Features of development of children with severe speech impairments. Individual lessons for children with severe speech impairments Classes for children with severe speech impairments

Nomination: Logorhythmic classes in the system of correctional and developmental work with children from 4 to 7 years old.

Using the “Round Miracle” collection in correctional and developmental work with children with severe speech impairments

In 2016 – 2017 academic year as part of a competition of educational collections held in the municipal government preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Kindergarten No. 36 combined type“Search” I created a collection of balls “Round Miracle”.

The material in this collection is intended for use with children aged 4 to 7 years. The collection consists of 29 balls, 23 spheres, 6 circles, different in size, shape, weight, material, texture. Attached are guidelines on use, materials on the history of the ball, a selection of poetic works.

This collection can be used in correctional and developmental work with children 4-7 with speech and language pathology to implement the content of the speech therapist’s work program.



  • expansion of ideas about the surrounding world, about human activity in creating objects and materials that surround him;
  • clarification and expansion of ideas about the qualitative properties of materials and objects surrounding a person in everyday life;
  • expanding ideas about comparing and classifying objects according to various criteria through observation and touch;
  • clarifying children's understanding of the concepts " prickly – smooth – spiky – pimply – porous – rough – ribbed, hard – soft – elastic, plastic, rubber, rag, leatherette, air, sports, tennis, wooden, paper, glass, transparent, Christmas tree, New Year’s, warm, cold, round, flat, gigantic – huge – very large – large – small – very small – tiny.”

Correctional and developmental:

  • clarification and enrichment of the passive and active vocabulary of children with SLI with qualitative adjectives and adjectives in a comparative degree;
  • formation of ideas about antonyms and synonyms using the example of describing objects through the use of qualitative and relative adjectives;
  • development of practical skills in the use of simple common sentences with homogeneous definitions when describing objects (balls, spheres, circles);
  • correction of successive functions through memorizing the sequence of presentation when describing collection items according to V.K. Vorobyova’s scheme. (What do I see? What do I feel?)
  • the formation of coherent speech through the compilation of paired descriptive stories, comparative descriptive stories of balls, balls, circles;
  • stimulation and development of speech activity of children with speech disorders through the use of educational collection items;
  • development of expressive speech through the competent and accurate use of adjectives when describing the exhibits of the collection;
  • development of sensory sensations through interaction with collection items;
  • development of elementary skills of analysis and synthesis through the classification of balls, spheres, circles according to various criteria;
  • development of interest in collecting.


  • nurturing emotional responsiveness and empathy in children with SLD through interaction with collection items;
  • nurturing attention and interest in the word, in its precise and correct use (in this case, qualitative adjectives), helping to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the native language;
  • education and development of aesthetic feelings;
  • instilling patience, attention, discipline (waiting patiently for your turn, listening to a friend, following the agreed rules);

Collection materials can be used as:

demo material during NOD on speech development

  • when working on sentences of various designs, when composing descriptions, stories, creative retellings;
  • when creating active gaming motivation in individual correctional classes for correcting sound pronunciation;
  • literary material - for automation of delivered sounds.

practical material for process development

  • touch,
  • fine motor skills hands (stroking, palpating, squeezing, massage of the hands);

The collection materials can be used in educational games:

Starts any game Funny ball: he comes to visit the children and brings his friends, inviting the children to get to know them.

“Find out by touch”, “ Wonderful pouch", "The fourth odd one", "Tell me which ones", "Find out by the description", "What's wrong?" or “What has changed?”; “Fun Counting”, “Name Which Counter”, “Toy Store”

« That's how the masters are "The game is played with a group of children. With the help of a rhyme, a driver is selected (at the first stage - a teacher), he takes out the collection items one by one and makes up a sentence: - This ball has spikes (spines, spots, stripes, suckers, rough spots, pores) - This ball is a glass ball ( plastic, wood, paraffin, rubber...). The next child clockwise concludes: “This is a spiky (spiny, spotted, striped, rough, porous) ball.” – This is a glass (wooden, rubber...ball) The object is placed in a container. The game is continued by the child who names a qualitative or relative adjective. For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. If he doesn’t know the answer, he skips his turn. The one who collects the most chips wins.

D/U “I have a ball in mind”

The exercise is carried out with the aim of strengthening the skill of clarifying the meaning and correct use of quality adjectives in speech, the skills of using them when composing simple common sentences with homogeneous definitions.

Preliminary work: children get acquainted with V.K. Vorobyova’s scheme, learn to select signs for an object based on visual and tactile sensations.

Progress of the exercise:

The speech therapist shows the children balls (spheres) from the collection (4 - 8 pieces) and asks them to determine, after listening to the description of this ball (sphere), which ball (sphere) she wished for. Children guess and show the ball. The exercise is repeated 2-3 times. Then the speech therapist invites one of the children to “make a guess/conceive a ball,” and the rest - to guess what their friend chose from the collection. The exercise is performed as long as the children remain interested in doing it.

Literary material from the collection can be used How pure talk during game automation of delivered sounds in individual and subgroup classes.

Using the educational collection “Round Miracle” allows you to:

  • To increase the interest of pupils with speech and language disorders in correctional speech therapy classes;
  • Make correctional lessons on automating the sounds more entertaining (the ball is an active participant in the lesson, children tell it tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems);
  • Diversify the elements of surprise in frontal and individual lessons (the appearance of a new unusual exhibit - a ball, a ball, a circle - that cooperates with children, helping them complete the speech therapist’s tasks);
  • The number of exhibits in the collection makes it possible to diversify didactic games and exercises, maintaining the long-term interest of students in them.
  • To increase the positive emotional mood of pupils during correctional classes with a speech therapist (children really like that the balls are different, unusual, that they can be touched, stroked, felt, tossed, they can be played with, they can be talked about).

Speech therapist teacher of the highest qualification category Tatyana Germanovna Sokolova

municipal government preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk “Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type “Search”

Nomination: Program of correctional work with children with special needs.

Position: teacher-speech therapist of the highest category
Place of work: MKDOU of Novosibirsk “Kindergarten No. 36 of the combined type “Search”
Location: Novosibirsk city

The reason for this may be developmental pathologies during pregnancy or birth injuries, birth defects, malocclusion, or head injuries. Also, the occurrence of disorders is influenced by severe infectious diseases, problems with the formation of the child’s psyche. Children have a tendency to imitate the adults around them, so if someone in the family has speech problems, the child may also have them.

For children with severe speech impairments, a warm family environment is important for recovery

These violations must be identified as early as possible and measures taken to get rid of them. For this purpose, the help of psychiatrists, speech therapists, and defectologists is sought.

In case of severe speech impairment, studying in a regular secondary school will be difficult and ineffective. Children are very limited in communication, have a minimal vocabulary, and some do not speak at all. There are special kindergartens and schools for children with such defects.

Features of conducting training and development classes

Due to speech impairments, a child may have mental retardation, but this does not indicate intellectual retardation. As a result of the impossibility of normal interaction with the teacher, problems arise with understanding the curriculum.

Such children are often withdrawn, unsure of themselves, and may develop a negative attitude towards reality, a tendency to nervous breakdowns, lethargy and apathy.

In addition to exercises with teachers and doctors, the atmosphere in the family is very important for treatment. It is necessary to find close emotional contact with the child, support him for his efforts and praise him for his successes. But there is no need to pamper him and feel sorry for him, or, conversely, scold him for his peculiarity, reproach him or set others as an example - this will completely kill his self-esteem.

Education(it is necessary to form ideas about the set of numbers, quantities, shape, space and time)

Development(development of speech understanding, expansion of passive and active vocabulary, lexical and grammatical structures, sensory and intellectual potential, verbal and logical thinking).

Upbringing(formation of moral and volitional qualities of the individual (accuracy, responsibility, organization) in the process of analyzing life situations).

The methodology for teaching mathematical knowledge is based on general didactic principles: systematic, consistent, gradual, individual approach, scientific, accessible, corrective focus, continuous repetition of material.

The basis for the selection of mathematical content, its structuring and development of forms for presenting material for the mathematical development of children with speech impairments is the principle of focusing on the overall development of the child, including his sensory, motor and intellectual readiness.

- arithmetic(digit and number from 0 to 10, basic properties of the natural series, etc.);

- geometric(prototypes of geometric figures in the surrounding reality, shape, size, arrangement of figures on a plane, in space, making their models from paper, etc.);

The main methods used in mathematics classes are: the method of didactic games and the modeling method, which are presented in various combinations with each other. In this case, the leader is practical method, allowing children to learn and comprehend practical material (performing actions with objects, modeling geometric shapes, sketching, coloring, etc.).

Most children with speech underdevelopment have impairments in fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Therefore, physical education minutes and finger gymnastics. The phylogenetic connection of movements with the pronunciation of sounds provides a number of advantages for the development of children of speech groups. Their speech is rhythmized by movements, becomes louder, clearer and more emotional; also, the presence of rhythm has a positive effect on the development of children’s auditory perception.
The proposed physical education minutes and finger exercises in math classes will allow children to master not only speech skills, but also develop mathematical skills while consolidating counting, orientation in space, time, etc. In addition, the inclusion of exercises for the development of finger motor skills in physical education minutes plays a positive role in correction of mental processes in children.
This approach will solve the following problems:
- stimulation of the action of the speech zones of the child’s cerebral cortex;
- development of attention and memory - mental processes associated with the child’s speech;
- promoting the mathematical development of children with speech impairments.

Main correction task is to form in children with developmental disabilities search methods of orientation when completing a math task. A child with developmental disabilities requires repeated repetitions based on the principle of functional training. It is also good to offer speech material to reinforce the knowledge gained in teaching mathematics outside of mathematics classes. These are poems, fairy tales, stories in which numbers are necessarily present.

Development objectives:

1. Analysis and synthesis of objects (from general to specific: “What is common?”; for example, objects different in color, but identical in shape).

2. Classification of objects (combining objects according to 1 or several characteristics into groups; for example, 3 mice, and there is cheese in the box. “Choose the cheese by shape”). Reference symbols and reference pictures are introduced.

3. Generalization (games with a generalization operation are selected: “4th extra”, “Arrange by shape”, “Assemble by color”, etc.).

4. Seriation (selection by size, by 1 characteristic, by size and color, by 2 characteristics, etc.).

5. Abstraction – high level of analysis and synthesis.

6. Constructing inferences (with the development of simultaneous gnosis in children, work to form children’s understanding of the real situation). For example, the instruction is given: “I will start the story, and you finish it. "If cows could fly through the air..."

Features of mathematics classes for children with special needs:

An adult needs to carefully think through and clearly formulate questions, eliminating the possibility of children answering on defective speech material.

Conclusions must be drawn and voiced by the adult himself, showing an example of competent speech;

It is necessary to pay attention to the correct use of lexical forms when agreeing numerals with nouns; you should require the name of each number when recalculating (one horse, two horses, five horses...);

Static activity must be combined with small forms active rest: physical education minutes, physical. pauses, eye exercises, finger games;

To develop the elements of verbal and logical thinking, it is advisable to use modern pedagogical means: H. Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks.

When a child sees, feels, touches an object, teaching him mathematics is much easier. Therefore, one of the basic principles of teaching children the basics of mathematics is visibility.

A set of methods and techniques in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts:

1 - Practical methods.

Exercises are the repeated repetition by children of mental practical actions of given content.

A-Exercises of an imitative-executive nature - children are given a specific educational-cognitive task, and a sequence of actions is shown. For example: perform a figure of 3 sticks. A sample is given, then the child lays out a figure.

B-Exercises of a constructive nature - transferring the learned method of action to new content. At the same time, children construct an appropriate solution method from the actions and operations known to them.

B-Exercises of a creative nature - involve the use of learned methods in new conditions, as well as the use of new actions and operations that children have not learned. In the classroom it is useful and advisable to use logical problems, poems, and riddles of mathematical content.

2 - Verbal methods.

Verbal methods are part of any visual and practical method.
In mathematics classes, explanations, clarifications, instructions, questions, and pedagogical assessment are used. Explanation and clarification are widely used during exercises when counting objects with the participation of various analyzers.
Directions effective when the child pronounces the actions when completing tasks: “I shade the Christmas tree with a green felt-tip pen.” Pedagogical assessment is considered one of the most important verbal techniques. It helps the child gain confidence in achieving positive results and understand the mistakes made. It is especially important for children who are insecure, withdrawn, and have a low level of knowledge.
First, the very desire of children to complete a learning task is assessed positively. Then, with a general positive assessment, the mistakes made are correctly noted, specific ways to correct them are indicated, and instill confidence in the child. Finally, the quality of the result is analyzed, interaction skills are assessed, and assessments given by the children themselves are used.

3 - Visual methods.

In mathematics classes the following are successfully used:

Demonstration of pictures like “What has changed?”, “What does it look like?”, “Where is the object?”;

Illustrations depicting the time of day;

Situations for composing tasks;

Clock dial;

Display of slides, filmstrips, videos;

Demonstration of methods for measuring bulk and liquid substances.

4 - Game methods.

Game methods are also effective in classes on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts. They involve the use of various components of gaming activity in combination with other techniques: questions, explanations, instructions, etc. Various actions with toys are used, gaming materials, imitation of actions and movements, elements of competition, hiding and searching for objects. All this creates a positive emotional mood in children, increases their activity and interest in the lesson.

5 - In recent years, a type of visual search method has appeared in preschool didactics, such as modeling. The availability of this method is reflected in the works of A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonina. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing a real object with another object depicted by a sign. In mathematics classes the following are used: various plans; chips; models of seasons, months; models in the form of clocks divided into sectors, etc.
Modeling is introduced very carefully as children develop mental operations (analysis, synthesis, inference).

Work on the formation of mathematical knowledge and skills should be carried out in close cooperation with other specialists. During music classes, songs about numbers and tasks can be performed. On physical education classes It is recommended to carry out work to improve coordination of movements and orientation in space. The knowledge gained in the classroom is well reinforced in riddles, proverbs and sayings. It is necessary to produce various didactic games that would contain great motivational potential for the development of preschoolers' active cognitive attitude towards the world around them.
It is advisable to design a cognitive mathematics corner in which you can place various educational games, counting sticks, numbers, geometric figures and bodies, various children's literature and other materials.

From the experience of a speech therapist at a preschool educational institution

Sotnikova Valentina Nikolaevna – teacher-speech therapist of the MADO “Child Development Center – kindergarten No. 33 "Rainbow" in the city of Gubkin, Belgorod region.
I would like to offer consultation for teachers and speech therapists.

Conducting integrated classes in groups of children with SLD

Currently, there is an increasing spread and popularity in the system of work in speech therapy group acquire integrated correctional and developmental activities that meet the basic principles preschool education, approved in the federal state educational standard for preschool education:
1) construction educational activities based individual characteristics each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes a subject of education (hereinafter referred to as the individualization of preschool education);
2) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full participant (subject) of educational relations;
3) support for children’s initiatives in various types activities;
4) cooperation of the Organization with the family;
5) introducing children to sociocultural norms, traditions of the family, society and state;
6) formation cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.
Integrated classes give the student a fairly broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of imaginative thinking. Integrated classes also require mandatory development creative activity pupils. This allows you to use the content of all sections of the program, attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life. One of the important principles of planning an integrated lesson is determining the ratio of familiar and new material. The latter must necessarily be based on existing and well-learned knowledge, which contributes to the rapid construction of associations and the involvement of the child in solving a problem situation from his own experience. In integrated classes, great importance is attached to the development of a child’s communication abilities as one of the most important factors in his readiness for school.
The advantages of integrated classes are that they help increase learning motivation and the formation of cognitive interests.
To a greater extent than ordinary classes, they contribute to the development of speech and the formation of the ability to compare and generalize.
Integrated classes deepen understanding of concepts and patterns and broaden children's horizons.
Based on finding new connections between facts, they allow us to confirm or deepen certain conclusions and observations of students in various subjects.
By combining different areas, such activities develop children emotionally.
Sample lesson structure
1. Introductory part. A problematic situation is created that stimulates children’s activity in finding a solution (for example, the question is asked: “Guys, what will happen if there is no water on Earth?”).
2. Main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue (for example, the importance of water in nature and human life, etc.) based on the content of different sections of the program based on visualization. Parallel work in progress on enriching and activating the vocabulary, teaching coherent speech.
3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work ( didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate received information or update previously learned information.
Integrated classes give the student a fairly broad and vivid understanding of the world in which he lives, the relationship of phenomena and objects, mutual assistance, and the existence of a diverse world of material and artistic culture. The main emphasis is not so much on the assimilation of certain knowledge, but on the development of imaginative thinking. Integrated classes also require the mandatory development of students’ creative activity. This allows you to use the content of all sections of the program, attract information from various fields of science, culture, art, referring to the phenomena and events of the surrounding life.
The main features of the integrated lesson include synthesis:
-content of the material being studied, theoretical and practical training;
- subjects of the educational cycle among themselves;
- activities of two or more teachers, etc.
Pedagogical possibilities of an integrated lesson:
- formation of knowledge and skills in unity;
- communication skills;
- increasing interest in learning;
- relieving tension, fear, uncertainty.
- develop children emotionally, as they are based on elements of music, painting, literature, movement, etc.
Regularities of integrated classes(O.S. Badovskaya):
- the entire activity is subordinated to the author’s intention;
- the lesson is a single whole, the stages of the lesson are fragments of the whole;
- the stages and components of the lesson are in logical-structural dependence;
- the didactic material selected for the lesson corresponds to the plan;
- the chain of information is organized as “given” and “new” and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectivity.
The difficulties of conducting an integrated lesson include:
- complexity of selecting educational material;
- detailed structuring of the lesson;
- the problem of personal compatibility of teachers;
- a general approach to assessing children’s knowledge and skills;
- consistent use of identical terms and concepts.
Basic principles of interaction with children:
1. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards the child, do not show irritation, do not speak in a commanding tone, show sincere interest in the child’s actions, and be ready for emotional support.
2. Communicate emotionally, which contributes to the development of children’s cognitive activity; monotonous speech quickly tires, gradually increasing the emotional intensity of the lesson, so that the most interesting fragments of the work are assigned to the period of increasing fatigue.
3. Fewer comments, more praise, because “ psychological characteristics many children are such that the defect of sensitivity to negative stimuli is very low,” open strong and weak sides child and take them into account in solving educational problems.
4. Stay nearby, maintain eye contact, and if necessary, tactile contact (to attract attention, take the hand, touch the back, stroke the shoulder).
In integrated classes, children learn to communicate with each other and with adults, which helps improve their speaking skills and enrich their vocabulary and ultimately, the formation of the communicative function of speech and the successful socialization of children. Integrated activities have a specific impact on the development of children as a whole. Classes with the participation of various specialists and parents of preschoolers can be held weekly, once every two weeks or once a month. The issue of the frequency of such classes is decided by all specialists participating in them: a speech therapist teacher, educators, an educational psychologist, a music director, a physical education instructor, a physical therapy instructor, a massage therapist, etc.
The duration of an integrated lesson in different age groups can vary from 20 to 35 minutes. Changing specialists and types of activities during the lesson, using a variety of work techniques, in particular, logorhythmic techniques, playful and surprise moments, a high pace of work, a mandatory relaxation break in the middle of the lesson and a mandatory physical education break make it possible to maintain high performance and interest of children even over a long period time.
After the integrated lesson, free activity of children is organized in the play space of the group room for 25-30 minutes, then the children go for a walk, during which the speech therapist carries out individual work with the children. You can change the order of these routine moments and first send the children for a walk, and then give the children time for independent activities.
The main burden in preparing such classes falls on the speech therapist, who develops the structure of the lesson and coordinates the actions of specialists.
When preparing an integrated lesson, the speech therapist should clearly perform the following actions:
- determine the topic and purpose of the lesson.
- identify the main stages of the lesson and identify the specialists who will carry out the work at these stages, formulate the tasks of each stage together with these specialists, ensuring the interconnection and interdependence of the stages of the lesson, as well as the integration of educational areas.
- include a variety of gaming and didactic exercises in the lesson;
- provide at all stages of the lesson the use of techniques that provide an individual approach to children;
- when selecting program material, take into account the zone of proximal development of each child and his potential;
- determine a vocabulary that is well known to children, which they will have to update during the lesson, and print it out for all specialists participating in the lesson, thereby ensuring the transition of children from accumulated ideas and passive speech reserve to the active use of speech means;
- select grammatical structures that have already been worked out with children, taking into account the topic and purpose of the lesson, the stage of remedial education, an individual approach to the speech and mental capabilities of children and provide the opportunity for all specialists to use this material at different stages of the lesson, thus organizing speech practice in which lexical skills are consolidated and grammatical meanings;
- ensure gradual complication of speech and speech-thinking tasks;
include regular repetition of learned speech material into the lesson and involve all specialists participating in the lesson;
- involve each child in participation in dialogues.
Classes are organized in such a way as to ensure that every child has the opportunity to participate in collective activity, communicate freely with peers and adults. Children are expected to be freely seated during the lesson: sitting or lying on the carpet, sitting or standing in a semicircle near an easel, typesetting canvas, etc. so that it is convenient for children to look at the objects and aids presented to them during class, to look at each other or the teacher, which ensures the completeness of perception of someone else's speech. At each stage of the lesson, the location of the children necessarily changes. If, while studying with a speech therapist, children sat on chairs near the easel, then, moving to the music director, they perform movements to the music on the carpet in the center of the group room, and then complete the teacher’s tasks on the development of mathematical concepts, sitting at tables or standing at a magnetic board .
The lesson is structured in such a way that the most emotional, surprising, game moments occurred during a period of increasing fatigue in children.
Aids for the lesson are selected and prepared in advance; Teachers who are not participating in the lesson at this stage can provide assistance in placing or cleaning up aids so that the pace of work in the lesson does not slow down and the children’s attention does not wander.
If speak about correctional work speech therapist in integrated classes, then it is varied and can cover all areas of the speech therapist’s work, except for the production of sounds, which, of course, is carried out in individual classes with children.
A speech therapist can include elements of articulatory gymnastics, work on the prosodic side of speech, breathing, development of auditory and visual perception and attention, phonemic hearing and perception, speech hearing and auditory-verbal memory, mastering the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Classes may include exercises to consolidate the correct pronunciation of given sounds, practice previously covered grammatical categories with the requirement of their correct phonetic design, games and game exercises may work to consolidate already formed word formation skills.
IN preparatory group, during integrated classes, children learn to talk coherently about what they saw, express their impressions about the games they played, about the exercises they did. In such classes, children learn to hear mistakes in other people's and their own speech, they develop a linguistic flair, a sense of language.
In integrated classes, the task of including all the preschooler’s analyzers in the work for the development of his emotional world, the world of his feelings can be successfully solved. After all, it is emotions and feelings that participate in the formation of volitional control of actions and underlie voluntary behavior, the beginning of which falls on preschool age, characterized by significant changes in the functioning of sensory systems and the perception of information through all senses. In integrated classes, the child’s perception mechanisms are improved, sensorimotor and emotional reactions develop, and on this basis, the motivational-need sphere and higher mental functions - attention, memory, thinking, speech - are formed.
The use of a variety of teaching methods and the use of didactic aids provide the child with aesthetic pleasures, promote positive emotional experiences, form a stable sensory background of life, and relieve irritability and anxiety. Using the most different types activities in one lesson ensures a gradual and smooth preparation of the child for the transition from play to learning activities.
Parents of preschool children can become full participants in integrated classes, taking part in their artistic design, connecting to the work at various stages of its implementation.

Olga Titova
Musical lesson with TNR children “Visiting the cat Murka”



Target: Develop Creative skills in all types musical activity . Instill in children a love for music.

Develop musicality, to develop the ability to convey mood, emotions, feelings through musically- motor and song activity.


Educational: Teach children to listen to a piece to the end, to understand the character and content music, react to it emotionally; recognize familiar songs by the melody played; form singing skills skills: sing without tension in the D-B range, at the same tempo with everyone, pronounce the words clearly. Encourage onomatopoeia, Continue to teach how to play bells. Start and end movement with music. Promote the development of skills in expressive transmission of movements that reflect character music"it's coming cat» . Develop spatial orientation skills.

Developmental: develop attention, random memory, using eidetics techniques - mnemonics tables. (Eidos-image, mnemonics - all techniques and methods for memory development.)

Educational: To cultivate a caring attitude towards animals, a desire to take care of them.

Materials and equipment:

1. House cats.

2. Table of mnemonics for the song "Tsap - scratch".

3. Bells.

4. Piano, computer.

5. Musical and didactic game"Find a Pair"

6. Basket with kittens (toys)

8. Toy Cat

9. Hotels

Sounds music B. Shainsky "Smile". Children enter the hall (from the leisurely entrance, they stop to greet.

M.R.: (singing) Hello guys!

Children answer: Hello!

Now let’s imagine how animals and birds would greet me.

Hello kittens! Children: Meow meow meow!

Hello little mice! Pee-pee-pee!

Hello, cows! Moo-moo-moo!

Hello, doggies! Woof woof woof!

Hello guys! Hello!

M.R.: I’m very glad to see you see. Today we have guests. Let's say hello to them too.

Children: Hello! - Extend their arms forward, palms up.

M.R.: I see you have today good mood. Let's share our mood with each other, hug and get a boost of energy.

M.R.: Today we will go to guests to my favorite animal. Want to know who it is? Listen to the riddle.

Mystery: Who loves sour cream? Who's sleeping in a ball? And when they pet it, will it begin to hum a song?

Children: Cat

M.R.: How does the cat walk? What are her paws like? And what’s in the paws... - "scratchy".

M.R.: And we go to her in guests on a steam locomotive.

The train departs and the journey begins.

M.R.: The train gives a signal, he is already tired of standing (the children are pulling "oooh")

The train is picking up speed and singing its song.

Musically-rhythmic movement "Train" T. Suvorova

Musically-rhythmic movement "Horse" T. Suvorova

M.R.: How fast we rode on horses, but we have not yet reached the place, and our path continues on foot, and somewhere we need to run on our tiptoes.

March "We learned to walk" muses Makshantseva

M.R.: Guys, here we are.

M.R.: Here is a cozy, bright house, our pussy lives in it.

Come on, let’s quietly ring the bell, and now ring it loudly and sit down on the chairs.

Children sit on chairs near the piano. (he will be raised to collect the peg) CAT HOUSE NEAR THE PIANO

meowing can be heard Cats.

M.R. shows cat who is sad.

M.R.: Guys, let’s say hello to Murochka. (children answer). Look, ours cat Murka, for some reason he’s sad. Let's hear what happened to the cat. (the cat whispers in M's ear. R.)

M.R. guys, now I’ll sing you a song that will tell you what the cat is sad about.

M.R. performs a song, the children listen. Song "Serenkaya" (white) kitty" (And drip)

M.R.: Children, what is this song about? Which song, happy or sad? Even some?

M.R.: Listen again. The song is performed a second time by playing the instrument.

M.R: Guys, let's cheer up our Murochka and sing her a song.

Let's sit straight, straight and sing calmly.

Let's place our feet firmly on the floor and lock our toes.

But first, remind me how the cat sings? (children sing D of the first octave "meow")

And the kitten? (children sing in A of the first octave "meow") What other song does the cat like to sing? (murr.)

Children perform a song. Song "Pur, pur, pur" O. Boromykova

M.R.: Guys, pay attention to the picture. Who is depicted on it?

Right, Cat. This is where she lives. But there is an empty window here...

Musically- didactic game "Find a Pair"

M.R.: Now guess what song we will sing for Murochka? M. r. sings the melody of the song "Scratch-scratch".Children guess the melody and name the song. That's right, it's a song about kittens, it's called "Scratch-scratch". Let's all say the right words together “tsap-tsap, tsap-scratch, scratches”.

M.R: We will sing this playful song in a gentle voice, affectionately, melodiously.

Song "Tsap - scratch" music S. Gavrilova, lyrics. R. Aldonina.

Children perform a song with movements according to the text.

Lyrics of the song Children's Movements

The kitten's paws are soft pillows, Children turn their fists from side to side

And inside there are scratches and sharp toys! Open your palms, spread your fingers, show your hands with your palms up and down

Tsap, tsap, tsap-scratch, sharp toys! Clench your fingers into fists and unclench them.

Teaches his son cat: Don't yawn, son! They wag their fingers

Where there is a little rustling, they put their palm to their ear "listen".

There's probably a mouse in there!

Tsap, tsap, tsap-scratch, there’s probably a mouse there. Clench your fingers into fists and unclench them.

M.R.: I liked how tenderly you sang the song! Well done! And our Murochka is already smiling.

Let's sing the song again? The song is performed for the second time

(Cat whispers in ear)

The cat asks you to find her kittens and put them in this basket. Let's go look!

M.R: We’ll walk on tiptoes and find the kitten in no time! (children follow the teacher on tiptoes, approach the stump, there is a kitten sitting there)

M.R.: That’s where he hid! Get into the basket!

M.R.: We will jump like bunnies. Hey, kitten, come out! (children move by jumping and moving forward to the chairs, under one of them there is a kitten)

M.R.: And we found the second one!

M.R.: All the kittens were collected and They were given to Murka!

M.R.: Guys, look, Murochka is cheerful, thanks you and wants to dance with the children.

Dance "Leopold the Cat"

M.R.: Murochka, let’s play and we’ll push each other along!

Word game "We are funny guys..."

M.R.: Guys, we will definitely play again, but next time, Murochka needs to rush to the kittens, and it’s time for us to return, say goodbye to her. (Children say goodbye).

And we will return with you to "flying carpet". Look how big and beautiful the magic carpet is! (imagination) Hurry up, we all take our seats and fly off... (the children sit down "curl up" onto the carpet and sway from side to side) UNDER MUSIC IN. A. Mozart fragment of symphony No. 40 in G major

Well, here we are.

Guys, please come to me and let's let's remember:

Who did we visit today? away?

What was Murochka’s mood?

What is Murochka's mood now?

What did we do to cheer up our cat?

gifts, help yourself.

M.R.: What good children came to me today. We all really liked you.

M.R.: Murochka, with gratitude, left you gifts, help yourself.


Children under music"Smile" Shainsky, leave the hall.