Eggs with two yolks - are we expecting twins? Double yolk in an egg I got an egg with two yolks, why

Since ancient times, the egg has been considered unusual, possessing magical properties, subject. Availability two yolks in one egg can be found extremely rarely, and there are many folk explanations for this phenomenon.

Basically, people interpret this phenomenon from a positive side.

The most famous sign in this regard is that if someone gets two yolks in an egg, then this person will soon be lucky in something, good luck awaits him. If such an egg falls into the hands of a young girl, then the signs indicate an imminent meeting of the groom and marriage.

And if a double yolk is a godsend for a married lady, then you can expect a new addition to her and her husband’s family, and there is a high probability that twins will appear.

Also, there are negative folk interpretations of this phenomenon. There is a sign that a double yolk symbolizes the arrival of rainy and stormy weather.

Why break an egg?

An egg broken by accident was not considered an accident by the people. The egg has always been considered not just a product, but a special symbol of life. Therefore, a broken egg has always been interpreted from a negative side. At the same time, the time of day when the egg was broken played a big role.

If this happened in the first half of the day, troubles can occur in any area (work, personal life, unsuccessful outcome of affairs), and if it was the second half of the day, then most likely the person who broke it will have to incur unreasonable material costs, or lose money.

It happens that an egg, while on the table, unexpectedly rolls off and breaks on the floor. This phenomenon is explained by the sign that the person who placed it on the table has enemies that he does not even suspect and perhaps trusts them, considering them his friends. These friends-enemies can significantly harm or betray.

If the egg broke on the way home from the store, this should be regarded as a sign that there are hidden problems in your personal life that you should think about.

As a magical symbol, the egg can be used to cause damage. If you find a broken egg in front of your door, then under no circumstances touch it until you pour it with holy water. Only after this can it be removed and thrown away immediately.

Sign about easter eggs states that if the egg does not break on the first blow, this can be regarded as a symbol of health, prosperity and long life.

Other signs about eggs.

If a hen incubates an even number of eggs, one should be removed to avoid trouble.

Great happiness is coming if all the hatched chickens are cockerels.

Take care of the egg laid in Good Friday, it will give you the strength of all the chickens in the world combined.

Eggs intended for hen cannot be transported across the river, otherwise they will be empty.

According to Russian tradition, eggs should be carried in a hat so that the chickens are shaggy and have combs.

Eggs without yolks bring misfortune.

It is not good to bring eggs home after dark.

After eating an egg, crush the shell so that evil spirits do not use it for their machinations.

In some countries, they tell fortunes about their betrothed (betrothed) by choosing a yolk from a hard-boiled egg, filling the void with salt and eating the egg prepared in this way at night: the chosen one will be dreamed of.

Finally, in Japan there is a belief that if a woman steps on eggshells, then you might go crazy.

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Chicken yolk is a phenomenon familiar to everyone. But there are times when there are two of them in one shell! Double-yolk chicken eggs are a rarity, but they still happen. How and why does this happen? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Are two yolks good or bad?

For a long time, scientists could not understand the nature of the origin of double-yolk eggs. Why? Some believed that this phenomenon was the product of sick chickens, which means they should not be eaten. Others insisted that testicles of this type were rather a reason to rejoice for a fertile laying hen. Most scientists agree that chicken eggs with two yolks are harmless if only they were laid by a healthy hen, and therefore are quite suitable for consumption.

Most important question– chick survival. As a rule, if two yolks have formed in an egg, then there is no point in expecting chicks to appear - they will either die during the incubation stage or some time after hatching. Therefore, samples with a similar feature are discarded for breeding.

Why are there sometimes two yolks?

Why does it happen that two yolks are formed in one shell at once instead of the intended one? Scientists who study this issue have identified several reasons why such an unusual phenomenon may occur. Let's look at them.

  • Improper feeding of laying hens. Many poultry farmers add hormonal drugs to their diet in order to increase the productivity of chickens. The result is superovulation and the possibility of double and even triple yolks. Yes, birds lay eggs more, but such a product poses a threat to human health. And it doesn’t matter how many yolks there are.
  • Chicken disease. If the chicken is sick, the eggs she lays may also be non-standard. Why is this happening? The laying hen's oviduct often becomes inflamed (for example, this is how salpingitis manifests itself), which can cause “failures” in egg production. True, in this case, two yolks are a pleasant surprise, since the inflammatory process leads to the appearance of blood inside the testicle, deformation of the shell, and so on.
  • Age of laying hens. Fortunately, there are also completely natural reasons why laying hens give out two yolks in one shell. This is usually associated with young hens that are less than a year old, and this usually applies to highly productive egg-laying breeds of chickens. The peculiarities of their ovulation may be associated with an increase in the length of daylight hours, which contributes to the appearance of a pair of yolks in one egg: two ripening cells simultaneously pass through the reproductive system of the chicken, and then they are surrounded by one white and one shell.

Ways to solve the problem

The problem that needs to be solved is the health of the chicken. It is known that two yolks in an egg can be the cause of her illness, so paying attention to the condition of the laying hen’s oviduct is the most important task. The way to solve the problem is, of course, contacting a veterinarian followed by adequate treatment.

It should be remembered that overfeeding a bird, and even more so saturating its diet with hormones, is fraught with negative consequences. In particular, the health of not only the bird, but also those people who will eat the testicles of a sick laying hen is undermined.

This video will talk about double-yolk chicken eggs.

According to statistics, in poultry factories and farms the probability of an egg with two yolks is 1/1000. Apparently because of this rarity, people began to speculate on the significance of this event. But, despite the versatility of signs associated with a surprise in an egg, most of them still have only positive consequences, although not always, but more on that later.

Logical reasoning percentage

You can find a lot of different literature that talks about the characteristics of the chicken’s body. And most people believe that the problem is not in the bird itself, but in Belarus a special type of laying hen has long been bred, which is capable of regularly producing eggs with two yolks. It was enough to slightly change and increase the diet to constantly observe the rarest phenomenon in the world.

It also happens that an ordinary hen during the period of maturation faces a similar problem. This usually happens before the age of one year and lasts about a couple of months, after which the chicken’s body returns to normal, and it begins to bear the familiar ovoids with one yolk.

In rare cases, old chickens can also produce unusual surprise eggs. This phenomenon occurs due to a slowdown in the life processes of the bird’s nervous and muscular system.

What do folk signs say?

There are several interpretations of this event. In some cases, the role played by the fact who received the surprise gift. For example, if an unmarried single woman encounters two yolks in an egg, then folk wisdom predicts that she will soon meet her loved one and visit the registry office. And if the girl is already married, then an unexpected find speaks of the addition of the family to the very as soon as possible. And finally, for a pregnant representative of the fair sex, the egg will predict the possibility of having twins.

In addition, there are signs that are not related to gender or marital status person. Thus, two yolks can change the life of the person who finds the egg, and the changes will only be positive. And if you believe the village predictions, then a pleasant find will bring good luck to the house.

There are also interpretations of signs in the world that predict undesirable events in the life of mankind, for example, changes in weather phenomena. It was noticed that in regions where seismic activity was recorded, shortly before the cataclysm, all chickens begin to lay eggs with two yolks. Perhaps it is for this reason that a new negative version of this sign has appeared among the people.

Not often, but among chicken eggs there are such specimens, inside of which you can find a double yolk. According to statistics, the share of such eggs in the total number does not exceed 0.1% - that is For every 1000 normal eggs there is one abnormal one. In principle, this is considered a pathology; chicks from such eggs hatch extremely rarely and almost all of them die in the first days of life.

Despite this, eggs with a double yolk, like everything unusual in our lives, attracts attention and is sure to acquire something unbelievable and surprising. Well, how can one not attribute something mystical and fatal to such a phenomenon? Without exaggeration, we can say that a double yolk in an egg and a sign are two inseparable companions.

How do eggs with double yolks appear?

It has been noticed that in most cases a double yolk is formed in the eggs of young laying hens. Moreover, most often this happens in the first two weeks after the start of laying. This is explained by the fact that their cycle has not yet become established, and therefore disruptions often occur in basic life processes. The result of these violations is the formation of a double yolk.

Mature individuals are also capable of such a “feat,” but this happens much less frequently. Usually, by the end of the first year of life, the poultry’s body returns to normal and the miraculous transformations of the eggs stop. Although, when the hen reaches old age, the phenomenon repeats itself - the proven veteran suddenly begins to lay “defective” eggs. This is explained by the fact that the course of life processes in their body slows down, the muscular system changes, and the metabolism changes along with it.

One can cite another interesting scientific fact, on the basis of which the sign of a double yolk in an egg was born. As a rule, laying hens that often laid such eggs in their youth later turned out to be very productive. It is also characteristic that this feature is inherited. So the appearance of a double yolk cannot be attributed only to the unsettled cycle of a young bird - there is clearly a genetic predisposition to this.

This situation is confirmed by the fact that not so long ago Belarusian poultry farmers managed to develop a new breed of laying hens. Its main feature is that chickens of this species regularly lay eggs with a double yolk throughout the entire period of their life, and not just in their youth. According to experts who dealt with this issue, to obtain such a result it was enough to increase daily ration nutrition and add additional components to it. What kind of additives they were is still a secret.

Folk signs for women

IN folk art There are several signs associated with a double yolk in an egg. This phenomenon is interpreted differently depending on whose hands the unusual egg ended up in.

For example, when single women encounter a double yolk, folk wisdom promises a meeting with their betrothed, which should take place in the very near future. And if such a girl already has a dear friend, then an unusual egg can be interpreted as a sign of an imminent proposal and a trip to the registry office.

In case of married women the signs tell a different story - they portend an imminent pregnancy. If a woman who is already pregnant is lucky enough to find such an egg, then folk wisdom predicts that she will have twins.

Where this belief comes from is quite clear - the egg has always been considered a symbol of the origin of life and in this sense, a double yolk in an egg is a completely unambiguous sign.

Signs for everyone

What to do if a man gets an egg with a double yolk? There are also signs for this case. Almost always such an event is associated with upcoming changes in a person’s life. There are no signs of what the scale of the changes will be, but there is no doubt that these will be positive changes. In some villages in central Russia, for example, there is still a belief that good luck will surely settle in the house of the person who finds the egg with a double yolk, which will not leave the lucky person’s home for a long time.

However, there are people among us who definitely need to ruin everything. They are called scientists, and what they do is that all their lives they look for some strange patterns and try to explain them from their point of view. So, these scientists discovered that eggs with two yolks very often and regularly appear shortly before cataclysms associated with seismic activity of the earth's crust. In their opinion, if in a certain area chickens suddenly began to lay similar eggs without any apparent reason, then, for sure, in the near future we should expect an earthquake, which, however, may not be very strong.

Many of us, when purchasing chicken eggs, have noticed that sometimes there are double yolks inside the shells. In this regard, anxiety arises: why does such a phenomenon occur, is it possible to eat them, and also whether it is good or bad for our health. Let's look at all these issues together.

Double yolk eggs

Scientists have proven that double-yolk eggs are found in chickens of completely different breeds, and it is not difficult to distinguish them from standard single-yolk ones.

Did you know? In the “Book of Records of Russia” there is an entry from 2015, which concerns an ordinary chicken egg: its height was 8.3 cm and width - 5.7 cm. The owner of the record-breaking chicken that laid a giant egg is Alexander Sofonov from the Tver region.

How to distinguish

You can examine the testicle using X-ray through an ovoscope. But not everyone has this device. Therefore, you can make a simple comparison of the average dimensions and weight of a regular egg and a two-yolk one:


In addition, double yolk eggs are distinguished by their slightly elongated shell shape. The color of the shell is not affected by how many yolks are hidden in it: double-yolk eggs are colored the same as regular eggs, according to the color of the chicken breed.

Do chicks hatch?

In the egg industry, eggs with two yolks are not used for reproductive production, because experts consider them defective: usually one of the embryos necessarily dies, thereby poisoning its fellow. According to other studies, embryos do not develop from such testicles at all.

Although, according to reviews on farming forums, such cases occur, but very rarely. It can be assumed that if it were possible to breed two chickens from one egg, then scientists would have long ago tried to study the gene responsible for this phenomenon, and the production of twin chickens would have been put on stream.

Is it possible to eat

According to experts, if a chicken that laid an egg with a double yolk was not stimulated with hormones, then such an egg can be eaten without harm to health. Today, testicles with this feature are in good demand among the population. All this is due to the fact that for the same price you can get eggs bigger size, which do not differ in taste.


These egg products can be produced by both healthy, highly productive, young laying hens and “aged” birds with some hormonal abnormalities or diseases. Let us list some reasons for this phenomenon.

Laying hen age

One of the reasons may be age-related changes in the bodies of chickens.

Video: why there are two yolks in eggs For example:

  1. A young chicken ovulates two eggs at the same time. In this case, the eggs, entering the upper part of the oviduct, are covered with one common shell thanks to the protein and shell glands.
  2. Double testicles are carried by a chicken that is in its young life cycle and is just developing its reproductive functions (the first few weeks of laying).
  3. The “old lady” hen lays double eggs, diligently performing her egg-laying function throughout her life, as a result of which the tone of her oviduct was reduced, and this became the cause of this pathology.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the health status of the poultry population. Typically, in sick laying hens that produce double-yolk eggs, the testicles also have other anomalies: a thin or too strong shell,andcovered with stripes and irregularities.

Hormonal supplements

Another reason may be hormonal stimulants. Some producers use artificial stimulation of maturation and egg laying processes hormonal drugs to get more testicles.

Products produced using such stimulation may be hazardous to the health of consumers. And this is not good for the health of laying hens.

Important! The lighting in the chicken coop should be dim and turn on and off smoothly, otherwise bright and sharp flashes of light will make the chickens stressed and anxious, which will affect their egg production.

Inflammatory and hormonal diseases

Two yolks per egg are produced by sick birds or laying hens suffering from hormonal imbalances:

  1. Chickens that have ovulatory problems and inflammation of the oviducts (salpingitis). At the same time, they can lay not only eggs with double yolks, but also without yolks, as well as with defects, with blood clots. Sick birds should receive timely treatment and special care.
  2. The occurrence of hormonal disorders in young laying hens at the very beginning of egg laying, which causes a malfunction in the ovulatory processes. This can happen due to sudden changes in lifestyle: daylight hours have increased by several hours (over 15 hours) due to artificial lighting in the chicken coop, or chickens have been fed increased nutrition with premixes.

Is it good or bad

Such an interesting phenomenon as two yolks in one testicle should not be treated as an advantage. For poultry farmers who find eggs with such features in the nests of their hens, this should be an alarming signal.
Although, as we have already figured out, in general such products are not dangerous, and they can be used in cooking, but this can be considered more of a disadvantage than an advantage.


If your laying hens suddenly begin to produce eggs with two yolks, then in order to eliminate this problem, you must first establish the cause of this phenomenon:

  1. If very young hens begin to lay eggs with two yolks, and the reason for this was an artificial increase in daylight hours, lasting over 15 hours, then it is necessary to reduce the time indicator to a 12-hour daylight period. Then you need to gradually increase this time to the recommended 13-15 hours.
  2. If “older” hens begin to produce similar eggs, then this situation can only be corrected by a planned replacement of them with younger laying hens.
  3. In case of hormonal imbalances due to increased nutrition of hens with specialized additives, it is necessary to exclude such feeds from their diet. Of course, one should not expect a rapid change in the hormonal levels of chickens; they will still lay two-yolk eggs for some time. Their only difference will be safety for human health.
  4. In case of inflammatory diseases of the appendages, the presence of blood clots in the egg white, or a thin or uneven surface of the shell, it is necessary to consult a veterinary specialist who will examine the feathered patients and prescribe subsequent treatment for them.

Did you know? Domestic chickens are the most common birds on Earth.

As you can see, eating eggs with double yolks is not dangerous to health only if your blackfish are absolutely healthy and young, eat balanced feed and are kept in optimal conditions.