Bulanova divorce. Fans believe that Bulanova and Radimov reunited after the divorce. How did your youngest son feel about the divorce?

Why did you really divorce the football player? Vladislav Radimov. According to the singer, her ex-husband's mistress Irina Yakovleva- just one of many reasons. At the end of the program, the TV presenter invited Tatyana to discover the “Million Dollar Secret” - the real reason divorce, but the star burst into tears and burned the card along with the envelope.

Lera Kudryavtseva asked the singer how many years she lived with the football player, and whether it was happy marriage, to which Tatyana answered in the affirmative: “Officially, we lived for 11 years. I think they were happy, because the love was incredible and there were severe conflicts, contradictions - everything was there. Divorce is my initiative. Should I say that he immediately bowed down? No, I won't say. I just thought it would be better this way. I was no longer satisfied with his attitude, and I endured it for a long time. And then I realized that no, I don’t like it, I don’t want to live like this. This girl really talked to his mother, the moment was caught on camera. I asked him this question - he says that this is complete nonsense. He really knows her, and there really were some correspondence with her, but he also with my ex-girlfriend is still being rewritten, and with ex-girlfriend. Well, he’s such a person: he needs it all the time, and I’m sick of it. Well, how much is possible? I didn't conduct any investigation. Just at some point I realized that I needed a “chick” - that’s all.”

Bulanova admitted that the divorce caused her pain, and thoughts about a new marriage have not yet arisen: “Any separation is painful. And the first divorce was painful, because I understood that I was causing pain and unpleasant moments to a person. Vlad was sent summons three times, he did not come, we got divorced through the court. He has to pay alimony to Nikita, but we didn’t even raise this topic, because I’m that kind of person - it makes me uncomfortable. He pays the rent and sometimes buys Nikita something. Let him live, we have a wonderful relationship. Recently he wrote to me “I love you” - I sent him an emoticon. I don't look at other men. In general, to be honest, I’m afraid of this word – “married”, because I’ve somehow become disillusioned with the institution of marriage.”

Despite the separation, Vladislav Radimov and Tatyana Bulanova continue to live under the same roof. When asked by the TV presenter why the ex-spouses won’t separate, the singer admitted that she was happy with everything. The relationship with my ex-lover became even better than it was before and during marriage: “It just happened that way. I have a wonderful relationship, it seems to me that even now that we are divorced, the relationship has become better. If before there was some kind of mistrust, now everything is completely calm: do what you want, you are a free person and I am a free person. Some clashes ceased to exist altogether. Even at the everyday level. There are five rooms. In the bedroom we sleep with Nikita, because after tragic events With his grandmother, he is afraid to sleep a little longer alone. Vlad sleeps in a separate room, and the eldest son sleeps in his own. We meet in the kitchen, and sometimes he even cooks for me. We have absolutely normal friendly relations.”

Tatyana Bulanova and Vladislav Radimov, still from the program

At the end of the program, Tatyana was brought an envelope with her main secret. Lera Kudryavtseva clarified that the singer shared the details, but did not name the real reason for the divorce, which was written on the card in the envelope. Convinced that this was indeed the case, the star, with tears in her eyes, burned the card along with the envelope, explaining her decision as follows: “I will never tell this to anyone in my life. And I don't need any money. Let no one know about this except me and the one who knows. There are things you can’t say, even just to preserve your dignity.”

Tatiana Bulanova, still from the program

Let us remember that Tatyana Bulanova was married twice. Her first husband was her producer Nikolay Tagrin, from whom the singer gave birth to a son in 1993 Alexandra. The couple lived together for 13 years. In 2005, after a divorce from her first husband, the star married football player Vladislav Radimov, with whom she gave birth to a son in 2007 Nikita. The union of the singer and the athlete lasted 11 years; in December 2016, they officially divorced, but continued to live under the same roof.

Tatyana herself unwittingly provoked a fuss in the press by publishing a sad message on Instagram a few days ago. “I don’t know what is more disgusting – the betrayal of a loved one, as it seemed to me, a person or a friend (as it seemed to me). Probably, the betrayal of a loved one is more painful and terrible,” Bulanova wrote under her photo with her husband, former football player and now coach Vladislav Radimov.


News immediately appeared in the media about. Tatyana's subscribers rushed to console and support her. A few hours later, the artist deleted the message. However, the journalists managed to save and replicate the screenshots.

However, it seems that peace has reigned in the star family again. There will be no divorce, so lovers of scandals and popcorn can go their separate ways. The athlete announced the reunion with his emotional wife on his microblog, publishing a joint photo.

"11th wedding anniversary!💪 Romantic dinner😘#Radimov #Bulanova,” Vladislav left a meaningful message, making it clear to all spiteful critics that everything with him and Tatyana is wonderful. The artist in the photo looks peaceful and even happy.

Fans beautiful couple rushed to congratulate them. “Happy holiday. This is your day. Endless love to you. You are the best. You are the best couple.😙💑💏👪💕”, “Tatyana is simply super, I have admired her beauty for many years)))” - commentators rejoice at the reunion of the spouses.

Other subscribers of Radimov decided to joke. “Congratulations, Vlad) Akinfeev will not let you in today on this occasion)”, “Vlad, congratulations! But Akinfeev will let you in regardless, I have such a feeling...” - the wits mock.

Married twice. With my first husband Nikolai Tagrin Tatyana Bualanova lived for 13 years, giving birth to his son Alexander in 1993. In 2005, after a divorce from Nikolai, Tatyana married a second time - to a football player Vladislava Radimov, and two years later gave birth to a son, Nikita.

In December last year it became known that Tatyana and Vladislav were getting a divorce. However, a few months later, joint photographs of supposedly ex-spouses began to appear on the Internet. Then the former Zenit player said that he and Tatyana did not get divorced. Bulanova herself, in a conversation with reporters, denied her ex-husband’s words about a reunion. According to the singer, despite the breakup, she communicates well with both Vladislav Radimov and Nikolai Tagrin.

“No, Vlad and I did not get along, but separated. But we are not enemies. Of course, we still communicate now. Why can't we do this? This is my second divorce. I also communicate normally with my first husband. This year my mother died. My first husband attended the funeral and helped me, as did my second. We have lived so much together: one is the father of the eldest son, the other is the father of the youngest son. How can I not communicate with them? I am a completely non-conflict person. I think this: the fewer enemies in life, the better. I don’t hold a grudge against anyone and I hope it’s against me too!” - the publication quotes Tatyana "Companion ".

Vladislav Radimov and Tatyana Bulanova

Tatyana Bulanova and Nikolai Tagrin

By the way, Tatyana Bulanova herself informed fans about her separation from Vladislav Radimov and thanked him for 11 years life together. This story began when one of the TV channels showed a story about a long-term relationship between a football player and a fitness trainer, who was well known in the Radimov family. The girl vividly described her affair with Vladislav. And soon after that, Bulanova posted a post on social networks in which she hinted at her husband’s betrayal.

“I know Vlad well. Naturally, I will not say any details. But what she says could not happen in principle. I understand that somewhere there was truth, she exaggerated some things, some things couldn’t have happened,” the singer said, noting that the divorce did not happen because of a homewrecker.

Tatyana Bulanova with her sons

Vladislav Radimov spoke in an interview about life with Tatyana Bulanova. According to the athlete, they did not divorce or even separate.

Tatyana Bulanova lost her 84-year-old mother in August. " There were no signs. She lived with us, she had a lot going on. So now family worries increased. Now I'm constantly in St. Petersburg", said Vladislav Radimov. And he literally shocked journalists with the message that he and Tatyana Bulanova “never separated.” And this despite the fact that the singer herself spoke on this topic in a program on Channel One. "A you don't believe what you see on TV. And everything else too. Ha!“- Radimov said calmly.

Vladislav does not want to clarify the current situation. " I am so far from these programs... I don’t watch them at all! And you tell me that you saw something. So they asked directly: “Are you separated?” - and received a direct answer: “No, we live together.” Now my son is walking with friends, he will look here - he can confirm. Tanya will come home from work soon. Do you want me to call her?“- the former athlete asked the stunned media representatives.

And yet, Radimov explained why Bulanova gave an interview on the topic of breaking up with her husband. " Because everyone is tired of asking questions! So she waved it off: “Consider us divorced.” In fact, nothing is happening here“- said Vladislav.

The most interesting thing is that Radimov was aware that Bulanova would go on television and announce the divorce. Told her: " You can say whatever you want. I don't care at all». « They also call me from different channels: “Come, tell me about the divorce, about your family. We will pay...” Oh well, I answer. Will I go around and talk about things I didn’t do? I need it? I'm a grown man! Let them write and say what they want. Don't give a damn“Sport Express quotes Vladislav Radimov.

Moreover, the former football player and singer did not file for divorce. " No. Here, look. There is a stamp about marriage, but not about divorce.“- Bulanova’s husband took out his passport. You can imagine how shocked his interlocutor was. Radimov said: “ Can you imagine how they will start calling me after this interview: “So you’re not divorced?! Come to the studio quickly, we’ll add money to you...».

Let us recall that on December 1, 2016, Tatyana Bulanova announced her breakup with Vladislav Radimov. The popular singer posted a message on Instagram in which she thanked her ex for 11 years of marriage. Later in an interview, Tatyana explained: “ It's a shame when families fall apart, but it happens that breaking up is better than torturing each other. We have lost the harmony that we had... Our divorce is a consequence of our internal moments...." At the same time, Bulanova emphasized that she has no conflict with Radimov.

Tatyana Bulanova's husband Vladislav Radimov commented on rumors of divorce. According to him, there are no conflicts between him and Tatyana, and they did not dissolve the marriage. Husband and wife are together and feel happy. Information about the divorce appeared last year. The singer herself spoke about the divorce in one of the programs. But within a few hours, joint photographs of Bulanova and Radimov appeared on the Internet.

Vladislav Radimov denied rumors of a divorce from Tatyana Bulanova. The footballer assured that there was no dissolution of the marriage. The husband and wife still live together and feel quite happy. The first information about the divorce appeared back in 2016, when Tatyana herself announced a divorce.

“We’re all sick and tired of asking questions! So she waved it off: “Consider us divorced.” In fact, nothing is happening here,” explained Tatyana’s participation in Radimov’s programs.

Tatyana Bulanova // Photo: Instagram

Bulanova’s husband notes that he is often invited to various talk shows, the topic of which is his relationship with the singer, but he refuses, since he is not interested in answering questions about actions that he did not commit. He doesn’t care what they write and say, he doesn’t pay attention to it.

At the same time, the athlete admitted that he had nothing against Tatyana’s participation in various talk shows, since they paid good money for it. He himself assured that he would talk about life with the singer only for a million euros. Thus, from the footballer’s words we can conclude that the whole divorce story was created simply for PR and making money.