Planting a disease in a pot is an amazing healing. Reviews of an unusual healing technique. Planting a disease in a pot: specifics of the ritual Removing a disease onto a plant reviews

girls, this is the first time I have encountered this method of healing. But the problem with our medicine is specialization: each doctor treats “his own” disease, forgetting that the patient is not the sum of arms, legs and other organs, but an integral system.

This is why Chinese medicine is so effective - it has a holistic approach (of course, if you see a professional). I once watched a full-length film about Tibetan medicine, intended for doctors. There were also very interesting facts there.

The only thing I can say about this method is that there is clearly a psychological component. But I wanted to try! In any case, you don’t need to take anything inside! It is very possible to heal a person in a simple way, which is accessible to almost everyone.

It is based on centuries-old practice that a disease can be transferred from a patient to any other organism, in particular to a plant. The procedure is simple: you need to take a small amount of sputum (pus, urine, saliva, sweat) from a sick person, mix it with soil and place it in a small flower pot.

Then you should plant two or three seeds, a bulb or a tuber of a plant in it, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the disease (see below), and wait until sprouts a few centimeters high appear. Then carefully pull out the sprout along with the root and burn it if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or phlegm.

In all other cases, the sprout is thrown into the river (fetching water). In apartments you can use the toilet, just be sure to rinse with plenty of water...

Important: planting plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) is not recommended, as the plant may die, and this is very dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.

To get rid of a disease using a plant grown in a pot, you need to know the planets that control the disease and find the appropriate plant. Moons: rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, festering wounds, disorders menstrual cycle, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, melancholy, drunkenness.

Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, internal bleeding, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene. Mercury: brain diseases, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, unreasonable fears, delirium, dental ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.

Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo- and hypertension, sore throat, eye, musculoskeletal system, poisoning. Venuses: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, sexual perversions.

Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic systems, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, undiagnosable diseases. Sun: burns, frostbite, severe infections, flu, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (consequences of injuries and strokes), heat and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (including obesity ).

Moons: anemone, aster, speedwell, dope, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia. Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beets, horseradish, garlic, thistle.

Mercury: anise, valerian, bindweed, dahlia, sweet pea, clover, leftover, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory. Jupiter: rutabaga, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.

Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, cloves, geranium, gladiolus, common peas, quinoa, squash, wheatgrass, tulip, yarrow, beans, black root. Saturn: aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potato, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.

Suns: adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, heliotrope, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage. It happens that a disease cannot be unambiguously attributed to a particular planet.

For example, viral hepatitis, on the one hand, is a liver disease (Mars), and on the other, an infectious disease (Sun). In such cases, you need to use both plants, but plant them in different pots and always on the same day. When illnesses overcome you, you will agree to any method of treatment.

This is something we do almost all the time with varying degrees of success. Have you ever wondered how our distant ancestors got rid of illnesses? It turns out they had their own secrets. For example, you can simply plant a disease in a pot.

The amazing healing, reviews of which evoke admiration and enthusiasm, is not known to everyone. Let's get to know him, he might come in handy!

Is planting a disease in a pot an amazing healing?

Those of you who are hearing about this method for the first time, what container did you imagine? Our imagination sometimes comes up with unpredictable tricks. In fact, we are talking about a flower pot.

You know, like this houseplants are grown. The method itself is called: “planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing.” Reviews about him are passed on from mouth to mouth, just like in the old days. People are for the most part kind to each other.

Of course, when performing this ritual, it doesn’t hurt to try to love the bush or flower that came to your aid. At least a feeling of gratitude should be sent to him.

Whose technique?

Many people have strong beliefs about recipes that come from one source or another. They trust only proven methods recommended by authoritative individuals.

What can be said in this regard about the ritual “planting a disease in a pot is an amazing healing”? Reviews about it come from different sides. It cannot be said that it is known only in the east or west.

Various peoples, most likely autonomously, came to the idea of ​​​​transmitting the disease to plants. Surely they were guided by an ancient, as they say now, genetic memory.

It is interesting that the technique, which is now distributed under the long name “planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing,” is described in a variety of sources. For example, it is taught in Tibet, it was used by the Mayans, not to mention the ancient Slavs.

People in those distant times trusted nature and their connection with it more. Maybe they got sick less often because of this? Now we are unlikely to know.

How to perform the ceremony

Now let's understand the technique of the "planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing" method. Reviews about it, if you carefully understand them, are not always, unfortunately, positive. The whole point is that people read or listen inattentively, without delving into the details.

We will not only analyze the methodology of the process, but also justify it. Having understood the connection with one factor or another, you will never forget how to perform the ritual correctly. After all, every movement will gain meaning and will be understandable.

Even if a lot of time passes, logic will suggest those actions that will slip from memory. Agree, it’s worth spending time on a detailed analysis in order to be able to defeat a sudden or sticky illness! After reading the text to the end, you will understand the unprecedented power of this method, which we inherited from much wiser ancestors.

Step one: timing

Do you remember what the ritual requires? moon calendar? The fact is that you can plant a disease in a pot and speak only on certain days. They are calculated from the specified source of knowledge. That is, the technique only works when the Moon is waning.

And it is difficult for an ignorant person to visually determine such a period. Since the condition is very strict, it must be fulfilled. This is why we need a lunar calendar. People who practiced the ritual of “planting a disease in a pot” do not detail their reviews.

That is, not everyone mentions whether this condition was met. However, try not to forget it. It's connected with magical properties night queen. As it decreases, it collects (living) negative energy from the planet.

Disease is one of those.

Step two: preparing the ground

Some say it's the pot itself that matters. Don't believe it! Tara doesn't matter. Choose any one.

But you will have to work with the soil. It is advisable to buy it or collect it from the garden specifically for the ceremony. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on its quality. It is necessary for the plant to germinate.

Do you understand that poor quality soil will reduce the likelihood of seed or grain (bulb) development. This is not magic yet, but botany.

By the way, people who have tried the “planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing” method for simple ailments, and who have helped, naturally say the same thing. It begins to act only when a small sprout appears. If the seed dries up, don’t expect quick healing.

Therefore, you need to become a little agronomist to cope with the disease.

We begin to cast a spell

Preparatory activities do not end with the acquisition of good soil. After all, it is necessary to establish a connection with a sick person. The plant must have information about who it is treating! To do this, you need to mix a little of the patient’s secretions into the soil.

What they are depends on the disease. Typically, saliva, pus, or urine are collected. This operation must be performed before the ceremony itself. In fact, this is its beginning. Be sure to remember that it is necessary to establish a “connection with the patient” before planting the disease in a pot.

User reviews in this sense are clear. Those who forgot about this most important stage did not receive any success. Their further work turned out to be in vain.

It's a pity. I had to repeat the ritual again.

Completion of the ritual

For now, we are omitting the type of plant that needs to be planted. Let's talk about this separately. Let's talk about exactly how to plant a disease in a pot.

Healing will come to the patient only when the seed sprouts. This will take a couple of days. If during the named period you do not notice anything, then repeat the ritual. Something went wrong.

When the desired greenery appears above the soil, the following must be done. This nascent plant, there is no other way to call it, is dug up by the roots and disposed of. The method of destroying the assistant in the fight against the disease depends on the disease.

This is just as important as all other steps. There are no little things in the ritual that can be missed.

Destroying the sprout

Let's get acquainted with the rules according to which you should get rid of the green assistant. They are like that. If the illness is associated with the release of pus (abscesses, sore throat), blood (menstruation), phlegm (cough) or sweat, then it is burned.

Not all diseases are listed in brackets, you understand. Just examples are given to help you get your bearings and think correctly. In any case, you will have to work with your head before you plant the disease in a pot and start talking.

Reviews about the procedure sometimes contain not stories of success, but literally rhetorical questions regarding the inability to classify ailments. Here we can only advise one thing: plant two plants and destroy them in different ways.

By the way, the second is that the green assistant is allowed into the water. Just throw it into a river or lake (stream, sea).

What to say when performing a ritual?

Many people are interested in whether there is a special conspiracy for this ritual. This is what they consider important when they ask how to plant a disease in a pot. Reviews from practicing “doctors” are also devoted to this topic. People believe that without a magical conspiracy nothing will work.

In fact, it is more important to radiate love for that seed that you have obviously prepared for imminent death. It may just be a plant, but it is alive. And this little sprout sacrifices itself to heal a person!

This deserves respect and gratitude! Say, for example, this: “I ask you, (name), help (person’s name) get rid of the illness that is eating him up! Take it for yourself!

I thank you for your help!”

Determining the disease

Now about the main thing. Each disease has its own planet. Here is a sample list. It is like this:

  • Moon: gout, rheumatism, dropsy, purulent wounds, allergic convulsions, sleepwalking, epilepsy, worms, lice, menstruation disorders, alcoholism. Mars: diseases of the ear, lungs, liver, inflammation of hemorrhoids, colds and migraines, diarrhea and constipation, gangrene. Mercury : fainting, brain diseases, stuttering, delirium and fears, teeth, ulcers on the skin. Jupiter: heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, sore throat, diseases of the eyes and musculoskeletal system, poisoning. Venus: kidneys, genital area. Saturn: oncology, psoriasis and eczema, lupus, fractures, systemic and strange (not diagnosed) ailments. Sun: burns, flu, paralysis, frostbite, abnormal metabolism, consequences of strokes and injuries.

Selecting a plant

Choose a disease from the list above. Each planet is helped by its own plants. You just need to buy the right seeds. The principle is:

Planting and caring for decorative bamboo. GuberniaTV

  • Moons: aster, dope, camellia, carrots, lettuce, anemone. Mars: basil, nettle, leek, plantain, beets, radishes, horseradish, pepper. Mercury: valerian, anise, dahlia, clover, bindweed, daisy. Jupiter: cornflower, sesame, mint, peony, dandelion, rose, violet, rutabaga.Venus: begonia, marshmallow, geranium, peas, beans, yarrow, tulip.Saturn: wild rosemary, pansy, potato, buttercup, rye, dill, rhubarb, belladonna .Sun: calamus, sunflower, chamomile, hyacinth, St. John's wort, buttercup, adonis, thyme, marigold.

As you can see, there are a lot of plants. They should be selected according to the disease’s correspondence to a particular planet. The important condition is this: take seeds or onions. Do not use cuttings or leaves.

Otherwise you may harm the patient. That is, we repeat, your assistant before the ceremony must be “not yet alive”, “dry”, as the ancients defined it. If you attract already sprouted grass and it dies, you will harm your patient.

Let's sum it up

Let us briefly list what is needed to plant a disease in a pot: the waning moon, prepared soil, the sputum of the sick person. Be sure to talk to your green assistant. And this is done not only during the ritual. He will live for a couple of days.

Indeed, in the depths of the soil, the cells will begin to divide in just a few minutes. Ask the seed to absorb the disease and take it for yourself. And when the time comes for “killing” or completing the ritual, thank this tiny plant. It does a great job.

In any case, this is how its creators from different nations viewed the ritual. They idolized nature, whose children we are all to this day. And one more condition that remains silent is faith. Without it, no method helps, even the most scientific one.

Ask the doctors yourself. Good luck!27 June 13, at 04:32 Nina Belykh 349Liuba, try giving your son Troychatka from the children's company Evalar - sold in pharmacies, they will tell you how to drink and how much.

Very useful information! Let's try it!!! Thank you very much! The text is hiddenexpand June 27, 13, at 09:51 Yulia Poddymova 12 From the logic of plant growing... - it is a good thing to plant plants... and each plant has its own planting time.

But in healing and transferring diseases, this is complete nonsense... and even if there is (they say thoughts are material), then on the contrary there is harm... Why should someone else endure your grief and suffering... even if not a living flower or plant. It doesn’t happen without consequences... The boomerang effect... was and is...

And I’m not against sensible folk recipes... - but this is some kind of obscurantism, forgive me... - I didn’t want to offend anyone! Health to everyone!!!Text hiddenexpand June 27, 13, at 14:35 Maria Gracheva I very much agree with you..

If there is a disease, then it was created by something that the sick person must work through and let go of. This is a signal, it must be perceived.

And throwing a disease as something foreign onto a living being is not just barbaric, it is also useless, everything will come back in a worse form. Text hiddenexpand Svetlana Sitnova 24unusual recipeText hiddenexpand

Tatiana Sapegina 177cool recipe! But where can we get the river? in the city - only lakesText hiddenexpand Angel Angelova 89And if it’s oncology, then I don’t understand where to put the sprout. Please tell me girls.

Text hiddenexpand 27 June 13, at 21:08 Viktorya Akulova 295A friend of mine has liver cancer, and this person doesn’t know how to help himself, he drinks “chemo” in tablets, it doesn’t suit him, blisters appear all over his body, and for such people any hint for treatment is priceless, and here you write: how humane we are, we are afraid to offend the plant, you have not been in the shoes of sick people, when it touches you, you will forget about everything. Please help me with advice on how to defeat liver cancer.


We drank burdock juice, befungin, we want to try the fraction, we read about hemlock tincture, but there is no way to get it. Text hiddenexpand 28 June 13, at 15:11 Maria Gracheva They write and talk a lot about the fact that oncology is largely connected with unresolved grievances, etc.

Many cancer patients, in addition to herbs, diets and treatment, did not refuse psychotherapy, introspection.. God forbid any of us get cancer, but I think that without colossal deep work on one’s own emotions and blocks, this disease is difficult to overcome....

I wish you good health!!Text hiddenexpand June 28, 13, at 15:29 Yulia Poddymova 12 cirrhosis and cancer of the liver does not appear out of nowhere... - the liver has the ability to regenerate... - unlike the heart.

And Lung Cancer (although if you tune in to life, then you can live happily ever after) - and God forbid you have a bouquet of our diseases... But in your case, flowers and anger will not help.. - but on the contrary.." Liver cancer - this is not a verdict,” Diagnosis of the truth, An attitude towards treatment helps even the dying to survive.

During treatment, be sure to stop taking antibiotics, smoking and alcohol. The use of herbs and other folk remedies in the treatment of cancer, cysts and cirrhosis of the liver gives a positive effect only when the body is cleansed of waste, toxins and salts.

Just type it into a search engine = liver cancer treatment folk remedies. Or open a topic thing I can say is just don’t drink the fraction...-it’s a veterinary drug.. And in general, calendula is better...-decoction.

And all only through a doctor... Not any self-medication... Long life to EVERYONE! Text hiddenexpand Viktorya Akulova 295Thank you very much for your answer, let’s try calendula.

Good luck to you too. Text hiddenexpand

When illnesses overcome you, you will agree to any method of treatment. This is something we do almost all the time with varying degrees of success. Have you ever wondered how our distant ancestors got rid of illnesses? It turns out they had their own secrets. For example, you can simply plant a disease in a pot. The amazing healing, reviews of which arouse admiration and enthusiasm, is not known to everyone. Let's get to know him, he might come in handy!

Is planting a disease in a pot an amazing healing?

Those of you who are hearing about this method for the first time, what container did you imagine? Our imagination sometimes comes up with unpredictable tricks.

Whose technique?

Many people have strong beliefs about recipes that come from one source or another. They trust only proven methods recommended by authoritative individuals. What can be said in this regard about the ritual “planting a disease in a pot is an amazing healing”? Reviews about it come from different sides. It cannot be said that it is known only in the east or west. Various peoples, most likely autonomously, came to the idea of ​​​​transmitting the disease to plants. Surely they were led by an ancient one, as they say now. It is interesting that the technique, which is now distributed under the long name “planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing,” is described in a variety of sources.

For example, it is taught in Tibet, it was used by the Mayans, not to mention the ancient Slavs. People in those distant times trusted nature and their connection with it more. Maybe they got sick less often because of this? Now we are unlikely to know.

How to perform the ceremony

Now let's understand the technique of the "planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing" method. Reviews about it, if you carefully understand them, are not always, unfortunately, positive. The whole point is that people read or listen inattentively, without delving into the details. We will not only analyze the methodology of the process, but also justify it. Having understood the connection with this or that factor, you will never forget how to perform the ritual correctly. After all, every movement will gain meaning and will be understandable. Even if a lot of time passes, logic will suggest those actions that will slip from memory. Agree, it’s worth spending time on a detailed analysis in order to be able to defeat a sudden or sticky illness! After reading the text to the end, you will understand the unprecedented power of this method, which we inherited from much wiser ancestors.

Step one: timing

Do you remember that the ritual requires a lunar calendar? The fact is that you can plant a disease in a pot and speak only on certain days. They are calculated from the specified source of knowledge. That is, the technique only works when the Moon is waning. And it is difficult for an ignorant person to visually determine such a period. Since the condition is very strict, it must be fulfilled. This is why we need a lunar calendar.

People who practiced the ritual of “planting a disease in a pot” do not detail their reviews. That is, not everyone mentions whether this condition was met. However, try not to forget it. This is due to the magical properties of the night queen. As it decreases, it collects (living) negative energy from the planet. Disease is one of those.

Step two: preparing the ground

Some say it's the pot itself that matters. Don't believe it! Tara doesn't matter. Choose any one. But you will have to work with the soil. It is advisable to buy it or collect it from the garden specifically for the ceremony. The effectiveness of the ritual depends on its quality. It is necessary for the plant to germinate. You understand that poor soil quality will reduce the likelihood of seed or grain (bulb) development. This is not magic yet, but botany. By the way, people who have tried the “planting a disease in a pot - amazing healing” method for simple ailments, and who have helped, naturally say the same thing. It begins to act only when a small sprout appears. If the seed dries up, don’t expect quick healing. Therefore, it is necessary to become a little agronomist in order to cope with the disease.

We begin to cast a spell

Preparatory activities do not end with the acquisition of good soil. After all, it is necessary to establish a connection with a sick person. The plant must have information about who it is treating! To do this, you need to mix a little of the patient’s secretions into the soil. What they are depends on the disease. Typically, saliva, pus, or urine are collected. This operation must be performed before the ceremony itself. In fact, this is its beginning. Be sure to remember that it is necessary to establish a “connection with the patient” before planting the disease in the pot. User reviews in this sense are clear. Those who forgot about this most important stage did not receive any success. Their further work was in vain. It's a pity. I had to repeat the ritual again.

Completion of the ritual

For now, we are omitting the type of plant that needs to be planted. Let's talk about this separately. Let's talk about exactly how to plant a disease in a pot. Healing will come to the patient only when the seed sprouts. This will take a couple of days. If during the named period you do not notice anything, then repeat the ritual. Something went wrong. When the desired greenery appears above the soil, the following must be done. This nascent plant, there is no other way to call it, is dug up by the roots and disposed of. The method of destroying the assistant in the fight against the disease depends on the disease. This is just as important as all other steps. There are no little things in the ritual that can be missed.

Destroying the sprout

Let's get acquainted with the rules according to which you should get rid of the green assistant. They are like that. If the illness is associated with the release of pus (abscesses, sore throat), blood (menstruation), phlegm (cough) or sweat, then it is burned. Not all diseases are listed in brackets, you understand. Just examples are given to help you get your bearings and think correctly. In any case, you will have to work with your head before you plant the disease in a pot and start talking. Reviews about the procedure sometimes contain not stories of success, but literally rhetorical questions regarding the inability to classify ailments. Here we can only advise one thing: plant two plants and destroy them in different ways. By the way, the second is that the green assistant is allowed into the water. Just throw it into a river or lake (stream, sea).

What to say when performing a ritual?

Many people are interested in whether there is a special conspiracy for this ritual. This is what they consider important when they ask how to plant a disease in a pot. Reviews from practicing “doctors” are also devoted to this topic. People believe that without a magical conspiracy nothing will work. In fact, it is more important to radiate love for that seed that you have obviously prepared for imminent death. It may just be a plant, but it is alive. And this little sprout sacrifices itself to heal a person! This deserves respect and gratitude! Say, for example, this: “I ask you, (name), help (person’s name) get rid of the illness that is eating him up! Take it for yourself! I thank you for your help!”

Determining the disease

Now about the main thing. Each disease has its own planet. Here is a sample list. It is like this:

  • Moon: gout, rheumatism, dropsy, purulent wounds, allergic convulsions, sleepwalking, epilepsy, worms, lice, menstruation disorders, alcoholism.
  • Mars: diseases of the ear, lungs, liver, inflammation of hemorrhoids, colds and migraines, diarrhea and constipation, gangrene.
  • Mercury: fainting, brain diseases, stuttering, delirium and fears, teeth, ulcers on the skin.
  • Jupiter: heart and blood vessels, stomach and intestines, sore throat, and musculoskeletal system, poisoning.
  • Venus: kidneys, genital area.
  • Saturn: oncology, psoriasis and eczema, lupus, fractures, systemic and strange (not diagnosed) ailments.
  • Sun: burns, flu, paralysis, frostbite, improper metabolism, consequences of strokes and injuries.

Selecting a plant

Choose a disease from the list above. Each planet is helped by its own plants. You just need to buy the right seeds. The principle is:

  • Moons: aster, datura, camellia, carrot, lettuce, anemone.
  • Mars: basil, nettle, leek, plantain, beetroot, radish, horseradish, pepper.
  • Mercury: valerian, anise, dahlia, clover, bindweed, daisy.
  • Jupiter: cornflower, sesame, mint, peony, dandelion, rose, violet, rutabaga.
  • Venus: begonia, marshmallow, geranium, peas, beans, yarrow, tulip.
  • Saturn: wild rosemary, potatoes, buttercup, rye, dill, rhubarb, belladonna.
  • Sun: calamus, sunflower, chamomile, hyacinth, St. John's wort, buttercup, adonis, thyme, marigold.

As you can see, there are a lot of plants. They should be selected according to the disease’s correspondence to a particular planet. The important condition is this: take seeds or onions. Do not use cuttings or leaves. Otherwise you may harm the patient. That is, we repeat, your assistant before the ceremony must be “not yet alive”, “dry”, as the ancients defined it. If you attract already sprouted grass and it dies, you will harm your patient.

Let's sum it up

Let us briefly list what is needed to plant a disease in a pot: prepared soil, sputum from the diseased person. Be sure to talk to your green assistant. And this is done not only during the ritual. He will live for a couple of days. Indeed, in the depths of the soil, the cells will begin to divide in just a few minutes. Ask the seed to absorb the disease and take it for yourself. And when the time comes for “killing” or completing the ritual, thank this tiny plant. It does a great job. In any case, this is how its creators from different nations viewed the ritual. They idolized nature, whose children we are all to this day. And one more condition that remains silent is faith. Without it, no method helps, even the most scientific one. Ask the doctors yourself. Good luck!

There is neither an error nor an exaggeration in the words about centuries-old traditions: each of the healers, whose knowledge became the basis for this book, comes from an old family and has behind them not only their own experience, but also the experience of their ancestors, often passed on in the old fashioned way. Turn to the old Russian conspiracy, make it a part of your life and become happier! Many who are interested in healing magic know that there are several ways to get rid of a disease that does not go away for a long time. Experienced craftsmen can transfer the disease to an animal, leave it in a cemetery, or transfer it to a tree.

How to spread disease to livestock

Wipe the patient with a new towel, and then wrap bread in it and give it to the cattle. Feed her bread and dry her with a towel. The cattle will die, and the sick person will recover completely You, whose bread, (Name of the cattle.) And you are the disease, whose (Name of the cattle.) So let the owner take it!

Gives health

This health plot is read in the bathhouse. When they wash and rinse, they say three times: The bath washed away the dirt, the bath gained health. Saint Paul, Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel, congratulate me on your good health. Amen

So that they don’t blame their illness on you

You should be careful if a seriously ill person asks you to look at his wound, lump, etc. It's better not to do this! Perhaps the patient was taught how to transfer the disease to a healthy person. And if, out of ignorance, you did look, save yourself with the reprimand that is published below, otherwise the patient will get better, and you may get sick. Conspiracy Lady Theotokos, I pray to You, protect me as You protected Christ, Your Son. How You sheltered Him from human malice, protected Him from illness and danger. Pray, Mother of God, for my soul, for my bodily preservation, as You prayed for Your dear Son. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

How to relieve the shortening of life

Sometimes an angry sorcerer can shorten the life of the entire family of his offender. Here’s what Kirza Elena Stanislavovna said: “...In our family, everyone lives no more than thirty years. After the death of our parents, relatives took us children in. Two of my brothers and sister have already died. I was left alone. I am already 29 years old. So, there won't be long left. Because of this, I didn’t get married, I don’t want to produce orphans. I know from myself how hard it is to live without a mother. And it all happened because my great-grandfather hit the son of a witch in front of everyone. Then that witch publicly tore the head off the rooster with her hand, saying: “Isaiah, the rooster has become a head shorter, and so has your family...” Unfortunately, I don’t remember what exactly the words were. A few days later, the great-grandfather died, and then, before reaching the age of thirty, so did his children. Everyone here knows about it, but they are reluctant to tell others. Or they don’t even say anything at all, so as not to end up in a vacuum.” Unfortunately, the woman who wrote to me does not know the name of the witch who shortened the entire family. To get rid of such a spell forever, you need to raise a rooster from a chicken in your own yard. When the rooster's comb and beard are well developed, and his tail is bristling, cut off his head. Only the one who raised this rooster should cut off the head. They do this on the first day of the full moon, at night put a new headscarf on a block of wood. Exactly at midnight, swing the ax, cut off the head of the rooster and say at the same time, Just as this rooster will never peck grain again forever and ever, and will not cry at the dawn of the morning, so my family from now on will never know shortening. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Tie the rooster's head in a scarf and bury it under a tree. Give the rooster carcass to the dogs.

Another way to remove shortening from the entire family

The youngest in the family must collect the web underground, wrapping it around a candle. They go down into the underground with their backs and rise up in the same way. They do this on November 20, the day of the martyr Fedot (Fedot is one of the thirty-three saints beheaded on this day). When you come out of the underground, light a candle and read like this: Just as 33 holy heads were removed on this day, so I remove the shortening from all my kind. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Take your illness to the crossroads

On the 13th of any month, make as many knots on a new rope as you know you have. As you tie each knot, name out loud one of your sores. For example, a cyst (nodule), shortness of breath (nodule), hemorrhoids (nodule), etc. When you list all your illnesses, count how many nodules there are. Then, after the crossroads, you will have to light so many candles in the church about your health. When you come to the crossroads, burn the knotted rope there. But the intersection should be one where there is no traffic and people rarely walk. It is better if it is in a dense grove or further away in the forest. Before you leave the intersection, you need to say: Little devils, little brothers, quick kids, come quickly, take my gift. You can ride on my bundles, and I can stay without my sores. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen. Whoever does everything right will soon get rid of his sores.

To get rid of illness

Get up at three o'clock in the morning, count your fingers and toes. The last one is the ring finger on the left hand. At the same time, say: There is no name for the ring finger, so that there is no room in my body for illness!
Let illness go to the wind
If you have been sick for a long time, and relief does not come, go outside, stand facing the wind and say: I am letting you go, my misfortune, to where the stormy wind has a gate. You sick thing, get off me and go into the stormy wind. Fly to the windy gates to live, to be there in a high house, in a high tower. You can live in a windy house, but I, (name), can’t bear to live without you. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to reduce your death to a cattle or dog

If a person is sick, and doctors cannot help him and there is no good healer nearby, then you can help yourself this way. The patient must kiss the animal and say: Judas betrayed Christ with a kiss, our Lord to the cross, to His death, and I betray you with a kiss and give you up to certain death for myself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen. Usually after this the animal dies, but the person recovers and lives a long time.

What prayer to read before surgery

Angel of God, my guardian! The goodness of the Most High has entrusted me to your care. You have protected me since my infancy, and you have never abandoned me in my unworthy behavior. Accept my tearful prayer, holy Guardian Angel, faithful, my protector! I confess my soul to you. Without shame or deceit, I sincerely say: fear has penetrated into my bones, into my mind, fear is eating away at my soul. My will was crushed by the fear of death from a knife, a doctor. My guardian angel, ask the merciful God for mercy for me: deliverance from unexpected and imminent death. And extend my life years with prayers for me. I am glad that I have you. You are a shield and salvation and deliverance in danger, my guardian angel! Be with me forever and ever. Amen.
On the day of the operation, never say: “If I die...” The word “death” is forbidden for you. Do not utter swear words under any circumstances, do not curse anyone, do not wish bad things upon the offenders. For how can your Guardian Angel ask the Lord for a successful outcome of the operation if you yourself wish someone to die. If possible, confess and ask for forgiveness from those you have offended, in case you die and your guardian angel prays to the Lord for you. When preparing for surgery, you should not have pins and hairpins on yourself - this is a bad sign. For more information about prayers, see here in the selection of materials Prayers

A conspiracy to reduce illness to a straw doll

This is the most powerful and widespread method of healers and healers, which is used to remove any disease from a person. By choosing this magical method of getting rid of a disease and transferring it to a doll made of dry straw, the animal or plant does not suffer, much less transfer the disease to another person; these black methods of reducing the disease are used only by warlocks. With the help of a conspiracy to reduce the disease, you can transfer the disease to a straw doll; you can heal terminally ill people by reducing their illness to a straw effigy or a doll made of dry straw. The doll is dressed in clothes made from the clothes of a sick person. Having prepared the doll for the disease, you need to leave the house and place the doll on the ground, draw a circle around it. After completing this ritual, read the words of the conspiracy to remove disease and illness from a person
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I take away the illness from God’s servant (name), I put straw on my soul, I dress it up, I say: You, straw idol, take the illness upon yourself, And take away the pain from God’s servant (name). And my word will be strong, even to an idol, moldable and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue Amen. Amen. Amen
Having finished reading the plot of transferring the disease to the doll without removing it from the circle, burn the straw effigy onto which the disease was transferred and return home. The patient should soon recover.

How to reduce diseases to an egg

To independently reduce the disease on an egg, take left hand an egg just laid by a chicken and roll it over the patient from head to toe: first from the front, and then from the back. At the same time, repeat in a whisper the words of the prayer spell for the reduction of the disease and a speedy recovery. Have mercy, Lord, on Your servant (name), born of a Mother, baptized by the Church, blessed by me. Take away from him all his torments and illnesses with an egg, For this egg has been given strength and joy through the Resurrection of Your Easter. And just as people rejoice at a painted egg, so give to the servant of God (name), Lord, Joy and health. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Transferring the disease to a dog

Since ancient times, healers have healed a seriously, terminally ill person with the help of this spell and a dog. Actually, the disease itself was traced to this animal, which, if everything was done correctly and your prayer was heard, should die. For treatment, men used the hair of a dog, women - a bitch. The magical procedure is carried out during the waning moon; the wool must be burned and a spell read for the ashes, which are then buried under an aspen tree.

“From under the black stone I call forth the dark force,
a dark force, a sinful thing,
melancholy, dryness, heart ache,
remove the sickness of death from slave (name),
send it to the dog.
Devil Satan, hooves, horns,
help me, your servant,
instead of a slave (name of the patient), kill the dog,
Bury it, turn back the clock of your life. Amen".

After the ceremony, you cannot give anything from home for three days.
Let me add that the woman being treated should not have periods during treatment. The bitch who will be the farmer should not be in heat.

Transferring a disease to a tree or removing a curse induced through a volt

To please himself, the sorcerer extends the envoltation over time, and the person suffers for a long time before dying. To cure the sufferer, you need to do the following. Read two spells, one for a sick person, the second for a dry tree (you can find it in the forest, and in the city too). Read a day per person, a day per tree, and so on three times.
For man

"The arm of the great God is unshakable,
how do you not have a lie, and who can read my 12 names,
will not be able to get closer to the servant of God (name). And my names:
the first is Vyashchenets, the second is Byasitsa, the third is Preobrazhnitsa,
fourth - Killer, fifth - Elina, sixth - Loving,
seventh - Imarta, eighth - Uria, ninth - Izedushaya,
tenth - Negrizushaya, eleventh - Golyada, twelfth - Nadukiya.
And Archangel Michael tells us: “I conjure you, damned Satan,
Jesus Christ, son of Mary,
and the Holy Great Martyr Victorious George
and all holy prayers. Get out of the body of God's servant (name). Amen".

For wood

"Root, foliage, branches, bark.
as you stand dry, take it upon yourself
damage and curse of God's servant (name).

Throw the damage onto a towel

A master can try to remove some types of damage from his customer in this way. The spoiled one bathes (in a bathhouse or bathtub, but not in a pond) and after that he is allowed to dry himself with a new white towel.
On the same day, but before 16:00, the master takes this towel to the cemetery and, having found a grave where a person with the same name as the patient lies, ties this towel to the gravestone (or cross).
Standing at the feet of the deceased, the master reads the spell (three times):

“Take the damage, take the sins, take away the evil and drive away all evil spirits from (the name of the spoiled person). Just as you don’t rise from the grave, don’t walk around the world, don’t trample the ground with your feet, don’t walk, so there is no evil and corruption on (the person’s name) to be, not to live, not to languish him (her) for how long. White light, there is no way back for corruption and filth. Exactly!"

After this, the master places on the grave the raw chicken egg, apple and piece of black bread he brought with him (the bread must be broken off, not cut), and says “Thank you!”
After which the master leaves without looking back.
On the same day, you can order a memorial for a year for the deceased on whose grave the master worked and a funeral for a year for the damaged one.
Important: the most corrupted person must never visit that cemetery in his life!

How illness is transferred to jewelry

There is such a way. You can transfer the disease not only to jewelry, but to almost any thing.
A certain amount is set aside from each income earned throughout the year. Needs to be folded separately. When they put in another piece of money, they say: “This is for me to help alleviate such and such a disease.”
At the end of the year, on the waning Moon, they choose a day during the week, go to the store and buy a piece of jewelry (it’s good if it has a small stone. You need to spend all the money set aside for this purchase.)
The decoration is put on oneself and worn until the evening.
After sunset, they independently pack the jewelry and everything that was given with it in the store: receipts, bags, tags...
While packing, read:

“The disease is not in me and not on me - it went to (the name of the jewelry) and took away all the pain. Whoever takes (the name of the jewelry) for himself will take the illness with him! So be it!”

They go to bed that night, shifting the pillow and turning their head over to where their legs usually lay. The package with the charmed decoration is placed at the feet, and in the morning before sunrise they are carried to the intersection farthest from the house and left there, repeating the spell.
On the contrary, you need to sleep for 2 weeks.

How to overcome failures at a crossroads

Has it ever happened that you are constantly haunted by failures and bad luck?
Do you know that you can give them away? Give it to someone greedy or ignorant.
First mark the intersection. They are different. There are those that are more like a fork. This one won't do. You need to find an X-shaped, cross-shaped intersection. It is better if the road at this intersection is earthen rather than asphalt.
Buy a new expensive item. You can, of course, take the one you have already used.
Gold items work well, but I don’t recommend using gold with stones, just gold is better. You can take a mobile phone. The main thing is not to be stingy, forget about stinginess when performing this magical ritual.
Place this thing on the table. Place two to the left and right of it wax candles, it is desirable that these are not church candles.
Light them and read six times:

"Get away from me all troubles and misfortunes!
Get out of me dryness, toil, damned bad luck!
I take it off and pass it on to (the name of an expensive item lying on the table).
Let all my misfortunes and failures go away from this (name of thing)!
Who (name of thing) will take -
He'll take you all away at once!"

Take the item you have charmed six times, go to the intersection and place it closer to the center of the intersection.
Turn around, throw six coins of any denomination over your left shoulder (throw one coin at a time). When the coins are thrown, say:
Leave without looking back. Whoever picks up this little thing will take over your failures and misfortunes.

Reducing the disease to stone

Take it natural stone, approximately the size of a fist. It's better to find it where few people go. Wash the stone thoroughly and leave it in a bowl of water overnight.

Apply the stone (hold it right hand) to the center of the forehead. The second chakra is located in this place. Imagine how energy of blue color comes out of the forehead and is absorbed into the stone, transferring the disease.

Leave the stone in the bowl after replacing the water.

The next day you repeat everything. Only this time you apply the stone to the jugular cavity (on the neck, where there is a depression under the Adam's apple). At the same time, imagine how a stream of energy comes out of your throat blue color, transferring your illness to the stone. The energy covers the throat and neck, and the stone, like a magnet, draws in everything negative.

On the third day, place the stone for 15 minutes in the center of the chest on the pectoral cavity, imagining how streams of green energy come out from the trachea, lungs, and heart and carry away the ailments of these organs into the stone.

Fourth day. The stone is placed on the navel. Imagine how orange energy emanates from the liver, intestines, stomach, and genitals, transferring the ailments of these organs to the stone. It is very good when at the end of this procedure your sensations allow you to imagine how the energy has cleared and become yellow, not orange.

On the fifth day, the stone is applied to the tailbone. Red energy flows from the coccyx to the stone. With it, ailments of the bones, skin, muscles, lymphatic system, and circulatory system flow from the body.

Two hours after the final (fifth) procedure, make a fire. Throw a stone at it, and let it remain there until it glows red or yellow.

After this, you bury the stone into the ground to a depth of about 50 cm, and in the same place, drive an aspen peg into the ground.

A few notes about this treatment method.

While the procedures are ongoing, no one should pick up the stone except the person being treated.

The person being treated must throw the stone into the fire and bury it in the ground. close person, relative.

During treatment, it is important to refrain from eating meat, fish, broths, and fatty sweets. It is imperative to outline important things that a person will do when he is freed from the disease.

Translation of disease into animal figurines

7 animal figures are made from clay or wax. I prefer to sculpt cat figures. It doesn't matter whether you're good at it, but the basics distinctive features(paws, head, tail) must be present.

When each figurine is made, it is given the name of the patient. That is, having molded a figurine, the Master places it in front of him on the table (it’s good if there is a lit wax candle on the table) and says:

“From now on you will be called (name of the patient). Remember, your name is (name of the patient). From now on and forever you are (name of the patient)! You were born and you will die (name of the patient)! Truly!

As each new figure is made, it is placed in a row, thus creating a column of figures.

The patient, when the figures are ready, must touch each of them, starting with the first one standing in the row, with the ring, middle and index fingers of the leading hand (right-handed - right, left-handed - left). At this time, the Master visualizes the disease, which passes from the patient’s fingers to the figures.

What usually happens is that the largest portion of the disease goes to the first figure, then the disease goes away in a reduced concentration.

Then the Master slowly rearranges the figures on the floor in the same sequence in which they stood before the start of the session, visualizing how the person’s illness goes away along with the figures. The figures must “go” beyond the threshold of the patient’s home.

The Master then has the figures “walk” another 7 (seven) steps.

After this, he takes each figurine in turn and melts it over the fire (of course, it is better to make a fire). At the same time, he constantly says:

“Disease, sit in (name of figure) firmly, securely, forever, and don’t touch (name of patient), don’t return to his house again! Let it be so!"

The session takes place immediately after sunset. Sometimes 2 or 3 sessions are necessary for healing. It is better to start treatment during the full moon. If an additional procedure is required, it is carried out after 3 or 7 days. But in this case the figures should be different, i.e. depict other animals.

From a hernia

Most often, a hernia occurs in men from heavy physical work.
Usually they put it on sour cream, smear it on the place where the hernia is located, and give the rest of the sour cream to the cat or let the cat lick the sour cream from the sore spot. They do this for three evenings in a row.

"God help me,
God bless.
I'm leaving the house through all the doors,
Through all the thresholds, through all the gates.
I close the gate behind me,
I lock the doors,
I don’t take my keys with me on the road.
I’m walking along the road, I’ll turn off the road onto the path,
I’ll turn off the path into an open field.
There are seven bushes, under those bushes there are seven cats,
All cats are gray
And under the seventh bush there is a black cat.
Cat, cat, gnaw everything from the slave (name),
All twelve hernias:
Hernia, inguinal hernia,
Frontal hernia, ulnar hernia,
Ocular hernia, testicular hernia,
Heart, sub-heart,
popliteal, spot,
Spot, black hernia, white hernia,
Yellow hernia, red hernia
And all the hernias, which she said, which ones
did not say.
Bite it, gnaw it, so that it doesn’t gnaw,
didn't hurt
From this hour, from my order, from my conspiracy.
From now until forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Transferring damage to prosphora

On this holy day, bring prosphora from church. Cast a spell on her, almost touching your lips. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

“May our house be holy, blessed,
Every hole, every crack,
With doors, with windows,
with side logs,
There is a stone fence around our mansion
With green tint.
Who built this fence - the Angels of the Lord.
They will speak to the servant of God (name) from corruption.
From great trouble, from the gravestone,
from the burial ground.
Neither the first man nor the last will spoil it,
Not on the church, not on its fence, not on the icon.
Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near the cemetery.

Transfer of disease to a plant (according to Mstislav)

A certain amount of “mummy” (for example, blood, sputum, saliva, pus) is taken from the patient, mixed with soil, and this soil is placed in a flower pot. 3 seeds (bulbs, tubers) of a plant whose planetary sign coincides with the sign of the disease are planted in this soil. Then, when a sprout appears, several centimeters high, you need to:
1) burn if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or sputum;
2) throw it into the river in all other cases.
After this, the disease should recede. It is advisable, before burning the plant, to apply it to the patient’s body for half an hour.
Moons: rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, cuts, festering wounds, menstrual irregularities, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, drunkenness.
Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
Mercury: brain diseases, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, unreasonable fears, delirium, dental, external ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo- and hypertension, tonsillitis, ophthalmic, musculoskeletal, poisoning. Venus: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, masturbation, sexual perversion.
Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic system, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, diseases that cannot be diagnosed.
Sun: burns (any), frostbite, severe infections, flu, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (due to injuries and strokes), heat and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism (in including completeness).

Moons: aster, speedwell, datura, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrot, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
Marsa: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beets, horseradish, garlic, thistle. dahlia, sweet pea, clover, leftover, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory.
Jupiter: rutabaga, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
Venus: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, carnation, geranium, gladiolus, common pea, quinoa, squash, wheatgrass, tulip, yarrow, bean.
Saturn: aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potato, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
Suns: adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme, sage.
- Planting plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) for this procedure is not recommended, since the plant may die, and this is dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no such danger.
- Sometimes a disease cannot be clearly attributed to one planet or another. For example, viral hepatitis, on the one hand, is a liver disease (Mars), and on the other, an infectious disease (Sun). In such cases, you need to use both plants, but be sure to plant them in different pots on the same day.
During the ritual: both planting the plant and burning (throwing it into flowing water) the sprout, your clothes: dark (black), all buttons are fastened, hair is collected, there are no metal jewelry.

From a disease, to transfer it to an animal through food

Take food (grain, meat or bread), light a candle and, holding it over the food, read the spell three times:

“I will stand up blessed, I will go out crossing myself,
I'll go on the road, I'll shout to God
You, Lord Almighty, all-healer, all-hander,
Tell Malanya the bone-eater, Agafya the feverish one,
Let them come out from the body, from the bones, from the blood and mucus
God's servant (name), let them enter the grain (meat, bread).
How Jesus drove out demons to my word,
So be it according to my word. Amen".

Then during the day you need to feed the animal with this food. Please note that the animal must be of the same sex as the patient.

Any disease originates in energy body person. Knowing how to influence energy with the help of a plant, you can even get rid of chronic diseases.

Many of us are familiar traditional methods treatment of diseases: for example, Orthodox Christians believe in the healing power of Epiphany water, and practitioners of various cults destroy diseases through rituals with the elements. Another method, forgotten now, but widely used in the past, allows you to rid yourself of various ailments with the help of a plant in a flower pot.

How to plant a disease in a flower pot

Transferring a disease to a plant is an old healing rite used by our ancestors. Painstakingly collecting information, they understood exactly how to act so that this method could help heal. For a healing ritual, several conditions must be met.

The ritual is performed on the waning moon. The period of the waning moon is a time of purification and deliverance. The energy of the Earth's satellite will strengthen the ritual and help its implementation. Remember that if you try to plant a disease in a pot on the waxing Moon, you can get the opposite effect.

Healing will require a connection with a sick person. When planting a disease in a pot, it is necessary to add saliva, pus, urine, blood or sweat of the sick person to the soil. This is necessary to connect the energies of the plant and the person: only in this way can the disease spread to the sprout. Deciding what exactly needs to be added to the soil follows this principle:

  • if the disease is associated with the release of pus, pus should be added;
  • inflammatory processes of the kidneys, bladder or reproductive organs - you need to add urine;
  • illnesses internal organs, joints, vessels or bones - blood is added;
  • brain diseases, headaches, epilepsy - you need to add saliva.

Seeds are selected based on the suitability of the planet, disease and plant. This means that taking any seed, burying it in a pot and transferring the disease to it will not work. When choosing it, you should take into account the nature of the disease and the planet to which it corresponds.

Moon diseases: purulent wounds, gout, sleepwalking, schizophrenia, depression, neuroses, phobias, epilepsy, drug and alcohol addiction.

Plants of the Moon: asters, hops, dope, carrots.

Diseases of Mars: Any problems with the gastrointestinal tract, blood diseases, eczema, sore throats, bronchitis, headaches, vegetative-vascular dystonia, colds.

Plants of Mars: stinging nettle, basil, hot pepper, plantain.

Diseases of Mercury: fainting, problems with teeth, spine, muscle weakness, tremors.

Mercury plants: anise, clover, medicinal valerian, daisies.
Diseases of Jupiter: cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.

Diseases of Venus: venereal diseases, inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system.

Venus plants: geranium, tulip, dahlia, forget-me-not.

Diseases of Saturn: injuries and rare diseases that cannot be diagnosed.

Plants of Saturn: buttercups, pansies, physalis, phlox.

Diseases of the Sun: burns, heat stroke, anorexia, exhaustion, eye diseases.

Plants of the Sun: sunflower, chamomile, golden balls, St. John's wort, saxifrage.

Carrying out the ritual

After you have chosen a pot and soil, taken out the plant seeds and the patient’s liquid corresponding to the desired planet, you can begin the ritual itself. We should not forget that you cannot take a plant that has already sprouted; the disease must “grow” from the seed.

First you need to pour soil into a pot and add the liquid of the sick person. After this, you can plant one seed and water the soil. The type of pot itself is completely unimportant: only the correctness of the actions performed matters.

After the seed is planted, close your eyes and imagine yourself or a sick person completely healthy: visualize your desire for as long as possible - thereby you are laying the necessary program into the still dormant seed. You can ask the future plant in your own words to take on a person’s illness, thereby serving a great purpose.

When the request has been voiced and the program has been laid, place the pot in a warm place and wait for the sprout to emerge. Do not let anyone touch the plant pot - this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

After the sprout sprouts and gets a little stronger, it needs to be carefully pulled out by the roots and destroyed. The method of disposal will depend on the disease:

  • plants that have absorbed diseases associated with the release of pus, blood or sweat are burned;
  • in all other cases, the sprout is taken outside the threshold and thrown into running water.

In both cases, thank the sprout for the opportunity to heal from the disease, and instead of the destroyed plant, plant two - in the usual way. This will serve as your “redemption”, a tribute to nature for the fact that it can take away the disease.

Prayers and rituals are not the only way to harmonize your energy and get rid of diseases. Practitioners recognize mantras as a good way to heal: their sound has healing power, expelling negative energy, and behind it physical pain. We wish you good health and good luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

You can heal a person in a fairly simple way, which is accessible to everyone. It is based on centuries-old practice that a disease can be transferred from a patient to any other organism, in particular to a plant. Women's secrets today will tell you more about this healing technique.

The action itself may seem strange and even funny to you, which is typical for rationalists, but let’s first clarify a little where it came from. It is known that shamanism has existed for many centuries, and there is no escape from it, but the point is not so much in some kind of mythical witchcraft, but primarily in herbal medicine, which was and remains the most effective.

Unfortunately, today it is quite difficult to find good herbalists. But there is also a heritage that is not completely lost, which has nevertheless reached us from ancient times. As for this action, which may seem witchcraft, I hasten to disappoint you, if you apply a little knowledge of astrophysics, remember what we are made of, and everything around us, then it is not difficult to guess about the real connections of this method of treatment.

The procedure is very simple: you need to take a small amount of sputum (pus, urine, saliva, sweat) from a sick person, mix it with soil and place it in a small flower pot.

Then you should plant 2-3 seeds, a bulb or tuber of a plant in it, the planetary sign of which coincides with the sign of the disease (indicated below), and wait until sprouts a few centimeters high appear.

Then carefully pull out the sprout along with the root and burn it if the disease is associated with the release of blood, pus, sweat or phlegm. In all other cases, the sprout is thrown into the river, in other words, it goes for water. After this, the disease goes away!

Important: planting plants in the form of cuttings, tendrils or roots (with the exception of horseradish) is not recommended, as the plant may die, and this is very dangerous for the patient. If the seed simply does not germinate, there is no danger.

To get rid of a disease using a plant grown in a pot, you need to know the planets that control the disease and find the appropriate plant.

How do diseases correspond to plants?

  • Moon: rheumatism, gout, dropsy, allergic cramps, festering wounds, menstrual irregularities, worms, lice, fleas, scabies, lichen, epilepsy, sleepwalking, depression, melancholy, drunkenness.
  • What plants: anemone, aster, speedwell, dope, iris, camellia, cabbage, coltsfoot, carrots, cucumber, sedum, purslane, lettuce, fuchsia.
  • Mars: ear, lung, liver, colds, hemorrhoids, sciatica, migraines, non-healing wounds, internal bleeding, jaundice, dysentery, diarrhea, constipation, gangrene.
  • What plants: artichoke, basil, cilantro, nettle, leek, pepper, plantain, wormwood, radish, radish, rue, beets, horseradish, garlic, thistle.
  • Mercury: brain diseases, fainting, dizziness, stuttering, unreasonable fears, delirium, dental ulcers, boils, acne, boils, fistulas.
  • What plants: anise, valerian, bindweed, dahlia, sweet pea, clover, leftover, daisy, forget-me-not, parsnip, tomato, mignonette, phlox, chicory.
  • Jupiter: cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, pancreas, spleen, hypo- and hypertension, sore throat, eye, musculoskeletal system, poisoning.
  • What plants: rutabaga, cornflower, jasmine, watercress, sesame, lemon, mint, dandelion, peony, wheat, rose, rosemary, violet.
  • Venus: genitourinary, renal, venereal, sexual, sexual perversions.
  • What plants: marshmallow, bergenia, begonia, cloves, geranium, gladiolus, common peas, quinoa, squash, wheatgrass, tulip, yarrow, beans, black root.
  • Saturn: systemic (for example, endocrine, lymphatic systems, etc.), oncological, childlessness, lupus, psoriasis, sclerosis, senile dementia, fractures, eczema, undiagnosable diseases.
  • What plants: aconite, pansy, wild rosemary, henbane, belladonna, delphinium, potato, shepherd's purse, parsley, rhubarb, celery, dill.
  • Sun: burns, frostbite, severe infections, flu, erysipelas, severe damage to the heart and eyes, paralysis (consequences of injuries and strokes), heat and cold neurodermatitis, nervousness, fainting (heat strokes), endocrine, abnormal metabolism, including obesity.
  • What plants: adonis, calamus, aloe, verbena, heliotrope, hyacinth, gentian, St. John's wort, ginger, corn, buttercup, marigold, sunflower, rye, field chamomile, garden chamomile, thyme.