Beautiful female names according to the calendar. The most beautiful names for girls: rare and unusual, Orthodox and Muslim, modern Russian. Patristic sayings about name days

The child's name given to him at birth will influence his entire future life. It is not for nothing that there are happy and unlucky names in history; they are associated with some events, natural phenomena, religious holidays, etc. It is believed that it is impossible to give the name of a deceased child to a newly born one, since he will be unhappy, having taken upon himself all the misfortunes of his deceased brother.

Where to look for a name for a girl

When Christianity was introduced in Rus', and people began to plan their lives according to the Orthodox calendar, children began to be named in honor of Orthodox saints. It is quite rightly believed that by receiving the name of a saint, a person receives both a close spiritual connection and the patronage of this saint. He may even receive the power and grace of a holy man. Therefore, when choosing names for children, you should think carefully, because you are also choosing a caring guardian angel and spiritual patron for him for life.

Orthodox Mesyatslov will help you choose a name by date of birth

There are many more male names in Orthodox calendars than female ones. But some male names have analogues in the feminine gender.

Every day of the year preserves the memory of some canonized saint; some days can boast of a dozen birthday people. In addition, the names of some saints are repeated several times in the Orthodox calendar, and therefore the names are suitable for children born at different times of the year.

Church calendar or Monthly calendar

Many modern parents turn to the Monthly Book or Saints. The church calendar can provide invaluable help in this, since it contains Orthodox, Old Church Slavonic, Hebrew and Greek names of very different origins. Some names are anachronisms today, they have long gone out of use, and cause a slight smile when they are mentioned. But many names are in great demand today.

Orthodox calendar for 2016

Of course, almost all parents want to choose a rare and unusual name, and the Saints can help them choose a name by month.

Choosing an Orthodox name for a girl

Parents are especially careful when choosing names for girls. I want a beautiful name to emphasize her tenderness, grace and elegance.

Women's names always have some sacred magical meaning. Their meaning is intended to bestow tenderness or strength, wisdom or patience, fertility or love. For example, everyone knows female names— Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia (Wisdom) personify the main Christian virtues. Women's names also praised some character traits necessary for a future housewife - hard work, patience and determination, humility and complaisance.

The Orthodox name is given at baptism

But, be that as it may, you should choose a name with all responsibility, think about its sound and compliance with the patronymic and surname. And also pay attention to the time of year in which the child was born.

It is well known that in different times Every year, children (especially girls) are born with completely opposite characters. Women's names are designed not only to emphasize the individuality of the owner, but also to help in life.

The relationship between name and season

IN winter period children are born who are hardy and have good health, hard and tough. They have a stern, unyielding character that helps them achieve their plans. But this character often harms them in their personal lives. Firmness and inflexibility interfere trust relationships with loved ones. Children born in winter usually do not tolerate interference in their affairs and do not listen to anyone's advice. They are self-confident, active, purposeful and go straight towards their intended goal.

Choosing a name for a girl in winter

Girls born in winter have a purely masculine character, which helps them achieve success in their careers and business, but prevents them from organizing their personal lives. Therefore, a woman’s name should be gentle, melodic, softening the harsh winter cold.

Spring is a capricious, changeable time of year. And girls in the spring are born capricious, selfish, squeamish, and physically weak. They are conservative and find it difficult to adapt to change. But if they think they are right, then nothing will convince them. They are very stubborn, proud, indecisive and cautious, love flattery and have a certain narcissism. It is not easy for a girl born in spring to find a husband because she is frightened by any changes in her lifestyle.

What name to choose for a girl in spring

And at the same time, “spring” children know how to adapt to any life situations. Therefore, a woman’s name should be firm and tough.

In summer, generous, cheerful and optimistic children are born. They do not waste time on trifles, do not be greedy, and at the same time are extremely hardworking and diligent. Summer children are emotional, quick-tempered, temperamental, and impressionable. Among other things, they are the kindest and fairest people.

What names are suitable for girls born in summer?

Girls born in summer are proud and brave, persistent and purposeful. They will passionately love their husband and carefully take care of their children. Therefore, neutral names are best suited for them, designed to slightly restrain their noble nature.

Autumn is a time of reflection. And children born in autumn are characterized by such character traits as wisdom, leisurelyness, prudence and accuracy. Such a child will never act at random; he will carefully weigh the pros and cons, but will act diplomatically, without offending anyone. Loyalty and submission will help them find happiness in marriage.

What to name a girl in the fall

Girls born in autumn are calm and thoughtful, balanced, and in any situation they are guided, first of all, by common sense. These girls should be given names filled with sacred meaning.

That is, when choosing a girl’s name, you must consider it month by month in order to help shape a woman’s destiny.

Names for girls born in January

January is the harshest month of the year. A girl named one of these names will spend her entire life in happiness and prosperity without any problems or obstacles, and will achieve her goals without putting in too much work. It will come out good wife and mother and all her life she will be happily married.

Icon of Saint Tatiana


Names for girls born in February

Very often these women do not have an attractive appearance. But they have an excellent character: active, sociable, cheerful and hardworking. They extremely love to dress up, change their appearance, keep up with fashion and spend a lot of money on it. They are not attracted to a calm and measured life; they need constant communication, fun and music. In most cases, these women marry several times, and usually the second marriage is successful.

Name Maria for a girl


Names for girls born in March

These girls and women are envious and extremely curious. They are rarely lucky in their married life, but people with a high position in society who have achieved success also marry them. In the family, the woman will play the main role.

The name Marianna - meaning


Names for girls born in April

A woman who lives in love and for love. Very often she marries a jealous man, but can establish a wonderful relationship with him. Sometimes in old age she changes for the worse: she becomes a malicious gossip, embittered at the entire world around her.

Name Daria - meaning


Names for girls born in May

This woman will passionately adore her husband all her life. Although she has intelligence, beauty, and education, she talks too much, and inappropriately. People often envy her, so they can harm her, especially in matters of the heart.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth


Names for girls born in June

This is an emotional woman, surrounded by friends and fans. But because of his temper, he often conflicts with others and quickly breaks off relationships.

The meaning of the name Elena


Names for girls born in July

For this woman, love is a game. This is a passionate and temperamental nature, ardent and tender at the same time. Men like her, and she herself likes to flirt. Bright and beautiful, she is in a whirlpool of relationships, love and fun.

The name Olga 0 is one of the most popular


Names for girls born in August

This woman is generous and patient, impartial and self-possessed. Her kind and sympathetic character attracts everyone around her. It’s not easy for her to choose a husband because large quantity fans. But if her first marriage breaks up, she will become distrustful and cautious.

Name Ekaterina - meaning


Names for girls born in September

A very optimistic and cheerful person. Even troubles and disappointments will not diminish her optimism. She is flirtatious and sociable, and over time she becomes the most devoted mother.

Icon of Saint Sophia


Names for girls born in October

This is a woman with the happiest character and the happiest destiny. She will live happily married to loving husband and children for a long life.

About the name Veronica


Names for girls born in November

This woman will spend her whole life quarreling with her husband because of her love for clothes and the company of strangers. A playful lifestyle is the norm for her.

Icon of Saint Claudius


Names for girls born in December

This woman has an attractive appearance and an open, noble character. Does not like to submit to someone else's will and be subordinate.

A singer named Varvara


The tradition of giving newborn children names according to the calendar appeared in Rus' with the adoption of the Orthodox faith. According to church canons, a child is a creation of God, who, with the birth of a baby, already determines a Guardian Angel for him. Parents can only name their child after the Saint whose memorial day the church honors on this date.

Names of girls born in June: from 1st to 6th

Since the calendar contains more male names than female ones, it often happens that there is no suitable option for a bewitched girl. Then you should look at the calendar a few days in advance and choose the name you like.

In June (from the 1st to the 6th) the following:

1. Anastasia. Translated from ancient Greek, the name means “resurrected” or “returned to life.” On this day, the church honors the memory of the holy martyr Anastasia, who accepted death, but did not renounce her faith in Jesus Christ.

2. Susanna (Sosanna). From the biblical language this name is translated as “white lily.”

3. Elena. On this day, the church honors Queen Helen of Constantinople, the mother of Emperor Constantine. Around 330, during excavations with her participation, the Life-Giving Cross was discovered, on which Christ was crucified. After her death she was canonized as a saint equal to the apostles.

4. Sofia.

5. Euphrosyne, Maria.

What to name a girl born from June 7 to June 12

A girl named after the Saint, whose memorial day is celebrated along with her birth, finds a Guardian Angel who will always protect her and help her on the path of life.

From the 7th to the 12th the following are provided (June) church calendar:

8. Elena. On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the martyr Helen, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus, who was stoned to death for her Christian faith.

9. Anastasia, Fedora.

10. Elena. Memorial Day of Elena Diveevskaya (Manturova), who in 1825 became a novice of the Kazan community at the Diveevsky convent in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

11. Maria, Faina, Feodosia. Day of Remembrance of the Righteous Mary of Ustyug and the Virgin Mary; righteous Faina.

Name for a girl in June: from the 13th to the 18th

Parents begin choosing a name for their baby even before she is born. If the expected due date falls in the first month of summer, they ask the question: “What name for a girl (June) would be appropriate?”

13. Christina. Memorial Day of the Martyr Christina of Nicomedia.

14. Faith. In June, on the 14th, the Orthodox Church remembers the New Martyr Vera (Samsonova), canonized in 2000.

15. Maria, Ulyana, Juliana. Memorial Day of the Martyr Juliania of Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya, Princess and Martyr Mary, who suffered for her faith in Jesus Christ.

16. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day. The name for a girl in June (18th) should be chosen from those presented in the calendar over the next few days.

17. Maria, Martha, Martha, Sofia.

Women's names according to the church calendar from June 19 to June 24

19. Archelaus, Susanna (Sosanna), Thekla. For their faith in Jesus Christ and their healing of the sick, the martyrs were subjected to severe torture in the Italian city of Salerno. After a few days of abuse, they were beheaded.

20. Valeria (Kaleria), Zinaida, Maria, Kyriakia (Kiriya). The holy martyrs Valeria, Zinaida, Kyriacia and Maria were residents of Caesarea (Palestine). During the reign of Emperor Diocletian (284-305) they were persecuted and then tortured for their Christian faith. They accepted martyrdom.

21. Melania. Memorial Day of Melania the Elder - grandmother of Melania of Bethlehem, Palestine (January 13), to whom it is customary to pray during difficult childbirth. Both saints became famous for their exploits in the name of Jesus Christ.

22. Marianna, Maria, Martha, Thekla. Mary of Persia was beheaded by the sword in 346 during the persecution of Christians by the ruler Sapor II.

23. Antonina. Day of remembrance of the martyrs Virgin Antonina and the warrior Alexander, who suffered martyrdom under the ruler Fist.

24. Maria. Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Mary of Pergamon.

The name for a girl in June, born from the 19th to the 24th, should be chosen from the options presented above. Then the patron saint will always be next to her, protect her and guide her in life.

Church name for a girl born on June 30

25. Anna, Euphrosyne. Memorial Day of the Blessed Princess Anna (monastically Euphrosyne) Kashinskaya.

26. Alexandra, Anna, Antonina, Pelageya. Memorial Day of St. Alexandra Diveevskaya (Melgunova); Venerable Anna of Bithynia; Martyr Antonina of Nicea, who was persecuted and mortally tortured during the reign of Maximian; New Martyr Pelageya (Zhidko).

27. Women's name days are not celebrated on this day.

28. The name for a June girl born on the 28th should be chosen from those presented on the following days.

30. Pelagia. Memorial Day of the New Martyr Pelageya Balakireva.

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Orthodox names

Orthodox female names starting with the letters: A, B, C

AugustaWith sacred, majestic (lat.)

Avdotya– see Evdokia

Agapia, Agapea- Love

Agathia (Agafa, Agafya)– good, kind (Greek)

Agathoclia– good-favored (Greek)

Agathonics, Agafonicia

Aglaida, Aglaya– beautiful, bright (Greek)

Agnia (Agna, Agneya)– fiery, immaculate (lat.)

Agrippina, Agrafena– sorrowful (lat.)

Aza– strong, strong (Hebrew)

Akilina, Akulina– eagle (lat.)

Aksinya– see Ksenia

Alevtina, Aleftina– healthy (Greek)

Alexandra– protector of people (Greek)

Alena– see Elena

Alla– second, other, next (Greek)

Amenonia– best (Greek)


Ananias– marked by the mercy of God (Hebrew)

Anastasia, Nastasya- reborn, resurrected (Greek)

Anatolia– eastern (Greek)

Angelina- messenger (Greek)


Animaisa (Animaida)– inspired (lat.)

Anisiya, Anisya, Anisa, Onisya– success, accomplishment (Greek)

Anna– grace of God (Heb.)


Antonina, Antonida– acquisition in return, entering into battle (Greek)

Anfisa (Anfusa, Anfisa)– blooming (Greek)

Anthia– flower (Greek)

Apollinaria, Polina, Pollinaria- destroying by war (Greek)

Apraxia– see Eupraxia.

Apphia– kindling (Greek)

Argyra– silver (Greek)

Ariadne– worthy of respect, faithful wife (Greek)

Arina– see Irina

Artemia– healthy (Greek)

Archelaus- leader of people (Greek)

Ascitrea– ascetic (Greek)

Askliad– dedicated to Asclepius, the Greek deity of healing (Greek)

Asklipiodota (Asklipiad)– dedicated to Asclepius (Greek)

Asthea– magical (Greek)

Afanasia, Afonasia– immortal (Greek)

Aphra– African (lat.)

Bible (Vivliya)– biblical (Greek)

Blandina, Blanda– affectionate (lat.)

Valentina– healthy, strong (lat.)

Valeria– healthy, hardy (lat.)

Varvara– savage (Greek)


Vasilisa, Vasilisa, Vasilina– queen, royal, royal (Greek)

Vassa– desert (Greek)

Waufa– faithful (Arabic)

Vevea (Vivea, Fivea)– faithful, firm (Greek)

Faith– faith (Russian)

Veronica– bringing victory (Greek)

Vivlia– see Bible

Quiz– winner (lat.)

Victoria– victory (lat.)

21 – martyr Victoria of Kuluz.

Virinea– green, blooming, young, fresh (lat.)

Vriena- see Virinea.

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Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Orthodox names. Orthodox female names starting with the letters: A, B, C


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Even before the baby is born, parents begin to think about what to name their child. A person is given a name once for his entire life, so it is important to choose it consciously. The name you choose for a girl or boy will largely determine the character and even the fate of your son or daughter. On our website you will learn how to name a child by zodiac sign, how different names combined with Russian surnames and patronymics, what advantages and disadvantages this or that name has for a girl or boy, you will find interesting detailed descriptions of a wide variety of male and female names.

How to name a child by date of birth

Even bearers of the same name can have completely different characters and destinies, since they are also significantly influenced by the day, month and year of the child’s birth. Summer Alexanders are significantly different from winter ones, and those born in the year of the Pig, Anastasia, are completely different from their Sheep counterparts.

After all, any parents would certainly want their children to be happy, harmonious, successful and successful. That's why many of us begin to think about the best name for our child in advance.

The influence of the date of birth on a person’s fate has been thought about since ancient times. Today, the science of numbers and their meaning in our lives has achieved widespread and popularity. Numerologists suggest naming the child by his date of birth, determining the luckiest name for her.

In addition, there is an astrological calendar that studies the combination of different names with zodiac signs. Also take into account what time of year and what year the child was born. For example, the character of a spring child needs to be reinforced with a firm, decisive name, while a gentle, romantic name is more suitable for an autumn child.

How to name a child according to the church calendar

Another simple and very convenient way to name a child depending on the date of birth is to choose a name according to the church calendar. For each day of the year, the church calendar offers several names, the bearers of which celebrate their angel day on that day. It is believed that saints whose day falls on the same date will protect the person named in his honor, and this is important.

If you don’t like the name proposed for a specific date, then you can choose one of those whose name day falls on any of the days closest to it, but not the day before it. And may the heavenly forces protect your baby!

How to name a girl according to the church calendar.

The rite of baptism of newborns came to us after the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. Newborns were named according to the calendar - lists of saints revered by the Orthodox Church

How to choose a name for a child according to the church calendar?

When choosing a name, you should have before your eyes a calendar of the main days of veneration of saints, corresponding to the year the baby was born. From the same calendar, parents learn the meaning of the name and individual date name day

You can choose the name of a saint for the next eight days after the birth of your daughter

If there is no name in the calendar on your baby’s birthday, then you can choose suitable name that saint whom the church honors on the next day or within eight days after the daughter’s birthday.

What are Saints?

During the sacrament of baptism, the baby is given the name of an Orthodox saint canonized by the church. This is how the saints appeared. Saints are a calendar (list of saints).

In addition to the names of saints and martyrs, the calendar contains information about the date of veneration of their memory, and also includes a brief meaning of the name. The newborn receives a name depending on the Orthodox calendar day when he was born

Choosing a name for a girl according to the Saints

Names in the Orthodox calendar are constantly being replenished, so you don’t have to worry that the names will be boring to the ears with monotony.

In the month book (also known as the Orthodox calendar), parents will find not only the name of their baby, but also the most favorable combination of sounds that will serve as a talisman for him. By naming the child according to the calendar, parents will not have to change the secular form of the child’s name during baptism.

Names according to the calendar - January: meaning, origin

According to folk signs, January is the coldest winter month. Perhaps it is precisely to maintain Universal harmony that this month children are born who are able to withstand the piercing January winds and bitter frosts.

  • The distinctive qualities of those born in January are patience, restraint and determination. Girls born in January also have these qualities. “January” girls grow up purposeful, but they also have a negative quality: it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with them.
  • Girls born in January are chosen Orthodox name in the hope that over time the baby’s character will reveal the firmness of a “masculine” character.
  • The “January” girl is a good mother’s assistant, who will grow up to be an excellent housewife. She will easily organize everyday life and greet guests hospitably. Does not tolerate other people's shortcomings, which affects his personal life.
  • In January there are many girl names according to the calendar. You can choose a rare or common name, strict or lyrical. But in order for the girl’s character to have sociability, it is better to give preference to a soft and melodious name according to the calendar.
  • The sounds “r” and “d” should be avoided. A fancy name will cause ridicule. As a result, its owner will often feel dissatisfied and want to respond with rudeness.

Names according to the calendar for girls born in January

January 3 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Julia curly Greek
January 4 Anastasia resurrection Greek
Feodosia God given Greek
January 6 Evgeniya noble Greek
Claudia stubborn Latin
January 8 Augusta divine Latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Agrippina sorrowful Latin
Anfisa blooming Greek
January 9 Alice noble Old Germanic
Antonina entering into battle Latin
January 10 Blast furnace lady Latin
Theophila loving God Greek
Glyceria sweet Greek
Agafya chaste Greek
January 11 Varvara foreigner Greek
Euphrosyne joy Greek
Matryona noble woman Russian
Agrippina sorrowful Latin
Natalia Latin
Evdokia favor Greek
Anna grace Jewish
January 12 Anisiya perfect Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Fedora God's gift Greek
Arina world Greek
January 13 Melania dark-haired, dark-skinned Greek
January 14 Emilia affectionate Greek
January 15 Julia curly Greek
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
January 16 Arina world Greek
January 17 Clementine gracious Bulgarian
Zinaida belonging to Zeus Greek
Olympia celestial being Greek
January 18 Pauline released Greek
Evgeniya noble Greek
January 21 Julia curly Greek
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Antonina entering into battle Latin
Vasilisa princess Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
January 25 Tatiana organizer Greek
Eupraxia happy Greek
January 27 Nina brave girl Spanish
Agnia immaculate Russian
January 28 Elena Greek
Sofia wisdom Greek
Euphrosyne joy Greek
Alena darling Gallic
January 29 Leonila lion-like Greek
January 30 Antonina entering into battle Latin
January 31 Xenia guest Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Feodosia God given Greek
Oksana Ukrainian

Names according to the calendar - February: meaning, origin

A girl born in February will have a soft name. It will have only a positive impact on the fate of its owner: it will soften her unpredictable character, like February weather, and balance her emotions. After all, “February” girls are often guided not by reason, but by mood and feelings.

Girls born in February would grow up to be good leaders if they were less impulsive. It is important for them to master the ability to build relationships with others. They tend to do reckless things and can always stand up for themselves.

The name of a girl with a complex character should please the ear and endow its owner with positive traits. The difficult temperament of a “February” girl, such names soften and make their fate easier.

Names for February according to the calendar for girls and their meaning

February 1 Louise smiling Spanish
Feodosia God given Greek
February 2 Karina flawless Greek
Vasilisa princess Greek
Rimma Roman Latin
Inna rushing water Greek
February 3 Agnia immaculate Russian
Anastasia resurrection Greek
February 4 Anastasia resurrection Greek
February 5 Evdokia favor Greek
Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek
Agatha kind Greek
February 6 Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer Ukrainian
Xenia guest Greek
February 7 Felicata happy Latin
February 8 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 10 Olga saint; great; perfect Latin
February 12 Pelagia maritime Greek
February 13 Theoktista created by God Greek
Afanasia immortal Greek
Evdokia favor Greek
Feodosia God given Greek
February 14 Evdokia favor Greek
February 16 Anna grace Jewish
February 17 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna grace Jewish
Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek
February 18 Agafya chaste Greek
Alexandra protector of people Greek
February 19 Christina follower of Christ Greek
Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 20 Evdokia favor Greek
February 23 Anna grace Jewish
Bella gorgeous Latin
Galina calm Greek
Pavel baby Latin
Valentina strong Latin
February 24 Fedora God's gift Greek
February 25 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
February 26 Zoya cheerful Greek
Irina Greek
Svetlana light Slavic
Faith TRUE Latin
Anna grace Jewish
February 28 Euphrosyne joy Greek
Sofia wisdom Greek

Names according to the calendar - March: meaning, origin

A girl born in March needs constant care. She is characterized by timidity and tenderness, reminiscent of the uncertain first sunny days of spring. Girls, like primroses, make their way into life. But for this they need to constantly strengthen their spirit.

A girl born in March is weak and vulnerable

“March” girls, when they find themselves in a conflict situation, prefer to find a compromise solution. They adapt well to current circumstances. They are easy to offend.

Names for March according to the calendar for girls and their meaning

March 1 Valentina strong Latin
March 2 Anna grace Jewish
Nina brave girl Spanish
Marianne sad beauty Jewish
March 3 Camilla noble Latin
March 4 Alexandra protector of people Greek
March 6 Varvara foreigner Greek
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek
March 7 Anfisa blooming Greek
March 9 flawless Greek
March 10 Anna grace Jewish
March 11 Theresa protection Greek
March 12 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
Kira madam Greek
Victoria winner Latin
March 14 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian
Daria gift of God Jewish
Matryona noble woman Russian
Antonina entering into battle Latin
Olga saint; great; perfect Latin
Anna grace Jewish
March 16 Marfa noble woman Aramaic
March 17 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Julia curly Greek
March 18 Iraida hero's daughter Greek
March 19 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
March 20 Hope hope; beginning of life Russian
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Capitolina Capitoline Latin
Antonina entering into battle Latin
Xenia guest Greek
Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek
Matryona noble woman Russian
Anna grace Jewish
March 22 Alexandra protector of people Greek
Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin
Alina noble Old Germanic
Olesya protector Ukrainian
March 23 Victoria winner Latin
Galina calm Greek
Nika victorious Greek
Vasilisa princess Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
Theodora gifted by God Italian
March 24 Karina flawless Greek
Bertha bright Old Germanic
March 26 Christina follower of Christ Greek
March 28 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
March 30 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
March 31 Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin
Cornelia with character Latin

Names according to the calendar - April: meaning, origin

April girls are stubborn and like to dictate their terms. This month, all living things splash out the forces accumulated during the period of hibernation. Children born in April are distinguished by determination and perseverance.

They are often lucky in all their endeavors. Since April girls have a strong, cheerful character, they have many friends. But since “their own” person is most important to them, problems may arise in communicating with others.

April girl needs a soft name

When choosing a name for your baby, give preference to the softest options. This will help the girl show her femininity and tolerance.

Names for April according to the calendar for girls and their meaning

April 1 Illaria cheerful Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Daria gift of God Jewish
Matryona noble woman Russian
Sofia wisdom Greek
April 2 Alexandra protector of people Greek
Feodosia God given Greek
Claudia stubborn Latin
Julia curly Greek
Svetlana light Slavic
Olesya protector Ukrainian
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
April 4 Pauline released Greek
Aglaida brilliant Greek
Daria gift of God Jewish
Taisiya wise Greek
April 5 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Lydia musical Italian
Varvara foreigner Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
April 8 Anna grace Jewish
Alla invincible Gothic
Larisa gull Greek
April 9 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 10 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
April 13 Miroslava famous throughout the world Slavic
April 14 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 16 Feodosia God given Greek
April 17 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
April 18 Theodora gifted by God Italian
April 20 Evdokia favor Greek
April 25 Afanasia immortal Greek
April 26 Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Alina noble Old Germanic
April 28 Vasilisa princess Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
April 29 Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek
Susanna lily Jewish
Victoria winner Latin
Galina calm Greek
Aglaya brilliant Greek
Tamara regal Jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Karina flawless Greek
Anna grace Jewish
Nika victorious Greek
Vasilisa princess Greek
Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Arina world Greek

Names according to the calendar - May: meaning, origin

Girls born in May sometimes do not have enough patience to resolve a conflict situation with a compromise. They are principled, stubborn and smart. Their optimistic attitude helps maintain inner harmony.

May girls are optimists

The name for a girl born in May should neutralize negative character traits and soften her strong character. By choosing the right name for a proud daughter, parents will make it easier for themselves to raise their child.

Names according to the calendar for a girl born in May

May 1 Tamara regal Jewish
May 2 Matryona noble woman Russian
May 3 Violetta violet Italian
May 6 Alexandra protector of people Greek
Valeria born healthy Latin
Olesya protector Ukrainian
May 7 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
May 8 Victoria winner Latin
May 9 Matryona noble woman Russian
Glafira graceful Greek
May 10 Anastasia resurrection Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
May 11 Anna grace Jewish
May 14 Tamara regal Jewish
Nina brave girl Spanish
May 15 Zoya cheerful Greek
May 16 Julia curly Greek
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
May 17 Pelagia maritime Greek
May 18 Arina world Greek
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek
May 20 Caroline queen German
May 23 Taisiya wise Greek
May 26 Arina world Greek
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek
Glyceria sweet Greek
May 29 Alina noble Old Germanic
May 30 Evdokia favor Greek
Euphrosyne joy Greek
May 31 Faina shining Greek
Christina follower of Christ Greek
Matryona noble woman Russian
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Alexandra protector of people Greek
Olesya protector Ukrainian
Claudia stubborn Latin
Julia curly Greek
Camilla noble Latin

The girl's strong character is softened by her soft name

Names according to the calendar - June: meaning, origin

Timid girls are born in June. The June calendar contains the names of heavenly patronesses for babies, who will have a positive impact on the baby’s fate.
“June” girls are unusually careful.

June girls are naive and sensitive

They can be naive. Girls born in June have a trembling and vulnerable soul. Any failures and problems are difficult to bear.

Such girls, even when they grow up, need parental protection and moral support. However, June girls are not weak-willed: in difficult life situations they show courage and determination.

Names according to the calendar for girls born in June

June 2 Matryona noble woman Russian
June 3 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
Alena darling Gallic
June 5 Euphrosyne joy Greek
June 6 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
June 7 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
June 8 Alena darling Gallic
Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
June 9 Theodora gifted by God Italian
June 10 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
Diana divine Latin
Diana divine Latin
June 14 Faith true Latin
Alina noble Old Germanic
June 15 Julia curly Greek
Alice noble Old Germanic
June 16 Alina noble Old Germanic
Pavel baby Latin
June 20 Valeria born healthy Latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
June 22 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Marfa noble woman Aramaic
June 23 Antonina entering into battle Latin
June 25 Anna grace Jewish
June 26 Antonina entering into battle Latin
Pelagia maritime Greek
Alexandra protector of people Greek
Anna grace Jewish
June 29 Angelica angelic Latin
June 30 Pelagia maritime Greek

Names according to the calendar - July: meaning, origin

In July, sensitive individuals are born. When choosing a name according to the calendar for a girl born in June, try to take into account all the character flaws that will definitely make themselves felt over time.

July girl is overly sensitive

The “correct” name for a July girl should not sound soft and gentle: those born in July already have a predominant character of sensitivity and increased impressionability.

July girls know how to win over others with their kind attitude. The name should not further weaken the will of such a vulnerable and creative nature. It is better to choose a name with a “solid” sound that has a positive meaning. This way the girl will develop a persistent character and gain confidence in her abilities.

Names according to the calendar for girls born in July

July 2 Alina noble Old Germanic
July 3 Rimma Roman Latin
Inna rushing water Greek
July 4th Bella gorgeous Latin
July 5 Julia curly Greek
Zinaida belonging to Zeus Greek
July 6 Agrippina sorrowful Latin
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
July 7 Olga saint; great; perfect Latin
July 10 Yana blooming Greek
Anna grace Jewish
July 14 Angelina angel Greek
July 15 Angelica angelic Latin
July 17 Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Feodosia God given Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
Olesya protector Ukrainian
Tatiana organizer Greek
Alexandra protector of people Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
July 18 Anna grace Jewish
Varvara foreigner Greek
Camilla noble Latin
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
July 19 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
Julia curly Greek
July 20 Evdokia favor Greek
Euphrosyne joy Greek
July 24 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
Olga saint; great; perfect Latin
Alena darling Gallic
July 25 Veronica clean image Latin
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
July 29 Valentina strong Latin
Matryona noble woman Russian
Julia curly Greek
July 30 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
Margarita pearl Latin

Names according to the calendar - August: meaning, origin

A girl born in August needs to choose a suitable name, because the last summer month gives the world people striving for freedom and leadership

Those born in August are leaders by nature

The August girls are smart and perceptive, they have many friends at school. It is important for them to be in the spotlight and be illuminated by the rays of glory. Girls have a pronounced dependence on public opinion. In the future, such individuals will achieve success on their own. For a charismatic girl, a name that can support her high self-esteem

Names according to the calendar for girls born in August

August 2 Karina flawless Greek
August 3 Anna grace Jewish
August 4 Alina noble Old Germanic
Maria136 bitter, stubborn biblical
August 6 Christina follower of Christ Greek
August 7 Anna grace Jewish
Iraida hero's daughter Greek
August 9 Anfisa blooming Greek
August 10 Arina world Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
Anna grace Jewish
August 11 Feodosia God given Greek
August 13 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Anna grace Jewish
Julia curly Greek
August 14 Sofia wisdom Greek
August 17 Arina world Greek
Evdokia favor Greek
August 18 Daria gift of God Jewish
Evdokia favor Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
August 22 Arina world Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita pearl Latin
August 24 Susanna lily Jewish
August 26 Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer Ukrainian
Arina world Greek
August 27 Eve life Jewish
Feodosia God given Greek
Evdokia favor Greek
August 28 Sofia wisdom Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
August 29 Anna grace Jewish
August 30 Julia curly Greek
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin

Names according to the calendar - September: meaning, origin

Girls born in September are characterized by such qualities as determination and hard work. “September” girls prefer not to enter into conflict situations. And if they cannot avoid a quarrel, then they are capable of flaring up simply “out of nowhere.”

The “September” girl should not be given a tricky name. This will only increase qualities such as imbalance and irritability.

Names according to the calendar for girls born in September

September 3 Marfa noble woman Aramaic
September 6 Kira madam Greek
September 8 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin
September 9 Anfisa blooming Greek
September 10 Anna grace Jewish
September 12 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Victoria winner Latin
September 14 Marfa noble woman Aramaic
Tatiana organizer Greek
Natalia native; born on Christmas Latin
September 15 Oksana hospitable, guest, wanderer Ukrainian
Karina flawless Greek
Xenia guest Greek
September 16 Vasilisa princess Greek
September 17 Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
September 18 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Iraida hero's daughter Greek
September 20 Agatha kind Greek
September 21 Sofia wisdom Greek
September 22 Anna grace Jewish
September 23 Tatiana organizer Greek
September 24 Theodora gifted by God Italian
September 28 Evdokia favor Greek
Lyudmila dear to people Slavic
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
September 29 Lyudmila dear to people Slavic
Alina noble Old Germanic
September 30 Sofia wisdom Greek
Alexandra protector of people Greek
Hope hope; beginning of life Russian
Faith TRUE Latin
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek

Names according to the calendar - October: meaning, origin

“October” girls are little realists who don’t tend to take everything for granted. They are ready to verify everything in practice. Possessing a clear mind and calm disposition, “September” girls easily cope with the school curriculum. They grow up to be pragmatists who learn from their mistakes.

A girl will grow up wise and persistent if her character is balanced with masculine qualities with a soft and feminine name.

Names according to the calendar for girls born in October

October 1 Arina world Greek
Irina attractive; peace-loving Greek
Sofia wisdom Greek
October 2 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
October 6 Xenia guest Greek
Iraida hero's daughter Greek
October 8 Euphrosyne joy Greek
October 10 Zinaida belonging to Zeus Greek
October 11 Tatiana organizer Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anna grace Jewish
October 13 Alexandra protector of people Greek
Pauline released Greek
Olesya protector Ukrainian
October 15 Anna grace Jewish
October 17 Karina flawless Greek
Veronica clean image Latin
October 20 Pelagia maritime Greek
October 21 Angelica angelic Latin
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Hope hope; beginning of life Russian
Taisiya wise Greek
Tatiana organizer Greek
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Pelagia maritime Greek
October 22 Afanasia immortal Greek
October 24 Zinaida belonging to Zeus Greek
Victoria winner Latin
October 25 Miroslava famous throughout the world Slavic
October 29 Violetta violet Italian
October 31 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish

Names according to the calendar - November: meaning, origin

November girls have a complex character. In the gloomy and harsh November weather, girls are born who are distinguished by their tough dispositions.

They are purposeful and determined. They become selfish with age. They easily achieve success in life. They know how to extract practical benefits in all matters.

The name should not be too “hard”, as this will negatively affect the formation of the girl’s personality: all her negative traits will come to the surface. A soft name will soften your character

Names according to the calendar for girls born in November

November 3 Pelagia maritime Greek
November 4 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
Glyceria sweet Greek
Anna grace Jewish
Feodosia God given Greek
November 5 Euphrosyne joy Greek
November 7 Matryona noble woman Russian
Karina flawless Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
November 9 Capitolina Capitoline Latin
November 11 Agafya chaste Greek
Anna grace Jewish
Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Anastasia resurrection Greek
November 12 Anastasia resurrection Greek
Elena beautiful; light; chosen one Greek
Alena darling Gallic
November 14 Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Julia curly Greek
Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
November 16 Evdokia favor Greek
November 17 Victoria winner Latin
November 19 Alexandra protector of people Greek
Nina brave girl Spanish
Claudia stubborn Latin
Matryona noble woman Russian
Olesya protector Ukrainian
November 20 Elizabeth Worshiping God Jewish
November 22 Matryona noble woman Russian
Theoktista created by God Greek
November 23 Anna grace Jewish
Olga saint; great; perfect Latin
Theoktista created by God Greek
November 25 Karina flawless Greek
November 27 Theodora gifted by God Italian
Anna grace Jewish

Names according to the calendar - December: meaning, origin

The name for a “December” girl should emphasize her advantages. December girls often have an explosive character. They are capable of a sudden outbreak of aggression, but their anger also subsides instantly. They cannot be angry for a long time, because they are naturally kind and not vindictive. They are straightforward and honest.

The name for a “December” girl should not be “airy”. It should emphasize the inner dignity of its bearer. A “hard” name will add strength to character and reduce the already small amount of femininity of its owner

Names according to the calendar for girls born in December

December 3 Anna grace Jewish
Tatiana organizer Greek
December 6 Alice noble Old Germanic
December 7 Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek
Augusta divine Latin
December 15 Maria bitter, stubborn biblical
Margarita pearl Latin
Matryona noble woman Russian
Tamara regal Jewish
Faith TRUE Latin
Antonina entering into battle Latin
December 17 Catherine clean; great; domineering Greek
Varvara foreigner Greek
Anastasia resurrection Greek
Julia curly Greek
Ulyana belonging to Julius Latin
Kira madam Greek
December 21 Anfisa blooming Greek
December 22 Euphrosyne joy Greek
Anna grace Jewish
December 23 Olesya protector Ukrainian
Victoria winner Latin
Alexandra protector of people Greek
Angelina angel Greek
Tatiana organizer Greek
Evdokia favor Greek
Anna grace Jewish
December 28 Yana blooming Greek
December 29 Marina loving the ocean; maritime Latin
Sofia wisdom Greek
December 31 Karina flawless Greek
Zoya cheerful Greek
Faith TRUE Latin

Video: Orthodox calendar - Saints