Energy blocks, or nodes of fear. Removing blocks in the body, practice... How to remove energy blocks yourself

We often understand at the level of internal sensations that there is something inside that prevents us from making the right decision in time, some kind of stopper. There is some kind of unconscious mechanism that includes doubts in one’s own abilities, something inside seems to whisper: “Not now, I’ll do it another time, this is not for me, not mine,” etc.

How many times have you realized that “the train has left”? That procrastination threw you to the sidelines of success, that your head, stomach, etc. hurt so untimely?

So what or who is making you procrastinate?

It is no secret that a person is not only a physical body, it is a complex system of interaction various types matters that combine in a certain way and generate energy flows invisible to the eye, but quite perceptible. In Eastern medicine they are called meridians. They have entry, interaction and exit points in the human physical body, called energy centers or chakras.

Our health, both physical and mental, directly depends on the strength and completeness of these flows. But sometimes there are disruptions in the movement or formation of such flows.

From the point of view of esotericism, as a result of such violations, for a number of reasons, a person develops blocks or energy nodes, something that changes the true vibration of any particular organ and the whole person, something called an aura. The flow of energy, passing through such nodes, is distorted, weakened, or even reversed. This is one of the causes of pain and even illness. And at the mental level there is a change in the biological impulse that generates negative emotions. Imagine that an energy node is a kind of prism that focuses a certain spectrum of radiation.

It’s as if we imagine a flow of energy in the form of a white stream of light, which contains 7 color spectra, which, when refracted, disintegrate into a rainbow. In other words, depending on the angle of refraction, we will see any one color (spectral analysis of objects is based on this).

Today we will look at one of the reasons for this “refraction”, which manifests itself in the vibration of fear and forms a “knot of fear” in a person.

How and when does the vibration of fear begin to sound in a person?

For some people, this happens in the womb, if she is afraid of giving birth, does not want to give birth, is thinking about abortion, etc.

It is then that the mechanism of formation of the fear node starts. In this case, the main link between mother and child is the umbilical cord - it is also the main energy center. This is where the block is localized. Do you agree, everyone knows the feeling of discomfort in the stomach at the moment when we are afraid of something? This is his manifestation.

The next stage is the moment of birth, when the baby passes through the mother's birth canal. When the fear factor through pain triggers the self-preservation phase and turns on the release of adrenaline into the blood, thereby including all the glands of the body. Pain-feeling and fear-emotion release a powerful flow of vital energy, at the same time, the main energy center of a person, which is directly related to the movement of a person’s vital energy, is “chipped”.

It should be noted here that the same center in the brain is responsible for pain and joy. It is no coincidence that both in pain and in joy we cry out “Oh!” This also explains the fact that the facial expressions of crying and laughter are the same; out of fear and out of joy we begin to cry.

But, ideally, a child who was expected and desired, and whose mother expected and was not afraid of pregnancy, is born without a knot of fear, which ensures a happy fate for him in the future. Since the self-preservation mechanism is triggered under the influence of endorphins, as a result, the child does not experience any pain (something akin to anesthesia), and is born in a state of euphoria. For such children, the moment of birth is comparable to the highest pleasure.

By the way, babies born by cesarean section partially bypass the vibration of the fear node, if there was one, have a fairly high pain threshold and are quite fearless.

Vital energy is the gold of life, which is collected by a person throughout the life of the soul, multiple reincarnations. This is her experience, which, bit by bit, like a pearl, grows in her energy space. The density of this substance determines the strength of the individual and the expression of his abilities. As if you were put behind the wheel of a Mercedes or Oka - feel the difference.

Where is it stored?

Many people have heard or read about Kundalini energy. This concept is taken from yoga.

Yes, indeed, Kundalini energy is our reserve of vital energy that we are talking about. It is “stored” in the area between the bladder and coccyx in 1 chakra (center), or otherwise called Muladhara (among the Slavs - Source). There is one of the most important centers - the node of nerve endings, the two largest lymph nodes. A kind of womb of life, a “nuclear reactor”. In women it is warmed by the ovaries, in men by the prostate gland. That is why the work of this center is related to the sexual sphere.

Where is it headed? Oddly enough, the direction of this energy goes downward if a person is standing, thereby providing an outlet (the release of processed energy). When a person lies down, the withdrawal process slows down or is redistributed. That is why the sick person is put to bed. Let's just say, in order to reduce the consumption of this vital energy. Overall, the movement and distribution of this energy can be compared to a water tower. First the energy is drawn into energy channel along the spinal column, while we feel a surge of joy, euphoria and warmth in the spine. Next, it “turns on” (warms up) the endocrine glands, which triggers the process of movement and interaction of other types of energy, each drawn in by its own center, along the main energy meridians to ensure the vital functions of the body. After which it is removed through 1 chakra, on the physical plane this is the place near the anus.

Life energy, as I said earlier, is available to a person in limited (accumulated) quantity, has the appearance of a coiled snail or spring, its vibration spectrum is red. It is released evenly as needed and is consumed without being replenished.

Every time, like a pulsar, this energy feeds our body, while passing through the fear node, it draws in this vibration, which distorts its main “sound”.

For example, the desire to have material or other benefits will give rise to envy, love will turn into jealousy, a strong desire to be sincere will turn a person into a liar, etc.

If you are engaged in practices to raise this energy, hoping to pump up the Muladhara center, then you are very mistaken. Having a knot of fear, at this moment you are simply wasting your life-giving spring. Unskillful or incorrect practice will disrupt the flow, causing Negative consequences for health, will destroy your energy protection.

Astral energies and essences of the subtle world feed on the gold of life. So choose practices consciously so as not to provoke the “opening of a restaurant” for the astral plane; this also triggers the aging process, as the glands overheat for no reason. For as Kundalini moves upward, it fan-like “turns on” the endocrine glands.

What blocks life energy? Energy nodes on its way. And the most important block is the output block - the fear node. Because of it, energy destroys the body like radiation. One of the manifestations of a fear node is constipation.

While a flash of fear, on the contrary, generates the astral fire of Kundalini (such as a grenade explosion), which is expressed by diarrhea or sudden urination. She looks for a way out and breaks other energy centers, in particular the 2nd chakra, which is located in the stomach (approximately in the navel area).

The 2nd chakra works to draw energy from our energy cocoon through the navel. But if the movement is disrupted, the energy of Kundalini, colliding with the energy of the 2nd chakra, gives rise to a whirlwind and reversal of the movement of the energy flow of Svadhisthana - the energy center of the 2nd chakra.

What happens when this happens? If a reversal occurs in the 2nd chakra, then the energy is not drawn in by this center, but, on the contrary, flows out of it. This causes disruption of the intestines, liver, pancreas, and sexual problems. When the energies swirl, an umbilical hernia and hemorrhoids develop, and the belly begins to grow.

What does this mean? On the energy plane, a person loses money, material well-being, business, and luck. And most importantly, a person begins to be haunted by fear (for example, losing something or someone of a material plane: money, property, also a loved one) and this fear grows. Phobias develop.

You can take pills, go to a therapist or psychiatrist, remove the damage, etc. But there will be no result. Or rather, negative life situations and health problems appear again and again after some time, or even on an increasing scale. This condition is also called panic attacks or depression. The knot of fear does not resolve on its own. It can be broken by changing your attitude towards life, radically reviewing your habits, etc., which, you see, can sometimes be very, very difficult to do. Or, if we consider it from an esoteric point of view, this knot can be removed using certain techniques, provided that the cause that gave rise to it is identified.

There is a technique for breaking knots - rebirthing

You can try making it yourself. This is a special form of breathing.

Attention! There are contraindications. If you have diseases: hypertension, heart disease, heart failure, cerebrovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, glaucoma, asthma, then in this case this technique is not suitable for you (only under the supervision of a specialist).

The technique is performed like this: you need to put a watch in front of you. You can neither drink nor eat during practice. Performed in the morning or afternoon. In the evening or at night - I do not recommend it.

Stage 1. Standing, arms along the body, feet shoulder-width apart, shoes off, eyes open. We begin to take a short and sharp breath in and out through the nose, closing our lips. (This resembles very rapid breathing). We do this without rest for 7 minutes, looking at the clock. Then a short pause (no more than 1 minute)

Stage 2. Sitting on a sofa or chair, back straight, eyes open, hands on knees, shoes off. We take another block of short inhalations and exhalations through the nose - another 7 minutes. You can help yourself by slightly “bouncing” your body up and down. Then a short pause of no more than 1 minute.

Stage 3. Lying on your side on the sofa. You can bend your legs slightly and place your arms as comfortably as possible. We do another intense block of short inhalations and exhalations through the nose for another 7 minutes.

At the end of the practice, sit down and restore your breathing for as long as necessary.

During practice and at the end, tears, reaction of the nasal mucosa, cough, dizziness, distension are possible, painful sensations in different places of the body. These are manifestations of broken nodes and the release of stagnant energy.

In order to understand the mechanisms of empathy, you can acquire

I have been meaning to write this article for a long time. For a long time I collected into one whole the theory, observations, and practical results from the application of the practice described here.

And in this article I want to talk about what psycho-energy blocks are, what harm they do, and how to deal with them on your own.

I already briefly talked about it in the article. “Treating fear in a child” about what fear is, what is the mechanism of its formation and manifestation in the psyche and energy.

Here I will reveal more deeply the relationship between the psyche and energy, and how the psychic block and the energy block in their union give rise to a new type of “self-mutilation” - a psycho-energetic block.


The world around us is filled with stress and mental pressure that haunt us from birth. All this “shocks” our psyche - either strengthening it or traumatizing it. Our psyche has a certain level of stress resistance and protection. Some of the stress on the psyche is absorbed and pushed away.

Those emotional stress, which the natural defenses of the psyche cannot contain, “pierce” it, and cause so-called “psychotrauma.” The psyche must still ensure the existence of the individual, and how it can cope with this psychotrauma. Shock “freezing”, going into post-traumatic depression is the “digestion” of the trauma received by the psyche.

And what is not “digested”, our psyche isolates, “drives” into the subconscious, isolates the traumatic experience from active participation in the work of the psyche and in memory, “envelops” the psychotrauma, lulls it to sleep. And this is how a psychological block is created. A kind of conditioned reflex - being afraid of a dog once - we are afraid of all dogs in the future, having been refused by a girl - we are afraid to meet the next ones, robbed in a dark passage - we are afraid of the dark in principle, we have experienced ruin - appeared obsessive fear needs, humiliated at work - they began to doubt their competence, and so on, so on... And you both want to overcome such blocks, but you can’t.

As a result, these psychological blocks become our anchors that keep us at the bottom, taking away our strength, keeping us in tension, fear, anxiety, depression, loss of strength, despondency, pessimism, hatred, fear of communication, prohibitions and self-restraint, lack of self-confidence, complexes, “I can’t.” These blocks are one of the main, if not THE main “brakes” on the way to our “happy present”.
The vast majority of people live and exist with such blocks. Let’s be honest - they live “somehow”, for EACH of them (of us) can say - “if it weren’t for this, this, this (fear, stress, trauma, obstacles, complex, loss, block), then it would be everything is much better."

They live tolerantly. If this psychological block is not touched, then it will not emerge, and experiences and memories will not hurt again. And if you “touch”... Try it yourself. Think back to one of the stressful, traumatic events in your life. Relive it again. How are you feeling? Badly? The strength is gone - this is the minimum.

And now let's move on to the topic of energy. What is an energy block? This is stagnant energy that is blocked and not used in a normal rhythm energy metabolism. She is “turned off” from access. In bioenergy there is a main rule - “where there is thought, there is energy.”

To “digest” stress, the nervous system needs to expend energy. To “send” stress and traumatic memories to the subconscious, the nervous system needs to expend energy. To “block” and keep it there, the nervous system needs to spend energy. Have you tried to hold a ball underwater at sea? You have to put pressure on it, otherwise it will break out and float up.

Likewise, the psyche must constantly expend energy in order to keep the blocked mental block from accessing the outside, where its appearance will continue to have a painful effect on the state, well-being, and behavior of a person.

This is not particularly noticeable at first glance. But once you get rid of these blocks, you feel the difference immediately. How, after cleansing the body, a person realizes that before he was not so healthy and energetic. Does a person in a state of anxiety or depression have a lot of strength? There is no strength, no strength to even WANT to do something.
So the mental block “absorbs” energy, taking it away from the person’s energy. This is a psycho-energetic block. Have you seen American films showing their old prisons? There, prisoners walk around with heavy iron weights chained to their legs. And psycho-energy blocks are the same weights that prevent you from “flying, wanting and doing.”

There will be no healthy mental and energy tone when these blocks “float” inside.
The first time I noticed in practice the manifestation and “discharge” of a psycho-energetic block was 5 years ago. Then I worked with a man who was cursed by his wife as he said goodbye after breaking up. He sat quietly and calmly in a chair. I'm next to the candle. He yawned. The negativity came out. When I finished, I told him to just sit there for a couple of minutes to rest and collect his strength. And then he suddenly began to jerk his hands randomly, and a cold came from him. I asked what was wrong with him, to which he replied that memories of scandals with her surfaced in his head. And I had to continue cleaning further. But it was the negative that came out, not the curses, but the energy of scandals and memories of them.

The second time I discussed this topic in more detail was in Moscow, when a psychotherapist worked with me, working through childhood psychotraumas. And then, during the “opening” of psychotraumas, I began to experience the same effects when I cleansed myself and others from negativity - yawning, tears, belching, vomiting, chills. And it was precisely the negative that came out - negative, heavy energy. And then I understood the mechanism of psycho-energetic blocks. This is the same negative as that which came from the outside, which harms a person, which sucks it out from the inside, distorting the work of the psyche, the work of energy.

And the method that I will describe below is intended to “raise”, pull out, remove, destroy, break these psycho-energetic blocks, align the functioning of the psyche, restore normal tone, free your energy body from energetically dead tissue, reset get rid of this burden that “presses from within”, get rid of fears, depression, your “conditioned reflexes” and fixations.
To do this, you need to find, “wake up” this block, raise it to the surface, and piss it off. And the output of this block and the “pathological” (distorted) energy accompanying it will go through the body.
This practice will have a greater effect if the person is accompanied by a specialist who can “pull out” this block (or rather, the energy of this block), which the patient cannot “pull out” from himself. But even working with yourself on your own, you can get a good effect if you have patience and moderation in your workload (without overloading yourself).

However, I will immediately say about contraindications to the use of this method of work in such conditions - nervous exhaustion, acute stage of neurosis, schizophrenia and other forms of mental disorders, epilepsy, deep depression, taking antipsychotics and antidepressants, loss of strength, heart failure.

Why? It is possible to aggravate these conditions and plunge into them even deeper when working with psychotraumas and experiences. It’s better to give yourself time to recuperate and then get started. But serious psychological traumas should only be “pulled out” with a psychotherapist.

You will have to relive and immerse yourself in traumatic memories and situations in order to “discharge” them. You shouldn’t turn this work into another reason to cry, feel sorry for yourself and “savor” your suffering, especially by flaunting it (“oh, how bad I feel, how bad I feel - look at me, have pity on me!”). I hope you are not a masochist, and do not turn this practice into aimless “picking at sore spots” and “chewing” your experiences for the tenth or thirtieth time.

During work the following manifestations are possible:
emotional: sadness, fear, panic, aggression, hatred, anxiety, apathy;;
physical: tears, yawning, spasms, convulsions, chills, sweating, nausea, injections in the heart, stomach upsets, body aches.

In this way, psychological and energy blocks are discharged. Symptoms of "discharging" blocks are proportional to the strength of the block itself. The heavier the block, the harder it is to leave.

But there is no need to be afraid. You yourself determine the load dosage, operating time, immersion depth and the limit of your patience. The body will become a “drain tap” for the release of negative blocked, distorted energy.

One more warning. By working out psycho-energetic blocks that are associated with your environment - children, parents, spouse, relatives, friends, bosses, lovers, those emotions and states that you work out in the “block” - grievances, can “wake up” and become aggravated. hatred, aggression, hatred, old pain, fear. In such cases, restrain yourself and work through this block again and again until the emotions described above disappear.

Our memory stores many memories. The mechanism of the psyche and memory forces bad things to be remembered “stronger.” More memories are sent to the subconscious and supposedly “forgotten.” Not forgotten, but hidden, “drowned” there. And we will have to work through both those situations that we remember and are aware of, and those that are “forgotten and hidden” in the depths of the subconscious.
What is this practice, after all?


Everything is quite simple.
You have a choice - sit or lie down. Naturally, no one should bother you. It’s good to do this practice together with someone you trust, so that he can simply be there - cover him, give him water, just hold his hand, talk him out. And who will understand what you are doing and why you need it. Compassionate mothers with their “God, what are you doing to yourself! Quit it now!” and fellow jokers are no help here. But if such a reliable person is not nearby, you can cope on your own.
These are all the conditions.

What should be done?
Sit (lie down), relax, calm down, throw current problems out of your head. Focus on the “here and now.” “Here and now” is your starting point. Every time you will start from “here and now”.

And starting today, slowly and leisurely begin to “rewind” time and memories back. By events, by situations. Slow is the most important word in this process. And observe your condition and sensations.

Like a fisherman on a fishing trip - whether he’s hooked or not. And then I was hooked. What does it mean? Emotions or the body, or both the body and emotions at the same time give a signal that a block is “sitting” in this situation. Irritation, tension, anger, fear, pressure in the body, bursting pain, trembling - if these or similar symptoms accompany memories, this means that a psycho-energetic block has been found and has begun to “sway”.

Now it should be deleted. The body will play an important role in this. There is a direction in psychotherapy - “body-oriented therapy by Wilhelm Reich”, where psychological blocks are reset through alternating tension and relaxation of the body. Free yourself from muscle tension - sharply and strongly tensing the muscles of the whole body in turn and relaxing them.

Shake your arms, shake your whole body, take deep and long exhalations that will relax your whole body. And all this time, “scroll” the situation in your head. You can give free rein to your words and say everything that you couldn’t say then. LET GO of your emotions, if you need to cry - cry, swear - swear, howl - howl, spit - spit...

Answer now if you didn’t have anything to answer then. Hit back if you didn't hit then. And mentally imagine that the situation ends in YOUR favor, you become a winner. “Scroll” this scenario in your head. You control your fantasy and imagination. Leave in your imagination victory in the situation. And so on - until you are “exhausted” and calm down.
Remember that the more emotions there are in a situation - fear, aggression, melancholy, pain, resentment, the stronger this block will manifest itself emotionally and physically.

Therefore, if the manifestations in the body are superficial, at the level of muscle tension, blocks, difficulty breathing, spasms, convulsions - you can easily “throw them off”, literally - like dirt from the body.
But if a tightly seated block wakes up, then “pulling it out” will have to be more difficult and longer.
Most often, these deep psycho-energetic blocks are identified in the chakra area. And you can “pull out” this energy block from your subtle body using several methods.

During work, a block “surfaced”, which can manifest itself as prolonged tension in one of the chakras, spasm, tension, burning, pain - acute or aching. If this happens, “get out” of the memory. The energy block is raised and activated. It is the energy block that is the basis of the mental block. Without “discharging” the energy block, the mental block will not go away. Therefore, we are dealing with the energy block. There are several methods, as I said, for you to choose from.

You can apply a raw chicken egg to this place (a method of transferring energy from one living object to another). And roll in a counterclockwise rotational motion over this part of the body, imagining that this egg is like a magnet pulling out cloudy, heavy, dirty energy from the body. How long to continue? Until the condition improves in this place. If the block “woke up” in another place, the same egg can be used further until the end of work for the day. Then break it and throw it away.

Next, you can “squeeze” this energy block out of yourself with your breath. Slowly, and literally straining your whole body, squeeze out the tension (pain, discomfort) from this part of the body like a pump. It will be even better if, when exhaling, you either tense the muscles in this area or press on this place with your palm. And imagine that you are exhaling black smoke, dirt, and other rubbish from your body.
Next - also work with breathing, but on inhalation. As you inhale, imagine that you are inhaling a hot stream of light energy, which, like a stream of plasma, enters the body when you inhale, is sent as a stream to the area of ​​the block and dissolves it, just as lava dissolves everything that comes under its flow. And this place should already be moderately kneaded with your hands in order to literally physically “break” the tension, pain, spasm, and cramp inside.

If religion and prayer are close to you, then you can read a prayer or in your own words turn to God with a request to help, remove pain, tension, fear, resentment (any emotion or experience that bothers you at that moment).

Next - for people who have good visualization abilities.
Ask your subconscious (your soul, God, guardian angel) to show you this block, this clot of energy. And trust your subconscious, it will choose the right image for you.
Or - visualize this block yourself. Determine its shape, size, structure, color, temperature. And placing your palm on this place, mentally “grab” it and begin to “pull” it out of the body. Imagination will help. “Tear it off” entirely or in parts from yourself, and it is better to bring your hand to the fire - to a candle, “burning” this torn out energy.

For greater effect, combine all these approaches in one procedure. They rolled out the egg for a couple of minutes, breathed for 1-2 minutes, and “teared off” the remaining clot. Then they relaxed the body, breathed deeply, gained strength and energy, stretched, shook themselves, and checked the sensations. If everything is fine, decide for yourself whether to continue or finish for today.

Have you decided to continue? Then return to this memory, replay it in your head in the form in which it was originally. If there is still a negative emotional reaction, or reactions in the body, it continues to “discharge” the block. Remember that you can simulate the course and outcome of a situation in your imagination. UNTIL THE MOMENT until this situation becomes indifferent and neutral to you.
Your task is to move away from the perception: “Oh, horror, it happened! It’s so painful, offensive, etc...,” to the perception: “It happened. I am aware of this. It's gone. It doesn't bother me anymore."

In psychotherapy this is called “Closing an open gestalt.” Bring the situation to a logical, closed state and let it go. Like a read book. Like watching a movie.

Working with a mental block goes like this. You've reached a situation. We plunged into it. While watching it, emotions emerged that bothered you. The body reacted. We stopped and came out of the memory. FIRST we work out the energy block and remove it from the body. Back in memory. We played it again. If emotions and sensations are close to neutral - and they satisfy you - this situation is closed, worked out, move on. Along with the energy block, the mental block is also discharged. If there are negative emotions left, then we work out the mental block. “Close” this situation mentally. Bring it to the end. Become the director of this memory, this situation. Model the situation as you wish.

If you offended someone - ask for sincere forgiveness, free yourself from the burden of guilt, and get relief. You didn’t have time to say the last words to the deceased - say it now, you will get relief. You were hit, but you were unable to respond, forgive and “crushed” it in yourself - forgive it now, or - hit back, kill, trample, destroy, but GET RELIEF.

You are five years old, they didn’t buy you a toy, and you are crying, and it’s so painful and offensive. Was. Then. And now “turn on the adult” from “here and now.” And make sure it's not worth it. As an adult, you no longer need this toy. And if you still need it, it’s your choice. Take it in your mind, play with it, tinker with it as a “five-year-old.” Play enough and LET GO. If it “reaches” logically, the discharge will happen quickly. If you don’t “get it” logically, you will have to “rip” the block out of yourself. Relief and calm are a signal and a sign of the release of a mental block.

Model your behavior in the situation, the memory of which you are working on. Become not “here and now”, but “there and then” the way you want to be.

You are a defenseless child and your father beats you - stand “I”, the big one, next to “I,” the small one, and protect your little self. Or “transform” from a child into an adult and beat daddy back. Or, from the height of your current experience, strength, wisdom, forgive the old drunken freak. AND LET GO.

But don't run away from the situation. Alas, it takes until it is completely discharged. But look at your strength - you can “defuse” a difficult situation in several approaches, in a few days. Important words to defuse the situation are to let go, forgive.

The deeper in time and age we dive into memories, the more vague these memories are. If you don’t remember the situation, there is no need to fantasize “it seems to me that it was like this.” You can literally “come across” any unnecessary things for yourself, and vice versa, aggravate what was there with what was not there. Just in this case, give it up to the will of the subconscious. Ask him to give you images of this situation (or, as I said above -. And now you will need to “eliminate” those images that the subconscious gave you.
These images can emerge as monsters, freaks, people, animals, formless masses, voices, and memories from nightmares.

And again - we work out the body - the energy block, and then - the mental block. Model what you will do with these images, with these “monsters.” They are big - get bigger. There are many of them - become more. They are scary - and you are stronger. Destroy, burn, drive them away. If you don’t have enough strength or are scared, ask for help from God, the angels, your parents. Include their images in the fight against subconscious nightmares. And win. And again LET GO.

The procedure for working with psycho-energetic blocks can be compared to removing a boil. They pressed - it hurt, we endured it. We squeeze it out - it hurts, we endure it. We clean it - it hurts, we endure it. They squeezed it out, cleaned it out - the pain goes away. They applied ointment and a bandage - the pain went away.

But this so-called “ointment, bandage” is filling the void that was left after the removed psycho-energetic block. How - like candy is given to a child after a bitter medicine.

Praise yourself: “You did great. Everything is fine. I feel easy and calm. It's gone." And they went away for a while into pleasant memories, gaining positivity there. And actually, give yourself some ice cream! Or something nice. This “plants” a positive emotional anchor inside in order to already record the complete discharge of the block.

It is worth doing these practices in doses, but regularly. Determine the regularity yourself. The duration of time for one approach is also determined by yourself. And so - situation after situation in depth in time, along the course of your life to its beginning.

For some people it will be easy and quick. For some it’s creaky, but it will work too. If you can’t cope with one difficult memory, take an easier one, and approach it later with new strength and skills. As with a tree - if a thick branch is not sawed off, cut it thinner. All the same, even the thick one will have to be cut down later. The body, emotions and subconscious will tell you when to stop, when to continue, and when it’s over.

It takes energy, but it releases more energy than you expended.
Important note. The psyche and subconscious can block the block so strongly and deeply and “forbid” touching it, causing sharp, severe painful conditions when trying to “break” the block. In this case, you do not need to touch it to your detriment. It's better to contact a specialist.

After working through those situations that were remembered, it is worth moving on to situations that were not remembered, were not fully revealed, and were not comprehended. This is especially true for the period when a person could experience, feel, but could not think and analyze. That is, to childhood.
And this is a new stage of work. To do this, use the same methods, but with a different setting. You will “scroll” through life not by events, but by periods of time. Best of all - by year. You will simply mentally give the subconscious the following instruction: “Release, free and eliminate all experiences, blocks and negative emotions that remained in you in such and such a year.”

We sat down. You need to start from “here and now”. They said to themselves: “2014.” They gave the command to the subconscious: “Release, free and eliminate all experiences, blocks and negative emotions that you have in 2014.” Thus, when working, I look for when my patients were harmed, or they experienced shock, stressful situations.

We relaxed deeply. We don't think about anything. Plunged into “inner darkness.” We listen to the state and emotions. We are looking for whether it is quiet or “hooked”.

Don't be active. Just watch. Here it’s the turn of the subconscious, not the mind, to work. Now “this” can emerge in fragments, pieces, muddy streams, shapeless masses. Just mentally burn and throw it all away. And this place brings warmth, light and peace. And what you remember will have to be consciously worked out. During this period of time, it is important to listen to the body, not the mind, and respond to bodily reactions first.

It may turn out that when working in periods of time, it can become bad against the generally calm background. This way, the subconscious memory of the negativity that could have been inflicted on you during this period of time can “wake up”. Then you will have to cleanse yourself additionally - soak yourself in holy water for several days, read prayers, roll out your entire body (all chakras) with holy water, and then “dig” further into the field of improving your condition.

And so - year after year in reverse order.

The most important period is from ten years to birth.“Waste away” these years of life long and smoothly. And try to go “below zero” - below your date of birth. But already for months. At minus 9. In this way, you can unearth and “discharge” intrauterine blocks, fears, stress, fears and other negativity.
Here... It's long, difficult. But in fact it’s easy. After just a few attempts.

And our task is to free ourselves from emotional garbage, energy garbage. This way you can get rid of a number of psychosomatic diseases, nervous disorders and disorders, fears, complexes, anxieties, receive an influx of new energy and new strength, work out a number of karmic situations, and change your karma. Yes, change your destiny!

We create karma for ourselves with three things - thoughts, emotions, and actions. And with the help of this practice, we removed an important part from the “karma-forming” scheme - EMOTIONS. Bad emotions. And change will come. If you don’t re-fill yourself with new psycho-energy blocks.

And for prevention, get yourself into the habit of throwing off the blocks that have accumulated over the week for 15-20 minutes every week so that they do not “sprout,” gain strength and begin to harm you.
With God blessing! Everything will work out.

Spiritual and material blocks do not allow a person to realize his potential and live happily. To work through them, it is necessary to use both spiritual techniques and exercises aimed at working with psychological attitudes.

Definition, causes

Energy blocks are clots of negative energy in the subtle body of a person. Spiritual and material blocks arise according to various reasons. Most often this happens in early childhood, when a person is first exposed to various psychological traumas. This has an impact on his future life path. Problems, conflicts, grievances, and long-term litigation with relatives also contribute to the emergence of energy blocks.

Impact on life

Blocks are extremely Negative influence per person. He may be haunted by the same difficulties in a number of situations. For example, a professional cannot find a job for a long time, but a seemingly attractive and prosperous girl cannot start a family. At first, it seems to a person that the problem lies in external circumstances. But in reality, the cause of difficulties is clots negative energy in his mental body.

More often they require constant replenishment - this is one of their features. For example, if a person constantly follows the behavioral stereotype that is imposed on him by society, he begins to spend his own energy on feeding all kinds of blockages in his body. It takes a large number of forces that he cannot use for creativity and achieving his own goals.

Energy blocks are:

  • From the standpoint of psychology - persistent muscle tension, behind which in reality there is an actual problem.
  • From the standpoint of anatomy and physiology, it is a painful condition of tissues, characterized by an increase or decrease in normal parameters (density, stiffness).
  • From the point of view of the doctrine of bioenergy, it is the accumulation of energy in one or another part of the body.

Features of material blocks

As for spiritual blocks, they always arise due to a person’s internal imperfection, provoked by external psychological trauma. Regarding material blocks, we can also say that the original reasons for their occurrence lie outside of man. Material blocks arise due to negative attitudes towards money. This happens as a result of life failures or as a result of upbringing. Parents living in poverty pass on their worldview to their children. After this, it seems to him that he is unworthy of a rich life.

Features of blocks in the body

Energy blocks in the body have a dual nature. To understand its features in more detail, you can imagine the flow of energy in the body like the flow of a river with bends and channels. Various constrictions, congestions and broken dams correspond to trauma, disease and conflict. They do not allow healthy energy to flow.

The process of forming a physical block

The formation of an energy block occurs as follows: each of the actions or thoughts in a state of tension, stress, is accompanied by a special emotional reaction. At this time, the physical body reacts. In each of these situations, the muscle corset tenses, and over time this reaction becomes typical. A person no longer even suspects that he has energy blocks.

Which are also called energy, represent a person’s obstacle to self-development. At the energy level, psychics see them as clumps, which can manifest themselves in the form of negative psychological attitudes and muscle tension.

How to renew the flow of positive energy?

A person can not only accumulate negativity, but also cleanse his body of such experiences. To do this you should:

  • Purposely do good deeds: show compassion towards other people, serve positive goals, engage in charity. Rich and famous people on our planet know about this method. Many of them specifically donate large sums of money to charities or volunteer. This allows them to attract the action of light forces to their side and relieves them of accumulated experiences.

  • Develop positive personality traits. Kindness and joy allow you to get rid of negative experiences at the stage when they have not turned into somatic diseases. Scientists have proven that optimists live longer and are physically healthier than pessimists. Therefore, the best antidote to energy blocks is a positive outlook on the world.
  • Take help from other people. You can also get rid of negativity by turning to the help of healers and psychics. They have special abilities that allow them to cleanse other people of illness and negativity. However, it is worth remembering that such help is always temporary. A person must learn to free himself from negativity.
  • Fulfill your life mission. This could be self-realization in a profession, or the creation of a family, or the birth of a child. When a person experiences inhibition of energy in the body - especially when it comes to the energy block of the brain - difficulties often arise in professional realization and building a career. You can get rid of these kinds of blocks only by combining spiritual practices and working on your professional self-development.


With the help of various types of relaxation techniques and meditation, a person gets the opportunity to attract more energy into his life. Qigong gymnastics is also well suited for this purpose. Especially those exercises that rely on tapping and patting. This allows you to influence biologically active points and “break” accumulated blocks.

By connecting additional energy, as well as in the process of activating energy centers, blocks of negative energy are gradually dissolved. The human energy system is freed from barriers. His condition is stabilizing physical health, the psycho-emotional sphere comes into balance.

Tapping method: an effective way to remove energy blocks

In this method, the physical impact on the body consists of rhythmically tapping biologically active points with your fingers. This process is complemented by psychological techniques, namely the replacement of negative life attitudes with positive ones. In the process of tapping certain points on the body and pronouncing positive phrases, a person becomes healthier, destroying blocks.

The most convenient way to carry out the process is with two fingers. Right or left hand- doesn't matter. You can knock with both hands at once. It is necessary to tap the dots and pronounce positive statements. How to remove energy blocks using this method? The tapping process has the following sequence:

  • Start from a point at the beginning of the eyebrow.
  • Then comes the corner of the eye, under the eye, under the nose.
  • After this, they move to the center of the chin.
  • Next comes a point in the center of the collarbone.
  • The point on the very top of the head is where the crown of the head is located in babies.

A person’s energy blocks accumulate unnoticeably. To get rid of them, you need to systematically perform exercises and work on yourself. With due diligence, the result will not take long to arrive. The blocks will disappear, and life will gradually begin to improve.

Lately, very often everyone around is talking about how to remove psychological blocks, fears and pressures on your own. But few people know what it is, or they often confuse the concepts of a psychological block with a complex or fear or pressure. Today you can find a lot of information and even more false specialists, with the help of which, of course, for a lot of money, you can get rid of all your inner demons. And yes, people are getting rid of them, but the main question is for how long, and are they getting rid of the right blocks?

We will try to understand all the nuances and give precise definitions, learn how to diagnose psychological blocks in ourselves, and deal with a person’s internal fears and tensions. And most importantly, we will find out how to remove all the blocks, fears and clamps on our own.

Before diagnosing psychological blocks in yourself, you must clearly understand and realize what they are. A psychological block is not just an internal obstacle, it is a very serious internal barrier that prevents a person from living and developing, impeding the flow of vital energy. A person’s life values ​​change; he sees some important aspects under a different prism. There is no need to confuse psychological blocks with stress, pressure, complexes, phobias, etc. Blocks are much more serious and dangerous.

For example, you have a fear of relationships with a man. In this case, you simply will not be able to meet the person you like, but you will still have some kind of sympathy for him. In the case of a psychological block, you will not even pay attention to this person, you will pass by him, not only will he not interest you, you will not even notice him. A person at the subconscious level excludes the possibility of falling in love. Such blocks are fraught with loneliness for life.

How to identify a psychological block? Doing this on your own is extremely difficult. This is because a person takes this state for granted. For him, this is quite acceptable and even normal, for example, to live his whole life alone. It is better for specialists to identify the blocks, so to speak diagnose them.

But in order to remove them, simply the work of a specialist will not be enough; you yourself will have to work on yourself and try in every possible way to get rid of the blocks. Psychologists, unfortunately, are not fairies, and they cannot wave a magic wand and rid you of years of accumulated blocks, fears, complexes, pressures and phobias. This is hard work, first of all.

Psychologists divide psychological blocks into:

  • Blocks of desires.
  • Blocks of happiness.
  • Energy blocks.
  • Blocks of love.

You can often find psychotherapists who promise to remove blocks with a “wave of a magic wand.” So, these are real charlatans who want to increase their material wealth at your expense. If you really believe you have a block and have found a therapist to help you get rid of it, ask how your therapist will remove the block before you begin. And if this is self-hypnosis therapy, then be prepared as a result to fight not only psychological problems, but also depression.

Suggestion therapy works instantly, but does not last long. And when everything returns to normal, the person develops terrible depression. And all because there is little suggestion. What is needed is the work of the patient himself, and most importantly, constant self-control, so as not to repeat all the actions and processes that led to such a difficult psychological state.

The basis of any block is a subconscious protest reaction to a certain event. In order for you to have at least a little idea of ​​what causes blocks to appear, it is necessary to give examples. A striking example of a psychological block is the subconscious awareness of marriage through pain. That is, a person has such a wonderful event as marriage and family life, is associated exclusively with pain and mental suffering. Or success with misfortune.

In order for you to have at least approximate guidelines, you can consider the following blocks:

  • A protest reaction to various events on an unconscious level. Negative anchoring (when your consciousness directly connects, for example, concepts such as marriage and pain, joy and grief, based on experience, which in the future makes it difficult to find a life partner or achieve success).
  • Transforming a destructive way of attracting attention to oneself (for example, self-mutilation) into a permanent mechanism for interacting with people.

Revenge of life is everything that is carried out or not carried out “in spite” of someone, something or life itself.

The cause of the block can be absolutely any stressful event, which, as a rule, a person experiences in childhood. The block does not occur instantly. At first it may be simply a rejection of the situation, then a complex, perhaps even fear, which as a result becomes a psychological block. It is difficult to say exactly why blocks occur. But this is definitely the result of stress and psychological trauma.

Down with psychological blocks

As mentioned above, getting rid of blocks is very difficult, but possible. Doing this on your own is almost impossible. You can’t do this without the help of psychologists. Only an experienced therapist can give instructions and advice on how to combat your ailments. And only individually. There are many ways to deal with blocks. One of which is meditation. But only a specialist has the right to tell you how to meditate correctly. This is because the methods of meditation and self-conviction are different, depending on which block.

Things are completely different with human fears and phobias. Everything here is much simpler than with psychological blocks. Fighting them is possible without the help of a specialist. There are many ways to deal with fears. Let's look at the most effective ones. But first you need to define the concept and occurrence of fears.

There is no person who does not know what fear is. Everyone knows this feeling well. Fear can occur in absolutely anyone, regardless of age. A more aggravated form of any fear is nyctophobia or obsessive fears. This is a very common occurrence.

There are very, very many types of fears. And it is simply necessary to fight them, since they poison a person’s life. What is obsessive fear? It's the same fear, only in a more aggravated form. That is, a person understands perfectly well that, for example, there is nothing terrible about a praying mantis, but a person feels fear of it. Signs of such fears are:

  • Suffocation.
  • Cardiopalmus.
  • Dizziness, weakness, darkening of the eyes.
  • Sweating.
  • Fever.
  • Numbness of the limbs, numbness of the whole body.
  • Dispersion of thoughts.

No one knows what causes fear. It can be absolutely anything. No one can understand why and why this feeling arises in our consciousness. We only know that there is always a cause.

Ways to deal with fear

There are quite a few ways to fight. Let's consider them, but we must not forget that all methods and techniques are a very individual matter. And if something doesn’t suit one person, it may be just right for another:

  1. One of the most effective ways to fight on your own is to change the environment, not just the environment, but the way of life. For example, if you are afraid of public transport, look for a job near your home. But it is impossible to get rid of fear this way. However, you still need to work on yourself with the help of meditation or other techniques.
  2. Before you try to overcome your fears, determine what you are afraid of. Think in detail about the reason for your fear. After understanding the reason, you must realize the fact that all thoughts up to this point (regarding your fears) were not true. There is an opinion among experts that people who are evil, have wrong thoughts, and are greedy are more prone to panic fears. Therefore, analyze your actions and thoughts. After self-analysis, it's time to take action. Force yourself to do what you are afraid of. But here you need to be extremely careful. Because some fears are life-threatening. Therefore, without fanaticism.
  3. Quite a few more effective way wrestling is doing what you love. It should become your purpose.
  4. You can also overcome your illness through communication. Start leading a more active lifestyle. Chat with new people, make new acquaintances, spend a lot of time with friends. And this will help you get rid of your phobias.

Techniques for dealing with psychological blocks, fears and pressures

There is also a technique that can be used to get rid of fears; it can be practiced if you have been diagnosed with a psychological block:

These techniques are very simple and effective, you will not notice how your fear or block will remain in the past, and you will live a new bright life. But at the same time, do not think that once you have worked the technique you will get rid of psychological illnesses forever. This technique requires diligence and patience. And only then will you see the result.

Clamps and ways to deal with them

Moral pressures, shyness compared to fears and blocks are not a problem at all. But still, this psychological illness must be fought. Since it can develop into more serious physical and moral problems.

There are several ways to deal with your clamps:

  1. Ask a passing person on the street what time it is. Ask people on the street for the time every day. Contact at least five people. If you find it difficult to do this, imagine yourself as an actor.
  2. Talk to stranger. It's easier to do this on the road. Strike up a conversation and tell him about yourself. Ask him what you don't know. You need to practice talking with strangers often.
  3. Another way to get rid of your tightness is an anonymous conversation. It’s easier to start it over the phone by dialing an unfamiliar number and trying to talk to the person on the other side.
  4. Love yourself and find in yourself what is not in others. Once you find it, show it to everyone, everywhere.
  5. Another very effective way getting rid of your internal ailments is very simple and effective. You need to meet the opposite sex, start a conversation, and most importantly, arrange another meeting.

There are many ways, methods, techniques with which you can fight fears, clamps, and blocks. None of them will give instant results. But if you have the patience and diligently follow all the steps, the result will be amazing. You will get rid of your illnesses forever, and this is the most important thing in such therapy.

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How to remove energy blocks in the physical body

The physical body signifies our connection with the Earth. It corresponds to the root chakra – Muladhara. Blocks in the physical body cause various fears and phobias; a person may have bone-related diseases, bone problems, and frequent fractures.

The reason for its occurrence is a neglectful attitude towards the body and nature.

Ways to get rid of energy blocks:

  • take care of your health;
  • eat right;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • do not litter on the street and in nature;
  • treat animals and plants with care.

How to remove energy blocks in the etheric body

The etheric body is responsible for our vital energy. The corresponding chakra is Svadhisthana. Due to blocks in the etheric body, apathy, depression and laziness appear, endurance decreases, and strength becomes less. Diseases associated with the genitourinary system may occur.

Causes of occurrence: bad habits, various addictions, excessive passion, destruction, greed, greed.

  • create something;
  • draw, sing, dance;
  • do exercises, yoga, give your body light physical activity;
  • carry out breathing exercises, meditate.

How to remove energy blocks in the astral body

The astral body corresponds to our emotions, our ego. Chakra – Manipura. Blockages in the astral body cause accumulation of belly fat, digestive problems, loss of emotional control, living in past events or expected future events.

Reasons for occurrence: pride, resentment, an inflated sense of the importance of one’s own person, rancor, desire for revenge.

  • don’t run from your emotions, recognize and work through them;
  • forgive the offenders;
  • remember the past and let go of everything that may be holding you there;
  • become aware of yourself in the present.

How to remove energy blocks in the sensual body

The sensual body is responsible for feelings and love. It corresponds to the Anahata chakra. Due to blocks in this body, mental pain appears, which often reminds itself, and diseases associated with the heart and lungs are possible.

Causes of occurrence: blocks in the previous body, a tireless thirst for property in relation to people and things, melancholy, a feeling of hatred, a feeling of attachment to one person, the desire to avoid other people, new relationships.

Methods of disposal or prevention:

  • become aware of your own feelings towards certain people or events;
  • look at everything from the outside, understand why problems arose here;
  • let go.

How to remove energy blocks in the mental body

The mental body corresponds to our thoughts and attitude to reality. Chakra – Vishuddha. Blocks in the mental body cause diseases of the neck, throat, tongue, and voice problems. You can deny, not accept what is happening or what has already happened.

Causes of occurrence: patterns and stereotypes, reluctance or fear to show one’s essence, to voice one’s thoughts.

Methods of disposal or prevention:

  • stop holding yourself back from expressing emotions;
  • speak if you want to say something;
  • if you want, laugh, cry, dance;
  • understand what social patterns you have, why they appeared, and whether they correspond to reality.

How to remove energy blocks in the higher mental body

The higher mental body is responsible for intuition and communication with the subtle world. It corresponds to the Ajna chakra. If blocks arise here, communication with the subtle world is disrupted, a person may suffer from frequent headaches, especially the forehead and temples.

Causes of occurrence: denial of one’s own intuition, a person acts contrary to his inner voice, listens more to public opinion, stereotypes, habits, patterns.

Methods of disposal or prevention:

  • destroy your behavioral patterns, get rid of stereotypes;
  • listen and listen to your intuition.

How to remove energy blocks in the karmic body

The karmic body represents our destiny, cause-and-effect relationships. The corresponding chakra is Sahasrara.

Any event has a reason, any action, emotion, thought has consequences. When a person denies this, life is filled with signs that constantly remind us of this. This continues until the person realizes that he is stepping on the same rake and understands that there is a clear connection between actions and the consequences that arise.

Ways to get rid of energy blocks:

  • experience situations, your own emotions and feelings with pleasure;
  • feel and understand the correspondence of actions and consequences;
  • joyfully, consciously receive life experience.