How to replace vegetable oil. How can you replace sunflower oil, experts informed How can you replace vegetable oil

Vegetable (sunflower) oil is highly carcinogenic, as it has an easy ability to oxidize and release free radicals, which negatively affect not only digestion, but also the general condition of the body, which in turn leads to increased cholesterol levels in the blood and stress on the heart. -vascular system.

There are several ways to cook without vegetable oil:

1. Vegetable oil can either be reduced to a minimum or eliminated altogether. For example, when frying, use a Teflon-coated frying pan to prevent food from burning.

2. You can learn some cooking methods that do not use oil: steaming, grilling, and sous vide (in a vacuum bag in a water bath).

3. You can try changing the recipe of the dish: for example, use oil in the marinade. For marinated foods, as a rule, a minimum amount of oil is used, then when preparing a dish (stewing or frying) there is no need to add oil.

4. In general, it is better to replace sunflower oil with such healthy oils, such as extra virgin olive, rapeseed, unrefined sesame, coconut and flaxseed. But taking into account some features: for example, corn oil is optimal for frying and dressing salads, extra virgin olive oil is only for salads, sesame oil cannot be fried - the dish will be bitter, and coconut oil can greatly change the consistency of the dish and, at a relatively low cooking temperature, turn it into a lump.

Sunflower oil is a very common ingredient in a variety of dishes from salads to breads and sweets. If you don’t have it at hand, you can easily come up with a replacement. There are people who consider eating it not very healthy, especially if they are on a diet. They would also be happy to replace it with another, less fatty product.

There are many substitutes for sunflower oil that are suitable for baking and for making salads and purees.

Sunflower oil substitutes

1. Vegetable compound fat. If you don't have vegetable oil, you can use vegetable shortening, which has almost the same taste as butter. This is because it is a hydrogenated form of oil. The amount of any combined fat should be measured when it melts.

2. Butter. It can be used, for example, for frying. It has a good taste, which it transfers to dishes. Its quantity for a dish should also be measured in melted form. You can also use margarine, it is used in the same way.

3. Rapeseed, corn, olive and coconut oils. All of them are considered healthier, however, when preparing dishes they can impart their own taste to them. The most noticeable flavoring oils in the dish are coconut and olive. They should be added only in cases where the taste of the main product is harmoniously combined with them. As a replacement for sunflower oil, these oils should be taken in the same quantity.

4. Sour cream, mayonnaise or yogurt. Sour cream is good because it contains a sufficient amount of fat. Mayonnaise is made from the same sunflower oil and eggs, so it can easily be a substitute. Yogurt also works well in dishes, but it is recommended to remove it from it before use. excess liquid, if it has peeled off from it.

5. Vegetable and fruit puree. Vegetable or fruit puree can be used instead of vegetable oil when making bread, pies or cakes. At the same time, the dish will acquire some interesting flavor. This could be applesauce, bananas mashed with a fork, or prunes mashed in a meat grinder. Such masses can replace sunflower oil completely or partially. If the resulting vegetable or fruit puree seems too thick, it can be diluted with milk.

When frying?

    Mustard - then you get an incomparably beautiful fish - just golden! And potatoes too. The slightly unusual smell when using mustard oil can be easily eliminated with a handful of onions. added to the potatoes shortly before the end of frying. Don’t be afraid of the name - absolutely no bitterness!

    You can melt the margarine and, when it hardens, drain the resulting liquid. What remains will completely replace what you are used to.

    Pork fat, lard slices or - also great. Some people do not accept sunflower oil at all and fry it EXCLUSIVELY with lard.

    The most good remedy To replace sunflower oil is to replace it with olive oil. But, olive oil much more expensive.

    Cheaper means can be used butter, margarine or fat.

    You can replace sunflower oil with olive oil if finances allow, as well as with cooking oil and margarine, but this is harmful. In addition, you can use flaxseed oil, sesame oil, and lard, which puts a lot of strain on the liver.

    Sunflower oil can be replaced with other vegetable oils. They are now in stores for every taste. Or regular butter or margarine. Lard gives food an excellent taste when fried. Ideal for fried potatoes.

    Fried food is not very healthy for the body, but if you still want fried food, then sunflower oil can be replaced with olive, soybean, flaxseed, rapeseed, corn, sesame oil or lard, butter.

    True, butter burns quickly.

    But here's the most best option This is Olive oil.

    The main thing is not taste, but benefit. Or at least no harm. Therefore, if you decide to fry, it is better to choose oils (vegetable or animal) with a high smoke point and look at the ratio of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids. What does smoke point mean? The fact is that when strongly heated above this temperature point, the oil will release carcinogens. Oils with a high smoke point include, in addition to sunflower oil: mustard, rice, coconut, ghee, corn, sesame, peanut, and rapeseed.

    Regarding acids: the more polyunsaturated fatty acids an oil contains, the more beneficial it is in its raw form - i.e. used as a salad dressing, but becomes dangerous and toxic when heated. And the more monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids an oil contains, the safer it is during heat treatment.

    And for information - Temperature:

    boiling water 100 degrees

    stewing on the stove 80-95 degrees

    simmering 60-80 degrees

    frying in a pan 120-180 degrees

    baking in the oven 150-250 degrees (or more)

    frying over an open fire over 220 degrees

    Can be replaced with olive oil, corn, soybean, rapeseed, flaxseed, sesame. This is if you take vegetable oils. But you can also fry it in margarine, butter (fuel), and fat. And it’s even better and healthier without grilling oil at all, tasty and healthy.

    Previously, regular margarine was used everywhere. In the villages they fried in pork fat - this was either lard or the internal fat of animals. Fried potatoes in such fat turned out much tastier than in sunflower oil.

    Any vegetable oil - corn, mustard, rapeseed; now many different exclusive oils are on sale, for example, from grape seeds. In addition, there are many animal fats and oils. Melted lard, butter, margarine, you can choose any to your taste.

    We often replace vegetable oil for fresh lard.

    My favorite dish is fried potatoes in lard.

    When we buy pork at the market, we cut off several pieces of fat and put it in the freezer only for frying. You can fry everything in nm, except fish and chicken; we even fry soup in lard.

    If you don’t have fresh lard, you can use salted lard, but then put less salt in the dish.

    Once we were visiting and the owner of the house didn’t have any oils, fats or lard in the kitchen - there was only chicken. Then we removed the skin from the chicken, cut it and rendered the fat from these pieces in a frying pan. This was our frying oil.

    sesame, it turns out very tasty. I advise you to try it.

New foods should appear in every person's diet. If it is quite difficult to give up your usual dishes, then you can start by replacing sunflower oil. Online magazine Factinteres collected 7 alternatives to sunflower oil.

Peanut butter

Few people are familiar with peanut butter. However, it is very nutritious and has a bright nutty flavor that is suitable for preparing almost any dish. Peanut butter contains a number of useful vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B4, B5, B8, B9, E. In addition, peanut butter contains phosphorus, magnesium, iodine, copper, potassium, iron and calcium. Such a variety of beneficial substances makes this oil an excellent replacement for the usual sunflower or olive oils.

Most often, unrefined peanut oil is used in Chinese, Indian, Korean and Japanese cuisines. Refined oil is used in American and European cuisines, because... The taste and smell of this oil are less pronounced.

Almond oil

Almond oil is an excellent source of vitamin E. This oil is extracted from the seeds of the common sweet almond. In addition to vitamin E, almond oil contains B vitamins. As for the taste, almond oil is quite pleasant and does not have any strong strong odors. Almond oil goes best with fresh salads, pasta, chicken, trout and rice. It is worth noting that almond oil is quite high in calories - 816 kcal. per 100 ml. product.

Hemp oil

Hemp oil can be used to add a spicy aroma to products. It is extracted from hemp fruits using hot squeezing. A number of studies have shown that hemp oil has a beneficial effect on the human endocrine and immune systems. Most often, hemp oil is added to cereals, fresh salads and baked goods. Calorie content - 899 kcal. per 100 ml. product.

Palm oil

Palm oil is quite popular in world cooking. It is usually used to replace milk fat. Plus, palm oil is almost completely absorbed by the body.

Quite often palm oil can be found in various products. There is a myth that palm oil is cheap and harmful, which is why manufacturers use it. However, the only reason to use it is because it allows you to preserve food. Moreover, WHO recommends consuming palm oil as it promotes heart health.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is a fatty vegetable oil. It is extracted from copra by hot pressing. Recently, the cold pressing method has become especially popular, since this method preserves more useful substances.

Coconut oil is quite expensive, but it is also the safest for the human body. The fact is that during heat treatment, coconut oil does not release any carcinogens. Plus, coconut oil is quite dietary, which allows you to use it for weight loss.