Intimate muscle training taught by instructor. Intimate gymnastics for beginners: a detailed guide. A packet of sour cream and a bag of tangerines

In our society, it is customary to pay attention to a woman’s overall muscular corset. GYM's, massages, swimming pool, yoga, Pilates... At the same time, taking care of the intimate area is always in the second, third... fifth plan. It is not surprising that every second woman has gynecological problems, and every third has difficulties in her sexual life.

Modern women They forgot that excellent health, a feeling of fullness and energy, vivid sexual experiences, harmonious relationships in marriage, easy childbirth and rapid postpartum recovery depend on “women’s health.”

Strengthen your intimate area! Become a healthy, sexy and confident Woman!

1 lesson- “Why women’s health depends on healthy intimate area? Physiological features female body, the theory of maintaining intimate health, introduction to basic exercises to strengthen the “muscles of love.”

Lesson 2- “Flexibility and elasticity of intimate muscles.” Exercises without machines, exercises with jade eggs. Analysis of women's problems associated with insufficient elasticity of intimate muscles.

Lesson 3- “Strengthening muscles and preventing prolapse of the pelvic organs.” “Kiss the uterus”, exercises with holding weights. Analysis of women's problems associated with weakness of intimate muscles.

Lesson 4- “Sensitivity and orgasmicity of intimate muscles.” Exercises with the Kegel exerciser “Vaginal balls”. Analysis of women's problems associated with loss of sensitivity of intimate muscles.

Lesson 5- “Strength of intimate muscles.” Exercises with a pneumatic trainer. Analysis of women's problems associated with weak muscles.

Lesson 6- “Preparation for childbirth, recovery, erogenous zones, sex positions.” Exercises to prepare for childbirth and restore intimate muscles after the birth of a child. Secrets of orgasmic partners. Uterine massage. G-spot

What will happen in class?

  • You will master exercises to strengthen your intimate muscles.
  • You will conduct practices to fill yourself with sexual energy.
  • Find out why you have gynecological problems.
  • Learn techniques that enhance orgasmicity.
  • You will understand how to make intimate contact more vibrant and passionate.
  • You will discover the secrets of preserving youth and strengthening marital relationships.

What happens after class?

  • You will develop sensitivity, orgasmicity, elasticity, and strength of intimate muscles.
  • Learn to do exercises for intimate muscles with and without exercise machines.
  • Prepare for childbirth and be able to recover quickly after it.
  • Solve many women's problems, you will feel younger and more active.
  • Feel your attractiveness and sexuality.
  • You will be able to give unforgettable pleasure to yourself and your partner

Dedicate just 15-30 minutes a day to your health, sensuality and sexuality! Know yourself and your body and learn to enjoy and give pleasure to your man!

A woman is a beautiful creation of nature. She can charm a representative of the stronger sex with one glance. But the lessons of seduction are not taught to us from childhood. Therefore, there are many in the world notorious women who have forgotten about their sexuality and natural ability to seduce. Training the vaginal muscles, training in eroticism and training your own vagina are all relevant topics for modern goddesses in bed and life.

Women's Health Basics

Is it possible to control your own intimate muscles? This question is asked by millions of women around the world. But first, it’s worth understanding what the vaginal muscles are and why they are needed.

The female body is a complex mechanism. A special role falls to the female reproductive system. It is in this area of ​​the body that new life Therefore, the muscles experience enormous stress. If work is not done to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, then many serious health problems arise.

As you know, muscle tissue is very elastic, but if you do not give it a load, then it loses its elasticity and cannot cope with its main function. The intimate muscles are responsible for supporting the pelvic organs and the passage of the baby through the birth canal. Very often, women walk poorly during pregnancy, often due to weak pelvic floor muscles.

After childbirth, many complications also appear:

  • urinary or fecal incontinence;
  • frigidity during sexual intercourse;
  • decreased quality of sex due to the fact that the partner does not feel the walls of the vagina;
  • prolapse of the uterus and other pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance.

All these problems appear due to sprains of the intimate muscles. Arnold Kegel is a gynecologist who devoted his life to studying the female body. He wanted to help women with problems such as incontinence. He even developed a special workout that was aimed at strengthening the vaginal muscles. The doctor proved in practice that the secrets of sexuality depend primarily on women's health. The teachings of oriental doctors were taken as a basis.

Wumbuilding in the ancient East

There are legends about the geisha of the great emperors. Every man in our world dreams of an oriental courtesan who can do unusual things with her intimate muscles. Of course, geisha training began with early age. They knew how to not only massage, but also perfectly controlled the vaginal muscles.

Each famous concubine had her own jade vaginal balls. It was with them that the training of the intimate zone began. These secrets were passed down from generation to generation, so ordinary women did not pay close attention to wumbling. Working the muscles made it possible to give a man unforgettable sensations during sexual intercourse. As a rule, for a full orgasm, a whole body massage was done, after which sexual manipulations were carried out.

But it was not only sensations during sex that forced women to undergo training in intimate gymnastics. After all, sexuality directly depends on the state of health. If you regularly train your vaginal muscles, you will only get benefits.

  1. Preparation for the upcoming birth.
  2. Fast recovery after pregnancy.
  3. Prevention of diseases associated with pelvic organ prolapse.
  4. Getting rid of frigidity.
  5. Vaginal ball massage improves blood flow to the genitals.
  6. Increased sensitivity during sexual intercourse, more vivid orgasm.

Vumbling training is conducted by professional trainers, but you can also master some exercises on your own.

Self-improvement at home

Many women blame courtesans for promiscuity and for the breakdown of their own relationships. After all, dissatisfied spouses turn to them, especially when a long-awaited baby appears in the family. Sexual intercourse comes last. This is due to the fact that after childbirth a woman cannot recover for a long time and loses all interest in sex. But the man doesn’t understand all these changes, he wants affection, massage and unforgettable sex.

Can representatives of the stronger sex be accused of lust and misunderstanding? On the one hand, the answer is positive, but on the other hand, you should first look at yourself. Where has the fiery and passionate nature gone that once won the heart of this male? You just need to wake her up!

Vumbuilding invites women to learn how to control their intimate muscles. Today this hobby is gaining particular popularity. You will undoubtedly be amazed by the woman who lifted 15 kilograms with her own vaginal muscles. Imagine the sensations she gives to her sexual partner. No massage will provide the kind of orgasm that working with the vaginal muscles can provide.

You shouldn't start training with strength exercises. At the first stage, learn to listen to your body and do intimate Kegel exercises:

  1. Take a horizontal position and try to feel your vaginal muscles. If a wumbling gymnast lifts ten kilograms, then you will undoubtedly be able to squeeze and relax your pelvic floor muscles.
  2. Now try to tense the muscle and immediately relax it. Perform several exercises at different time intervals. You can turn on rhythmic music and do contractions to the beat. This daily massage will increase the tone of the vagina.
  3. As soon as this work becomes easy, it is worth purchasing auxiliary exercise equipment for the intimate area. Many people do additional massage, for example, vaginal balls with a displaced center. First do the training while lying down, then standing. It was after such training that the athlete lifted the load with her vaginal muscles. Strength loads should be done gradually.
  4. Learn how to do different levels of massage. This will definitely add variety to your sex life.

To become sexy and desirable, you need to take care of your women's health. Vumbuilding allows you to strengthen intimate muscles and provide massage, which is necessary for healthy blood flow in the pelvic organs.

Olga, 23 years old

I noticed changes in sensations 4 days ago. Yesterday I decided to check it by feeling myself.)) And sure enough! Almost three years after giving birth, I did not find a hanging sac on the back wall of the vagina... The walls, of course, are still soft, but there is no sac that tried to crawl out under some loads! Hypopressive gymnastics - it really works! I did not expect such a quick result, given that it took me a long time to get used to the exercise and therefore did not always feel the vagina being pulled inward! This inspires me to diligently take care of myself further)) Thank you!

Svetlana, 32 years old

Closer to the age of 37, I began to mentally prepare for surgery - my grandmother had a prolapse of the uterus, my mother’s problem was solved surgically. So, after the birth of three children, the first bells appeared (((I didn’t really believe in the power of gymnastics, but I decided to try, and the first successes are encouraging! It really became more comfortable somewhere inside, while I still wear thick pads out of habit (leaks have already started) , but it definitely got better!!! Julia, thank you for convincingly breaking down all the processes “there” and introducing me to the exercises!

Irina, 37 years old

Why aren't we taught this at school? I only learned that I have a connective tissue disorder when the gynecologist diagnosed me with cervical prolapse. I thought that I had a tumor there, but it turned out that what I felt in the vagina was sliding down... So I literally got there, I wanted to be slimmer after giving birth. And no one warned that with my dysplasia, the decline would begin not in retirement, but in my 27 years! and what is physical exercise, which are not shown to me! I started doing intimate gymnastics, it wasn’t immediately clear how it could work, but gradually something in the pelvis seemed to turn on and noticeably feel better))))) Now I’m telling my friends about what to pay attention to, and I found out that we are completely uneducated in this matter! Almost everyone has “some” of the symptoms of pelvic floor weakness, and it is after the birth of children. In general, it’s a pity that they don’t tell us about this at school. And thank you, girls!

Olga, 27 years old

I am very pleased with the effects of the exercises! I came to the course to take care of my women's health in advance. Nothing seemed to bother me, only varicose veins of the pelvic organs sometimes gave nagging pain, especially during menstruation. And here again the beginning of the cycle - I understand that I didn’t even notice it! Fantastic!! And I also realized that sex has become brighter, special thanks from my husband!))

Elena, 32 years old

I’m recovering from your exercises after my second birth - it’s a completely different feeling! The body seems to be coming together! The functioning of the intestines has improved, water has stopped getting inside while taking a bath, when I sneeze I can retain liquid inside (you know what I mean!) My only regret is that I didn’t know these magical exercises before, maybe then I wouldn’t have torn in the first birth, but secondly, they wouldn’t have cut me (Now I know what information will be important to pass on to my daughters! Thank you very much, I’ll continue!!!

Galina, 38 years old

“As for the exercises, I only did the exercises from the first video and abdominal massage for several days. Then I stopped for a month. And now I started again, so far only the 3rd day. Thanks to Yulia for the comments on the video, now in addition to the notebook, I have my own video on how to do it correctly basic exercise. The effect I have so far is small and purely cosmetic: after just a few sessions, the “roll” of skin in the lower abdomen, which remained after two pregnancies, disappeared - such a fold of skin is quite dense, two fingers thick, at the bottom, at the level of the elastic band of panties. Surprisingly, actively pumping the press did not help remove this fold. The fitness trainer just threw up her hands, “Well, what’s there to want, after all, there are two children” :(And here, just a couple of classes and already such an effect! And it feels as if even the navel has become higher.
I also fell in love with a belly massage at night in bed before going to bed - how to return to yourself and yourself after a long hectic day. Thank you for it, Tanya 😊!"

Lesson program

For whom:

For all women who are facing problems:

  • Urinary incontinence (when sneezing, coughing, sudden movements, running, jumping).
  • Air entering the vagina during sexual intercourse, in inverted asanas in yoga, water entering when taking a bath, etc.
  • Pelvic pain, back and neck pain.
  • Prolapse of the pelvic organs.
  • Prolapse of the anterior or posterior vaginal wall.
  • Pain and discomfort during sex.
  • Lack of orgasms.

And also for those who want:

  • Prepare for pregnancy.
  • Recover after childbirth.
  • Maintain your women's health after gynecological minimally invasive surgical interventions, and not go under the knife again.
  • Proper training in the gym without harm to women's health.
  • Stay young, energetic, healthy longer.
  • Delay menopause.
  • Maintain and preserve your youth, beauty and sexuality.

You will not only master a set of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles, but also make it your best healthy habit!

You'll get


Over the course of 4 weeks you will gradually master practical exercises and do your homework.

Video lessons

Video lessons with theory and exercises on the main topics: breathing, strengthening the pelvic floor muscles, reducing intra-abdominal pressure, proper physical work with the body and calming the mind, intimate self-massage, psycho-gymnastics, tantric breathing.


As part of the course, you will receive sensitive support from teachers, as well as two live broadcasts, with detailed answers to questions that will appear.

General chat

It's always nice to be in a circle of like-minded people and make new acquaintances. You will receive recommendations and adjustments for training.

Personal growth

Yes Yes! After all, studying such an intimate topic means studying yourself as a woman, therefore, you will become better every day.


Everyone who completes assignments on time and gives good feedback will receive gifts at the end of the last week of the course; you must agree, this is always nice!

Course program

1st WEEK

  • body alignment - the basics of hypopressive gymnastics (video lesson)
  • psycho-gymnastics, freewriting (video lesson)
  • intimate self-massage (yoni massage) (video tutorial)
  • assessing the condition of the abdominal muscles (diastasis test)
  • practices to strengthen the transverse abdominal muscle (video exercises)


  • improve nutrition and cleansing in abdominal cavity and pelvis - self-massage of the abdomen (video lesson)
  • information about relationships in the female body.
  • practices for spinal health (video exercises)
  • meditation "New Me" (audio format)
  • aroma technology
  • cleansing breath (video tutorial)


  • balance and stabilization of the pelvis as the key to competent work with the pelvic floor muscles (video lesson)
  • examples of exercises for independent practice (video exercises)
  • tantric breathing (video lesson)
  • webinar questions and answers.


  • intimate gymnastics (video lesson)
  • information about the connection between emotions and hormonal balance
  • breathing practices for working with stress (video exercises)
  • information on how to environmentally apply the material covered in your personal life
  • webinar questions and answers.


The course takes place in a closed group in Instagram, communication - chat whatsapp.

  • How to register for a course?
    Pay for the course and receive instructions via email for further steps.
  • What will you need for classes?
    Phone, computer or laptop.
  • Is it possible to watch the training in a recording?
    Training takes place on a special interactive platform. All video lessons will be recorded in a closed group until the end of the course.
  • Is it possible to exercise during pregnancy?
    You can exercise during pregnancy, but it is better individually with a personal trainer. And we are waiting for you 2-3 months after birth, after consultation with your doctor.
  • Is it possible to do intimate gymnastics with a spiral?
    It is possible, although without performing the vacuum technique.

Of the exercises, I only did the hypopressive gymnastics from the first video and abdominal massage for several days. Then I stopped for a month. And now I started again, it’s only the 3rd day. Thanks to Yulia for the comments on the video; now, in addition to the notebook, I have my own video on how to perform the basic exercise correctly. The effect I have so far is small and purely cosmetic: after just a few sessions, the “roll” of skin in the lower abdomen, which remained after two pregnancies, disappeared - such a fold of skin is quite dense, two fingers thick, at the bottom, at the level of the elastic band of panties. Surprisingly, actively pumping the press did not help remove this fold. The fitness trainer just shrugged, “Well, what’s there to want, after all, there are two children.” And just a couple of sessions and already such an effect! And it feels as if even my navel has become higher. I also fell in love with a belly massage at night in bed before going to bed - how to return to yourself and yourself after a long hectic day. Thank you for it, Tanya!

We wish you, Vera, success in performing the exercises, as well as developing your best useful habit!

Tanya, Yulia, thank you for your understanding feminine characteristics! I love your videos for how “tasty” you present all the manipulations with the body! I also received a large number of related information that facilitates understanding and broadens horizons. Special thanks for the realistic forecasts. At first, it was hard to realize that the body would no longer be “the same as before” after childbirth. But your clear example is VERY useful for your own laziness. I hope to instill in myself your manner of treating your body delicately, it really resonated with me!

I just completed this course! Girls, girls, women, I'm delighted! You know, I came for one thing, and got everything that could be useful to me in life! And strengthen the back, and strengthen the pelvic muscles, restore the original position of all organs! And the main thing for me is that I know and am not afraid of anything! My body has become stronger. No, not just the back and pelvis. Everything is much more serious. My body has become strong, resilient, resilient! Although I am completely anti-sport! I don’t study, I’m lazy and I don’t like it! And then they explained and showed minimal exercises for full recovery and further maintenance of women’s health! I recommend it :-) you won’t regret it!

Course teachers


  • Certified and certified fitness specialist, expert in the field of “Training for Women.”
  • Over 15 years of experience in the fitness industry.
  • Participant international events and fitness conventions.
  • As a co-participant: V All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation in the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Technology, together with the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, “Therapeutic Physical Culture: achievements and development prospects.” Report and master class Low Pressure Fitness - “Innovative method of exercises for the muscular corset and pelvic floor rehabilitation.”
  • Authorship: 2016 – defense of a diploma work at the Russian State University of Physical Culture and Technology on the method of hypopressive gymnastics aimed at restoring the pelvic floor muscles of women in the postpartum period.
  • 2016 – author and creator of the training seminar “Postural Woman”, aimed at preserving, rehabilitating and restoring the muscles of a woman’s pelvic floor, patent dated 10.25.2018.
  • 2017 – co-author and creator
  • Author of programs on preparation for childbirth and postpartum recovery.
  • Author and presenter of educational and practical courses on women's reproductive health.
  • For several years it has been helping women maintain reproductive health and recover after childbirth.
  • Integrates various techniques, both modern and ancient women's practices, helping the body find its path to healing.
  • Founder of the family center “Familyte”, Ryazan, where for 7 years they have been helping young parents learn the fascinating science and the most important of the arts - being parents.
  • Blogger and Instagram influencer @tatiana_gschwend.
  • Popularizes acquired knowledge through video lessons.

Thanks to this knowledge and techniques, each of the girls will be able to:

  • prolong hormonal youth,
  • maintain self-confidence,
  • support the beauty of the face and body from the inside on a solid foundation of health.