The meaning of the name Albina, character and destiny. Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Albina Is the name Albina Orthodox?

Calendar, when according to the church calendar is Albina’s name day

Name days are celebrated according to the actual birthday. The name Albina has no Christian meaning and is not listed in the calendar.

Characteristics of the birthday girl Albina:

From the Latin language – white (cf. “albino”). Indeed, among Albins there are a lot of natural blondes, whose hair retains its color until old age. They usually have a beautiful complexion, bright Blue eyes, good teeth. Outwardly, she is friendly and kind. Has average abilities.

During her school years, she did not shine among her classmates special knowledge. And although, as mentioned above, Albina has an attractive appearance, she has practically no fans. And the fault here is her character, or rather, her, so to speak, “intriguing” inclinations. So, for example, she can take something from one and put it on another, which naturally causes a quarrel between teenagers. Albina does not like those who do not indulge her with something; she is often overly “principled” and stubborn.

However, with age Albina, with good upbringing And good conditions life, “outgrows” his shortcomings and looks at his childhood problems with a smile. And her smile is very charming, which is why the adult girl Albina, who looks like a fairy from Western fairy tales, has a lot of fans. True, internally Albina is more like a Valkyrie - a female warrior from the Scandinavian sagas. She goes like this throughout her life.

She persistently (and successfully) achieves the best for herself and her loved ones. And just as steadfastly as a real Valkyrie, she guards her family hearth, where mutual understanding always reigns between husband, wife and children, supported by material well-being.

Albina is an extraordinary person. She has a very strong will and a despotic streak. She never sits in one place. Albina loves to sing, dance, and visit people. And if she is poorly received there, then you won’t envy that person. She will mix him up with mud and entangle him with intrigues. So you should be very careful with Albina, because at any moment she can explode. Albina loves to “show her teeth” for greater importance to intimidate her enemies. In general, women with this name are very nervous and irritable.

Obviously, all this happens because they lack self-confidence as well as a stable life. Albina always expresses her feelings very vigorously. Ultimately it all ends in deep depression. As for the field of her activity, Albina is more interested in her inner experiences, improvement of her home (apartment) than in public service. Albina is most suitable for work that requires constant communication with people, that is, in the field of trade, education ( kindergarten, school, etc.), catering industry.

Albins are prone to obesity and are susceptible to colds, diseases of the genitourinary system. Therefore, it is desirable that Albina lead a healthy, active lifestyle, go in for sports and water procedures. She should not overuse medications. Albina is a sentimental and faithful friend, an ideal hostess, loves to receive guests and treat them to various delicacies prepared with my own hands. She adapts well to any society and feels free and easy everywhere, like a fish in water. Talisman – fire opal.

Congratulations on Albina’s name day:

Don't forget to celebrate Albina's name day and congratulate Albina on Angel's Day.

Today is Albina's holiday,

Let the guests not pass by,

You are a bright light in our life,

We wish you many, many years,

And so that good fate,

I would always keep you

Please accept congratulations

Arrange flowers in vases!

Today you are the most beautiful of all,

May success await you in life.

Let your dreams come true,

After all, today you are the birthday girl.

May all losses be forgotten

You will be happy, believe me.

Be beautiful, always loved,

Happy Angel Day to you Albina.

The meaning of the name Albina is a name of Latin origin meaning - alba - "white".

What does the name Albina mean?

Albina can amazingly combine character traits such as gentleness and good nature, but if necessary, she can show firmness and inflexibility.

She is proud and can appear arrogant and willful. Enough rare name gives Albina the opportunity to feel special.

Too high self-esteem can develop into boundless superiority, intolerance towards other people and their opinions.

Albina often achieves success in her work and career. Albina will never forgive the insults and insults inflicted.

Albina's character traits and personal life

Self-confidence, restraint, poise. Albins may have extraordinary abilities, but they rarely strive to develop them in themselves: having become accustomed to their originality from childhood, they forget that not everything comes for free and they need to work on themselves.

Impressionable, intuitive, prone to sudden mood swings. In communication they never descend into noisy quarrels and conflicts - they isolate themselves from people they find unpleasant with contemptuous coldness.

Albina chooses a job based on her interest, paying little attention to its prestige or low earnings. Your husband can become good friend and support, but in return requires constant attention.

However, even if she lacks it, she will never look for romance in casual affairs.

Albina's birthday

Diminutive form of name

Albinochka, Albinka, Alya, Alba, Albusya, Liba, Albisha, Bisha.

Talismans for Albina

Planet - Proserpina; color - white, blue; plant - white aster; tree - willow, cherry; animal - stork, cicada.


Zodiac sign

Aquarius, Libra.

Name of the chosen one

Successful union: Alexander, Sergey, Roman.

Unstable alliance: Arkady, Arnold, Zakhar, Leonid, Mikhail.

Famous people who bore the name Albina

  • Albina Jono Makunaite - Soviet graphic artist, Honored Artist of the Lithuanian SSR.
  • Albina Ivanovna Krasnokutskaya is a famous Russian lawyer.
  • Albina Borisova is an opera singer, People's Artist of Russia, soloist of the Yakut National Opera and Ballet Theater.

The name is rare and original. It seems that girls with this name are weak and defenseless. But most often these are stubborn, obstinate and hot-tempered representatives of the fairer sex. She has a masculine mentality and character, she does not like to spend time in silence, she loves noisy games and the company of boys. She is impulsive and emotional, her emotions are stormy, covering her headlong, grabbing those around her. At the same time, she loves to help her mother around the house; she enjoys tidying up and washing the dishes. Albina does not like to study. But he strives to take an active part in public school life. Good musical abilities help her become popular among her peers. Albina is touchy, does not tolerate criticism, is conflicted, and immediately begins to sort things out.

Albina is growing up

Albina does not strive for education, she tries to convince everyone that she is engaged in self-knowledge, but these are just words, in fact, Albina is too lazy to engage in mental activity in any form. She is active, carefree, and somewhat frivolous. She doesn’t burden anyone with her problems, but other people’s problems are alien to her. She loves big companies and fun events. Doesn't play sports. When communicating with men, Albina is not too demanding; just sympathy is enough for her to start communicating with a young man. She is impressionable, remembers for a long time the events that struck her, with rapture and some obsession, and shares this state with everyone.

What will calm Albina?

Albina likes to take care of her home; she tries to make it a cozy nest for herself and her loved ones. She does not allow anyone to interfere with the improvement of the home, otherwise a scandal is sure to break out. Her loved ones know this and try not to awaken the beast in Albina’s soul. Raising children for Albina is an attempt to give them everything that she did not take during her childhood, even if her children are not interested in what Albina offers them, they have no choice. Relations with her husband are most often calm, they get along well with each other if the husband treats Albina’s emotionality with patience and understanding. She is a hospitable hostess, but she does not enjoy maintaining family ties, so her friends visit her more often than her sister.

Many researchers consider the female name Albina to be a diminutive or affectionate variant of the name Alba. It was formed from the Roman personal or generic nickname Albinus, derived from the word “albus”. Translated from Latin it takes on the meaning “white”. This is what girls with light skin were originally called. The name has common roots with the name of the country Albania, which was part of the Roman Empire.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Cancer
  • Patron Planet: Moon
  • Talisman stone: moonstone
  • Orange color
  • Tree: fir
  • Plant: jasmine
  • Animal: squirrel
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

The secret of the name Albina hides an active, emotional, hot-tempered and secretive personality. This girl is overly self-confident and impressionable. She likes social work, but she quickly gets bored with it if her responsibilities are narrowed down to carrying out specific assignments. A woman understands this activity in a simplified way: “See others and show yourself.”

At school, Albina is a mediocre student, but she knows how to organize positive assessments for herself with her helpful character and ability to be useful on time. She has an excellent memory and a well-developed imagination. She easily adapts to a change of place of residence, everyday life and living conditions. Her mood changes frequently. Sometimes one look she doesn’t like is enough to cause a storm of anger and loud accusations.

She is the favorite child in the family. Albina reciprocates and is ready to do everything possible to protect her family and friends. In adult life such a trait is ingrained in her character. She enjoys running the house, caring for children, raising them, creating comfort in the house, receiving guests, and also helping her husband “make a career.”

Interests and hobbies

In Albina’s house you can find collections of unique flowers, the cultivation of which brings her pleasure and pride. She cooks great food and knows a lot about healthy food, is interested in fitness. In addition, she loves shopping and spends a lot of free time buying clothes for her family and children.

Profession and business

He chooses a practical, financial profession, but does not always cope with it due to its complex and conflicting nature. A woman named Albina approaches work with coolness, even hostility. For her, this is a heavy and unpleasant burden if there is no material interest. She finds satisfaction in working with people, where she needs to communicate, make decisions, and feel power. She is suitable for professions in the police, schools, children's correctional institutions, public catering systems, as well as entrepreneurial activities, sociology, and floristry.


Albina is prone to obesity. Her passion for cooking is also not in the best possible way affects health. But its secrecy, which provokes nervous diseases, is considered the most dangerous.

Sex and love

Albina pays a lot of attention to makeup and wardrobe, but scares off fans with feigned modesty. The most important thing is that such a woman is confident in herself, and this is already a victory. The winter representative of the name has the greatest sexuality.

Family and marriage

An amorous character is the reason that Albina gets married early. She tries to keep this romantic feeling for a long time. She has no sexual experience, but the girl does everything possible to develop it. Not only meditation helps her in this, but also her attractive appearance.

Albina's fate becomes an inseparable part of her husband's life. She can be guided by his interests and adapt to her husband’s habits. Unnoticed by everyone, he becomes a professional butler in the house (manager of the property and household of the family). She is very jealous, must be aware of her husband’s affairs, know everything that happens at his work. Such a wife does not allow her husband to become addicted to alcohol or be a member of a “dubious” male company or control his personal wages.

Albina raises her children strictly and checks every step. But she also protects family members, especially children, like a real lioness.

Meaning of the name Albina:"White" (from Latin).

Since childhood, Albina communicates more and loves her father. Also, Albina always looks like her father in appearance and character. As a child, they are always overly arrogant, proud, principled and stubborn. For this reason, conflicts always arise around them, both with friends and in the family. She finds it difficult to get along with girls, so she is more often friends with boys who are closer to her in spirit.

Childhood arrogance and adherence to principles do not go away over time, and the already matured Albina does not deviate from these qualities. Only in addition to them comes a tendency towards leadership and self-confidence. Always tries to participate in public life and keep abreast of all events. One can also note Albina’s imbalance, her temper, impulsiveness, and emotionality. Plus to all this they have good intuition. But adult Albina differs from her childhood self in that, despite her complex character, she has learned to smooth out or completely avoid conflicts. Therefore, he works without problems in areas where it is necessary to communicate with people.

Diminutive forms of the name Albina: Albinka, Albinochka, Alya, Bella, Albisha, Anabella, Alechka, Albi.

Albina does not celebrate her name day.

Albina, congratulations from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you much, much happiness.
I wish you sincere love,
And nothing would be bad.

Let your dreams come true
Let the problems go away.
Let it be in the arms of beauty
Literally every moment is fragrant.

Happy birthday, Albina!
You are as beautiful as a picture
Bloom like a jasmine bush
Let life be like raspberries
Like a wonderful valley
Like a gorgeous showcase
So that the beloved is a man
And a wonderful car!

Charming Albina, on this day I wish you to be forever beautiful, young, cheerful, successful and happy. Let there be as few difficulties as possible in life and as much joy as possible in every moment. I wish you great love, inspiration of heart and high material wealth, Albinochka. Congratulations!

I wish for Albina
Wonderful friends
Delicious life, like raspberries,
And the warmth of your beloved hands.

To be Fortune's favorite
Achieve higher goals
To be always blooming, young,
Never lose heart!

Congratulations, Albina!
Let the world around you bloom,
The mood sparkles with happiness,
Well, success is like a true friend

Accompanies you everywhere
Giving income to your business,
Let him make his dreams come true
And let it grow every day.

There's a great reason
We should get together in the evening,
We congratulate Albina
Happy holiday.

May you be in a good mood
She meets her day
Let us be happy with fun
And enchants with beauty.

Let your wishes come true
Dreams will come true,
Be loved and desired
And you are always happy.

Bright girl, our Albina,
Eyes glow with happiness
Persistent, strong, invincible -
That's what you can say about her!

We wish Albina good luck,
Don’t lose strength and enthusiasm,
To be the brightest and most spring,
Conquer everyone with beauty.

Incomparable Albina,
Be happy and lucky
Slender, like a ballerina,
And really the best in everything!

Be cheerful and perky,
Stunningly beautiful
Like a bird, be agile
Like summer, sultry, cool!

By the crackling fireplace
Albina sits down to rest,
A message will come to her
Congratulations will be found there.
To keep yourself in order,
Eat vegetables from the garden
So that you live happily,
Be honest and not grumpy
May you be lucky in everything
Happy memorable, happy day!

Dear Albina,
A pure soul,
Infinitely you
Sweet and good.

Let the spring of the soul
Yours will not be clouded,
Happiness in the morning
Let him knock on the window.

Let the sun smile
The stars are winking,
Your pearls
They give you dew.

The rainbow will spread
There are bridges before you,
To meet love
You hurried along them.

Congratulations, Albina,
Please accept it from me.
I wish you happiness
All-encompassing love.

Career advancements
And the rustling of bills,
Fur coat, with diamond decorations
And haute couture outfits.

Congratulations: 26 in verse, 7 in prose.