New Year's gift. A teacup with an unusual bottom. A universal gift for the New Year

Thousands of people every year face the problem of choice New Year's gifts.

What to give for New Year 2019? I would like this year’s gift to be original, useful, and, in general, not too hard on your pocket. But let's take things in order. The coming year eastern calendar- This is the year of the Pig.

What to give for the New Year?

Women will certainly be pleased with a good decoration with the symbol of the year, decorated with aquamarine, or ordinary jewelry.

Already now, a large selection of souvenir jewelry is appearing in stores. For the New Year 2019, you can give your friends and family gold or silver pendants with the image of the main hero of the holiday - the pig.

The most interesting and original New Year's gift will be a cowboy costume. You can, of course, dress up your friend or relative not completely, but partially. Find him or her a wide-brimmed hat, American jeans and a nice belt.

Unwanted New Year's gifts

Along with a large selection of desirable gifts, there is also an unspoken list of vulgar and banal New Year's gifts. Here are some of them - cups with images of snowmen and Santa Clauses, plastic angels, candles, as well as men's sets shaving, women's shower gels and other shampoos.

Add socks, scarves and ties to this and you get a cluttered apartment. A person can choose personal hygiene products and other intimate things for himself, so you can do without socks and panties.

And many more imagine themselves to be real aesthetes and connoisseurs of painting. Why not buy a real Shishkin near the metro or shopping center. Well, so, in any case, says this respected uncle, who introduced himself as his grandson. And very inexpensive - 1000 rubles. And then this under-reproduction will ruin your to a loved one the whole interior.

The theme of unwanted gifts continues with food packages. Thank God, now we live without shortages, so giving, even chocolate candies and cakes would be completely inappropriate.

A universal gift for the New Year

If you don’t know what to give for New Year 2019, then use a universal gift- flowers. Ask a florist to put together a New Year's bouquet of fresh flowers for you.

What else can you give for the New Year?

Another great way is to give an emotion. A great option would be to ride a troika of horses with bells. Eh, with the wind, and the frost! This is never forgotten.

You can please a man only with a bright and spectacular gift. After all, they, like children, first evaluate with their eyes, and then think about what to do with it. On the one hand, the item must be exclusive and original, and on the other, practical.

An excellent gift would be gloves, a scarf, even a hat, knitted by yourself. You can give a man an interesting scent or an exquisite alcoholic drink. And further down the list, choose who, what.

For many, however, this is the main difficulty. When people wonder what to give a man for New Year and need to make a choice, people fall into a stupor. And then you need to pay attention to some clues, for example, the man’s hobbies. Perhaps this is where the answer lies.

We continue to give emotional gifts. An interesting idea is to make a special box in your apartment for good memories, where all your loved ones will throw notes with a memorable date and events associated with it. Even if not the most important, but pleasant and touching.

If there are enough gift options for men and women, then children's New Year's gifts are always headache. You can't get away with sweets and chocolates. Children do not demand a sweet miracle, but a real one.

Let's talk about emotions again. What to give your child for New Year? Children adore Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, so you can order these kind fairy-tale characters to your home. And it’s even better if the parents themselves transform into a fairy-tale couple for a while. True, children will immediately recognize mom, but dad, under his cotton beard, will remain a good wizard for them.

And again from the material world to the world of emotions. Organize interesting New Year's competitions at home or away.

New Year's competitions for children!

Better than wedding competitions, only New Year's ones. You just have to think seriously about this gift; you can’t order it on the Internet, and you won’t be able to snatch it at a sale.

What to give your significant other for New Year

The most romantic New Year's gift for the two of you will be a photo collage. If you recently went on a trip together, then you probably have a whole mountain of photos. Just find one of the photo studios in your city and send files with photos for printing. After that, stick them on a large sheet of whatman paper and sign your emotions associated with each of the images.

And, of course, we should not forget about the main symbol of the coming year – the Earth Pig. Already now in stores you can find a huge variety of souvenirs with images of pigs.
I hope a couple of our ideas will tell you what to give for the New Year 2019!

Choosing New Year's gifts is a rather difficult task, and not because there is a shortage of souvenirs in stores, rather, on the contrary, because of their abundance. Sometimes it is difficult to resist the temptation to buy something useful, practical, but completely devoid of a festive atmosphere.

In this article you will not find information about pots, socks, razors, vases and other trivial things. A New Year's gift is, first of all, positive emotions and a festive mood.

Sweet box with jam

The most convenient way to choose gifts is to use the so-called "wish lists" - wish lists. That is why unobtrusively ask everyone to whom you plan to give a surprise to write a letter to Santa Claus.

Mulled wine set - a good choice for winter

If such a hint is not at hand, remember - perhaps your loved ones have hobbies and dreams. Surely a person will be pleased to receive a gift in the New Year related to his sincere desire and passion.

Below you will find:

Teddy bear made of roses - the latest trend in gifts for girls

First of all, do not rush into the purchase and do not give in to the temptation to buy a trinket. Dishes and souvenirs in the form of a New Year symbol are banal and boring. You should also avoid gifts that are too personal – perfume, underwear, cosmetics. It is very difficult to choose the required scent or shade of lipstick, or the size of underwear. Unless we are talking about a loved one whose habits you know very well.

Advice. The best option– give a loved one a certificate to a cosmetics or lingerie store so that he can choose what he likes.

Set: mini-Christmas tree and Christmas tree toys

New Year gifts for a child

It is children who most look forward to the New Year and gifts, because this is a time of miracles and magic. The best gift for a child is the one he dreams of. You can invite your child to write a letter to Santa Claus and find out about his wishes. Older children already have their own hobbies and will be happy to receive a souvenir associated with them in the New Year.

Top 10 New Year's gifts for children

Sweet gift

LEGO Christmas theme

LEGO constructors for kids

New Year's gifts for your beloved boyfriend

If you find it difficult to choose, choose a day and go shopping with your young man, pay attention to which products are of the greatest interest to him. At the next stage, you need to decide on a budget and then proceed to choosing a New Year's gift.

“Wish Generator” Set

Advice. You should not choose something that is too expensive, as this will put the guy in an awkward position - he will feel obligated.

A souvenir with a slight flair of romance

  • T-shirt or sweatshirt with photo print.
  • A cup or phone case with a memorable note in the form of an engraving.
  • A board game for relaxing together.
  • A selection of custom made chocolates.
  • Perfume, but on condition that you know the tastes of your loved one well.

Handmade - gifts made with soul

The undoubted advantage of such gifts is that they are always exclusive, because they are the author’s work.

  • Warm, woolen item - sweater, hat, scarf.
  • Smartphone case, sewn or knitted.
  • By the way, you can give sweets made by yourself to a joint trip to a master class on making sweets or chocolate.
  • You can attend a master class and create a unique scent for your loved one.

When choosing a gift, be guided by the status of the relationship; if you have known a young man for a long time, and there are no prohibitions between you, pay attention to:

  • Jewelry;
  • gadgets;
  • gloves or belt made of genuine leather.

Gift for a bearded guy

New Year's gifts for your girlfriend

This is perhaps the most difficult part of the quest called “find a New Year’s souvenir.” Why? The fact is that every girl is unique, therefore, a gift must be selected individually for each.

Beauty box of cosmetics

Undoubtedly, you are lucky if your girlfriend is pragmatic and herself hints at the desired surprise. The rest will have to try on the role of Santa Claus and try to guess what the girl they love dreams about.

Here are some interesting suggestions on how to surprise a girl for the New Year:

  • jewelry - of course, we are not talking about expensive items, silver chains with a pendant in the shape of a zodiac sign symbol are an excellent choice;
  • intellectual people will certainly appreciate a gift in the form of thematic literature, CDs with educational lessons, a subscription to educational master classes;
  • female athletes will enjoy a subscription to Gym or to the pool, for a course of massages;
  • if a girl takes care of her appearance, pamper her with a certificate to the spa;
  • Tea lovers will be delighted with the tea ceremony set; be sure to include several types of tea with different flavors.

Subscription to a spa or beauty service

Of course, girls love to spend time with their loved one, so joint events would be a wonderful New Year's gift:

  • relaxation in the spa;
  • horseback riding;
  • various master classes - dancing, cooking, training.

Dance training

If your relationship is just beginning, you shouldn’t give an expensive souvenir, but you won’t get away with a simple trinket. Pay attention to these gifts:

  • smart watch;
  • decorative pillow with an original print;
  • manicure set;
  • cooling table for laptop.

Perfume as a gift

Advice. If you have serious intentions for a girl, surprise her with a bottle of expensive perfume or a romantic dinner in a restaurant;-)

Romantic dinner in a restaurant

And finally, the latest trend in gifts for girls is rose bears.

Photo: rose bears as a gift for the New Year 2019

A detailed description of what they are made of and what they are.

New Year's gifts for mom

Mom is a close and dear person in every person’s life, so you need to choose something special for her. The task is, of course, difficult, but completely solvable. The main thing is no random souvenirs or hastily purchased gifts. The presentation must be thought out carefully and carefully.

Auger juicer

First of all, think about what mom needs:

New Year's gift for grandma

Nothing pleases a grandmother more than the attention of her children and grandchildren. However, you shouldn’t limit yourself to a dry phone call. You can choose the following gifts for your grandmother:

Every grandmother probably has hobbies; choose a New Year gift that is related to her hobby.

Souvenirs for needlewomen:

  • a set of knitting needles, hooks and yarn;
  • embroidery kits;
  • paint by numbers kits.

If grandma loves to grow flowers, the best gift will:

  • seeds, tubers or flower seedlings;
  • beautiful flowerpots;
  • topical literature on growing plants.

Of course, grandma will be delighted to have kitchen helpers:

  • multicooker;
  • bread machine;
  • juicer.

Be sure to explain and show how to use the technique. Make sure grandma understands the controls and use. Remember that giving gifts is an opportunity to communicate and spend time together.

New Year's gift for spouse

Men don't fewer women Children also love to receive gifts, so choosing a surprise for your husband or father should be approached with all responsibility.

The following factors will help make the task easier:

  • field of activity;
  • hobbies and hobbies;
  • main character traits;
  • attitude towards creative surprises.

Relationships in the family are a purely personal matter; accordingly, gifts also need to be chosen personally. That is why it is impossible to single out universal gifts for the New Year. Only the wife knows the habits and wishes of her beloved husband.

A few simple but win-win options:

  1. Men's cosmetics. Today, kits for grooming mustaches and beards are very popular; of course, your spouse has them. If not, you can put together a beauty box with environmentally friendly cosmetics for him.
  2. Perfumery. Your husband will like such a gift if you know the tastes of your beloved man well. You can choose a set of perfumes - deodorant and eau de toilette.
  3. Useful accessories for a smartphone, tablet, computer, laptop. These could be touch gloves, a cooling table-stand, an original flash drive in the shape of a stone, or a new headset.
  4. If a man smokes, please him with electronic cigarettes or a hookah; be sure to select the necessary accessories.
  5. Often a man has a hobby to which he devotes himself wholeheartedly. Surprise him with a New Year's gift related to his hobby - a barbecue set, fishing equipment, a set for visiting the bathhouse.

For a romantic man, you can choose a gift for the New Year that will bring a lot of positive emotions.

  • Visiting a spa - men also sometimes need to rest and relax.
  • Organize for your spouse romantic dinner– cook his favorite dishes or surprise him with new culinary skills.
  • Organize a holiday together. This could be skiing or ice skating, fun bowling competitions, and a wonderful day will end with dinner in a cafe.

Advice. If your husband loves fishing, invite him to go fishing together.

If your spouse holds a serious position, give him something that will emphasize his status.

  • A watch or pen from a well-known brand.
  • Leather accessories - gloves, belt, briefcase.
  • Cufflinks or signet.
  • Organizer made of wood and leather.

Of course, such gifts can only be purchased on condition that they do not destabilize the family budget.

If your spouse has everything, take a closer look at the original gifts:

  • mini brewery;
  • mini popcorn maker;
  • case with commemorative engraving.

New Year's gift for grandfather

Think about what hobbies a person who has lived a long life has, what he would like to receive as a gift - a practical souvenir or an unexpected surprise.

Remember - no gift, even the most expensive one, can compare with attention and positive emotions. Don't skimp on good words, say how dear your loved ones are to you, try to spend more time together.

A New Year's gift for a friend should be special or at least make the right impression. Your task is to surprise, bring your dream closer to fulfillment, or unobtrusively and tactfully help financially. This is in the sense that you can give a friend something that he really needs, but does not fit into his personal or family budget. You should also know about the secret desires of the person with whom you are closely communicating. Let him deal with the global scale himself, but you are quite capable of bringing small everyday joys into his life. For clarity, here are a few ideas of what a man or girl can give to their to the best friend.

Purely men's practical, cool and original gifts

A gift to a good friend is clearly not a super useful, but a banal thing. Leave sweaters, blankets, knitted socks and other rubbish for relatives. But if you still prefer practical things, take a closer look at these options:

  • tools,
  • image accessories,
  • multifunctional devices for the kitchen,
  • an object that reflects the essence of hobbies and interests.

And now about everything in more detail.

You've probably heard more than once that a friend complains about the lack of some tool. So give him a drill, a set of screwdrivers or keys, a screwdriver, and so on. A set of tools in a case with a flashlight is useful for the car. And if a friend has all the accessories for a car, but the car is always a mess, give an organizer for the trunk or on the back of a chair.

A friend is not very concerned about his appearance and does not like to go shopping. Perhaps he will be prompted to do this by a New Year's gift in the form of an elegant scarf worthy leather belt, gloves or wallet. For lovers tasty food, especially for bachelors, a multicooker will be the solution to many problems. Juicer - for adherents healthy eating, heated cup stand - for workaholics.

It's very easy to link a New Year's gift to a friend's hobbies. A traveler, a fisherman, a bathhouse lover, an avid motorist, a computer genius - you can choose a suitable gift for everyone:

  • creative scooter suitcase,
  • picnic backpack with thermal insulation,
  • electronic fish bait,
  • computer or car glasses,
  • car vacuum cleaner,
  • bath set.

If your hobbies do not coincide, and you are afraid of your own incompetence, choose New Year's gift Certificate to the desired store.

You can simply give it to a friend good mood. Relatively inexpensive options:

  • magnetic darts,
  • shorts in the shape of the Russian flag,
  • a hammer that can be used to beat meat and open a bottle,
  • key holder in the form of a grenade,
  • toilet paper holder with radio and clock,
  • poker set,
  • some kind of “drunk game” (checkers, roulette),
  • radio-controlled helicopter.

Positive and adult emotions are:

  • striptease,
  • extreme on a quad bike,
  • sniper class,
  • excavator test drive,
  • buggy racing,
  • fighter simulator,
  • whiskey tasting,
  • master class of alcoholic cocktails,
  • cigar tasting,
  • jazz lesson,
  • vocal master class,
  • master class on billiards.

Gift certificates are a way out of a situation when a person has everything and it’s difficult to surprise a friend.

Friendly New Year's gifts for women

Friendship between a man and a woman is not that uncommon. In addition, the friend category includes a guy whom the girl recently met and is waiting for further development relationships. In both cases, the New Year's gift should be neutral, not exactly cheap, but not very expensive either.

For your best “girlfriend” in male form:

  • indoor mini fountain,
  • hookah,
  • high-quality alcohol in beautiful packaging,
  • popcorn maker,
  • home or car ionizer.

Perhaps your friend himself mentioned something in passing that he would like to have, but everyone doesn’t get around to it? A lonely guy can order a pre-New Year's general cleaning of the apartment, a visit to a men's beauty salon or bathhouse, and send him a “delicious” meal. New Year's basket. It is better to give a married friend two tickets to an event or a couple certificate.

Do you want your relationships to smoothly flow from the friendly phase into the romantic phase in 2020? You can unobtrusively hint about this with a New Year's gift, which has a subtext of care and your thriftiness. For example, you can give:

  • solar battery – always be in touch,
  • backlit speakers - listen to music and remember you,
  • mini refrigerator with USB port,
  • Antison device for motorists,
  • tickets for a joint trip to the cinema, skating rink, circus or zoo.

The gift should be light, pleasant and non-binding.

What is undesirable to give to a friend for the New Year?

The best friend, in principle, will endure everything, and it’s not your problem that you didn’t like the present. But if you think like that, you can quickly lose all your friends. Therefore, it is better not to give:

  • small trinkets and useless figurines,
  • souvenirs brought from travel (give as soon as you arrive),
  • gifts that are too expensive for him (will feel obligated),
  • ready Gift Baskets, collected in the store,
  • any item from the famous trio - shower gel, shaving foam, socks,
  • money.

If you are sorely short of money or time and nothing comes to mind other than the last two options, it is better to leave your friend without a gift at all. You can simply say how much you love him and wish him the fulfillment of all his greatest wishes in the New Year.

Choose gifts as you would for yourself and rejoice with your friend!

Rida Khasanova

Before the New Year, many people think about what to give to friends or just acquaintances with whom you support a good relationship. And often difficulties arise with the choice of gifts - it is not clear what to give and how to do it right choice. There are actually a lot of options to suit every taste and budget.

New Year gifts for good friends

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays Therefore, the choice of gifts must be taken responsibly. You can please not only family members, but also friends and just good acquaintances. Even the most ordinary gifts will bring joy and lift the festive mood. New Year's gift ideas for friends are a little different from those intended for loved ones. They are often formal in nature, but this does not make them any less pleasant.

Universal gifts for the New Year

There is no need to give expensive and impressive gifts to people you know; simple and cute gifts that will show your attentive attitude will be enough.

Everyone knows the famous saying that the most important thing is not the gift, but the attention. In this case it's perfect

Options for inexpensive and budget New Year gifts for good friends:

  • a fabric bag filled with sweets;
  • beautiful Christmas tree toy;
  • pressed herringbone towel;
  • an interesting candle in the shape of a tangerine or Santa Claus;
  • business card holder;
  • beautiful notepad;
  • Kinder Surprise.

The option with a chocolate egg is especially useful for those who were invited to celebrate the holiday in the company of familiar people. You can give everyone a kinder and offer to immediately unpack it. And using the toy that is inside the egg, together determine what it predicts for the coming year. Thus, small gifts friends can play it interestingly and contribute to Creation festive mood and a feeling of magic.

Creative gifts

Creative gifts for friends can be completely inexpensive. They can be purchased at the store or do it yourself. For example, make a Christmas tree from puff pastry, or crochet it and decorate it with beads. Or buy a simple glass vase or bottle and paint it with special markers or glass paints.

Very an unusual gift will hand-baked fortune cookies. In each cookie you need to put a small piece of paper with a pleasant and positive prediction for the next year; you can come up with wishes in a humorous form. This method of congratulations is especially useful if the company has stranger, and you won’t have to think about what to give him. A sea of ​​pleasant emotions will be provided, and This gift will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

If you don’t have the time or desire to make gifts with your own hands, then you can buy mini-gifts:

  • soft anti-stress toys;
  • packaging of delicious tea;
  • a credit card knife that fits easily in a wallet;
  • a mug with a picture of the person to whom the gift is intended;
  • device for making snowballs.

Making interesting gifts for friends is easy.

You need to imagine for yourself what it would be nice to receive from a colleague or friend for the New Year, and when choosing gifts, proceed from this

What to give to your friends for New Year?

What can you give your friends for New Year 2019 if you want to please them all? In this case, you should not spend large sums. In this case, you can buy small gifts, for example:

  • a small gift with the image of the symbol of the year (keychain, decorative pillow);
  • Christmas tree decoration (garland, figurine or colorful ball);
  • useful thing (pocket mirror, flash drive, comb);
  • sweets (a set of cakes, sweets or gingerbread).

A gift idea for a friend could be natural soap , which is purchased in specialized stores or made independently. Or a bar of good chocolate, which can be beautifully packaged and accompanied by a small card with wishes. Such small but cute gifts will be enough.

To make a nice New Year's gift best friend, you need to build on her interests. Knowing what she is interested in, how she likes to spend free time, can be done interesting gift, which your friend will definitely like.

A girl who takes care of her health and plays sports can be given a certificate for the gym, gloves for cycling, or a fitness watch. If girlfriend works a lot on the computer, she will love the wireless mouse and the original mousepad for it.

If a friend loves to cook, then she will appreciate such useful gifts as silicone molds for baking cupcakes, a book for recording culinary recipes and other pleasant little things. If you have the financial opportunity, you can give them a powerful blender or mixer, a yogurt maker or an ice cream maker.

To a fashionista friend who loves to spend hours in stores and watches the latest news in the fashion world, you can give a scarf, neckerchief or certificate to your favorite store

But to give such a personal gift, you need to know for sure that it will suit her and she will use it.

All girls love jewelry, but... different style. Find out in advance and by chance which earrings, rings, pendants or bracelets your friend prefers. And then, based on your budget, choose jewelry, for example, these earrings and/or ring:

Silver earrings with cubic zirconia and enamel; silver ring with cubic zirconia and enamel, all SL (prices via links)

Another list of interesting gifts for a girlfriend:

  • jewelry storage box;
  • leather-bound business card holder;
  • subscription to a beauty salon or spa;
  • certificate for manicure.

To my best friend You can also make a creative gift for the New Year with your own hands. To do this you need to print joint photos for the entire last year, insert them into a colorful photo album and make touching wishes in it. Such a gift will definitely not leave your friend indifferent and will bring a lot of positive emotions.

At student age, you can give a classmate a cute, non-binding thing, for example, soft toy in the form of a symbol of the coming year, aroma lamp or souvenir.

If you have been friends with a friend for many years, then the gift can be inexpensive, but touching. For example, You can make your own delicious cake or cookies and spend the evening together, devoting time to heartfelt conversations and memories. It would be a nice gift for your old friend warm blanket or an unusual vase that should be presented along with a bouquet of flowers.

Gifts for a friend for the New Year

A New Year's gift for a friend should be such that make a good impression on him, and not just formally congratulate. Usually friends share their dreams and desires, so you need to remember them and delight them with gifts at the right moment.

New Year is a holiday of magic, so when, if not at this time, should you make original surprises and make your dreams come true?

What can you give your best friend for New Year 2019? You shouldn’t try to fulfill global desires; your friend must handle this himself. If a friend has long complained that he lacks some tools in the house, then you can confidently present him with a screwdriver, a set of keys or a drill. A car lover will need a set of tools for car repair, a headlamp or a case for storing small parts.

Comrade takes care of his own appearance? Then he will definitely be pleased with the new stylish scarf, leather belt, gloves or a new wallet. Moreover, men often do not like the process of shopping, so they will gladly accept such a thing.

A multicooker could be a New Year's gift for a guy friend who lives alone. This kitchen unit will become your main assistant in preparing delicious food. For those who are actively involved in sports, you can purchase a juicer, shaker or sports nutrition the company he prefers. An original gift A friend who spends a lot of time at the computer will benefit from a heated cup of tea.

A gift for a classmate can be symbolic, but no less interesting for that. For example:

  • a key holder in the shape of a grenade;
  • phone case with a picture of your favorite musical group;
  • keychain in the shape of a corkscrew;
  • darts.

Interesting ideas for New Year's gifts for friends

Original New Year gifts for friends depend on your financial status. If you want to do inexpensive but interesting gift, then you can stick to the following options:

  • shorts with a funny image;
  • board game for a fun company;
  • T-shirt or scarf with the symbols of the football team.

For adult friends, you can purchase tickets to a master class on making cocktails, or to a jazz music lesson, if your friend is interested in this. Invite them to a paintball game or arrange a go-kart race.

Interesting gifts that are aimed at having fun and useful time will leave the best and brightest impressions

Inexpensive funny gifts for the New Year

What can you give your friends for the New Year 2019 if your budget does not allow for expensive gifts? In this case, the situation will be saved cool gifts, there are so many options that you can choose to suit every taste.

Inexpensive and funny gifts for friends:

  • a ballpoint pen in an unusual shape (a bouquet of flowers, an ear of corn, with a built-in comb);
  • a device for squeezing toothpaste from a tube;
  • a tea infuser in the shape of little men who climb the wall of the mug;
  • a compact handbag that, when folded, turns into an unusual object - a flower or an animal;
  • Massager for head;
  • balloons with funny inscriptions.

Such inexpensive gifts can be purchased in stores before the New Year or made yourself. In such gifts, the main thing is not the meaning or value, but cheer up a friend That’s why you need to present such funny gifts with jokes and fun.

What to give to your family of friends for New Year

If a friend or girlfriend has already started a family, then when choosing gifts for the New Year, you must take this point into account. That is, you can give everything listed above, but at the same time complement the main gift. Suitable for this:

  • a basket filled with fruit that will become a useful gift. You need to compose it yourself, literally the day before delivery, so that the fruit does not spoil;
  • a set of tea - exotic or regular black, but of high quality.
  • snow blasters - if the family likes to spend time actively and spends winter evenings outside playing various games.

If friendly relations are maintained with the entire family of a friend, then for the New Year you can give them a common gift.

In this case, the best gift is a gift that will leave a lot of impressions and positive emotions for a married couple.

For example:

  • certificate for going to a shooting range or amusement park;
  • ticket for a paintball game;
  • quad biking;
  • tickets to the theater or cinema for a New Year's performance;
  • tickets to a concert of your favorite musical group.

If your friends’ family already has children, then you don’t need to forget about them. It will be enough to give them sweet sets, meaningful souvenirs or symbolic small toys.

Making New Year gifts for your good acquaintances and close friends is not as difficult as it might seem at first. To please them, you don’t have to buy expensive things or try to distinguish yourself from others. The most important thing is to show attention, to say words that people often forget to say on ordinary days. New Year is the best time to please your loved ones truly, from the heart and sincerely.

You will learn original ideas for New Year gifts for friends by watching the video:

December 26, 2017, 02:14

New Year is just around the corner! If you don’t want to storm shops and souvenir shops at the very last moment, think about gifts now. We hope our ideas for useful and inexpensive surprises will make your shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

For home

Nice little things for the home, especially if they look original, will delight those who love to cook and surround themselves with cute things.

1. Silicone ice molds in the shape of walnuts, hearts or even a guitar.

2. Organizer for storing spices.

3. Nicely designed oiler.

4. Submarine-shaped tea strainer.

5. Immersion container for spices used when cooking broth.

7. Meat thermometer.

8. Zest grater.

9. Set of measuring spoons.

20. Pastry syringe with attachments.

21. Magnetic board for the refrigerator and chalk for notes.

22. Door stoppers in the shape of birds or people.

23. Signs with beautiful slogans for baths, cottages, apartments.

24. Wall-mounted key holder with a compartment for small items.

26. Set for embroidery, decoupage, beadwork.

27. Felt hat or towel skirt for baths and saunas.

28. Set of vegetable and flower seeds.

29. Beautiful watering can for house plants.

30. Collection of lubricants for cross-country skis for different weather conditions.

31. Mushroom knife.

For fun

Certificates and tickets may seem like too “technical” gifts. However, they are simply a salvation for gifting someone who lives far away from you. After all, you can buy and send them without leaving your computer.

32. Certificate for a visit to a beauty salon, water park, photo shoot, makeup, purchase of cosmetics, lingerie or jewelry.

33. Tickets for a concert or a movie.

Delicious souvenirs

Is there a more universal gift for the New Year than food? The answer seems obvious to us.

34. A set of sweets - purchased or made by you.

35. .

36. Homemade preparations: jam, mushrooms.

37. Tea or coffee in a beautiful jar.

38. A jar of honey.

39. Red caviar.

For technology lovers

Gadgets and accessories for them cannot be called an inexpensive gift, but they will certainly be useful.

40. Headphone splitter to connect two pairs to one gadget.

41. Adhesive mat to support small items on a car panel.

42. External battery for phone in original design.

Gifts are a sign of attention, a manifestation of love. It's very nice to give them. Especially if the recipient is a child.

For decoration

Our holidays are long, so candles, balls and garlands will decorate the house and lift your spirits for a long time.

43. Designer Christmas ball.

44. Wreath on the door.

45. Candles with unusual shapes or natural scents.