How to make your nails thick and strong. Beauty is in your own hands: strong nails at home. Home care for thin nails

You will need

  • - egg;
  • - honey;
  • - olive oil;
  • - nutritious cream;
  • - sea salt;
  • - lemon juice;
  • - lemon.


Correct and healthy eating is the first step towards your beauty. This rule applies not only to the skin, but also to the nails, especially if they are constantly breaking and peeling, and are soft. This suggests that your body needs high-quality vitamin nutrition. Foods rich in iodine, calcium and biotin will help you compensate for the lack of vitamins. You can purchase a complex of vitamins at the pharmacy designed to strengthen nails and hair.

A honey bath will help restore your nails to a healthy appearance and strength. To prepare it, you will need a chicken egg, which should be thoroughly beaten. Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons olive oil. Lightly heat the mixture in a water bath to prevent the egg from curdling. Dip your fingertips into the warm mixture. After ten minutes, remove any remaining product from your nails and apply a nourishing cream.

Baths from sea ​​salt, applied for ten days, will make your nails strong and hard. Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in half a liter warm water, dip your fingers into the container and hold for twenty minutes. After the salt bath, blot your nails with a soft cloth and lubricate your hands with rich cream, especially massage the base of the nail plate well.

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and heat it in a water bath (so as not to lose its beneficial properties), add a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Cooked nutritional mixture Apply to nails and massage thoroughly. Then put cotton gloves on your hands and leave the compress on overnight. This procedure is recommended to be carried out twice a week.

Massage has a very beneficial effect on nails. To do this, you will need a lemon zest, which should be applied with gentle movements from top to bottom. After this procedure, rub a small amount of oil or moisturizer into the nail plates. A good finger massage will help increase blood flow and circulation. Remove the remaining cream with a soft cloth. You can cut a lemon into two halves and dip your fingers into the pulp for five minutes. The vitamin C contained in lemon is beneficial for nails and the skin around them.

What to do to keep your nails healthy and strong, grow quickly and not peel, what tools and nail and cuticle care products to use, how to protect your nails from harmful substances

Concept beautiful nails includes several parameters. First of all, beauty is health. And healthy nails are smooth, pink and strong plates, with a pronounced hole and elastic cuticle. But even naturally healthy nails can look ugly if you don’t take care of them, don’t manicure them, and, especially, bite them or cut them to the root.

Some women, for a number of reasons, develop problems with their nails: they become brittle, peel, change color or become covered with yellowish spots, and thickening may appear. Often the nails become wavy and grooved. Also, in some women, the nail plate becomes thinner, and the hole at the base of the nail becomes smaller or disappears altogether.

Traditional healers can tell you about problems in the body based on the condition of your nails. Thus, a blue tint of the nail plate indicates problems with the cardiovascular system, yellowish color indicates problems with the liver and biliary tract, ribbed and uneven nails indicate the problem of psoriasis, and white spots may indicate a lack of calcium and silicon. Peeling nails indicate a lack of vitamin D.

Due to improper care, hangnails or suppuration may appear. Another consequence of improper care is dry cuticle. Although it is not only care and hygiene that can cause nail diseases.

Main causes of nail disease

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Lack of vitamins and general weakening of the body;
  • Poor ecology, radiation;
  • Fungal infection;
  • Stress;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Some diseases in which the structure of the nails changes (diabetes, thyroid disease, radiation sickness);
  • Exposure to aggressive detergents or chemicals;
  • Excessive contact with water;
  • Use of products containing acetone, formaldehyde, toluene;
  • Improperly performed nail extension or removal procedure;
  • Dry air indoors or frosty air outside;
  • Bad habits (smoking, nail biting).

Every woman wants to have beautiful, healthy and well-groomed nails. In order not to be upset that your nails are splitting and growing poorly, you need to take a number of measures. In order to exclude fungal diseases, it is better to visit a dermatologist and determine the causative agent. The doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment and give the necessary recommendations. If the problem is not a fungus, it is important to find the reason for the change in the condition of the nail plates and begin treatment of the underlying disease.

Hygienic care and regular cleaning of nails with a soft brush should become a daily ritual. It is necessary to get into the habit of doing all household chores with gloves in order to protect your hands as much as possible from the aggressive effects of chlorine in water, chemical compounds in all kinds of detergents for washing and cleaning plumbing fixtures and other surfaces. It is important to regularly file your nails with a high-quality file (preferably not a metal file, preferably glass or crystal), take baths and massages, visit a manicure salon, apply hand cream at night and rub in oil to care for your nails and nails.

To protect the nail plate from dyes and harmful components contained in varnishes, always apply a base coat under the varnish, buy high-quality varnishes and use strengthening agents that have proven themselves among consumers. These are primarily “Smart Enamel”, “Growth Enhancer”, “Orly Nail Defense”, “Tutti Frutti”, various oils and cream for cuticles and nails. Healthy nails are, first of all, a healthy nail roller and cuticle. Therefore, regular care of the base of the nail is necessary, especially if you have problems with your nails. Rubbing oil into the cuticle is an important procedure that nourishes the base of the nail and improves its condition. If you have hangnails, they must be cut off after the skin has softened, using special tweezers. It is important not to damage the cuticle, but to carefully push it back with a special spatula. It is better to entrust cuticle trimming to a manicurist.

How to improve your nails at home

  • Drink a vitamin complex for healthy nails and hair, this will make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for nail growth;
  • Take a break and stop using nail polish during the treatment period, apply only nail strengthening products;
  • Every day, take baths with sea salt and iodine (a teaspoon of salt and three drops of iodine per glass of water);
  • Apply oil rubs to the nail bed (warm olive oil, apricot or peach oil, grape seed oil are suitable);
  • Use a soft brush to regularly massage the base of the nail, this will improve blood circulation and nourish the nail;
  • Don't forget about gloves, which you need to wear when working around the house or when going outside on a frosty day;
  • Drink more water, especially if your nails are brittle and breakable;
  • Lead healthy image life, give up cigarettes, eat foods rich in calcium and magnesium, vitamins A, E, C (these are dairy products, spinach, seaweed, carrots, fruits and fish)
  • File your nails regularly with a fine abrasive file to prevent snags and splitting. File only dry and clean nails, and it is better to refuse scissors.
  • Salt baths and oil rubbing can be alternated with other procedures recommended by traditional medicine.

Folk remedies that strengthen nails

  • Dissolve a packet of gelatin in a glass of boiling water; when the mixture becomes warm, dip your fingers and hold for 10-15 minutes. (Do it 3 times a week)
  • Cut a lemon in half and dig your nails into it, hold for 10 minutes, then rinse. You can also strengthen your nails with the juice of currants, cranberries and other berries high in vitamin C.
  • Warm baths of medicinal herbs: chamomile, pine needles, calendula, oak and elm bark treat nails and cuticles;
  • Oil baths from sunflower (olive, corn) oil with the addition of a teaspoon of lemon juice and the contents of a vitamin A capsule can be done 3 times a week, alternating them with other procedures.
  • Sea salt baths (per glass) hot water teaspoon of salt) will compensate for the lack of minerals
  • Beeswax, heated in a water bath, has a wonderful effect on nails and hand skin.

If you pay attention to your nails , then after 10-14 days their condition will noticeably improve, and then it will be possible to cover them with base and apply varnish. The main thing is not to forget about care and continue to follow the recommendations for nail and cuticle care. And then you can boast of beautiful and healthy, long and smooth, well-groomed nails.

The skin of your hands and nails need constant care. The sun and dry air sometimes have an effect on them Negative influence. Often there is a problem of brittleness and splitting of nails. There are several ways to make them strong at home.

Causes of brittle nails

One of the rules that you need to follow if you want your nails to be strong is a balanced diet.

The cause of brittleness and splitting of nails can be both internal and external factors:

  • poor nutrition;
  • stress;
  • weak immunity;
  • weather conditions and seasonal changes;
  • lack of any care;
  • mechanical damage.

In any case, it is necessary to start by eliminating, if possible, negative factors affecting healthy formation nail plate, and then treat it with home methods.

Nails require regular care

How to make your nails strong at home

If you carry out regular treatment and careful care without eliminating the root cause, you may be able to restore your nails to a healthy state for a while, but later the problem will appear again.

Balanced diet

Perhaps the first thing to do is review your diet. Poor nutrition entails a lot of problems, and the body does not receive the vitamins and nutrients necessary for health.

Your diet should have enough:

  • vitamin D;
  • silicon;
  • zinc;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • gland;
  • magnesium

Don't neglect proper nutrition

Try to include in your diet:

  • legumes and nuts;
  • dairy products;
  • berries, honey, dried fruits;
  • greens and salads;
  • vegetables and root vegetables;
  • vegetable fats;
  • beef, fish, offal, eggs.

Proper care

To make maintenance easier and prevent further deterioration of your nails, ensure regular maintenance.

  1. Trim your nails short, leaving 2-3 millimeters of free edge. You just need to trim it to remove the delamination.
  2. For the time being, avoid applying decorative varnish and using liquid to remove it (even without acetone).
  3. Cover your nails with a special composition rich in minerals. It will help maintain the integrity of the nail plate.
  4. Take medicinal baths. One day with the addition of sea salt, the second - water with lemon juice or citrus essential oil (5 drops per manicure bowl is enough).

    You can add lemon juice or sea salt to the bath

  5. After a twenty-minute bath, rub warm olive oil into the cuticle and nail plate. You can mix oil with glycerin.

    The procedure takes 15–20 minutes

  6. After one week, get a manicure. Carefully cut off all cuticles and trim your nails again. Apply a healing varnish and a protective one on top.

Use of special means

The treatment process can be carried out at home different ways, using various means.

Healing varnish

The first and most accessible thing that comes to mind when nails become weak. The product, in the form of a transparent or barely noticeable shade of varnish, acts quickly and effectively. It nourishes the nail plate and protects from damage.

Therapeutic varnish will help protect your nails from damage


The best is olive, but you can use any vegetable or base cosmetic oil. To enhance the effect, you need to add pharmaceutical vitamin E to it.

Vitamin patch

A new nail care product that is glued to the nail plate and saturates it with keratin and vitamin complexes.

Firming gel

Unlike varnish, it activates only under an ultraviolet lamp. The coating can be done in a salon or at home (if you have a UV lamp). For naturally weak and brittle nails, this is perhaps the only way to make the plate stronger.

Strengthening gel polish can be applied at home if you have a UV lamp

Other means

And definitely folk remedies, which should not be neglected, but should be used constantly, even when the nails are in order, for preventive purposes. These are baths, compresses, rubbing, essential oils, herbal applications. Nails will be strong and healthy if you take care of them tirelessly.

How are nails and the overall health of the body connected?

If four weeks later there is no result, you need to take care of your health, since nails are an indicator of the condition of the whole body.

Brittle nails are often associated with the health of internal organs.

Take a closer look at how your nails peel and break, pay attention to their shape and color:

  • look like thimbles, with a bumpy surface - perhaps this is psoriasis;
  • become convex - problems with the lungs;
  • become thinner and break - lack of keratin;
  • resemble a spoon in shape - lack of iron;
  • become covered with white spots - the deficiency of zinc and calcium continues;
  • exfoliate, acquiring yellowish color- problems in the liver are likely;
  • bluish - problems with blood circulation;
  • in gray or black spots - fungus.

In all cases where there is no effect from long-term home treatment, you should contact a specialist. This could be a general practitioner or a dermatologist.


Dear readers, everyone will probably agree with me that beautiful hands and nails - business card women. I am a musician by profession, my hands are always visible, and, of course, I always want to see them well-groomed. But it's not even about the profession. After all, we all want to look our best! And when our hands are well-groomed, the state is completely different even inside, right?

Our nails can peel, become dry and brittle. The situation can get worse if we are used to using gel polishes or extending our nails. How can you help your hands to always be “on top”? Of course, you can go to a salon and solve the problem with the help of a specialist. But not everyone can afford it or have time. And today I propose to talk about strengthening nails at home.

How to strengthen your nails? Rules for healthy and strong nails

Before we talk about procedures for improving nail health, let's try not to lead the situation to a disaster by using preventive measures. So, in order to keep your nails healthy, you need to:

  • Limit hand contact with household chemicals . Try to wash dishes with gloves or use natural, non-aggressive products.
  • Let your nails rest after extensions . Constant correction of artificial materials thins nails.
  • During the cold season, take extra care of your hands and nails. . In winter and in the off-season, do not forget about gloves - cold and wind make your nails dull, and the hands themselves become dry and cracks appear on them.
  • Don't forget about balanced diet . Our diet should include nuts, vegetables and fruits, as well as dairy products, fish and lean meats. You can also add vitamin complexes from the pharmacy. Don't forget to have enough protein in your diet. And both for nails and for our entire body as a whole, everything from fast food is harmful, everything is fatty, overcooked, all packaged juices, sweet bottled drinks stuffed with chemicals. I don’t think there’s any need to continue the list. For our wisdom.
  • Glass file . For manicure at home, use a highly abrasive glass file. Try not to “file” your nails on the sides - such actions can damage the nail plate and the nail will begin to peel.
  • Choosing nail polish remover . Probably each of us knows that it is best to buy a liquid without acetone!
  • Varnish base. If you use varnish, be sure to apply it to a good quality base.
  • Use good cosmetics – moisturizing creams and natural oils. Creams should contain a lot of lanolin, vitamins E and A.
  • And a general recommendation - avoid stress and overexertion . They affect the entire body, including the nails.

If we look at our nails, we can make our own health diagnosis. You can read more about everything here.

Diagnosis of health by nails

What happens to weak nails? You can often hear about the problem that nails peel, break, are thin, and grow poorly. Help yourself with home remedies to restore and strengthen your nails.

How to strengthen your nails so that they do not break or peel? My favorite and simplest recipes

First, I will tell you about my favorite and simplest means for strengthening nails, and then I will offer other recipes. My main problem, due to peeling nails, is constant contact with the piano. My nails don’t really like this, so I’m always looking for ways to strengthen and pamper them.

Massage with linseed oil

How I love linseed oil! I always add it to salads, and just dip black bread in it. And the most wonderful transformation of hands and nails occurs after a simple massage with this oil. Olive or other oil can also be used. But most often I make everything with flaxseed oil. We always have it at home.

Doing everything is simple: take a little oil, pour it directly into your palms, and then massage your hands, and don’t forget about your nails, carefully rubbing the oil into the nail plate. Let the oil absorb on its own. The excess can then be removed with a napkin. But it’s best to give the oil time to absorb. Hands and nails themselves magically transform.

It is best to perform a massage in the evening, so as not to come into contact with water later. The time required for the procedure is very short - 3-5 minutes is enough. I talked about what kind of flaxseed oil I buy myself (there are a lot of manufacturers, and I don’t like all the oils) and its health benefits in the article

You can also hear recommendations to carry out such a hand massage with glycerin. I read a lot of information about him. I do not recommend using glycerin for either your hands or face. I try to carefully look at the composition of creams and do not buy if they contain glycerin. The first effect always seems to please, but it dries the skin so much, draws out all the moisture from the inside, so the skin then needs more and more nutrition.

Lemon for strengthening nails

The next simple remedy for strengthening nails is lemon. And everything is also very simple. You need to take one lemon or even half. Cut it open and dip your nails into each half or quarter of a lemon. Hold this for about 10 minutes. Then wash your hands. warm water, just rinse, wipe dry and rub oil or cream into your nails. It is good to use this recipe 1-2 times a week.

When taking care of beauty, you must start with the heart and soul, otherwise no amount of cosmetics will help. Coco Chanel

I think these are wonderful words! We should never forget about spiritual fulfillment, but now let’s continue to take care of ourselves, pamper ourselves some more in a simple way strengthening nails with nail baths. There can be a lot of options here. It all depends on what you have at home and what suits you best. Here are our favorite baths for strengthening nails with our daughters.

Coffee scrub for hands and nails

Did you make coffee and drink it? And then just don’t rush to wash off the sediment from the coffee grounds from the cup. Apply it to your hands, massage a little and also lightly rub into your nails. Keep everything on for a short time, 3 minutes is enough and then rinse everything off with warm water. How I like the aroma and the hands themselves after such a scrub from coffee grounds.

Strengthening nails with baths

Try using the following simple recipes to strengthen your nail plates:

Sea salt bath

Preparation: take a glass of warm water and 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt without dyes or additives. You can double the proportions (both water and salt). Keep the pens in the solution for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is best repeated daily or every other day for 2-3 weeks. Be sure to wipe your hands dry after the bath. And then don’t forget to apply the cream to your hands, and if the bath is done before bed, after applying the cream, put on thin cotton gloves and leave them overnight. This way, nutrients will better penetrate the nail plate, and the hands themselves will become soft and smooth. Not everyone can sleep even with thin gloves. I can't. But if you use gloves after the procedure, it is very effective for nails.

Clay and sea salt bath

Preparation: take sea salt - 2 tablespoons, dissolve it in warm water with a volume of about 400 ml. Add there pink clay- about 1 tablespoon. Mix everything well. Place your nails in the bath and leave for 15 minutes.

It is better to carry out this procedure in a course - 10 times every other day. Then, when the nails are restored, you can simply do such a bath once every two weeks as a preventive measure. The recommendations after such a bath are exactly the same as I described above.

Oil baths with essential oils

I described my favorite nail care recipe above. You can also recommend other oil baths and diversify them with essential oils. For such a bath you need to take basic vegetable oil - olive, or wheat germ, or avocado, or peach, grape, apricot kernels. Heat the oil in a water bath until warm. You can add to it a few drops of tea tree oil, or other essential oils - lemon, lavender, rosemary, bergamot, ylang-ylang, patchouli, sandalwood, thyme (at the rate of 1-2 drops of essential oil per 2 tablespoons of base oil). Immerse your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure daily for 5 days to a week. Oil baths will help nourish tired nails.

Bath of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar

Preparation: take base vegetable oil and Apple vinegar in a 1:1 ratio. Stir. Immerse your fingers in the bath for 10 minutes. It is advisable to repeat this procedure daily for 2-3 weeks.

Potato decoction bath

When our simple potatoes are cooked, do not rush to pour out the water. Regular potato broth can also help our nails. How to prepare such a nail bath? Dip your hands into the warm, but not hot, potato broth and hold for 10-15 minutes. This bath will help soften the skin of your hands and strengthen your nails.

Baths with herbal decoctions

Preparation: prepare a decoction medicinal herb. This can be a decoction of calendula, chamomile, lemongrass, St. John's wort, cornflowers. Place the hands in the broth and hold for 10-15 minutes. I myself love chamomile and calendula most of all. Sometimes I mix them.

It is best to repeat this procedure daily. This way you can achieve a lasting effect. In addition, decoctions will help with inflammation of nails and skin irritations.

Baths with iodine and sea salt

Preparation: take 1 glass of warm water, add 4-5 drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Place the brushes in the solution for 15 minutes. Such baths can be done 1-2 times a week.

If your nails are very weak, peeling and do not grow well, you can simply apply iodine to them at night once or twice a week. It is important not to get iodine on the cuticle, only on the nail plates. Don't worry that your nails will remain brown - the iodine will be absorbed quickly and your nails will return to their normal color within 5 hours.

Bath of vegetable oil with iodine, lemon juice and vitamin A

Preparation: take the base - vegetable oil, add lemon juice - 10 drops, iodine - 3 drops, oil solution vitamin A - 5 drops (it is sold at the pharmacy). Place your hands in the bath for 10 minutes. And then don’t rush to wash off the mixture for a while.

Edible gelatin bath

Preparation: take a glass of hot water, dissolve 1 tablespoon of gelatin in it. Let the solution cool. Then dip your fingers into the bath and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Strengthening nails. Masks

Oil mask for nails with tomato and rosemary

Preparation: take 1 tsp almond oil and mix with the same amount of olive oil. Add the pulp of one tomato, a little rosemary essential oil - 2 drops. Generously lubricate your nails and fingertips with this mixture, hold for 5-7 minutes, then rinse. Apply nourishing cream to your hands.

Mask with honey, cocoa and coconut

Preparation: take 1 tablespoon of honey, and a tablespoon each of coconut and cocoa oils. Mix everything. Apply the mixture thickly to your hands, rubbing it into your nails. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, then rinse off. It is best to make this mask at night, smear your hands under cotton gloves and go to bed.

Pepper mask for nail growth

Preparation: Take 10 drops of water and mix it with 0.5 teaspoon of ground red pepper. Add nourishing nail cream there. Warm the mixture and then cool it. Apply an even layer to your nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

This mask will speed up the growth of nails. Make a mask once a week.

Sea salt mask

Preparation: Add 1 drop each of pepper, lemon and myrrh essential oils to 1 tablespoon of sea salt. Add just a drop of water to soften the mixture a little. Dip your fingertips into the mixture and begin to gently rub the aromatic salt into each nail. Repeat the procedure two to three times a week. If you don’t have such oils in stock, don’t worry. Other oils can be used. Or just one oil. My favorite is tea tree oil. I often modify recipes and use this one. But the main subtlety in the recipe: essential oil add drop by drop so as not to burn the skin or get an allergic reaction.

Strengthening nail mask made from olive oil and lemon juice

Preparation: take olive oil - 1 tablespoon, heat it a little until warm, and add a few drops to it lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your nails, put on cotton gloves and lie down to rest.

Beeswax mask

Preparation: take a small amount of wax and melt it in a water bath. When it becomes pliable and warm, rub it into each nail in turn, polishing and massaging the nail plate.
Wax moisturizes the nail, polishes it, protects it from external damage, and also helps fight delamination. Try repeating the procedure, and in two weeks your nails will become stronger.

Lemon juice and sea salt mask

Preparation: squeeze about 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into a small mold, add 2 pinches of sea salt without additives or dyes. Mix everything. Soak your nails in the mixture for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Brewer's yeast for healthy nails

It’s also good to drink brewer’s yeast. Usually you need to drink them in a course 2 times a year.

More recipes for strengthening nails can be seen in the video

For everyone who wants to take care of their hands, I invite you to read the articles in the “Hand Care” section. There we talked in more detail about hand care, there are wonderful competition recipes from readers - Bomb for manicure, Masks with pepper, how to do a manicure at home and many other articles.

Recipes for hand care

These are the tips and recipes for today on strengthening your nails at home. I wish everyone a wonderful mood, spiritual fulfillment, health and, of course, beauty.

And for the soul we will listen today Secret Garden Adagio New Year's riddles for children

If your nails break easily, and you no longer believe that they can become “normal”, be sure to read this article. You will learn, how to make nails stronger to make yours look great.

In order for your nails and hands to be beautiful, you need to take care of them constantly, every day. Perhaps you didn’t pay enough attention to them before, and now you sadly look at your fingers and think: “what should I do?” Do not despair.

Of course, it will not be possible to solve this problem instantly, but constant efforts will bear fruit. The main thing is to take care of your nails, protect them from adverse influences and prevent them from drying out.

Why do my nails break easily?

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • We do not wear gloves when using strong detergents (for example, when washing dishes).
  • We wash (or wash our hands) in water that is too hot.
  • We try to open something with our nails or scrape something off.
  • Fungus (onychomycosis).
  • We bite our nails or “play” with them, constantly putting our fingers in our mouth.
  • We cut them down too much.
  • We paint them all the time.
  • Lack of certain nutrients.
  • Smoking.
  • Insufficient hydration.

When nails are unhealthy, they cannot grow normally, they become deformed, lose their normal color, delaminate, become dark or yellowish and break easily (sometimes even without any noticeable impact).

It is important to correctly identify the reasons why our nails are in poor condition or unhealthy, then it will be possible to take the necessary and effective measures to make them healthy and strong.

How to make your nails stronger

Wash dishes with gloves

Almost any housework should be done with gloves. Soaps have a negative effect on the nails contained in them chemical substances soften nails and make them more brittle. If possible, wash dishes once a day and try not to keep your hands in the water for long periods of time.

Eat more protein foods

Just like hair, nails are mainly composed of protein. Therefore, their appearance and strength largely depend on nutrition. If your nails are frequently breaking and splitting, reconsider your diet. Eat more white meat and soy.

Consume more fatty acids

This will make your nails and hair stronger and healthier. It is important that the fats are “healthy”. Such fats are found in nuts, seeds, avocados, milk, butter. Flaxseed oil is very useful.

Quickly “repair” your nails

If your nail is broken, do not leave it in this condition for a long time. Sharpen it as quickly as possible so that it does not break further or cling to anything(this may cause pain). And so that you are not tempted to bite it.

Some women use liquid glue to “fix” their nails. When it dries, the nail is filed down so that there are no protruding edges. Then apply a layer of clear varnish to the nail. Of course, this technique is used only in exceptional cases.

Short nails have fewer problems

Long nails look beautiful, but unfortunately, they are difficult to maintain. It's easier to have enough short nails. Then they won't break down so often. And now it’s fashionable!

Don't keep your nails painted all the time

Many people try to keep their nails beautiful all the time and keep them painted all the time. However, this is not very good for health. When nails are painted, they cannot “breathe” normally..

This is especially harmful for brittle nails. It is possible that they break for this reason. It is worth removing the polish one day a week and giving your nails a little rest.

If you don't like the way they look without polish, or you're afraid that they will break, remove the polish at night, and in the morning, during breakfast, you can paint your nails again. Or take advantage of the weekend to leave your nails “natural.”

Be careful when choosing, as acetone (the main component of many of them) is very strong not only on the polish, but also on the nails, and can damage them. It's better to take advantage of more natural means, for example, made on the basis of some kind of oil.

Be careful with “magic solutions”

You may be thinking about getting false nails or extensions. It could be good decision for special occasions - weddings, some other celebration, holiday, but you can’t wear them all the time. Why?

Before installing a false nail, you have to file your natural nail quite a bit and use adhesives. As a result of damage to the artificial nail between it and the natural nail fungal microorganisms may develop or the nails simply will not be able to “breathe”(as with constant use of manicure).

Nails are not tools

This needs to be learned well, since nails most often break precisely when they are tried to be used as tools. There is no need to try to loosen a tightly tightened knot with your nails, peel off a label, open a jar, clean off dirt stuck to some surface, and so on. There are scissors, scrapers, knives and other tools for this.

Get your nails done once a week. You don’t have to go to a beauty salon and leave a lot of money there. You can do this at home on weekends. Especially if you don’t know what to do, say, on Sunday afternoon. Treat your hands and nails!

Remove the nail polish, apply a mixture of salt and olive oil, file and trim your nails, apply moisturizer to them and your hands, massage them, let the cream absorb and paint your nails as you usually do.