Stars who gave birth to other people's husbands. I love a married man. Stars who gave birth to children from other people's husbands: Yulia Snigir and Evgeny Tsyganov

Recently, in the domestic show business, sensational cases of the unexpected appearance of illegitimate children of celebrities who claim the right to be considered the legitimate offspring of their popular parents have become more frequent. As a rule, such stories happen mainly after the death of famous people. Everyone remembers very well the scandals with the illegitimate children of Mikhail Evdokimov, Boris Nemtsov, and the very recent case of the son of Spartak Mishulin who suddenly appeared. In this article we will talk about living stars who were consumed by love passion so desperately and suddenly that they did not “bother” to be married their chosen one or single.

Elena Shanina and Alexander Zbruev

Popular actors of the Lenkom Theater Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina have been not only colleagues on stage for many years, but also the parents of their common daughter Tatyana, who turned twenty-four this year. Moreover, the actor has been legally married to actress Lyudmila since 1967 Savelyeva, familiar to everyone from her role as Natasha Rostova in Bondarchuk’s “War and Peace,” and is raising her daughter Natalya with her.

As usual, Savelyeva was the last to learn about the existence of her husband’s second family on her side. By that time, Tatyana had already been born, and only the lazy did not whisper about the relationship between Zbruev and Shanina. However, Lyudmila did not kick out her unfaithful husband, and he, in turn, did not leave the family. Elena had no choice but to come to terms with this love triangle, reminiscent of the plot of Georgy Danelia’s brilliant film “Autumn Marathon.”

Julia Peresild and Alexey Uchitel

The office romance between the actress and the director has long gone beyond the set and provided the socialite with the opportunity to gossip a lot about this couple. They first met on the set of the film “Prisoner,” and the young actress immediately won Alexei’s heart, becoming his muse for many years. The teacher immediately invited her to his next film “The Edge,” and in the same year Julia gave birth to her eldest daughter, Anya, and three years later - baby Mashenka.

Peresild diligently hid the name of her girls’ father, because all this time the director was officially married to producer Kira Saksaganskaya, the mother of his two sons. And now, almost ten years later, the director publicly admitted that he is the father of eight-year-old Anya and five-year-old Masha and is looking forward to them growing up and becoming famous actresses like their talented mother.

Svetlana Ivanova and Dzhanik Fayziev

A similar romantic story occurred between actress Svetlana Ivanova and director Janik Fayziev on the set of the film “August. Eighth”. A passionate romance broke out between them, which continued after filming ended.

Svetlana, in love, was not particularly embarrassed by the fact that her chosen one had an official wife, Lina Espley, and two children. A year after their first meeting, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Polina, whose father’s name she was in no hurry to advertise. And only in 2015, Fayziev and Ivanova appeared together at the Moscow Film Festival and publicly announced themselves as a couple. Soon the director finally divorced, tired of being torn between two families.

Yulia Snigir and Evgeniy Tsyganov

For some time, Yulia Peresild was credited with an affair with her partner in the film “The Battle of Sevastopol,” Evgeny Tsyganov, and the actor was even considered the father of her youngest daughter Masha. However, the homewrecker who took Evgeny away from the family in which six children were growing up was the beautiful Yulia Snigir. Soon she gave birth to the loving actor’s son Fyodor, who became almost the same age as his seventh child, who was born after Tsyganov left his common-law wife Irina Leonova.

Valery Meladze and Albina Dzhanabaeva

The glorious representatives of the Russian stage are not far behind the priestesses of Melpomene. For ten long years, Albina Dzhanabaeva, a member of the ViaGra group, hid the name of her son Kostya’s father from the public. Despite persistent rumors about her affair with Valery Meladze, she steadfastly kept her secret until the boy grew up and became a copy of his famous father.

By that time, the singer’s three eldest daughters, born in marriage to his wife Irina, had also grown up. After a dramatic explanation with his wife, Valery still found the strength in himself and went to Dzhanabaeva, despite the insults of his daughters and the condemnation of the public. Happy Albina was rewarded for her long patience and soon gave birth to her beloved man another son, Luka.

Eva Polna and Denis Klyaver

The eldest daughter of the extravagant singer Evelina turned twelve this year, seven of which her mother hid the name of her father. Denis himself decided to admit his paternity, which caused an attack of anger in Eva. However, over time, she cooled down and recognized this decision as correct. Klyaver, being married to the Laima ballet dancer Vaikule Yulia, did not give up on the child and from the very first days took part in Evelina’s life, helping Polnaya in every possible way to raise her daughter. Denis’s mother treats her granddaughter well and loves her very much. Few people know that she was the first to find out about Polna’s pregnancy and dissuaded her from having an abortion.

Slava and Anatoly Danilitsky

Anastasia Slanevskaya, better known as the singer Slava, has been in a close relationship for almost two decades with influential businessman Anatoly Danilitsky, to whom she gave birth to a daughter, Antonina. He does not hide the fact that he adores their child, carries Slava in his arms, sponsors her creative projects, but at the same time for fifteen years he was in no hurry to divorce his official wife, with whom he has two daughters. And only recently did Slava start talking about a wedding, which would be a worthy reward for her many years of endurance and patience.

Svetlana Khorkina and Kirill Shubsky

This year, the wonderful actress and director Vera Glagoleva tragically passed away. Out of respect for her memory, journalists did not stir up dirty linen and discuss the behavior of her second husband Kirill Shubsky, who several years ago had an affair with Olympic champion in gymnastics by Svetlana Khorkina. The athlete was so crazy about the impressive millionaire that she seriously expected to become his wife. But this was not part of Shubsky’s plans, and when Khorkina became pregnant, he took her to America, where Svetlana gave birth to a boy under an assumed name.

For a long time, Kirill hid the fact of his betrayal, but still recognized his son Svyatoslav and gave him his last name. The Glagolev family did not like to discuss this ugly story. Apparently, Vera Vitalievna forgave her unfaithful husband, so at her funeral the press did not raise this topic.

Girls, I often see threads at the “Gala” where wives and mistresses argue - like “Help me take him away from the family.”
I came across an article in one of the Internet communities “Why you shouldn’t take someone else’s husband away?” - I’m posting it here.
Just food for thought...
Why shouldn't you take someone else's husband away?
Anything can happen in life, and the betrothed-mummer, who finally appears, may one day embarrassedly ask not to call in the evenings - so that his wife does not cause a scandal. They, of course, don’t love each other, they live for the sake of their children, and they got married solely because of a sudden pregnancy. How many times in your life have you heard words like this? How many times have your friends heard them?

But the banality of the situation rarely cools women in love. They prefer to learn the hard way and develop sophisticated strategies to steal someone else's husband. But if you soberly assess the situation, you can see many reasons why it is better to leave someone else’s family alone.

Reason one

A person is inclined to feel moral responsibility for his actions. Someone believes in the statement “you can’t build happiness on someone else’s misfortune” and then subconsciously expects retribution. Someone simply cannot come to terms with their conscience - it is categorically against causing pain to other people, it cannot forgive you for the tears of abandoned children.

At first it seems that the love of a won man is the most important thing in life. When the passion subsides, the unsightly underside of the relationship will be revealed, and living with this is actually very difficult. Cloudless happiness with someone else's husband awaits only a person with a very flexible conscience and shaky principles. In addition, years later, the man will blame you for the fact that his children grew up without a father.

Reason two

I have heard more than once that a mistress who stole her husband will definitely be in the place of the deceived wife. A friend once told me: now she understands everything that her ex experienced when her husband stayed late in the evenings and lied with inspiration. And most importantly, she doesn’t have enough strength for full-fledged anger - after all, she once, like that, without a twinge of conscience, took her husband away from the family. And now she watches as her husband is taken away. Retribution, punishment, payment for one’s own actions.

But I don’t think that the reason should be sought in the metaphysical layers of reality. In my opinion, everything is much simpler - a man who once left his family realized that family ties were not as strong as they seemed. I felt the taste of freedom and now I do not intend to remain faithful. As a rule, this happens to those men who were exemplary family men, cheated on their wife with only one and then left the family. The second wife is unlikely to be able to do anything about this situation, and she is left with either a divorce or sleepless nights waiting for your loved one to go on a spree.

Reason three

There is another reason that makes a husband who once left the family rush into all seriousness. Adrenalin. Which, as you know, you get used to once and for all. “Forever” means that you will not be able to change the situation and tie a man to you in any way.

The intrigue of secret meetings, conspiracy, encrypted names in the phone memory, the criminal taste of betrayal turned out to be too sweet... All this makes the life of some men extremely bright and eventful, because it is a flurry of emotions and leading a parallel secret life. Fascinating, isn't it? Quite if you look at what is happening from the outside, and are not a deceived wife.

Reason four

It is not difficult to take a man away from the family. But he’s not leaving because you are his life’s dream. Because there are serious claims against my wife. Very often a man simply runs away from problems. At home - a sickly child, a nervous wife, some endless quarrels over trifles, fifty relatives and life, life, life... You have peace and quiet, you are in front of him exclusively with makeup and in your best dresses, and also with you fun, just like in the days of carefree youth.

He is with you as long as the holiday lasts. In a few months, this man will disappear in search of another holiday. If you manage to take him away from the family, you will make the biggest mistake in your life - why do you need a specimen who is used to running away from problems by shifting responsibility for the family onto the shoulders of his wife? Or do you want to watch how, having left you the child and life, he again goes in search of a holiday?

Reason five

The man who left the family did not leave alone. He brought with him an overwhelming experience of negative family relations. Now you will find comparisons with your ex and a lot of things that your loved one is no longer going to agree to. For example, it is quite possible that he will not want to have any more children. He won’t want to go to the registry office and will only offer you cohabitation. This is an unhealthy relationship, which for a normal woman would be ordinary humiliation.

What if it's love?

Well, the only one the right decision will give up the idea of ​​taking away someone else’s husband. Step aside and get on with your own life. If he really needs you, then after some time he will leave on his own. And this time will be enough for him to understand his values, say goodbye to the past and prepare to create new family. And in a situation like this, it’s probably The best way build happy relationships.

Daria Pechorina

The list of famous lovebirds is deservedly headed by Albina Dzhanabaeva, who in 2004 gave birth to a son, Konstantin, from married singer Valery Meladze.

Only ten years after the birth of the heir, Valery officially divorced his legal wife and began to live openly with an ex-member of the VIA Gra group. A year ago, Albina Dzhanabaeva gave birth to his second son, Luka.

There are rumors that the famous and married director Uchitel Alexey became the father of the daughter of the star of the film “Battle of Sevastopol” Yulia Peresild. The baby was born in 2009. Their romance began right in front of the director’s wife, Kira, who at first was very jealous of her husband’s mistress, and then burned out and cooled down. The fact is that Kira and Alexey are connected not only by a 30-year marriage and children, but also by joint work, which he will never leave.

Famous actress and ex-wife Mikhail Efremov Evgenia Dobrovolskaya gave birth to her third son Ian in 2002. The artist hid the name of the child’s father for a long time, and journalists made the most incredible guesses, until Evgenia admitted that Ian was the result of her office romance with Yaroslav Boyko.

By the way, they say that Dobrovolskaya even blackmailed the actor, demanding to divorce his wife and marry her. However, Yaroslav did not succumb to the threats and is still happy with his wife, choreographer Ramuna Khodorkaite, who bore him two children.

Figure skater Tatyana Navka was also not averse to having an affair with a married admirer. So in 2010 she met the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov. Two years later, the politician’s family broke up; the reason for the divorce was the husband’s infidelity. And in 2014, Tatyana Navka gave birth to Dmitry’s daughter, who was named Nadezhda. On August 1, 2015, the couple legalized their relationship.

The editors of the site want to note that Tatyana Navka was the only one of all who gave birth to a child after Dmitry divorced his wife.
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It seems that it was the “declassification” of this couple that allowed the Meladze family to finally get all their skeletons out of the closets: it turned out that for more than ten years Valery Meladze could not decide on a divorce and lived, in fact, with two families. In 2004, Albina gave birth to a son, Kostya, and the singer did not say a word about the boy’s father until in 2009, Valery, a married father of three daughters, publicly admitted that he had another child. The divorce, however, did not follow immediately - only in 2014, when Albina gave birth to her second son. And soon producer Konstantin Meladze divorced and began new life with Vera Brezhneva.

Svetlana Ivanova

The actress rarely commented on her personal life, although she once admitted that the wedding with cameraman Vyacheslav Lisnevsky was unofficial - just a beautiful ceremony in the Maldives, so there was no need for a divorce. In 2012, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, Polina, but never revealed the name of the child’s father, although she noted that she felt very happy and always admired her beloved man. But rumors that the actress was having an affair with director Janik Fayziev (married, two children) circulated even before Svetlana’s pregnancy, so when the couple finally officially appeared together at one of the parties, they could only accept congratulations.

Eva Polna

The fact that Denis Klyaver (group “Tea for Two”) is the father of the singer’s eldest daughter, Evelyn, was successfully hidden by the former lovers for many years - until Klyaver suddenly admitted it himself in an interview with Andrei Malakhov. The fact is that the passionate romance of two creative personalities occurred during a period quite happy marriage Denis, so he carefully hid information about his illegitimate daughter. After revealing the secret, everything became easier, and Denis and Eva even took their daughter to school together on September 1st!

Yulia Snigir

The hero of Yulia Snigir’s novel last year was the married actor and father of many children, Evgeniy Tsyganov. The news that Tsyganov left his family for the sake of pregnant Yulia was discussed for quite a long time - but neither side of this triangle commented on what happened. Now the couple is raising a son, and Julia has already returned to work.

Yulia Peresild

Yulia Peresild has never been married and carefully protects her personal life from prying eyes and gossip, but they say that she is connected with film director Alexei Uchitel not only by work and friendly relations. In 2009, Yulia had a daughter, Anya, in 2012, another daughter, Masha, and journalists noticed Alexei Uchitel at the baby’s christening.

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

Evgenia Dobrovolskaya is raising four children - and they all have different dads. The actress did not say anything about the father of her third son, Ian, for a long time, although she noted that all her children were born in great love. But one day Evgenia admitted that Ian was the son of actor Yaroslav Boyko, with whom she had short novel, when Boyko was married and raising a son. Dobrovolskaya clarified that on serious relationship I never counted on this and, in general, does not consider Boyko a responsible person.

Elena Shanina

The romance of Lenkom theater colleagues, Alexander Zbruev and Elena Shanina, was bright, but short: the actor was happily married and did not plan to change anything. But Zbruev recognized his daughter Tanya, who was born as a result of this passion, and in interviews he always noted that he loved both daughters equally - well, the women he loved simply had to understand and accept his bright and temperamental nature...

Ksenia Rappoport

Actors Ksenia Rappoport and Yuri Kolokolnikov did not advertise their relationship for quite a long time - even when Ksenia had already given birth to a daughter, Sophia. They would not have advertised it further - but Yuri in an interview dedicated to the filming of the film “Mama Daragaya!” thanked Ksenia both for working together and for the fact that she is his beloved woman and the mother of his daughter.

Svetlana Khorkina

In 2005, Svetlana had a son, the birth took place in one of the American clinics in strict secrecy, and the athlete did not say a word about the child’s father. But later journalists learned that the happy father is businessman Kirill Shubsky, who has long been married to actress Vera Glagoleva. The couple did not advertise their relationship, and the athlete went overseas to give birth in order to avoid giving rise to gossip for as long as possible. Later, Shubsky officially recognized his son, and Svetlana has since decided to choose free men.

She cannot understand why the man chose someone else over her? After all, it seems that she is no better... So what is so special about those women to whom other people’s husbands leave?

Tanechka's story

Tanechka is a pretty, well-groomed and very sexy girl. Already in her second year she got married. We, her friends, didn't really like her choice. We thought that he was not a match for her - he was too inexpressive for such a beauty. But literally a month later, a strange metamorphosis occurred with our Tanya. She became faded, sloppy, and even managed to lose all her sexual attractiveness.

“Why are you without makeup?” - I asked her.

“Why should I? I’m married...”

She sincerely believed that married woman It is not only not necessary, but even indecent to wear makeup and give off sexual fluids. If her husband had been an insanely jealous person, perhaps he would have been pleased with his wife’s position. But he was a normal guy who married a pretty woman.

“A year after their marriage, I was visiting them and I simply couldn’t believe my eyes! Tanya in a dirty robe was rattling frying pans and, not embarrassed by my presence, shouted at her husband. Do you know why? Because she heard strangers talking to her husband: “How did it happen that such interesting man such a homely wife?"

Why did he choose another?

Women who have given up on their development, their appearance, and refused to improve, often find themselves in such situations. They won a husband once and think that for life. And when their husbands lose interest in them, they get offended and call them scoundrels... (This, of course, does not apply to us, new women who always take care of themselves and look very attractive at home).

Even pregnancy does not deter men.

Cheating usually takes women by surprise. They can't understand why he chose someone else? She doesn't seem to be any better. And it usually turns out that their husbands have sexual needs that their wives were not aware of... Why didn’t their husbands tell them about this? It turns out that men are more shy about sex than women. They “respect” them too much to ask for oral sex, for example. And they find a more relaxed woman for this.

Yes, sometimes marriages break up only because people could not explain themselves. But usually, if a husband “respects” his wife too much to ask her to fulfill his sexual fantasies, the wife also believes that all these “liberties” are not for decent women, which she considers herself to be. And that’s what’s interesting! If such a woman has a lover, he is allowed these liberties, and it turns out that she really likes them!

Common games that people play to make themselves respected. But the winner is not the one who plays the role of a “decent” spouse, but the one who sincerely loves, sincerely wants his partner to be satisfied.

Unfortunately, few women have the innate ability to understand a man's sexual needs and give him pleasure. This must be learned like an art.

Wife and mistress: find the differences

I talked to women who managed to take a man away from a quite prosperous family. I wonder what outwardly they were somewhat similar to their ex-wives. But they differ in their attitude towards sex. They can do sex life men are more interesting, and most importantly, she knows how to excite him exactly the way he wants it. How do they do this?

  • They respond to everything sexual desires men.
  • They are not afraid to speak about their own desires.
  • They believe that satisfying each other's desires is very important.

But it's not just about sex, of course. But it is also about behaving with your husband in difficult moments not like an old, tried and tested comrade, but like loving woman. Of course, it’s good to be comrades with your husband, but there is one subtlety here, feel it!

When a man is having a hard time, you can hug him warmly and say in a friendly way: “Don’t be upset, everything will be fine.” Great, right? What could be better than such an attitude? Here's what...

Another woman in such a situation will say: “You are my darling, my dear, no one but me understands what an outstanding person you are!” A? And who do you think he will go to?