Duphaston or Utrozhestan, which is better? Hormonal drugs laboratory bezen international utrozhestan Which is better utrozhestan or sustain

Throughout the entire nine-month journey, a pregnant woman faces dangers that cannot always be avoided. For expectant mother the most severe complication is the threat of miscarriage, which occurs both at the very beginning and in the second trimester of gestation. Nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, bloody issues from the genital tract, increased uterine tone are alarming symptoms, and if they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

One of the main reasons for the threat is low levels of progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. In cases where it is not too late to treat the threat of interruption, the doctor prescribes progesterone, presented on the domestic market in the form of drugs such as Duphaston or Utrozhestan. What is the difference between these drugs, and in what cases is one drug or another prescribed?

Duphaston or Utrozhestan? The effect of progesterone on the woman's body.

To understand the mechanism of action of Utrozhestan and Duphaston, you need to have an idea of ​​the purely female hormone - progesterone, which belongs to the group of gestagens, which is synthesized by the adrenal glands, ovaries or placental tissues.

In the functioning of the female reproductive system, progesterone, or the so-called “pregnancy hormone,” plays an important role - it prepares the endometrium of the uterus for implantation of an already fertilized ovum. Progesterone activity peaks in the second half menstrual cycle- in the absence of pregnancy, and is also observed during the first trimester - during fertilization of the egg. It is thanks to this hormone that pregnancy at first proceeds without complications such as the threat of miscarriage.

During the first 12 weeks of gestation, the corpus luteum of the ovaries is responsible for the production of the hormone, which thus supports the vital activity of the embryo and prevents the release of subsequent eggs. Having fulfilled its function, the corpus luteum in the second trimester passes the “relay baton” to the already mature placenta, which will be responsible for the production of progesterone until birth.

Low progesterone levels are one of the factors predisposing to infertility. Women who desperately want to experience the taste of motherhood should first take care of the level of progesterone, which determines not only the course of pregnancy, but also the onset of ovulation.

Stabilizing hormonal levels: Duphaston or Utrozhestan?

Duphaston and Utrozhestan, at first glance, have more similarities than differences. However, with a more careful study of these dosage forms of progesterone, the “points of contact” become fewer. Let's consider each of them separately.

Utrozhestan- a natural progesterone preparation made from plant materials. The progesterone molecules of this drug are identical to that produced in the woman’s body, thanks to which Utrozhestan is able to accurately recreate the effectiveness inherent in the genuine “pregnancy hormone”.

Utrozhestan is effective for:

  • hormonal infertility;
  • threat of miscarriage;
  • habitual miscarriage;
  • hyperandrogenism, that is, with elevated level male sex hormones;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • mastopathy (fibrocystic form);
  • uterine fibroids, etc.

Duphaston(dydrogesterone), unlike & Utrozhestan, is a synthetic analogue of natural progesterone. Despite its industrial chemical origin, Duphaston is similar in structure to endogenous progesterone, which provides a pharmacological effect identical to the natural hormone. Thanks to his unique composition, the drug does not have the side effects inherent in plant progesterone and is safe to take during pregnancy.

Duphaston is effective for:

  • preparation for IVF (in vitro fertilization);
  • threat of abortion;
  • surgical castration, menopausal syndrome in the role of hormone replacement therapy;
  • pathologies of the menstrual cycle (dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, secondary amenorrhea);
  • endometriosis, etc.

Which is better: Duphaston or Utrozhestan?

Utrozhestan and Duphaston, as already mentioned, are analogues of progesterone. When prescribing one of these drugs, the doctor is largely guided by his own experience, which is often based on the ratio of their advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of Duphaston in comparison with Utrozhestan:

  • No side effects characteristic of natural progesterone (weakness, drowsiness, emotional lability);
  • High efficiency during preparation for IVF;
  • Taking the drug reduces the risk of developing premature birth and the occurrence of fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • High safety of use, confirmed by many years of research;
  • Does not have a toxic effect on the liver.

Advantages of Utrozhestan compared to Duphaston:

  • The drug is identical to natural progesterone;
  • Does not affect body weight;
  • Does not affect blood pressure levels;
  • Does not affect carbohydrate and lipid metabolism;
  • Effective in the treatment of hyperandrogenism;
  • Suppresses the effect of oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine contractility;
  • The drug can be taken not only orally, like most tablet forms, but also intravaginally (introduced deep into the vagina), which is especially important for early toxicosis severe. The intravaginal route of administration is most effective when there is a threat of miscarriage.

Duphaston or Utrozhestan? With an emphasis on side effects.

Despite the active use of Utrozhestan and Duphaston during pregnancy, both medicines have side effects.

Side effects of Utrozhestan:

  • Increase in temperature to subfebrile levels;
  • Weak hypnotic effect;
  • Mood swings;
  • Dizziness.

Side effects of Duphaston:

  • Risk of uterine bleeding.

Utrozhestan or Duphaston: what are the contraindications for use?

Contraindications for taking Duphaston.

Since Duphaston is a synthetic analogue of progesterone, the drug is contraindicated in case of individual hypersensitivity to its components. In addition, Duphaston is not prescribed for liver diseases such as Dabin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes.

Unlike the period of pregnancy, when Duphaston can be actively used, during breastfeeding the drug is discontinued due to its penetration into breast milk.

Contraindications to the use of Utrozhestan:

  • the presence of bleeding from the genital tract of unknown etiology;
  • abortion is in progress;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands and organs of the reproductive system;
  • porphyria (genetically determined liver pathology);
  • hypersensitivity to the drug

If there is a tendency to form blood clots and the presence of severe functional liver disorders, Utrozhestan is prescribed only for intravaginal administration.

The drug is prescribed with extreme caution in the third trimester, when the risk of liver dysfunction is significantly increased, as well as during breastfeeding.

Which drug is more effective, Duphaston or Utrozhestan, will be decided by the attending physician, since given choice is based not only on the properties of medicinal substances, but also on the individual characteristics of the body, the course of pregnancy, obstetric history, age, etc. It is important to understand that being attentive to your own health and following your doctor’s recommendations only contributes to the normal course of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth.

Unfortunately, no woman is immune from problems with conceiving a baby and its subsequent bearing: environmental conditions, lifestyle, many different diseases, genetic predisposition– these and other factors literally pursue modern man, Not in the best possible way affecting the state of his health and various spheres of life.

But you shouldn’t despair: the pharmaceutical industry offers quite a lot of tools that can effectively combat the problems of conception and pregnancy. Among all existing drugs, some of the most popular are Duphaston and Utrazhestan.

In general, both mentioned products have almost identical composition and purpose: each of them is an analogue of natural progesterone and both are intended to compensate for its deficiency in female body.

Progesterone is essential for a woman. If there is a deficiency in the body, conception may either not occur at all, or further pregnancy will be extremely difficult with a high probability of miscarriage.

The main difference between the products under consideration lies in their composition: Duphaston is a completely artificial drug, while Utrozhestan is made on the basis of natural progesterone.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with the comparative characteristics of the funds in question. You will learn about the key differences between them, the features of each medicine and other important information.

Comparative characteristics of Duphaston and Utrozhestan

For greater ease of perception, the comparison of drugs is presented in table form.

Table. Comparison of Utrozhestan and Duphaston

Comparison parameterDuphastonUtrozhestan
NaturalnessIt is a completely synthetic drug. The structures of Duphaston and natural progesterone are somewhat different.It is a micronized natural plant-based progesterone. The structure is identical to natural progesterone.
Clinical trialsThe drug was launched earlier, has undergone more studies and is generally more studied.Less studied in comparison with its analogue, but, subject to proper use after mandatory prior approval from a doctor, it is completely safe for the female body.
Possibility of side effectsExtremely low.Side effects such as general malaise, fatigue, lethargy, and drowsiness are possible.
Release formOral capsules only.In addition to capsules, it is also available in the form of suppositories for vaginal administration. For women in an “interesting position” this is a great advantage, especially in the presence of toxicosis.
Moreover, in the case of using vaginal suppositories, the drug is absorbed faster by the body, and the likelihood of side effects is significantly reduced.

As we can see, in some ways Duphaston is better, but in some moments Utrozhestan confidently takes the lead, and it is extremely difficult to single out a single leader. Here the choice will be individual for each patient, and in order to arrive at an objective the right decision, you need to study more additional information, which is what you are asked to do next.

What's better: comparing drugs

As noted, in matters of quality, one should, first of all, focus on individual characteristics specific patient. In general, if there are no contraindications for both drugs, you can take either of them, of course, after consulting your doctor first. Along with this, if issues of naturalness are fundamental to you, Utrozhestan would be a better choice.

If we approach the issue from the perspective of the likelihood of side effects, the drug Utrozhestan noticeably loses in this regard. If Duphaston in the vast majority of cases does not cause absolutely any negative reactions, then Utrozhestan can make you weak, lethargic, drowsy, etc.

The use of Duphaston during pregnancy has been considered for years. Utrozhestan, as noted, is a younger drug and not as studied as its “competitor”. At the same time, in terms of ease of use, Utrozhestan, which, in addition to tablets, is available in the form of capsules for intravaginal use, is noticeably ahead.

An additional point in the Utrozhestan score is added by the latter’s ability to provide an antiandrogenic effect on the body, i.e. it allows you to fight excessive amounts of male hormones. Additionally, the drug helps normalize the patient’s psycho-emotional background, which is a big advantage during pregnancy.

Summarizing the above information, we can cite a number of points according to which Duphaston significantly outperforms Utrozhestan.

Firstly, it does not cause side effects such as drowsiness, weakness, fatigue, etc.

Secondly, it significantly reduces the likelihood of miscarriage, fetoplacental insufficiency, and premature birth.

Thirdly, the safety of Duphaston has been confirmed by many qualified studies.

Fourthly, the drug does not have a tendency to have a toxic effect on the patient’s liver.

The main advantages of Utrozhestan over its “competitor” are the following provisions:

About the interchangeability of drugs

Many women are interested not only in which of the drugs considered is more preferable for use, but also in the possibility of interchangeability of the mentioned drugs. For example, some pregnant women may simply not be suitable for Utrozhestan, others have the opportunity to receive Duphaston for free with the appropriate prescription, and still others have their own reasons for this.

Doctors, answering the girls’ question about the possibility of replacing one drug with another, give a positive verdict. Of course, each specific case requires individual assessment and consideration, taking into account all sorts of contraindications, side effects and other similar points.

In general, both drugs do an excellent job of performing all the tasks assigned to them when prescribed to pregnant patients:

  • compensate for progesterone deficiency in the female body;
  • normalize the tone of the uterus and generally maintain it in a state normal for the fetus;
  • reduce the likelihood of miscarriage, etc.

Utrozhestan, as a rule, is prescribed during the first trimester, less often during the second. You can start taking the drug only after preliminary consultation with your doctor, constantly monitoring changes in your condition. If the first negative manifestations occur, it is necessary to stop therapy and immediately report the incident to the treating specialist.

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Not all women manage to successfully become pregnant and carry a child to term. Due to the restructuring of the body expectant mother she faces danger from all sides. Miscarriages are very common complications. Spontaneous abortion is most often caused by low progesterone levels. If a threat of bearing a child is detected during pregnancy, hormonal hormones are prescribed. medicines duphaston or utrozhestan, which replenish the missing hormone in the female body.


To fully understand the mechanism of action of both drugs, the concept of progesterone should be considered in more detail. This hormone is a steroid, produced in the female body. It is most actively produced by the placenta during pregnancy.

Progesterone is the main hormone of the corpus luteum of the ovaries. The substance is actively produced in the second half of the cycle. This is necessary for the normal attachment of the fertilized egg to the endometrium. In the absence of fertilization, the amount of progesterone begins to decrease.

In the event of fertilization, the hormone is intensively produced by the corpus luteum for some time, until the placenta begins to synthesize it on its own. Low levels of progesterone often cause infertility in women. Therefore, first of all, women who want to get pregnant should monitor the level of this hormone.

Features of medicines

Both hormonal drugs have identical composition, but their main difference is as follows:

  • Utrozhestan is produced on the basis of natural substances.
  • Duphaston is a synthetic product.

The drugs have a similar effect on the woman’s body, and their main task is to maintain pregnancy and treat infertility or other diseases caused by hormonal imbalance. But in order to understand whether duphaston or utrogestan is better, you need to consider each drug separately.

Hormonal drugs are prescribed after examination and tests for the level of progesterone in the blood. After all, hormonal imbalances are not always the cause of infertility or miscarriages. Self-administration of these medications is strictly prohibited.


The drug is made exclusively from plant materials, so the progesterone molecules in this medicine are absolutely identical to the natural substance produced in the female body. Utrozhestan is produced in two forms:

  • capsules intended for oral use,
  • suppositories used for intravaginal use.

The effectiveness of utrozhestan has been proven in cases of high levels of male sex hormones and hormonal infertility. The drug promotes fertilization, so it can be used to plan pregnancy. The drug is also prescribed in other cases, namely:

  • danger of spontaneous abortion,
  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle,
  • mild mastopathy,
  • chronic miscarriage,
  • high level of male hormones in the body,
  • IVF procedure,
  • endometriosis,
  • uterine fibroids and other gynecological pathologies.

Utrozhestan has quite a few contraindications. It is they who do not allow us to say that this drug is better than its synthetic analogue.

The medication should not be used under the following conditions:

  • internal bleeding,
  • incomplete abortion,
  • cerebral hemorrhages,
  • increased levels of porphins in the blood,
  • intolerance to one or more ingredients of the drug.

The drug is prescribed with extreme caution in the following cases:

  • with liver and kidney failure,
  • for cardiovascular diseases,
  • for varicose veins.

In addition, improper use can cause various side effects - headaches, bleeding in the middle of the cycle, disruption of intestinal function.

Duphaston was developed by the pharmaceutical industry before Utrozhestan. Therefore, the experience of using the drug is longer. The altered “synthetic” configuration of the hormone leads to the fact that the drug is quickly absorbed when taken orally. In addition to the fact that the drug is widely used to prevent spontaneous abortion, it is used:

  • in preparation for in vitro fertilization,
  • for replacement therapy after surgical castration and during menopause,
  • for various pathologies of the menstrual cycle,
  • in the presence of endometriosis,
  • with uterine bleeding with disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

Recent studies have shown that duphaston reduces the likelihood of premature birth by 2 times in women at risk. In this case, the drug can be taken continuously during pregnancy, since it does not have any negative influence for the fruit But due to the fact that the drug passes into breast milk, it must be discontinued after childbirth.

Duphaston has virtually no contraindications. The drug is not prescribed for serious liver pathologies, intolerance to any component, as well as for such rare diseases as Dabin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes. Uncontrolled use of medication provokes the development of side effects such as headaches and allergic reactions.

Which drug should you prefer?

The question of which drug is better cannot be answered unequivocally. When prescribing both Utrozhestan and Duphaston, the doctor must take into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the purpose of using the medicine. Both drugs do not affect body weight, as they do not lead to fluid retention in the body. This is a very important factor for a woman carrying a child. Medicines do not affect lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, that is, they do not provoke disruptions in metabolic processes. It is also very important that the drugs do not increase blood pressure.

But at the same time, most doctors agree that duphaston is safer during pregnancy, as it has fewer side effects. Unlike urozhestan, it does not cause:

  • drowsiness,
  • lethargy,
  • fatigue,
  • tendency to depression.

Duphaston has no toxic effect on the liver and is highly effective in IVF. The drug is considered safe, as confirmed by long-term studies.

Utrozhestan is a new hormonal drug and its effect on the fetus has not been sufficiently studied, therefore in some European countries it is not prescribed to women when bearing a child. Although a significant advantage of this product is its release in the form of intravaginal suppositories, which is very important for maintaining pregnancy in the first trimester against the background of possible severe toxicosis.

One of the advantages of utrozhestan is that it has a calming effect, which allows you to get rid of various subconscious fears during pregnancy. Drowsiness and apathy, which may occur as a side effect after taking utrogestan, disappear within a couple of hours. But it is during this period that you should be especially careful about your actions, for example, it is better not to drive a car.

In addition, this medicine gives good result when used for the treatment of hyperandrogenism.

On later When the fetal placenta is fully formed and begins to produce the required amount of progesterone itself, as a rule, previously prescribed hormonal drugs are discontinued in order to prevent miscarriage. But if the threat of spontaneous abortion remains, you can continue to drink duphaston. Due to the increased risk of liver dysfunction, utrozhestan is not prescribed during this period.

Hormonal drugs can be used to plan the birth of a child. They contribute to the fact that the likelihood of fertilization increases significantly during the period of taking medications. But at the same time, duphaston, unlike utrozhestan, can be taken for a longer period of time. In addition, recent studies have proven a positive immune interaction between the expectant mother and the embryo when taking duphaston.

During the period of bearing a child or to stabilize hormonal levels, both hormonal drugs are prescribed by the doctor according to a special regimen and in an individual dosage. At the same time, it is impossible to draw conclusions on your own without prior agreement with the doctor that you need to replace the prescribed medicine with an analogue. This can cause a miscarriage or lead to hormonal imbalance, which is very dangerous for a woman’s health in general. Stopping the drug and replacing it with another is done gradually according to the scheme under the supervision of a doctor.

During their work, many obstetricians-gynecologists had to answer questions from patients about which drug was better - Duphaston or Utrozhestan.

But it is simply impossible to unequivocally lean in favor of one or another option, because each of them has its own disadvantages.

To understand what the difference is between these drugs, you first need to understand when they are used and what they are needed for. Both drugs are prescribed to correct the level of progesterone in the body in cases of menstrual irregularities, pronounced PMS, endometriosis, threatened miscarriage or infertility, which arose due to insufficiency of the second phase of the cycle, etc.

When choosing which drug to prescribe - Duphaston or Utrozhestan, doctors are guided by the number of side effects and the convenience of the method of taking each of them. Patients, having often read information that the latter option, unlike the first, is natural progesterone, which is extracted from plant materials, are inclined to favor it. But this formulation is not entirely correct. Duphaston tablets are called synthetic progesterone due to the fact that the chemical structure of this substance differs by one methyl group from the formula of the natural hormone, but this does not affect its properties in any way. It is also worth noting that both drugs are obtained from plant materials belonging to the Dioscorea family.

When choosing Duphaston or Utrozhestan, it is necessary to take into account that when taking the latter, drowsiness and dizziness often occur, some even experience allergic reactions. When taking both drugs, intermediate bleeding from the uterus may occur and the length of the cycle may change. Both drugs are used quite successfully when a woman has symptoms. In addition, do not be alarmed if the doctor chooses which drug to prescribe for you - Duphaston or Utrozhestan; no one prescribes them unless absolutely necessary. You may have a lack of progesterone, which is confirmed by tests, or have a history of interrupted pregnancy. early stages pregnancy.

True, in case of severe toxicosis, which is accompanied by vomiting, it is recommended to use Utrozhestan capsules. The description given in the instructions says that during the first trimester it is better to take it not orally, but intravaginally. This allows you to maintain the maximum amount of progesterone in the body. This drug is also prescribed if a drug with an antiandrogenic effect is required. In addition, when taken orally, it helps reduce the amount of estrogen. But Duphaston tablets (they are very often recommended for pregnant women) do not affect anything except progesterone. These points often become decisive when choosing the drug to be prescribed.

Everyone also needs to know: despite the fact that the drugs described are hormonal, they do not suppress ovulation and cannot be used as contraceptives.