Daily planning in the second junior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Planning for every day in the younger group. April and May. Topic: "Indoor plants"

Topic: “Hello, kindergarten!”

Forms of organization: Game exercises, moments of joy, theatrical performances, reading fiction, games and activities, looking at illustrations. Tour of the garden, situational conversation“What do we see in the kindergarten?”

Game – fun “Tea Party”;

Topic: “We are friends, we don’t quarrel!”

The content of the work: To form in children the concepts of “me and friends”, “friendship”, to teach children to see, understand, evaluate the feelings and actions of others, to motivate, to explain their judgments. To promote the formation of the ability to distinguish between “friends” and “friendship”. Apply acquired communication skills in game and life situations, cultivate the need to communicate with peers. Teach the rules of behavior in a daycare center. Develop the ability to relate your interests to the desires and interests of other children. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other. Introducing children to each other during games.

Forms of organization:: Conversations: “Let’s be together in harmony.” “What games can we play together?” "Boys and Girls." Situational conversation “How can you reconcile dolls?” “How can a bear find a friend?” Observation of other children D/i “Find friends” M/i “Getting to know the oval” D/i “Where is the boy and where is the girl?” V. Oseeva “Why?” Reading the fairy tale “Two Little Bears.” G. Bondul “Girlfriend Masha”. V. Kondratenko “I have a lot of friends” S/r games: Conversations “What is friendship”, “Who can be called a friend” Literary (L.M. Shipitsyna, O.V. Zashchirinskaya, A.P. Voronova, T .A. Nilova “The ABC of Communication”); Drawing on the theme “My best friend»

Options for final events: Entertainment “Let's live together!”

Topic: “My family. I am human"

The content of the work: Give children the idea that a family is everyone who lives with the child. Give initial ideas about family relationships. Strengthen ideas about health and a healthy lifestyle. Formation of positive self-esteem, self-image. Development of children's ideas about their appearance. Cultivating emotional responsiveness to the condition of loved ones, developing a respectful, caring attitude towards elderly relatives.

Forms of organization: Game: d/i: “My portrait”, “How are you similar, how are you different”, “Make a family” game situations: “Hello, it’s me”, “I give you a smile”, “Find out and name your friends”, “My feelings”, “Name”, “We will not quarrel”, “What surprises me and what I love”, conversation: “What does your friend feel”, “Our Friendly family", "Getting to know each other", "What do you know about yourself", "Take care of your teeth", "You are human", "How I see myself", "Kindness", "My errands", "Family photo", "What I hear , what I see”, “friendship”, “Greed”, “What do you and I have in common?” Didactic game“Who can say more kind words for their relatives”?

Options for final events:

Topic: Week of the teacher and all preschool workers

Forms of organization: Examination of the premises of the group room (what corners there are, what can be done in them, who organized them, etc.), group photographs (recognizing children, teachers); observing the work of the junior teacher (setting the table, washing the dishes, etc.), certain aspects of the teacher’s work (for example, preparing for a walk); “sightseeing” tour of the kindergarten; reading fiction on the topic; learning poems on the topic; situational conversations and conversations on the topic; listening and singing songs “about kindergarten”; workshop (discussion, selection and production of “gifts” for employees together with the children’s parents kindergartengreeting cards, bookmarks, educational games “Professions”, “What a cook needs”, etc.; organization of all possible assistance to the teacher and assistant teacher;

Options for final events: Exhibition of drawings “My favorite teacher”. “My favorite kindergarten”, etc.

Topic: “Autumn, autumn, we ask for a visit”

Forms of organization: Outdoor games according to the season, reading fiction; looking at photographs of nature. Conversations: “What is autumn?”, “Gifts of autumn.” Situational conversation “Why do the leaves fall?”, “Objects of autumn”, “What color is autumn?” “Seasons” Observation of trees, grass, weather. D/i “Find a leaf on the tree”, d/i “When does this happen?” m/game "Falling Leaves". S/r game “On an excursion to autumn forest", "Let's decorate the dolls' room autumn leaves", "Toys visiting a hedgehog", "Dolls hiding from the autumn rain under an umbrella."

Options for final events: Exhibition of children's creativity.

Topic: “Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

Forms of organization: Conversations: situational conversation “What should you eat to be healthy”, “What has grown in our beds?” Conversation based on the picture “Harvesting”, “How I helped dig potatoes.” D/game “Harvest the harvest” D/game “Where does it ripen?” M/game “Find the square”. Count up to 5 S/r game “Gegetable shop”; “Canning vegetables and fruits”, “in the garden”. Let's treat the dolls with delicious compote

Options for final events: Exhibition: “Gifts of Autumn”.

Topic: “Forest and its gifts.” "Berries, mushrooms"

Forms of organization: Offer to look at illustrations depicting various trees. Introduce them to the names of trees. Note how different they all are. Creative workshop: drawing with “The Last Leaves” stamps. Introduce a new drawing technique, offer to apply the drawing with stamps on blanks. Thematic pictures “Trees”. Finger gymnastics “A big spruce grows in the forest.”

Options for final events: Entertainment with elements of the quiz “Trees of our forests”.

Topic: “My safety”

The content of the work: Expand children's understanding of good looks stranger does not always mean his good intentions. Consider and discuss typical dangerous situations of possible contacts with strangers, teach how to behave correctly in such situations. Continue to introduce the culture of behavior on the street and in transport. Expand your understanding of objects that can serve as sources of danger in the house; form the concept that it is impossible to open windows and look out of them without adult supervision.

Forms of organization: Conversation “Why do we get sick?” “Our towel”, problem situation “What to wipe with wet head dog?”, game situation “Let’s teach the dog to wipe with a towel”, d\i “Find the mistake”, “What’s missing?” Conversation “Matches are not toys”, fairy tale “How fire didn’t love water”, problem situation “The Bunny took the matches”, game situation “Let’s tell the Bunny that you can’t take matches”, d\i “Sources of danger”, “Make no mistake”, “ What's extra? Manual “Caution, fire!” , Stuffed Toys animals. Folder - moving “Scissors, spools are not toys”

Options for final events: View the presentation “The Story of a Little Umbrella” (to form children’s concepts of safe behavior with strangers).

Topic: “Wild Animals”

The content of the work: Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, food, etc.). Talk about protecting wild animals. Continue to develop in children the ability to coordinate words in a sentence and correctly use prepositions in speech; form the plural form of nouns denoting young animals (by analogy), use these nouns in the nominative and accusative cases (fox cubs - fox cubs). Use nouns with a general meaning (wild animals).

Forms of organization: Conversations: “Forest Dwellers.” "The Fox and the Hare." “Where does the bear live?” "Who lives in a hollow." “How do animals prepare for winter?” “Where can a squirrel hide nuts?” “Who has what house?” “Who is the hare afraid of?” “What does a bear need a den for?” Situational conversation: “Why is the hedgehog prickly?” “How to help a bunny survive the winter?” . D/i “When does this happen?” "Seasons". "How wild animals prepare for winter." M/i “Let’s help the hedgehog pick mushrooms.” D/i “Who eats what.” S/r games: “In the forest.” “Let’s invite the animals to visit.” "Visiting the fox." “Let’s put the bear to bed.” "Zaika's hut."

Options for final events: Exhibition of drawings “Forest Dwellers”.

Topic: "Pets"

The content of the work: Strengthen your understanding of domestic animals, their voices, and habits. Learn to name animal body parts. Expand children's understanding of the conditions necessary for the life of animals (air, water, food, etc.). Talk about animal protection. Continue to develop in children the ability to coordinate words in a sentence and correctly use prepositions in speech; form the plural form of nouns denoting baby animals (by analogy), use these nouns in the nominative and accusative cases (kittens - kittens). Use nouns with a general meaning (pets). Cultivate a desire to care for pets.

Forms of organization: Conversations: “Who lives in the house?” “Who lives in the yard?” "Who lives in the barn?" “How do people take care of their pets?” "My favorites." Observation of a cat, dog. D/n: “Who looks like?” "Who lives where?" “Who eats what?” “Name the cubs” “Who gives their voice?” “Shaggy Dog”, S/R games: “Barnyard” “Pets” “Goat”. “Barbos the Dog”, “Murka the Cat”, “Pigs in the Barn”. “Let’s feed the cat or dog,” “Let’s clean up in a group,” “Let’s help the nanny set the table.” Learning the song "Cat-Purr".

Options for final events: Creation of the album “Our Favorites”.

Topic: “Our feathered friends.”

The content of the work: Teach children to recognize birds by their habits and appearance. To consolidate knowledge about the sequence in the development of birds (egg-chick-bird). To instill in children a caring attitude towards their feathered friends. Organize observations of birds flying to the site (crow, pigeon, tit, sparrow, bullfinch), feed the birds in winter. To form a kind attitude towards birds, a desire to take care of them, to create a desire to take care of them, to help wintering birds in difficult times.

Forms of organization: Conversation: “Sparrows are playful.” “Pigeons”, “White-sided Magpie”. "Who hatches from an egg." "Migratory birds". “Who stays with them for the winter?” Bird watching. D/i “Fold the picture.” "What why". “What’s extra?” T. Evdoshenko “Take care of the birds!” S. Yesenin “Sparrows” N.G. Prokhorov "Magpie" "Birds of Migratory". P/n: “Crows”, “Sparrows”. "Tweet-fawn." Physical exercise “Stork” “Finger gymnastics”. "Migratory birds". S/r. games: "Birds in the yard." "The dolls feed the birds." Bird drawing, applique, modeling. Reading fiction by M. Gorky “Sparrow”, S. Marshak “Where the Sparrow Dined”, M. Zoshchenko’s story “The Smart Bird”, E. Charushin’s story “Sparrow”. Discussion of I. Sokolov-Mikitov’s story “In the Forest in Winter.” Compilation of mini-stories about birds.

Options for final events: Teamwork"Bird feeders".

Forms of organization: Role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters”; game situations, situational conversations with children (“ Sweet words”, “Which gift is best for mom”, etc.); reading fiction on the theme of the holiday; listening and performing music (songs) about mom; learning dances for mothers. Problem situation “Mom is sick” Game situation “Helping Mom”

Options for final events: Design of the wall newspaper “Mama”

Forms of organization: Outdoor games according to the season, reading fiction; examination of images of domestic and wild animals, illustrations depicting animal characters and birds; educational games “Wonderful snowflakes”, “Who eats what in winter?”, “Confusion”, etc.; observing animals (during a walk); stories and poems about winter, buildings made of snow. Experimental games.

Options for final events: Snow Building Competition

Topic: "Winter fun."

Forms of organization: Outdoor games: With running: “Be careful - I’ll freeze” With jumping: “On a level path” With throwing and catching: “Who will throw the bag further” For orientation in space: “Find your place” Round dance games: “The little white bunny is sitting.” Situation: “The little bear is having dinner” Reading: Moidodyr K.I. Chukovsky, “Five snowflakes outside the window” G. Shalaev. Didactic game: “Who is the loudest” Exercises: “Visiting Moidodyr” “Fluffy towel” Work in the physical education corner: Introducing a hand massager. Teacher's story about health. Reading by G. Shalaev “A Christmas Dream” by E. Yankovskaya “I go to kindergarten” Didactic game: “Let’s treat the doll to tea”, “Name it correctly”

Options for final events: Sports entertainment “Visiting Zimushka - Winter”

Topic: “If you want to be healthy...”

The content of the work:

Forms of organization: Experimentation games (with water, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste, paper napkins, etc.); reading on the theme of the holiday (on literary and folklore material); outdoor games; game situations on the theme of the holiday (how a person feels when he is sick; what is better - to be sick or to be healthy; what to do to avoid getting sick and when a person is sick; signs of a sick and healthy person, etc.); educational games “Health Pyramid”, “Ascorbinka and her friends”, etc.

Options for final events: Photo competition "Let's be healthy and strong."

Subject: " New Year at the gate"

The content of the work: To form ideas about the New Year as a cheerful and good holiday (matinees; New Year's performances; fairy tales; vacations; New Year's entertainment and trips with the family; wishes of happiness, health, goodness; congratulations and gifts). Formation of skills to bring joy to loved ones and thank them for New Year's surprises and gifts. introducing children to Russian festive culture, promoting the creation of an atmosphere of common joy, Have a good mood.

Forms of organization: New Year is a traditional and most favorite holiday for children. Russian preschool education has accumulated sufficient experience in preparing and holding New Year's matinees (other forms of celebrating the holiday). In the process of preparing for festive events, special attention must be paid to solving the psychological and pedagogical problems of the educational field “Safety”.

Options for final events: New Year's party. “The ice bell calls everyone to the Christmas tree”; Exhibition of creative works “Winter Fantasy”

The content of the work: Develop the ability to care for your toys with the participation of an adult, reflect cultural and hygienic skills in the game (dressing a doll for a walk, bathing a doll, preparing dinner, etc.). Develop every child's gaming experience. Help children, discover new opportunities for playful reflection of the world. Cultivate friendly relationships between children, enrich the ways of their play interaction. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys.

Forms of organization: Reading fiction (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes, etc.); looking at toys, looking at illustrations; didactic games “Cut-out pictures”, “Find the same one”, “Help the dolls find their toys”; writing stories about your favorite toy. Conversation: “How do we play with toys?” Reading A. Barto “Toys”. Developmental situation: “Who will collect the toys most quickly.”

Options for final events: Project “My Favorite Toy”

Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale”

The content of the work: To foster in children an interest in folklore and literary fairy tales, the desire to listen to them carefully. Enrich personal experience children with knowledge, emotions, impressions of the environment necessary for a correct understanding of the content of a literary text. To promote the perception and understanding of the text by children, to help mentally imagine events and characters, to identify the hero’s bright actions, to try to evaluate, to establish the simplest connections of the sequence of events in the text. Draw children's attention to simple traditional means of linguistic expression (primarily from the texts of folk tales and jokes), to the intonational expressiveness of the adult storyteller.

Forms of organization: Role-playing games (“Library”, based on the plots of favorite children's books); excursion to the library, bookstore; acquaintance with primers, ABCs; conversations, solving problem situations, game situations on the topic (“Guess who I am?”, “Choose the right attributes of your favorite characters”, etc.); project activities(organizing a book corner, a children’s library in a group; organizing an exhibition of children’s work on the topic of creating collections (favorite characters from children’s books); working in a book corner (“repairing” books); listening to music based on literary plots; literary quiz.

Options for final events: Screening of the cartoon "Little Red Riding Hood"

Topic: “Dishes. Food"

Forms of organization: Conversation “What kind of dishes do we need?” Game situation: “Setting the table.” Riddles about dishes. Pick up the riddles. Dolls, dishes. Reading the story The story “Where the dishes came to us from.” Didactic game “For what and why.” Game “Setting the table”: tea utensils. D/i “We treat the dolls to tea.” “Pick up a tea pair.” “Pick a pair.” Constructive activity from plasticine “Bed, table, chair” Examination of object pictures on the topic: “Dishes”. D/games: “Let’s treat our Tanya” (transition to a s/r game using toy sets “kitchen”, “dining room”, “washroom”); D/I "Secret". Organization of games in the corner

Options for final events: Competition with tea drinking “Whose pie tastes better.”

Forms of organization: Game situation “Brave Tailors”, “Tailoring Studio” Drawing color. "Boots" with pencils. Lacing - skill development. “Pick up objects of similar colors.”, “Shoe repair.” Fun game “Treat”. Didactic “Mittens” exercise Games with soap bubbles. Board games “Domino”, “Loto”, D/game “Learn a fairy tale from illustrations” Examination of ready-made forms, pictures of clothes. “Sort out the mixed up mittens.” Game "Find the artist's mistake"

Options for final events: Entertainment "Evening fashion show".

Forms of organization: Games with building materials of children's choice. Conversation “What is furniture for?” Thematic pictures “Furniture” S/r game “Furniture Store” Conversation “Who makes the furniture” Large builder Doll dishes Substitute items. S/r game “Family”, plot “Meeting guests”. Examination with children of furniture intended for the bedroom, dining room, kitchen. Situational conversation about the fact that furniture is made from wood.

Options for final events: Dramatization of the Russian folk tale (modeled by K. Ushinsky) “Three Bears”

Forms of organization: Conversations: “What do we travel with”, “Why do we need transport”, “When we are passengers” Liter: O.F. Gorbatenko "Social world". Looking at illustrations different types transport. Reading the poem "Chauffeurs". Watching cartoons. Drawing of transport. Walks using outdoor games “Sparrows and a car”, “Catch-up dashes”, “Get in the circle”. An evening of riddles on the topic. D/I “Rides, swims, flies”, “Find the extra”, “What’s missing”, “What’s what” Goal: Develop curiosity, thinking, phonetic hearing, fine motor skills. P/N “The wind blew and we flew”, “Who should we take for a ride?” , “Cars”, “Planes” Goal: Move in accordance with the text, quickly change - coordinate your actions with the actions of the direction of movement of your comrades. Role-playing “We are drivers”, “Bus” Purpose: To teach how to play together.

Options for final events: Quiz game “Road Safety” (parents and children together)

Topic: “The kids congratulate dad”

The content of the work: Form ideas about moral values and family traditions. Cultivate a desire to please others and provide them with all possible help. Cultivate love for your family, respect for your dad, and a sense of empathy. Implementation patriotic education. Introduction to “military” professions. Fostering love for the Motherland. Formation of primary gender ideas (raising in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland).

Forms of organization: Conversation: “Congratulations to our boys,” “Celebration of fathers and grandfathers.” Examination of illustrations and photographs on the topic. Reading fiction. Productive activity “Gifts for our dads.” D/i “Guess by description” “Draw” - draw a plane in the snow. Offer to consider the album “Our Army”. D/i “Name it” (tank, ship, plane). Creative workshop: “Trace and paint” - working with a stencil. P/i “Airplanes”, practice running, learn to “start” the engine

Options for final events: Developmental situation “Me and my dad” Thematic lesson “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. DIY gifts for dads.

Forms of organization: Watching the cartoon “Luntik”, series “Spring”. Watch the video clip “Kapel” for the song “Kapel” by music. Filatova, lyrics by V. Alekseeva. Conversation “First flowers” ​​Spring has come”, “Reading nursery rhymes about spring, about the sun, about birds. “Our starlings “Where do puddles form” Watch the video presentation “The time of year is spring.” Watching videos: “Ice drift”, “Spring in the forest”, “Awakening of nature”. Strengthen the skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 5. Exercise the ability to establish the sequence of parts of the day

Options for final events: Holiday "Vesnyanka". Exhibition of children's creativity

Topic: “Kids congratulate mom”

Forms of organization: Conversation: “Congratulations to our girls,” “Holiday of mothers and grandmothers.” Examination of illustrations and photographs on the topic. Reading fiction. Productive activity. "Gifts for our mothers." Introduce children to proverbs about mother. “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence. ; Conversation “We need different mothers, all kinds of mothers are important”, “There is no one dearer than mother in the whole world”; finger game“Flower”, “Our Helpers”, game-situation “Letter to Mom”; “I have a lot of troubles”, “We know how to manage things”

Options for final events: Developmental situation “Me and my mom.” Photo exhibition “I will call you sweet, gentle, very beautiful”

Subject: " Houseplants»

The content of the work: Consolidating basic ideas about indoor plants: a plant has a stem and leaves; leaves are green; the plant is planted in a pot with soil and drainage; consolidate knowledge of the names of indoor plants; be able to distinguish indoor plants from garden ones. Strengthening the ability to care for indoor plants: watering, loosening the soil in a pot, wiping the leaves; do everything as necessary; Show the children the algorithm for planting a houseplant. Fostering independence, goodwill, and a desire to help.

Forms of organization: D/i “Show the leaf” (stem, flower) Game – fun “Colorful Balloons»Reading the poem by S. Mikhalkov “About a girl who ate poorly” Conversation about the rules of behavior during meals, the importance of eating the entire portion. D/i “Guess what’s missing” - develop memory and attention. Children’s games with a large builder S/r game “Family”, plot “Mom is getting her daughter ready for a daycare center”. Cards - hints “Water the plants”, pictures depicting indoor plants, a set of geometric figures. Experimentation: experiment “Sinking - does not sink” - properties of wood.

Options for final events: Photo exhibition “Our indoor plants”

The content of the work: Continue to expand children’s understanding of adult work and different professions. Continue to introduce professions (driver, postman, salesman, doctor), personal and business qualities of people of different professions. Cultivate a sense of gratitude and respect for a person in this profession, for his work. To form an interest in the professions of parents.

Forms of organization: Conversation “All professions are needed, all professions are important”; “If you have pain, Aibolit will help you”; “Rules for crossing the roadway”; Plot-role-playing games: “Builder”; “Salesman in a toy store”, “Policlinic”, “Baker”. Review of the encyclopedia “Big Book of Professions.” “Read to your children...” S. Mikhalkov “What do you have? "Guessing riddles on the topic: "Professions." Didactic games “Name the profession”, “Who needs what? ", "Superfluous word".

Options for final events: Game situation “Hairstyle for the holiday”

Topic: "Rules traffic»

Contents of the work: Expanding ideas about the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules, with the name and meaning of traffic lights on the road. Consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. To educate a future literate citizen who knows and follows traffic rules. Continue to introduce road signs. To improve the culture of behavior of children on the street and in transport. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Forms of organization: Conversation “Angry runny nose.” Game situation “The little bear got into an accident - provide medical assistance”, d\i “Pick up the tools”, “What is unnecessary?”, “Help Dunno” Conversation on the topic: “All the guys need to know how to walk down the street.” “If I got into trouble” Game situation “Like two cars didn’t want to give in to each other. Review and discuss the illustrations. D\i “Assemble a traffic light”, “Find a mistake” Conversation “We are drivers”. My family” Game situation “Gas station”, problem situation “Stepasha’s car broke down”, “Baby elephant has an accident”, game “good or bad if there is no traffic light on the road” Playing out situations “Stop”

Options for final events: Entertainment "Kolobok na new way».

The content of the work: Introduce children to public holiday“Cosmonautics Day” Introduce children to the name of our planet Earth, its features. To form in children initial ideas about outer space, “ solar system"and its planets, about the role of space exploration in modern world. Expand your understanding of the professions of an astronaut and rocket designer. To foster love for our native Earth and a sense of pride in the successes of our Motherland in the field of space exploration

Forms of organization: D/i: “Fold the rocket”, “Fold the plane”, “Pick up a pair”. Thematic and didactic game “Polyclinic”, “Space Zoo”; s/r. a game. “Flight to the Moon and a walk on the lunar surface” (Skorolupova O.A. “Great space journey”, Games: “What is needed for a flight”, “Choose clothes for an astronaut”, “Flies, does not fly”, “On land, at sea” , in space”, “Name the similarities and differences” of objects with geometric figures: a ball and a cube. Develop the ability to compare objects by color, shape, size. Reinforce the idea that the result of counting does not depend on the qualitative characteristics of the object. Improve the ability to navigate in space. , denote spatial relationships relative to oneself by corresponding

Options for final events: Entertainment "I love my planet."

Forms of organization: A set of pictures depicting insects. Teacher's story about a fly. Reading the poem “The Uninvited Guest” by the book. T. A. Shorygina “Insects. What are they like? Looking at books with pictures of butterflies, analyzing the shape and color of the wings. Consolidate knowledge about butterflies and beetles (they have wings and fly). The cap is a mask for a bear. S/r game “Shop”, plot “Pet Shop”. Help select attributes for the game, show game actions in accordance with the plot. Reading nursery rhymes about a bee. A teacher's story about a bee. Why can't you catch bees? What benefits do they bring? Look at the illustrations depicting a bee. Talk about the earthworm and the structural features of its body. Explain the benefits of earthworms. Pictures of earthworms

Options for final events: Dramatization of K. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Fly – Tsokotukha”

Forms of organization: Conversations: “Spring” Goal: To understand and appreciate the beauty of nature in spring. “What has changed in a person’s life with the arrival of spring?”, “What good and bad things happen in spring” liter: Voronkevich O.A. "Welcome to ecology." Dynamic walks using play exercises and outdoor games, planting flowers in the kindergarten area. An evening of riddles and proverbs on the topic. Drawing on the theme “Spring has come, brought joy” Purpose: To teach children to convey in their drawing the joyful mood of a sunny spring day. Game situations: “Thumbelina introduces the children to primroses”, “The Secret of the Forest Glade” liter: Nikolaeva S.N. Story-based games in environmental education. P/G “Fingers are walking”, “Flowers”, “Clouds” Purpose: Development of fine motor skills of the hands, speech, memory. D/I “What has changed?”, “Gather a bouquet”, “What first, what then?”, “The third wheel” by Voronkevich O. A. “Welcome to ecology.” P/I “Geese and Swans”, “Colors”, “Flying and Flying”, “Empty Space”, “Mousetrap”, “Cat and Mouse”.

Options for final events: Design of the photo album “Spring Flowers”

Topic: Getting to know folk culture and traditions

Forms of organization: Reading fiction (fairy tales, nursery rhymes, jokes, etc.); looking at folk toys, looking at illustrations; didactic games “Cut pictures”, “Find the same”; storytelling and dramatization of Russian folk tales “The Wolf and the Little Goats”, “Kolobok”, “Teremok”.

Options for final events: Games are fun. Exhibition of folk toys.

Topic: “This day of victory...”

Forms of organization: Free communication: “Who is a hero?”, “What kind of holiday is Victory Day?” Teacher's story “Victory Day, “How the war began.” Memorization of poems: S. Marshak “February”, A. Zharov “Zvezdochka”, T. Belozerova “May holiday - Victory Day”. The game is a companion “Hospital”. Production of attributes for role-playing games. Stories: L. Kassilya “Monument to the Soviet Soldier”, E. Blaginina “The Overcoat”, S. Mikhalkov “Serving the Soviet Union”, O. Vysotskaya “Glory to the Soviet Army”, V. Orlov “Parade”, A. Mityaev “Why is the army for everyone dear."

Options for final events: Design of a group thematic exhibition (together with parents). Exhibition of children's creativity

Topic: “My village, my country”

The content of the work: Introduce your hometown (village). To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for your native land. Expand your understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Expand your understanding of the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules. Expand your understanding of professions. To introduce some outstanding people who glorified Russia,

Forms of organization: Composing stories “The city where children live” based on a collage, mnemonic table Conversations: “How does the city breathe?” “Why is the city always beautiful?” Conversation: “City transport services” Multimedia presentation “Travel around the city” Conversation “What is a street, and by what rules does it live?” Conversation: “The house in which we live” Volchkova “Class notes in the second junior group of kindergarten” p.299 Didactic exercise"I know my home address»

Options for final events: Physical education in younger group"Spring is red."

Topic: “Welcome Summer”

Forms of organization: Looking at illustrations and observing seasonal changes in nature. Examination of illustrations on the theme of the holiday; teacher’s story: “What flowers grow on our site”; didactic games “Who Screams How”, “Moms and Children”, “Whose Mother”; targeted walks around the territory of the preschool educational institution; role-playing games “Transport”, “Polyclinic”. Reading fiction.

Options for final events: Exhibition of works of children's creativity. Holiday "Summer"


1. Childhood. Sample general education program preschool education/ edited by T.I. Babaeva, A.G. Gogoberidze, O.V. Solntseva et al., 2014.

2. V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova. Lesson notes for the second junior group of kindergarten." Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. - Voronezh: TC “Teacher”, 2004.-392 p. ISBN 5-98225-014-7

3. Didactic games in the second junior group. O.M. Ushakova.

4. Didactic games in kindergarten. / A.K. Bondarenko, M., Education, 1985.

5. Artistic creativity of N.N. Leonova-Volgograd: Teacher, 2014.-177p. ISBN 978-5-7057-3870-0

6. Mathematics, second junior group. E.S. Maklakova-2nd edition, Volgograd: Teacher, 2015, 119 p. ISBN 978-5-7057-3101-5

7. Life safety for preschoolers. Work planning, lesson notes, games. - St. Petersburg. : PUBLISHING HOUSE “CHILDHOOD_PRESS” LLC, 2012.-128 p. ISBN 978-5-89814-576-7

8. Speech development in preschoolers. Second junior group. Methodological manual - M.: Center for Pedagogical Education, 2015.-144 p. ., ISBN 978-5-91382-100-3

9. Voronkevich O.A. Welcome to ecology! Long-term plan work on the formation of environmental culture in children preschool age[Text] - St. Petersburg: “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2011. - 496 pp., ill. - Appendix: I electron. ICU disk (CD-ROM) sound; 12cm-(Library of the program “Childhood”

10. O.V. Dybina. Familiarization with the subject and social environment. Junior group. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2014.- 80 p. ISBN 978-5-4315-0476-1

11. Avdeeva N.N., Security; A textbook on the basics of child safety. St. Petersburg; “CHILDHOOD-PRESS”, 2002.-144 p. ISBN 5-89814-121-9

12. Penzelaeva L.I. Physical education classes in kindergarten. Second junior group. Class notes. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2009. - 80 p. ISBN 978-5-86775-653-6

13. Kutsakova L.V. Construction and artistic work in kindergarten: Program and lesson notes. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010. – 240 p. – (Development Program) ISBN 5-898144-859-9

14. Classes on speech development for children 3-5 years old / Ed. O.S. Ushakova. – M.: TC Sfera, 2010. -192с- (Developing speech). ISBN 978-5-9949-0233-2

15. N.A. Karpukhina. Lesson notes for the second junior group of kindergarten. Speech development and familiarization with fiction. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. – Voronezh: PE Lakotsenin S.S. - 240 p. ISBN 5-98225-047-3

Educational field "Social and communicative development"

Types of children's activities

Pedagogical goals Planned results
1 Conversations on moral education“What is good and what is bad” (V. Mayakovsky).

“We don’t shout, we don’t make noise, we don’t fight”

To form in children the experience of correctly assessing good and bad deeds. Strengthen the skills of organized behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street. "S-K r" tries to follow the generally accepted rules of behavior in kindergarten, reacts negatively to obvious violations of the rules.
2 Game situations “Masha needs help”, “Who will feel sorry for Mishutka?” Create game situations that promote the formation of an attentive, caring attitude towards others. "S-K r" shows kindness towards others, strives to console the offended, please, help.
3 Communication games:

"Geese" Russian. adv. a game,


From the plates, as one

We eat soup with spoons.

We eat cutlets with a fork,

The knife cuts our omelettes.


The sun goes around in circles

Gives his light to the children.

And with the light it comes to us

Friendship - sunny greetings.

To develop in children speech, the ability to act on a verbal signal, to combine words with actions.

Create a positive atmosphere in the group; develop the ability to use kind words when communicating with each other.

"S-K r" participates in group games, maintaining positive relationships; performs the named game actions.
4 Work in a corner of nature “Taking care of indoor plants.” Cultivate a desire to participate in the care of indoor plants, carefully water them, and wipe large leaves of plants from dust. "S-K r" Has a desire to participate in the care of indoor plants.
5 Collective work “Little Helpers” Learn to put away toys, building materials, equipment, arrange chairs in a certain order, holding the back with your right hand and the seat with your left. "S-K r" Able to perform simple labor actions.
6 Formation of self-service and independence skills Learn to dress and undress independently in a certain sequence. "S-K r" Strives to dress independently, knows the sequence.
7 Conversations about safe behavior on the roads

A traffic light has three eyes.

Well, remember them, my friend,

Walk the streets so that soon

You could do it on your own.

That red eye... Be afraid of it!

When it burns, there is no way.

Flashing yellow - get ready!

Green light - go!

D. Ponomareva

To form children's understanding of traffic rules. Continue to introduce the concepts of traffic lights. Develop thinking and speech. "S-K r" has an understanding of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings.
8 Collective application “Cars rush along the roads”

(pasting ready-made forms in the right place)

Learn to distinguish between the roadway and the sidewalk, and understand the meaning of traffic lights. Cultivate accuracy in work. "S-K r" has an understanding of the roadway, sidewalk, traffic lights.
9 Reading the work of M. F. Yankin

"The TV Incident"

Tell children about the rules of behavior in case of fire. "S-K r" Has knowledge that if a fire occurs, it is necessary to leave the premises.
10 Examination of the layout “Dangerous objects in everyday life” Introduce dangers at home (hot stove, iron) "S-K r" Has a basic understanding of the sources of danger at home

Educational area « Cognitive development»

Contents and forms of educational work.

Types of children's activities

Pedagogical goals Integration of educational areas Planned results
1 "Chickadee Watching" consolidate the idea of ​​the name of the bird, characteristic signs of appearance; cultivate a desire to care for birds. "Etc" Shows interest in the natural world around him and participates in seasonal observations.

Has a basic understanding of natural seasonal phenomena.

2 Observation “Frosty sunny day” tell children about how animals live in winter; stimulate good feelings towards them.
3 Observation "Footprints in the snow" learn to identify tracks: children's, adults, animal tracks.
4 Observation “Winter is singing, calling out” teach to find signs of winter, develop in children the ability to observe, describe, and establish the simplest cause and effect relationships.
5 "Watching the Sun" to form the idea of ​​children that in winter the sun rarely appears and does not warm well. Therefore, it is cold outside, all objects (benches, trees) and toys are cold to the touch.
6 Observation “Clothes in winter” Strengthen children's knowledge about winter species outerwear.
7 "Wintering Bird Watching" consolidate knowledge about wintering birds; to form an idea of ​​how wintering birds obtain food.
8 Observation "Snowplow" Give children an idea of ​​how streets are cleared of snow in winter.
9 Observation of mountain ash. Strengthen knowledge about trees and shrubs. Form the idea that rowan fruits are food for birds in winter.
10 Watching the wind. Learn to distinguish weather conditions (windy, calm)
11 “Watching mothers walk with strollers” clarify the idea of ​​how adults care for babies.
12 "Icicle Watching" To form an idea of ​​natural phenomena - frost and thaw.
13 Experience with water. Multi-colored icicles.

“I pour it into a mold

Clean water.

And I’ll leave you on the street -

What will happen to her?

Always transforms

In the cold there is water in the ice.”

to form the idea of ​​children that in the cold water freezes and turns into ice. Ice is slippery, cold, transparent, hard; the water can be colored. "Etc" Enjoys participating in practical educational activities of an experimental nature together with adults.
14 Experiments with sand “Properties of dry and wet sand”

(dry - crumbles, wet - sticks, takes the shape of a container (mold)).

To give basic ideas about the properties of sand. To form basic experimentation skills, to develop logical thinking, curiosity.
15 Experience “Drowning - not drowning” continue to introduce children to the simplest ways of examining objects. Enrich children's personal experience, teach them to draw simple conclusions.
16 Didactic game “Let’s collect beads” develop grouping skills geometric figures by two properties (color and shape, size and color, shape and size), see the simplest patterns in the alternation of figures. "Etc" He names a geometric figure a circle, can alternate in color and size, and sees the simplest patterns.
17 Didactic game “Our Day” consolidate the idea of ​​the parts of the day, teach how to correctly use the words “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”. "Etc" Has an idea of ​​the parts of the day, correctly uses the words “morning”, “day”, “evening”, “night”.
18 Didactic game “Choose the paths to the houses” To develop children’s ability to compare two objects in length, to activate the words “long, short” in children’s speech. "Etc" Able to compare two objects by length
19 Didactic game “Make an object” practice composing the silhouette of an object from individual parts (geometric shapes). "Etc" Knows and names geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle)
Contents and forms of educational work.

Types of children's activities

Pedagogical goals Integration of educational areas Planned results
1 Reading fiction: “Geese and Swans”; arr. M. Bulatova; V. Berestov. "Bull"; N. Nosov “Steps”; “Mitten”, Ukrainian, arr. E. Blaginina “Little Little Kitty...”, “The Fox and the Hare”, arr. V. Dahl; K. Chukovsky. “The clattering fly”, S. Marshak. "A Quiet Fairy Tale" Develop listening skills, follow the development of actions, and empathize with the characters of the work. "R r" Shows emotional responsiveness to age-appropriate literary and artistic works (rhymes, songs, fairy tales, poems).
2 Learning by heart. N. Sakonskaya. “Where is my finger?”

“The mice dance in circles.” - Russian adv. songs;

Develop memory and attention. Cause a positive emotional response to a folklore work "R r" Knows short works by heart
3 Verbal didactic game on the formation of grammatically correct speech “What do you have?” practical mastery of the plural, composing sentences with the conjunction a. "R r" Able to use plural words in speech.
4 Verbal didactic game “Where is the doll?” Develop children's speech, train them in the correct use of prepositions. "R r" Answers questions in simple sentences using prepositions
5 Verbal didactic game “What first, what then” Teach children to arrange pictures in order of plot development (2 pictures of simple content) "R r" Can, at the request of an adult, tell about what is shown in the picture, establishes the correct sequence of events.
6 Verbal didactic game “Who is screaming?” Ensure that children correctly reproduce various onomatopoeias. Development of the ability to onomatopoeia, as well as speech hearing. "R r" Responds correctly to verbal instructions; enjoys communicating with peers and adults.
7 Game – dramatization “Kolobok” involve children in game situation and awaken the desire to act independently in a role, to show a wide range of roles in a given plot. "R r" Has a desire to take part in dramatization games based on familiar fairy tales

Educational field "Artistic aesthetic development»

Contents and forms of educational work.

Types of children's activities

Pedagogical goals Integration of educational areas Planned results
1 Musical and didactic game “Guess who’s coming” Teach children to perform actions according to the tempo of the sound of the tambourine, to determine the tempo of the sound of the tambourine. "R r" Recognizes and names a musical toy - a tambourine. Able to determine the tempo of sound (fast-slow)
2 Musical and didactic game “Who is attentive?” Learn to recognize by sound and name musical instruments Names of musical instruments: rattles, tambourine
3 Joint production of attributes for the role-playing game “Shop” Learn how to make “Sausages” and “Sweets” from salted dough, roll them into a ball with straight and circular movements of your hands. "R r" Able to roll a ball with straight and circular movements of the hands.
4 Looking at the album “What kind of dishes are there?” Give children an idea that people have been decorating dishes with various patterns for a long time. Show handicrafts. "R r" Has emotional responsiveness to works of folk art (folk crafts).
5 Examination of the Dymkovo horse. introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it, encouraging the expression of aesthetic feelings, manifestations of emotions when viewing objects of folk and decorative art "R r"

Educational field "Physical development"

Contents and forms of educational work.

Types of children's activities

Pedagogical goals Integration of educational areas Planned results
1 Outdoor game "Colored Cars" teach to distinguish primary colors, act on a signal, practice light running, develop the ability to navigate in space "R r" They have an interest in playing together. They know how to move freely around the room without bumping into each other.

They know how to “drive”.

2 Outdoor game "Round dance" teach children how to dance in a round dance; practice squats.
3 Outdoor game “One, two, three – run!” to train children in the ability to act on a signal; develop running speed and coherence of collective actions.
4 Outdoor game "Airplanes" teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other; teach them to listen carefully to the signal and start moving according to the verbal signal.
5 Conversation about a healthy lifestyle “Do exercises in the morning” Form ideas about the benefits morning exercises for human health: lifts the mood, makes you cheerful, strengthens the human body. "R r" They have a basic understanding of the benefits of charging.
6 Conversation about a healthy lifestyle “Fedorino grief”

Based on the literary work “Fedorino Grief” by K. Chukovsky, discuss with children the questions: when should you wash your hands? why wash dishes? Every thing has its place!

to form the need for hygiene and neatness in everyday life. "R r" Has a need to maintain hygiene and neatness in everyday life.
7 Game-exercise “on a path on one leg” Develop the ability to maintain balance on a reduced support area. "F r" knows how to maintain balance on a reduced support area.
8 Game-exercise “crawling between objects” Practice crawling on all fours between objects without touching them. "F r" has the skills to crawl on all fours between objects without touching them.

Complexes of morning exercises (see card index)

No. 1 from 1.02 to 12.02

  • Introductory part: Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s signal “Petushki”, walking, raising your knees high, hands on your belt, running like bees. (Tasks alternate.)
  • ORU with balls.

1. I. p. - feet width apart, ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, look at it, lower it down, return to the starting position.

2. I. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands to the chest. Bend over, touch the ball to the floor: straighten up, return to the starting position.

3. I. p. - feet width apart, ball in both hands below. Sit down, bring the ball forward; stand up, return to starting position.

4. I. p. - sitting on your heels, the ball on the floor in front of you. Roll the ball around yourself to the right and left, helping with your hands.

5.I. p. - legs slightly apart, ball on the floor. Jumping around the ball in both directions.

  • Final part

Game task “Find your house.”

No. 2 from 15.02 to 26.02

  • Introductory part: walking along the bridge (width 25 cm, length 2-2.5 m); running in all directions.
  • Outdoor switchgear without objects.

1. I. p. - legs at the width of the foot, arms along the body. Raise your arms up to your sides, clap your hands; lower your arms down to your sides and return to the starting position.

2. I. p. - legs hip-width apart, hands on the belt. Sit down, clap your hands in front of you; rise, return to starting position.

3. I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. Lean to the right (left), straighten up, return to the starting position.

4. I. p. - lying on your stomach, arms bent at the elbows in front of you. Alternate leg bending.

5. I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms at random. Jumping on two legs with rotation around its axis (in both directions).

  • Final part: the game “On a Level Path”.

Awakening gymnastics complexes (after a nap)

No. 1 "Neboleyka"

1. IP: lying on your back, arms along your body, tense your body, inhale, hold for a few seconds, relax, exhale.

2. IP: lying on your back, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists, cross your arms in front of you, exhale, spread your arms, in IP, inhale.

3. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, raise your left leg straight, raise your right leg straight, keep them together, etc. (lower at the same time).

4. I.P.: lying on your back, hands resting on your elbows, bend over, lift chest up, keep your head straight (3-5 sec.), return to i.p.

5. IP: lying on your stomach, hands behind your head, bend over, hands to your shoulders, legs on the floor, hold, IP.

6. IP: lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, bend over, placing emphasis on your forearms, neck stretched - inhale, exhale.

No. 2 "Trip"

1. I.P.: lying on your back, arms along the body, raise your right leg (straight), i.p., raise your left leg (straight), i.p.

2. .P.: lying on your back, hands in front of you “holding the steering wheel”, “riding a bicycle”, etc.

3. I.P.: lying on your back, arms up, turn the torso to the right, without lifting your feet from the floor, i.p., turn the torso to the left, i.p.

4. IP: lying on your back, hands behind your head, bring your elbows together in front (elbows touching each other) - exhale, IP, elbows touch the floor - inhale.

5. I.P.: sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt, arms through the sides up, inhale, exhale.

6. I.P.: o.s., accept correct posture without visual control (eyes closed), repeat 3-4 times.

Long-term development plan play activity

Role-playing games (2 new games per month)

1-2 week

Title (plot) of the game Management Objectives Contents of the manual
Family games.

“Mom came home from work”, “Mothers and daughters”, “Grandma came”, “Mom puts the children to bed.”

learn to take on a role, perform several interrelated actions in the game (cook dinner, set the table, feed or treat, put to bed, etc.). Develop the ability to interact in stories with several characters. Focus children's attention on friendly relationships between people. Focus on a peer as a partner, encourage them to prepare a subject environment for the game. Methodology. See “Development of gaming activity of juniors.” gr." N.F. Gubanova p.18

3-4 week

Theatrical game (one per month)

Title/literary work Management Objectives Contents of the manual
"King (version of the folk game)" Involve children in a game situation and awaken the desire to act independently in a role, show a wide range of roles in the bottom plot. Develop actions with imaginary objects, the ability to act in concert. Using a rhyme, a child is selected to play the role of king. The remaining child workers are divided into several groups (3 - 4) and agree on what they will do and what work they will be hired for. Then they approach the king in groups.

Workers. Hello King!

King. Hello!

Workers. Do you need workers?

King. What can you do?

Workers. And guess what!

Children, acting with imaginary objects, demonstrate various professions: cooking, washing clothes, sewing clothes, embroidering, watering plants, etc. The king must guess the profession of the workers. If he does it correctly, he will catch up with the fleeing children. The first child caught becomes king. Over time, the game can be complicated by introducing new characters (queen, minister, princess, etc.), as well as inventing the characters of the characters (king - greedy, cheerful, evil; queen - kind, grumpy, frivolous).

Perspective plan for continuous educational activities(GCD) by educational area

Educational field "Speech development"

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: Reading the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Hare” Topic: Examination of illustrations for the fairy tale “Geese and Swans” and plot paintings (at the choice of the teacher). Topic: Memorizing the poem by V. Berestov “The cockerels have fled” Topic: Didactic game "Fair".
introduce children to the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”, expand lexicon children love the word, help them understand the meaning of the work, make them want to play out the fairy tale. teach children to consider a plot picture, answer the teacher’s questions, draw simple conclusions, and make assumptions; develop curiosity and memory.

Foster a love of fairy tales.

Help me remember V. Berestov’s poem “The cockerels have fled.” Develop memory, phonemic hearing. Create a desire to read the poem expressively. Practice clear and correct pronunciation of the sounds p, p. To develop children’s ability to engage in dialogue, to use words with the sounds p, p. Cultivate an interest in fiction.

Verse "We are funny little mice."

V. Orlov “Once upon a time there were three penguins”

Children have an interest in fiction and are able to remember a short poem. They have a desire to “play” a fairy tale. Looking at the plot picture, they try to answer the teacher’s questions, draw simple conclusions, and make assumptions. They have a desire to enter into dialogue with an adult.

Educational field "Cognitive development" (Construction)

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: “Slide with ladder” Topic: "Slide" Topic: "House" Topic: "Zoo"
practice in the construction of simple buildings by laying down parts and attaching them; teach to look at a sample with the help of a teacher; exercise in construction by demonstrating construction methods (a ladder of three cubes; a descent from a large prism). To develop children's interest in design. Teach children to put parts in boxes.

Materials: Large cubes, prisms of different colors, toys for playing with buildings (dolls, animals).

learn to build a slide with two slopes from four cubes, standing two close to each other and two large prisms placed on both sides, develop the ability to convert slopes into length by applying cardboard plates of different lengths.

Materials: Cubes, prisms, plates, toys for playing with buildings (dolls, animals, nesting dolls, cars).

Involve children in analyzing a sample building. Develop the ability to see a building as a whole and identify its parts, answer the teacher’s questions, talk about how each part is built. Encourage them to play around with buildings and playfully communicate with peers.

Materials: Building kits, small toys for playing.

Continue teaching children how to build buildings with free internal space. Develop the ability to design independently. Build constructive skills. Promote playful communication.

Materials: Construction sets, small toys for playing with, commensurate with the buildings.

Planned results for the month: they know how to construct buildings according to a model, use methods of overlaying and attaching parts, transform buildings in length and width, and have an interest in playing with their buildings.

Educational field “Cognitive development” (Child and the world around us)

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: “Clay plates” Topic: “Vitamins” Topic: “Thank you, mom” Topic: “Dad can do anything!”
Introduce children to the properties of clay and the structure of its surface. Develop the ability to identify things made from this material. To develop an interest in handicrafts. Form the concept of “dishes”. to form in young children the need for a healthy lifestyle. Introduce children to the concept of “vitamins” and the benefits they bring to people. introduce children to the mother’s work, give an idea that the mother takes care of her family. Cooks food, cleans the apartment, takes care of the children. Give children the idea that dad cares about his family; Dad knows how to drive a car, transport cargo and people - he is a driver in his house. Develop monologue and dialogic speech. Build respect for dad.

Planned results for the month: Children name dishes. Have an understanding of clay and its properties.

Familiar with the concept of “vitamins”, they are able to name products that contain vitamins.

They have respect for the work of adults, love for those closest to them - mom and dad.

Educational field “Cognitive development” (FEMP)

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: “Spatial directions from yourself.” Topic: “Comparison of objects by height.” Topic: “Comparison of two unequal groups of objects.”
Practice determining spatial directions from yourself and denoting them with the words above - below. Continue to teach how to compare two groups of objects using the method of application, to denote the results of comparison with the words many, equally, as many - how many. Develop the ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle).

Materials: Flannelgraph, circle, square, triangle, Christmas tree, two-strip cards; Christmas trees and bunnies (5 pieces for each child), flat images of Christmas trees (height 15-20 cm), geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle) of two sizes and two colors.

Introduce techniques for comparing two objects by height, learn to understand the words high - low, higher - lower. Practice determining spatial directions from yourself. Develop the ability to compare two equal groups of objects using the method of application and use the words much, equally, as much as.

Materials: Two Christmas trees of different heights, a cardboard fence on a stand, sparrows (according to the number of children), fences of contrasting heights (2 pieces) for each child, grain.

Continue to teach how to compare two objects in height (by methods of superimposition and application), to indicate the results of comparison with the words high - low, higher - lower. Develop the ability to compare two equal groups of objects using the method of application and use words many, equally, as many as.

Materials: Two matryoshka dolls of different heights (planar images). Height-contrasting pyramids (planar images); 2 pcs. for each child, single-plane cards of squares and triangles (5 pieces for each child), garages built from building material, cars.

Learn to compare two unequal groups of objects using the method of superimposition, to denote the results of comparison with the words more - less, as much - as. Develop the ability to compare two objects of contrasting height in familiar ways, to indicate the result of comparison with the words high - low, higher - lower.


Pictures depicting snowmen without noses - carrots (5 pcs.), 5 carrots, 2 bags of the same color. Single-strip cards: mittens decorated with snowflakes (4 for each child), mittens without snowflakes (1 for each child), pyramids of different heights (2 for each child).

Planned results for the month: Children are able to compare objects by height using superimposition techniques and applications; they indicate the results of comparison with the words high - low, higher - lower. Determine spatial directions away from you (above - below). They are able to compare two groups of objects using the method of application, denote the results of comparison with the words many, equally, as many - how many.

Educational field “Artistic and aesthetic development” (Drawing)

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: “Kolobok rolled along the path” Topic: “Look at the bagels, rolls...” Topic: “Beautiful plates” Topic: “Planes are flying”
Continue to teach children to draw based on folk tales. Arouse interest in creating an image of a kolobok rolling along a path and singing a song. Combine different techniques: drawing a kolobok with gouache paints (a color spot in the shape of a circle or oval), drawing a long wavy path with felt-tip pens. Develop visual-figurative thinking and imagination. Cultivate interest in reflecting impressions and ideas about fairy-tale heroes in visual arts. Teach children to draw rings (bagels and bagels), choose a brush yourself: with wide bristles - for drawing bagels, with narrow bristles - for drawing bagels. Practice the technique of painting with gouache paints. Develop the eye and coordination in the “eye-hand” system. Arouse children's interest in painting with gouache paints. Learn to draw round objects: create contour drawings, close the line into a ring and paint, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure.

Develop a sense of form and composition.

Learn to convey the image of an object in a drawing, strengthen the ability to draw objects consisting of several parts; draw straight lines in different directions. Develop aesthetic perception. Cultivate a desire to give gifts to loved ones.

Planned results for the month: Children have an interest in drawing with paints and can freely draw straight and wavy lines and round objects. They strive to treat materials with care and use them correctly: after finishing painting, put them back in place, after first rinsing the brush in water.

Educational area « Artistic and aesthetic development" (Modeling, applique)

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Topic: “Beyond the blue seas, beyond the high mountains” applique Topic: “I bake, bake, bake.” Modeling Topic: “Bouquet of flowers for mommy” applique. Topic: “sweets on a plate” modeling.
Arouse interest in creating fairy-tale images - the blue sea of ​​fairy-tale mountains; activate the technique of break appliqué. Learn to tear paper into pieces and strips, and squeeze it. Develop a sense of form, color and composition. Cultivate interest in bright, beautiful natural phenomena. Teach children to make treats for dolls from salt dough or butter dough, show various shapes flour products. Develop a sense of form, proportions, consistency in the work of both hands. To arouse children's interest in modeling as a type of artistic activity. Learn to make a composition from ready-made elements (flowers) on a complex shape (silhouette of a bouquet or flowerpot), choose and stick a vase (from textured paper) and make a bouquet of paper flowers. Develop proper gluing techniques. Cultivate an interest in creating beautiful compositions. We continue to teach children to choose the content of their modeling from the named objects. We consolidate sculpting techniques. Develop imagination. Foster independence.

Planned results for the month: children are able to create an applicative image from ready-made forms, with elements partially superimposed on each other. They know how to roll a ball using circular movements of their hands. They have a positive emotional response and motivation for productive activities.

Lyudmila Dudkina
Daily planning in the 2nd junior group

1 half day

Individual work with Ksyusha and Arina "Collect a picture"

Target: develop the ability to assemble a whole from parts.

Reviewing books about winter - expanding children's understanding of the season - winter

Coloring pages on the theme "Little Fox"– show how to hold a pencil correctly and be careful while coloring

1. Musical HER

2. Modeling HER "Tumbler"(see summary)

WALK #1.

OBSERVATION: Watching the snow. White, fluffy, covering the ground. You can draw on the snow with a stick "Let's draw in the snow".

INDIVIDUAL WORK: Drawings with a stick on the snow (circles, houses, etc.)

OUTDOOR GAMES: "Cat and Mouse". Exercise children in crawling (or crawling, the ability to respond to a signal, perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem.

“The cat was guarding the mice and pretended to be asleep.

Hush, mice, don’t make noise, you won’t wake the cat...”

Individual work with girls ex. "Bunnies" practice jumping on two legs

STAND-ALONE GAMES: Children's games with external materials

WORK: Collection of toys.

2 half day

Gradual rise, hygiene procedures.

Walking on a ribbed board - prevention of flat feet

Hearing: rns "Teremok"

Target: develop an interest in fiction, the ability to listen carefully

Games: lotto, puzzles, inserts. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Self-massage with beads - roll beads with each finger in turn.

Games with construction kits – develop children’s constructive abilities, offer toys for playing with buildings.

The task is to assemble a construction set. Foster hard work

WALK #9. (see catalog of walks)

Publications on the topic:

Daily calendar planning. Daily calendar planning. Wednesday Morning. Conversation (life safety) “We have gas in our apartment.” Goal: to form children’s ideas about the rules.

Daily Scheduling (continued) Daily scheduling (continued). Monday Morning. Conversation (educational) “We are friends of nature.” Goal: to form in children.

Daily calendar planning in January in the senior group Monday. Morning Conversation (educational) “How were the holidays and weekends.” Goal: teach children to talk about their activities. Develop.

Daily planning of the teacher’s work in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard For some of us, planning daily work with children does not cause problems, but for others it is a real problem. Allow me to introduce.

Daily planning in the senior group (19.10–23.10) 10.19.15 Morning reception Work with parents Gymnastics GCD 1. Speech development Sound culture of speech Suggestion. Learn to write a proposal.

Daily planning in the senior group of preschool educational institutions according to the program “From birth to school” in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard Dear Colleagues! I offer you an example scheduling(for every day, which is used in our kindergarten. Unfortunately,.

Daily thematic planning of educational work PLANNING EDUCATIONAL WORK Multi-age 5-7 year old group “My village, soya country” 2-3 week of September (09/07/15-09/18/15).

3rd week of March 16.03 -20.03 2015 (Operating hours from 8.00 -17.00)

Topic of the week. Living - non-living

Target. Creating conditions for familiarization with the main signs of spring through social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.


Morning exercises. Set of exercises"Colorful balls"

Tasks. Develop the ability to perform exercises with the ball, run without bumping into each other; develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text of the poem; arouse interest in outdoor games.

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

Tasks. Strengthen the ability to independently roll up sleeves, not to wet clothes when washing, wash hands and wrists, face, not to splash water; improve the ability to hold a spoon correctly and use a napkin.

Organization of nutrition and sleep. Reading before bed.

Tasks. Improve cultural and hygienic skills; develop basic table behavior skills; introduce to verbal art.

Lifting, air and water procedures. Gymnastics after sleep. Complex "Zoo".

Tasks. Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health. Carry out a set of hardening procedures.

1.Artistic creativity (Drawing)

Subject. Sunshine, sunshine, scatter the rings.

Tasks : arouse interest in drawing a cheerful sun playing with rings. Show the similarities and differences between a circle and a ring. Practice painting with a brush. Develop a sense of shape and color.

Integration: work, communication.



1. Conversation. “We must, we must wash ourselves.”

Tasks: To develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, to teach them to dry their hands correctly and thoroughly. Talk about the importance of keeping your face and hands clean.

2.Work in a corner of nature: watering plants.

Tasks: Improve children's work skills in caring for indoor plants. Foster hard work and a responsible attitude towards assigned work.

Theatrical game based on the Teremok RNS.

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to see the negative and positive traits of a character, reproduce the words of a fairy tale, and convey the mood of the characters. Develop expressive speech.


Observation: soil properties.

Tasks: Clear a small area of ​​soil from remnants of snow and last year's leaves, show children that there is no vegetation yet, but the soil is well moistened, that the snow has begun to melt and moisture is going into the ground. Continue to introduce children to the signs of spring

P/I "Sparrows and the cat."

Tasks. Develop children's ability to alternate running with overcoming obstacles. Increase motor activity, develop creativity when performing physical exercises.

I/U "Rocket".

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to run at an accelerated pace, to train the respiratory system, and to help strengthen the child’s body.

Work order:cleaning and drying wet mittens.

Tasks: Develop self-service skills in children, teach them to carry out individual assignments in accordance with the task. Cultivate hard work and responsibility


1. Reading fiction. K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, examination of illustrations.

Tasks: Help children understand the main idea of ​​the work, teach them to answer questions about the text. Cultivate a desire to be clean and tidy

Games with building materials of children's choice.

Tasks: Organize children's use and improvement of skills in working with various materials. Develop fantasy and imagination.

painting with colored water. Tasks:Invite children to make arbitrary drawings and develop the ability to preliminarily outline the contours of an image with a stick on the snow. Develop creativity, imagination, teach how to talk about your work

S.I. "Concert for dolls."

Tasks: Invite children to organize a concert for puppet spectators, orchestrating familiar songs and performing dances. Develop children's creative abilities and desire for creativity. Help prevent emotional stress

DI "It flies - it doesn't fly." Tasks:Develop the ability to listen carefully to a task, perceive it correctly, and define in words the actions of animals. Develop auditory perception and attention

I/U “Catch the ball.” Tasks: Develop coordination of movements, dexterity, joint mobility.

Conversation. "Dangerous Toys"

Tasks. To form a negative attitude towards games with matches, to introduce the rules of safe behavior, to form ideas about dangers


1. Cognition

Subject. Day Night

Tasks. Strengthen the ability to distinguish and name parts of the day: day - night

Integration: labor, communication, socialization, design, labor, safety.

2.Physical education

crawling on the bench on your hands and knees.

Tasks. Exercise:

Walking and running in circles;

Integration. Socialization, health, music


Conversation: “What kind of dishes do we need?” Game situation: “Setting the table.” Tasks:To develop children’s ability to distinguish between tableware items according to their purpose, and to arrange them on the table according to serving rules. Intensify your speech and clarify the names and purposes of utensils.

Reading fiction: E. Uttley “About the little pig Plump.”

Tasks: To develop children’s ability to follow the development of the plot of a fairy tale, and answer questions about the actions of the characters as they read. To form ideas about the book as a source of knowledge and impressions, to instill an interest in reading


1Observation of ice on the trees. Tasks:Introduce children to the diversity of the plant world, pay attention to the fact that there is no snow on the branches of the tree, it has turned into ice because the sun melted the snow and the frost bound the water drops. Continue to introduce children to signs

2.P/I "Mice and cat." "Sparrows and the cat."

Tasks: Develop the ability to correctly perform basic movements when running, consciously follow the rules of the game, perform game actions, acting as a player and driver.
Develop speed and agility

Labor order.We put our shoes on the shelf after a walk.

Tasks: Develop self-service skills in children, teach them to carry out individual assignments, and act carefully. Cultivate hard work and responsibility


1Educational game"Mirror".

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to see themselves through their eyes in the reflection of a mirror.

2Watching the cartoon “Traffic Light” (series “Smeshariki”, “The ABCs of Safety”).

Tasks: Invite children to look at the traffic light, remind them of its purpose and operating principles. To form in children a conscious attitude towards personal safety and a desire to be conscientious pedestrians.

Games with building materials “Building a multi-story building.”

Tasks: Continue to develop children’s ability to carry out multi-level buildings, strengthen the ability to lay out construction parts vertically; relate the structure of a building to its purpose, develop creativity in working with building materials.

S.R.I. “Chauffeurs”: the plot “Boarding passengers on the bus.”

Tasks: To shape the gaming experience of children, show ways of role-playing behavior, teach how to interact with peers in the game

drawing on a free topic.

Tasks. To develop children’s ability to use previously mastered techniques to realize their plans, to select colors and materials in accordance with the plan. Help prevent nervous tension

DI “The sun is shining brightly” rays from clothespins on a yellow circle

Tasks. Develop fine motor skills, consolidate the yellow color.


I/U "Forward to the Moon!" Tasks:Develop the ability to run with acceleration, train the respiratory system, help harden the child’s body, develop interest in physical education and


D/I “Sort out the pictures”

Tasks. To develop the ability to classify clothes and shoes; use generalization words in speech.

Consultation on the topic “Choosing games at home and outdoors”

1. Communication.

Subject. Reading the Russian folk tale “Fear has big eyes.”

Tasks. Recall famous Russian folk tales and introduce new ones. Help to correctly reproduce the beginning and end of a fairy tale

Integration: communication, socialization.

2. Physical education

Throwing a ball on the ground and catching it with both hands



Walking and running in circles;

crawling on a bench on your hands and knees. Develop the ability to throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands

Integration: health, safety


1 D/I “Who lives where?”

Tasks. Develop skillchildren distinguish between domestic and wild animals, name their cubs, and their habitats. Activate in speech and clarify relevant concepts.

2. Observation “Growing onions for feathers.” Tasks.Invite the children to look at the bulbs, tell them how they plant onions, care for them, what changes have occurred since the last observation.

3. Correctional and recreational game “Bubble”.
Tasks.To develop diaphragmatic breathing skills in children, to develop short, easy inhalations and long, long exhalations. Help prevent nervous tension and emotional release


Observation: snow melting, work assignments: snow removal.

Tasks. Draw children's attention to how buildings made of snow are shrinking, and invite them to explain why this is happening. Organize the removal of snow from sidewalks to flower beds and lawns, tell about the purpose of this labor operation.

P/N “Knock down the pin.”

Tasks. Develop the ability to take a starting position, swing and throw at a target. Develop the eye, increase joint mobility
P/N “Run to the flag.”

Tasks. Develop the ability to navigate in space, practice running. Develop endurance, speed, leg muscles.


1D/I “Where is Cheburashka hiding?”

Tasks: To develop in children the ability to establish spatial relationships between objects and to characterize the location of an object. Enrich vocabulary, develop grammatical structure of speech.

Theater sketches“Who did we meet in the forest?”

Tasks: Develop the ability to convey the characteristic habits and movements of animals, identify the most successful imitations. Encourage children's creative initiative

Game situation “Lulling a doll.”

Tasks. Develop basic skills in composing a melody according to a model, singing the melodies in a calm, quiet sound without tension. Develop musical and auditory perceptions, sense of harmony, sense of rhythm.

I/U “Catch the ball.”

Tasks. Exercise children in running, teach them to correlate their actions with the speed of the ball. Develop the ability to distribute attention, respond to changes in the game situation, and regulate the speed of movement.

modeling "Pyramid". Tasks:practice rolling out round objects and flattening them.

D/I " Wonderful pouch

Tasks. Develop the ability to recognize objects by their characteristic features, shape, and name them.

Making up riddles about spring.

Tasks. To develop the ability to select the most significant features of the described objects and phenomena.


Tasks. Create conditions for the development of fine motor skills


Consultation on the topic: “Rules of behavior in kindergarten”

1. Cognition

Subject. Who lives next to us?

Target. Introduce the characteristic features of the appearance, behavior, lifestyle of domestic animals and their cubs as described.

Integration: work, music, communication.

2.Physical educationcrawling on a bench on your hands and knees.

Tasks. Exercise:

Walking and running in circles;

crawling on a bench on your hands and knees. Develop the ability to throw the ball on the ground and catch it with both hands


1 Conversation "We are all one family."

Tasks. To promote the development in children of the ability to help each other, share toys, play together, and seek help not only from the teacher, but also from peers. Develop empathy and decentralization

Fun game "Salute".

Tasks. Invite children to catch colorful little “rains” - pieces of foil or paper thrown by adults. Contribute to the prevention of nervous tension and emotional release.

Work assignments: learning to wipe tables V dining room Tasks:To develop children’s ability to perform this work operation with the help of adults, to talk about their work, answering the teacher’s questions. To develop skills that will be useful for children to perform in middle group duties of cafeteria attendants.


Observation of spring drop.

Tasks: Invite the children to observe the drops on the sunny and north side of the house, lead the children to the water about where the drops are observed. Expand children's understanding of spring natural phenomena, develop the ability to draw conclusions based on observation results.

P/I "The Mother Hen and the Chicks."

Tasks. To develop children’s ability to correctly perform basic running movements and move along a winding path. Increase interest in outdoor games.

I/U "Mountaineers".

Tasks: Improve walking skills with high knees, the ability to step over objects without touching them. Enrich children's motor experience


Learning the poem “Winter has passed” by M. Klokova.

Tasks: develop children’s ability to expressively recite a poem and highlight their favorite passages. Develop the ability to answer questions about the content of the work.


“Shop”: plot “Perfumery Department”.

Tasks. Create conditions for role-playing games,

develop role-playing dialogue on behalf of the game character, think through and play out a plot with several characters

Practical exercise “Teddy Bear”. Tasks:To develop self-service skills in children, the ability to control their appearance, put in order outerwear after a walk. Form a conscious attitude towards your appearance, cultivate neatness

S.R.I. "Cafe"


D/I “What has changed?” Tasks:Develop memory and attention.

Corrective and recreational game “Bubble”.
Tasks:Develop diaphragmatic breathing skills, the ability to take short, light inhales and long, long exhales. Help prevent nervous tension and emotional release

writing a descriptive story about the rook and a parrot.

Tasks. Develop the ability to identify similarities and differences between birds and reflect them in speech. Enrich vocabulary, compose a short story using comparison techniques.

Consultation on the topic: “Rules of eating”

1. Artistic creativity (Applique)

Theme: Napkin.

Tasks. Develop the ability to make a pattern of circles and squares on paper napkin square shape.

Develop a sense of rhythm

Integration: knowledge, work, music.

2 Music

Tasks. Continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully and consciously to a piece of music; cultivate interest in musical and artistic activities

Integration: health, communication.


presentation “Getting to know the elements of the Dymkovo toy.”

Tasks: Continue to introduce children to arts and crafts, folk crafts, and show the features of Dymkovo toys. Enrich children's vocabulary and develop aesthetic perception.

Game musical exercise “Birds are flying”, music. L. Barannikova.

Tasks: Develop the ability to hear changing parts of a melody, changing dynamics, and respond to changes by changing movements (to loud music, children perform the “Birds are flying” movement, to quiet music - “Birds are sleeping in their nests”); expressively and emotionally convey game images, develop musical and auditory perceptions.


Rook observation.

Tasks: Introduce the children to birds, tell them that at the beginning of spring, migratory birds return to their native lands, and rooks are among the first to arrive. Enrich children's vocabulary and develop coherent speech.

P/N “Get in the circle.”

Tasks. Develop the ability to throw at a horizontal target (take the correct starting position, make a throw). Develop the eye, coordination of movements, increase the mobility of the joints of the hands.

Labor activityfeeding birds on the site.

Tasks. Continue to develop the ability to observe birds during feeding, reflect the impressions received in speech, name your actions, and characterize the behavior of birds. To support children’s desire to take care of birds, to be useful, and to cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.


1. Consideration of Yu. Vasnetsov’s illustrations for Russian folk tales. Tasks: Develop skillchildren carefully examine the illustrations, compose a short description story based on them, answering the teacher’s questions, understand what the artist wanted to depict, recognize the characters of the fairy tale, familiar works.

2. Theatrical game based on the RNS "Kolobok".

Tasks: Activate children's interest in theatrical activities, introduce them to the techniques of driving tabletop dolls, accompany movements with speech and songs

Free drawing based on the presentation you watched

Tasks. Develop children's artistic creativity.

Fun game "Soap Bubbles".

Tasks. Invite children to catch bubble, increase motor activity, learn to characterize the size of bubbles, compare them with each other. Promote emotional release, prevent nervous voltage.

S.R.I “Chauffeurs”: the plot “At a gas station.”

Tasks. Create conditions for independent games, developing the storyline.

unfold, take on a playing role, activate personal experience children

D/I “Mushroom picking”. Tasks: develop the ability to establish quantitative relationships between objects in new game conditions, consolidate the concepts of “one” and “many”.

Task .

I/U “We’re going up the mountain.”

Tasks. Develop the ability to climb inclined stairs and follow safety rules. Develop coordination of movements, attention, enrich motor experience.

modeling "Matryoshka". Tasks: Develop the ability to make simple crafts consisting of several parts, practice rolling out round-shaped objects and flattening them.

“Agreement between parents is important!”

ORU complex “Multi-colored balls”

Inventory: rubber balls (d=12-14 cm) - in accordance with the number of children in the group.

All the guys love it very much

Play with balls

With colorful balls

Do the exercises!

Different balls - Green and red,

Strong, new, loud, cheerful.

1. “Higher the ball”

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball lowered. Ball up, look, lower, say “down.” Repeat 4-5 times.

2. "Here he is"

I. p.: legs apart, ball in front of the chest. Lean forward, ball forward, say “here it is.” Return to i. p. Repeat 4-5 times. Do not bend your knees.

3. "Funny Ball"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball in front of feet, hands behind back. Sit down, roll the ball from hand to hand, stop and quickly straighten up. Repeat 4-5 times.

4. "Bouncing"

I. p.: legs slightly apart, ball on the ground, near the legs, hands on the waist. Bouncing around the ball - a circle and 8-10 steps with a wave of the arms. Breathing is voluntary. Repeat 3 times.

5. “Up and down”

I. p.: the same, the ball is lowered. Ball towards you, nose - inhale. Lower the ball, and as you exhale, say “in-and-out.” Repeat 3-4 times.

Outdoor game “Catch the ball”

Inventory: inflatable ball (d=50 cm).

On the site, two lines 4-5 m long are marked with colored cords, chalk on the asphalt or lines on the ground. The distance between the lines is 4-5 m.

Children stand behind the first line so as not to interfere with each other. The teacher, with a ball in his hands, stands between the children in the middle of the line. The teacher rolls the ball in the direction of the second line and invites the children to catch up with it. After the children have caught up with the ball and touched it with their hand, they line up behind the second line. The teacher rolls the ball in the opposite direction, towards the first line, the children catch up with the ball again.

Game option. You can use balls of medium diameter (12-14 cm) in the game - in accordance with the number of children in the group. The teacher puts the balls in a basket or a large hoop, invites each child to take a ball, line up behind the line, roll the ball in a forward direction, then catch up with it, pick it up, step back, bring and put the ball in the basket or hoop . In the game, children develop the ability to act on a signal from the teacher, to run in a straight direction.

Note. Draw the attention of children to the fact that in the game they cannot push each other, that they must look under their feet so as not to trip and fall on the ball.

Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “My funny ringing ball”

Inventory: large diameter rubber ball (d=18-20 cm).

Children form a circle. There is a teacher in the middle of the circle with a ball in his hands. The teacher shows the children how easily and high the ball jumps if you hit it with your hand, then puts the ball on the ground near your feet and invites the children to do the exercises, repeating them after him.

The teacher slowly reads the text and performs the following movements together with the children.

My Perform a “spring”, hands on the belt.




Where are you going Tilts left and right, arms stacked one on top of the other at chest level.


Jump up?




Can't keep up Bend forward, arms forward to the sides.

Behind you!


Then the teacher invites the children to jump with the ball, while repeating the text of the poem again. Children jump on two legs, the position of their arms is arbitrary. Having finished reading the text, the teacher says: “I’ll catch up now!” Children stop jumping and run away from the teacher to a pre-specified landmark (tree, bush, gazebo, etc.). The teacher pretends to catch the children.

Gymnastics after sleep. Zoo

1. Stretching.

2. "Snake".

I.p. - lying on your stomach.

Raise your head and shoulders with outstretched arms. Proudly turn your head left and right, pronouncing the sound “sh-sh-sh”.

3. "Crocodile".

I.p. – the same, arms bent at the elbows, palms under the chin.

Alternately raising the right and left legs - a huge mouth.

4. "Panda".

I.p. - lying on your back.

Pull your knees to your stomach, clasp your arms, bend your head.

Rolls back and forth, left and right, and tumbles in the grass.

5. "Monkey."

I.p. - lying on your back.

Raise your straight leg, clasp it with your hands below the knee and, moving your hands towards the ankle, try to sit down - monkeys climb a tree.

6. "Giraffe".

I.p. - standing on all fours.

Lift up right hand, fingers closed, thumb up, the palm turns left and right. The same with the left hand.

7. "Kangaroo".

I.p. – o.s.

Jump on two legs, pulling your knees towards your stomach.

Fri Morning 1. D/I "Find a sister for the nesting doll" Goal: develop attention, thinking and memory
2. Conversation with children on the topic “Benefits of insects” Purpose: to introduce children to the benefits insects bring to nature
3. Didactic game for speech development “Name it affectionately” Purpose: to enrich children’s vocabulary
4. Preliminary work - reading the Russian fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”
Individual work-FEMP goal: to teach to reproduce a given number of objects - circle, square and triangle -

“House for the Hare” (based on the Russian fairy tale “The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster”) N.S. Golitsyn “Complex-thematic. plan image. activities in the d/s” s. 25. Goal: to learn to depict an object consisting of several parts, to determine and name the shape of the parts (rectangle, triangle). clarify your knowledge of colors.
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (L.I. Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 28) Goal: to develop coordination of movement in walking and running between objects; repeat crawling exercises; practice maintaining stable balance when walking on increased support.
1. Articulation gymnastics “Fence”, breathing exercises “Hot tea” Purpose: to develop the ability to breathe correctly
2. Memorization: I. Kosyakova “She’s All” Purpose: to introduce children to poetry. I. Kosyakova “She’s All”
3. Didactic board game "Turret" Purpose: to develop thinking and perception
4. Independent activity children: s/r game goal: to encourage children to use toys as substitutes
5. Music. Game Noisemakers, maracas, musical instruments for free play, rattles. Goal: teaches you to rhythmically ring rattles and play along on percussion folk instruments.
Individual work - MUSIC goal: repetition of lyrics -

Mon Morning 1. Conversation with children on the topic “Little Helpers” Goal: to promote productive communication during the game
2. Cut-out pictures on the theme of flowers Purpose: to introduce children to a playful situation, to give a positive emotional charge
3. Didactic game for speech development “One - Many” Purpose: to develop children’s ability to form the plural of nouns
4. Preliminary work on familiarization with the environment - observation of the work of the teaching assistant. while washing dishes after breakfast
Individual work: APPLICATION, goal: to consolidate the definition of the shape of parts (rectangle and triangle) and knowledge of colors -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
MUSIC (organized by music director)
2. Cognitive development
“Nanny washes dishes” O.V. Dybina “Classes on familiarization with the outside world in 2 ml. group." p.35. Goal: to continue to acquaint children with the work of kindergarten workers - assistant teachers, teach them to call them by name, patronymic, and address them as “you”. cultivate respect for the assistant teacher and his work.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 “Rain” GOAL: instill a healthy lifestyle
2. Conversation “Spring” Goal: to develop the ability to observe changes in nature with the arrival of spring. Remember the names of trees and flowers in the area
3. Didactic game on ecology “When it happens” Purpose: to develop the ability to use verbal descriptions, find the necessary pictures
4. Storytelling: narration of the fairy tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka” Purpose: to develop children’s ability to retell the fairy tale in the correct sequence
5. Independent activity of children Board games Purpose: to interest children in grouping geometric shapes
Individual work - PHYSICAL EDUCATION, goal: to teach walking between objects without touching them -

Tue Morning 1. Games “Pick up the ribbon” Goal: consolidate the names of colors
2. Conversation with children on the topic “First flowers” ​​Purpose: to enrich children’s vocabulary with the names of primroses, to develop memory and attention
3. P/I “Sun and Rain” Purpose: to promote the development of coordination of movements, orientation in space.
4. Preliminary work on DRAWING - remember with the children what birdhouses they saw on a walk and look at the illustrations in children's books.
Individual work on AWARENESS WITH YOUR AROUND, goal: to teach polite attitude and address to adults -
GCD 1. Artistic and aesthetic development
“Birdhouse” by T.S. Komarov “Art classes in 2 ml. group." With. 95 goal: teach children to draw an object consisting of a rectangular shape, a circle and a straight roof. Reinforce painting techniques
2. Physical development
PHYSICAL EDUCATION (in a group) (L.I. Penzulaeva. Lesson No. 29) goal: repeat walking and running around objects, jumping over cords. Practice maintaining balance when walking on elevated support.
Evening 1. Gymnastics after sleep No. 9 “Rain” goal: to promote the formation of positive emotions in children after sleep
2. Didactic game based on r.r. “Wake up the cat” Goal: to activate the names of baby animals in children’s speech
3. Memorizing “Bumblebee” Goal: to develop the ability to emotionally read poetry
4. D/I for speech development “One - many” Goal: to develop children’s ability to form the plural of nouns.
5. Independent activity of children: games in a living corner Purpose: to encourage children to play with animal figures.
Individual work - MUSIC, goal: repetition of song words and movements, develop the desire to sing and sing along -

Planning for every day according to Vasilyeva April and May 2nd junior group