Beet salad in kindergarten recipe. What is the best way to introduce beets into a baby’s diet? Beetroot dishes for children over one year of age. Recipes for children

Everyone knows that beets are a necessary and beneficial product for our body. Many young mothers wonder whether it will benefit their baby? Can a red vegetable harm a child or cause allergies? We will try to answer all these questions in detail, tell you when you can start complementary feeding with beets, how to choose and prepare them correctly. However, first we will find out whether the root vegetable is useful and what contraindications exist for its use.

The bright red color of beets usually scares off young mothers who see them as an allergen.

What are the benefits of beets?

Beets are a unique product whose benefits are obvious. The red vegetable contains a whole list of useful substances and vitamins - C, B vitamins, PP, as well as iron, iodine, potassium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus. In addition, this root vegetable, like most other vegetables, is a supplier of fiber, which helps start the digestion process. The substance betaine was found in beets, which is involved in the process of protein absorption, as well as in the regulation of metabolism.

Due to its properties, beets are recommended for people prone to constipation, as well as those who suffer from anemia. This root vegetable strengthens blood vessels and is good for the heart. In addition, it has a positive effect on the nervous system and is indicated for stress.

It would take a long time to list useful qualities a vegetable familiar to everyone:

  • contains antioxidants that help strengthen the baby's immune system;
  • has hepaprotective properties - good for the liver;
  • contains a lot of iron, which promotes the formation of red blood cells;
  • removes toxins from the body, being a natural sorbent;
  • improves brain function.

What should you be wary of?

Despite the huge number of positive qualities, beets have some features that mothers should take into account. For example, not everyone knows that this root vegetable slightly lowers blood pressure. In most cases, this effect on the body is beneficial, but young children do not need to lower blood pressure. The fact is that a baby’s normal blood pressure is slightly lower than that of a healthy adult.

Reducing blood pressure may be necessary for some adults, but it is not necessary for infants

Due to its laxative properties, this root vegetable in the form of complementary foods can cause diarrhea in infants. In addition, due to its bright color, the dark red vegetable can cause allergies.

Beets, like other root vegetables, during ripening absorb harmful and dangerous substances that fall into the ground. The red vegetable may contain nitrates, nitrites, ammonium salts and amides. All this has an extremely negative impact on work. internal organs. It is better not to buy root vegetables for babies in the store, but to use those that have grown in your own garden. If you are not sure that they were grown in an ecologically clean area, it makes sense to try to reduce the saturation of vegetables with nitrates:

  • After boiling, it is better to immediately drain the water, since harmful substances remain in it;
  • a large number of veins may indicate the presence of nitrates;
  • It is better to cut off the tail and top of the whole boiled fruit - this is where the highest concentration of hazardous substances is observed;
  • Before stewing, it is advisable to cut the vegetable into pieces and soak in cold water;
  • It is better to give beet puree to your child right away; over time, nitrates become even more toxic.

Age and feeding method

At what age can a child be given beets? If parents decide to offer their baby this vegetable, they should follow the doctor’s recommendations. The root vegetable can be given no earlier than six months, but even better - after the baby turns 8 months old.

It is advisable that the baby is already familiar with potatoes, carrots, cabbage and zucchini. To avoid mistakes, you should feed your son or daughter according to the recommendations of pediatricians:

  • First, it is advisable to try giving your child a very small portion of puree - on the tip of a teaspoon. Assess his stool, skin condition and mood. If the baby feels well - his cheeks do not turn red, there is no diarrhea, you can continue to feed him vegetable puree.

There is no need to prepare a large portion of puree at once, because it is gradually introduced into the child’s diet.
  • Like other new dishes, it is better to offer beet puree to your baby in the first half of the day.
  • If your son or daughter has a good reaction to this vegetable, you shouldn’t give it a lot so as not to cause diarrhea. You need to start with half a teaspoon, and eventually increase to 1-2 tablespoons.
  • Don't be alarmed if your baby's stool turns dark burgundy. Your urine may also turn red. Information about this phenomenon is on Dr. Komarovsky’s website. Doctors do not have a general opinion on how normal this reaction of the body to complementary foods is, but it is certainly typical.

Selecting and preparing beets correctly

It is very important to choose the right beets as complementary foods for your child (more details in the article:). It is worth making sure that the vegetables have the correct shape and are free of damage and spoiled parts. Any variety will do - you can buy cylindrical or classic rounded beets. If the root vegetable will be boiled, it is advisable to choose medium-sized vegetables so that you do not have to cook them for a long time.

Before cooking, beets should be thoroughly washed under running water with a brush. There is no need to peel it, since the skin contains many useful substances.

It is convenient to cook vegetables by steaming, boiling in water, stewing or baking. It is believed that steaming helps to get rid of harmful and dangerous substances. If you are planning a stew, the vegetables should be peeled immediately and cut into small pieces.

The most convenient and efficient way to steam beets is to steam them.

How long to cook beets? As a rule, a medium-sized fruit takes from 40 minutes to an hour to cook. After it becomes soft, it needs to be cooled and cleaned, then crushed into a homogeneous mass using a blender or fine grater. There is no need to add water, this root vegetable is quite juicy. If you choose high-quality vegetables and prepare them correctly, the puree will turn out sweet, and your baby will be happy to try a new dish for him. The most successful option for introducing beets into the menu is mixing them with other vegetables. You can also freeze the finished food and offer it to your child another time.

Some pediatricians recommend introducing beet juice into children's diets. This product is useful for those children who suffer from constipation, but it must be prepared and given with caution. The fact is that such juice increases the acidity of the stomach. In addition, it will certainly cause relaxation of the stool. During defecation, fluid is removed from the body, and with it a lot of useful substances and minerals. It is very important to give such an amount of juice so as not to cause persistent stool upset in the baby. At what age should you give your baby beet juice? Pediatricians recommend age not before a year to avoid possible allergies. Rules for making juice:

  • First, wash the root vegetable well and scald it with boiling water. Then peel and grate, squeeze out the juice using gauze or a strainer.
  • Let the juice sit for 2 hours, then fewer harmful substances will enter the baby’s body.
  • The juice should be diluted with boiled water in a ratio of 1:4 or even 1:5.
  • It’s even better to dilute beet juice with apple and carrot juice.
  • First you need to give the child a couple of drops of juice, increasing the dose day by day (more details in the article:). You should not give your baby more than 2 teaspoons of beet juice.

Beetroot juice is very healthy, but it is given to children in limited quantities.

Dishes for children made from beets

Over time, simple beet puree for your baby will become a familiar dish and may become boring. Sometimes a child refuses to eat this vegetable, then it makes sense to try to prepare new dishes from it. However, you should first make sure that your son or daughter is not allergic to the root vegetable. One year old child can appreciate beetroot soup, salad and even red borscht.

The beets need to be boiled in water or steamed until tender. Then cool, peel and grate. Season the salad with salt, chopped herbs and vegetable oil. Instead of butter, it is good to use unsweetened yogurt. If the child is 1.5 years old, the salad can be seasoned with sour cream. Chopped walnuts and steamed prunes are also added to it if the child is already familiar with these products.

Preparing baby beetroot soup is easy; the recipe only contains a few ingredients.

  • First you need to boil 1 beet and 1 potato tuber until tender. Vegetables should be cooked separately.
  • Cool and grind. Cut the potatoes into cubes and grate the boiled beets.
  • Bring 0.5 liters of water to a boil and add chopped vegetables into the pan and boil again.
  • Add chopped eggs (or just yolks), dill, and salt to beet soup for taste. You can add a spoonful of sour cream to a plate with beetroot if the baby is already 1.5 years old.

Baby beetroot soup turns out very light and tasty

Diet borscht

This dish should be prepared differently from how it is prepared for adults - tomato paste is not added to it and vegetables are not pre-fried. You will need one beet, 100 g of cabbage, 1 potato tuber, half a carrot and an onion. Boil the beets first, take the remaining vegetables raw. Add grated beets and carrots, chopped cabbage, potatoes and onions to boiling water. Add half a teaspoon vegetable oil. Cook until the vegetables are ready.

At what age can you offer your baby borscht and beetroot soup? If you cook them in water and not in broth - from 10-11 months. In this case, it is allowed to add chopped meat to the finished soup or borscht. Over time, you can use sour cream - decorate the finished beetroot soup with it, or season the salad.

As you can see, beets may well become a child’s favorite dish. It is important to start introducing it according to the rules and carefully monitor the baby’s reaction. A little later, from about 2 years old, this vegetable can be successfully used to prepare vinaigrette, beet cutlets, and salads. It is good to combine with cottage cheese, stuffed fish and as a base for meat borscht. In the meantime, you just need to gradually accustom your baby to beet puree, so that over time he will fall in love with this healthy and tasty vegetable.

How to get your child to eat not only delicious sweets, but also healthy vegetables? Prepare an original and interesting dish from them! Beets for children are a good option to diversify their diet and get a portion of essential vitamins.

Beet salad is good for children


Beet 1 piece(s)

  • Number of servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 15 minutes

Beet salad with apple

A salad prepared according to this recipe can be offered to babies starting from 11 months. By this age, the vast majority of children are already accustomed to the taste of an apple, and beets will add sweetness to the dish. The baby will be interested in trying something new.


  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil or sour cream for dressing.

Small beets are boiled in their skins. This way it will retain more nutrients. Afterwards the vegetable is cooled, peeled and grated. After this, add the grated apple to the beets and mix. The salad can be seasoned with a teaspoon of vegetable oil or sour cream. But the fat content of sour cream should not exceed 20%, so as not to overload the stomach.

Beet salad for children with prunes

This recipe is especially suitable for babies suffering from constipation.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 g prunes;
  • medium-sized beets;
  • vegetable oil;
  • sugar.

Boil the beets, peel and grate. Steam the washed prunes in boiling water, covering the dish with a lid, for an hour and a half. Peel it and chop it finely. Mix with beets. Season with a small amount of vegetable oil, lightly sprinkle with sugar.

Beetroot salad with prunes and nuts

If the child has learned to chew food well and chewing nuts is not a problem for him, you can prepare the following salad.

You need to prepare:

  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • prunes – 50 gr.;
  • peeled walnuts – 50 gr.;
  • low-fat cream.

Boil the beets. Wash dried fruits and soak for half an hour hot water, cut into strips, remove seeds. Grate the beets on a coarse grater. Chop the nuts with a knife and combine all ingredients. Top with cream.

Beetroot soup for children

Considering how beneficial beets are for children, there are a variety of recipes using them. You can prepare beetroot soup as a first course for lunch.


  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • greenery.

Boil the beets, peel, grate or cut into strips. Chop potatoes, onions and carrots. Boil water, lightly salt it, add all the vegetables except beets. Cook for 15 minutes, then add beets. Let it simmer for a couple of minutes and turn it off. Add finely chopped egg and herbs to the prepared beetroot soup; you can season it with low-fat sour cream.

This soup is easy to prepare and kids love it.

The child will definitely like one of the recipes, and then there will be no problems with eating vegetables. If beets are introduced into the diet for the first time, you need to start with small portions of the product. Also, do not store children's meals in the refrigerator - it is better to prepare a fresh lunch for your baby every time.

Technological map No. 11.

There are 6 children's servings of each salad.

First, salad No. 1 - with beets and apples. Elementarily simple, easy and, due to quite large quantity apples, fresh and juicy.

The beets are thoroughly washed and boiled until fully cooked. Cooking time always depends on the size of the beets. I had the size of a small fist and cooked it in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes. If the knife enters the beets easily and freely, it means they are ready. Drain the water, cool the beets and peel them.

Wash the apple, peel it and remove the seed nest.

Cut both the beets and the apple into small strips.

The salad is seasoned with refined vegetable oil (odorless), salt and citric acid. Since I don’t buy or use citric acid, I replaced it with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Mix and serve as a separate dish or side dish.

Technological map No. 10.

Cooking technology and quality requirements.

The next salad, number 2, with the beautiful name “Zarya”.

Wash the beets thoroughly, boil until tender, cool and peel.

We take a small egg, weighing about 50 grams. It must be washed and boiled until tender - 10 minutes after the water boils. Next, drain the boiling water and pour cold water, hold the egg there for a couple of minutes, and then select, peel and chop.

Peel the onions, scald with boiling water and finely chop.

Scald canned peas with boiling water.

Cut the beets into small cubes.

Add all ingredients to a bowl and season with lemon juice, salt and vegetable oil. Quite an independent dish.

For myself, I added chopped sauerkraut to this salad and it tasted almost like a vinaigrette. By the way, already in the nursery, not only pickled cucumbers, but also sauerkraut are introduced into the children's menu. At least, I found a vinaigrette with the addition of cucumbers and sauerkraut in the kindergarten flow chart.

Technological map No. 9.

Cooking technology and quality requirements.

Well, the third option is beet caviar.

For this, as in the two previous options, rinse and boil the beets until tender. Then cool it and clean it.

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes.

Place a frying pan on the fire, heat it, pour in vegetable oil and add onions. Saute, stirring, for about 5 minutes. Keep the heat low, since we do not need frying, but tender, transparent, juicy onions.

After about 5 minutes, add a heaping teaspoon of tomato paste to the onion, mix and fry for another couple of minutes.

Cut the beets into small cubes or grate them, as I did. Add the onion to the pan, mix everything, close the lid tightly, turn the heat to low and simmer for 12-15 minutes. A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add salt, sugar, lemon juice and mix everything well.

Remove the caviar from the pan and let cool. It can be served as a side dish, or on toast, like a sandwich. Personally, I add a clove of garlic, ground pepper, coriander, passed through a press, and with black bread... Well, I really like it.

I noticed that if the onion is not heat treated, but goes into the salad raw, then it must be scalded with boiling water before cutting.

My youngest child As a child, I didn’t like either the raw onion itself or its crunch, so I replaced it with a finely chopped apple... if, of course, it was appropriate. For me, the combination of apple and beets is very harmonious.

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about. Choose, try, I hope your kids will like at least some of the options. After all, vegetables are children's menu this is an important component.

Bon appetit everyone!

Beets are a bright ingredient for making delicious salads. Recipes for original dishes are listed in this article.

Every adult at least partially remembers the menu that the kindergarten offered him. The obligatory dish on such a menu was stewed beets.

Its taste was quite simple, but at the same time we loved it very much. Most often, beets were served with meat cutlets or buckwheat porridge. Prepare beets as in kindergarten» possible even after many years.

You will need:

  • beet- 3 large root vegetables (be sure to thoroughly wash them from dirt).
  • bulb onions- 1 large onion (onion or white)
  • garlic— 5 cloves (their number can be adjusted independently, depending on the size and sharpness of the cloves).
  • vegetable oil– a small amount for frying onions (you can use any oil, but sunflower oil is best)
Stewed beets, a simple recipe


  • The washed beets must be boiled. If your beets are large, the cooking process may take a long time. In addition, the cooked beets will need to be cooled.
  • It will take you approximately an hour and a half to completely cook three large beets. You can check its readiness using a knife. If it gently enters the beets and is ready to pass through, the beets are ready.
  • Cool the cooked beets. While it cools, you can fry one finely chopped onion in a minimal amount of oil.
  • The cooled beets are grated on a coarse grater. The entire beet mass goes into the frying pan with the fried onions.
  • Turn the heat to moderate and start simmering. You need to add finely chopped garlic to the beets.
  • Even though the beets are already cooked, they need to simmer for about forty minutes until the juice has completely evaporated.
  • Try to stir the beet mass as often as possible so that it does not burn.
  • When serving, it is recommended to decorate the finished dish with fresh chopped herbs.

Recipe for preparing beets “like in a kindergarten”

Stewed beets in sour cream with garlic: recipe

Stewed beets in sour cream is a very unusual recipe delicious dish with a spicy aroma and pleasant creamy taste. It harmonizes perfectly with cereals, pasta, cutlets and fried meat.

You will need:

  • Beet - 1 piece (large root vegetable)
  • Garlic - 3 cloves (depending on size and spiciness, adjust the amount of garlic yourself).
  • Sour cream - 100 g (you can use sour cream of any fat content)
  • Green onion - several feathers for a beautiful presentation of the dish
  • Spices to taste

How to cook stewed beets in sour cream?


  • To prepare this dish, fresh beets are used, not boiled.
  • The beets are grated on a coarse grater and placed in a frying pan with a minimum amount of oil.
  • Simmer the beets for about 10 minutes over moderate heat. During this time, its moisture should evaporate almost completely.
  • The beets should be salted to taste, you can pepper them or add your favorite spice.
  • In a separate bowl, mix sour cream with crushed garlic.
  • The entire amount of sour cream is poured into the frying pan on top of the beets and mixed thoroughly.
  • It takes about 10 minutes to simmer the beets in sour cream over moderate heat. All this time it should be stirred.
  • Place the stewed beets in a serving bowl and sprinkle with chopped green onions.

The advantage of the dish is that it can be served both hot and cold with vegetable and meat dishes, and with potatoes.

Delicious dish: beets stewed in sour cream

Stewed beets with carrots and onions: recipe

This recipe is a classic way to stew beets.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (one large or two medium-sized root vegetables).
  • Carrot– 1 piece (large size)
  • Onion– 1 piece (medium or large size)
  • Oil– for frying, vegetable (small quantity).
  • Tomato juice or tomato paste (juice - two spoons, paste - one).
  • Salt and favorite spices


  • Vegetables are peeled and washed thoroughly
  • The onion is finely chopped with a knife and sent to a frying pan, where it will be fried until golden brown.
  • Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add them to the onions and fry for a few more minutes.
  • During this time, grate the beets on a coarse grater and add them to the rest of the vegetables.
  • The frying pan is covered with a lid. Vegetables should simmer over low heat for about forty minutes. It is advisable to stir the mass every ten minutes.
  • After twenty minutes of stewing, add tomato juice or paste, favorite spices and garlic if desired.
  • You can serve stewed beets with carrots, garnished with chopped fresh herbs.

Delicious recipe: stewed beets with carrots

How to bake whole beets in the microwave?

Microwave– modern kitchen appliances that allow you to quickly prepare food. Including “cooking” the beets. For this you will need a regular "heating" mode.

You should “cook” the beets in the microwave for ten to twenty minutes. The cooking time of the root vegetable depends only on its size: small and large.

How to cook beets in the microwave:

  • Wash the beets thoroughly to remove any dirt.
  • Remove any petiole that is too large.
  • Place the beets in a glass dish.
  • Turn on the “warm” mode for ten minutes.
  • Once cooked, pierce the beets with a knife to test for doneness. If the knife passes smoothly, the beets are ready. If not, set the “warm” mode for another ten minutes.
  • After cooking the beets, they should be cooled.

Cooking beets in the microwave

How to bake beets in foil in the oven?

If you don't have a microwave, you can use the oven. To prevent the beets from being fried, but baked, food foil is used.

Preparing beets:

  • Wash the root vegetable thoroughly to remove any dirt.
  • Cut off the thin tail and petiole from the tops.
  • Wrap the beets in one layer of foil so that there are no gaps.
  • Place the beets in the oven on a baking sheet or on a wire rack.
  • Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
  • Place the beets in the oven.
  • At a temperature of 160 degrees, bake beets for twenty minutes.
  • Reduce the temperature to 120 degrees after half an hour of baking and “simmer” the beets for another half hour.
  • After this, check the readiness of the beets. If the vegetable is not yet soft, cook the beets for another fifteen minutes.

Cooking beets in foil in the oven

Fried beets with onions: recipe

Fried beets with onions is a quick recipe for a delicious dish that goes well with potatoes or meat dishes.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (large fruit or two medium-sized fruits)
  • Onion– 2 pcs (medium size)
  • Garlic– 3 cloves (the amount of garlic can be adjusted independently).
  • Parsley– fresh, one or two tablespoons
  • Oil for frying(you can use any vegetable).


  • The peeled onion should be chopped very finely and placed in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Fry the onion for about five minutes over low heat until it becomes transparent and golden.
  • The beets are washed from dirt and peeled
  • The beets should be grated on a coarse grater.
  • The beet mass goes into the frying pan with the onions
  • All vegetables are mixed, the pan is covered with a lid.
  • In this state, the beets should be stewed for about twenty minutes over low heat.
  • After twenty minutes, add your favorite spices and crushed garlic.
  • Simmer the beets for another fifteen minutes and serve, sprinkling them generously with chopped parsley.

Cooking beets and onions

Stuffed beets: recipe

Stuffed beets are an unusual recipe for an original and tasty dish for a holiday or everyday dinner. You can stuff beets with vegetables, eggs or meat.

You will need:

  • Beet– 2 pcs (two medium-sized root vegetables)
  • Chicken fillet– 1 piece (one large breast)
  • Cheese– 100 g (you can use any: Russian, mozzarella, gouda).
  • Onion - 1 piece (large or two small)
  • Vegetable oil for frying onions and spices to taste
  • Sour cream– two small spoons (can be replaced with mayonnaise).


  • The beets should be boiled first. This can be done until done or half done. Cooking beets will reduce cooking time in the oven.
  • Boiled and cooled beets should be cooled and peeled.
  • While the root vegetable is cooling, you need to finely chop the onion and cut the fillet into very small cubes.
  • Place the frying pan on the fire, heat a small amount of oil in it and fry the onion until transparent. After this, add the fillet to the onion.
  • The fillet fry quickly. Five minutes will be enough. Throughout the frying period, you should actively mix the onion with the fillet.
  • Make a hole in the cooled beets using a knife and a teaspoon.
  • In each hole you need to put half the mass of fried onions with fillet. A spoonful of sour cream is placed on top and the beets are sprinkled with cheese.
  • The beets are placed on a baking sheet and sent to the oven for baking.
  • The oven must be at least 180 degrees
  • The beets should be baked for thirty minutes. When the cheese becomes golden brown, the dish can be removed from the oven.

Stuffed beets

Stewed beets with vegetables: recipe

This is a simple recipe for a very tasty and dietary dish. It can be prepared very quickly from simple ingredients.

You will need:

  • Beet– 3 pcs (three large root vegetables)
  • Pepper– 2 pcs (necessarily sweet, large)
  • Tomato– 2 pcs (ripe, large)
  • Onion– 2 pcs (medium size)
  • Vegetable oil for frying(any one can be used).
  • Garlic– 3 teeth (can be adjusted independently).
  • Favorite spices


  • The beets are washed from the remaining soil, the stalk is removed and the skin is removed. The beets should be grated.
  • Oil is poured into a frying pan, chopped onion is added and fried until golden brown.
  • Grated beets, chopped peppers and diced tomatoes are added to the onions.
  • The vegetables are fried over high heat for about five minutes, after which the pan is covered with a lid.
  • The dish should simmer for twenty minutes over low heat with the lid closed.
  • After ten minutes of simmering, add garlic and your favorite spices.

Cooking stewed beets with vegetables

Beetroot with cottage cheese: recipe

Salad made from cottage cheese and beets - classic recipe a simple but very tasty dish that can be prepared in a few minutes.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (large fruit)
  • Cottage cheese– 200 g (must be soft)
  • Green onions– a few feathers, chopped or finely chopped (you can try replacing with cilantro).
  • Garlic- taste
  • Favorite spices to taste


  • The beets are boiled until tender. It should be cooled and grated on a medium or fine grater.
  • The beets are placed in a serving bowl and soft cottage cheese is added to it.
  • If your cottage cheese is not soft, you can add a large spoonful of sour cream of any fat content.
  • The salad is mixed and seasoned to taste
  • Squeeze the garlic and add chopped green onions to the salad. Toss the salad before serving.

Beets with cottage cheese

Beetroot with garlic and mayonnaise: salad recipe

This salad is the simplest recipe for a delicious everyday and holiday dish. Mayonnaise adds a nice fattiness to the beets. Depending on your preferences, you can use dietary mayonnaise or regular Provençal.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (large fruit)
  • Mayonnaise– 50 g (can be mixed with sour cream)
  • Garlic– 2 cloves (focus on spiciness)
  • Salt and favorite spices


  • The beets are boiled until tender and cooled
  • Garlic is squeezed into the beet mass
  • The beets are salted and seasoned with spices to taste
  • Mayonnaise is added to the salad, the salad is thoroughly mixed
  • You can serve it with chopped herbs

Beet salad with mayonnaise

Beetroot with cheese and garlic: recipe

Beetroot salad is perfectly complemented by the taste of creamy processed cheese. This salad is perfect for a holiday table.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (large root vegetable)
  • Processed cheese– 3 pcs (soft creamy, high fat content).
  • Egg– 3 pcs (boiled chicken eggs)
  • Garlic– 2 cloves (adjust the sharpness yourself).
  • Mayonnaise– 80 g (high fat)
  • Salt and favorite spices


  • The beets are boiled until tender, the cooled beets are grated on a coarse grater (you can grate them on a fine grater if you want to get a paste-like mass).
  • Processed cheese is grated on the same grater as the beets. The cheese is added to the beets.
  • The boiled egg is grated on the same grater as the rest of the ingredients.
  • Garlic is squeezed into the salad.
  • The salad is seasoned to taste and dressed with mayonnaise. The main condition for serving this salad is to let it stand for a couple of hours until it turns pink all over.
  • The finished salad should be sprinkled with fresh herbs before serving.

Salad with beets and raw

Beet salad with prunes and walnuts: delicious recipe

This is a classic recipe for a simple holiday salad with an original smoked flavor.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (large fruit)
  • Prunes– 100 g (steamed, soft)
  • Walnut– 150 g (chopped with a knife or crushed with a rolling pin).
  • Mayonnaise– 50 g (high fat)
  • Salt and favorite spices


  • The beets are boiled until tender, grated on a coarse grater, and placed in a salad bowl.
  • The prunes are steamed in boiling water and only after softening are finely chopped with a knife.
  • The nut is chopped or crushed and added to the salad.
  • The salad should be seasoned to taste and seasoned with mayonnaise and mixed thoroughly.

Salad with beets, prunes and walnuts

Beetroot, carrot, cabbage salad: recipe

One of the freshest and healthiest salads is a recipe with fresh beets and apples.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (medium or small size)
  • Carrot– 1 piece (medium size)
  • Apple– 1 piece (sour or sweet and sour)
  • Cabbage— 150 g (white cabbage)
  • Vinegar– a few drops
  • Vegetable oil for dressing (any), spices


  • The beets are peeled and grated raw on a coarse grater.
  • Peel the carrots and grate them raw.
  • Chop the cabbage finely and add it to the salad.
  • The skin of the apple should be removed. It needs to be finely chopped with a knife or grated on a coarse grater.
  • All ingredients are mixed. Seasoned with salt, sugar and pepper.
  • The salad should be sprinkled with vinegar and vegetable oil.

Fresh salad with beets and vegetables

Beet salad with apple: recipe

Beetroot and apple salad is often called “Vitaminka” because it is full of useful substances and is very easy to digest.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (small fruit)
  • Apple– 1 piece (green, sour)
  • Oil for refueling(flaxseed or sesame)
  • Salt, sugar


  • Raw beets are peeled and grated
  • The skin of the apple is removed and it is also grated
  • The mixture is sprinkled with a pinch of salt and sugar.
  • The salad is dressed with oil and mixed thoroughly

Salad with beets and apples

Beetroot with feta cheese: salad recipe

This salad recipe will surprise you with its simplicity and rich, pleasant taste of ingredients. It is easy to prepare for every day or for a holiday.

You will need:

  • Beet
  • Brynza– 150 g (can be replaced with feta or suluguni cheese).
  • Arugula– 20 g of leaves (can be replaced with lettuce leaves or the green part of Chinese cabbage).
  • Vegetable oil– 10 g (preferably linseed oil)
  • Honey– 5 g (for refilling)
  • Boiled egg– 1 piece (chicken)
  • Sea salt and Italian herb mixture (dried herbs, seasoning).


  • The beets are boiled until soft and must be cooled.
  • Boiled beet pulp cut into slices
  • Arugula is placed in a salad bowl, seasoned with oil, honey and salt. The arugula leaves are mixed thoroughly. Place in a heap on a serving plate.
  • Cheese is cut into slices the size of beet slices
  • Place pieces of beets and cheese alternately on a bed of arugula.
  • Top the salad with a spoonful of vegetable oil and honey and sprinkle with a mixture of herbs.
  • Place slices of boiled and quartered eggs in the center of the salad or around its main part.

Salad with beets and feta cheese

Beetroot with ginger: recipe

This salad is pleasantly sweet and spicy at the same time. In addition, it is considered vitamin-rich and healthy.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (medium size)
  • Ginger– 20 g (fresh root)
  • Flaxseed oil– 20 g (for refilling)
  • Honey– 5 g (for sauce in dressing)


  • The beets are peeled and grated on a coarse grater.
  • Ginger is peeled and grated on a fine grater
  • Oil and liquid honey are added to the salad bowl
  • The salad is thoroughly mixed

Salad with beets and ginger

Beetroot with vinegar - salad: recipe

Vinegar will add a pleasant sourness to the sweet-tasting beet salad.

You will need:

  • Beet– 1 piece (medium-sized root vegetable)
  • Onion– 1 piece (large size)
  • Carrot– 1 piece (small size)
  • Vinegar– 5 g
  • Vegetable oil- a couple of tablespoons
  • Parsley– bunch
  • Spices to taste, salt


  • Fresh beets are peeled and grated on a coarse grater along with carrots.
  • The onion is finely chopped and added to the grated vegetables.
  • A bunch of parsley should be chopped and added to the vegetables.
  • The salad is seasoned with vinegar and vegetable oil, salt and spices are added.

Video: “Beet salad with eggs”

In ancient times, this amazing root vegetable was used not only as a tasty and healthy food, but also as a blush for the face. Can you guess what we'll be talking about today? Of course, these are beets.

The beneficial properties of beets have been valued for a long time.

About the good

Since ancient times, this vegetable has been famous for its beneficial properties, containing:

About the bad

However, beets can be harmful to health because they are a vegetable (just like all greens and kale) that actively collect amides, nitrates and ammonium salts from the soil. The result of consuming root vegetables rich in harmful substances can be impaired kidney function. This vegetable also has the property of lowering blood pressure. This feature benefits some adults with cardiovascular problems, but is not at all necessary for a small child.

Beets can cause some harm to the baby’s body that has not yet become stronger.

For those suffering from diathesis

In this case, can a child have beets? It is possible and necessary, but portions must be strictly dosed not only because of the above negative factors, but also because allergies may occur. Children who have already had problems with diathesis should not introduce this valuable vegetable into complementary foods before a year.

Babies with diathesis will be able to try beets only after the first year of life.

Now you can try

At what age should you start feeding beets so as not to harm your baby? Vegetables are usually introduced into the diet after the baby has become familiar with potatoes (before this, the child tries carrots).

The approximate age of the baby is 8-9 months. For allergy sufferers - strictly after a year in minimal quantities and carefully monitoring the reaction to the product. If the baby experiences constipation with enviable frequency, then you can start beet complementary feeding a little earlier than the normal age, but not as the first course and not until the baby reaches six months.

If you are not very concerned about the introduction of any complementary foods or do not have strict doctor’s indications for consuming this particular root vegetable, then you can wait up to a year with beets. A one-year-old baby is already a little adapted to adult food, and will accept such a serious and fiber-rich vegetable much better than an 8-9 month old baby.

The body of older children accepts beets much better.

How to introduce beets into your diet? You need to start with microscopic doses of juice from boiled vegetables. The best option will add a few drops of well-cooked beet juice to the vegetable puree, with whom the baby is already familiar and friends. Be sure to monitor your child’s reactions to the new product (changes in stool, signs of allergies). If at least one of them appears, then you should wait a couple of months with beet complementary foods. If you decide to start complementary feeding with this root vegetable from 9 months, then it the volume should not exceed 1/3 of the total mass of the dish. By the age of one year, a child can eat up to 50 grams of red vegetables per day (but no more). It is enough to feed your baby beets once a week.

Beets require gradual getting used to.

Only fresh product

Beets are an excellent addition to porridges: buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. You can cook these cereals using a diluted root vegetable decoction (if you are sure there are no nitrates) or simply add beet puree to the already prepared porridge.

The vegetable should only be fresh or freshly prepared because when reheated, substances harmful to the baby are formed in it.

Raw vegetable: is it possible?

Beetroot juice (raw) can be given at the same age, but only in a diluted state (either with boiled water or as an additive in other juices). Such measures are taken because the juice has an unpleasant aftertaste and, in its pure (concentrated) form, irritates the mucous membranes of the baby’s stomach and intestines. Beetroot juice in the total amount of drink consumed by the baby should not contain more than 1/3 of the total volume. If possible, then It’s better to wait with juice for up to a year because all the substances (and harmful ones too) that are in the vegetable are also present in its juice, only in a more concentrated form than in the boiled root vegetable.

Undiluted beet juice is not pleasant to the taste and is harmful to the baby’s delicate stomach.


  • Suffering from any stomach disease;
  • Has kidney problems;
  • Prone to diarrhea;
  • Suffering from diabetes.

When a child is sick, it is always a tragedy for his parents. And if the baby exhibits alarming symptoms, it is doubly scary. Moms panic if... What to do?

Many babies suffer from lactose intolerance, which makes the feeding process much more difficult. Read what to do if your child has been given a disappointing diagnosis.

The year has come

After a year, a child’s menu, which includes beets, becomes more varied:

  • stew;
  • borscht;
  • salads;
  • soups.

In each of the listed dishes, the vegetable we are discussing can only be an addition, but not the main component. Children from one to 7 years old can be given up to 100 grams of root vegetables per day (provided that the child does not suffer from diarrhea).

Beetroot is a healthy component that adds variety to traditional dishes child.

Do we cook, bake or eat raw?

If we compare the benefits of eating raw and boiled (or baked) vegetables, then, oddly enough, there will be more benefits from thermally processed root vegetables. When cooking and baking, some vitamins are lost, the effect of irritation of mucous membranes is reduced and nitrates evaporate, but what remains is fiber, all microelements, pectin (frees the body from bad substances and impurities) and betaine - a substance that slows down the aging process and has a beneficial effect on the activity of the brain and liver. In raw beets, all substances are in an unchanged state, but due to the presence of nitrates and the irritating properties of the juice, they can cause harm in much larger volumes than their cooked counterpart.


The simplest beetroot dish for a baby is puree. The recipe for making it is also simple. We will need:

  • the vegetable itself;
  • water;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking diagram:

  1. Wash the vegetable, removing particles of soil, small roots and green tops.
  2. Fill with water, bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes.

Cooking beets will take quite a long time.

  1. We drain the water and fill it with new one.
  2. Cook over low heat in a saucepan with the lid closed for about 1.5 hours (depending on the size of the root vegetable).
  3. Dip the finished beets in cold water for a few minutes (to easily remove the peel).
  4. Grate the peeled vegetable on a fine grater.

A blender also works great for chopping beets.

  1. Add a little sunflower oil.
  2. Stir in another 2-3 tablespoons of boiled water or vegetable broth (to dilute the resulting thick puree).

The baby will appreciate it!

  1. Mix everything well and offer it to the baby.

This recipe is suitable for children up to one year old.

How long should a newborn baby sleep? We’ll talk in detail about infant sleep issues on this page.


Older kids may like beet salad with prunes. The recipe is also very simple.


  • boiled beets (one is enough);
  • several prunes;
  • a couple of tablespoons of sour cream.

How to cook:

  1. Boil the vegetable.
  2. Three peeled root vegetables on a grater.

One small beet will be more than enough for the baby.

  1. Cut the washed prunes into small pieces and add to the beets.

For beets, you can choose any ingredient that your child prefers.

  1. Mix the salad, season with sour cream and mix again.

You can experiment and add an apple and (or) carrots instead of prunes. The main ingredient of the salad can be raw (if the baby accepts it normally). Some kids love to eat soup with a slice of beetroot as a bite. Many children like beet pancakes - here you should look at what appeals to your little one more.

Don’t be alarmed if, after eating pancakes or salad, your little person’s urine or feces turn pink or reddish - this is completely normal.

The right vegetable

About what beets should be like. It is best to grow a miracle vegetable in your own beds. If you do not have the opportunity or desire to do this, then you need to know a few points about what ideally purchased beets should be.

  1. Do not buy large vegetables - they contain much more harmful substances than small or medium-sized root vegetables.

Small beet roots are the most beneficial for a child.

  1. Choose vegetables only with a pronounced burgundy color - it indicates the quality of the root vegetable.
  2. Ask the seller (if possible) to cut one of the root vegetables. If light veins are visible on the cut, then such a product is not suitable for food for a child.

Light veins are a guarantee of quality.

Fighting a runny nose

You can use beets. Both raw and boiled vegetables are effective. For treatment, you need juice, which is instilled into the nasal passages. A child may react painfully to this natural medicine, so the juice should be diluted half and half with water (boiled). The juice can be successfully combined with honey or carrots. Instill the solution 2-3 drops into each nasal passage up to 4 times a day.

Diluted beetroot juice will quickly help relieve a runny nose.

Pages of life

“As much as I went shopping, I never saw baby food that contained beets. My son suffers from constipation from cereals and mixtures. Today I came across “Babushkino Lukoshko” quite by accident. They make beef with beets. Hooray! We tried it and it seems that we got hooked on this dish. Maksimka devours both cheeks. I must say that we are completely artificial. Now my son is 7.5 months old. Tomorrow we’ll see if there’s a rash.”

“Mommies, you’ve gone completely crazy: poisoning children with store-bought crap! There are a lot of preservatives in there, and then your eyes are wild with surprise: where did the child suddenly get an allergy? Each baby knows what and when to introduce into complementary foods. If everything is correct, then the child smiles and grabs the spoon himself, but if he refuses, it’s too early for this food. With beets, everything is very individual! Mommies, keep a close eye on your children. Only they will show you the most correct path.”

“I am against store-bought packaging. You can find anything there, except what should be there. Poisoning is a piece of cake. I prepare all the complementary foods myself at home. I give my daughter boiled beets and rubbed through a sieve. I cook it for about half an hour, after cutting it into cubes. So far she likes it."

To summarize the information in the article:

  • Beets can be both beneficial and harmful.
  • It must be introduced into the diet very carefully.
  • According to indications, you can start complementary feeding with vegetables from 6 months.
  • With normal development of a child, his first acquaintance with root vegetables occurs at closer to 9 months.
  • Kids with clear signs Due to diathesis, you can eat beets only after a year.
  • Boiled vegetables are healthier than raw ones.
  • For a child, you need to choose root vegetables especially carefully.
  • Beets are a people-tested remedy for the common cold.