Makeup rules for almond-shaped eyes. Makeup for almond-shaped eyes: features, options and examples Makeup with green shadows for almond-shaped eyes

The eyes are the mirror of the soul, and if framed correctly, they can attract a man’s attention and charm him. Eye makeup can be either bright and rich, eye-catching, or natural and almost invisible. And if you emphasize it individual style clothes, you can create an extraordinary and beautiful feminine image. Thanks to high-quality, skillfully applied makeup, it is easy to emphasize the natural shape of the eyes or change its shape beyond recognition.

Of course, almond-shaped or cat-like eyes are considered the most beautiful and charming - they are able to charm, enchant and attract attention to a woman. Very often, women with a similar eye shape are called the descendants of witches, since they have such an attractive gaze that it is impossible to tear yourself away from it.

Almond-shaped eyes are most common in oriental girls, but women of other nationalities are not deprived of this form. Very often, almond-shaped eyes are compared to this same nut, as they have a characteristic elongation and curvature at the edges.

As a rule, the natural shape of such eyes does not require large quantity makeup. It is necessary in order to emphasize their attractive beauty. You can use makeup in the style of Sophia Loren, creating a feminine, sensual look.

  1. This will require shades of gray-black or dark brown. You can use them to apply smokey eye makeup, and add expressiveness to your look by applying lighter shades to the upper eyelid using a brush. The same color can be used to draw a line along the lower eyelid;
  2. Shade the outer edge of the moving eyelid with dark shades (brown or black), evenly distributing the tone to the middle of the eyelid;
  3. Add some zest to the look by adding grey colour in the outer and inner corners of the eyes, working them in such a way that they are evenly distributed throughout the entire area of ​​the eyelid, smoothly flowing into each other;
  4. The finishing touch will be to draw arrows on the upper eyelid from the middle of the eye, bending them slightly upward. Under no circumstances should you draw arrows over the entire eyelid area, as such arrows will significantly make your eyes smaller and add age.

Caution in makeup for almond-shaped eyes

When working on makeup for cat eyes, you need to be extremely careful. Overdoing it with application decorative cosmetics, you can ruin the image of a beauty by turning it into something ugly and vulgar.

  • Eyelashes with such gorgeous eyes do not require adding additional volume, much less lengthening. Therefore, it is better to use regular mascara without unnecessary additional effects;
  • Eyebrows are a woman's main weapon. Therefore, special attention must be paid to their care. Eyebrows should be thin, turning into a smooth curve. But thick and wide ones will add several years to a woman and give her facial expression a gloomy and gloomy look;
  • Best suited for the image of a beautiful and sensual diva lipstick sensual shades. Lip gloss, on the contrary, will ruin the aristocratic image.

For women with small eyes who want to visually lengthen their shape, well-applied oriental or Arabic makeup is suitable. It consists of gradually applying dark and light golden shades to the upper and lower eyelids. You should start from the outer corner of the eyelid, applying a dark brown shade, then dark golden to the middle of the eyelid, and light gold to the corner. All shades are carefully shaded so that all colors smoothly transition into one another.

Shades on the inner corner and middle of the eyelid are best applied with a brush dipped in water. It is wetted so that the shadows do not fall off and so that the shade becomes more saturated. Afterwards, Arabic arrows are drawn and eyelashes are painted. For this type of makeup, it is better to choose the most lengthening mascara.

Almond-shaped eyes are considered the most beautiful and ideal. When applying makeup to such eyes, the main thing is not to spoil their amazing shape with ugly lines and strokes. This eye shape does not require any correction, but only proper framing. For almond-shaped eyes, makeup should be “cat-like”, which can make them more expressive and deep.

Features of almond-shaped eyes

The inner corner of the eye completely matches the rounded end of the nut, and the outer corner of the eye matches the pointed corner.

Almond-shaped eyes are considered classic and easy to use with any makeup technique. Makeup artists find it very convenient to work with them, since the eyes do not need adjustments and make it possible to realize any fantasy.

Many representatives of the fair sex, having a different eye shape, try to bring it closer to almond-shaped with the help of the right makeup. Women with almond-shaped eyes just need to emphasize their beautiful shape and give their look attractiveness and depth.

Very often, almond-shaped eyes are called cat or Asian. They have an oblong cut towards the temple. Experts believe that with such perfect shape You can safely experiment with your eyes, use different shades of shadows and draw almost any arrows.

Experiments should be carried out taking into account the basic recommendations of experienced stylists:

  • Shadows are selected taking into account eye color;
  • A contour pencil will allow you to create an even more amazing eye shape;
  • Taking into account individual characteristics, do not be afraid to use soft pink, white or light gray shades of eyeshadow in your makeup;
  • The inner corners of the eye are highlighted in a lighter tone than the rest of the eyelid;
  • Almond-shaped eyes come in different sizes, so use eyeliner in accordance with this nuance: the larger the eyes, the thicker the contour line can be;
  • Smokey eyes look especially good on such eyes. It will give the eyes expressiveness and mystery;
  • Almost any arrows are suitable for such eyes; winged arrows are especially attractive, as they make the eyes wide open and expressive.

Makeup based on eye size

As already mentioned, almond-shaped eyes can be either small or large. Large almond-shaped eyes are an ideal combination, but small eyes need to be corrected.

When choosing shades of decorative cosmetics, you need to understand that light shadows visually enlarge the eyes, while dark shadows, on the contrary, make them smaller. But this does not mean at all that owners of small almond-shaped eyes cannot use dark shades of eye shadow. Of course they can, only correctly: the inner corners of the eye are covered with lighter shadows until the middle of the eyelid, then you can make a smooth transition to darker shades, directing the lines towards the temple.

With eyes this size, the shape of the eyebrows is very important. The shape should be symmetrical, and the eyebrows themselves should not be very thick. The eyeliner should not be thick, otherwise the size of the eyes will visually decrease. It is better not to draw a line along the entire length of the eyelid; we start the line closer to the middle of the eye and extend it beyond the outer corner of the eyelid. It is better if the contour is softly shaded.

Large almond-shaped eyes can be brightly outlined with any contour; it will only emphasize the shape and slightly reduce the size.

With this eye shape, you can use mascara with a lengthening effect. If you apply it to the outer corner of the eye, it will further lengthen the beautiful shape of the eyes. It is possible to use false eyelashes. Bunches on the outer edge of the eyelid will look especially impressive.

Almond-shaped eyes with hooded lids

It happens that the beautiful almond-shaped eyes are hidden under the hooded eyelid. This problem can be easily solved with the right makeup. Skillfully painted eyes will not appear flat or hidden under the eyelid.

The peculiarity of the looming eyelid is a crease that needs to be properly hidden. To do this, apply light-colored matte shadows to the entire eyelid. Then the fold is retouched with a darker, cool tone. All lines are drawn towards the outer corner of the eye. As a result, the eyes will be more open. You should not place the mirror on the side. All lines are drawn with the mirror positioned directly opposite the eyes.

Then a light highlight under the eyebrow line and the lightest tone in the inner corner of the eye. The darkest shade of shadow is applied to the outer corner of the eyelid. You should not get carried away with the arrows, as they can emphasize the overhang of the fold.

Smoky makeup for almond-shaped eyes

Smoky makeup (smoky eyes) has become very popular recently. It allows you to highlight your eyes very clearly, your gaze becomes bewitching and alluring. Almond-shaped eyes are the ideal platform for this type of makeup.

IN smoky technique Eyes are mainly used in shades of gray and black. But they need to be combined and applied correctly to create a smoky, seductive effect. It is allowed to add other shades to the color palette that suit the individual shade of the eyes and skin.

For almond-shaped eyes, the following sequence of smoky makeup is provided:

  1. Select the necessary palette to be used in makeup;
  2. Choose a medium tone and apply it to the entire moving eyelid, lightly touching the crease;
  3. Apply the darkest shade of eyeshadow to the crease and along the lash line. Thus, it is ideal to highlight the beautiful shape of the eyes;
  4. Apply the lightest shade of shadow to the area under the eyebrows and carefully blend all the boundaries so that the transition from one tone to another is not noticeable;
  5. Apply black mascara to the eyelashes in several layers. Comb them thoroughly and remove excess.

Smokey eye makeup for almond-shaped eyes is ready. Before applying decorative cosmetics, never forget about your makeup base. It will allow the shadows to last longer and lie more evenly.

What is the most important thing to consider when doing eye makeup? Firstly, their color. Secondly, the form. The almond shape is considered the most common. Eyes with this shape are elongated, with “pointing” at the edges and an outer corner raised upward. This is a very graceful eye shape, as you can see by looking at girls with oriental appearance: they most often have almond-shaped eyes, with a mysterious and attractive look.

Unlike other eye shapes, almond-shaped ones have little to do with makeup - almost all options and makeup techniques suit them. However, some rules are still worth mentioning.

  • Arrows

The main advantage of almond-shaped eyes is their graceful curve. That is why arrows are the most successful make-up option for this shape: drawn along the eyelash contour, they will help to emphasize the expressive curve. This kind of makeup requires clear lines and strict graphics. When drawing out “tails” with eyeliner, try to make them long (within reason) - short, “chopped off” ones visually narrow the eyes. For more information on how to choose the shape of the arrow depending on the shape of the eyes, see ours.

Ulyana Sergeenko © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Two-color

If not arrows, then what? Smoky eyes are the second universal option. For this makeup, use no more than two shades: the lighter one in the middle and in the inner corner of the eye, and the darker one in the crease of the eyelid at the outer edge. “Stretch” the color towards the temples to make the look of your almond-shaped eyes even more piercing.

Jenny Packham © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Only to the top

As for contraindications, in the case of almond-shaped eyes it is makeup on the lower eyelid. Do not line it with a pencil or liquid liner or apply shadow to this area. It is not recommended to paint even the lower eyelashes: all because of the upward direction of the outer corner of the almond-shaped eyes.

Alexis Mabille © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • Landing question

Some “buts” may appear if the eyes are set either far from each other, or, conversely, close and deep. In the first case, give preference to smoky makeup; Apply dark shadows closer to the middle of the eyelid. In the second, shadows with a shimmering texture and arrows with a long “tail” will help.

Lanvin © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • On the cutting edge

The shape of the eyes should also match the arch of the eyebrows. Don't pluck them so that you get a straight line. They should have a break - as elegant as the bend of the eye contour itself.

Rodarte © fotoimedia/imaxtree

  • "Styling" eyelashes

You can also highlight almond-shaped eyes with eyelash makeup. How to proceed? Apply mascara, trying to tilt your eyelashes to one side, towards the outer corner of your eyes. This unique “styling” of hair will go well with curved arrows or cat eye makeup with an emphasis on the crease.

Vionnet © fotoimedia/imaxtree

One example of successful makeup for almond-shaped eyes is in our video:

If you need to create perfect makeup for almond-shaped eyes, recommendations from experienced makeup artists will help you.

Let's find out together how to emphasize natural beauty your face using decorative cosmetics.

Features of makeup for almond-shaped eyes

The almond-shaped eyes got their name because of their resemblance to an almond. Also, such eyes are considered cat or Asian. The main difference is the oblong incision directed towards the temple. It turns into a wing towards the outer corner of the eye.

If you have almond-shaped eyes, you are very lucky. She is considered ideal. In this case, you can safely experiment with different types of makeup.

  • Don't forget to purchase a contour pencil. With its help you will get a spectacular make-up.
  • Often, light shades of eyeshadow are suitable for almond-shaped eyes: soft pink, light gray and even white. Consider individual characteristics faces.
  • Eyeliner of any color is suitable for the main lines, but emphasize the inner corners of the eyes with light tones. The thin contour is suitable for small eyes. Choose a thicker one if your size is larger.

Among the universal types of makeup for almond-shaped eyes, makeup artists highlight smokey ice. It is also called smoky and smoked. It gives the image mystery and attractiveness. To perform it, you need to highlight the lower eyelid with a dark pencil, and the upper eyelid with light shadows. Dark shadows are applied on top of them on the outer corner of the eye. All lines are carefully shaded. The attribute of this type of makeup is arrows. But in our case it is better to refuse them, otherwise the look will turn out to be vulgar and aggressive.

Wing-shaped arrows are also suitable for almond-shaped eyes. To do them perfectly, draw a pencil outline along the upper eyelid and beyond the outer corner, continue the line with a smooth upward curve. Circle the lower eyelid only to the middle. If you want it completely, use light colors.

Advice! Before applying decorative cosmetics, treat the skin of your eyelids to protect it. You need to cleanse your face and moisturize. Then apply makeup base. You can choose both concealer and foundation.

How to emphasize the attractiveness of brown eyes?

Almond-shaped brown eyes resemble a cat. If you correctly emphasize the shape with cosmetics, a predatory expression will appear that will attract any man.

Which eye shadow color to choose? brown eyes?

  • copper;
  • grey;
  • bronze;
  • beige;
  • purple;
  • green;
  • golden;
  • silver;
  • turquoise;
  • amber;
  • coral.

If your brown eye color is close to hazel, pay attention to lavender, plum, brown, olive, beige, yellow, and emerald shades.

Black mascara is considered universal for different types makeup. However, make-up artists are arguing about tinting the eyelashes of brown-eyed beauties. If you have light brown or straw-colored hair, it is better to give preference to brown mascara. Avoid applying too much color to your eyelashes to keep them looking neat. Apply cosmetics with neat, even strokes, trying to separate every hair.

In spring and summer, girls prefer to use bright shadows in their makeup. But those with brown eyes should avoid this. Rich colors can turn you into a carnival babe.

Advice!Do not overdo it with cosmetics, otherwise instead of a predatory seductive image you will get a sick and tired look. Do not weigh down your eyelashes with several layers of mascara, avoid excess black color. Try to make the eyeliner line perfectly smooth and thin, and then be sure to shade it.

Makeup for green eyes

Green eye color attracts attention with its mystery and depth. It has long been believed that only witches are endowed with such a rich, unusual shade. Today, green-eyed girls are also not deprived of attention. But now they are found sexually attractive and divine. Correctly selected makeup will help enhance the impression.

All neutral shades suit green-eyed fashionistas. Your makeup bag should definitely contain the following colors:

  • grey;
  • golden;
  • copper;
  • plum;
  • peach;
  • carbonic;
  • green;
  • coffee;
  • violet.

Let's look at the technique of applying makeup for almond-shaped green eyes:

  • Carefully shape the eyebrow lines so that they are thin and slightly curved. Tint with black shadows or a cold pencil gray shades.
  • Proceed to treat the upper eyelid. Draw an outline with a light gray or white pencil along the lash line. The subeyebrow area is separated from the moving eyelid by the same color. Paint the inner corners with rich dark shadows that match the color of the outfit. Paint the central area in a medium shade, and make the area near the eyebrows the lightest. Conscientiously shade all transitions.
  • Ordinary day makeup involves applying one layer of lengthening mascara. For an evening look, you can stroke your lashes twice. Decorate the outer corner of your eye with a few false eyelashes, onto which you can attach rhinestones or sprinkle glitter.
  • To avoid visually diminishing almond-shaped green eyes, use two types of eyeliner. Step back from the lash line and draw a thin strip of black, and draw an inner line with silver shadows or a light pencil. This will make your eyes appear larger and more expressive. The depth of your gaze will open.

Don't forget that lipstick plays an important role in makeup. It should be harmoniously combined with the eyes. Therefore, if you highlight them with bright shades, your lips should be light. A clear gloss is ideal.

Advice! To prevent mascara from sticking, powder them before applying mascara.

How to accentuate gray eyes

The most common eye color is gray. But that doesn't make him any less attractive. If you choose the right shadows, make beautiful, even eyelashes and emphasize the thickness of your eyelashes, a gray-eyed girl will not be left without fans. Almond-shaped gray eyes are especially impressive. But how to arrange them in such a way as to get perfect image?

It is believed that any shade of eye shadow is suitable for decorating gray eyes. But this is only partially true. Skin color plays an important role:

  • For warm-toned skin, caramel, sand, golden or bronze shades are suitable if you want to focus on the depth of your eyes. If you want to draw attention to your face, then make-up in cool colors is suitable for you, for example, blue, light blue, pink, purple, green or turquoise.
  • For cool-toned skin and an emphasis on the eyes, it is appropriate to use purple and green shadows. You can draw attention to your face with warm natural tones. Creamy caramel, light purple, light brown and pinkish beige are suitable.

Do not use shadows that are too bright or identical to the color of the iris. Otherwise, the look will lose depth and be distracted.

Advice! Please note that gray eyes can change color depending on the weather, time of year, clothing, mood and, of course, makeup. They are considered chameleons and this can be used to create unique, different looks.

Recommendations for those with almond-shaped blue eyes

The combination of almond-shaped eyes with blue is extremely rare. But even in this case, take into account the individual characteristics of the face. The best eyeshadow colors are:

  • orange;
  • dark brown;
  • chocolate;
  • white;
  • grey;
  • khaki.

In addition to the listed shades, pay attention to the shades of cool tones. Pale pink, turquoise, soft blue and the color of the night sky add mystery and a certain fairy-tale quality to the image, which cannot but fascinate.

The makeup for blue almond-shaped eyes is somewhat different from others. In this case, stylists recommend using black eyeliner to make the look more expressive. Just remember to make indents from the lash line so as not to narrow your already narrow eyes. The color of the eye shadow and pencil should not match the shade of the iris, otherwise you risk becoming the owner of dull eyes. To prevent the eyeliner from spreading and remaining in its original form until the end of the evening, treat it with a thin layer of powder on top.

  • For those with fair skin and light blue eyes Do not use bright blue shades. Otherwise, the look will be tired or too mature.
  • Don't use eyeshadow that is the same shade as your iris. It is preferable to choose turquoise shades.
  • Pure brown makeup makes the eyes look sore and puffy. Swap it out for coffee, clay or copper shades.
  • You cannot use red, hot pink or terracotta tones without eyeliner. Otherwise, you will get the impression of a person who did not get enough sleep.

Advice! The key to the success of effective and harmonious eye makeup is the even distribution of shadows. Transitions should not be visible.

Step-by-step makeup for almond-shaped eyes

The almond-shaped eyes got their name because of their resemblance to almonds. This form is found mainly among Eastern women, who are famous for the beauty of their eyes, but it is also often found among Slavic women. Let's tell you in more detail how to do beautiful makeup for almond-shaped eyes.

Briefly about the main thing:

If you have almond-shaped eyes, then you are lucky - they have long been considered perfect and you can experiment with makeup endlessly.

But you need to take into account that the beauty of the eyes can easily be spoiled by inexperienced makeup, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of application.

How can you tell if you have almond-shaped eyes?

The almond-shaped eyes are slightly elongated, as if drawn towards the temples.

Rules makeup for almond eyes

  1. A lot of makeup on your face will ruin the natural beauty of your eyes.
  2. There is no need to make an oblique line of makeup, as this will make the “almond-shaped” effect fake; focus on a straight, horizontal line.
  3. Thick eyebrows look unsightly with almond-shaped eyes, as they make the look heavier.
  4. For eye makeup, it is not advisable to use too bold, bright shades of shadows.

Shadows and almond eyes

Women with this eye shape should choose dark shades - brown, plum, black, gray, as well as light ones - soft pink, light gray, white are suitable.

But when choosing a shade of eyeshadow you need, first of all, to start from iris colors– the shadows should be similar to it, but one tone darker (in this case, the shadows will not merge with the color of the iris, forming a faded spot).

Pencil or eyeliner

A pencil (which can be replaced with eyeliner if desired) is a must-have in your makeup bag, along with eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. Firstly, you need to stock up on a milk pencil - it is drawn along the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid to make the eyes appear larger. Secondly, you will also need a black pencil or eyeliner.

Their main task is highlight the eye line along the upper eyelid. The main thing is to lift the edge of the arrow so that the look appears playful and not tired. You should not completely outline your eyes with pencil or eyeliner, as this technique will make your face look older (and, by the way, your eyes will visually appear less than they actually are, and given the fact that almond-shaped eyes are mostly small, making “panda eyes” is strictly not recommended).

Mascara and almond eyes

Mascara should not distract attention from the shape of the eyes, so paint your eyelashes in just one layer. If you have circles under your eyes (a common problem for brown-eyed big-eyed people), then try painting only the top row of eyelashes, leaving the lower ones unattended - this way you will make your eyes wide open, and the circles, probably masked by concealer, will be less noticeable.

Mascara should be chosen with a lengthening effect.

"Eyebrows like a house..."

Eyebrows play an important role in almond-shaped eyes. It's important to choose your eyebrow shape based on your face shape, but we're talking about eye shape.

Eyebrows should be slightly curved(but not too much, so as not to give your face a constant surprised expression), thin. It is recommended to paint eyebrows with a pencil one tone darker than the eyes or with shadows in brown or gray shades.

The best makeup for almond-shaped eyes

Makeup artists are sure that the best makeup for this eye shape is smoky. It gives the look depth, expressiveness and mystery. This makeup is done as follows: light shadows are applied to the entire moving part of the eyelid and up to the eyebrow line.

The line of the lower eyelid is highlighted with a dark pencil, which should be carefully shaded (in the outer corner of the eye you can apply a little dark shadow over the pencil). The inner and outer corners of the eyes are painted with dark shadows, after which they are carefully shaded. Of course, this is just First stage makeup, since in this case you need to take into account the color of the eyes when choosing shadows.

Almond eye makeup video: