Happy 50th anniversary wishes. Serpentine of original ideas for women's anniversary

It's time to prepare for the holiday and accept congratulations on your 50th birthday.

What can I wish for you, my dear man?

Agree, any anniversary is worthy of once again remembering best moments life of the hero of the day. Therefore, congratulations for 50 years must be prepared carefully, choosing words with meaning so that they resonate in the heart of the birthday person. Don't read banal words from a store postcard. It’s better to prepare a short poem, which you can compose yourself or order from the appropriate company, having previously sent information about the birthday person.

People say that living life is not a field to cross, so there is no need to regret kind words:

  • if you are preparing congratulations for the 50th birthday of a woman, a close relative, then it is worth noting her qualities as a good housewife and loving mother, for example;
  • a colleague is pleased to hear about what professional advantages he has;
  • for your beloved mother you need to choose the most tender words, because she expects and deserves them;
  • I have traveled a lot of roads with my girlfriend or boyfriend, so there is something to remember and tell a poem for the occasion.

And if the congratulation is created from the heart and contains pleasant compliments, then it will leave a pleasant impression for a long time and will delight the heroes of the day. There are never enough wishes on this day!

What not to say on your anniversary

Etiquette must be followed in everything. If those congratulating you really prepare correctly, then they will not focus on the woman’s age, even when it is congratulations on her 50th birthday. It is more appropriate to talk about the life core and virtues of the birthday girl, her life principles and achievements.

There are many patterns in our lives. But if on ordinary days they are invisible, then on an anniversary you need to forget about them. There’s no need to say for the hundredth time that the birthday boy’s life is just beginning... It’s better to tell guests about the bright moments that await the birthday boy in the next part of his life’s journey.

You should not give advice to celebrants if they are wiser than you. Tell us how their advice helps you in life. But wishes for health on this day will never be superfluous.
If you use your imagination and don’t turn off your logic, it’s easy to create an original congratulation!

They say that at forty-five
Baba is a berry again.
But I will say, at fifty
Baba is a real treasure!
Knows how to build a husband
Prepare a delicious dinner
He will give sensible advice to the children,
The house in her hands is like new.
May your family take care of you
And all my friends respect me.

The birthday girl is beautiful, as always!
And no one will give you your years.
And may you be fifty today,
But his eyes, just like in his youth, glow.

Happy anniversary! Peace, happiness and goodness,
Endless warmth.
Interest in life, devoted friends,
Bold, bright, unexpected ideas!

The most tender smile on your lips,
And the look shines with youthful enthusiasm,
Maybe there's some mistake
What are you, sister, 50?!

Accept, dear, congratulations,
Be loved, happy, young,
May good luck, joy and luck
They always go hand in hand with you!

Our life is such a thing

I was young yesterday
And today you are babysitting your grandson,
That's how things are!

I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Never be discouraged
Life is easy, without knowing worries,
And hope for joy!


Half a century has flown by, it seems like a long time...
Everything was on your difficult path,
Life with you was good-natured and strict,
And you were able to find your happiness!
Achieved what we once wanted
We managed to give birth to wonderful children,
And if you still didn’t have time to do something -
There are still many opportunities ahead!
Now your grandchildren will be your joy,
Take care of yourself for them and for us,
The smiles of your family will be the best reward,
And let's continue the celebration with a glass now!
We wish you not to give up in the future,
How to illuminate us with a smile before,
To be the happiest - no more, no less,
And life will definitely not be lived in vain!


We wish you such prosperity,
So that there is nothing to even dream about!
Let the whole world become cozy for you,
It will be painted in azure colors.
May luck generously greet you everywhere!
But even if something suddenly goes wrong,
Something for such a beautiful, wise lady
Any business is, in essence, a trifle!
After all, the date of the anniversary is golden,
Like the sun on an open path.
And you are so young now!
And so much happiness awaits you ahead!


50 years - what an anniversary!
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!
Live long, long, don’t get sick!
Everything will be great - we know for sure!
May spring always bloom in your soul,
Age only makes you more beautiful,
And a glass of good wine
We will fill the cup of this life!


At 50, it’s probably no coincidence
The anniversary is called golden!
Little remains a secret for you,
But the look is still young!
The years flew by unnoticed
They flashed by like a short dream!
Don't be sad that summer is leaving!
The velvet season is just around the corner!
Everything is now available, everything is clear,
The sun warms, but no longer burns!
May happiness be immense!
And only joy awaits you ahead!

The age of women is said to be
There's no point in discussing it at all!
On the anniversary of fifty
You look younger!

How not to say this
Wonderful birthday girl!
I want to wish you:
Be just as interesting!

Let the worries go away

The road will be easy

Well, we are your friends,

Will always be nearby!

Your magical beauty will easily drive you crazy -
Shine your eyes, smile, beloved wife!
Gorgeous age, 50, added gloss and charm,
I will lay the treasures of the whole world at your feet!
Affection and tenderness are growing stronger every day,
Enthusiastic, a little timidly, we always move forward.
Let's find there a starry eternity, a sparkling waterfall...
I am in love with you as in my youth, and there are no barriers to love!

Happy anniversary, dear!
I'm not afraid to say - fifty,
After all, I look and am surprised again
You are still the same as you were ten years ago.

Be your friend as beautiful as before
Don't be sad, have fun, light up
May you have enough patience and strength
Help all family and friends.

Let your eyes be kind and bright
The light that you carry through the years,
Many songs, flowers and gifts,
Let them always be present in life!

You, friend, don’t be shy -
Yes, a significant anniversary,
But in my soul I’m eighteen,
So don't you dare relax.

Sparkles dance in the eyes -
This means there will be some sense in business.
There is enough tenderness in the soul -
This means the heart is not bored.

There is gunpowder in the flasks -
We only dream of knowing peace.
Forget the number fifty
And always be happy!

Serpentine of original ideas for a women's anniversary

If a congratulation is being prepared for a woman, it must be targeted and take into account the birthday girl’s tastes, profession and age. Beautiful half humanity always appreciates attention and sincere attitude that can be expressed with kind words.

Here are some ideas you can use and prepare original congratulations for 50 years:

  • 1. A shower of wishes. It can be created directly at the holiday, when guests are given blank stars on which they write their congratulations. To the music, guests throw stars up, and the birthday girl catches them and reads them aloud. From the compiled congratulations, a star necklace is created for the birthday girl.
  • 2. A comic heartfelt congratulation from male guests can also be prepared directly at the holiday.
  • 3. Congratulations from friends can be in the form of ditties. It will be fun and funny.
  • 4. A portrait of the birthday girl can also be written in verse and supplemented teamwork on canvas. Anyone can take part in it.

The main thing in any congratulation is the mood, and this should always be remembered. An anniversary is a special holiday that should not be overshadowed by anything, so you need to try hard on this day.

What congratulations on his 50th birthday will a man definitely like?

The strong half of humanity loves humor and cool congratulations. Such options will amuse not only the birthday boy, but also all the guests. What could be better than the cheerful positive mood that short poems create.

For some reason everyone thinks
At 50, half your life is gone.
The house is built, the garden is planted,
He raised a son and a daughter...

And everything is fine with my career:
You are the boss (and a big one!)
But you will achieve more
Just don’t get old at heart!

You have one road: up,
Go ahead, without further ado!
Without a doubt, be towards achievements,
Ready for new exploits!

And half a century later,
Among loved ones and friends
Celebrate your cheerfulness
Your centenary!

Such a beautiful date
It should be doubly pleasant.
Be strong, healthy, rich,
And to always be on horseback!
Good luck, kindness and prosperity.
Fun and new victories.
Let there be enough energy for everything!
And we wish you
Always be as successful
And, just like now, young!
And the best feelings, of course,
Give to all your friends and family!

A wonderful age - fifty!
We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I wish you health and happiness,
Just a good mood.
So that there is prosperity in the house,
Friends have always surrounded you.
To be forever young,
We achieved our goals easily and simply.
And may there be fire in your eyes
It won't go out for a minute!
Today is your anniversary
And life is as beautiful as ever!

Fifty is a real anniversary!
The middle of a long journey!
You passed half of it brilliantly!
There is still so much to go through!

Today there is something for celebration
Reasonable reason -
You are half a hundred years old
Our chef is wonderful!

May health be every hour
Siberian makes me happy,
Added to the shoulders
Heroic strength.

There is a flame of love in the heart
It burns brighter
And the fate of your yachts and pitchforks
He's trying to give a gift!

And may your path be simple
To new achievements.
Be happy our boss
Every moment!

Anniversary years
You'll never catch up
They fly by like comets
Touching the wires.

Time, time, how to be here,
Don't forget, don't forget,
Maybe just look back
And quietly continue to swim.

The years lined up
Is fifty a lot or a little?
A lilac bell,
Congratulations are ringing.

Husbands will line up in a row,
Wives, children, sons,
The whole crowd congratulates you,
A friendly family came out.

You are our helmsman, captain,
You were definitely given to us by God,
May there be so much health
So as not to knock over the glass of intoxication.

May God grant that everything comes true
The haze of plans has grown together,
Abundance from the horn,
So that it pours on you.

And of course, a few words,
Putting it in the eye not in the eyebrow,
A cup full of luck
And live to be a hundred years old.

They are easy to remember, so they will be pronounced easily and cheerfully:

  1. The boss will be pleased to hear creative poems that will highlight the individuality and resourcefulness of his colleagues.
  2. Dad is main man in life, like his mother, let him feel it in a special way on this day.
  3. A colleague will appreciate the song that the team composed for him.

It should be noted that any person deserves kind words on their anniversary, which you can always choose yourself or compose together with everyone, directly at the holiday, turning it into fun competition. The mood is guaranteed for everyone, and individuality, sincerity and originality are always welcomed.

Relatives Friend Girlfriend Beloved Beloved Colleague Happy Anniversary Man Woman 50th Anniversary

Yes, fifty is a long time,
You have been able to do a lot in life.
Let the whirlwinds of life's passions
They only make you stronger!

Despite half a century of experience,
Half my life behind me,
You have always been a person
With a young heart and soul.

50 is a holiday,
The most devoted friends,
Peace, affection and good luck,
On your happy anniversary.

The golden middle of the century has arrived, we wish you not to look back at the past half, even though there was a lot of happiness in it, but to come up with a way to make the second half even happier.

Half a century is an important anniversary,
May he be unforgettable
We consider you wiser than everyone else
And we sincerely congratulate you!

As in the sky proudly being at the zenith
The clear face of the midday sun,
So at noon in life, at the hour of great discoveries
You will understand that your age is small.

You're only 50, and that means
That it's only halfway done.
And I wish you peace and good luck
Another half century of fun to go through!

On your golden 50s, I want to wish you youthful perseverance in all matters, a fiery desire to live and do good, and the best health. And let young people strive to be like a sincere, noble person like you.

Your five with one zero
Let the whole house greet you,
All colleagues, all friends...
I wish you happiness too!

The planets are lined up
And the sun started to shine!
You're fifty today
Not more and not little!

And may luck and dreams
They will erase obstacles from the path,
And happiness is light and kindness
They will be with you!

In your 50s, we wish you to live 100 percent: experience a million joys, smile thousands of times, fulfill dozens of desires, feel 20, fulfill your most cherished dream! And keep in mind, this is a 1-year plan only!

On your golden anniversary, the house is filled with loud laughter,
Refined bouquet of roses and Chardonnay in crystal.
To be friends with good health and become related to success,
We wish you to live up to a hundred years on Earth!

The distances passed behind you:
Five dozen glorious ones are behind us.
Gold virtual medals
They are built in rows on the chest.

Yes, you have taken all the barriers,
But there are still many peaks to be achieved.
May your career take off in a cool way
The invisible one will ascend to Olympus!

On your amazing fiftieth anniversary, I wish you to dress in a stunning outfit: in underwear of tenderness, in a suit of happiness, throw on top a jacket of love and put on shoes of success!

Fifty today! Half a century
Suddenly turned you into a miracle man!
Happy name day, my friend! Happy holiday,
Let it be a good day - joyful and clear!

Fifty to you! Half a century
Flashed behind me!
This is great, of course
Be happy, be yourself!

Let the mood be there!
Happiness, joy and love,
To want a lot,
So that more can be done!

Fifty is just a small excerpt from the play of life that you are writing. Your smile always inspires grace and envelops the heart. The thrill with which you dissolve the boring atmosphere is sincere and genuine. Thank you. Happy anniversary!

Alina Ogonyok

You are 50 today.
Happy anniversary!
Let there be no troubles in life.
I wish you all the best.
May health and good luck
They never leave.

I will congratulate you today,
After all, fifty is the second twenty-five.
And even though we can’t turn back time,
I know you will not be discouraged.
I want to wish you happiness,
And you won’t know old age for another hundred years.

Let your fiftieth birthday become not the middle of something passed, but the beginning of a new, very happy, rich and prosperous life. Happy anniversary!

Congratulations on the round anniversary,
At fifty I wish you:
Keep youth in your soul
And be an example for everyone!

We are happy to congratulate you on your anniversary,
We want to continue like this
How to dream and believe at twenty-five
How to not be discouraged at twenty-five.

May this golden 50
Fate itself will hug, kiss,
May the doves of luck fly in
And they will coo for many happy years!

On the fiftieth anniversary
I wish you prosperity and health,
Let there be many sincere friends
AND good days, wrapped in love!

Congratulations on your 50th birthday,
The main thing is that I wish you good health.
There is a lot ahead for you in life,
Successfully continue your better days.

In your 50s I wish you
So that happiness splashes in your soul!
Health, good luck, happy days,
May everything you wish for yourself come true!

Golden mean,
This is a reason to be proud
I congratulate you
Let your soul sing!
50 to you, cheers
Congratulations on this!

Congratulations on a beautiful date!
An excellent age is 50.
May the angel protect you
Let joy come to visit.

Live another fifty years
In addition to the current ones, I wish,
May happiness, joy and love
They will never leave you!

Optimism and excitement
But quite pleasant
On the anniversary birthday
Balance in the soul.

On this bright anniversary
Don't get sick, don't get old!
Let happy life light
It will not fade until a hundred years!
May there always be happiness
But problems are not a problem!

Congratulations on your glorious anniversary!
Let everything be important in life!
Joy, success and health!
Take care of yourself, live with love!

Fiftieth anniversary -
Beautiful, solemn date,
I wish you happy days in your life,
Health and spiritual wealth!

fiftieth anniversary
Already standing with a bouquet at the doorstep,
May he bring a sea of ​​good days
And luckily he will pave the way for you!

I wish that at 50,
Your life was like a fairy tale.
To make them burn with love,
And your eyes are filled with happiness.

I wish you to be in great shape,
Become even more vigorous at 50,
And may your health be normal,
And the days will rush by more joyfully!

Age mature, golden,
Like a poured ear!
Let there be joy in your heart
It's like the sun is above the earth!

Much or little - we don’t know,
But we will wish to live, not to lose heart.
The house is filled with laughter - it's beauty
May warmth and joy always be in him.

Is this age - 50,
If you can’t count your strength, your gaze is fervent?!
If joy splashes like a wave,
Tone - like a ringing string?!
Let the frost continue to invigorate
And the gentle scent of roses excites me,
Nature's beauty touches you,
The sky is blue and high!
May every day be beneficial
It will be a noble, important goal!
Anniversaries are not frequent in life,
Children give granddaughters and grandchildren!

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Half a century is a golden holiday!
Your gaze shines with genuine joy,
And for all those present it is clear in advance -
You will not stop, but go forward!
The strength is not wasted, there is fire in the soul,
50? - Error? Less years you!
Young people everywhere look with jealousy,
They want to be like you.
You are simply in your prime, and everything is fine!
Is this your merit or magic?
Good health, happiness and love,
May you live just as wonderfully for many years to come!

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Today uncle is the hero of the day.
But he’s still a specimen!
You can't keep up with him,
Neither can the young one overcome.
Let gray hair sprinkle the row,
But my uncle’s look is young and bright.
And for discoveries and miracles
I have experience and strength.
And health, so to speak,
He can't borrow from us.
He will give anyone a head start
Nimble and big.
God give him so much strength
May he be happy!

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Slaughter, farmer, tasty piglets,
Labay, maestro, fugue scales:
Today my mother-in-law is (age)!
Have a wonderful anniversary for your mom!
I kiss the golden threshold
Favorite dear “youngster”:
A pie awaits us like a continent
And an ocean of wine and vodka!
But I have one wish,
But there is no longer and simpler one:
You can't see the bottom of life!
Yes - many sweet grandchildren in mother-in-law!

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Mom, today is your anniversary!
50 is an immodest date!
Don't regret anything in life!
It may not have been easy at some point.
You know, mom, but for me it’s more important
The person is no longer in the world.
I beg you, just don't get sick
And live another 100 years in this world!
Mom, I admire you
The way you can be tolerant,
How kind you can be
The way you are smart and fair.
You raised four children,
You gave everyone your affection,
I gave all my warmth and soul,
She turned our childhood into a fairy tale.
And now, when suddenly it’s hard,
Only you will understand and reassure.
It's always easy for us to be around our mother,
After all, only you can love us like that.
Mommy dear, I love you
More than all the people in this world,
I tell you this so rarely
I'm sorry that you have such children.
I wish all your dreams
Fulfilled. Whatever you want!
I want you to be happy!
Well, most importantly, I want you not to get sick!
CONGRATULATIONS, mommy, to you!
May you always be lucky and the sun shine!
No, just don't let it be hot!
Well, if it’s hot, let the cool wind!

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In the golden autumn clear season
We celebrate your golden anniversary
And we wish you happiness from the Caucasus Mountain,
May life in the world be more fun and warm.
Golden wine is poured into glasses,
Food is fragrantly smoking on the tables.
And the hero of the day looks brightly and openly,
As in her youth, she is slim and young.
Golden foliage swirls smoothly in a waltz,
The distance is washed by the rains, admire, breathe.
Well, most importantly, dear, glorious,
Precious gold of your soul!
The cranes will say hello to you
In the skies, flying to the sunny South,
And the earth will repeat the gentle rustle of the wind,
Preserving the warmth of your hands until spring.
So forget about what is written in your passport.
Are you 50 if your soul is young?
Stay like this, live and hello,
Let sorrows and troubles go away without a trace!

You are fifty today -
That's two twenty-five.
Congratulations on your anniversary!
From our hearts we wish you:

Warmth, comfort in the house,
May you be healthy.
Strength for many years,
Let spring bloom in your soul!

Fifty years is a beautiful date!
They call it “golden”.
Life is truly valuable and rich,
Like an ear filled with grain!

Like the sun in the midday sky
Like a hearth in a cozy home,
Like a piece of butter on bread,
Like sparks in happy eyes!

Calling it a golden anniversary,
Still, we won’t count the years.
Happy birthday to you!
Congratulations ten times - five times!

50 is the time of dawn
Women's new, great beauty.
A time of happiness, smiles and light.
And a simple but beautiful dream.

50 is the start time,
It's time to start for the female soul,
That sometimes you don’t even notice
How her family needs her hands.

Congratulations on your anniversary.
You are beautiful, polite, kind.
And we wish you success and good luck
And warmth from loved ones.

Happiness in life, better health
And more cloudless days.
We congratulate you with love
On your fiftieth anniversary.

Today we celebrate your anniversary.
Pour some wine into my glass.
I'm getting ready to say a toast of congratulations,
With all my heart I wish you happiness.

So that your salary is always enough
For all the trinkets, pleasant spending.
And there is plenty of money, “the chickens won’t peck at it”,
Let comfort reign in your home.

There are a lot of things - beautiful and fashionable.
So that she can fit into the right dress freely.
And so that no wrinkles are visible on your face,
And the men watched with admiration.

In business and work - crazy success,
And let the tears roll only from laughter.
Health is getting stronger day by day,
And let your children always support you.

My husband loves, cherishes and fries cutlets.
Let him give flowers and sweets every day.
May luck never end
After all, life begins at 50.

The years fly by imperceptibly, joy and sadness alternate one another, and now half a century has already been lived. The body is still young, and the soul remains at the age of 25 - it longs for adventure, joy and love! I wish you the fulfillment of your most cherished dreams and the most rosy dreams! Strength of body and spirit, wisdom, patience, the blossoming of that great love that will last a lifetime! Respect and understanding of loved ones and friends, warm love of relatives, daily joy from all sorts of little things that make up and intertwine over the years this miracle, whose name is life!

How often do we hear
In my life words:
“If youth knew,
If only old age could.”

But there is a beautiful age
And on our way,
When wisdom and strength
They can keep up.

That time when again
There is luck in fate.
Give us your word to dream.
Happiness in life to you!

Always act smart
It's nice to be smart.
Everything in the world is available,
Everything in the world is clear.

And let life offer
A series of complex charades,
After all, they are easy to solve
Those who are fifty!

Birthday is a wonderful holiday.
And it doesn't matter how old you are.
The calendar is always a prankster,
Don't show the answer!

Women's eyes are charming,
Their beauty, depth...
Gloss and lip touch are important,
Well, age is nonsense.

Fifty is an incentive for women
Live, love, create, dream.
To be dear to everyone's heart,
Charm everyone again.

Happy anniversary!
Long life, without interference.
May your wishes come true
And your ringing laughter sounds!

Today is a holiday - an anniversary,
Half a century behind me
But you are more beautiful, you are brighter,
Than anyone else.

Your age suits you only
And the wisdom of clear eyes.
Today is a fairy tale in reality,
We congratulate you!

On your fiftieth birthday
These congratulations are an honor.
May your winged guardian angel
Will bring you good news!

Let it always be easy in your heart,
The years will become true wealth.
There will be sincere people nearby,
To always smile with happiness!

Your birthday is another reason
Say nice words:
With you in any frost and cold
Warm and joyful always

It doesn’t matter how many years the count is -
Seventeen, thirty, fifty,
And the important thing is that every year
Your eyes are burning brighter!

Even 20, even 30 -
Is this an anniversary?
50 is the DATE,
Don't forget about her!

Congratulations to the hero of the day
Let them fly from all angles.
I am from everyone, without exception,
I wish you good health!

Fifty or fifty -
Call it whatever you want!
It makes no difference when your eyes are burning
And you don’t walk - you fly!

Anyone will envy you:
How can I compare with you at 50?
The secret is probably simple,
But don't open it!

Today is your birthday,
And I wish with all my heart,
So that your youth is ignited
Never left you!

To make life interesting
And there was nothing to worry about!
After all, what is 50?
That's two times twenty-five!

You have lived in the world for half a century, -
She worked, she cared, she loved,
And life wasn't always easy,
But you always managed and didn’t whine.

May success and happiness be with you,
And children give joy, not sadness...
I'm glad I can call you sister
The woman I'm proud of!

Fifty is a round date
A new stage begins
Let everything you once wanted
It will soon become a result!

To be healthy, loved by family,
Real good friends
And large and stable incomes
We wish you a happy anniversary!