Control tests in the discipline “Psychology of family and family education. Tests for families Family psychology tests

Final test for the course “Family Psychology”

1. A “communal marriage” involving a group of men and women is called: A) single marriage B) dyadic marriage C) triadic marriage D) group marriage D) there is no correct answer.

2. Families in which there is only one parent caring for children are called: A) prosperous B) dysfunctional C) complete

D) incomplete D) mixed.

3. A distinctive feature of a family, from among other small groups, is such a psychological feature as: A) general family goals B) a married couple C) a much longer period of close acquaintance between its members D) the versatility and significance of family relationships, and their interrelation E) all answers are correct.

4. The adoption of a certain family standard, opinion, a measure of “submission” to intra-family pressure of a new family member is called: A) conformism B) group cohesion C) family subordination D) psychological compatibility E) there is no correct answer

5. The function of the family, which determines the biological reproduction and preservation of offspring, procreation, is called: A) reproductive

B) household C) educational D) economic and material D) there is no correct answer.

6. A marriage in which each of the spouses takes the same position as he had in relation to brothers or sisters in the parental family is called: A) complementary marriage B) partially complementary marriage C) non-complementary marriage D) meta-complementary marriage E) there is no correct answer.

7. Problematic families that make mutual concessions and compromises are called: A) problematic B) conflicting C) crisis D) dysfunctional E) there is no correct answer.

8.An extreme variant of disrupted parental education (behavior) is:

A) maternal care

B) maternal deprivation

B) affiliation

D) empathy

D) alienation

9. Form of marriage family relations, which is not an alternative marriage, is called: A) intimate friendship B) homosexual marriage C) group marriage D) residential communities D) legal marriage.

10. Professional and educational growth of women, high mortality of the male population are prerequisites for the emergence of: A) open marriage B) deliberately childless marriage C) loneliness D) unregistered cohabitation E) extramarital sex.

11. The principle of an open marriage is not: A) a tendency to respect the partner’s privacy B) openness of communication C) the tendency for mobility and flexibility of role communication D) closed partnership: to have common interests, a circle of common friends E) trust: a combination of “statistical” trust with “dynamic” trust.

12. The presence of parents allows families to be classified into: A) monogamous and polygamous B) incomplete and complete C) registered marriages and actual marriages D) endogamous and exogamous D) patriarchal and matriarchal.

13. Depending on the number of children, families are divided into: A) monogamous and polygamous B) single-parent and complete C) small children, medium children, large families D) endogamous, exogamous D) patriarchal and matriarchal.

14. The system of actions and relationships that mediate the satisfaction of sexual desire and sexual need is called: A) sexual behavior B) premarital behavior C) mating behavior D) reproductive behavior E) There is no correct answer.

15. A parenting style characterized by indulgence in all the desires of the child, excessive adoration and patronage, resulting in a high level of aspirations of the child, an unbridled desire for leadership and superiority, combined with insufficient perseverance and reliance on one’s own resources is called:

A) emotional rejection

B) hypoprotection

B) “family idol”

D) overprotection

D) there is no correct answer

16. The love trap that an insecure person falls into when showing attention and care to him is called: A) the inferiority trap B) the trap of pity C) the trap of sexual comfort D) the trap of common interests E) there is no correct answer.

17. The compatibility of value orientations, personal and psychophysiological characteristics of partners is called: A) psychological B) social C) biological D) economic D) legal.

18. Personal adaptation in the sphere of marriage and family relations implies adaptation: A) to the temperament, character of the partner B) to new responsibilities, rights C) to the needs, habits of the partner D) to the values ​​of the partner D) all answers are correct.

19. The cause of marital conflicts is dissatisfaction with: A) sexual needs B) hypertrophied needs C) physiological needs D) mutual assistance, mutual support D) all answers are correct.

20. The system or set of parental emotional attitude towards the child, the parent’s perception of the child and ways of behavior with him, is called:

A) parenting style

B) control method

B) family relationships

D) behavior strategy

D) there is no correct answer

21. The choice of a marriage partner, the unconscious transfer of love for parents of the opposite sex to one’s potential spouses, involves: A) psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud B) the theory of complementary needs by R. Winch C) the instrumental theory of spouse selection by R. Centers D) the “stimulus-value-role” theory by B. Murstein D) the “filter” theory by A. Kerkhoff and K. Davis

22. The need that arises when experiencing difficulties in one’s personal self-realization without the presence of children and the appropriate number of them is called: A) reproductive behavior B) reproductive attitude C) reproductive norm D) the need for children D) there is no correct answer.

23. The component of the parental attitude, which includes a system of knowledge and ideas for building strategies and tactics of education, is called: A) evaluative B) cognitive C) behavioral D) emotional E) there is no correct answer.

24. The role of the child in the family, reflecting the mutual dissatisfaction of the spouses and parents, is called: A) "scapegoat" B) “favorite” C) “conciliator” D) “baby” E) “tyrant”.

25. The role of a child in the family (according to V.N. Druzhinin), which determines the feeling of loneliness, uselessness, uselessness, is called: A) “burden child” B) “child-slave” C) “child-lover” D) “child-weapon” E) “child-replacement”.

26. The stage of the family counseling process, which tracks the dynamics of family development and accumulates information about it, is called: A) preparatory B) adjustment B) diagnostic D) recommendation D) control.

27. Name the stage of family counseling at which the psychologist uses procedures such as meeting with the client, the general, emotionally positive mood of the client, and the removal of psychological barriers to communication: A) preparatory B) tuning C) diagnostic D) advisory E) control

28. Verbal support of the client’s statements and actions at the time of counseling is called: A) “mirroring” B) verbal support C) “periphrasis” D) “generalization” E) there is no correct answer.

29. To study family relationships use:

A) the “Drawing of a Person” technique

B) the “Drawing of a non-existent animal” technique

C) the “Family Drawing” technique

D) “Draw a tree” technique

D) the “Geometric Shapes” technique

30. Diagnosis of married couples involves: A) diagnosis of their relationships B) diagnosis of the individuality of the spouses C) diagnosis of family values ​​D) diagnosis of family leisure D) all answers are correct.

31. Negative factor family education, is: A) lack of desire for the spiritual development of children B) lack of a normal psychological climate in the family C) inconsistency in the application of educational methods D) causing severe moral suffering to children E) all answers are correct.

32. Parental love (according to A.S. Spivakovskaya) according to the formula: “Look what a wonderful child I have, it’s a pity that I don’t have much time to communicate with him,” is called: A) effective love B) detached love C ) persecution D) contempt E) refusal.

33. The type of parental education of children (according to G. Craig), which determines warm relationships and a high level of control, is called: A) authoritative B) authoritarian C) democratic D) liberal E) indifferent.

34. The type of mother, the standard of motherhood, caring, benevolence and kindness, is called (according to A.Ya. Varga): A) calm, balanced B) anxious C) sad D) confident and authoritative D) there is no correct answer.

35. For the harmonious development of a child in the family, it is necessary: ​​A) to preserve and strengthen him physical health B) maintaining and strengthening his mental health C) maintaining and strengthening his social health D) harmonizing the family’s influence on the child’s upbringing E) all answers are correct.

After living together for some time, many begin to wonder at what stage of development our relationship is at, and whether it’s time to change something in it. will help you clear up your doubts. The test consists of two parts: for the wife and for the husband. For each question, choose one of three answer options.


For husband

1. Do you spend at least half of your free time with your wife?

2. Do you take every opportunity to praise your wife and express your admiration for her?

3. Do you refrain from comparing your wife with your mother or a friend’s wife in matters of cooking, housekeeping, if the comparison is not in favor of your wife?

4. Do you show interest in your wife’s intellectual life, the books she reads, her passions?

5. Do you thank your wife for the services she provides to you (laundry, etc.)?

6. Do you allow her to communicate with other men and accept friendly attentions from them without making jealous remarks?

7. Do you take care not to criticize your wife in front of strangers?

8. Do you still continue to court your wife, giving her gifts and constant attention?

9. Do you allow her to spend part of the money from the general budget at her own discretion?

10. Do you try to delve into your wife’s problems and help her in difficult times?

For the wife

1. Do you live in the interests of your husband?

2. Do you compare him with other more successful men?

3. Do you make efforts to make your home more comfortable?

4. Do you give your spouse complete freedom in his affairs?

5. Do you take your husband's taste and interests into account when purchasing certain things?

6. Do you try to carry out free time, taking into account the interests of your husband?

7. When there are differences in views, do you make concessions?

8. Do you follow news and other events and facts in order to understand your husband’s intellectual interests?

9. Do you refrain from criticizing your husband's friends?

10. Will you diversify the menu?

11. Do you make an effort to live in harmony with your husband's mother and other relatives?

12. Do you express dissatisfaction with the way your husband manages his time?

13. Are you able to withstand financial difficulties?


Calculate your total points. The answer “yes” is scored 0 points, “occasionally” – 1 point, “no” – 2 points.

Test results

0-5 points. Your family life and the relationships established between you are quite prosperous. Your marriage partner feels grateful towards you. Your opinion matters a lot to him. Your partner sees you as an excellent conversationalist, a reliable and caring friend.

5-10 points. There is some instability in your relationship. Sometimes there is indifference on your part. But no particular conflicts arise.

10-15 points. Relationships in your family are strained. Each spouse feels dissatisfied. There is a deep misunderstanding between you. Your partner is not interested in the reason for your actions and considers you selfish. All this leads to frequent quarrels and conflicts in the family. Because of this, the spouse finds other hobbies that are not at all related to family life. The reasons lie in your frivolous and sometimes selfish attitude towards your partner and his feelings. You need to think about this, and as soon as possible.

15-20 points. Your family relationship is on the verge of breaking down. Your partner only formally considers himself your spouse. Each of you has your own life, mutual understanding is alien to you. It is quite possible that your partner has long had other interests not related to family.

“For me there is no better friend in the world”

Surely you have often wondered why this man attracted you so much? Although he is not handsome at all and does not give out smart speeches, he remains the most beloved person for you. After passing this test, you will be able to answer the question, why did you choose it? Mark the answer options that match your feelings.


1. When you compare him to other men, do you find him more attractive?

A) he is the most attractive of all men;

B) he is attractive, but this is not the main criterion for me in choosing a life partner;

C) sometimes he is beautiful, and at times he is terrible;

D) he looks good, but there are men more beautiful than him.

2. Who do you think is the strongest in your family?

B) both are equal;

B) it happens in different ways;

3. Do you feel safe with him?

A) yes, always;

B) a little;

B) rarely;

D) in principle yes.

4. Is he sometimes aggressive towards you?

A) yes, but he doesn’t think so;

B) never;

C) yes, and it’s unpleasant for me;

D) very rarely.

5. Do you know him well?

A) enough;

B) I know a lot about him;

C) I never cease to be surprised;

D) I know absolutely everything about him.

6. Is he lucky compared to other men?

A) he succeeds in everything;

C) it only creates the appearance of well-being;

D) complicates everything himself.

7. Do you criticize each other?

A) he gives advice more often, and I undoubtedly accept it;

B) we both try not to criticize each other;

C) constant criticism just annoys me;

D) everything is relative.

8. How do you spend your free time?

A) I would like to relax together, but I understand his desire to relax alone;

B) spend it together;

C) we are together too often;

D) separately.

9. Compared to other men, can he claim the title of the most courageous?

A) he is quite courageous;

B) no, and I wouldn’t want it;

C) unlikely, but that’s enough for me;

D) yes, sometimes he is just masculinity itself.

10. Which of the two of you more often resorts to the advice of the other?

D) none of us.

11. How is your spouse like among his friends?

A) he is always the center of attention;

B) is on the side;

B) sets the tone;

D) the favorite of the company.

12. Which of you always has the last word in resolving any issue?

A) we always find a common language;

B) we always need a lot of time to resolve some issues;

C) we always have heated arguments;

D) the decision is up to me.

13. Have you ever thought about leaving him?

A, b) no;

14. Are there any rivals among your fans for your favor?

A) no, because he doesn’t allow it;

B) no, because I am a faithful wife;

B) rarely;

D) yes, quite often.

15. How does he evaluate his past relationships?

A) bad, cannot understand how this could happen;

B) still offended;

B) speaks about them completely calmly;

C) remembers them with pleasure.

16. What worries you most when you think about your husband?

A) happy that I am next to him;

B) I feel that I love him very much;

C) everything depends on the moment and circumstances;

D) his love has a very positive influence on me.

17. If your husband returns home in the morning, your actions.

A) just waiting;

B) I gently challenge him to open up;

C) I behave calmly, hoping that he will tell everything himself;

D) I make a scene for him.

18. What does he unfairly reproach you for?

A) in helplessness;

B) in omniscience;

B) in sharpness;

D) in hostility.

19. Your attitude towards your former fan.

A) I feel close to him;

B) I am on friendly terms;

B) keep our distance;

D) I feel awe when I meet.

20. Which of the four statements resonates most with you?

A) my husband helps me get a taste of life and show my abilities;

B) my husband makes me feel that he needs me;

C) if my husband is not happy with something about me, he immediately tells me about it;

D) my husband tries to follow my advice.


Count the answers under which letter you repeat more often than others.

Test results

Most of the answers are under the letter "a". You are not just your husband’s beloved wife, but you are his ardent fan. There are many things that connect you with him: affection, trust, and understanding. He is an object of adoration for you. Remember: behind every successful man there is successful woman. It was you who brought him to a place of honor. Often you yourself prefer to be in the shadows, giving your spouse the opportunity to reveal everything. But you shouldn’t deify him too much; there should be room for criticism.

Most of the answers are "b". You would like not to be separated from your husband even for a minute. You cannot follow your own path. You constantly try to take care of your spouse. When choosing a partner, you relied mainly on qualities such as fidelity and devotion. In your daily worries, trying to please your husband in everything, you forget about your pleasures and often the pleasures of your husband. Try to be selfish for a little while.

Answers under the letter "c". You are one in soul and body. You were looking for an independent and adult partner. You both are in a constant power struggle because independent men They are not used to giving in, they are used to being leaders. Everything would be much simpler if you at least sometimes made it clear that you need protection and guardianship. Isn't that the reason you were looking for such a man?

Answers under the letter "g". You constantly strive to be a leader. No one and nothing can stop you in your quest. Your spouse can only meekly accept you for who you are. With the help of flirting, you can quickly melt his heart. He is very attached to you and sometimes feels insecure, you feel this well and sometimes criticize him for it, because in fact you were looking for a stronger partner.

Family budget

Are you planning your family budget effectively? Do you often have arguments about this? In fact, it depends on the personality of each person and is laid down in early childhood. This test will help you find answers to a question that worries many. Both spouses must take the test. Just choose the answer that suits you best.


1. Who in your family used to make financial decisions?

B) both father and mother;

D) others.

2. Did your parents:

A) total money for all expenses;

B) both individual and general money;

C) another section of money.

3. Did your mother work outside the home when you were growing up?

B) sometimes yes.

4. How would you rate your ability to cope with financial problems?

A) excellent;

B) good;

B) average;

D) bad.

5. If you unexpectedly received 50 thousand rubles, then:

A) would spend everything on current expenses;

B) would put everything aside;

C) would pay all debts and bills;

D) some would be spent, and some would be saved.

6. How would you describe your attitude towards money?

A) there are always not enough of them;

B) there are usually enough of them, but I can barely make ends meet;

C) I spend very sparingly, thinking about what else I can buy.

7. How do you think financial issues should be handled in a marriage?

A) spouses should have a common budget, but one of them should be involved in regulating these issues;

B) spouses should have a common budget and should jointly make spending decisions;

C) spouses should keep money separately, and there should be a common cash fund for common expenses.

8. You feel good about spending money on:

A) yourself (clothing, entertainment, travel);

B) friends (gifts);

B) other family members;

D) other things.

9. Do you think that a wife (husband) should work in their specialty?

A) definitely yes;

C) yes, provided that the children no longer require full care and guardianship, or due to the financial situation in the family.


For each answer that matches your spouse's answer, you receive 10 points. For each answer that does not match, but is very similar - 5 points. For completely different answers - 0 points.

Test results

80-100 points. You can decide perfectly well " financial difficulties on one's own. Each of you is doing an excellent job with these issues.

60-80 points. Your limited abilities in solving financial problems may become a source of certain difficulties, but everything is fixable. 40–60 points. Big financial problems are gradually growing between you. This has become a huge barrier that may prove insurmountable.

Less than 40 points. You are strictly prohibited from making any expenditure, even the slightest, without the advice of a person competent in this field. Your family's financial situation is on the verge of collapse.

Will you keep your love?

Will you be able to maintain your love after being married for a certain time? Have you lost your feelings yet? If you want to know the answers to these questions, take this simple test that requires only a clear yes or no answer. The test is divided into two parts: for the wife and for the husband.


1. My husband is often angry with me.

2. My husband shares my hobbies with pleasure.

3. My husband thinks that we are different.

4. My husband likes the way I look.

5. My husband understands me.

6. My husband doesn't approve of my friends.

7. Sometimes I feel like I'm not suitable for my husband.

8. My husband encourages me all the time.

9. My husband would like me to be more dependent on him.

10. My husband thinks I'm too romantic.

11. My husband likes me for who I am.

12. My husband sometimes laughs at me.

13. My husband does not always approve of my actions.

14. My husband is quite happy with our personal life.

15. My husband tries to treat me as an equal.

16. My husband admits that he is not always right.

17. My husband perceives me not only as a wife, but also as a close friend.

18. My husband is not jealous of my male friends.

19. I am sometimes embarrassed by my husband.

20. My husband allows me to have my own opinion.

21. My husband sometimes talks about my shortcomings to his friends.

22. My husband is jealous of all my friends.

23. My husband believes in me.

24. My husband is happy with my successes at work.

25. My husband values ​​me highly.

26. My husband respects my wishes.

27. My husband likes my independence.

28. My husband often offends me.

29. My husband is unreasonably jealous.

30. Most likely, I do not meet his ideas about an ideal wife.


Test results

26-30 points. Your marriage is successful. Your husband loves and respects you, love does not leave your family. You are lucky to meet such a person. You have a long and happy marriage ahead of you.

21-25 points. You feel that your husband understands and appreciates you, but not everything is smooth in your relationship. Sometimes there is misunderstanding. But this cannot become an obstacle to your love. You just need to be a little more frankly friend with a friend and not be afraid of heart-to-heart conversations.

16-20 points. You often doubt your husband's feelings towards you, and for good reason: sometimes he can be really cold towards you. Talk to your husband, maybe not everything is as scary as it seems.

Less than 15 points. You are completely uncomfortable with your husband. There is a lack of not only mutual understanding, but also feelings. And love is unlikely to survive in such conditions.

For husband

1. My wife understands me.

2. My wife considers me a good father.

3. My wife thinks that I am obsessed with work.

4. My wife believes in me.

5. My wife is very jealous.

6. My wife is satisfied with the distribution of our responsibilities.

7. My wife treats me as an equal.

8. My wife is too critical of me.

9. My wife is not embarrassed by my business relationships with female colleagues.

10. My wife is often angry with me.

11. I have something to hide from my wife.

12. My wife finds me attractive.

13. My wife thinks that I am not emotional enough.

14. My wife does not approve of my meetings with friends.

15. My wife knows how to cope with my attacks of boyishness.

16. If in a company I do not behave very confidently in the presence of my wife, she gets upset.

17. My wife wants me to be more romantic.

18. My wife shares my hobbies.

19. It seems to me that I do not fully live up to my wife’s expectations.

20. My wife would like to spend more free time with me.

21. My wife often points out my shortcomings to me.

22. My wife thinks that I will soon be completely dependent on her.

23. My wife is happy with our personal life.

24. My wife knows how to look after me without becoming annoying.

25. My wife likes me for who I am.

26. My wife gets along well with my parents.

27. My wife believes that marital relations should be strictly controlled.

28. My wife can humiliate me in front of strangers.

29. My wife is comfortable in the company of my friends.

30. My wife can make me feel guilty.


Calculate your total points.

Test results

26-30 points. You are in complete harmony. Your wife loves and accepts you for who you are. Love will live in your home forever.

21-25 points. Yours family happiness largely depends on the care, affection and understanding of your wife. Things don't always work out perfectly for you, but overall your marriage can be called happy.

16-20 points. Your wife doesn’t trust you enough and is sometimes critical. The feeling of disapproval can become permanent over time. Think about your behavior, take a closer look at her behavior, weigh everything and only then draw some conclusions. Discuss your concerns with your wife. Perhaps your love still has a chance for a long and happy future. The main thing is not to waste time.

15 or less points. It seems to you that tender feelings, love and family are not about your relationship, and this, unfortunately, is so. It's time to ask the question not about how long love will last, but how to revive it.

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Control tests in the discipline “psychology of family and family education”

Section 1. Test tasks

1. Insert the missing word into the definition: “A family is an association of people based on marriage or consanguinity, connected by ……………. And …………….".

2. What type of marriage is prevailing at present? …………………………………………………………

3. Insert the missing word into the definition: “Family is an active principle; it never remains unchanged, but moves from a lower to a higher form, as ................... develops from a lower to a higher stage.

4. The functions of the family mean:

a) her duties towards society;

b) areas of family activity that express its essence;

c) the structure of the needs of family members.

5. Family functions are closely related:

a) with the needs of society in the institution of family;

b) with basic human needs;

c) with the individual’s needs to belong to a family group;

d) with the requirements of society for family organization.

6. Which of the family functions of the family are we talking about: “maintaining the physical health of members of society”:

a) economic;

b) household;

c) social status.

7. Subjective factors that negatively affect the implementation of family functions are:

a) personal characteristics, conditions family life and the nature of the relationship;

b) the level of economic well-being of family members;

c) love between spouses.

8. What type of family are we talking about: “...the types of family responsibilities are clearly divided between men and women, sons bring their wives into their father’s clan, and daughters go to their husbands’ family clans and lose their surname”:

a) patriarchal;

b) child-centric;

c) marital.

9. What type of family are we talking about: “... relationships are built on the desire for the maximum disclosure of one’s human nature on the basis of mutual sympathy, affection, gratitude and erotic affection”:

a) patriarchal;

b) child-centric;

c) marital.

10. What type of family are we talking about: “The focus of the parents’ interests is the child; a significant part of the family budget is spent on his provision, upbringing and education”:

a) patriarchal;

b) child-centric;

c) marital.

Section 2. Test tasks

1. Is it true that the family is a dynamic microsystem that is constantly developing?

a) yes; b) no.

2. Is it true that to understand a family, a simple analysis of the condition of each individual member is sufficient?

a) yes; b) no.

3. Determine which of the proposed concepts is not related to the systematic approach to family considerations:

b) the concept of social identity;

c) the concept of “emotional cauldron”;

d) the concept of an evolving structure.

4. The dynamic characteristics of the family system are associated with the following processes (choose two correct answers):

a) relationships; b) interactions; c) subsystems; d) boundaries.

5. The main subsystems of the family are:

a) grandparents; c) siblings;

b) parents; d) all answers are correct.

6. Family rules are:

a) an agreement between family members;

b) unconscious processes;

c) sustainable behavior patterns.

7. In Western psychology, the time of onset of the first crisis in terms of family development is referred to as the stage:

a) romantic love;

b) creation of a marriage union;

c) the appearance of the first child.

8. Colliding with the rules and norms of the outside world, different from the rules of family life, is typical for:

a) the period when the child entered school;

b) stages of creating a marriage union;

c) the period of puberty in children.

9. Conflict of generations, provided cohabitation a young family with the parental family of one of the spouses, may be caused by:

A) personal characteristics family members;

b) discrepancy between value orientations;

c) inconsistency of role priorities.

10. Insert the missing words: “Based on the systemic understanding of the family, its life is subject to two laws: the law …………….. and the law ………………..

Section 3. Test tasks

1. Based on the definition of the concept of marital relationships, the main criterion for assessing the success of a marriage is:

a) the degree of intimacy of the partners;

b) marital satisfaction;

c) personal autonomy.

2. The function of the premarital period is not:

a) accumulation of joint experiences;

b) family budget planning;

c) checking the decision on the possibility of family life.

3. R. Winch’s theory of complementary needs in choosing a marriage partner is based on:

a) on the principle of attracting opposites;

b) on the principle of similarity of value orientations of partners;

c) on the principle of similarity of needs.

4. The most significant for the premarital period is:

a) duration of courtship;

b) quality of courtship;

c) motivation for marriage.

5. What is C. Rogers’ position in the analysis? marital relations goes against the traditionally accepted rules of “smoothing out rough edges”:

a) the need for free expression of feelings in marriage;

b) about transforming an unconscious attitude towards a partner into a conscious one;

c) about the presence of neurotic needs.

6. The parental model of relationships in marriage is realized through a psychological mechanism:

a) projections;

b) identification;

c) introjections.

7. The sibling model of relationships in marriage is based on:

a) the spouses’ criticality towards each other;

b) on relationships with the parental family;

c) on the experience of relationships with brothers or sisters.

8. To explain the dynamic processes that take place during construction happy marriages use:

a) the concept of factors;

b) the concept of psychological tasks.

Section 4. Test tasks

1. The psychological and pedagogical result of education is:

a) the degree of adaptation of a person in the sociocultural environment;

b) the level of education of the child;

c) controllability of behavior.

2. It is believed that the types of education common in society are the main condition for the reproduction and development of all other elements of culture in theory:

a) psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud;

b) epigenetic theory of E. Erikson;

c) psychogenic theory of L. Demoz.

3. According to the theory of M. Mead, the unknown of the future due to the accelerated development of society is inherent in the type of culture, which was called:

a) post-figurative;

b) cofigurative;

c) prefigurative.

4. The basis of perinatal psychology is:

a) psychoanalytic theory of S. Freud;

b) S. Grof’s theory of perinatal matrices;

c) P. Anokhin’s theory of functional systems.

5. Insert the missing word: “The appearance of a child means the appearance of a new …………….. in the family, which entails a complex reorganization of marital relationships and the entire family system.

6. Effective implementation of parental functions implies:

a) availability of special education;

b) formation of specific role qualities;

c) organization of special conditions.

7. The difficulty of adapting to the role of a parent is associated with:

a) with the sociocultural characteristics of the environment;

b) with absence special training parents;

c) with its modification as the child grows up.

8. Fill in the missing word: “The parental role combines the biological, psychological, social and cultural functions of human reproduction. The features of its implementation are determined by the extent to which a person has mastered objective social norms and requirements, as well as his …………………… attitudes towards accepting this role.

9. Interest in the study of motherhood arose in psychology in connection with:

a) the importance of the mother’s role in shaping the child’s personality;

b) with the development of pedagogy;

c) with the development of society.

10. Insert the missing word: “Numerous studies indicate that the content of motherhood should be considered from the point of view of what functions it provides for ……………… and how it is presented in the subjective sphere of the mother herself.

11. The concept of motherhood in the evolutionary approach is associated with:

a) with the instinct of self-preservation;

b) with bearing, feeding and caring for offspring;

C) with a woman’s self-actualization.

12. identifies as a basic characteristic of motherhood:

a) the personal sphere of the mother;

b) a complex of parental instincts;

c) maternal need-motivation sphere of behavior

13. What block of the need-motivational sphere of behavior are we talking about: “The attitude towards the child as an independent value, which is associated with the model of mother-child relationships in society and its specific cultural variant, as well as the value of motherhood as a state”:

a) need-emotional;

b) operating room;

c) value-semantic.

14. According to G. Craig, the most important condition ensuring the influence of the father on the child is:

a) the earliest possible start of communication between father and child;

b) the presence of a feeling of deep attachment to the child;

c) the strength of parental instinct.

15. Is it true that paternity is an innate, biologically determined formation?

a) yes; b) no.

16. What component of the structure of parenthood are we talking about: “Parents’ awareness of the family connection with their children, the idea of ​​themselves as a parent, the idea of ​​an ideal parent, the image of a spouse as a parent of a common child, knowledge of parental functions, the image of a child”:

a) cognitive; b) emotional; c) behavioral.

17. The combined expression of all components of the structure of the phenomenon of parenthood is:

a) installations;

b) family education style;

c) attitude towards the child.

Section 5. Test tasks

1. Determine what phenomenon we are talking about: “A selective emotional and evaluative psychological connection between a child and each parent, expressed in experiences, actions, reactions, associated with the age-psychological characteristics of children, cultural patterns of behavior and their own life history, and determining the characteristics of the child’s perception of parents and the way of communication with them?

2. The characteristics of parent-child relationships do not include:

a) relative continuity and duration in time;

b) ambivalence in relationships;

c) unchangeable over time.

3. Within the framework of the functional approach, child-parent relationships are considered:

a) from the point of view of the educational function;

b) from the point of view of phylogenetic development;

c) from a historical point of view.

4. Determine what phenomenon we are talking about: “Characteristic ways of parent-child relationships using certain means and methods of pedagogical influence, which are expressed in a peculiar manner of verbal address and interaction”?

5. What style of family education are we talking about: “a high level of verbal communication between children and parents; inclusion of children in the discussion of family problems, taking into account their opinions; parents' willingness to help":

6. What style of family education are we talking about: “Intense attention and care for a teenager combined with petty control, an abundance of restrictions and prohibitions”:

a) hypoprotection;

b) dominant hyperprotection;

c) pandering hyperprotection.

7. Special characteristics of families with adopted children are associated with:

a) inadequacy of parental positions in the sphere of social-perceptual characteristics;

b) a special atmosphere of relationships;

c) there are no differences between adoptive families.

Questions for testing

1. The formation of the psychology of family relationships.

2. The evolution of marriage and family relations in the history of society.

3. Typology of family models.

4. The main functions of the family and their characteristics.

5. Psychological concepts of creating a family.

6. Psychological characteristics marital relations.

7. Psychological characteristics of parent-child relationships.

8. Models of family education.

9. The concept of the phenomenon of parenthood and its structure.

10. Psychology of parenthood.

11. The role of the mother in raising children.

12. The role of the father in raising children.

13. Family and parenthood from the point of view of perinatal psychology.

14. Family as a system. Basic provisions of the systems approach.

15. Dynamics of family development (life cycle).

16. The concept of a dysfunctional family.

17. Typical communication disorders in the family.

18. Conflicts in the family and their impact on the processes of education.

19. Features of raising a child in a single-parent family.

20. Features of parent-child relationships in a large family.

21. Features of raising a child in a foster family.

22. Methods for diagnosing marital relationships.

23. Methods for diagnosing parent-child relationships.

24. Technologies for psychologists working with families in preschool educational institutions.

Main literature

1. Abramova psychology: A textbook for university students. – Ed. 6th, revised and additional – M.: Academic project, 2001..

2. Family friend. – Ekaterinburg: Business book, 2000.

3. Ovcharova parenting support. – M.: Publishing house of psychotherapy”, 2003.

4. Ovcharova parenthood. – M.: Academy, 2005.

5. Ovcharova, practical educational psychologist. – M., 2000.

6. Practical psychology of education / Ed. : Textbook for higher and middle school students. specialist. educational institutions. – M.: T. Ts. “Sphere”, 2000.

7. Psychology of family relationships with the basics of family counseling: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / Ed. . - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

8. Raigorodsky family: Textbook. aid for students higher textbook establishments. – Samara: Publishing House “BAKHRAH-M”, 2002.

additional literature

1. , Bayard. Your Anxious Teen: Practical guide for desperate parents: Transl. from English - M., 1991.

2. Belichev’s preventive psychology. – M., 1996.

3. Berulava basics of activity of a practical psychologist. – M.: Higher School, 2003.

4. Winnicott with his parents / Transl. from English , . - M.: Independent company “Class”, 2002.

5. Zakharova L. Child in line for affection. – M., 1991.

6. Protecting rights and dignity small child: Coordination of the efforts of family and kindergarten: A manual for preschool workers. image. institutions /, etc. - M.: Education, 2003.

7. Ovcharova’s work as a school psychologist with children and adolescents at risk. – Kurgan, 1999.

8. Sheep's book social teacher. – M.: Sfera, 2002.

9. , Sazhina - psychological assistance to rural adolescents at risk. – Kurgan: KSU, 2003.

10. Pryazhnikov activation of professional and personal self-determination. - M. - Voronezh. - 1997.

11. Psychological counseling of disabled teenagers: Compiled by: , etc. - Yaroslavl, 1996.

12. Rakhmatshaeva communication. - M., 1995.

13. Family and personality formation / Ed. . – M., 1989.

14. . Dobryakov R. V. Nikolskaya diagnosis and family psychotherapy. - SPb.: Speech. 2003.

15. Yudina diagnostics in kindergarten: A manual for preschool teachers. image. institutions. – M.: Education, 2002.

Compatibility with marriage partner. Relationships within the family. Sexuality. Child maturation and his upbringing. Character type, male or female. Norms of behavior for men and women. ... Aimed at studying parents' attitudes towards different aspects of family life. Consultative study of family values. Interpretation of family values ​​scales. Determining the degree of role adequacy of a married couple in five areas of interpersonal interaction in the family. Analysis of ideas about family values and role settings. Equal or unequal union. The primary unit of society, a closely knit social group, united by family relationships and a number of socially significant functions (procreation, education, etc.) Diagnosis of the general psychological climate in the family. If you are a girl or young woman who sometimes finds it very difficult to understand her feelings for another person ( young man), then let's hope that this test, developed by Professor Kovalev, will to some extent help you understand your feelings. How important is sex and things related to it to you and your life? Exhibitionism, homosexuality, masochism, sadism, polygamy, perversion, animalism, narcissism, voyeurism. Are you the kind of woman who can make men lose their heads? The proposed test, compiled by a French psychologist, is also an exercise that will allow parents to better understand the issues of raising boys and girls. There are eight types of love for a partner: affection, passionate love, formal, romantic, friendly, fatal, perfect love, no love (or very weak). Using this short test You can determine what type of love you have with you. Introspection of character. This table for assessing husbands, candidates for husbands, was proposed by American and Canadian sexologists. Worthy man must score at least 100 positive and no more than 45 negative points. Using this test, you can test your ideas about the character and behavior inherent in people of different sexes, and your knowledge of social stereotypes. What is he like, the father of the family?.. To find out better, the wife must answer 24 questions. A rational prude or a violent libertine. Possibility of masturbation. Possibility of exhibitionism. Predisposition to deformed relationships with peers. It has long been noted that men and women are often very different in their behavior. Experiments by psychologists have shown that in the presence of other people these differences are doubly manifest. This is explained by the fact that we are accustomed to playing roles, the roles of men and the roles of women. As Shakespeare used to say, “All the world is a stage, and the people in it are actors.” Do you know your role? Self-analysis of the degree of jealousy. The purpose of using this projective technique is to identify the characteristics of intra-family relationships. Objectives: based on the completion of the image and answers to questions, assess the characteristics of the child’s perception and experiences of family relationships. Level of ambition and career readiness. The degree of tension in the relationship. Level of respect for your partner's feelings. The ability to give in. Questions for my husband. Questions for my wife. Do you support and preserve it, despite all the difficulties and vicissitudes that two people encounter in life? loving people? This test will show this. The child answers the test questions. The higher the sum of points received when answering the questionnaire, the more likely the exchange of positive energy and energy-psychological compatibility of the spouses (as the respondent feels it). The fewer points the respondent scores, the more likely the manifestation of negative mental energy and energy-psychic incompatibility of partners. Level of energy-physiological compatibility with a marriage partner.