds. The composition and duration of administration are usually agreed upon with the pediatrician. At home, parents prefer to prepare the so-called “vitamin bomb” for their children. To do this, mix chopped dried apricots, walnuts and raisins in equal proportions (1 cup each). The juice of one lemon and half a glass of honey are poured into the mixture. The resulting medicine is stored in the refrigerator and given to the child in the morning and evening every day, 1 teaspoon.
  3. Interferon. It is effective only in the early stages of the disease. If the child begins to sneeze, this is the time to use interferon to stop the cold at the beginning of its development. But such drugs are not used as prophylaxis. On healthy child they won't have any effect.
  4. Bacterial immunomodulators. This is a separate category. They contain very small doses of pathogens. And when the body copes with a negligible amount of bacteria, immunity is developed. Subsequently, he will be able to cope even with a large colony of harmful microorganisms of the same type. Only a pediatrician can calculate the amount of drug administered. It takes into account the weight, age, condition of the child, the strength of his immunity, and the frequency of previous diseases. Even a minimal deviation from the dose recommended by the doctor is fraught with serious consequences. Therefore, it is prohibited to take such a medicine without a doctor’s prescription. And “the same dose as last time” may be completely inappropriate in the next case of acute respiratory infections.


The health of children is in the hands of parents as long as the children are small. Then it’s difficult to follow their every move.

Therefore, it is so important to strengthen the immune system from childhood and instill the right habits by example.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 10 minutes


There is nothing worse for parents than a sick child. It is unbearable to look at a child suffering, especially if the child is constantly sick and instead of playing with walks he sees thermometers and medications. What are the causes of frequent child illnesses, and how to change this situation?

Why does a child often get sick? External and internal factors

As a rule, parents treat a frequently ill child for respiratory diseases and bronchitis. Children under three years of age and kindergarten age children are most susceptible to such illnesses. As soon as the baby recovers and returns to the usual social circle, the cough appears again. What are the causes of frequent illnesses?

Internal factors of frequent child illnesses:

  • Immaturity of the immune system , respiratory organs, the body as a whole.
  • Heredity (predisposition to respiratory diseases).
  • Problems during pregnancy and childbirth . As a result, it is poorly responsive to the external environment and causes disturbances in the body.
  • Manifestations allergies .
  • Chronic diseases in the respiratory organs.

External factors of child pain:

  • Parental neglect proper care looking after the child (regime, physical education, hardening).
  • Early visit to kindergarten .
  • Artificial feeding V early age and illiterate further organization of nutrition.
  • Passive smoking in the prenatal and subsequent periods.
  • Frequent, uncontrolled use of medications . This is especially true for antibiotics.
  • Poor environmental situation in a city, locality.
  • Unsanitary conditions in the apartment (poor hygiene, dirty premises).

The child is often sick. What to do?

Children who are often sick need not only competent treatment, but, first of all, constant prevention of colds:

Inhalations using essential oils. For seasonal prevention of colds and flu, inhalations with essential oils are recommended. It has been proven that essential oils have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, helping to prevent the development of acute respiratory infections. These oils include: juniper, eucalyptus, clove, mint, wintergreen and cajeput. Experts recommend combining them to achieve maximum preventive effect. Recently, more and more drugs have appeared that already contain essential oils. The most popular remedies include “Breathe Oil,” which combines essential essential oils that protect against colds and flu. The drug destroys viruses and harmful bacteria in the air, significantly reducing the risk of ARVI.

  • Organize healthy things for your baby good nutrition . Eliminate all products with preservative dyes, lemonades, crisps and chewing gum.
  • Don't get overtired baby.
  • Limit travel in public transport.
  • Dress your child according to the weather . There is no need to wrap your baby up too much.
  • Try not to walk with your child in crowded places during this period. tall incidence of viral infections.
  • After the walk rinse your baby's nose , gargle. Before a walk, smear the mucous membrane of the nose with oxolinic ointment.
  • In a timely manner have your child examined by an ENT specialist , in order to avoid the transition of the disease to the chronic stage.
  • Ensure that sick family members wear masks and have less contact with the child.
  • Don't give the little one a cold, start treatment promptly .
  • Stimulate biologically active points on your baby's feet through walking barefoot (on grass, pebbles, sand). In winter, you can walk barefoot at home by putting on socks for your child.
  • Take your child to the sea regularly (if possible). If your financial situation does not allow such trips, buy round stones (pebbles) at the pet store. They need to be doused with boiled water. warm water with the addition of a drop of vinegar. The baby should walk on this “beach” three times a day for five minutes.
  • by using multivitamin complexes .
  • Necessarily keep a daily routine .

Strengthening a child's immunity - folk remedies

If your child has had another cold, do not rush to return to work. You still won’t earn all the money, and the child’s body must get stronger after the illness (usually this takes about two weeks). What means can you boost your baby's immunity?

Svetlana: Immunity only needs to be boosted natural means. We tried colloidal silver, Siberian fir (almost a natural antibiotic) and another drug based on chlorophyll. Helps. Previously a week We went to the garden, then two of us got sick. Now they are much less likely to catch this infection. But we approached the issue comprehensively - in addition to drugs, nutrition, regimen, hardening, everything is very strict and rigorous.

Olga: Children should begin to be hardened in the summer, and only according to the system. As for frequent colds: we also got sick and sick, got angry, then we thought of taking a picture of our nose. It turned out to be sinusitis. They were cured and they stopped getting sick so often. And among the means that strengthen the immune system, we use honey (in the morning, on an empty stomach, with warm water), onion-garlic, dried fruits, etc.

Natalia: The main thing is to protect children from antibiotics. More vitamins, positive things in the child’s life, walks, travel - and you won’t have to undergo treatment as often. Of the drugs that increase defenses, I can mention Ribomunil.

Lyudmila: I think colloidal silver the best remedy! Effective for more than six hundred types of viruses and bacteria. In general, breastfeed longer. Mother's milk is the best immunostimulant! And after that you can take anaferon, actimel, and badger fat. We also drank Bioaron and used aroma lamps. Well, plus various physical procedures, vitamins, oxygen cocktails, rose hips, etc.

Reading time: 7 minutes. Views 668 Published 07/18/2018

Are you dreading the onset of the autumn-winter period, since your child often gets sick at this time? This situation is relevant for 40% of preschoolers, but this does not mean that the problem cannot be dealt with; you just need to identify and eliminate the cause of frequent colds.

When doctors make a diagnosis: a frequently ill child

It is normal for children to be sick. Diseases for the immune system, like physical exercise for the body, strengthen and harden. But this does not mean that the child should all year round walk with a cough and snot, be pale and fall from weakness and chronic fatigue. There are certain indicators that regulate the permissible annual number of colds and children.

Table for identifying frequently ill children

Children under six months of age rarely suffer from colds, since their body is protected by maternal antibodies. Then they disappear, the immune system weakens, and, as recent studies show, after 6 months, colds occur equally often in infants and infants. artificial feeding.

Why do children often get sick?

The main reason why a child often gets sick is the imperfection of the immune system. With age, immune memory is formed in the body - the body is able to quickly recognize the main types of pathogenic microorganisms and destroy them, the immune memory is filled after illnesses and vaccinations.

Young children do not have such protection, so it takes time to identify enemy microbes and produce antibodies, which leads to the development of the disease

Causes of common colds:

  • genetic factor;
  • infection with intrauterine infections;
  • hypoxia, premature birth;
  • vitamin deficiency, rickets;
  • bad ecology;
  • allergy;
  • the presence of chronic inflammatory processes in the body, surgical intervention;
  • helminthic infestations;
  • endocrinological pathologies;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

All these factors negatively affect the functioning of the immune system, but the main factors are somewhat different, we will talk about them a little later.

How does removal of tonsils and adenoids affect a child’s immunity?

For frequent tonsillitis, doctors recommend removing the tonsils; the operation is simple, safe, and complications rarely occur. But there is no need to rush, tonsils are part of the immune system; after their removal, microbes freely penetrate into the upper and lower respiratory tract, which is fraught with chronic laryngitis and bronchitis. Surgery is needed if exacerbations occur more than 4 times a year, or if there is no improvement after antibiotic therapy.

Adenoids are an age-related problem; adults do not have this disease. Therefore, if the problem manifests itself insignificantly and does not interfere with normal nasal breathing, you can wait a little. Adenoids are also part of the immune system and prevent the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the nasopharynx.

Should we treat weak immunity, or should we just wait? Children are born with primary immunodeficiency extremely rarely; with this pathology, the child not only gets sick often, but every cold turns into severe bacterial infections - tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Congenital immunodeficiency is a dangerous and fatal disease, and has nothing to do with a prolonged runny nose.

Secondary immunodeficiency develops under the influence of external factors, and most often the parents are to blame for this - it is difficult to admit and realize this, but it is necessary. Poor nutrition, constant wrapping, dry and hot air in the room, lack of physical activity– all these factors prevent the child’s immunity from forming and developing normally.

What is good for a child's immunity?:

  1. Clean and cool air in the room - regularly ventilate the room, maintain the temperature at 18-20 degrees, humidity 50-70%.
  2. Remove all dust collectors from the child’s room – carpets, Stuffed Toys, carry out wet cleaning regularly, preferably daily.
  3. The child should sleep in a cool room, light or warm pajamas - at the discretion of the baby, he should be comfortable, he should not sweat in his sleep.
  4. Do not force-feed your child, do not force him to finish everything, and do not allow snacks between main meals. Natural sweets are much healthier than artificial products.
  5. Monitor the condition of your oral cavity; a hole in a tooth is a constant source of infection. Teach your child to brush his teeth twice a day for 3-5 minutes, rinse his mouth after every meal and sweets.
  6. Compliance with the drinking regime - children need to drink approximately 1 liter of liquid per day. This can be pure non-carbonated water, fruit drinks, compotes, natural juices; all products must be at room temperature.
  7. Sweating provokes the development of colds more often than hypothermia, put the same amount of clothes on your child as you do on yourself, and don’t bundle them up. If the baby is dressed too warmly, he moves less outside, which is also not good.
  8. Long walks on fresh air, preferably twice a day; if the weather is good, you can have a quiet short promenade before bed.
  9. For a frequently ill child, it is better to choose a sport where activities take place in the fresh air. It is better to postpone visiting the pool and active communication in a confined space for a while.
  10. Get all vaccinations up to date, teach your child to wash their hands frequently and thoroughly.

Hardening procedures - a frequently ill child needs to be hardened, even if you feel very sorry for the little one. But start gradually, if you immediately pour a bucket of cold water on your baby’s head in the cold, it will not end well.

Hardening is not only water procedures and gymnastics in the morning, but a combination of all the listed measures to strengthen the immune system.

What is the right summer vacation?

Children definitely need a summer holiday, but trips to the sea are unlikely to help strengthen the immune system. Children should relax away from crowds of people, eat natural healthy food, run barefoot in shorts all day, so the ideal vacation spot is the village, but most parents cannot achieve such a feat.

If you still want to go to the sea, choose places that are not particularly popular, where you can find a piece of deserted beach, and do not feed your baby harmful and prohibited foods, even on vacation.

Childhood diseases and bacteria

All these recommendations may seem very simple to you; many mothers will want to do something more significant in terms of strengthening the baby’s immune system. You can take a bunch of tests, do an immunogram, most likely, the child will be found to have staphylococci, antibodies to herpes, cytomegalovirus, Giardia - here everything becomes clear, microbes are to blame for everything.

But staphylococci are opportunistic bacteria that live in the mucous membranes and intestines of almost every person. But it is simply impossible to live in a metropolis and not have antibodies to the listed viruses and protozoa. So don't look treatment methods, and strengthen your immune system regularly.

Immunomodulators - pros and cons

Do children need synthetic immunomodulators? Such drugs activate the production of antibodies, but there are very few real indications for the use of such potent drugs; they are associated with primary and severe secondary immunodeficiency conditions. Therefore, if your baby is simply often sick, then spare his body and let everything happen naturally.

But most doctors have no complaints about natural immunomodulators based on ginseng, echinacea, propolis and royal jelly. Drugs can be used to strengthen the body's defenses, but only after prior consultation with a pediatrician or immunologist, and subject to strict adherence to all measures to strengthen the body's defenses.

Traditional recipes to strengthen the immune system

  1. Grind 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts in a blender, add the zest and juice of 1 lemon, 50 ml of honey. Place the mixture in a dark place for 2 days and store in a dark glass container. Give your child 1 tsp. three times a day before meals.
  2. Cut 3 medium green apples into small cubes, chop 150 g walnuts, 500 g cranberries. Mix everything, add 0.5 kg of sugar and 100 ml of water, simmer the mixture over low heat until it boils. Cool, give the child 1 tsp. in the morning and in the evening.
  3. Melt 50 g of propolis in a water bath, cool, add 200 ml of liquid honey. Dosage – 0.5 tsp. every morning before breakfast.

For chronic inflammatory processes in the body, physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation, visiting salt caves, taking mineral waters or inhalations with them, sunbathing.


A frequently ill child is not a death sentence; every parent is able to create all the conditions to strengthen the child’s immunity.

- This is an issue that interests many parents.

The reason is that the child pees often, are numerous physiological factors or diseases internal organs. The frequency of urination in children depends on various factors: age, individual characteristics body, from the diet and from the neuropsychic state of the baby. Possible diseases should be dealt with by a doctor.

So that parents can distinguish one from the other, they need to know the norms of urination in children.

How often should a child write at different ages?

It depends on age and a little on individual characteristics. In the first five to seven days, the baby hardly urinates, then the frequency of urination rapidly increases - this continues for up to a year. After a year, the baby empties less and less. At about ten or eleven years old, a child goes to the toilet as many times as adults do.

Eating fruits and drinks increases urination, in which case you should not look at the standards. Also, changes in these indicators occur in the presence of certain types of infections. Frequent urination is called in the medical environment, which is provoked by various factors.

What diseases cause a child to pee often?

Pollakiuria may be a symptom of one of the diseases.

  • . The body is unable to properly absorb glucose. It is excreted in urine instead of entering cellular structures. The baby often wants to go to the toilet and complains of thirst, which is impossible to get rid of.

  • . This disease is characterized by vasopressin deficiency. After the kidneys filter the water, it is absorbed back. The frequency of urges increases after three years.
  • Bladder dysfunction. The disease occurs due to pathologies of the urinary tract. Symptoms worsen with colds and stress.
  • . The physiological increase in urges lasts no more than ten hours, but if body functions are impaired, then the symptoms persist much longer.
  • Diseases of the central nervous system. The signal to empty the bladder comes from the brain. This signal is transmitted to the spinal cord, the person goes to the toilet. If such a chain is broken, then it happens.
  • Tumor. The tumor can put pressure on the walls of the bladder if it is located outside this organ.
  • Infection. Infection leads not only to frequent urination, but also to weakness, fever, cough or upset stool.

Sometimes the child pees often due to the specific characteristics of the formation of the genital organs in boys and girls. The boy's urethra becomes red and swollen. In girls, bowel movements are affected by inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

What are the everyday reasons for a child going to the toilet frequently?

Physiological pollakiuria may be provoked by large amounts of fluid consumed. This occurs during hot summers or cold winters when heating systems dry out the air in rooms, causing extreme thirst. It is important not to confuse these signs with symptoms of diabetes. Fruits and vegetables cause a diuretic effect, watermelons, cranberries, lingonberries, and cucumbers are especially strong in this regard - children should use these products with caution.

Antihistamines, diuretics and antiemetic medications also cause pollakiuria. The same situation occurs after a long stay in the cold. This occurs due to spasms of the renal vessels, which goes away after the body warms up. Stress with pollakiuria is more common in children under four years of age, as well as at the beginning of the visit kindergarten or school, having problems with other students or teachers.

Household pollakiuria is not dangerous for the baby. It goes away on its own without any treatment once the inciting event is eliminated. The danger is that parents attribute frequent visits to the toilet to eating fruit or other harmless reasons and may miss the onset of the development of the disease.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on the frequency of urination in a child

Many acute and chronic diseases are expressed in the fact that the child pees often. If parents use disposable diapers, this problem is quickly identified. When using reusable diapers, it is much more difficult to judge the baby's urination.

Komarovsky recommends that parents monitor how often and to what extent the baby pees. If the standards are exceeded, then you need to contact your pediatrician, who will prescribe and. These diagnostic tests are carried out in any clinic and help to quickly make a diagnosis.

If, against the background of pollakiuria, there is an increase in temperature, a runny nose, or a rash appears, then a complex of such symptoms indicates a bacterial infection of the reproductive system. In such a situation, you need to abandon the diaper and count the frequency of urination. At the same time, at home, by the time he arrives, the parents already have information about the nature of urine output.

Sometimes a child begins to cry for no reason, and then calms down. This may indicate pain during urine excretion. To check this version, you need to remove the diaper and watch the baby go to the toilet the next time.

VIDEO Urine analysis and urinary tract infections - School of Dr. Komarovsky

How much should a child drink at different ages?

The drinking regime includes not only water, teas, milk, compotes and other liquids that the baby drinks per day. You cannot completely replace water with compote or anything else. But it is also forbidden to completely refuse water - it is vital for every organism. Some children drink more water, others less, this is regulated by the body independently depending on the time of year, weather, humidity, and feeding method.

child on breastfeeding does not require additional fluid intake before introducing complementary foods. Everything the baby needs comes from mother's milk. A baby up to six months on artificial feeding needs additional fluid in the amount of 50-100 ml per day (or more in hot weather). In addition to water, you can give herbal teas, apple or raisin decoction. You need to drink according to the baby's wishes. After the sixth month, the child receives complementary foods, in this case the liquid comes already as part of the meals. At this age, bottle-fed and breastfed babies are already given water.

The fluid norms per day are as follows (ml per kilogram of weight per day):

  • 1 day – 90 ml.
  • 10 days – 135 ml.
  • 3 months – 150 ml.
  • 6 months – 140 ml.
  • 9 months – 130 ml.
  • 1 year – 125 ml.
  • 4 years – 105 ml.
  • 7 years – 95 ml.
  • 11 years – 75 ml.
  • 14 years – 55 ml.

Of these liquid volumes, water makes up approximately 25 ml per kilogram of body weight per day.

VIDEO How much water should a child drink?

What tests need to be done to find the cause?

When the child pees often, the root cause of this phenomenon can be identified during laboratory diagnostics.

The pediatrician will definitely prescribe a general urine test - it is collected in a clean container. It is necessary to rinse the pot thoroughly to avoid distortion of the analysis. You cannot collect urine in the evening; you only need morning urine. After this, you need to take the container for analysis - storing it in the refrigerator is prohibited, this will distort the result. Based on this general analysis, it will be clear whether the baby is healthy and whether he has pyelonephritis, gloperulonephritis, cystitis, or urethritis.

To more accurately diagnose the disease, urine testing for protein and glucose may be necessary. To do this, daily urine is collected; such an analysis is necessary for other kidney diseases. If there is a lot of glucose in the urine, then this is evidence of diabetes. At large quantities salts in a baby may be as an addition to another illness.

What to do if a child often wants to write, but cannot?

Such manifestations are called false urge to urinate. Sometimes they occur a couple of minutes after the baby has urinated. This situation is repeated, its cause is an infection in the genitourinary system.

If there is an inflammatory process, there is pain in the lower abdomen or lower back. The process of emptying is often painful, with burning and pain in the urinary ducts. If parents notice false urges in their baby, they should definitely contact a specialist in order to localize the infection in a timely manner and prevent complications.

Folk remedies for treating frequent urination in children

Some techniques used by our ancestors in the old days can help as an auxiliary method. They can be used if the baby is not in pain. It is not recommended to treat children under one year old with herbs.

  • , sold in a pharmacy. A teaspoon of the product is brewed in a glass of boiling water and left for an hour. The child is given half a glass of infusion twice a day.
  • Rose hip decoction cook for ten minutes and infuse in a thermos.
  • Herbal infusions, sold in pharmacies, are prescribed as additional treatment for pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis and urethritis.

All these folk methods will help if the baby does not have dangerous diseases, in other cases they can blur clinical picture. No parent has yet been able to completely protect themselves from problems with children's urination. But following preventive measures will help reduce their occurrence significantly and avoid complications.

You need to be careful about the clothes your baby wears. It should reliably protect against the cold, but the child should not sweat in it - in this case there is a greater chance of catching a cold. Be sure to keep your feet dry and warm. If the baby gets his feet wet, you need to quickly change his shoes and give him a warm drink.

It is useful to feed your baby breast milk for a long time; it will reliably protect the baby from many infections. If your the child pees often, do not try to find out the cause of this unpleasant phenomenon on your own. A diagnosis made by a non-specialist will in most cases be wrong.

Rapid breathing is called tachypnea. In this condition, the depth of breaths remains constant, and only their number increases. This is what distinguishes shortness of breath from tachypnea. Breathing at an increased frequency is a sign of oxygen deficiency. This is how the body tries to restore normal gas exchange.

Tachypnea sometimes occurs temporarily, for example, before an attack of bronchial asthma, and sometimes occurs permanently. It depends on the reasons that caused it. Rapid breathing is not an independent disease, but may be a symptom of another disease, a physiological feature or a consequence physical activity. The following factors influence the respiratory rate in children:

  1. Age – an infant breathes 3 times more often than a teenager.
  2. Physical activity – after playing sports or exercising, children inhale and exhale more.
  3. Body weight - a fat child breathes more often.
  4. Well-being – many illnesses are accompanied by rapid breathing.
  5. Individual features of the structure of the respiratory system.

How to understand that a child is breathing quickly

We can talk about accelerated child breathing only in comparison with age standards. It is better to count the number of inhalations and exhalations during sleep, because there are more of them during wakefulness. That is why below we will show not single values, but their range. The movements of the diaphragm per minute are counted. You need to count all 60 seconds, since the breathing rhythm may change over time.

For children of different age categories, the following standards for the “inhale-exhale” indicator in 60 seconds have been established:

  • newborn (up to 1 month of age) – 50-60;
  • 1–6 months – 40-50;
  • 6–12 months – 35-45;
  • 1–4 years – 25-35;
  • 5–10 years – 20-30;
  • from 10 years – 18-20.

With age, the number of breathing movements in children decreases. A teenager breathes the same way as an adult. Therefore, if for a newborn baby 60 breaths per minute is the norm, then for the parents of a ten-year-old child this will be the reason for going to the doctor.

Why does a child experience rapid breathing?

Frequent breathing infant due to imperfections in the structure of the respiratory system. It is still developing. Within a few months after birth, the baby's airways expand and the number of inhalations and exhalations begins to decrease. Tachypnea in newborns is a normal phenomenon that is observed both in children born on time and in premature babies. However, the respiratory system of weakened children takes longer to mature.

In other cases, with the exception of physical activity, rapid breathing in the presence of other specific signs is an indicator that the child is unhealthy.

Respiratory system diseases

In combination with other signs, rapid breathing in childhood is a symptom of the following diseases:

  1. Colds are accompanied by frequent breathing with fever, runny nose, cough, and general weakness.
  2. Allergy is not a direct disease of the respiratory system, but manifests itself through them. Frequent breathing occurs when there is a lack of air due to swelling of the mucous membrane.
  3. Bronchial asthma - breathing may accelerate during an impending attack.
  4. Chronic bronchitis - a sign will be a wet cough in the morning that lasts up to two months, sometimes with the discharge of purulent sputum in combination with rapid breathing.
  5. Pneumonia or pleurisy - the child’s diaphragm moves intensely, he complains of difficulty breathing, coughs, and has a slight fever.
  6. Tuberculosis – characterized by low fever, weakness, loss of appetite, and coughing.

Cardiovascular diseases

If tachypnea is a sign of heart or vascular disease, then at the same time there will be weight loss, the appearance of evening swelling in the legs, and persistent weakness. Breathing changes after a short exercise or even during a conversation. Children may complain of their heart racing in their chest.

Pulmonary embolism - blockage of the main channel or branches with blood clots - is also accompanied by rapid breathing. However, among children under 15 years of age, this disease occurs only in 5 cases per 100 thousand people.

Nervous system

Tachypnea may be a symptom of nervous tension in a child. Stress occurs at any age, completely various reasons. Some people don’t want to go to kindergarten, some have just started first grade and are establishing relationships with their peers, and some have not been able to pass the next level in computer game. Accelerated breathing in these cases is accompanied by headache, weakness, loss or increased appetite, tearfulness or increased excitability.

Frequent breathing during hysteria - one of the types of neurosis - occurs against the background of a sharp change in behavior, even to the point of rage.

How to treat tachypnea

Since tachypnea is not a disease, but a symptom, the underlying disease is treated. If parents suspect that their child is breathing too quickly, they should first visit a pediatrician. The doctor will conduct an examination and, if necessary, refer you to specialized specialists. It could be:

  • allergist;
  • cardiologist;
  • pulmonologist;
  • neurologist or psychiatrist.

It is necessary to consult a doctor if a child has chest pain, dry mouth, difficulty breathing, or unstable behavior due to rapid breathing. If the child only has tachypnea, then you still need to go to the doctor. A pediatric specialist can notice hidden symptoms of diseases that the parent’s eye cannot see.

Disease prevention

Preventive measures for the appearance of rapid breathing come down to the prevention of possible diseases that provoke it. Acute infectious diseases of the nasopharynx, chronic bronchitis, laryngitis, rhinitis, and allergies cause narrowing of the respiratory passages. This is especially true for infants who, due to their age, cannot breathe fully. Their nose should always be clear of mucus.

The child should play sports, and parents are obliged to provide him with adequate nutrition that excludes weight gain. excess weight. An important point will be stress prevention. Daily routine, development of communication skills with other children, correct attitude towards studies and grades, reduction of time spent at the computer are the main assistants for parents.

How to quickly help a child with tachypnea

Since frequent breathing is a sign of impaired gas exchange in the respiratory system, you can try to restore it. If an attack occurs, you should take paper bag and poke a hole in the bottom with your finger. The bag is brought to the child's mouth, who begins to exhale air into the bag and inhale it back. It is important to breathe only through your mouth. After 5 minutes of this procedure, breathing can become normal. If this does not happen, you need to consult a doctor.

Call immediately ambulance necessary when an infant is breathing too quickly to prevent suffocation.

Tachypnea can be a normal condition for a newborn baby, a consequence of sports, a sign of diseases of the nervous system, respiratory system, heart, blood vessels, and also a reaction to stress. Young children cannot talk about their feelings, so the parents’ task is to notice changes in the child’s breathing in time and consult a pediatrician.